PACI2 EIGHT : r 1 . 1 " . . . ... . . - . .... . , . . . , : " . - . . ' IE3S peed. com HOLD OfJ THIRD PLACE SECURED Nine - Point Spree in Three - .Minutes; 2d Half. Thrills Crowd Northwest Conference Standing Team W. L. Prt. Whitman .. . . . .". i. . . 4 Pacific U. '.....'.;.'. 6 Willamette U. .... .4 College Paget Sound .4 Albany College .. . . . . 1 Llnfield College 0 College of Idaho . . . ". .0 0 1 3 4 6 2 3 1.000 -.857 .571 .500 .143 .000 .000 Scoring nine points in three . minutes the Willamette Bearcats swept . ahead of a rapid traveling College of Idaho basketball team . to win 31 to 23 last night in the fastest ' and " most exciting, court contest Willamette -has ;, played .this year. : . j . ; . . . : The win gave the Bearcats un disputed possession of third place in the Northwest conference standings, breaking P.a? tie wltii College of Puget Sound. It was . the Coyotes third loss in three conference starts. -""riS J ,s ... Until the last seven minutes of - the 'game the contest : was close ' with -neither team able to main- .tain a lead Freeman; . big Coyote center,' sanies the final basket for the Idahoans to give them a -23 to 22 lead. '' ir-r'r' j Frantz, Brandon a-nd ' Mosher Warm Up .: i. .. i It was then that Eddie Frantz. Don Brandon and Harry. Mosher shoved what Bearcats can do in a pinch. Eddie presented Willam ette .with the ever-changing ' lead again by dropping in the last of the five long shots he garnered during the game. .Seconds after . ward Brandon gotdown the floor In a hurry and sank a cripple, fol lowedTlt with a gift shot. Harry , Mosher then 'cast loose and col lected two more points for the Bearcats. . Brandon, again went Into action, rolled In a nicepivot shot and the score stood 31 to 2.1 for the. Bearcats." In three halr- ' raising minutes the. Bearcats had . npped their scoro by nine count ers. Four minutes' were left In the game but neither , team was able v to score. -The Coyotes fought des perately to gain and keep posses sion of the ball but Willamette! checked'-clesely "and -played safely. - Coyotes Keep Lend. s Host of First Half s ' " : The Coyotes - led most of the first halt after Swan. 'aggressive guard, openedxthe scoring with a flat shot from the corner. Eddie Frantz, who wag high point .man . -with; ,13 points- ami outstanding Itearcatlr kept " Willamette" close t behind; -with beautifully . arched - shots from 'well ': back of the foul -" lOie";;-'; Five .minutes . before! the close;' Manning knotted the couHt i with a free. throw but Thompson; '.. College of Idaho 'guard,' got a nice set-shot to make" the ' - 13 to 1 1. Petteys sunk' one from - -under the basket to tie it up again and Lemmon scored with; a " push shot ;td give Willamette a IS to . 13 lead at- the half . v ' ; ' ' .Swan's 'basket as 'the r second . half opened tied" the., score at15 all. Eddie Franta' opened up with a long-distance basket and George. Erlckson sank" a Held goal .and a free throw to give the Bearcats a ' five point Jead. n .1- - - .Then the Coyotes", took their ' turn atscoring, Thompson plop v. ping ; in.. n field - goal t and a- free -jbrow rand WJielchel a free throw. GUI's howitzer put Idaho back in . Cthe-lead'and for'.the jtext five minutes If was'nip nd" .tuck. V . i Frantz repeated from- mid-court '' to;, shade Idaho one point but '-' Freeman scored to drop -theBear-eats back; into, 'the- trailing" posl - ticm. Franta 'again pulled Wniam- . ette ahead and the Bearcats had '- easy, sailing until the end of the --. rame., j"; 7.:. Man to Man Style.. -V . .'"Used By Both: 5's j I . Both ' teams played a - - hard- - checking v man ' to man defense, - Frants. ' Brandon ': and " Erickson played outstandingly. for .Willam . tte,v Whelch'el,- diminutive Idaho "' forward, and Thompson shone for - the Coyotes. .. '" Summary:- . .' ; " Cot. of Idaho (23) I FG FT TP Gill T ....rl 1": x0 2 ' Whelchel f J. -2-- 2 0 Freeman ' c 2 0-4 Thompson g ...,...3 1 t 1 - Swan g It ' 0 4 . " Total . .V. T. Willamette (31) ..110 3 23 Urandon I Lemmon f Petteys. c .. .2 .1 .1 .6 .2 .0 .1 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 S 2 2 13 e Frantz g Erickson. gL Manning. f Mosher g 2 Totals' L-..:...13 , 5 31 Personal fouls: College of Ida ho. Freeman 2. Thompson 2, Whelchel,'- Swan; Willamette, Brandon; - Manning, Petteys, Er Ickson. ' - Free throws missed: College of Idaho Whelchel 2, Freeman 2; ' Willamette. Brandon. Erickson - Referee: - It o b J 1 n s, Indepen dence. . Top Favorites Go Down, Palpi Beach PALM BEACH,' Fla.; Feb. 20.