pagi: eight ' . for TSs CHEGGN fTTATCn?.! AN, Salexa, Ore-ron, TriJay Hornier, Aprils, Society News and Club Affairs -: 1 '. "' ' " m . ' a ; " Jessie Steele, Society Editor Benefit Event tor Public Library Book Fund A BRIDGE i benefit, proceeds from which went to the . Salem public library, was rives by the community service committee of the American Le gion auxiliary yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. H. Wilson. An Easter motif prevailed In appointments. High score for con tract went to Mrs. Frank Zinn and for auction to Mrs. Marie Thomp- son. i The committee In charge, in cluded; Mrs. Glen Seeley, Mrs. Prank: Jirak, Mrs. Velma Brad fordand Mrs. Helen Ficke. Those making reservations were Mrs. Evelyn Au franc, Mrs. i Ella Hendrlckson, Mrs. Marie Thomp son, Mrs. Mattie Hinkle, Mrs. .John A. Olson, Mrs. Frank N. Waters, Mrs. Frank W. Waters, Mrs. Mary J. Williams, Mrs. Merle D. Travis. Mrs. Elmer B. Lewis, Mrs. Frank Zinn, Mrs. Earl T. An dresen, Mrs. Mem Pearce, i Mrs. William Taw, Mrs. Austin Gard ner, Mrs. Carl Butte, Mrs. Phil ! Ringle, Mrs. Carl Hultenberg, Mrs. Chris Butte, Mrs. James L. Cooke, Mrs. J. H. Brady. Mrs. R. D. Woodrow, Mrs. H. B. Reilly, SOCIAL CALENDAR ' Friday, April 5 Eterl class of .First Baptist church, Easter banquet at Argo hotel. 7:15 p. m. West aide circle of Ladies Aid, Jason Lee charch, all day, club dinner and quilting. Rickey Sunshine club with Mrs. S. Johns, 2 p. mi ' Hal Hibbard auxiliary business meeting: at armory, 2 p. m. ,Card club of B. and P. W. club, 8 p. m. at home of Mrs. Lillian Cadwell, 1196 S. 14th. Englewood Women's club at home Mrs. C. H. Fow ler, 1S25 N. 17th, 2 p. m. Unitarian Women's Alliance election of officers and tea, 2:30 p. m. with Mrs. C. S. Hamilton, 290 N. Front Ys Menettes tea meeting with Mrs. Mike Panek, 212$ S. Church. 2:30 p. m. Degree of Honor anniversary party, 8 p. m. in K. P. hall. Juvenile club, Degree of Honor, 6 p. m. dinner In K. P. halL Saturday, April 6 Chemeketa chapter, D. A. R in Dallas at the city library. L Mrs. A. M. Johnson and Mrs. C. Ward Davis. aaa Kingwood Mrs. Glenn L. Ad ams was hostess Monday after noon for the sewing division of the Women's auxiliary, Sons of Union veterans. Beautiful and Durable BED SPREADS "Use i our will - call service. $1 holds any article until wanted. No extra charge for delivery (mail orders accepted) Twin and full bed size. In pretty spring colors and pattern's, for modern and colonial bedrooms. Hand tufted candlewick. Modern cellanese weaves. Patterned 80 sq. percale. Stock patterns designed by Interior decorators of Bullocks and J. W. Robinson Co., Los Angeles. Or special designs, your own combi nations or specifications. $3.05 to f 10.95. THE BETTER BEDDING STORE 467 Court St., Salem Phone 8419 (Imperial Furniture Co. Entrance) TOWELS - TOWELS and more wash cloths and towels. Cannon fine quality all. Tomorrow or next day Is some anniversary. Buy for a gift. Better Bedding Store ' 467 Court St HIGHWAY ROBBERY is committed when motbs go whooping it up. Perman ent, and we mean perman ent, moth-proofing blankets, tapestries, small oriental rugs. .Come In, or phone 8419. Better Bedding Store 467 Court St T. B. Patients to Be Transported Transportation for arrested cases of tuberculosis patients who come In to the state T. B. hos pital for treatment and Inspec tion will be furnished in the near future by a volunteer motor corps of young matrons and maids of Salem. Miss Elizabeth Putnam Is gen eral chairman of the movement with Miss Charlotte Zieber sub chairman. The committee met Thursday with Miss Zieber to lay final plans for the work. Those In attendance were Mrs. J. J. El liott, Mrs. H. G. Malson, Mrs. Wol cott Buren. Mrs. Kenneth Powers, Miss Prlscilla Fry, Miss Rovena Eyre and Miss Zieber. Silverton Mrs. J. W. Jordan motored to Albany Tnesdav to at tend a luncheon