;1S The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, February 24. 1935 PAGE ELEVEN For Quick Res ulfts at Lou);; CosUse Classified :Ads aW - Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 " Classified Advertising ' Single Insertion per line .,10c Three Insertions per line .20e Six Insertions per line ....3 Oe One month per line .f Mlnlmam charge ....... .25c Copy tor this pace accepted until :30 the erenlng before publication ; for classification. Copy received after this time will be ran under the heading Too Late to Classify. - The Statesman assumes no financial responsibility for er rors which may appear In ad vertisements published In Its columns, and In cases where this paper Is at fanlt will re print that part of an adver tisement la , which the typo graphical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objectionable advertising. It further reserves the right to classify all adver tising under the proper classi fication. HELP WANTED Hnltritora for cleaning.. Guarantee ana commission. Give age and ref- Box 365, Statesman. HELP WANTED MALE Want man and wife to work on dairy ranch. Wages, also house, fuel. milk, eggs furnished. Box 363, states- HELP WANTED FEMALE I Girl, 'or general housework. Refer encea. Box 31, care Statesman. ADDRESSING-Mailing Circulars, at bom for Mail Dealers. 'Earn $15 weakly. - Experience unnecessary, Stamp brings particulars. WILSON " CO., Tuscon, Ariz. Address Envelopes at home, spare- tuns: $5 to $15 weekly. Experience unnecessary Dignified work. Send stamp for particulars. HAWKINS. Dept 18, Box 75, Hammond, Ind. Twelve ladles wanted Immediately to demonstrate actual samples Snag- Proofed Hosiery to friends. Up to . $22 weekly without canvassing. Sam ples FREE. Send hose size. Ameri can Hosiery Mills, Dept 67105, In- . dianapolis. ADDRESS envelopes for advertslers. Earn $15 weekly. Experience' unnec essary. Stamp brings details. Hercules System, Box Z 8 7, Detroit Uirii. SPECIAL, EMPLOYMENT for mar ried women. $15 weekly : and your .-.own dresses FREE representing na tionally known Fashion Frocks. No . convasslng. No investment- Rend r dress size. Fashion Frocks, Dept. lAdy to help with hdusewrk and care of convalescent ' TeL 44F14. lAdles, cory names, addresses, for man order firms. Good pay:- Exper ience unnecessary, no canvasslnc. . Write : stamped envelope. United Ad-yertisln- 1114 DeKalb avenue. Brook lyn. N. Y. SALESMEN WANTED JTA?riS,i lrT?L.pl. d sewing Com. -basis, must have car and be a. I 1UM ucarej. w. ,iv, oib ouw WANTED: Man to start in business selling widely-known products to sat- , tsfied consumers. Complete line. Larg est company: established 1S89. BHi EARNINGS. No capital or experience ' needed. Write - for. free - -particulars. - Rawlelgh's, Box ORB-187-1. Oakland, Call- Sell Nothing! $95.00 weeklv Empty I banded. $500,000 punchboard firm an- I . Bounces new plan. No Investment for anvone. Amaxlng FRKK samnle or- 'fer. - K. S. Sales. 800 So.- Kohler, Los Ancreles. SITUATIONS WANTED Stenographer, statistical and general I fflc experience ; can meet public ; tactful. ' Box t !. Oretron Statesman. . .FOR SALE Miscellaneons Old papers 10c Per bandl. States - man rrc. Peach Trees SPECIALAM kind. f frutt and n mna , nut vera r ruiriana rvurserv snies- 'yard, 840 Center St A. J.MathIs, prop. . . M I . . , . . . . . . TeL 3820 Spring wheat new harness, collars. ; norsea, rows. TeL 5o. Elroy Nash. t Kay. oats and vetch, clover, wild , oats, Mrs. Wright 4 H-mL Wallace Rd. , Baled bay and straw. 67F3. FOR 8LE Kanota seed Frank B. Windsor, Tel. 7F22. oats. : Fresh milk goats, and used berry wire. r. 4, Bx. 302, Saienv . Dirt for sal cheap, TeL 4527. 1 FOR SALE 1923 Oldsmobll Se- .Jan. In good shape, and upright piano. make us. hier-Chase. Tel. S34i. - V Sis8MsfeSMssBa1SaSkaMsBM Pups for sale. -, Reasonable. 1719 N. 17 tn. xei. Hot Point Electric Range, with ln- ' clnerator attached ; - also aa S-piec - antiqn oak dining set; 507 N. 19th, - Dining Table, a dandy, cheap : Mr. r Reed. 109 . So. Commercial, upstairs. , Sunday: V THE SWAFAREE, 474 Comi . St. Sa Urn's' new and used furniture 1 store, buys, sens ana swaps xor every- . TRADE MLscellaneous Will trad fornirnT for used Ford - roadster or coupe.-1L L, Stiff Furn. Co. m'. . -Interior decorating. Tiffany. tex tar, kalsomlnlng. painting. First class work, references. Exchanged tor any- thing or value, need. Tel. 470. Pedigreed wire hair pupa, trad for v wood or wnati Tel. nrzi. -v J Used automobile to trade for equity i tn small ranch or acreage close to ''. Psletw. Lambeth, Ph. 9400. - pS9BBBBB9asS8BBBBsB i WANTED Bliscellaneorjj ; . -WANTHTTWlmit. 