- () Both top favorites 18-year-old Patty Eerg of - Minneapolis and ?Jrs.Estelle Drennan cf-Tul ea, Ckla. went down In quarter final match play of the annual Flcri,!.i wccstVs .golf champlon- thlp tournament today." 4 5 ;. They rave place to Marian Mi ley of Lexington, the Kentucky women's champion, an d Grace Amory of Deepdale, L. X., and palm B'h Pade's .Independents to Play- m? A 'Lefty9 O'Doul New Seas Manager v':':::';;if;; t I Frank O'Doul,! whose smiles and base knocks have endeared hlni to the baseball populace of the United States, is pictured dar ing recent workout before he signed up as manager of the San Francisco Seals for a three year term. O'Doul, a native of San Francisco, was wrested from the New York Giant after weeks of bickering, according, to President Charlie Graham of the' Seals. "Ifty,M who i as popular among- the- Japanese diamond fans as lie Is in this country is also acting as "adviser! to the Dai Nippon Tokyo baseball club,; which is scheduled to visit the Pacific coast this month preparatory to a aeries of baseball contests with the Coast league teams International niustrated News Photo. - MT, - ANGEL, Feb.? 20. Mt. Angel college quintet was defeat ed, last: night by-jthe .Oregon Nort mal Wolves .Jo. a dose game on the local floor.- The ! f inal ' score was 34-26. - ' ..' ; -v.: 1 -Lineups: j 5 . . - ' 1 Oregon Nor. 34 26 Sit. iAngel Col. Averill 9 :F U.J Gentry Ystad "9 i F Li. 2 Buckman Butterworth II 7 Saalfeld Borden ...-G..... 2. Marx Barkks 2 ' ' ' 7 iHerberger Hobbes .'" ' Toman Kelly f - a Qhristenson Snyder -..:.::;;.-:.L.Ji . Meyers Leeford Z Senter Satchler ' 2 '.;.'.: S Gcteon.; 1.S . . c . Beckler - ...8 rVJ--'- " V In- the - preliminary, game ML Angel high school.defeated Scotts Mills high school; 25-1$. . . -. . Lineups: .. . $ ,r . - . Mt; Angel 25 .15 Scotts MOUls Bourbpnnals '., 4 F ;..x Johnson Aman 1 -..J. -F.8 JLittlepage Bauman 3 "ilLC--R Nickohfon Burrell 11V.LG. .1 Thnrmah Bean 6 -L--ZCL'-Z&j Dimick Substitutes: Thomas, Chewn- ingr. Brockhaus, MickeL Saalfeld. Referee, Saalfeld. Mt. Ansel college will clay SL Martin's college of Lacey, Wash., here Satr rday night oil the local floor.- - Albany Townies Sign Wiltshire, - Eyeing RKoch t - - i . .'" -t ;:- ALBANY, i Ore., Feb. 2KP)- Strengthening of the Albany town baseball team by the signing of Bob Wiltshire, University of Ore gon and Eugene Townle State league pitcher last year, was an nounced today.. g . Charles Coovert, manager . of the Alcos. also announced that Jack Gordon, who played third base for the Townies i last year. will be with Alt any next sum mer. '".': ''''- '-':i'';v:. - Negotiations' are under . way for the signing of Ray; Koch and Joe Gordon, -other Oregon stars. Globe Trotters Defeat Eagles - In Easy Baitle . DALLAS, Feb. 20. -4 Clowning all the way and pulling all kinds of stunts, the Harlem Globe Trot ters galloped to a 43 to 32 vic tory over the Dallas Eagles Mon day evening.' 1 : i Reaching down In their bag of comical tricks, the - colored . boys from New. York City, 1 had little trouble In scoring at will and in the meantime provfded" fun for one' of the largest crowds to wit ness the Eagles this year.: Jack son, the "Darkies' " center and captain, could palm a basketball like an ordinary person would a basebalL .. DEFEATS STAVTOII NORTH SAXTIAM ; LEAGUE - ' W. Jj. 1 3 7 Pet. Mill City .......:7- .875 .875 .825 .376 .125 .125 Gates ......... 