The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 22, 1935, Page 2, Image 2

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    PAGE TWO v
The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Ortgosu Friday Morning March 22, 1933
British Foreign Secretary
However Will Proceed
With Conference
(Cwtid Tram Pax 1)
T ton ring the Little Entente to sol
idify flVamanla. Czechoslovak and
'Yugoslav opinion concerning Ger
man .rearmament.
! Austria took the first step back
along the road to militarization,
Laming- laws govern irig mobiliza
tion of transport and skilled la
bor In time of war.
Hungary, through her repre
sentative at Genera, again urged
revision of treaties which took
lunch territory from her.
At Vatican City Pope Pius pre
pared an allocution and an ency
clical pleading for peace and dis
armament. Protests All Cot
Summarily Ejected
Diplomatic complications fol
lowed the presentation of the
French and Italfan protest notes,
the former charsins Germans "de
liberately" took "the most ef
fective measnres to compromise
the fate of this (European secur
ity negotiation" and the latier
asserting the Reich's decision to
: rearm "acquires particular ser-
ioHsness, especially for the state
of uncertainty which it excites
Ambassadors of both powers.
Berlin dispatches said, expressed
'great surprise at publication of
an - official communique saying
Germany had refused to "consid-
er" the notes and intimating von
Neurath had all but ejected them
from his office.
While unofficial British quart
ers paid the Berlin government's
-- defiant action might bring anoth
T er crisis, Simon insisted before the
house of commons that he would
continue striving for an inclusive
European security-system includ
"ftg Germany, even though he
voiced grave doubts whether "an
agreement with some of Ger
many's neighbors could be possF1
ble" 1f Berlin persists in its big
-army program.
New Deal Bills
Signed, Olympia
OLYMPIA, Wash.. March 21-OFi-Two
"new deal" measures,
the Washington industrial recov
ery and unemployment insurance
ets.-were approved today by Gov.
Clarence D. Martin.
They were among 19 bills sign
ed by the executive. To date he
has acted upon 155 of the 1S7
bills passed by the 1935 legfsla
ture. Fifty-six were signed yes
REDWOOD CITY, Calif.. March
21.-!p)-Herschel Cobb, son of tb?
famous former baseball player.
Ty Cobb, tonight was acquitted
by a Justice court Jury of a charge
of assault and battery, brought
in connection with the- alleged
beating of Miss-Julia Conner. 19-year-old
school 'girL
c sr l
x a. m.m i i
z w j
"The Store iotlcdie
'Rules May Fete
fs -
Ellen Pratt
This tj-pical southern beauty was
chosen by students at Sweet Briar
college, Sweet Briar, Va to reign
as May queen at the traditional
campus festival. Beauty and pop
ularity were considered in the
Driver Stays in
Jail as Long as
Victim Disabled
SPOKANE. Wash.. March 31.
(;P-Police Judge G. W. Stocker
outlined a policy of even-handed
Justice for reckless drivers.
They will go" to Jail for the
same length of time persons in
jured by them are incapacitated.
Lloyd F. Mussellman war the
first driver 'o r- elve such a sen
tence from Judge Stocker. Mus
sulman was sentenced to 60 dafj
in jail, after Ruben Cross testi
fied he was in bed. two months
as the result f injuries suffered
from the automobile Mu:;ellman
MAHoBOvwdTlartr rv
2 Features 15c
Buck Jones
In Episode 2 of
j iie nea euiuzt
Also Cartoon Comedy
And News
464-466 STATE
and Second Feature
CORVALLIS, Ore., March 21.-()-L.
R. Breithaupt, extension
economist at Oregon State- col
lege, today said that prices (or
Oregon farm products were not
high unless they were compared
with the bankruptcy levels of
1932 and 1933 and a statistical
surrey, has prorea It.
"The general level of farm
pries in Oregon atlll Is only 69
per eent of the 192C-1930 ave
rage,' Breithaupt said, "and. In
the country as a whole. It Is only
79. percent of the level.
Pointing out that parity prices
are the basis of the agricultural
adjustment .act, Breithaupt fur
ther said that although many
farm prices now are higher than
they were in the pre-war era of
1910 to 1914, parity has not been
reached because the farmer still
mast buy things at prices consid
erably above the pre-war level.
