v rhe OREGON ' STATESMJJf. Salem.. Oregon, Friday Morning, March 29, 1935 , f, - PAGE ELEVEN 1 Gehlhar Resumes Activity Projected at Time He Took Public Job Equipment for the Oregon Fruit Products company In West Salem, the new cannery to be operated by Max Gehlhar, who is winding up hla actiTlty as state director of agriculture, Is practically all Installed and by the middle of next week Mr. Gehlhar will take up headquarters at the plant. His son, Mark, will be associated with him In the industry. Oregon Fruit Products com pany will handle barrelled or brine cherries, and in addition will can cherries, berries and prunes. Probably the first busi ness this season will be on cher ries. Plans Ire to handle about 40.000 cases of fruit for the first season's operations. The plant occupies the large building of the old Cherry Grow ers' association, and a new build ing constructed by the Gehlhars, giving in all floor space about 100 by 150 feet. Equipment for the cannery was purchased and brought here from the C. D. Min ton plant at Forest Grove. Mr. , Gehlhar had plans made for .entering the cannery field four years ago, Just prior to the Urn be was appointed by Gover nor Meier aa flrat atnf a A It art nr ot agriculture. Now with that nub ile auty past, he Is resuming toll enterprise where he left off at that time. WIISHIH KB SI PiU NEW YORK, March 28.-CP)-The Freethinkers of America, Inc., today accused Trinity church of perpetrating a "religious fraud" on the public by representing George Washington as a "fervent Christian who prayed for his country. In a suit filed in supreme court the Freethinkers demanded that a tablet bearing a text headed "Washington's prayer for our country" be removed Irom St. Paul's chapel, in lower Broadway, and that the chapel be restrained from selling cards reproducing the "pretended prayer." Contending Washington "is nev er known to have made a prayer to the Christian Deity," the Free thinkers charged the chapel with obtaining money under false pre tenses through the sale of the cards. In their action, the Freethink ers seek to recover 20 cents which they allegedly paid far two of the cards and ask that the rector, wardens and vestrymen of the church be compelled to pay 5, 000 punitive damages. Start the Chicks Right with Albers Feeds Tested Helps No. 66 "Chicks must not have a single sip of cold water for at least one week. Put warm water in founts and keep this water warm. Albers vitamin feeds are so blended as to proper ingre dients that It starts the chicks right and develops them into productive pullets. Albers Paks - N -Pullets, 100 lbs 1935 Egg Maker Paks. 100 lbs. ; . Molasses Feeder 80 lbs ': : Turkey Breeder ' rv Paks. 100 lbs. . a.)U Carnation Dairy f qa 100 lbs $lOU All these prices Mash for $2.50 $2.40 95c 195 Egg Maker Mash, 100 lbs. . . Calf Manna, 25 lbs Progressive Mash. 109 lbs Rabbit Pellets, 100 lbs. .... Molas-O-Meal. 100 lbs. A Real Dairy cash. f. o. b. store.' $2.35 $1.55 $2.10 $2.30 $1.60 Feed 228 Ferry St. Phone 6858 10CITII OF SHOPS MEETING OBJECT Oiy County Won't Start Its Job Until Opposition is Overcome, Word Marlon county is nearly ready to begin its program of construct ing new shops for its highway de partment but will not start work until objections to the locations of the shops in North Salem can be overcome or withdrawn. "We don't want to Incur a great amount of ' enmity among the people of the district where we want to build these shops," members of the court said yester day. "We think the location we have chosen on the edge of the city is an excellent one, a location sure to be used for industrial pur poses and not for residences. We would be glad if the people In that part of town could compose their differences and let us know that the location we have optioned for the shops 13 satisfactory." Before the county can erect its shops it must secure the consent of the city zoning commission to a reclassification of the property in North Salem where the shops are expected to be constructed. Governor Martin is