Pa?eSerra Many Varieties of White Cakes Provide Choice Desserts The Oregon Statesman Recipe Section, February 24. 1933 First Prize Winner Mary Julia Allen 025 X. Winter Holiday Melon Cake 9 err mim 1 rup milk Heaoinr tablespoon of lard tod of butter 5 lerel" rap floor 1 tteapinr tapnon tV!nff powder m tmipn lfmnn extract 1 enp umr rTandfnl of Mark rorrants Wed and rreen eolorinr 1 taMeapown enld water Cream nhortenlne with the su rar and Mir In milk thoroughly. Rift one-half 'of the flour Into the mixture and tlr aenln. Then sift the other half of flonr and baklne powder In together. Beat and add to this the stiffly beaten whites of egjr. lemon extract and cold water. Beat, not less than 100 strokes. Divide and to one half of the hatter add enough red coloring to make the mixture a rich rose color, also the hand ful of currants. Have a round ftreased cake pan with a funnel. Pour the red mixture near the center of the pan and the white batter around the edge. Bake in a medium hot oven. When done, turn upside down to cool. Take ' 1 cup sugar and 4 tablespoons water. Boil until It; spins a thread. Beat into the stiffly beat n white of one egg, add tea spoon lemon extract and about 1-S teaspoon ereen coloring. Spread thickly on top and sides of cake. Second Prize Winner Mrs. C. M. Warren lfK) Trade Pineapple Cake M eap tnorteaiac 1 H cop ittfar 1H rupi aka flour 3 teaspoon baking powder - H teaapooa talt H cap anilk H eap pineapple Julee 1 teaipoon Tanilla 3 err white . Cream sugar and shortening - sift flour .once and measure. Sift with baking powder and salt. Add flour to creamed sugar and short ding alternately with milk and juice (add milk first). Fold In beaten egg whites, pour Into two well greased and floured 8 Inch layer pans. Bake 35 min utes In a moderate oven. Pineapple Filling 4 eap crashed pineapple 4 cap pineapple juice 4 enp aorar 8 tablespoon! corn starch t teatnnon aalt Mix together and cook in a double boiler 20 minutes or un til clear. Add. 1 teaspoon lemon Juice and 1 tablespoon butter Spread between the layers. Icing Beat 2 egg whites until they . hold a point, fold in 1 cup of conieciioner s anger ana i m blespoon lemon Juice. Cover cake, Perfect Angel Food t eap sifted take floor 1 cap ere whites teaipooa salt 1 teaapooa cream of tartar m, tape Bifted granulated aorar teaipooa vanilla Vi teaaoooa almond extract Sift flour once, measure and sift four more times. Beat egg Whites and salt together until foamy, add cream ol tartar and continue beating until eggs are stiff enough to hold up in peaks. Filled Cakes Easy to Make -iy x- -w' v-V. kv Y -J Vr: A rich frnlt ori rnstard fMHn fr a Hirht rake tnm the orrtlnurr pastry Into iTartv dish. Yolk of saved from the batter mixture may often be nsed for the fllMng. hut not dry. Fold In sugar care fullv. 2 tablespoons at a time, until all is used. Fold In flavor ing. Then sift small amount of flour over mixture and fold I carefully. Continue until all is used. Turn into ungreased Angel food pan. Bake In slow oven 50 to 60 minutes. Begin at 275 de grees and afteri 30 minutes In crease heat slightly, 225 degrees, and bake 20 to 80 minutes long er. Remove from oven and In vert pan one hour or until cold. This cake requires from 8 to 10 egg whites. If eggs are removed from refrigerator several hours before using they beat dp lighter and more easily when at room temperature and give Increased fineness snd delicacy to the caKe. MrB. Pearl Hayter 2156 S. Summer - f Sour Cream Cake 2 enpa eurmr cop hotter 3 err, well beaten ( 1 cup milk 8 cops lifted paltry floor 3 teaspoon baking powder I teaipoon vanilla extract Cream the sugar and butter. add beaten eegS. Sift flour once and measure and add 3 teaspoons baking powder, i Sirt twice ana add alternately with milk. Add vanilla last.- Bake In layer cake tins in a moderate oven. Filling 1 enp toor cream 1 cop aorar . Rpa'tthls all well and cook in a double boiler about 40 minutes. Add 1 cup walnuts and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Cool. Place filling be tween layers and over top of cake. This cake is also fine with the sour cream filling between the layers and a marshmallow frost ing over the top and sides. Keeps well for several days after bak ing. Mrs. n. A. Donnelly, 505 Mad Lion. White Cake eop ahorteninr : 2 cup sneer 3 pupa flour 1 run iweet milk; i Whitel of 4 egpx ( 2 level teaspoon bakinr powder teaiooon Tanilla Cream shortening, add sugar gradually, beating constantly Then add milk alternately with flour which has