given for her sis ter, Mrs. A. C. Muller at the home of Mrs. Carl Connet. Following the luncheon Mrs. Muller was the inspiration of a shower. Rev. and Mrs. W. O. Llvinr- stone motored to Corvallis Tues day where Rev. Mr. Llrlnntnna spoke before a district church ral ly there. Rev. Livingstone Is pas tor or tne nrst Christian church at Silverton. Mrs. Walter Wengren arrived Thursday from Oakland, Calif., to attend the wedding of her niece, Miss Evelyn Rutherford. Philharmonic is in Final Concert Tonight WITH Miss Frances Brock man of Eugene as featured , guest soloist and Jacques Gershkovitch as conductor, the Salem Philharmonic orchestra will conclude this year's series of con certs tonight at the armory, start ing at 8:20 o'clock. Miss Brockman will play the beautiful Bruch concerto for vio lin and orchestra in three move ments. The final number by the orchestra, "Caucasian Sketches" by Ippolitoff-Ivanoff. features a quaint duet between the viola and English horn, with Charles Nad- vorniK and Vernon Wiscarson carrying the solo parts. Following ia the nrnrntm Schubert Overture i "Rosamunds" Bruch Concerto for violin and orchestra Frances Brockman Intermission Strauss Blue Danube Walts IppolitofMvanoff ; "Caucasian Sketeha" "In the Village" Larghetto-AUegretta-Grazioso "Procession of the Sardar" ' Allegro Moderato Mrs. Vesper Hostess Wednesday Mrs. E. Vesper was hostess to the Twelve Tricks club Wednesday for" a dessert luncheon in her home on North 17th street An Easter motif was used. Honors for cards went to Mrs. C. H. Ringwald, Mrs. W. C. O'Neil and Mrs. L. Stewart. Covers at luncheon were laid for Mrs. Douglas Armstrong. Mm. Archie Brewster, Mrs. J. L. Uebel- man, Mrs. E. J. Kirchoff, Mrs. C. W. Heckman. Mrs. Ed NHm. Mrs. C. H. Ringwald, Mrs. L. Stewart, Mrs. Herbert Mission. Mrs. W. C. O'Neil. Mrs. J. C. Schaupp and the hostess, Mrs. vesper. The meeting of the W H. M S. Of the First Marhmllar ,hnr.h nem weanesday afternoon includ ed Presentation Of tha Inninrl wont or tne national organization. airs. IS. U. MUler was In chare Additional Society on page 10 Fresh Whitman's Candies for Easter VJUA KATE DRUGS Save- Every Day Liberty at Court St. ' THE BUSY Give Margaret Diirnhams WWWJICIB Cottage Prescription cadi PHONE 3444 for Easter WIT CORNER STORE . Things "Bod for Moths' Moth-Balls, pound 14c Cedar Bags, large 15c Napthalene Flakes, pound : 19c Dichloricidc, lb. 49c Flit Spray, pint .49c Moth Bag FREE Larvex, pint ji .69c Expello Moth Cakes 23c Apex Bloth Cakes 17c Flit Spray Guns 29c Things "Good for Health" 60c Alka-Seltzer 49c 23c Sassafras Bark ..15c Giant Milk Shakes ....10c 50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste 31c $1.50 Crazy Crystals $1 75c Hot Water Bot. 49c Epsom Salts, 1 lb. Cellophane Bags ....7c 1 lb. Chocolate Coy. ered Astd. Nuts ....29c For Your Pleasure 85c Legui Perfume, dram 69c 85c Pantoufle Per fume, dram .69c Evening in Paris Per fume in dainty Easter Egg Container $1.10 $1 Pinx Perfume, dram 89c $1 Ciro-Bouauet Am Antique, dram When Company Comes Serve Sizzling Barbecued Nuts Week-end Specials Blanched Mogul Peanuts toasted and ()A buttered, lb. LiOV, Royal Bridge Mixed, lb. (Cashews, Almonds, Pecans, Brazils) 59c TWO BEAUTIFUL M IFSoDn or better stffl, before you become ill we advise ru far visitations to yoor doctor. When prescriptions are necessary, we are ready to serve you with accurate. Complete Home Aqxumam Your choice of two fancy Fantail or Calico Chubunkin goldfish in large octagon style crystal globe? chips and seaweed. IFIIilSIEoob with every 50c tube NYDENTA TOOTH PASTE AS LONG AS SUPPLY LASTS! " Any Woman Can Look Lovelier'. Barbara Gould Creams and Powders for every type of smn. ask ior iree skin analysis. Birthday; Party Given for Young Folk v ' Wednesday J- afternoon Miss Barbara Brandidge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey: Brundidge, celebrated her ninth birthday with a party for aom of her young friends at her hom on Breys are nae. t : -h:-, Game and refreshments with an Easter motif war enjoyed, A large Easter basket centered the table. Miss Brnndldge received many beautiful Una. Mrs. Braadldge was assisted by Mrs. Ed Satter and Miss LaVon Brundldge. Those present were Miss Jean Myers. Miss Janice Myers, Miss Carolyn Bates. Miss Delnhin ri. ney. Miss Betty Jean Stobb. Miss Gernlth Borrego. Miss Donna Sat ier( juhuuo jucuey, merson tiop pes, Darrel Satter and Bobble Brundidge. Sewing Club Holds Meeting The V. F. W. anxiliary sewing club met with Miss Elsia Lewis Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Dorothy " Baker. Work was done on auilta and dresser scarfs. A late luncheon was served to 20. The club meets again with Mrs. Margaret Lewis for a des sert luncheon April 17. The auxiliary will sponsor series of four afternoon and eve ning bridge and 500 parties, the first to be 'given next Thursday aiternoon at the home of Mrs Edith Mudd. 275 Hood street Other hostesses will be announced later. Prizes will be awarded at each party and a grand prize at the conclusion of the series. Mrs Clara Reeves is in charge assist ed by Mrs. Bell Nadon. The pub lic is Invited to the benefits. Silverton Mrs. J. Werle conn ty tubercular seal sale chairman; Mrs. C. W Keene. lwl chair. man; Mrs. Irma LeRiche, health nurse; Mrs. William Ferrin, chairman of the Silverton health committee: Mrs. J. Ballantvne. secretary of the Marlon County Heaitn association are among those who will atten- the annual luncheon and meetinr of the as sociation at Salem Monday. Mrs. Saidie Orr Dunbar and Mrs. Flor ence Breed, field adviser of the National Tuberculosis association of New York, will be the speak ers at tne meeting. Mrs. Clarice Isabella Fen ton in a guest of her parents, Mr. and mrs. u. e;. irenion tnis weekend at 655 Marlon street. Miss Feo- ton attends the Portland Bible In stitute and will appear with the f. h. i. quartet Sunday morning at the Rosedale Friends church and in a cappello choir Sunday nignt at tne Salem Evangelical cnurcn. Winning Beauties at Tourney r mi 1 I 4 A - - -Ay Pattern Ml ; :m M -MS. By ANNE ADAMS That little girl of yours has very definite ideas about "looking pretty!" That's why Anne Adams puts a cool perky little flared ruf fle over her shoulder in place of a sleeve and adds a few rows of dainty shirring to the front and back panel! But mother has her own ideas about simplicity and neatness! And that's why Anne Adams designed such an easy-to-make model and Included bloom ers too. A dainty printed lawn or dimity with six little colored pearl buttons on the shoulders would be adorable! If it's for her Sundav best, use a pastel crepe de chine or organdy. Pattern 2104 Is "available in slses 2. 4, 4, S and 10. Slse S takes 2 yards 36 inch fabric Illustrat ed step-by-step sewing instructions Included. Seal fifteen etata (lSe) la eoias or taatpa (eoiai prtfurcd) tot this Abb ASbbm patten. Write plainly aasw, adrfrasa aaa atria aaaaar. Ba aara to atata Ua. Oat tfca Ana Adams 8prinjt Pat ient Book! Make (or yaaraatf ta clataaa that ara am art. practical ea baeamiaa. Cfaooa tbem from tba 40 pafea of tkia beantifally illoitratea book which: incladea also axclaaira faihtotii for tote aaa! caUdrea, capo rialir deiicned dreaaea for tba matara tisara, lintraria, aod boata of other i ntereatlng fcaturea. aeb sarmaat ii teatrated ia aaar ta . vak with aa Aaaa Adam's pattern. Sead for yoaa eopr today I Trie of book It casta. Cook and pattern together. 