not opposed to the shops' location even though it is near the state school for the deaf, court members said. Nor is Secretary of State Snell. They indicated that Rufus C. Hol man, state treasurer, was alligned with Superintendent Lyman J. Steed of the deaf school in an at tempt to block the county's erec tion of its new shops. New Apparel for Cherrians or No Parade is Edict New uniforms for Salem Cher rians' participation in the Rose Festival parade late this spring or the Cherrians stay at home That's the edict from King Bing William Schlltt, from whom all Cherrians will receive this morn ing a letter In that vein. Support is urged for the Cher rians show to be given bjr the Chemeketa Players at the high school auditorium next Tuesday and Wednesday. Sach Cherrian Is allotted 10 tickets to the play for sale, and Schlltt urges every member to come through with the sales. The funds will be applied to purchase or the uniforms for a Cherrian drill team. Six Dead, Thirty-four Injured in Conflagration JT T " ' "!. -WIWUXMIlli llMl,.,f ., II X. ' I lr ?.ysm& i '? t - -T 1 ' his . v s p" . ,-7 t 1 4xr' - .-', "V Sis J - ' i ft' r& '-:- .1 JTIim new moth damage Preventive gives 70a uuteuiiQiv mai oia xasnionea moth balls cannot give. And no lasting disagreeable odor! The moth worm really does the damage! That's why up-to-date housewives now use Elkay's Moth Fume Crystals . . . because this entirely different formula immediately destroys the moths and the MOTH WORMS . . . that old fashioned moth balls and other makeshift preventives failed to do. And you have no disagree- Tin able odors clinging to your clothes for days at a time. For unlike Ihe odor of moth balls, the odor of Elkay's Moth Fume Crystals disappears almost immediately upon being exposed to the air. s LOOSE CRYSTALS to spriskb irfiere needed to basj fci cteset OQa 14o. OWU Use In CfoMts . .Garment Bags . . Closets or Drawers for Stored Rugs . . . Upholstered Furniture aad many other uses. A celebration marking the success of a school show by Northwestern university students at the Club Rendezvous in suburban Chicago, ended In tragedy when fire broke out in the club. Six persons were burned to death and 34 seriously injured by the conflagration whjch was attributed to an overheated toaster. Crepe paper streamers and wall decorations caused the blaze to 6pread rapidly to all sections of the large room. Several were trapped in the holocaust when the frantic guests jammed the main door of the building which opened Inward instead of outward. Top photo shows Investigators looking over ruins; lower photo is exterior view of club. IIIDS TO BE RETIRED, APRIL - Retirement April X of $1,237, 600 of state highway bonds and $500,000 of Oregon Veterans' state aid bonds will -reduce the state's bonded indebtedness to 150.897,010, as compared with f64.lS3.210 on September 30, 1928, the state treasurers' office announced yesterday. The treasurer, before April 1, will deposit with the state's fiscal agency tn New York city funds to retire the highway bonds due on that date and S577.745.94 to pay Interest on $24,866,750" of such bonds exclusive of those issued to the federal government to secure payment of money borrowed for construction ot the five Oregon coast highway bridges. The interest payment on the veterans' state aid bonds will amount to 2549,603.75. This payment will reduce the outstanding highway bonds to $23,629,250, as compared with $38,060,750 on September 30, 1928. Outstanding veterans' state aid bonds will be reduced from 28, 000.000 on September 30, 1928, to $24,875,000 on April 1, 1935. In 1928 the assessed valuation ot the state was $1,122,332,180, as against $943,504,406 In 1934. WHITE COIIFEIIS ON HIS H HERE BOYS' SPECIAL a Big Kite and a 25e tube of REX ALT, MILK OF MAGNE SIA, TOOTH PASTE . . . both for 25c Most people need more IRON say Doctors Peptona is a scientific ironand Malt compound that gives new strength and energy. It in creases the appetite . . . aids di gestion. Peptcna 34c 17c 27c 40c 59c INDIGESTION ? Try Bisxna-Bex if you want re lief from indigestion. It's a pleasant tasting antacid pow der that acts four ways to give lasung reuez in a few minutes. Bisnuu Eex is, a coast te coast sensation. Disma-Rex ounces SO C Laxatives 50c Natures Remedy 25c Cascaret Tablets 40c Castom for Children ... 