'riltMr meata ilnr ouantirv. anr time. Stat a Cafe - ' teria. - 5 m. . ,.,wiwirfwwMwMMrf W A WTITI TTk In w an, VtarrWI :;1tocks and Rhode Island Rsdav . TeL -7 Want to buy light weight -drag saw. TeL 4160 ; 345 "ir' st '-. ' CASH or Trad for your used furnt-1 rure. Ranges, beaters, tools, farm uv .' rhlntr. . nrawlcal instruments, or what bare you 7 Pbone 5-1-1-0. F. N. Wood tft Auct!oBr-t.issassiiflk. MISCELLANEOUS Fto We pick up dead and worth ies horses, cows. -sheen, TeL 4849. Haircut t&o-lte. r 80S a WtoUr. Saw roosti-wav-i Salem Saw Shoo. Four Corners, fea Road. TeL 4380. Prune wood FREB for trimming and burning brush, 148 & High. TeL S1SS. - I, , , u-m-i r- j'ijxi'XOj'xi'VunjuLjLf GOVERNMENT; JOBS. Start 1105- $175 month . Men-women. 18-50. Qual ify now for coming; Salem . examina tions. :. Short hours steady position Common education usually sufficient Za coached tree. Full particulars- Hst positions FREE.. Write today. Franklin Institute. Dept. 878T, Ro chester, N. Y. (Established 1805). FOR RENT ROOMS Room with kltehenete. TeL 4418. ROOM AND BOARD. Board, rm. Very close In. TeL 5 4 St. Room, board, table board, blk. cap ital bids. 860 Chemeketa. TeL 8394. : RmH board, 405 Marion. TeL 4445, Board, with room. Reasonable: J 32 IN. Church. TeL 4375. Board and room with garage. 84.50 wlc; 10S0 & Com'L . FOR RENT APARTMENTS 3 rm, apt- funx, 250 S. Cottaff. J-rm. front corner, furn. apt. Frigld- aire, garage. Close in, 830. TeL 8754.. 8 room furn. apt. 312 -mo. Light water.-412 N. 21st St. Small furn. apt. 590 Union. - , - -- i iMii"iirTrM'vvrirvi.njxrtfi 5 and 3 room apartments: heat hst and cold water, electric ranges, etc Will rent separately or the entire building. Suitable for subletting or ia. MiAm ! kMtl.. V...... U ner Commercial and Marlon. TeL'8884 or 4 5Z3. 'i 2 It furn. apt : TeL 6825.: 2 rm. furn. apt New finish, at 680 N. Liberty. TeL 4494 Single apt, clean, warm. 845 Ferry. Rent 3 room Apt, Furnished. Bath. garage; 1250 N. Winter, owner. ' FOR RENT HOUSES HauseForknewi85S N Capitol Houses. Grant 29 Court Ph. 6584. - 'WvVYYVV'irviAnnj-i Large bouse, near schools. TeL 7249. Voorns? 1865 1 Trade; Tel 0095?" Fine, large home. 691 Union. - " " - "" - - - "ii-ii'i-r-hvKnnt. FOR RENT 7 -room furn. modern home. TeL 7200. i . - -- -- '----- --,--,-r-wvxriruij-i.mru Ttew one rm. furn. house.' 8840. '-..--- t i-,-.--ir.innnn i Furn. 2-R. H. 430 Water, $15. Adults. For rent $15, bouse : f R. Base ment .. . Furnished, $35, was $45, mod. S R. Furn. 3 R. Apt., $15, light and water. Furn. lartre R. lleht housekeeninB- $12 r water, lights; Furnace heat' and gas free. . Also 5 R. duplex fursw for $12.50. For rentals see Louis Bechtel, 341 State St ' ... 7 room house. , some fumlrnr. ISO including lights and water: 790 N. f'onVI. - - - FOR RENT Houses, acreage t 808 First NatT. Machines for renUiH U SUff Furni- nr CO. Good pianos fori rent Hwmontf.lv. H. L. Stiff Furniture . , iiOBTliai Deas ana wneelchalra fnr I rv it r. cntr tv. i. Z I 50 acres near Aumsville. 375 ih P. H. Bell, 425 Orffon Bl1ar. Tel. 8121. crT CATC DC AT POT n I -- a-u iwiaiii I -- -- -- -- -- - -i'i-i'nv,vinfAA. BARGAIN Well built' 7 room home. clos to business district Price $4500. Will ac cept smaller place: for equity above 9 ZdUV. CHILDS MILLER. Realtors 344 State- Street t TeL 6708 i .-yl, nnnrtiifinr - - $H0O 5 room plastered house In ex- cellent condition bath, garage, school, $250 paving, close to down. ' $1800 Good 5 room home, well 'lo cated .bath, garage, corner lot, paving pd. : $300 down, bat $30 per mo. without Interest MELVIN JOHNSON 725 Court St It. TeL 3723 svvu.vv iiere is a weii-miilt house Vi l . w.r , - . . f ,,.. "i I i?rae furnace fireplace mJ 1 .- K. . u vol., a UUIU :.UU 1& JHIUI 1 1 1 1 W tm I , garaee. 822o8.eo a living room with a .iwiich, i una x oea room downstairs, np. Full basement iumace, iireoiace. tuna garage. $2150.00 Here Is a nice home To- , cated on a corner lot on Miller street it nas a living room, kitchen, nook, 3 bedrooms and bath. Full basement ann rurnace: n each case the navlnr Is imIA tn full and taxes to date. We will mil with a payment down and owl terms 1 on the balance at NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO BUT. - .- . P. H. BELL. 425 Oregon Bldg. - . Telephone 8121. , 80 nic acres. SS acres In cultiva tion, bottom land, balance rolling pas ture, running water, on market road. fair buildings. Prtoe $2300. 18 acres on Pacific hlway, north, livable bufldingn. land all In crop. A bargain at $40001: Wilt exchange for saiem or Portland " residence snrwind $2000. BaL Fed. loaa'. See Geo. Vlck. Strletlv modern 8-room bona, bom loan $3000, payable! $13 month. .Will sen equity for iBSO; . - 6 acres close to Ra1m. with' smalt bouse, mortgage $800. Trade for small cheap nouse. :! i - - .3 nice lots, trade; for Salem boose and csh rttfferewo. - - . - , S. M. F A RLE GEO. F. VTCK f08 North High i i Tel. 9678 speclitTbTomebargaiTT $4000 Good late built modern 7 room bom located m Northeast Salem, oak floors, tile drain board. ar- at 8 Int IT'S A REAL VALUE anil wfll etanA InvMtlmtton. $350 Modern fiva room borne,' oak xioors, tu arain Doara. tnis prop- tra nic yard, east front rood lo - cation. $1150 cash, baL terms. $146 Good 4x room plastered home style, fireplace, rarage, paved n bus line, $225 down, baL e nwv vl . Knr at on $16 per roo. $1100 All cash, good 4 room plas- tacCa' NortSale ii aii even - wiu wry - inis rrv room plastered I home with attic basement located at 191 Ross- moat st, w. Eaiem. 