7 . Stayton ' Jefferson Turner - : 1 e 1 Aumsvillo STAYTON, Feb. 2LThe Star ton high school basketball team was defeated by the Gates . five Friday night . on the local floor by a score of 34-8. . This leaves Gates tied with Mill City, for first place In. the Santiam-league and places stayton In third position. Stayton will play Aumsvillo Feb ruary 22. Stayton (8) Calavan .4 V. . Champ 2 .... Kendricks (34). Gates , . F. .7 H." Farmer :;f.....b wrim ,. C.;.r. .14 Ball McRae 1 . . . . . v GT.tO. Farmer ; . G . . . . Brown Christensen E.r Christensen: l.S. 2 Heath Referee, Manning. Crowned King llarrin Swanson, above, of Minneapolis, and Kitty Klein, right, of Buffalo, were, crowned king and tition at Oconomowoc, Wis. The Buffalo girl set i a new world record of 3:08.2 for the mile. Swan- I on finished first In the 880-yard, two and five- i mile events. . - j G TEAMS WILL G01PETE,HD Winner of March 2-3 Games at Portland . Goes to Northwest Tourney Pade's Independent - basketball club, : undefeated this season In competition . with foremost - Inde pendent quints of the. state, will be. one of the eight teams compet ing in the state A. A. U. tourna ment to be ' held ' in - Portland March 2 and 3, it wag announced yesterday. The tournament. ; to be held on the court of the Port land Multnomah club, is an Invi tational meet.: : ' - The winning team of the Ore gon tournament will be sent to the Northwest A. A. U. tourney at Seattle with all expenses paid. Other teams invited to take part in the. state meet are Multnomah club; Union Oil and Sell wood, all of Portland, Astoria town team. University of Portland J (Colum bia) and Pacific university. Probable Squad For - Tourney Named v :;" Pade's' will practice daily until the tournament Tuesday night the Grocers worked out with the. College .of Idaho quint on the Willamette .floor. . The players who will probably play in the tournament are Dwight . Adams, George Scales and Trux Fore man, forwards: .Jim Burdett and Erven "Kloostra,"- centers: Lorne Kitchen and John Steelhammer, guards. . '. - MlliLEli OVER DALLAS HIGH ; DALLAS, Feb.- 2 0 , Dallas high" went into battle with, an other District No. 6 contender Tuesday evening, when they 'met McMlnnville "high there," only t to be nosed out in the end by a 28-22 score. " Matching basket for basket the first quarter with it ending nine all, but' with McMlnnville running away a bit In the second," landing them on the long end of a 20-13 score. - The " third quarter was slow and fire minutes- of It had elapsed before Dallas scored and in : the meantime holding Mc Mlnnville scoreless , the" entire quarter," but Stubbv '' Allison's team was still on the big end of 20-17. Then" McMlnnville. put on an "uncheckable" sprint, to score 8 points . while Dallas - was scor ing. 5." ' . fT- i The. McMlnnville . reserves won a close and fast preliminary from the Dallas second strong ; 1 8-1 6. j ; The lineup - for .the A squad game: ' '-. . .-'"' '.r-1:- Dallas 22 - 28 McMinnvUle Pleasant 11.... .F .'. . . . 8 Mabee Villwock.3 . .V. VF.V . Blenkinsop Webb 8 .C . . 13 Glddings Petre. . ... . . ...G. .. . . 1 -Robins Schierman . .... O . . . 2 Plumeau Woodman . ". . r. .S .; ; . .: Jones Referee, Maple. X- - I Seahawks Pounce 1 : On Calgary, 6-2 . CALGARY. Alta., Feb. lO.rOiPr -The Seattle Seahawks . swept through the Calgary, team of the Northwestern Hockey league to night , to score a convincing 6-2 triumph; and 1 strengthen '.their place at the top "of the league standings...' -- -i, ;'; - - ; and Queen of American Skaters ; 'wi - vr3--ii' I BABE PUZZLED Woa't Wnid Up as Part-Time Player, Declares; Hopes for Manager Berth ; NEW YORK, Feb. 20. (JP) - A somewhat puzzled and bewildered Babe Ruth came back from a long oriental barnstorming Junket" to- day more of a baseball mystery than ever.