PAGE SEVEN " The OREGON STATESMAN Salea, Oregon, Saturday Sloralag, Febrcary 16, 1933 For Quick: Results at Low Cosi Use , Classified Ads ? , -M,- - . M M ! J MMMHMHHMna wa I ! ! - - I v. - Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single Insertion per line v10e Three Insertions per line t0o Six Insertions per line ..30e One montb per line . ...Sl.9 Minimum chars 25a Copy tor this page accepted until 6:30 the evening before publication for classification. Copy received after this time will be run tinder the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes bo financial responsibility for er rors which soay appear la ad vertisements published in its col am as, and In cases where this paper Is at fanlt will re print that part of an adver tisement In which the typo graphical mistake occurs. " The Statesman reserves the right to reject objectionable advertising. It farther reserves the right to classify all adver tising under the proper classification. HELP WANTED - -sjtlpi uti a . . , - - - REPRESENTATIVE Adcox Diesel Engineering school of Portland .will be in Rikia soon. Can use limited num ber of students to work out part of tuition. If interested or desire beauti ful illustrated catalogue address Box AM. rare Statesman. ' SALESMEN WANTED Want 2 salesmen, over 30 years. with car. Protected territory. Apply Cascade Supply Co. See Mr. Walsh be- twtwi 8 snd 9. SITUATIONS WANTED tii mnririi i- -i- -i i r- -i- - Wanted housework by hour. Will care for children evenings. TeL 3952. Painting, redecorating, kalsominlng, exchanged for dentistry, clothing or 7 Rped. Tel. 4470: references. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Old papers 10c per bundle. States man errice. Peach Trees SPECIAL Ail kinds of fruit and nut tree. Frultland Nursery sales- yard. 140 Center St. A. J. Mathls, prop. TeL 8529 8prlng wheat, new harness, collars, ftorses. eowa TeL 4560. EUroy Nash. Hay, oats and vetch, clover, wild ata Mrs. Wright. 4H mL Wallace Rd Baled bay aad straw. 47F3. - l Good milk cow for sale, ' cheap. Route 4. Box 171. Tel. 137F2L , Cedar shingles and posts, cement graveL 1 good horse, 1700 lbs., 1 set double harness, l drag saw, A-l shape. Cheap for cash. TeL 0703. Alrco welding outfit, equipped With Oxwefct. regulators, 20 feet hose, new table, welding rod and flux, cheap. 1 19 New Bligh Uldg.i Salem. Cedar hop poles for sale. Will cut on order only. J. C Keller, Kt. z. Bni H. Newlwt. Ore. TRADE Miscellaneous Will trade furniture for used Ford roadster or rewire. If. I- Stiff Fwrn. Co. WANTED Miscellaneous White fir Hemlock timber. Any amount. Howard. 238? N. Front St. WANTED Walnut, filbert meats. Any quantity, any time. State Cafe teria. J Hauling wanted for '34 Dodge 2T. Wood, freight, lumber, anything. MISCELLANEOUS Free We pick bp dead and worth less horses, cows, sheep. TeL 4149. Haircuts 15c-20& 303 a Wloier. Saw repairing. Salem Saw Shop. our uornera pen Road. Tel. 4280. Passengers share expenses Boise, Idaho. Leaving Feb. 21, return 27th. j Tel. B355. R003I AND BOARD For two, 4 week. TeL 7313. Room, board, table board, blk. cap ital bldff. '$K0 Chemeketn. Tel. 834. FOR RENTAPARTxMENTS Mod. 3 R. furn. apt Close to cap- Itoi Clog. TeL X75L Mod. 2 R. Adults. 043 Unlou. Partly turn, or unfurn. 