5 . 1 31200 All cash, rood modern. 4 room 1 - home -with full cement basement I - furnace.. gargnv located at, 1254 I s Thlril St- W. Salem. "-: - . I $7500 Very attracitlv modern ; atx worn hm. batdwood floors.' tfle v roof. WONDERFUL CREEK LOT. X '' dandy location, tn a class br Itself. . reasons hi terma " IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. SEE THIS HOME : - BEFORE TOtJi "BUY. " - - SEE US FOR BARGATNH 1 - W. H. GRABENHORST CO. - REALTORS. 134 8. Lfberty St 4 i FOR SALE REAL ESTATE TODAY'S SPECIAL, Good room house and 7 nice Iota. well located in East Salem, large barn. I shade 4k fruit trees, street pared and I paid. Owner demands Immediate sale. Priced accordingly at only ft 000 with 8500-down,. baL easy terms. BKH Mrs. uis wun CHILD 3 4V MILLER,' Realtors 344 Stat; Street TeL 8708. CITY CONVENIENCES AND COUNTRY PRIVILEGES ! I acres of rood Una 1 mile out on paved road. 4 room cottage, electric lights, good plumbing, drilled well and water system, garage ana wooasneo. Price only 83600. part terms. . CHILDS MII.I.F.K, Keauors 844 Stats St TeL 8708. FOR SALE - 20 -acre tract 6 miles cast of Salem. I seu of buildings. W. Q. KRCEQER 147 N. Com'L TeL 4718. REAL ESTATE 833 acre stock farm. 100 coats. SO V. A .. . K mt)a. Miul J building. Price 15000.00. 120 acres six miles from Salem, 70 acres cultivated, no - building. This Is snap at 525.00 per acre. miDKlNS ADAMS TeL 0494 275 State SL -Houses At About Halt Price ' Dandy 5-R. strictly modern. North Salem, dandy location, f 3150 3850 down. Strictly modern tnewj- -. house, double garage, sightly place for 31090, 11000 down.. Danor irairmount am noma, s-n. strictly modern ; reduced for Quick sale only $3150 3900 down. If you want a nice up-to-aata nome. ioob MVM- STCF JAS. D. SEARS or G. W. JOHNSON 132 8. High St X BEAVERDAM Sale Tracts and farms. Oregon Land Co., Woodburn, s A. bldg site 1-3 nu. of saiem on ttaved road. H A. bldg. site on bus line south. $350. 5 A. 2 mL from Salem, 6 room bouse, barn, chicken bouse, some fruit. on paved road, szooo. $ A. 15 mL from Salem, mL to school, 4 a, orchard, running wa ter, 4 a. timber; good soil, 8 room house, electric lights; SJOUO Trad for small acreage. (5 A. 1 ml. from Woodburn on paved road, . 7 room nouse, bath, lights. other bidga, fenced, all in culti vatlon, $8250. MELVIN JOHNSON 725 Court St TeL 3723 $800 4 rm. mod. home, N. Salem. Terms. $1260 3 rms., nook, garage, large lot, paving paid: iieo down. $1800 5 nn. plastered house, base ment pavement paid. Terms. $1900 cash 5 rm. mod. bouse, has ex cellent renter at $20 mo. Good in' vestment . $4100 1 A., mod country borne near ly new, basement fireplace, for- f nace, hardwood floors, eleo. water oyatem. paveo ronn. R. A. FORKNER 1853 N. Capitol . TeL 2031 5 A., small garage.' house. 20 young i ' walnuts, 40 cherries, paved road. 2H miles out Price $1250. $500 down,- 5 A.. 24 miles out 5 rm. -Ensr. tvpe home, Pies, water svstem, $2250. R. A. FORKNER 1853 N. Capitol Tel. 2031 - A-l SOTL 5 ACRES Close to city, splendid location on 2 roads, berlnsr walnuts Knd cherTles. other family fruit-, some timber. 2 good wells OVT.Y 81250. 7 ACRES TNE TXT4TTOV AT JUNCTION 2 HIGHWAYS AH fenced, about acre HmVr. n e bearing walnut, close In : $1500. Will e1? 4 pres t 81n50. 18 ACRE55 PACTFIC HIWAT , . 7-room home with bath, small b"Ti, nmrp, pressure water system ; 32500, terma POCOT.fl'CfSKY f- PON 1st Nan.Bink Bldff ,. EXCHANGE Real Estate Wanted filling station or business "c"..t" 'ilu1 f?.?fB" in exchange for a fine little farm of 60 '.i".'T' leu ucr T -cMnr hi pRnimnnniv nrr t . n.cn . . r-. ' ni mr.iit, uinu 423 Court St 10 A 3 M. Salem. - Modern house. good location, best of berry and fruit land, store room : also, clear house ,n soo town. Trade either or both for residence In Salem. Cash to Buy House H. C. SHIELDS Orturoq Tldg. Tel. H902 FOR SALE FARMS ii i i n -innn nAfvwiji MY WHAT A PLACE Only $2500 160 A. stock ranch, one yon can make money on. 81700 down. KaL red. loan. 4-R. house. large hlo roor Darn, running water, on paved ; road. You. can't go wrong on this ! place. ANOTHER 16 A. SNAP 8-Acres in young hops, 4-A. timber and pasture, family orchard. Ail A-l soiL 4-R. house, dandy -barn, large poultry house, hog house, good road. only siooo take some trade. DANDY CLOSE IN 5-ACRES - T. 1 m n , A. I . t . - M I . tranui v-n. uihbi. uuun iia. vnv a . . a f 1 . . . 