"A good many people think that
when farm prices reach the 1910
1914 average that agriculture will
be back to parity," the economist
said. "This is not true, because
the index of prices paid by farm
ers now is at 127 per cent of the
1910-1914 level. In other words,
it takes 27 per cent -more farm
products to purchase the same
amount of commodities usually
purchased by farmers that it did
before the war. '
Eastern Owners
Of Mill's Bonds
Come Here Soon
Representatives of Michigan
bondholders are expected here
next week- to approve details of
a federal reserve bank loan to
the Charles K. Spaulding Log
ging company. Senator Spanlding
announced yesterday.
"All other preliminaries to the
completion of this loan hare been
finished," the senator said. "As
soon as these eastern creditors
complete their approval, I see no
reason why the credit should be
longer withheld."
Senator Spaulding believes that
completion of the loan will bring
Constant starting,
stopping and
waste your
money if your
gasoline hasn't
these 3 different
kinds of power
THE average car today is continu
within a fewmilesof homeor office ., .
It' starting ... stopping ... warm
ing up time after time!
This calls for 3 tnU of power in
your gasoline . power for quick
starting . . . POWER for acceleration
... power for steady runs.
Unless these 3 types of power are
present and in perfect balance
your short runs can waste many
dollars of your money.
Super-Shell is the FIRST gaso
line to hare these 3 different kinds
of power in perfect balance!
That's why Super-Shell cuts your
driving costs IN 3 WAYS:
The Call
Today Margaret Sulla-
ran In 'The Good Fairy."
Today Will Rogers in "Life
Begins at Forty.
Today Double bill. "Po-
lice Car 99" with an all-
star east and Richard Ar-
len to "Santa Fe TraJJ.
i Today Lee Tracy in "The
Lemon Drop Kid."
Saturday Double bill, "Am-
ons the Missing" plus a
western, "Pals of the Prai-
, t
Today Doable bill, John
Wayne n "The Trail Be-
yond" and "Death on the
Diamond" with Madge Ev-
a resumption of operations in the
woods owned by the company and
later, when the lumber market
ia more stable, reopening of the
local - mill.
Spring Here But
Wears Muffler
Snow disappeared from Salem
yesterday as the vernal equinox
came but the weather stayed cold
and a cold rain fell intermittent
ly towards evening. In the foot
hills out from the ctty consider
able snow remained on the ground
after the storm earlier in the
week. Weather predictions were
for more rain and for continued
cold but not freezing days.
BEND, Ore., March 21-(;P)-The
condition of tbe Rev. Leo
Sheehan, assistant pastor of the
Catholic church here who was in
jured last night In an automobile
accident three miles north of
Bend, was considered serious to
night. do
Con serve
At 8,600 neighborly stations SSSSSSftS?
eioED siium
PORTLAND, Ore., March 21.-
(,P-TestimoBy that Joseph J. Os
bourne's blood is of the same type
as blood found at the home of
Simon Mish- whom Osbourne' Is
accused of murdering, was given
at his trial here today.
Dr. Warren C. Hunter, Univer
sity of Oregon pathologist, said
blood from a cut on the hand of
Osbourne. a special policeman In
the Mish neighborhood, was of
the, same type as that of Mish
and also the same as blood sam
ples from the slain man's house,
Tbe state contended some of
the blood was that of the dead
man aad some belonged to the
person who bludgeoned Mish into
Insensibility and slid his limp
form Mto a fish pond at the rear
of his horn.
The state introduced an a and
contended it was the death instru
ment. Dr. Hunter told the jury
that a weapon such as that might
have been used to inflict the skull
wounds on Mish's head. Human
blood was found on the ax, Dr.
Hunter testified.
Fine, Jail Term
For Attempt to
Influence Judge
21.-P)-Circuit Judge Edward TB.
Ashurst today fined , J. H. Drls
coll $100 and sentenced him to
60 days in Jail for contempt of
court, declaring he came to the
Judge to discuss a case pending
in court.
Driscoll, an insurance man and
pioneer, was accused of saying it
would be to his material advant
age to have a suit between two
lumber companies postponed Inde
finitely. Income Taxes to
Exceed Estimate
Income taxes to the State of
Oregon are running 35 per cent
ahead of returns for a corres
ponding period in 1934, the tax
up to a cupful of gasoline on
. every "Colet" Start.