2 and S room apt Sit Judson St S no. apt.' furn., 250 a Cottage. ' ------- - " -- - -i-u-t-n-LTLrL-LrU-LT New and 3 room apts. Tel. 6825. FOR RENTHOUSES Houses Fsrkner 1858 N. CapItoL Mod. furn, house. 4 bedrooms. Close to school TeL 8228. Bouses, Grant. 629 Court. Ph. 6584. -3 room furn. bouse. TeL 8810. - -- -- -- - -i-ii-i-i i-,-.-.-H-v-nj-ir).Lrxn Semi-modern 6 rm. bouse furn., good location, soo S. Church. Tel. 7370. 6-rm, modern bouse, flowers, fruit, chicken coop. March L Falrvlew Ave. Routs 4, Box 18. Mod. furn. 3-rm. bouse. 436 Waller Street FOR RENT Hospital beds aad wheel chairs tor rent. a. i Bun rurniturs co. EoaMa, AerAK : SOS First NatT. FOR RENT SH acres. 8 Mumped chicken houses, 808 chicken capacity. Modern 6 ses, 809 chicken capacity. Modern 6 m house. s miles from Ladd Bush bank. Rent $39 per ma 8KB Clifford Harold with CHILDS a MILLER. Realtors 844 State Street , TeL 6708. "ess4SansasjitvpsbjM PIANOS. FhonoeTaDha and Sew ins Aiacbines lor rent. 1L L. sutx fnrat turs Co. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 8-rma, large lot. garage, .8626 frms. 4-rms., . basement. - garage, pavement pL, 7t casn, 4-rmsi, basement rur4 bath, and 8 ma and bath on ens lot, 81458 term. 10 A 4-rm. bouse, rar- s,ga, weodsbsd, well. 8760, terms, 6 A. house, bam, garage, drilled well, fruit, 81760, terms. 20 A., barn, well, part fenced. 81376. Frank Griepentrog, 1949 McCoy St, TSi. 4964, For Sale Real Estate THREE WONDERFUL BUT3 IN REASONABLY PRICED HQ-CE3 I room plastered nous on paved street, garage and : woodshed. Price only $J5. ;s 3 choice east front lots with room cottage, garage and: woodshed, street paved and walks In. Price only IllSd. in west Baiem. large corner lot with fruit and shade trees, shrubs and flowers, S room house with basement and furnace, garage and woodshed. Price for short time 81600 with part terms. i For good bays In homes SEE CHILD 3 M.ILLEK. Realtors 344 SUte Street ; Tel. 1708. FOR SALE Beautiful T room house only blocks from state house, north. Priced low at 14700, part terms. SEE Mrs. Kins wun CHILDS MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street i TeL 4708. IS acres good dark soil for 1550.00. $100.00 down, balance mortgage: About 10 mL south, near highway. Owner 4S09 a K. 65th Ave, Portland. U A. with 3 room house, elec. lights. city water, double garage, price 31.- 276 for quick sale, terms. See rluioa Moo try. W. H. Grabcnhorst a UO.. Heaitors 134 a Liberty St. : TeL 4)441 NOW OR NEVER Such a Home at This Price Dandy 6-rm., modern, basement, fur nace, fireplace, barttwood lioor, gar age, on one of our best paved streets. Only 82500. 81500 down, see Jaa D. Sears or G. vv. jonnson 133 a High TeL 9429 Real Estate : Bargains 5 acres close in. good buildings, a number of larsre cherry trees, some other fruit Will accept a good dwellinr In town in trade. f room dwelling In Dallas to trade for residence In Salem. 35 acres. 20 acres In crop, new build' Ings, between 4090 and bouu coras on farm, about 9 miles irom ta lem. Will accept a little trade. 295 acres in good district modern dwelling, large new barn, stock barn, family orchard, 12 acres al falfa. This Is a wonderful farm and party will ; sell stock and equipped. Hudklns at Adams 275 State St TeL 9494 Home for sale. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. EXCHANGE- Real Estate To trade, Spokane city property for Salem property. From owner only. Call 1064 & 13th. i First mtg. paper trade for house in Salem, or Improved acreage will pay H. C. SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. , TeL 8902. WE HAVE 12 acres near Corvallis, also group of lots, all clear tri trada for nroDertr In or near Salem. Will pay cash differ ence. CHILD S A MILLER. Realtors 344 State St TeL C708. Owner Portland home. rooms. wants to trade for Salem home. Box 337 care Statesman, . TO EXCHANGE 129 A ranch. 79 A- under cultiva tion. ' 8 room house.' barn. Will ex change for smaller- acreage. Price" 15,- 609. W. G. KRUEGER 147 N. Commercial Want vacant land! here for farm near McMlnnville. Nelson, RL 7, Box 14, Salem. 6-rm. modern Salem property to ex- chan go for farm. 585 S. ltth St. FOR SALE FARMS RANCHES BEST BUY 8 acres, close in, paved street Can be subdivided. 3 A. bearing walnuts, cherries and apples, some berries, good 7-rm. plastered bouse; bath and toilet. lights and water system. At lust about y price, with terms. ANOTHER OAKDl H acre place, close In, paved road, modern 6-rm. house, basement, fur nace, built-in kJtchen, lights and water system. Reduced to $2300. Terms. 25 ACRES REPOSSESSED 7 miles out on paved road, 8-rm. house, barn, 5 A. orchard, tome ber ries. Only J3000. Tfcrms. 187 ACRES 14 1 ACRE My, that's cheap for this good stock ranch. 4-rm. house, ' 2 large barns, poultry house 16x40, fenced and cross ed, 90 A cult, running water and 29 A. good timber, good roads. Only $41 per A. Can t beat this.: See Jas. 1. Hears orsti. W. Jonnson 132 S. Hieh St ' 1 Tel. 9829 MONEY TO LOAN Automobile and Chattel; Loans 1 to 20 months to repay at lowest pos sible rates. , : 1 GENERAL FINANCE CORP. A local corporation 1st Natt. Bank Eld. -: Phone 8558 Licensed by State UNSECURED LOANS - State Loan Co. 212 Oregon Bids. TeL 7783 - Lie. SL S-165. AUTO LOANS CARS Rin N A N C E D Easy Terms : Investigate WILLAMETTE LOAN CO. M-159 505 Guardian Bids. ; Salem MONET TO LOAN on city, farm or acreage orotertiea Must: be best of se curity. Good terms, low costs. CHILDS 11XLL.KK. MLge. Loans 344 State St I ) TeL 8708. 5 Farm Loans 5 I p,., r 'n imnmA I M'i ,Z buy now with cheap money. Ask for JHawklns and Roberts, Inc. A COMPLETE SERVICE ON LOANS UP TO 1300 LOOK WHAT I YOU GET I L CASH within 48 hours. 2. Choice of 4 Loan i Plans. 3. Liberal terms. 1 to 20 me. to repay. 4. Promptness. . Courtesy. . Privacy, tseneficial; Loan Society of Salem Member of NRA. Room 119. New Bllgh Bldg. 2nd floor LICENSED NO. S-1Z3 U 14$ by STATE ! 618 Stats St ' TeL 87 I ' loans Made In Nearby Towns LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Load of horses and mules lust ar I rived. Horses weighing around 1400 I to 1500 lbs. Mules from 130 to 1300 pouuda Can d saaa at 1900 N. Com L St on River EL ? ! MwwaMMaMMMywMMwaaMaaa BABT chicks, baby j puUets, baby cockerela Custom hatching. - custom I aexinz. Ph. 132F2. Lea's Hatchery. I Rhode Island Red breeding cocker els. 8L6 each, Ph. i t 12IF2, lee's Hatcbery. lot Hanson . strstn whits Leghorn 5 I jRuPrt' U I Box UA .-;nmTV! j - lL. . . . - . .t Want to - boy old lead worthless horsea TeL 4849. FOR SALE WOOD Guaranteed seasoned wood. TeL 7860. FOR SALE -WOOD GUARANTEED. DRT wood- coaL TeL 1000, Salem Fuel Co. Trad A Cottage. Dry old fir. 2nd growth wood. screened hog fuel. Fred E. Wells. 