1 . , . . I uuui-iii aiicnen, gooa weu, ugnui I and water system? 2-A. bearing , fll- berts, family orchard. Only 3-mlles out; price reduced to 13600 11700 down. Better hurry and buy that ranch. You will be sorry if you don't BKB JAS. D. SEARS or G. W. JOHNSON 133 & High St TeL 9629. FIFTY ACRE SNAP Located 13 miles north - of Salem. about 80 acres, plow land, balance pas tor and timber, good all year stream, fin spring, old buildings, located on good - market road. - Price $50 per acre casn. , see, -" W. H. GRABENHORST A Ca '134 a Liberty St . ; LOOK Parma almost riven away : 60 A., all. plow land, running water. aQ fenced woven wire ; bldgs. poor. Choice 16 A. farm 7 'miles oat run ning water, best of son, paid $4100, xorcea to seu.-take 11 2 bo, nail cash. rlOS A mostly fine timber, less than 8 miles Dallas, owned by widow, at z per acre. Timber will more than nay tor Place. 141 acres, real farm, rich silt sandy loam soil ,ntt better soil to be found. Two acta of bldgs. Priced at half val ue. 815.000. 11 if a farm, 1 BECHTEL. 341 State. . ' 109 acre east of town, fan proved. 68- acres cultivated, family fruit close to scnooi. Tice soo. very easy terms. ;: - C M .DollarMd - WTLLAMETTB LAND CO. 433 Court St. ACREAGE I " ? --" pavlnav miles: 38 fn I bat pasture, creek, good g R. J bse, barn. $4500. Tak. small, clear I 'arm .to $3500 BaL 6. I I C J. JACKSON ,; I. 841 State Ft. 1 WANTED ACREAGE We- have a cash buyer for f to 38 acres 1 proven. - C. M. DoTlarhld - WTLLAMETTB LAND CO. 1 '' 439 Court St. MONEY TO LOAN mmm t ............ ..-1--)nnnar -L- J, njn mof r a a-70 riiroi ioans o ' Plenty f money for weTl tnmmt farms If amply secured. Improve r wr now wit n eneap moaey. ask for Dossier -wiuamett valley Farms. wtjtai agq ao&erts, lag, MONEY TO LOAN Automobile and ; Chattel Loans , ' 1 to 30 months to repay at lowest pos sible rates GENERAL. FINANCE CORP. ' A local corporation 1st NatX Bank Bldg. Pbons 1553 XJcensea by Slate t - UNSECURED LOANS - - i State Loan Co. J ; V 111 Oregon Bldg. TeL 7783 Lie St 8-1$ 5. COMPLETE SERVICE ON LOANS UP TO 1300 LOOK WHAT YOU GET 1 - 1. CASH within 48 bours. 2. Choice of 4 Loan Plana, 8. Liberal terms, 1 to 20 mo. to repay. 4. Promptness. . Courtesy. . Privacy. Beneficial Loan t Society of Salem Member of NRA. . Room 119. New Bllgh Bldg. tad floor UUUiSD NOl S-1Z3 H 1S tXT - . STATE 818 State St . TeL 87 I Loans Mad In Nearby Towns AUTO LOANS CARS HBriNANCID Easy Terms Invest tgmte WILLAMETTE LOAN CO. M-169 105 Guardian Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN en 8aJera. resi dence property. Small monthly pay ments. Competitive ratea Salem Fed eral savings Loaa Association. 403 State St TeL 4109. - MONEY TO LOAN on city, farm or acreage properties. Must be best of se curity. Good terms, low costs. , CHILDS A MILLER. Mtga. Loans 344 State St TeL 0703. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY BABY chicks, baby pullets, baby cockerel a Custom batching, custom sexlng. Ph. 13SP3, Lee's Hatchery. Baby .chicks each week beainnlnr March 11. custom hatching. Wariaer Hatchery, 546 Highland Ave. TeL 5665.- - - - " - -ri-iVwyKvuyinruif Cow for sale. Will freshen Carl Clymer, Sublimity. . soon. Fresh cow. gives 4 gallons; With calf, $35; 691 N. Hftrh. - FOR SALE WOOD -L---.-. y ionisrurunjniinn GUARANTEED DRY wood oaL TeL 5000, Salem Fuel Co. Trad -Cottage. - Dry old fir. 2nd. growth wood, screened hog fueL Fred E. Wells. Dry wood. TeL 8264. ------------- - -- nrn'i nn n n n n nsjiiftrf Fresh sawdust 1497 N. 6th oven. - -- -- " . - -i-,-ii-innnn.n.nj 16 In. old nr. $5. 4 ft dry 2nd growth Cd. lots 84 Cd. 4 ft. aah 24.7 TaL 9785. - i -- -- -- -. -i n-ii-m iinortfl Dry planer and slab wood. Pmant nellvery. TeL 3986. : ' - i"i-"srJvnriirjrruTJO Dry wood. 1$ In, $4.00. Dial 4084. -M-i-i-i-i-- - - -r i irisrutrTinj8trfi Old fir. nearly dry. 35.50. Phone 187F3. Dry old fir, $5.50. Tel. 7860. WOOD SAWING Wood sawing reasonable. Call 8390. PERSONAL s-e-i-i- rvi nrruuusrifi SUCCESSFUL LIVING ; Is knowing what it Is you want and how to get it Talk with Mr. Com mlngs, metaphysician; he will help you. Day or night Senator HoteL - - .-.-.-.i-.-w -wwyvn.-LT Learn the new 1935 Culbertson con tract bridge. Classes by appointment Call Mrs. Max Gunter, 3634. Culbert son ceruuea teacner. v ------ - -- -- -- -iVi-iWMV-ifWWUl Aunt L: Never mind loan. Fred's teetn may not need straightening. Doc tor tninas wngieys Spearmint Qum 6 to 10 minutes after meals dailv will give enough exercise to help expand jaw normauy. roily. Stomach ulcer, gas pains, and lndX gestion victims, why suffer? For quick relief get a free sample of Udga xasieis, a doctors prescription, at Capital Drug Store, Perry's Drug store. -------------- i-i-iviyvwyimnmm I will not be responsible for hit "in" coniractea oy anyone except by mynriL. -resxon weekly. - FOR SALE USED CARS State Motors, Inc. at 525 Chemekata 35 Hudson Standard Sedan Demon strator. -33 Commander Regal Sedan. ' 84 Stndebaker DeLuxe Sedan. 