The Oregon Statesman Recipe Section. February 24, 1935 Rice Uses Manifold arid Dishes Delectable Where it is Served Page Sbc First Prize Winner Gladys Hamel 1305 S. Slimmer Salmon-Rice Pyramid 1 eap rtee 1 qeart boalllon 4 teblespooaa finely shopped ealoa j 5 mashed whit pepper seeds 2 or t medinm pieces of kippered sal 1 e 1 sap grated cheooo and bread ernmba )a enp batter Boil rice In bouillon until veil done. Heat onion with some bat ter and .pepper seeds and with additional teaspoon of butter mix with rice. Cut salmon In email pieces and fry In butter. Butter a place on which place halt the rice, then the fish and then bal ance of rice. Form this into a pyramid, baste with a beaten egg. dredge with grated . cheese and bread crumbs, and another small piece of butter and bake for a short while, taking care that the plate does not set too hot from below. Serres six. (Editor's note: The recipe could also easily be made up In six lndirldual pyra mids for a luncheon dish.) ' Rice Creole 1 cups diced raw hsm 1 cup washed rice 2 diced pimento 2 era pa eoop atoek 1 chopped as ion 1 chopped greea pepper 1 peeled and chopped torn to - i teaspoon aalt Piaeh of papper Parmesan ehoeee Brown the diced ham, chopped onion and pepper in melted fat and let simmer until tender. Put into a casserole with remaining ingredients except cheese. Cover and bake in a moderate oven for one hour. Serve on baking pow der biscuits, sprinkle with cheese and cover with tomato sauce. Serves 8 people. A good dish for a Sunday night supper. Joy Turner S3 5 N. Capitol Meat Balls 1 rn ps eold ground meat cap cold rice I egg 1 teaspoon chill powder Mix these together thoroughly then make into little cakes. Pat about inch thick. Brown in a skillet with hot fat. Put on a plat ter and cover with the following sauce: 1 cap tomatoes. Banned or chopped . 2 tableepooaa floor 3 tablespoons butter - tablespoons minced onion 1 tablespoon aalt - 1 teaspoon chili powder Blend flour and butter. Add other ingredients and cook 5 min utes over direct heat, and 15 min utes over boiling water. Beulah Eotf 1560 State a Rice Snowballs 1 cap rice, boiled and cooled S egg whites 8 tablespoons aagar 1 teaspooa melted batter teaspooa lemon extract Mix above ingredients thor oughly and form Into balls. Set on a low flat dish, place in oven and bake 10 minutes without browning. Pour over this whites of three eggs beaten dry to which 3 teaspoons of powdered sugar and half a teaspoon of lemon ex tract have been added. Set in a cool oven to just dry and not brown. Serve with whipped cream. Mrs. Mina Nicholson 1010 N. 17th Pilaf cap ry rice 1 tablespoon batter 1 small onion minced H teaspeoa aalt Pepper and paprika to taste 4 cap tomatoes 1 cap minced meat Melt butter, add rice and on ion and stir until all are nicely browned. Add meat and stir, then the tomatoes. Simmer until rice Is tender. If Pilaf becomes dry, add water as needed. Serves six. Mrs. C H. Christensen Route 4, Box 273 Baked Rice Hash ewps cooked rice 9 caps cooked moat, groaad 1 mediant onion t eleve garlie Salt nad pepper to taste Mix well all Ingredients and bake until brown. Baste with meat stock to keep well moisten ed. May be varied with eup catsup, 1 can tomato sauce and gravy from roast beef for basting. 8erves 4 to4. Mrs. C. O. Wilkins ' Hi N. Front Rice is a Starchy Grain X Vw & ' t i v -a V. - u.uL ii X. rr- Jjr The "thins" should eat lota of It as lor a second serving. Rice is gooa euner as a vegetable or Rice Apricot Mold 1 earelope felstia K cap eold water '4 cap hot apricot jaiee H cap snrar Vi teaspoon aalt 1 tablespooa lemoa jaioa 1 cop apricots 1 cap cooked rice H cap ereBi or eTaporated milk, whipped S aorieot halrea Pour cold water in bowl and sprinkle gelatin on top of water, Add sugar, salt and hot apricot juice drained from canned or stewed apricots. Stir until gel atin is dissolved. Add lemon juice and combine with rice and apricots cut in small pieces. Cool and when it begins to thicken. fold in whipped cream or evap orated milk. Arrange apricot halves In a mold that has been rinsed in cold water and fill with mixture. Chill and when firm. unmold and served with whipped cream or a sauce of the apricot syrup. Six servings. Mrs. S. J. Starr, Sublimity, Ore. a Spanish Rice 2 caps raw rice 8 slices bacon 1 tablespooa ahorteninc 1 small onion 2 eloTes rarlie 1 esa hot sanea 1 lorel teaspooa aalt 3 cape hot water pepper to taste Cut bacon fine and fry in short ening until crisp. Chop onion and garlic and add with rice to grease. Fry until rice is