po 'm 1 i t I ? f t 1 t k 1V ENTRY BLANK Contestants to be eligible in this cake baking contest must purchase one or more of the following: ij Fill in the entry blank and take it to your grocer when you make your purchase ot any of the above articles. His signature is necessary. Then take this entry blank with your cake to Miller's Department Store, between the hours of t a.m. and 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 26. The cakes will be sold "by the Women's Union of the First Congregational church. You may enter any kind of cake yon wish. Your Name......... Your Address Grocer's Signature ... We Won't Guarantee That zou 'II Win First rfize BUT We Do Know You'll Satisfied With Steusloff Service and Quality We Recommend to. General Food Product: especially Swansdown Cake Flou and CRKCO THE DIGESTIBLE SHORTENING Steusloff Grocery Court and Liberty - Free Delivery Tel. 3163 FREE DELIVERY 30-DAY ACCOUXT SERVICE WDBLD EDUCATIOn PfflEHpffl Institute of International Learning to be Held at Reed College, July Outstanding leaders for inter national good will trill attend the institute of International Educa tion to be held at Reed college next summer from July S to July 15, according to Paul S. Elliott, field representative for the insti tute, who was in Salem yesterday conferring with local leaders who plan to enroll at the 10-day gath ering. - "Gerald P. Nye, senator from North Dakota, who has attracted international attention with his armament investigations will at tend as will Dr. Kenneth Scott a tourette, Yale professor, who Is an authority on the Orient and conditions there," Elliott report ed. "In addition we hare secured the attendance at the institute of Dr. Harnell Hart, noted religious worker, who will speak on the re ligious aspects ot peace, as well as the attendance of Dr. Frederick J. Libby, secretary of the Nation al Council for the Prevention of GROCERY 1312 State St. TeL 5679 For a Prize Winning Cake use Swansdown Cake Flour Baker's Cocoa, Choc olate or Cocoa nut Calumet Baking Powder Crisco, the digestible shortening 5 ll Bake a Cake and Enter the Cake Contest Get the Cake to Miller's by 1:30 P. M. Tuesday Then Stay for the Norge Hbmemakers' Matinee No, Officer, I'm hurrying to the NORGE HOMEMAKEtlS MATINEE with an all-talking Moving Picture and a Cooking School ... O Recipes I O Meal Planning O Interior : Decorating O Diets... 1 Etiquette One day only! FREE Mati nee, featuring an Unusual cooking school and a short course in Interior Decorat ing. Special recipe cards for all who attend. Infor mation on diets, etiquette, meal planning and other phases of homemaking. We invite everyone to attend this instructive and entertain ing show. j Haten Kerr, noted lecturer, radio broadcaster and author of artU clcs on home decoration, will conduct the Matinee, v T m March 26 2 p.m. Miller's Auditorium 3RD FLOOR TAKE THE ELEVATOR mo 236 North Commercial St. Phone 4610 War.' 'William Fisher, an oat standing importer in San Francis co, will come north to tho Insti tute to discuss Pan-American, re lations," he said. "Fisher is ac tive in the Pan-American society ot his home city." Elliott said the plan of the in stitute, one of three being held this summer on the coast and one of seren being held in the nation, was to disseminate information on international affairs to hey men in the regions where it is held. A lecture will be given each morn ing at the institute by one of the outstanding speakers in attend ance, followed by a two-hour round table where members at the institute can. choose the section they wish to enter. Another gen eral lecture will be given each evening. A nominal tuition fee will be charged for the ten-day period. Sponsors of the Institute include Reed college, the University of Oregon and the American Friends Service committee. Norman F. Coleman of Reed college will be director of the institute. GETS APPOINTMENT STAYTON, March 21. Leo J. Rock has received his official ap pointment as carrier on route 4, Salem. This route is said to have 410 boxes anil covers a distance of about 60 miles. Mr. Rock has been carrier her for about 20 years. It is said that the Harvey Walkers will occupy hi home here." Larson is Removed To Home; Two Boys Born at Silverton SILVERTON, March 21. Sons were born to Mr. and Mrs. Hess of Victor Point and to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hein of Molalla at the Silverton hospital Thursday morn ing. Merl Larson, who has been at the hospital suffering" from doa ble pneumonia for the past sev eral weeks was sufficiently Im proved to be able to be removed to his home Thursday. Larson will go to Vancouver, Wash., to be at the home of his sister, Mrs. Alrin Legard, until he regains his strength sufficiently to again take up his work at Salem. Mrs. Leo Wellman, who under went a major operation at the Sil verton hospital Wednesday morn ing, was reported as getting along very well. W. E. Toney is also steadily Improving following a major operation. A Salem's Finest Food Store If You Would Bake An Unusually Fine Cake, Use Swansdown and CRISCO THE DIGESTIBLE SHORTENING SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR is used in the baking of The Delicious Cakes YOU BUY AT OUR DELICATESSEN jgppp Bill p A pjvw r-. 