25 caata. Addraaa order ta The Orasoa Stateamaa Patter a Dept., SIS South Commercial street. Salaat. Maka oee saary aaeloaarea. Yoor order will a promptly atteadod tow Ordera caatoaarMy ara ftilofi wltb ia fonr days from tba time reeairad by Tba Stateamaa. Here are the four finalists in the beauty contest held in connection with the national A. A. A. girl's basketball tournament at Wichita. Kas. Billie Ruth Turnbull, Choctaw Indian maid, at the top, was the winner, and the three other finalists, left to right, were Elizabeth Wilde, Kansas City, Kas.; Hazel Boen, Shreveport, La.; and Blanch Howe. Topeka, Kas. Miss Rutherford Has Shower Party Miss Evelyn Rutherford, bride elect of Melvin Proff, was feted with a bridge party Tuesday night given by Miss Lola Schulz. A treasure, hunt revealed a chest filled with a host of beautiful gifts for the honor guest. Daffodils, spirea and Oregon grape were used abont the rooms. Guests included Miss Ruther ford, Mrs. Walter Wengren of Oakland. Calif., Mrs. E. W. Ruth erford, Mrs. George Schulz, Mrs. M. C. Fruit, Mrs. Ralph Eggstaff, Mrs. Ruth Simpon, Mrs. Clarence Pike, Miss Betty Brians, Miss Mary Burgess and Miss Leona Stover. Silverton Mrs. A. L. Strick land of Aurora, president of the Marion County Federation of Women's organization, and Mrs. N. McKenxie, Hubbard secretary, will be guests at the Silverton Woman's club Monday afternoon and will also speak to the group. Special music is also being plan ned for. Mrs. F. G. McDonald is club president. aaa Prof, and Mrs. Mortimer R. Lewis of Corvallis entertained as dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Ron ald Craven, Miss Kathryn Gun nel f, Mids Ruth Bedford and Miss Gladys Edgar Wednesday night. Mr. Craven sang a solo role with the showing of the "King of Kings" at the Federated Churches building. a Dayton Honoring Mrs. R. T. Kidd on the occasion of her birth day anniversary which was Mon day, April 1, a very delightful party was given by Miss Bessie Sargent at the home of her mo ther, Mrs. George Sargent near Hopewell Saturday night. o a o Mr. and Mrs. Willis Keithley. Jr., were hosts for a dinner par ty Wednesday night at which Mr. and Mrs. Chester Slater and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wright were guests. Kingwood Members of the Laurel Social Hour club were en tertained Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. Wesley Beckley. The after noon was spent in sewing on the Red Cross quilt and a decision was reached to carry out in part the educational program suggest ed by the Polk county Federation of Women's clubs. Mrs. William Beckley of Salem gave a delightful reminiscent talk on a period of her life-spent in this neighborhood. Other special guests were Mrs. Cora Spurlock, Mrs. E. W. Miller, Miss Viola Jen nings and Miss Ruth Miller. a Sclo Members of the Scio 500 club and a few other friends were entertained pleasantly at the home of Mrs. V. J. Philippi. with Mrs. J. A. Withers as joint host ess, Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Riley Montgomery will be presi dent of the club next season. The following 11 members were listed by Mrs. C. L. Donahue this year: Mrs. Mylo Bartu. Mrs. J. L. Rodgers, Mrs. Frank Bartu, Mrs. J. F. Wesely, Mrs. C. L. Donahue, Mrs. J. D. Densmore, sr., Mrs. F. A. Gallegly, Mrs. Fred Roadar mel. Mrs. Arch Ray, Mrs. Gilbert McDonald and Mrs. Riley Montgomery. Salem Matrons Attend Flax Luncheon A number of prominent club women from Salem will attend the flax rally luncheon Saturday aft ernoon to be field at the Portland hotel under the Joint auspices of the Portland chamber of com merce and the State Federation of Women's clubs. The luncheon is the culmination of Oregon's flax week, ":v- - Mrs. Charles IT. Martin and wives of past governors of Oregon will be guests of honor in recog nition of, the pioneer work In Ore gon flax development performed by Mrs. Julia Lord, wife of Gover nor Lord, who, In 189(5, organized a committee for promotion of Ore gon flax. Mrs C. P. Bishop of Salem, Mrs. A. E. Rockey and Mrs. J. B. Mont gomery of Portland, charter mem bers of the group, will be intro