99 rocxara sedan. 39 Packard Club Sedan. SO Packard Club Sedan. 31 Stndebaker. Commander 3-pas. Cpa. v xveo oeuan. 31 Chevrolet Sedan. 31 Studebaker Coupe. S3 Ford Standard Coup. 31 Studebaker Sedan. 39 Studebaker Commander 8 Sedan, 30 Chevrolet Coach. 30 Essex Sedan. 29 Ford Tudor Sedan. 28 Ford Roadster. 24 Hudson Speedster. ' 27 Chevrolet-Coupe. ' ' i 34 Maxwell Touring. STATE MOTORS. INC. Hudson - Studebaker - Packard , Dealers Open Evenings and Sundays ! Good Used Trucks 1933 Ford L. W. B. with body 8425.90 1981 International L. W. B 1-toa i $71.00 International 8. F. 40 with body 600.00 Morland 3-ton, L. W. B. 3-ton 398.00 Reo 2-trm. L. W. B. - 686.00 Dodge G-Boy with body . 126.00 Dodg 3-ton with body A hoist 400.00 1934 DOdg K-46 I W. BL, 3-ton noo.00 James H. Maden Co. Trad Terms Accented 333 a Commercial St TeL 3890 Valley Motor Co. "I'HJCI -fA3t9 ANT TRIICICS 1924 V-8 Ford tsts 19S4 V-t Ford' Coach ' 890 1934 V-f Ford DeLuxa Coop 898 1983 V-8 Ford DeLuxe Sedan 876 1988 V-t Ford Xtoach , 816 1933 V-t Ford DeLuxe Coop 648 1933 V-t Ford Cp.. fao. motor . 640 1911 v-s Ford Coach 439 1933 V-t Ford Coup 436 133 V-t Ford DeLuxe Cdhpe 440 1930 Model A 8t.Coun 376 1929 Model A Coach 188 2938 Chevrolet Master Sedan 176 1933 Chevrolet Coach , . 435 1931 Chevrolet Coach 348 1933 Plymouth Sedan 675 1933 Plymouth Spt Coup 646 1926 Packard 8edan , . , , 178 1929 Duraht Sedan 140 1926- Lincoln Phaeton . 1X6 1928 Chevrolet Coup ..' - 160 1928 Chevrolet Coach 171 Trucks and Pickups 1934 V-t Fbrd Pickuo : 847t 1939 Model A Open cab pickup 159 1929 Model A Panel 175 1932 Model B Ford long W. B. 400 ll Moca A Ford, Long W. B. - 835 1929 Mod. A-Ford. 8. W. B. Duals 150 1999 Dodg Long Wheel baa 276 1938 Chevrolet Long W, B. 600 1930 Chevrolet Short W. B. 150 1533 CMC Long W. a 400 Marlon end Liberty ppa Sijnaayf , , Tl T910. FOR SALE USED CARS , McKay's. Used Cars Overland Sedan 48 . 75 . 95 . 325 -.345 . 395 . 385 . 335 . 365 . 445 495 . 660 . (50 27 Oakland Coach 27 Stude. Dictator Coup 29 Willys-Knight TOB Sedan 29 Chev. Coach. SO Studa Sedan 81 Chev. Canopy Delivery . 31 Ford Tudor Sedan 31 DeSoto Sedan 33 Chev. Coup DeLuxe 33 Chev. Coach 83 Chev. Town Sedans. 30 LaSalla Coup Trucks Dodge TVtlltrry $ 45 Model T. Fin rubber, ex, trana, . 4S Reo Speed wagon 125 21 Ford L. W. B. 32x6 10-plya 385 31 Cher. L, W. B. "' 385 S3 Chev. & W. B. 32x8 10-plya 435 Also GMC-Moreland-Re TERMS - - TRADES Open Evenings and Sundays McKay Chevrolet Co. 333 Center . : f 430 V. Com'L Telephone 3189 . Model T Coach, $18.60: 580 Center. Don't Waste Your Tim Or Money "CM Shrock To Buy Or Sen Tour Car ' 143 Chemeketa St ; TeL 1538. Twenty-five used ears la the popular make. In all tb body troe. at spe cial prices during the remalndar of this month. . BORREGOS BETTER BUYS 1930 DeSoto Sedan f" 1929 Chev. Coach - - 326 1928 Bulck Coup 826 1928 Chrysler. SS Coup 196 1928 Chev. Coach 176 1 1929 Ford Roadster 146 iszT Ltoagm pc noaaiter - , ,, iz 192$ Cher. Sedan 86 1927 Ford Roadster 35 All of the above cars have been thoroughly , reconditioned and carry our regular sv-oay guarantee. . BORREGOS CAR MARKET 340 N. Liberty St TeL 3683. Bonesteele Bros. . USED CARS 34 Dodg Deluxe Sedan, xtra trunk- $765.00 33 Dodge Sedan, nic shape 645.00 33 Chevrolet Coupe, only 25,- 000 mi. 625.00 33 Ford V-3 Coupe, new paint 440.00 30 Essex Coach, a real bargain 195.00 SO Ford A, 2 -door, new paint , 2 85.00 80 Ford A Roadster, R-seat 245.00 28 Dodge Cabriolet new paint 125.00 26 Hup 8 Sedan, new paint . 125.00 26 Bulck Sedan . . 196.00 . Dozen cars $25.00 to 100.00 . . Be our used car lot for used trucks $100.00 to - 450.00 Bonesteele Brothers, Inc. Open Evenings TeL 4444; WANTED 2 9 or '30 Model A Ford. 1319 S. 13th. Radio Program KQW FOBTXJUTO 620 Kc Snaday 8:00 Tidbits. KBC 8 :05 Wslberg Brown string ' qnartet, - KBa - 0:30 Sadie City' concert, KBC s:l 441 JUng. piaaUt. . 4:00 Hartaa Mears, h'Ba 1:80 One Kaa's FaaUly, KBC. v:u tmi rreutyterua chare a sing. . era. 10:15 Bridge t Dretmlaad, KBC 11:00 Press Bsdlo Kevs, NBC. xt:oa-xs tsai Taoana orcbeitra, JiBO. jaonaay T:15 Holmu Sisters, KBC T:SO Ronald Buck, plsaUt. 8:00 U.'S. navy bsad, KBC 9:30 Zdaa se Jacks, pisaist. 10:00 Olymplaaa -10:05 Maiical grab bag. KBC 11:30 Eddie King, pianist. 12 :ou uienn naeuey aaa ciarenes TI 13:45 Abe Bercevita, Viollniit. s:oo uoneert trio. 4:15 Oriental Gardens. 4:30 Sasi Gordon. Kibitser. 4:45 Moris sisters, KBC 8:00 Flirtations, KBC 8:00 Ames 'a' Andy. KBC 10:15 Bine MeenUgat. KBO. 10 :45 Committee ef foar, KBC" 10 :S5 Press Radio News, KBC ' 11 n0 Ambassador Betel orcceitrs. KBC 11;30-J? Mana Bros. orckettra, KBO. KEX POBTLAlTD 1180 X S. Sunday SOO Sacred mnsie. S:15 Popnlar concert. S s45 Portland council eaarehes. 