60c California Syrup of Figs . Oils 75c Squibb's Mineral Oil S.NJ 67c 1.50 Petrolagar J all numbers OtC 1 Gal. Mineral AO oa 5C Cold Remedies 50c Laxative Bromo Quinine 25c Rex-Mentho Chest Rub ... 50c Baume Bengay 25c Mistol . Nose Drops Salts 85c Knxschen Salts 60c Condensed Jad Salts Form. $1.50 Crazy Crystals 60c Sal AfA Hepatiea 47C 57c 40c $1 Household Needs 1 Pt. Milk of Magnesia 10 lbs. Epsom Salts . 1 quart Witch Hazel 12 oz. Bay Rum 15c 33c 29c 19c 34c 19c 34c 17c Some of These Prices Thru j Monday Only This Coupon and 10c will buy a regular 25c sixe of REXALL TOOTH PASTE This offer In made to ac quaint you with this denti frice of proven yalue. Told after April a An. w r 0 V WT bsb wmMMrwm vm& sir- r. ..wwj mey Are 115 S. Commercial St. Always Low vm immmm m oa 'mmMi M s? mag mourn state's cummer WILL BE ED contracts negotiated by tha state of Oregon are not mere scraps of paper and should be en forced to the letter, Governor Martin has advised members of ihe state board of control. The governor's statement fol lowed a discussion relative to con tracts under which certain saw mill operators were to furnish hot fuel for the University of Oregon and Oregon State college. These companies had-objected to credit ing the state with the difference between wholesale and retail pri ces or crude oil. covering a neriod when they were unable to supply nog iuei. Other members of the board agreed with Governor Martin and the state purchasing agent was di rected to enforce the contracts. Governor Martin also objected to state officials and employes en couraging the filing of claims against the state. The governor said the federal government had a rigid rule against this practice. "If claims are filed against the state they should be given consid eration," Martin said, "but claim ants should not be encouraged by any official or employe." illy COMPLETES SECRET MANEUVER LOS ANGELES, March 28. qp) -The United States fleet today completed sensational secret tac tical exercises off the coast of southern California and moved back to the Les Angeles and San Diego bases tonight after a trag edy last night interrupted aerial XO. 71-52 Sjrnopjii of AanBal 8utemeot of th SUBd.rdIninTmBeo Connj of K.w York of New York, in thm Stat of Kw 7o' Jh,.thitt''T'it 4,T lr. l3 msds to tha Innoraoe Communion- Uw- 0t 0resoa' Pnrunt to C AIIXA1j rrnAot e"Pul "tock Pid np. L- 500.000,00. INCOME $I4at017no8,' me9tri durin 7aar, Intareat, Clrldendi aad rant roeaWad djarins- tha yaaT, flSS.2n.33. Ineoma front othar aaoraea recelTad daring tha year, 95.087.35. Total ineone. $1,58085.88. DI8BT7B8KSHENTS at loasaa paid dnri&g tha yaar. in elndins adjuitmettt expenaev 114.795.81. Diridenda paid on capital Hack rfurinr the year. none. Comrainions and aalariea paid darlnr the year. $547,135.47. Taxea, licenaca and feea paid dariar tha year. $7147.97. .lf'i'??tJ.0, U otl,er Penditarea, p 1 1 3,41 8.44. Total axpaoditoree. $1,248,797 49 a88ETS Value of real estate owned (market value), none. Yalue of atocka and fcondi owned (mar ket value). $2,996,7124. Loana on mortfmfee and collateral, etc., nose. Cash la banks and on hand, $2,429.- 508.81. Frentiama la con rue of collection writ twojoe September 80, 1934. $228,- Interext and rente dno and accrued. $21,590.89. Reinsurance recoverable oa losses paid, $208.27. Total admitted assets. $5,874,158.54. LIABILITIES 27S.00 t!mim 'or lMM upaid. $118,- Amoirnt of BaearMd preaivmi on all otrtUmiin riaka, $1.8 51,8 a.fl. Ine for oommtaaiom and brokerace. AU other liabilities, $94,000.00. Oentinrewey reaerve. $23,282.17. S86.9.53"biUtU MCP PiUl Capital paid op. $1,500,000.00. Sarptas ever all liabilities, $2,587.- 332.01. A8urptas aj retards policy-noWers, $4. 