14 In. old fir. IS. 4 ft dry 2nd growth t cd. lots 14 cd. 4 ft ash 14.75. TeL 978. Dry planer and slab wood. Prompt delivery.fTeL 8988. Dry wood, II la. 84.09. Dial 4484. Dry wood, TeL 8254. Old fir. nearly dry. fS.IO. Pbene 137FS. Drr inA rrnwtb a ft.. 14 00 ? IS la. 4.50. a J. Lehman, TeL 49F4. 4000 old prune trees, makes ex cellent wood. 149 a High St WOOD SAWINCJ WWVWWiMiWWi' Wood fotwInK resawnable. Call 829S. LOST AND FOUND LOST Oqld run glasses In gray case. Roy Melson, court house. Re ward. FOR SALE USED CARS BONESTEELE BROS. USED CARS Telephone 4444 1934 Dodge Deluxe Sedan, wheels, dual -equipped and trunk, like new $718.00 1934 Dodge standard Sedan, only 7000 mL new car service and guarantee 725.00 1932 Ford V-8 Cpe new paint 445.00 list Chevrolet sedan, new paint and rubber 885.00 1930 Ford A Roadster 245.00 1930 Ford A 2 -door Sedan. new paint 295.00 1928 Hup 8 Sedan, a bargain - 100.00 192C Chrysler 2-door 68 Tudor, 4-wheel brakes 95.00 1928 Bulck Coupe, license 50.00 Several good trucks left at bargain prices. See Our Used Cars Before Tou Buy BONESTEELE BROS. INC. Corner Chemeketa A Liberty McKay's Used Cars 27 Pontlac Sedan 95 28 Studs Coach. Fine condition 29 Chev. Sedan. Trunk 185 245 295 20 Stude Sedan 31 Ford Tudor Sedan 31 Cher. Coach, fine shape 31 Chev. Canopy delivery . 32 Chev. DeLuxe Coupe 333 375 285 445 515 550 650 21 Chev. Coach 33 Chev. Town Sedan 30 La Salle Coupe 31 DeSoto Sedan .. 315 TERMS -. TRADES Open Evenings and Sundays McKay Chevrolet Co. 333 Center 43ft N. ComT. Telephone 3189 i State Motors Inc. QUALITT USED CARS 38 HUDSON STANDARD 8 SEDAN DeLuxe model. Radio, lots of extra equipment, inc. trunk. Run 3400 miles. Substsntlal discount Trade and terms. 35 TERRA PLANE DeLUXE . 4 -door sedan. Low mileage, substan tial discount Trade A terms. 34 STUDE COMMANDER 8 Regal 4 -door sedan. Low mileage, and extra good. 34 HUDSON LIGHT 8. 2-pass. coupe. Low mileage on of America's most popular cars. 30 PACKARD LIGHT 8. Std. 4 -door Sedan. 30 PACKARD LIGHT 8. Club sedan.. 8 wheels. 30 REO STANDARD C SEDAN 33 TERRAPLANE R. 8. COUPE 31 STUDE DICTATOR 8 COUPE 30 ESSEX 4-DOOR SEDAN 29 FORD SEDAN 24 HUDSON SPEEDSTER 28 OAKLAND SEDAN 24 MAXWELL TOURING 27 CHEV. COUPE 30 BUICK 4-DOOR SEDAN STATE MOTORS INC. Pack rd Studebaker Hudson and Terraplane DEALERS Ask us bow to save up to halt the freight on a new caravan car. Open Nights and Sundays 625 Chemeketa 27 Ford truck, lie 2340 N. ComX Don't Waste Tour Time Or Money "C" Sforock To Buy Or Sell Your Car 542 Chemeketa St TeL 9588 Twenty-five used cars in the pop ular makes priced this weekend to sell. We need some later model cars. Will pay cash or sell your car for you. Whether buying or selling a car, get our prices. Salem Automobile Co. USED CARS 1933 Dodge Sedan. This car Is less than book value 1810.00 1929 Chrysler 6 Sedan 335.00 1933 Continental Sedan 395.00 1934 Chrysler 6 Sedan, run less than 6000 miles 975.00 1932 Durant Sedan 325.00 1931 Chev. Sedan 390.00 1928 Star 6 Sedan 85.C0 1929 Pontiae Sedan 225.00 Telephone 4S73 435 N. Com'L SL Valley Motor Co. TJSED CARS AND TRUCKS 34 V-8 Ford DeLuxe Coupe 590 34 V-8 Ford, Sedan 625 590 675 525 445 440 425 425 276 185 576 345 575 645 285 350 440 85 76 115 34 V-8 Ford Coach - 33 V-8 Ford DeLuxe Sedan 33 V-8 Ford Coach 33 V-8 Ford SpL Roadster 32 V-8 Ford DeLuxe Coups . 