brown. Add hot .sauce, water, salt and pepper and cover frymg pan. Set on back of stove nd cook slowly about one hour, stirring frequently. This is a real Central American recipe. Mrs. Frank Sienette, Route 2, Box 158. a Rice Salmon Loaf 2 rnps rooked rice- 1 So. 2Va can of salmon 2 rpga beaten 3 tablespoons melted batter 1 tablevpnon minced parsley 1 teaspoon lemon jaiee 1 teaspoon mustard Salt and paprika to taste Mix these ingredients thorough ly and press Into a buttered loaf pan or casserole. Bake In moder ate oven for about 25 minutes. Serves six. This is a good way to utilize left overs. Mrs. Jay Morris. Route 3. Box 123. Second Prize Winner Cecil Pierce 1415 Mission Chocolate Rice Souffle U cap rice 1 cop ersporated milk 1 1 eap water H teaspoon aalt 2' tablespoons batter H cap snrsr 1 sqaara nnsweetenad ehocolste. melted 1 teaspoon vanilla H cap renins 3 err whites ktarahmallowa Steam rice in double boiler with milk, water and salt. When rice is soft, add butter, sugar, chocolate, vanilla and raisins. Beat egg whites until stiff and fold into mixture. Turn Into a greased baking dish and bake In a moderate oven (350 degrees P.) 15 or 20 minutes. Fire minutes before taking from the oven, place marshmallows -on top and return to oven to brown and par tially melt the marshmallows. Serves C and those who avoid calories not is a nourishing food, however, and dessert. Rice Meat Loaf t caps boiled rice ' 1 cap walnut meats 1 or 3 slices drr toast or bread 1 lb. baatbnrcer or eold meat 1 onion 1 eap tomatoea aalt sad popper to taste Grind thz nuts, onion, toast and meat unless hamburger Is used all In a food grinder. Add tomatoes and rice with salt and pepper. Mix well. If not moist enough, add bits of eold gravy, or more tomato juice. Put In a baking dish with some tomato Juice on top to brown nicely. Bake 30 to 40 minutes in a hot oven. This served with baked squash or potatoes, fruit salad and a dessert makes a good meal. Mrs. Ellen Pruitt 919 Mill Street Daisy Rice 1H eapa rice I email onion 4 earrota (mora if possible) 1 Ienrth of spare-ribs white pepper, salt and batter Cook spare-ribs in salted water until tender. Lift out, add rice and chopped onion. Cook until done. Chop carrots fine, cook In salted water In a separate pan. When done heap in the center of a platter and season with a little white pepper and butter to taste while still hot Place the rice around the carrots' and lastly the spare-ribs with a few sprigs of parsley. Serves 4. Lois Gilbert, S25 N. Winter. Apples and Rice 1H caps rice 2H eapa water 2 eapa diced applea 14 teaspooa salt 1 tea soon nutmeg & eap sarar Wash and boil rice in water for 15 minutes. Remove from ket tle and place In a shallow pan. al ternating layers with diced apples. Sprinkle with salt, nutmeg and su gar. Cover with water and bake in a moderate oven 30 minutes. Serve either hot or cold with cream or whipped cream. 'Serves six. Mrs. C. S. Clark, Turner Ore. Rice-Salmon Patties Use double the amount of cooked rice to one can of salmon which has been boned and flaked. Add salt and neDDer. also choused onion to suit the family taste. Mix well with 1 egg and about A cud floor. Form Into natllsa and fry to a nice brown. A small can of hot sauce may be heated and poured over the heaped plat ter just before serving. Mrs. Laura w. Holder. Route 4. Box 175. Glorified Rice ' eap raw rice 3 eapa boiliag water ' H eap sagar 34 marshmallows 1 eap pineapple, en bed or shredded 1 eap chopped apple) 1 eap whipping cream . eaadied cherries . Cook rice until soft but not mushy. Cool. Add sugar, em marshmallows. nlneannle and an- pie and let stand for one hour. Fold In the whipped cream Just before serving. Garnish with candled cherries. Serres six or eight 'people. Mrs. Hazel Summers, ftottU X, Box 18 2 A. Scotch Stew 1 cap rice 5 eapa boilinr water 1 teasuooa salt ' Wash rice.. Put in top of don ble boiler and add boiling water. Bring quickly to a rapid boil and stir continuously to prevent , set tllng: Add salt and continue rap Id boiling for. 2 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Turn Into a sieve and run hot water over It to sep arate the kernels. Return to the double boiler and place over boil ing water for 25 minutes. .Serve with the ' following stew poured over it: 1 lbs. g-reand roaad steak , 1 tablespoon batter 1 dessertspoon of bacon drippings .or let 2 eapa hat water teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon floar Have skillet with fats piping hot. Put in the ground meat. Stir continuously until it is all seared and separated. Sprinkle flour over meat and stir in. Add 2 cups boiling water and salt and pepper If desired. Cover . and boil slowly for one hour. Do not allow to boil dry. Add more wa ter If necessary as it should have a good deal of liquid. Pour over rice. Serves four generously. Mrs. A. B. Hansen. 