087.S32.01. Teeal. $6,874,158.54. BUSINESS IN OBEGOK FOB THE TEAS, o Premiums received during the year, $2,395.82. LosMe paid daring the year. $1,548 SS. . .rt. darinaj tha year, 81, 44S.SS. Kama of Coenpaay, Standard Inaurmaae Corns any of New York. Kama of PraaMast. 3. A. Kelaey. JJn f Beeretary, a L. Henry. t ?taswtOT? re4nt attarner far eerv A. B. Avartn, commissioner, or his enccessora la elfiea. battle maneuvers for several hours. During simulated night bomb ing operations, one of the bomb ing planes of the aircraft carrier Lexington plunged into the ocean. Two fliers, Lieut. (J.G.) Edwin G. Kelly and Aviation Machinesi Mate R. CaTillo, both ot San Di ego, were carried to their death. Radio orders flashed from Ad miral J. M. Reeves, commander-in-chief to the hundred battle ships, carriers, cruisers and de stroyers to cease battle maneuvers and search for the victims. The crashed bomber was one of the VB-1B squadron of eighteen bombers from the Lexington. The other seventeen bombers return ed safely to the deck of the car rier. There were several hun dred planes engaged in the secret tactical night exercises, a prelude to the annual fleet problem to be staged in the north Pacific ocean May 3 to June 10. Searchlights from a hundred naval craft stabbed the darkness in the waters oft southern Cali fornia some twenty miles north of San Diego. QlLYWOOti STARTS SUNDAY JbtCmttdMSiKomth'StlkfftmiOml 1 f a'CQtUMSlA rHcfuai Solon T. White of McMinnville, newly named state director of ag riculture, conferred here briefly with Governor Charles H. Martin. He announced immediately af ter the conference that he would have no statement to make re garding the six department heads in his office until after he as sumed his new duties here Mon day. White had no sooner reached the statehouse than he was be sieged by office seekers, interest ed in securing jobs as chiefs in the agricultural department. H said he had been so Importuned for Jobs at UeMinarille, as sooa as his appointment was announ ced that he had been compelled to stop answering telephone calls. It was considered-probable yes terday at the statehouse that sev eral of the present department chiefs In White's off lee would bo. retained. ' White will wind up his affairs as county agent at McMinnvM this weekend. He will be here Monday to confer with Max Gehl har, outgoing director of agriculture. Tom Pa&erson , Of Amity Dies AMITY. March 28. Tom Pat terson died Wednesdays in a hos pital In McMinnville. He was) a resident of Amity tor over. 20 years prior to moving to McMinn ville a few years ago. He ,had been in poor health for several years. lap I HO--- 1 KR - - - - - I WH I BR jl Watch F m i f Tuesday's I J !,rri r-irA 6utMmn vv OTh ,,v ,om nv,, ksypl$3' touches a tingl beon. xSkJf protecting Favorf Narur- Bk0r olIyGoldenWestbringt 1i Schreder's Cash Grocery Orwig's Meat Market YOUR NEWEST GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET Corner State and Commercial - We Deliver All Orders Over $2 Free - Phone 6606 .-.i('v,,v - r ED SCHREDEE Your Satisfaction Our Guarantee During Lenten Season We Suggest You Try "Fishing in Cans" 2 cansUQS H2G EC3 SHOE! Alaska Pink Minced s can s can glass Jar S If) 1) J SHJGAH cloth bag B&s. 49 lMWiQVMtQ UflC3I? FlourVhagQgQ EviHTTZ "trome Factory' , JpS3 2QG Calumet Daliing Powder lb. can 25c RINSO, large pkg. .. LUX Hand Soap, S bars LIFEBUOY Soap, t bars LUX Flakes, large pkg. . . KAFFEE . HAG, lb. . TOMATOES, Snot, C&YL8 21c 19c 19c 23c 45c Green 25c 1V is ii I I ant VW Rl ux MUOOUS. nAVOstS Ajy 3 Flavors- Qc Scott Tissue .. ....3 rolls 20c Our vegetables have appetite-appeal! Everyliiing the -market affords! KELLOGG SALE CORN FLAKES JUCEKRISPIB PEP BRAN FLAKES Buy THrw. for 29c Gt Larg Package BISCUIT FUSE UTTH OOTJP03C .'...-.-: ,v:-;.-xs:p--;w--. U 4 r ; i - - -ot- "- f C S. ORWIG MARKET Hamburger 15c 2 lbs. 25c ' SHORTENING 3 lbs. 3Se PURE LARD 21 flfllT Bacon . . . 24c Sugar Cured Whole or Half Piece PICNICS... 7c Sugar Cored Hens 22c Dressed and Drawn light Hen a 25c Dressed & Drawn Medium