9:15 Christma Kadeavor LTnioa. 10:30 Matfonal Tooth conference, KBO. 11 :Ou Oeorce Olsen's orchestra. l-!rt)5 Boy Scent Woo. II :S0 orcBestra. 1 12:45 Dance rnjrth - 3 :00 Synagogae f ta sir. 9:80 Past K.-HUBl nsoa. 4:45 Orchestra. 1 9:00 Dance rhythms. 9:15 -Odd naagbers. r 9:80 Book east. , 10:00 Kev d tee taaes..-11:00-12 Daaee f nolle. - - lCeaaay S:30 The reveille bean, -8:15 Bands on parade. . 8:80 Populsr concert. - 10:02 Ronald Buck. 10:15 Maaietl grab-bag. KBC 10:35 Ted rie Bita's arcaestra, ai:00-4rstar trails. - ) . 11:46 Richard Maxwell, KBC 13 :0O -Edaa llsehar. KBC 13 :15 .Western farm aalHom boas, ABU. ! 1:00 Terom raaeaeea. 1:80 riasacial and graia rsport. 1:85 Operstl gems. 1:45 Better -sslis talk. S:1S Mickey Gillette's ercksstra, KBO. :oo meaaiy ess. 4:80 Bos Arts trie. KBC 8:15 Hawaiian Sereaaders. . 8:80 -Bon Berole's erekestra. 9:80 Wrestling beats. 10:80 New aaaee tones. . Hoaday . iOO Hasa Icanamlea Observer. 10:00 Msnde Pratt Lewis. dramatis reader. , 13:00 Koon farm War. -1:00 -KOAO school ef the air. t:15 Otsgea llteratar. 8:00 He makers' half Bear. 4:00 Oa ta emaweaes. . 4:30 ste s far br an airla. 8:00 Opera starUs - 'Rsymoa . , "Paegktsr X to agu-a--. Gard eners tn R encners PORTLAND, Or Teh. tl.-P -Prices remained : umc-a-red at today's sesslan. of; the farmers and ranchers' early markst. Bolaaek Oranre box. 81.35-L48. : Caifsl Kew. asa .taaeaea, 30 38. , Bests - Ps a a-scaea, - SO-soay , ' Parsley" Pes baacaea. JS. Tarais - Posea baaehe. SO-60. , Kntebagas Oral, 88-45. - . . Wlater xadlabes Doisa baachea. t0 - Lsttass Wertkwest, srste, 65e-l. - riahhaea .Par Crate. Sl0-1.80. Caalif-r Lssal, Ka. 1. fLUt X 3, $1 ants. - -i ' . : 7 Celery Crst. tl0. 1 Oreea Onions Dssea baaekea, 88-80, Brassels Sprasts Crate. IS. Dry Oaloas Oretwa. M. 3a, 3-lS. Co ry Hearts Bess kaaes, 81-33. Apples Jamb! paok, boa, 80-83. , BreeesK Ps lag. 65-. Business Directory fjardi 8 In t Is directory rnm on a month Ijr basis only. Eate: $140 per lino per month. ' AUTO BRAKES Mfks Panek. 276 South CommcrclaL BUILDING Expert bu tiding, repairing, remodeling. Can at Koom I, Arlington Motel. BRUSHES Fuller Brusnea TeL Proudflt. 7588. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. R. E. Northnesa. CllLRAPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT," PSCL Chiropractor. Z5f N. Hfgn. TeL KM. S7SJ. ' ELECTRICAL SERVICE ,gori3an,cl, r.Z i mmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi a FLORISTS Breltnaapra. fit Court. ALL kinds of floral work. Lota, Flor 1st. 1ITS ff. noerty. TeL s. KEYS We make key. Harry W. Scott. LAUNDRIES TBTB NEW 8ALEM LATJNDRT THE WE1DEB LAUNDRT 363 & High TeL 9126 CAPITAL CITY LATJNDRT - S-. af..iae- . . ft 3 - - T1epbtM 1165 1 " 1K4 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharper repaired and tradei-Ph. MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4068 SALEM. FLUFF-RUO and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS mad to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, sis' Ing; fluff rug weaving. 8. 13th A Wll bur. TeL S44L OTTO r. ZWlCKER.and provisions at 2 cents to 7 Est. Hit MUSIC STORES QEO. C WILL Pianos, radio, sawing machtnea, sheet muslo and piano stud i a. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines, 433 State Street, Salem. NATUROPATHS Dr. Putnam HalL 611 & Commercial. Tel. 0. ' PHOTO ENGRAVERS Salem photo engraving. 14T N. Com-' tnerciai. TeL 6887 PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pampb lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, can Tne statesman rrmung Department. 815 S. Commercial. Tale- phoneJ RADIO SERVICE Perdue'a TeL 3146667 Court. With Vlbbert Todd. Moore' Tel 7983495 N. Hlglt STOVES repair stoves, ranges, circulators. Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and circulators, stock fence, posts, ctilckan wire, Salem Fence and Btov woraa. 363 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. - R. B. Fleming. SWEDISH MASSAGE Dr. Ella Mclntyre. Swedish masseuse. nerve, muscle and Joint specialist. 413 N. Liberty. TeL lift. ' TRANSFER roR local or distant transfer atorag. call 3131. Larmer Transfer C. Tracks to Poruano aauy. CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 316 Stat St. TeL T77X. IHstribatln for warding and stmrag our apKlalty. OH our rate. WUlamett Valley Transfer. Portland hauling. TeL 8733. TRUCK SERVICE AshcraR. 878 Kins-wood. TeL 8380. WELL DRII-JNG It. A. Wast. R. 6. TeL llOrf. Monmouth L O. O. F. u- r!