252 N. Cottage. Lirer-Bacon-Riee 5 slices ef llrer 6 stripe of bacon lVi eapa boiled rice 1 egg 1 teaspoon salt H teaspooa pepper If calves' liver is used, wipe with a clean damp cloth. If beef or pork liver, cover with cold salted water for 1 hour. Drain an dry. Broil bacon. Lightly flour liver and cook in bacon fat until tender. Remove bacon and liver to hot platter. Add egg and seasonings to the rice and form Into flat patties or cakes. Brown these in bacon fat. Serve hot. A delicious sauce Is made by adding 2 tablespoons of flour to remain ing fat and when blended add cup water and U cup chill sauce. Cook until thickened and pour over the liver, bacon and rice rat- ties. . .. Miss Wava Wolf, Route 2, Box 106. Rice Cream 1 qaart milk eap rice S tablespoons aagar 1 tablespooa graaaistod galatia H Piat whiimed cream Scald milk in a double boiler, add rice and cook until tender. Turn out, add ' sugar and when nearly cold add the gelatin which has been softened by standing in half a cup of milk for 10 min utes. Heat both milk and 'gela tin until the latter is melted., As soon as the mixture shows signs of setting, add the whipped cream, stir it in lightly and turn into a wet mould. Chill thoroughly, turn out and serve with fresh or cook ed fruit. Mary Main, Jefferson, Ore. A C00ee Simi?pd?ilGG Awaits You . . ol WE are so CoffM fa that we giro you a Money-Back-Guaran-. tee on its "Highest Possible Quality. Buy a Jar from your grocer brew Wad hams by your favorite method. It yon aren't satisfied your money will Your Grocer Features WADHAMS to 8 Sizes of v Re-usable Wide Glass Jan VADHAMS e ir a w Granulate! (Hot Groond) for Superior Coffee by AN Y Brewing Method Second Prize Winner Mrs. Oscar J. Johnson ' SHverton. Ore. i cap rice 1 pint milk 1 tablespooa gelatin 2 tablespoons eold water 3 tablespoons hot pineapple juice Vt teaspooa salt .... H cap aagar (a little more if desired) 1 teaspoon ranilla -enp heary cream H cap chopped walnnts cap each of red and green diced' gnra drops or cherries cap marshmallows, eat fine 1 cap drained crashed pineapple Parboil rice !n salted boiling water five minutes and drain. Put into double boiler with hot milk, cookine until soft but un broken. Softk eelatin In cold wa ter, add hot water, salt and su gar. Stlr; until dissolved and ada to rice mixture. Cool to about the luke warm stage and add van illa, whinned cream, nuts, candy or fruit, marshmallows and plne anole. Chill. Mar be out in indi vidual molds. Serve In sherbet' rlasses tonned with a spoonful of whipped efeam and a colored candy or cherry. Serves six. Any color scheme desired may be car ried out with rump drops as tney afford a variety of colors. Cheesed Rice 1 caps rice S cape boiling waver V4 teaspoon salt 1 lb. diced cheese 2 eapa tomatoea or jaiee 1 madiam sixes onion, nuaesa Cook rice in boiling water with salt In a double boiler until all kernels are done, about 40 min utes. Grease a casserole or bak ing dish with butter or shorten ing. Place a layer of cooked rice. then a little onion, then a layer of diced cheese and repeat until all rice and cheese are used. Add a slight pinch of salt to the top layer and then add the tomatoes or juice as you prefer. Bake Is ove- 324 to 350 degrees about 20 minutes. The tomatoes must' be cooked through the r 1 e and cheese well melted. This serves six generous helpings. Mrs. J. E. Cannon 172S Broadway a Rice Tamaies 8 large cabbage leaves 1 eap ssaasge 1 eap eold boiled rieo 1 large caa tomatoes pinch of pepper teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sagas 4 tablespoons corn anal Pour boilinr water over eJ- bage leaves to wilt' them. Make a paste of. the corn meal and a little cold water. Lino each cab bage leaf with this mixture. Mix the sausage and rice and put 3& cup in each leaf of cabbage. Roll up and tie with string. Boil In to matoes seasoned with sugar and salt, until done, about hour. This recipe serves eight. Rice tamaies are excellent served as a main luncheon ' dish with bread and butter and any tart fruit. Mrs. Leta Cose!, Amity, Ore. r A i N i R v ISm sure that Wadhams tr.A ffnAat nhrafnatil with It In every be cheerfully refunded. Month . way , m I f? " I aW- I (if -"tLf-cyf- MM DsL 3 ff if sWf1 , 11