been sifted once before measuring-, and three times with the baking powder, Add vanill . and stiffly beaten egg whites folded In at the last Pour In three 8-Inch layer pans which have been lined with wax ed paper. Bake In moderate oven. 300 to 350 degrees for 45 Jiln utes. Filling 1 enp our cream or evaporated milk Juice of V, lemoa 1 enp anrar err yolke 1 eap chopped walnnta 1 teavnoon vanilla Cook croam. sugar and slight ly beaten yolks until thick In double boiler. Drags Sundries Toiletries For almost a third of s century Rexall has led in adapting: the latest discoveries of medical science to home use. How the 22Z2& plaa fcdps yea There's no middleman in the Rexall Plan. The savings are passed on to you in the form of lower prices. All fresh, first quality merchandise. Full six packages. Get acquainted now. Powdered Sugar Cake H rup butter 1 H cups powdered rocar H rup milk " cup pan try fioar 2 teaapoona Royal bakinr powder 1 teaipoon veailln B erf white Cream butter "with powdered sugar, aaa alternately a uuie at a time, milk and pastry flour which has been sifted with baking powder. Add vanilla and fold in beaten egg whites. Bake in three buttered layer tins In moderate oven at 3 25 degrees for 20 min utes. Increase to 350 degrees the last half of baking. Fruit Filling x 1 H cupi translated turar H cup water 3 ere whitea beaten pun muaeatel raiiina cut la pieces H cup ehaved pecans H cup chopped firt H teaapoo vanilla Boil sugar with water until sy rup spins a thread at 238 degrees. Add slowly to egg whites, beat ing continually until cool. Add raisins, pecans, figs and vanilla- Spread between layers and on top and sides of cake. Mrs. Phillip Ptetrok, Stayton, Ore. e a White Mountain Crear 1 H rupi lurar H teaipoon lirht eora lyrup rop boiline water 1 teaspoon Tanilla 2 err whitel. itiffly beat Combine sugar, corn syrup and water. Place over low flame and stir constantly until sugar Is dis solved and mixture bolls. Con tinue until the soft ball stage, 240 degrees. Pour syrup In fin stream over egg whites beating constantly. Add vanilla and beat until of spreading consistency. This may be tinted with vege table coloring w ea vanilla is added. Mrs. Virgil Bewley Klamath Falls, Ore. Second Prize Winner Mrs. Frank Sijrnette Route 2. Box inn Date Cake t pkr. date, chopped fine 1 teaspoon bakinr powder Pour boiling water over the dates and baking powder and set aside to cool. 1H enpa rnrar cup butter 2 erf Tolka 2V4 rupa flour, lifted 4 timet l teaspoon bttln; powaer 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 enp chopped walnuts 2 ere whitea. beaten stiff Cream sugar and butter, add egg yolks then alternate the dry ingredients which have been sift ed together and the date mix ture which has been cooled. Beat well. Add vanilla and nuts and fold in the beaten egg whites. Bake in 3 nine-Inch layer cake pans 20 minutes In a moderate over. Put layers together with the following filling: t small can rrated pineapple 4 cup smear 1 rounded tablespoon cornstarch Mix cornstarch with about 2 tablespoons water and add to pineapple and sugar. Boil until thick. Beat well and cool thor oughly. Put between cake layers and Ice cake with plain white powdered sugar frosting. This cake will keep moist for several days and when decorated makes a lovely birthday or even Christ mas cake. . rani " ear who know the high quality and better value to be had in the double-tested double-action K C Baking Powder. It produces delicious bakings of fine texture and large volume. Maafactard fry Baklag Ptwdtr Specialists) ' tkiag hat Baklag Pewdir aatfer saparvlsian Expert Caesnlata f National RepatatlM. Always oa ftwsa dependable. That Insures Sooesfml Bsstlags. Women who want the best, demand the Economical and Efficient Baking Powder Same Price Today as 44 Years Ago 25 ounces Sor 2Sc You can also buy X11 10 ounce can tor lOe JU11 15 ounce can for 15 rUU PACK NO SLACK rilXINO A. A v,:Av y Bats flsifi tjlTtJ THE COOK'S DOOK Yoa can ft a cop "t this biamifuUy glumnid book full of poetical. Seated racipea aVa will plaaee fwa. Mail the cartinrasa fraea a caa af K C Bafcanr faailai with ronr aaaia aa4 sJJiaai aad ye aaeywaU fcaeaas portage paid. ASdraaa JAQUES MFC CO Duas. CaV, CHICaSO, UUMOU Artnnccc Percy's Drug Store INDEPENDENT DRUGGISTS H5 S. COMMERCIAL ST. "At Your Service" Phone 9125 263 S. High SALEM LAUNDRY Laundry Dry Cleaning We Have Our Own Dry Cleaning Plant "The BAND BOX" IT IS TfflS LAST WORD IN CLEANING EQUIPMENT AND WE ARE MUCH PLEASED WITH THE RESULTS I J.-.