32 V-8 Ford Std. Coups 33 V-8 Ford Coach 30 Ford Std. Coupe, R. S. 29 Ford Coach 33 Chevrolet Master Sedan 31 Chevrolet Coach .., 33 Plymouth Sedan 33 Plymouth Spt. Coups 29 DsBoto 6 Sedan 29 Nash 0 Std. Sedan 2 Durant 8 Sedan 26 Hup 6 Sedan 25 Paige 6 Sedan 29 Chevrolet Coach, as Is Trucks 1932 B Model Ford, U W. B. ,r. 400 1931 A Model Ford. L. W. B. 325 1933 Chevrolet Long W. bass 500 1930 Chevrolet Short W. bass 150 1938 Q. 1L C Long W. base 435 lx Dodge. Long w. bass 370 1928 Dodge 8-yard travel dump 350 iszs jrora open can picrup io Wo have a logging trailer. 34x7 duals, with Fosster brakes and bunks - 660 Marion and Liberty Open Sundays TeL 7910. Good Used Trucks 1331 Ford I W. B. with body M15.00 1931 International I W. B., 1-ton 375.00 Intsrnational 8. F. 46 with body -1 600.00 Morland 2-ton, U W. B. 2-ton 285.00 Rao 2-ton, W..B. . 585.00 Dodge G-Boy with body 125.00 Dodge 3-ton with body at hoist 400.06 1284 Dodge K-45 U W. B, r -tOB .1100.00 i Trade t Terms Accepted James li. Maden Co. 236 a Commercial SL TeL 8580 1 -1 - irii-r,wir, n rxni uu. 1 1926 Pont e 4 Door Sedan, good condition. A bargain. - 1 1927 Chevrolet Coach. A real buy. - .terms ii oesireo. - r Beneficial Iau Society 119-New Bllgh Bldn. r Salem, Ore, ... - -- . Business Cards in this directory on a monthly basis only. Ratt 3)1.00 per lino per month. AUTO BRAKES Mike Pane. 278 Sooth Commercial BRUSHES Fuller Brosnea, TeL Proodflt T529. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4460. R. E. Northness. CHIRAPRACTORS dk. t Hwri, ti vnirapractor, i torn rr. riiKri. icl rrm. iiii. I ELECTRICAL SERVICE BOSLER Elsctrls, 244 SUts St. Wlr lnr, motors, appllsnee, repairs, service. FLORISTS Brelthaupt's, (ST Court SBssiaBssa BSSBBaBasasaasai sbsibbSssbbbbbbbs BSBMBSBBBBWt I AlWnds of floral work. .Lots, Plor- I 1st, 1174 N. Liberty. TeL 9592. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRT THE WE1DKR LAUNDRT 2SS a Hlsh TeL 1138 CAPITAL C1TT LAUNDRT First In Quality and Service TeJjPihmeJJt85244J MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4019 SALEM FLUFF-RUO and Mattress K-antnrv NRW UATTRrJUl maAa to order, old remade : carpet cleaning sts- I Ins; fluff rus wearing a 13th Wfl. J Est. 1911. MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet musle and piano stud lea Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines, 43 state Street. Salem. NATUROPATHS Dr. Putnam HalL 611 8. CommsrclaX TeL 8046. PHOTO ENGRAVERS Salem photo engraving. 147 K. Com-1 merctsL TeL S8T. PRINTING FOR- STATIONERY, cards. Damon- lets, programs, books or any kind of I printing, call The Statesman Printing Department 31s S. Commercial. Tels-PJ22ii------- RADIO SERVICE Perdue's. TeL 8146 657 Court. With Vlbbert Todd, i Moore'a Tel. 793496 W. High. STOVES repair stoves, ranges, circulators. sell new ana reoaut stores, ranges ua circulators, stock fence, posts, chicken wire, saiem Fence and stove works, 262 Chemeketa. TeL 4774.. R, B. Fleming. SWEDISH MASSAGE Dr. Ella Mclntyre. Swedish masseuse, nerve, muscle ana joint specialist. ii N. Liberty. TeL 3895. TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage. call 3131, Larmer Transfer Ce. Trucks to Portland dally. CAPITAL, CITT Transfer Co. 226 State St. TeL 7773. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Uet our ratea Willamette Vallav Transfer. Salem to Portland nauiing. -ret. 72i. TRUCK SERVICE AshcrafL 370 KIngwood TeL' 3380. WELL DRILLING R. A. West. R. 6. TeL 110F6. SILVERTON, Feb. IB. All rural communitiea are being es pecially Invited to attend the op- en meeting of the Sllrerton cham ber of commerce at' which Max Gehlbar of Salem will be the principal speaker Wednesday night, February 20, at the MWA halL The meeting will begin at S o'clock and the usual dinner preceding the meeting: win be omitted. Refreshments will be served at the dose. i A kangeroo court, directed by George-St eelhammer w&L be one of the program features, .fay Gingrich, who conducts - dance studio at Salem, will present some of her pupils In Indian dances. Wayne Rose will gtre piano solos, Mrs. W. If. Swift will appear In violin numbers and Mrsj J. J. Lewis will aire a group of vocal numbers. W. P. Scarth is1 cham ber president and Mrs. C. J. Sch- lador la program chairman. FOR SALE USED CARS BORHSGCS BE7TTE S BUT8 1939 Chevrolet SpC Coupe (as Is L - - ifla--" 1929 ChevroUt Spt, Coupe 245.001 H Guaranteed) t921 WUlyn Sedan (real nice). 1938 -Chevrolet Coach ' . j 175.00 1929 Chevrolet Coach I 225.40 1928 Bulck Sedan 836.00 1938 Chrysler Coups (62 . 1938 Ford Roadster 193T Bulck Sedan . 1928 Essex Coash r 196.001 136,00 145.00 , bauled) L 135.00 1927 Essex Cpe, (overhauled) 86.00 1926 Dodge Sedan ;.. ' 86.00 1928 Chev. Coach. 1085 Madison. Directory Mm SPEAKER SILVEU 201 WOOL SUT.V VJHIIE Indus OUTLOOK WATCHED ; ; i - -- : - i "" - 1- ... BOSTON. Ttb. t lS-UPWTha Commercial Bulletin ;WlIl say to morrow: "Manufacturers ; contlnas to aw< dorrelopmsnts In the aar- VU.IJ bucu wwot ma taey must Usto for eompletln, contracts or saca wool as la made attractive to them In I price. Naturally, the market is 'S'Sjr:- normal weekly average. A pro gram for the 1155 clip la ez- : pected to he worked out very shortly. "The foreign markets are easl-1 er. uraaiora is dsck to ss pence i ior average sis tops. Australia i rttnnrts Inww nriMi All mannni I at 48 cents, clean basis In bond I iJ -tmh top-making f-1 iva. xms uju oui parny lo- I lt-months Texas fine wools at I about 5 cents, clean basis, or I ten cents clean under approved I antatinns. I qutations Manufacturers are produdngl tair yardages of goods still, but I m A.m A VtaBv waft4n4HAVlSatlB Wanlf aAV I r " .... m. I umw wu.awvm.. i -jrunner saies ei monair, ag-i gregatlng a million pounds, hare I been made In Texas at IS and I 24 cents, respectirely, for adult and kid hair" The Bulletin will publish the following Quotations:- I Scoured basis: I n m m I uregon; na auu ui siayio 64-64: fine and fm fr combing! 60-12: fine and fm clothinc 55-1 67. Mohair: Oregon SO-SS. Domes tic graded: first combing 60-52; second combing, 43-45; third Combing, 35-37; fourth combing. 28-30 ; good carding, 80-32; first kid, 62-65; second kid. 55-58. Oregon hop markets reported I only 180 bales of new crop clust ers sold in the week ending Feb ruary 13, while Washington re ported no new sales and Callror- nl Iao flnlet, though growers in the southern state were willing to sell strictly choice hope at top or is cents ner pouna. accoramg i ir..v, xt. IU Uiiuiuiiliuu . owfico. xne uregon saies inciuuea bales at 13 cents to the grower and 125 bales at 14 cents, though II the top market may still be con i- 1 1 sidered 15 cents. Current : figures in the 1934 Oregon production reached 18,- 700,000 pounds or 9!. 