--j mr.. aaCOT UIO-U HKMWii Cht 91 ert Ores triplets, 17c; MONMOUTH. Fab. II. Charles Pool of Kogena, rrand master Of Odd FollO S, and ROT Stockton of anarldar, trand chap. lain, vara Honor sueaxa a am Monday night xaeeuag- nera una mm v . PAAla aililraMad tha , tTOUp. r Tn BOS ICOTlar SlCt r Uea- tra, vaased for tbo past low yeaxs, is - .Bderro-is baproTa- meats ieladlc a nrsr . concrete floor, a total avulac and plumb ing. Hopes ot the publle that the enterprise vLU be reestab lished teem to be maturing1.' Ross H. Nelsoa, irtanageT of the Isls theatro la Independence, la . the i owner ol this building. FLTJ ITJTS irCTTAlfA-- MEHAMJU rob, It-JL baby rW traa borm to Mr. and lira. Claxeneo Bass this morning at 4 o'clock. Xt has been named Donna Mario and is tho slzt- chnd la the - SoTcral trhole families- hare been afflicted with the preraning disease that seems to bo almUar to the flu. Families" stricken are the Gibson Johnson and Teeters faallr, ; w: EGGS DECLII DIE TO EflSTEflfJ THE! PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 23.-4P) I -All trades of egsjs declined one cent today at the Portland pro doca exchange. - '" Receipts were increasing, but. the weakness was mainly due to the two "cent break on Pacific coast eggs at New York to a 20 H cent top. - Patting the ' market down to a storage basis. Processed eggs were being ship ped from Portland east to be stored. ' . .. Batter was Terr- active at the session with prices unchanged. There continued liberal strength in the market for lire , chickens. Prices were held strong and espe cially tor the light and imedfum Leghorns which were extremely scarce. Turkeys were slow. Country killed calres continued firm, with practically unchanged prices for the weekend. Hogs i were about steady bat lambs were firm and there was an active call for beef. . , - Tbera waa littl call for old nn. l price, here and at 1 canntrr nnints wr weaker. Jnst now the problem appears less of price than of securing a demand. ARGENTINA CLAIMS IE CHlbAOO. ' Feb. 2.IVAeute weakness developed In corn prices today, largely as a result of pros pects the new corn crop in Argen tina wonld turn out to be huge. Cables to Chicago houses were reeeired from Rosarip, Argentina, that the first pickings showed new crop corn of good quality and yield excellent, Adding Impetus to I the downward trend of .the corn demand for corn to be used by in dustries. Corn closed unsteady at almost the day'a bottom level, 1 cent to 1 under Thursday's finish, May 84)4-, wheat off to up May 96T4-97, oats down. cents decline. Today closing quotations;, Wheat: May, 36T4-97; July, 91-; Sept. Corn: March, 87; May, 84- -; July. 80-; Sept., 7- Oats: May, 50; July, 43; Sept.. 41. General Market! PBODUOB EXOHANOB PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 23. (API- Produce ezehaaga, aet prices: iiatter: xtraa Vie: standards 80- Ht; prima firsts, 81 He; firsts, Sle. Eks: V. 8. specials. 21e: U. 8. ez- ) traa, 21e; C. 8. medium extras 20c. " Hatter 1st S5c poktzjuto inrr rsiozs POBTLAKD. Ore.. b. 23. (AP) Knts: Walnuts Oregon, to jobbers, F. O. B. delivery points:. Korpao grade. Franqaettea, large, 20c; fancy, 17e; med ium, 15ttc; soft abatt, large, lOe; fancy. lSe: median. Ice: Mayettor. Ursa 20a. Cascade grade: franqnettoa, largo, 17e; fancy. 1 6c ; soft shell, large. 16 Ue: taaey, 15c; Marettes, large. 17c filberts Urcgon. to jobbers. 1315a pound P. . B. delivery point. Portland Produce 1 POET LA VD. Ore, Pcb. 23. (API- Batter Printa. A grade. Si hit lb. ta parchment wrappers; S6c lb. la car tons; B grade parch eat- wrappers, S3He lb.; cartons,- 34 He , Butterfat PerUaad delivery, a grade, deliveries st least twice weekly, 85-80 lb.; eomatry rentes, 88-85 lb.; B grade delivery less than twice a week, 84-85 lb.: O grade at market. B grade crease Baring nnccs buttar- fa( baais. 65c lb. . - Iggs Bales . to retailers: Spec la 38cj extras. 33e; fresh extras, browns. x: siaaasras, aza,; ireaa saeaiams, aze; mediirm firsts, SO sWsen. Ices Baring - price ef wholcsalors: fraah specials. 32c: extras. 20c:. extra modi am. 19c: nudium flrsta. 17e: aadar grades, IBs doien. Coaatry moata Boiling arte to re tailors: - Cenntrr klUed begs, beat batch. era, aadar 150. Ib,. IS -14 lb.: veal- era, taaey, . lin -lSe la, : light sag tata, S-S lb.; keavy. 8-7e lb; cutter cows. I lb.;' eaaocra. 8-U lb.; balla, S-SH I tb.: lamb, faaey. . 14-15 !. SlBttM. S-T I. m 1 u;p'orlridiTr Is.yHThe ouestion apparently troub- lag least Colored boas. vr s9 ib 14-is ib. j a, - ua, iiswTbra waa the extent to which cor tb.; Lsghora fowla. ever 8 H iba. At- 14 .: aadar s lbs- is-is I.; rprisgs, 1 4 Ik, sad an. it-is la.; aa der4 Ibs 16-170 ib.; broilers, aadar 3 IbaC 17-18 I t rooster. 0 lb. I Pakia . dncks ya 14-16 Ib. Oaioas Ororoa. 83.50 cmUL MUkr Ceatrset rie A. Portlaad d- Bvery, 82.10 swt-; B grado ra, 87 lfc is. . - . Casear barkt Baying prlca, 1934 peeL 8 lb. nmm iaa fmiiM r , rh. . iui. im &is rib. ' leaf. 16. - Brokoxs will pay He below. Potato - Orocw Barbsaks. 85-00 ?" X.V.l? 1 50-ib. pr 1 Wool: 1934 ollp. aomlaalr luametU I 1 Orcgoa, 17-20 oatkara Idak ( ) 1 - - - ;v - I ayi oayiaar rnm m m wrai I AUalfa, K. 1. aew crop, fit; eastora fOrogea tlmtby. 91T-Q: . 