---- t---t -- He hasn't the faintest idea what going to do, and while he still insists he'll not wind np as a part-time player or pinch hitter, he carefully left a door open. Just In case he changes his mind. Instead of the . violent "No! with which he has been dismissing all suggestions that he decorate the Yankee bench this season with occasional appearances in the field and at. the plate, Interviewers to day were greeted with a chorus of: J'l may change niy jnlnd,"" It'a awfully" hardta get out"1 of that salt,-' and ,"I d6nt know' what inf attitude may be later."; j -" i.' ;.. This". much i is certain, .He" will see Colonel Jake Ruppert, owner of the Yankees, and If the colonel insists he have another try at out fielding and the price is right it is an even bet the great man will .reach for a fountain pen' with far. greater alacrity than . has marked this gesture in the past 10 years. ft Ruth's ambition is . to manage a . big league ball dub and his friends believe he figures he will have a much better chance to real ize this dream with the Yankees or some other team by j remain ing in harness than It he calls it quits and spends a summer or two on the golf links. i t 110 DALLAS TEAMS WILL PU FRIDAY ' DALLAS, Feb. 20.-Dallas high baskeieers play their final coun ty league game prior to the coun ty , tournament Friday ' eveniilg when they meet Independence on the Hoppickers' floor, i Dallas barely nosed out a 26-25; victory here so the game will possibly be close and Interesting,' f Dallas must win this game to remain on top In the conpty league, as they have three ' wins and no 'defeats while Independence. has' two wins over Monmouth while they suffer but one . defeat ' at the hands of the" Orangemen.. -r ?'Also -Friday. night. the Dallas Eagles finish their season - of play, t Stayton . Athletic club will furnish .the entertainment. . Stay ton is on top of the" Cascade league in which "Mill City, Gates and various other. - teams " along the lower ranges' are members. This game will be a double head er and will be played at -the arm Coyotes to P1& ; Pacific Tonight ! - At Forest Grove ' FOREST GROTE. Ore4 Feb. 20 HTV-The barnstorming College of Idaho Coyotes will play the Paci fic university Badgers' In' a' North west "conference game here tomor row night. v J "' The Badgers, defending, champions,;- hare won six. and lost but one game this season. ':l: " Caustic G - " "break champs though can't arnes on w "- Distinctly; - air, honor' for a-aae's oasKetDau team or tma man's towm i an Invitation to . play, in the state. Amateur Atb letic. union tourney at Portland .March 2 and 3. The best inde. pendent teams of the state will - be there as well a two college ' teams. Pade's haven't played many games but they've played some tough .ones. A little prac tice, a court , to. " play ; home 5 games : on and " a few '. more I ' games ' scheduled - and they -'could have been as much in the ; public eye this season as - the . Union Oilers of Portland.- y In much the same position vas last .year .Is the Northwest con ference. - Whitman is precarious ly leading the league, needing to lose' only one game to drop to second place. Pacific is in sec ond place and hoping with help from the ".Badger witch-doctors and. sorcerers, that Willamette will beat: Whitman in one game. Wil lamette, is then left, as the deter mining, team, holding the. potent key; ,to -the .championship. ..No chance., of ,:belng. champs them selves, they can make or break a. champion br the way they play against Whitman. . , f ; Last year Willamette took' an awful beating , from Whlt ' man the first night.' The score' .was 40 to 27 and It looked as ' if the ail-powerful Missionar Linn Play ODens28th SCIO, Feb. 20 - The annual Linn . county - basketball . tourna ment will; be held; in Tangent, Thursday night, February 28 and Friday - afternoon and evening and - Saturday, March -1 and 2. Five boys teams - have indicated that they will be In the tour nament: Sclo..