PAGSCIGIIT . : .... The OREGON STATIMAN, 1 Enter tairiment for All ; ;Age and I Tastes a . niinn nnnnrnrin n ' - .. . - . 1 . ' 1 1 : Romantic Team Re-United iQavrf CoppeTfield Showing at Elsinore Siren of the Nile in Film -1 ll 1- t Titls : Role in Classio From ;pickensBook' Played; r 4 by English Boy - V Uiinu lumiiritLU II EtStr:DBE : TIIEflTR "David CoDDerfield. the s'ensa Uonal hit picture, which comes to the ElaJnore .theatre' starting to day, promises -to. be unusual 'in - - many respects. ' -' . v ;n Advance information from Hol- v ly wooa lists . tnese facts; , : It. is the picture -which ' Intro-. duces to the screen. Jittle . Fred die' Bartholomew, the- lO-ve&r- old . boy from England, a Freddie plays me juvenile "David . .: j - ; . It Is an adaptation' or'a novel which - has;. entertained millions', and f was .called r by its i author. Charles . Dickens,.:., "my - favorite cnira' r; : J Sixty-fire stars ..and restored players are in the unprecedented east, Among Ihestafs are .W.C - Fields, - Lionel Barrymore, iladge Evans, Maureen OSullivanr Edna May Oliver, Lewis Stone, Frank La wton. -Freddie Bartholomew, Elizabeth Allan. Roland Tounar. Basil; Rathbobe, Hugh Williams, Herbert Mundlp to mention only , . a few. ; - .- 'v ': "-; - A 20-minute reel showing r the life- of . the . Dlonne quintuplets ' since birth Iran added feature of the program. ,; II i IUES. Mi - - Frank Caora's newest Cdlnmhlk picture, 'Broadway Bill", contln - ues Its highly successful run at 'the Grand theatre this week, with nnninuiiif nn i DIMM- DILL cofiKen . . warner:- Baxter - snd Mvrna t Loy co-starred.;;. -In' view- of .Capra's two v most recent - pictures, "It Happened One Kicht" and i'Ladv , Fer a Day," this. Is indeed a cin- - emauc event. . r . .,. . .v. ."Broadway Biir is a romantle n (I A WorncOvRri Theater Pv Today, Monday 15c and Tuesday Continuous Performance Today FIRST SHOWING .y;;!;SAIXMi;;;:-r . - : Vncemored . After twenty Tear the sealed ana guarded arc&ives of the world's greatest nations are nunc open ... and thev Tkid ap the secrets of mankind's U V v SECtET rilMJ f ICM NATIONS' MCKIYIJ - ' man ; II 1L : f 5if One bt Dickens most popular novel Story With the masterful 'blending or arama: ana comedy for which Capra is noted: It is the story of a nomad who throws -over the luxury -and wealth or his wife's xamuv for tne lover of a iorse and a girl who in her way, Is imbued with the same spirit of freedom. "Broadway BlllVwastladanted by Robert Riskin from a storv by Mark Hellinser. . An 'excellent east appears in support iof -. War ner Baxter and Mvma ILov. in cluding Walter Connolly; Helen Vinson, - Lynne Overman, Clar ence Muse, , Raymond Walburn, Margaret Hamilton, and many otners.;. "- : . v- Sii-.-iu'.r- it The1 .success Vof outstandlnar comedy teams in the past activi ties of Metro-Gold wyn-Mayer has resulted in the creation of a new and distiiKtivelv different tvne of laughmaking combination, in the persons or Leo carrillo and Lou ise Faienda, presenting i an Ital ian barber and his Irish wife, aid- ed and abetted by Ted Healy as a brother-in-law. - Sf - This unusual team makes its debut in . "The Winninr !TIeket. which opens today at the Capitol theatre as a hilarious story of the Irish Sweepstakes and the trials and tribulations in a mixed-na- iriEirs - THE V Will 6 TICKET AT CAPITOL TOlf J5he "UDE VHit ED(S)G : "GTnATOGPHEIlE?' " 25 TUBES . :: Full Short Wave See and Hear This Marvel on Display in the Foyer : of the ' ELSINORE : - now Gcpe C Vi 1 1 AY S - ft ft i i - come t be screen of the Elsinore today with great alltar cast. :) ,T .,, . . . i i ipw. i T I .7 - This is a Been A from "Til Vint: . war.'' tionallties. family, over the loss of a winning ticket. . . Several strands' of hair, clutch. ed in a dead man's hand, are the clue which lead to the murderer of Myles Crawford in the exciu Ann": NEW, RADIO Xlucie Gtore showing many official and uacensored films from the actnal World "ft t - -, ' "S' r Ay i i i i I ""w wuuiu toe lines, i XArl Wn l r I ,w jrui bjiu - -.