818 toj I WUUaMtt valley tuaotky. SU tent c - rarusa. Tebrry 18 . ROCX AT JL6ZS (OoaoCsd by tag toeeUted Prosi) se is is - se lndaat. rails aUL stocks Today , ,., X1L8 .33.0 38.1 Prey. Say , S3.T l.l SS.S If oatk age 63.6 34.0 35.8 S9.S Tear ag -, ; -,- - SS-- SS.S 47.S 19SS aixk, 5t.S ..ST.0 .28.0 4LS 1936 lew (1.0 tU II I 17.1 1984 high .L4 . 43.0 40.S 814 1984 lew S4 23.S 34 S4 X fiV .1985 W. 1 . v . . . "Cl"-0 -Tla " '-.-,.';--..",..so-.- 10 lo it sail tads! u wtfL foreiga S4.S 95.0 X-88 3 70.1 -aar day 8.S : 96.0 08.S 79.1 ktootk g S0.9 ' S6.T 88.1 094 Tear ag 84.T 09 .S 1988 kigh 87.S 95.9 88.9 70.4 1938 low , Mt 98.9 84.S" 83.8 1934 big. 89.4 93.9 1 SS.t 70.0 U14 low 74.S 78.t. 66.1 90S Stoclcs and Bond JEoW 1913 fclf- 'i mm i s. Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 per.cene milk, co-op pool price f 1.73 pes' hundred. (stag base a semi - men ly antteriat sverage. ; , .. . Distributor price f-,10, ; A snide batterfat Deliv ered, 84c; ronte, 83c A grade printa, 84 He; B -fade, 88 He. rrlbes said rravara by Salesj fcayera Pebraary 38 (Tb srleea bole, eeewns b a laul rreeer. are ladi eativ ef U dally atarket, bat are aa guaranteed by The & maa.) rEurre (Bkria Prieal Craakerrles, k bbl. " A.S0 Grspefruit, Florid , IS t S.75 Urapefrait, Arlseaa 3.00 t t0 Oranges, KaveL fancy J.40 t 8.85 O.TS to 8.60 -- .05 voeiee Bananas, lb. ea stalk Heads -Lemons, fancy - .OS U.00 to 4.75 ..65 to 8.36 IJ9 L.A01C Umi fresh . Apples, bnshel 1.00 to USS I vK&ETABLa fBartaa Prieal Oaioa Beta. K. 1, lb .10 .00 Ke. a. lb. : Rhubarb. IS lbs. -5 to LSI Kew petotoea, Xleriaa Artiebokes. box L75 M 3 00 Radishes, dev. . .80- - 1.25 Caaliflewor. Calif. Cabbage. ewt local brees peppers, lb. Local onions, 60 lbs., Se. 1 K. 3. 50 lb. Lettae. CsUferaia Dry pick Salaifv. doaaa Snask. Hi board Sqsash. fcaaana lb. L'arrota, . uu aotea Local Potatoes He. 1. haadrad Ka. X bandred -0 . ,. -5 - .35 ' 1.85 ,0M Jl Takima. 60 lb. Ke. 1 Ka. 3. SO lbs. Sweet potatoea California peas - California - beans Tomatoes, hot boas, Ing . 1J5 8.60 us 8 as; as to 49: , -5 . .60 J9 J3 3.59 1.28 siexieaa, lag nibrts Walaats. lb. Tnrnlpa, dot. Eaoivaa, dox. , Italia broeeelt. log Beats, ' Calif, doxea , Celery, CaliL,. V crate Heart do no m (Baying Price) Clatters. 1034 lb top rojrles, 1934, top lb. . ... ,. 15, .nominal EGOS (Bsyiag Pries) Extras- 8Undarda IT .10 .15 Hedinms WOOL AKU MUMAIB Bayiag Pries) Mohair. 1034 dip market edinrn wool. 1934 ., ' .30 Coarse and tin wool. 1934 US POUI.TIM iBayisg Price) Heavy bent. 4H 5 lbs. Over 5 H poaads. Ik. , - Colored mediums, lb. afedism Legborns, lb. Light. Ib. Springers, lb. t'rjara, lb. 8taga. lb. Z- -4 US .05 .04 Boosters, lb. at CAT I Boring Pried Lambe, under 90 lbs. 8.00 5.50 T.50 ?8.25 Ovsr 90 lbs. Hogs, 130-160 lbs top. 170-210 lbs top 210-250 lbs, top Steers ' . 5.50 to 7 00 . 2.00 te 4.00 2.50 to S.50 , S.50 to 5.00 , 6.50 to 7.00 .11 Cowa Bulla Heifers VeaL top , Draasad veal, top DrasscC nogs .14 GRAIN AK1 HAT I Boring Price) Wheat, westers red .78 .79 .28.00 .83.00 .87.09 .22.00 White, No. 1 . ,i Barley, toed. No. t, to Halting, tea Oata,- milling, tea ' reed, ton Hay. buying prieea s. Clover bsy . . 9.09 . 9.00 .12.00 Oata aad vetch, tea Altai, valley Clover Boei Red, lb. .18 Alsika lb. NEW TORK, Feb. IJ.-tfrVRe- aetlonarr sentiment prevailed in Wall street today. Ralls and a number of leading -5 to 1.18 .20 - -vJOO ila 3.35 to S.7S 1 -36 to 1.75 40 .OS- .08 - 5 PRICE RSE WORRY TO STflCK DEALERS Industrials and specialties met. siseable offerings, and secondary railroad liens were a decidedly soft spot ' in the loans market. Government, and high grade cor porate, issues countered the trend. however, to show gains of size able fractions, and. the recently klcked-round utility equities were alio to hold their own or gala a little .round whfio the ueual lAadara war hainr sold." . t I Hng. many speculators ana mrest- poration profits might be suffer ing from rising wage and mater ial costs which mora than offset a stationary or ; moderately ' de creasing amount of business done Many leaders were off major fractions to 1 points or so. San ta Fe was a weak feature at 41- off 114. Others 1 to around I points lower each Included U. S. Steel Common at IX and the Preferred at 11 hi, Woolworth at 64, Allied Chemical at 1X. International Harr ester at 3Ct Union Pacifie at 98. Southern Pa cific at 14, 8ears Roebuck at S3, Chrysler. at 17 Bethlehem at- 28 'and Westinghouse at - TurnoTer was fairly brisk for a two-hour session at SIC.ltl shares. The Associated Press ave rage for, 10 stocks receded .7 of appoint at IIO. Both the rail and Industrial stocks used in the com pilation were, off nearly a point on the average, whUe tho utilities were about iieiu . Af - CASH BUYERS Butterfat and Eggs CrVPITOL DAIRIES FhosM 8173 EGGS and CREAM WANTED . Will Pay Ca ah MARION CREAMERY. & POULTRY CO. , r ( , m , , 1 -,