'TPcn "U Save by Buying Your Cake lr.3redier.ts He re f o BAKE A CAKE THIS WEEK Civt The Folia a llomt-madt Treat SWANS DQWN CAKE ROUS Insures roar Csket against Failure CALUMET BAKING P0WDEH Its double tctioa makes Better Baking BAKER'S BAKER'S Premium No. I COCONUT I CH0C0LAT8 Soothers I " V Us wherrref Style V" J die recipe tjt Mom S S Chocolate 4. JF crkco THE DIGESTIBLE SHORTENING Two Stores 935 S. Commer cial and Corner Court & Com'l Yes Madam! We Carry All the Ingredients for BAKING PRIZE WINNING CAKES CALUMET BAK ING POWDER SWANSDOWN BAKERS COCO NUT BAKERS PRE MIUM CHOCO LATE & COCOA CRISCO 294 North Commercial HEESIHI-EIMC S. Try Vt We know you'll like : our every day low price policy Phone 71 3527 ..... ...... .- . i-m. .. i 1 ' in- TTT nITi X Lslu., X r X'. T " 4- ; ' 3 A?m 3-3-- fSiis week at your Dealer's to introduce the economical 3-ib. can Buy ivhile supply lasts You fet a 1-lb. can of Crisco for 5 in this phe nomenal sale if you buy the 3 -lb. can of Crisco at its regular price. Two handy sizes of snowy pre creamed Crisco for quick fluffy cakes ... tender bis cuits . flaky digestible pies . . or digestible crispy fried foods. A wonderful offer! If s extended because the mak ers of Crisco want new friends to try this digestible shortening and they want old Crisco Mends to learn the economy of the 3-lb. size, . . CRISCO helps you cock Cgfrt d&estibfe food 'Again and again Crisco users write us something like this: " I thought X never could eat pie or fried foods, Until I started' .cooking with Crisco. But Crisco pastry is so flaky and Crisco friel foods are abso lutely free cf greasiness.. They don't upset my stomach. Thanks to Crisco, I can eat Eke a normal person gain."' CFJSC0 sdiised fey ossy docfen "When you open t can of pure digestible Criscc you're seeing wholesome vegetable oils after they have been creamed and creamed I See how light and fluffy Crisco is I Taste it. See how sweet and fresh it is! Your eyes nd your taste tell you the truth , Crisco is wholesome. Doctors know this that's why they often advise frying foods with Crisco!- - 3-D. csa is fea 5A1T:a $izs Buy CHsco regularly in the 3-lb. can for Jfie tfix tcan costs less than thee 14b, cans. l j - ; t V And the 3-lb. can is convenient youVe enough . Crisco on band for many cakes, pies, biscuits' or fried foods. ; '. Visit your dealer today before bis supply of . special 14b. Crisco cans is gone. NOTE: This offer .nay'not have come.to your lo cality yet, but it's on its way! . Buy the 3-lb. size for economy SAVE MONEYI The 3-lb. can of Crisco costs you leas than you'd pay for three l-lb. cans. for convenience With a 34b. can. you have enough Crisco for whatever you svant to makewhether it's cake, pie, Ws cuits or deep-fried foods. , , fordeleihfrying To deep-fry eorrectTy yon need enough fat. to cover the food weQ. So the big 34b. can of pure digesti ble Crisco is the secret of tempting, digestible Trench-fried foods! Crisco does not smoke at correct frying temperatures. Nodecompc sitioo takes place Crisco keeps di gestible. . That's why Crisco is so economical for frying. For, if you strain Crisco, yon can fry in it over and over again. ... FtEKCH-FKIED POTATOES the easy, digestible Crisco way: LPeel potatoes. Cut O MU eooogh f- into tick inch " tM CrUc thick. Soak ia ice-cold slowly to fiH Bt-bot- water at least om hour. ; toined deep saucepaa H Then dry thorsughlx te fuU- Brin ilowly to het ttmeL thatbrownseabeofbread in 20 seccads (39S F.). 4. tJme. always raiaias 1 for I aaiam aa a batdkkptttia. Fry natil broam. Draia a absers cat paper. 8ak bsfors Strata Crisco hack lata Its caav DO . KOTmix ataer f ats with CRI3CQ1 Uas for try ia coquettes Cnttevt doucSaflMtfta OBsioeMt fietb Criaca jrtn thra tat i C aac food to aa- ClICCCLATE PtTFEKntT CIIKE ii cup Crisco 1H cops floor 1 cup sugar 4 teaspoon salt 3ggyoDcs , 1 teacpooa soda 2 squares tmsveet- 1 cup sour milk coed chocolate 1 teaspoon raaula ' Beat Crisco. sugar aad egg yolks (no creaming needed with fluffy Crisco). Add melted chocolate. Sift flour, salt aad soda.. Add to Crisco mirturo alter nately with sour mine Mix. Add ranllla, -Four Into square (74-iflcu) or oblong cake pan, rubbed with Criaco. Bake in moderate oven (350 F.) 60 so 00 min utes. Coot t Em Fnstinf: Put 1H cops grsnu latad sugar, S unbeaten egg whites sad M eup water to cook erer boiling water. Beat 4 minutes with Dover beater. Add X teaspoon peppernin flavoring. Beat natil thick. Bamovs from boOiog water,'. Continue beating tatO of spreading ronrliitanfy. Spraad orsr caka. Melt 2 squares oatweetened chocolate. Blend with 1 teaspoon Crisco. Pour omfrosU lag. letting .chocolate run dowa 'aidem, C030SCO 'digests : quickly' aae. v. a. vt. orr.