- um d..4. . i night," the second feature at the I Capitol theatre, with Valerie I xiooson ana, Kamn Beuamv in I the principal roles. OTi AT HOLLYWOOD - Its every -scene deftcriheA a 'ItfiA pi9. mi fomii. ' . . . f living, newspaper headline"; by those who have previewed '.The nunu nr , uu nisiory-1 aeatn precipitatea tne war: and maktnr Fox Film nresentation ialmanv nnlnn fitmm. r h. Tri . . r ------- p aiiiicumcq ior snowing ai tne ioi- Melodies; iil: i tL3lb -Valle V i ' SPECIAL SUNDAY CONCERT, 12:45 1,:45 WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY ? . MIXED QUARTET Soloists Concert Violinist : i t- Dell Randall, "Master of Ceremonies" ; , - . , Mary Barton, Concert Organist ' . M ' ELSINORE THEATRE SUNDAY, FER 17, 1935 i VBUC INVITED - '. . ' ! , : KO CHARGE uuuicsv Vfuuicuy . a riu in Fictnres ' tfc Sweep- v sfal 0Uf - V o win-f Bing ticket I mm - f j I Waraer Baxter and llvrna TLsn-v am i .of the race track, "Broadway i j vrrmo, jjuojute r ascnua ana . m nuuung; Aicaci, carrent Z Z . . : . .. . . . . ' iywooa xneaire oeginning toaay. "The First World War In ciuaes secret turns from the ar cnl oI T nation most of them never before revealed to the nnhiu r th.' . 'rtHi- Mawaa, ms SilMfc .SIUU UI SSklI' taking shots ever made in: the neat , of , battle are included in "The Flrt World Wr. It ! I ed. : Close-up. shots of hand-to- nana trencn warfare are varied with, enthralling airolana seonen- cee, showing in detail the critical connicts or the world War. Amonr the most notable se- ouenees denlctlnr rovaltr are in- tlmflta Vlawa nt Dainntln vltli U J , , kUo marriage of the Archduke Fran Ferdinand, whose, subsequent . ser in tbe years when he was V -. Today V:'i' .' and . -- ;Mon. . . . . . i - ; . ji 5! j ickm5?y;tolcf the Police Cc"r'ssiener!..But at-thot ry insfenr, in-, hisown ; - -t- -t; Crawfordvfe'li. J 10 bv!!?t frt 'his body! J iliiilMii " iiiiiiii;iiji ?nDlEHGBrC; ii V' : a- v-vv-: -; . tntrtim Mfn tm ' . ..; T. .; xa neaiy make a bilariona trio in atcmcaoa at the CapttoL r building ap his mammoth war machine.' r A Love Story for the Jour Greatest ' 500. V ' ;: Scats 25g ri.u. mLh -v '.jam ijan .i ...n'W r1 ft? Ynnf 5 ttTTTw X W) r. Wit V p. tot 7 It 11 m X .'S. -af'law sb a, II af f M il " -T -rfT-lwr- ' I MM . if . Z t? si : t il 1-2.1 ItS - 4T i mw U r; r? M - ar hi ' CIaadt Colbert make a Insdona wuee, bow snowing at tne State, Romance 'written' In words of fire deep in the hearts of the lov ers of the world! ; -;v7-r That's r one of tha" desert ntlvfl phrases used to herald the. com ing of Cecil B: DeMJlle's newest Paramount production, "Cleopat ra.r which , will ODenUts 3-dav en gagement at" the-State theatre to ns ; . . - The film, f a modern . screen: Treatment . or-one or., tne worm's area test love . st oriesA baa rian d- ette Colbert, Warrea William and uenry wiicoxon in the principal parts. " Wiicoxon - I th vonnr isngiisnman DeHiile brought to Hellvwood for the rola of Varc Antony, the noble Roman who Starts Today lAges Becomes ,1 ihnul The world hag waited lor two years for this mighty motion picture. Now it is here, gay; soul " thrilling, glowing with romance 4 ex: actly as Charles t"- Lnckens might. have - wish e d for his greatest lore story 1 : CVIJW is Agnot dn May . - o David Ploa " Xeoa V ' Belaaco - and - Band ' e j "News '- 'venU CLEOPAMWy AT STATE TiEATBE 1 . V -3 r -. f . jj ..---- -- CleoxVatra ia the f flat iy the same f : " ; i, . gave up his life for. love of the Egyptian . Queen ' while', empires tottered, about him.' : ',' ' . 1 Produced -by Mr. , DeMille and directed, by" him;? : :.' ::r, !4.j. - , ' t,.ff o f ii- 'M . ; 1 I 1 . ! S J t S WilitHlii liiiili:! ri 1. "v i Tin iiaP s ar i