Ia summer or rrlnter, Saper
Shell starts Instantly, often
warms up In half the time of
j0mf miles of Home
1 1 hi, n sn BHnrn i i ii u s ssfis ii i ibissii
If lYrrnfsfccdtfrMiSBBSjLMfcfa at
ordinary iaaolines. So there's less chokta
and yoa use less gasoline, lft cupfula saved,
remember, mount up to a vhole gaUonl
commission, reported yesterday.
Aggregate returns paid to date
are 3527,000. Officials of the
tax department estimated yester
day, that Income, intangibles and
corporate excise taxes for the en
tire year would exceed $2,0 00,
000. The estimated - return for
the three sources for the year. set
in the 1935 budget was 11,900.
000. Last year the total return
was ll.79S.OO0.
,SAN DIEGO. Calif.. March 21.-(P-Working
on the theory he was
murdered, police today were in
vestigating the Btrange death of
Carl George Frey, 31, chauffeur
and athlete, who a e body was
found hanging from a pepper tree
In a vacant lot adjoining the back
yard of his socially prominent em
ployer. A leather belt and a long
length of chain were wound
around Frey's neck. An autopsy
disclosed that he died of asphyxia
tion, probably caused by strangu
lation. . A gold medal was found pinned
to his nose. This bears the words
"Krels Turnfest, July 5, 6, 7;
1929: Detroit, Mich., Gut Heil."
He was a stunt man' in Holly
wood for eight months and dou
bled for Tom Mix on occasion, it
was reported.
Frey was employed as a chauf
feur by Mrs. Annie H. 3uel, who
lives with her sister, Mrs. E. A.
Pardee, and the latter's husband.
They are socially prominent here..
Thelma Todd-PaUy Kelly
I Last Times Today I
I i i ril r- BrsBBBBfSBSBBBraSBr
til ft ACT 'X2&ZJ&4 3ik
your drivM
Con save up to cupful of gasoline fat
1 0 minutes of Hard Putting.
Becsse of Its even volatility,
you can accelerate rapidly or
race your car tip hills la hlh
fear on lest tasollnel And what's more,
yon avoid that knocking which In a few min
ute can vasts up to It per cent of your power.
KANSAS CITY, March 21.
The government's vast cornbog
reduction program, although bit
terly attacked, has enlisted ap
proximately 375,000 farmers In
five midwestern states for 1935
aSS tonight millions of dollars in
AAA payments under last year's
con tcaet. still are pouring in.
In Iowa, 127,500 farmers have
aigned for this year, somewhat
under last year's total of 176,
000. So far 7 8,8 08 have signed con
tracts in Nebraska a larger num
ber than on the corresponding
date last year.
In Missouri, approximately 80,
000 have signed.
However, Dan D. Casement, of
Manhattan, Kas., live stock breed
er and rancher, wired Secretary
of Agriculture Wallaee today, crit
icizing production control plans
generally and adding:
"You say this (the lifting yes
terday of restrictions on spring
Richard Arlen
Can save up to a cupful
jronireY Deril - dogsV f
I and I of the high
vSat. J ways! A
f Tbe Radio Patrol . . . 1
if crui&tng peacefully one
It xninnte ... risking death
II the next! Electrifying
1 drama! i
V "CAR 99" j
j Fred MacMurray J
I V Sir Guy Standing T
I Abb Sheridan jr
, ane hour's Steady Running.
Every drop of
raporizes more
every engine Temperature, m
addition to sarins on short trips, many
motorists report mileage increases on long
runs equal toa saving of a cupful every horn.
line naturally result in more mileage
per tankful tig monthly and yearly
savings! Super-Shell is on sale from
Coast to Coast at more than 30,000
neighborly Shell stations at no
extra cost!
wheat planting). Is for the benefit
of the consumer. How about con
sumer of pork? His resentment
of your tax has slumped hog
prices $1.10 In 10 days.
"Why not confess failure of
entire cock-eyed scheme?"'
Hops Commodity
Bill Introduced
Representative Mott (R-Ore) to
day introduced a bill to amend
the -agriculture adjustment act
and make hops a basic commodity
upon which benefit payments
ight be paid for acreage and pro
duction control.
The bill is a duplicate of one
introduced by Senator McNary
(R-Ore) in the senate.
The smartest
comedy in months
It's a Knockout! ,
"The Good
Herbert Marshall
Frank Morgan
of gasoline In
completely at
V I f ' f J