duced. Mrs. Bishop will give a short history of the Oregon Wom an's Flax Fiber association which was incorporated in the early 90's. Others going ns from Salem be sides Mrs. Bishop are Mrs. George R. K. Moorhead. Mrs. Clifton Mudd and Mrs. Ida Babcock. a a Portland Marriage of Interest Here News of the approaching mar riage of Miss Ursula Louise Schneider, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Schneider to Mr. Donald Secord McAfee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McAfee was an nounced last week at the Portland home of the bride-elect during a dessert-luncheon. The ceremony will be solemn ized at half after 8 o'clock the eve ning of June 1st at St. Michaels and All Angels Episcopal church. the Reverend Richard Flagg Ayres oniciating. Miss Schneider is the granddaughter of Mrs. Hattie B. Cameron, prominent Salem ma tron who Is an active member of several womens' organizations In Salem. i Household Odors ; Vanish Like Mogic SOLUTION : "Odorless . . . colorless . . . non staining. Abo o remarkobfy ffeefivo body deodorant. OZ. px SOIUTION Fred Meyer At Toiletry Dept. 67c SPRATTS DOG FOODS If KOMFitrtCHietll fl Iff tiituic rmi f mf. 1 wm M. m h )rt SJ t. H mm .. . Jfi IM4 ' m mmm -.. i". IS IOrr V Uk caanm cmicv J wmmro rrnw jf K. K. Chick Starter Grows Sturdy Chicks Kompletelay, cwt. $2.35 Scratch Feed, cwt. $2.10 Komprest Calf Meal, 25 lbs $1.25 for dry feeding Lilly's Lawn Morcrop 50 pounds $1.25 Fine German Feat Moss Per bale $2.35 W. J. Lee & Son 349 Ferry St. Phone 0418 Cash For Eggs and Bntterfat PRATT'S POULTRY REMEDIES I InmsiHr Use Peter Pan Flour the Peter Pan Way 49 lbs. $1.85 204 N. Commercial Phone S32T 4 Pre Deliveries, $1.00 or Over Your Money Buys More at Your Irish-Bing Store with Low Prices Every Day Quaker Quick Oats, large 99. package uuC Hand Pack Tomatoes, VL 10c Sunbeam Hard Wheat Flour, 0 in 49-lb. sack. 3l.flJ P & O Soap 10 bars ..J, Kerr's White Hotcake Flour No. 10 bag 29c otcake 47c SUGAR Best fine cane sugar- has adva need OOc per cwt. uy youurs today. 10 lbs. 49c 100 lbs. $4.79 These prices are good only tin Sat urday evening. Matches 6-box carton.. aCaaC Cream Cbeese per lb. ...... Valley Rose Flour 4-ib. ei on sack ...... vlaJ7 Kerr's Rolled Oata. lbs. .. 17c 43c Irish Bing's Fresh Candled Eggs Extras - 22c They are Good Because They are Fresh! 5c 15c Three Sisters String Beans, 2s Of 3 tor CDC Tomtao Juice 10H-os. cans Grapefruit. Hearts of Florida 303s 9C,, 3 cans; aC3C Grapefruit Juice, Del Monte Pie." 2 for Kellogg's Corn on Flakes, 3 p kgs. U C Economy Coffee fresh fr.!t 17c S lbs. 49c Oregon Milk lt , tall cans, 3 for 1 1 C Nalley's Salad Time Dressing Quarts 33c Pinte .. .-.-22c Tonrs for Better Salads Kerr's Graham, fine or coarse, ) A ios 39c Bill's Market Hamburger lb. 12c Sirloin Steak lb 1 5c tot Roasts lb. 14c T-Bone Steak lb. 18c Fruits & Vegetables Lettuce, solid Q heads, 2 for ... VC Asparagus on 2 lbs aCOC Solid Cauliflower 13c or 2 tor 25c PoUtoes, U. S. No. 2s large and CC smooth, 60s .. 33C Radishes Q 2 bunches aC Turnips Q 2 bnnchea ..... Zt C Carrots, large Q size. 2 for alC Rutabagas 4 lbs 10c FEED DEPARTMENT HODGEX-BREWSTER FEEDS H. B. Baby Chick Starter Mash Milk Too are always right by using H. B Chick Feeds, o rt g 100 lbs. ... $ef V H. B. ' Baby Chick Mash Milk and Yeast Ask the man who feeds It. Am ja 100 lbs. ... Shamrock Feed, Scratch ... $2.10 .100 lbs. IL B. Dev. Scratch Feed for the growing chicks. ' ga) j j 100 lbs. ... $a03 H. B. Chick Scratch Feed. fcO CC 100 lbs. ... VaWy H. B. 3-Star Egg Pro- $2.05 t vaa bmm a uoi $2.40 H. B. Egg Producer Milk, Oil and Greens. 100 lbs. H. B. Laywell Egg Producer milk, oil greens .... $2.20 We are closing oat all poultry equipment at reduced prices, as we are dlscontlnedng Jthis line.1 '! r'," s- Bring Us Your Eggs and Ex change for Gro ceries and Feeds High est Prices Paid o