- Shedd,. Tangent, Sweet Home and Harrlsbu'rg. Seio - meets Shedd- Thursday- ev ening. '-' . Trophies for first and second jjlaces will be awarded., The teams ' with first " and second places In this county tournament will compete in the district tour nament, which will be held In Albany, March 8 and 9. .Saturday -evening, March , 2, the tournament at Tangent,' the cf o ; girls ; will t meet, the j Shedd girls ,in a 'game todetermine county a championship. The "stu dent bodies of the Salo and Shedd High schools 'will- buy ; the ' tro phy for . this. game.: . ' '. rV ' Stritmater.has been chosen one referee' and v he .and Van J. Ess Johnson,'- principal , of the .Tan gent high -school, will choose the second referee."' ' ' - s -.Plans for f.he tournament were drawn up ' by principals and coaches - at - a meeting . held . at the . Brownsville . high school, Monday night. Both . F. A. ; Gal legly and. Cecil Elder attended from Scio. .. ; . "i ' .The Scio boys' and girls', bas ketball teams -meet" the .Hariis-burg- teams -on the -home floor, Friday . evening," .Feb.. 22. Both the local teams defeated the Ha risburr teams at Harrisburg. two weeks ago," and are expecting ' tf repeat. !7r-, I I DyWA. The Chemawa basketball team defeated the Salem Trojans, an In dependent quint composed of high school- and Junior high 'players, 40 to 3 ft," on "the Chemawa floor last night. The count was knotted at ; 2 4 -an at the- half Litwlller, Trojan forward,' was high' scorer with 12 points. ' 1 v r ' - Sunimary: " :;A ' Chemawa (40) ' - '(So) Trojans L-Archambeau 4 F -10 C. Probert Shoulderblade 9 F 1 J Litwlller Spotted Eagle C C. ,T, ' 6 Maera Peplon v a 3 Stubberfleld. Archambean 4 -.G 4 Meyers Adams :;.;, " S v CaseS r , ; i v " ' : :- Traet S 'l - Young Corbett, : ' Van Klavern to - Battle-Friday - f ssninunnsnsnu - 'SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 2 0.-()-Young Corbett of Fresno and Bep Van . Klavern : of ... IJoUand -wound np training today tor their 1 0-round ' re-match " hero 1 Friday afternoon which will ' see Kesar stadium opened to boxing for the first timei ':-'' The Fresnan's timing was said to be more accurate than for his recent tight with Van Klaveren. when the former won a dose de cision. - - - -1 -f v-j, ; Despite Van Klaveren'a strong showing a few;: weeks ago,' the Fresno southpaw was quoted a two to one favorite today to re peat his first victory. . '. ' . - ( ... 7 ' IXnS, RA3IAGB ilEET LOS ANGELES, Feb. 20.-V-Flnal light workouts today mark ed the end of the training trail for Joe Louis. Detroit, and Lee Ram age, San Diego, for their 10-round bout at Wrigley field tomorrow night. ...... ...,.f-r-, - - . -. Wilis DEFEATED . Honor : comes to Pade five; '- . Bearcats again positioned to ies would ride In stride across,; a mucu-trampiea uearcat io 4 collect' the glittering crown of the Northwest clrcuJC: But ' 'what happened. Up" In Bear-' tattish wrath rose the sons of . old : Willamette , and" whipped "Whitman 37 to 16 In the sec-. ond : game. Pacific waa ready 'and the crown tottered off of ' ' Whitman's uneasy head and lit -'plop' In the middle of Forest: 'grove where it can be seen f or ' the price of admission. ; - r Spec,r Keene t would ' like to whip the Missionaries again.4 As last year such a victory would put something of .eclat tn in .other wise disappointing season. To Bearcats-and Missionaries a vic tory over the other is worth' ten other wins. "Spec, says his on ly chance is to figure on dropping the first game just for a chance to figure out how tofoxtheMis , slonaries in the'second.' Last year it was done-by" making 'the 'Mis sionaries think -Willamette's: jnan to man defense was a tone' de fense. .This year, - as always, .Whitman -has the fastest break ing team In the conference. Willamette- won't be able to attempt a speedy game ' for the- simple reason that ' Whitman, can -out-speed' them. For - the Bearcats it will have to be' a game of watch ful waiting; for Anse Cornell's Badgers it will be hopeful wait ing, w.v ' . r-- Beafkitten Quint Beats Independence The' Indomitable I Willamette Bearkittens hung np a n o t h e r scalp last night'when. they defeat ed the .Independence high' school five, '2 4 to 11, l ;1 : The game was all the way of the frosh until the final quarter when wholesale substitutions pat new " life in t h e Independence quint.- At. the close of the third period the freshmen were leading 1ft to S but Newton, Independence substitute, scored two quick field goals to put the spirit in his team to gain eight, points In the final minutes. ' , '- Summary: - ' . Independence Freshmen DunkleS F. Crabtree Syverspn- 2 .FT:, r. 5 ; Beard Heaaer 2 ..' r'.,.,C,8' Nun'enkamp McLonghlin - ' n - g. Joyce Carey Q - r "' Moe Newton .4'. "2"Llndstrom S,r " - .i Smith S 4 ' Beauchamp Referee, -Hoyt. " tiqn&tAtiempti to Retaih Second : ) Place O'er Bucks ; PORTLANb, Ore., Feb. JOrii5) -The Portland Buckaroos and the .Vancouver. .Lions ..who"! for .weeks have", battled ' for second placet In - the 'Northwestern f-Ice Hockey, league,'; clash here tb mbrrow nlghtv U. J- - , First., one, team , and ' then tb other. has ; gone ,' into the lead, with many ties thrown In. - -. : w..The Vancouver j team now holds the, ad vantage, due. to a 2 to 1 win over . the' Buckaroos ' Monday night.' A win for .Portland tomor row night- would t tie . the .race np, again, while a loss, would put the. Buckaroos. at a decided dis advantage.' . .: -v - '-L :T": " Six-Point Rally Gives S -PaHish Orioles l Staging a six-point rally in the last , minute of . play the Orioles came from behind to defeat' the Redbirds of the Parrlsh noon lea gue 9' to 5 yesterday Le Boeuf , Oriole ' forward, . was high point man with T points t. ,i -- : . tw'v -i - REDUCES CMOiriE VcAR! . , . -. . - , . ... . Comparttive tests have shown tiu Triton cotoro3 rednces canine wear ; from 22 to 45, forms less carbon and less sludge, Is more stable daring esc, end $vZUsis Eastern tr VTesierm tils. . " tXmdm by the New PsOPANl seKnt hm'n . 34 lEBICAfl STAR . t GR1DDERS TO JAPAT1 ' SAN FRANCISCO. PeW 20.-(ff) -Thirty - four American Z football players will sail from here tomor row for Japan to play a series of ten games in seven cities of the land of the rising sun. ' . ' ' The exhibitions which win In troduce the great' American col lege sport in. the orient are being sponsored by two Japanese news papers. . " ' ": " - ''A1: S ; Those -who will make the trio Include: Cal Clemens. Oliver Bar din, Everett Brown, Ward Brown ing, Bob Erskine, Jack Iloulgate, Al Maloney, Gerald Ostling; Lar ry 'Stevens,' James Gardner, Har old Bright, all former ' University of' Southern -California "players; Corliss Artmen, Jack Brown, Ben Palamountaln, all of Stanford; Harold Bovie, Tulsa nniverslty; Verdi Boyer, Sinclair Lott, Sig Fuhk, ' Boh G entry, - University "of California at Los Angeles; Bart Bufkin, ? Charles Mueha,- 'Woody UlliBi - Paul Sulkosky, University;' of " - Washington ; Howard Clark, Ray " Morse, Ray Neveau,". . Bill Parke,"' Alex - Eagle University of Oregon; Norman Franklin, Har old Pangle, Oregon State college; Cecil Storey, WlUiam Vdrhees, University of Chicago; Wes Hub bard, San Jose State college; Al Dowd, Santa Clara. ; ....'. EAGLES, m TO The . Eagles basketball team, tied for leadership of the city major league with Master Bread, will meet, the V-8 "quint in .the first . game of tonight's league double-header on the -. Parrlsh floor, at . 7 .o'clock. V s - The Valley Packing five, which last week dumped Master Bread from Its undefeated standing, will play the -Willamette grocery team In the second game. , v -' ; Master . Bread draws - a bye. Next .week ft meets the Eagles in the first game of the playoff series to determine the champion.' The league winner will represent the - Salem ..T. M. C. AJ at the Northwest Y. - M. C A. tonrna ment at Walla Walla March t and 9. - ' - - .,-4. up to- the : .Fp cagM: on a STUDEBAKER -- . ;.vv , - -. ... . - . Sedans aV Low as-$910 : Here 2-Door V .Sedans' as Low as $900 V Here 2-Door Sedans ' as Low : as $765 "" Here 2-Door 2-Passenger Coupes $748; I CARklvED CARS ' . , .... . , - ' F6r Details 5 ; : : at , ' ' 525 Chemeketa St. -.. Salem, Oregon - , -.- Open Nights and Sundays : UNION . OIL COMPAfW COBIH HUDSON TERRAPLaNES Mnfprilntnrc "flip 3