500 bales. The farm value for the year is placed at 12,805,000. The acre-; age harvested in Oregon last year is listed at 22,000, an increase of 3000 acres over 1933, though the I cron was 214.325 bales under the i rron r The Washington production last I season is placed at 51,975 bales from 6300 acres. In California, the 1934 crop is now estimated at 56,250 bales from 7500 acres, an increase of 1100 acres over f the previous season. Brown Tumbles 12 F3et When Ladder Slips Off Window RICKRE ALL. Feb. 1 6. Clin ton Brown received a bad cut on I tne coin Tuesday, When tne iaa- I dr tinnn which bn wait standing I mending a window, Slipped and he i ieii iz ieet to ue grouna. ell stitches were necessary to close the wound. The corn-hog control board of the Rickreall precinct met Thurs day afternoon In the local grange halL Ronald Hogg and J. R. Beck, county agent, were in charge" of the meeting'. Twenty signed con tracts for next year. Radio Program Saturday, February 16 KEX POKT-AHD 1180 Ex. 6:80 The Reveille Hoar. 8:15 Bands on Parade. 8:80 Pickens Sisters. 8:45 Cab Calloway's orchestra. 9:00 Araoehair aoartet, SBa 0:45 Songs of the PiL 10:35 Bsnds on Parade. 12 ;0O Stadia. . 12:15 Vocaliit. 12:80 Dance Tnses. 1:15 Malediea. 1:30 Financial aad grain report, 1:35 Oparatie Gems. 2:00 World Boekmsn. ' 3 :05 Orchestra. 8:30 Oar American Schools, NBC 8:00 Tom Coakley's orchestra, KB 01 4:00 Friendly Chst, : 4:80 Melodies. 8:45 Bodnsy Johnson, teaer. 9:00 Big Ten, NBC 9:10 Archis LeTslaad's erchtstrs, 1Q:00 New Dance Taaes. v row poBTa sn T:16 Oeepet Siagwrs, ,- 7:80 RoaaM Back. - ; 8:00 Johnny O'Brieti K2C 8:15 Vsss Family, HBa - ' 8:80 Dee Lovers' Less, XB0, 10:80 Olympians. 10:35 Wards aad Koala, TTBCJ. 8:45 Piaaa. 1 4 t- iS:15--Ceaeert Trio. v-- . i8:4S Master BaUdec, TBO. 4:00 KaQgioa in News. KBC 4:15 J amber, BBC 7:30 Orwat eaass tn HallywwosV : . 13:80-13:88 Prsss Badio Sew s. - A A-tCO-T6TTTi 666 Xs." 0 -Coses geseesaiss Observer's -v Btary Haas, . -J-t:80 Half Bear b( Goad Tests " WVer the Beast Is." - 1 18 0t-K- si Hsari . . , 1 H)0 MaCara Maladiaa. 1 eSteries, ot Oregea Stvers. 3:0O ede r Kews t the week. ' 4s0O Oa the Csise - . -e i 4:80 fitorias for Beys aad fliria, , S :1ft ETaaln Farm Hoar. 7:45 Saathara Oraroa Hersial Seheol "Notable Iaeiiaa U la Us- tery" Dr. ArUor 8. Tsyiss, FEW IPS SOLD IN WEEK X HOT trial MIL OF CIS , vvw TftTr aK 1 X MIA Th I toiJ ck list cune to me ZZZZa - T l-t T mTL A' ,-1 of the earlier enthusiasm and not "Tains we're T WlyheTd. The day's news was of a mixed character. American Can report ed 1934 earnings equal to $8.72 a share compared with S6.04 in thm. nrATinna vnr. inl Owsns-IU.I tnois Glass announced an Im- nrovement in net to the eouiva-l ient 0f $5.41 a share In contrast! li K mil I i. . . I Af flia. m a tlm A mHMn I Woolen revealed It had operated last year at a loss of $5,468,494. whA lh(. nraians mr it had T-.UzA a nrotit of 87.053.0S8. 1 Th wAviv inoinr. nort .v m . .v. . I showed a decline from the pre-1 Tious week of B.C04 cars, or a lit- tie more than the normal season-1 A .V, "1 x. . quiuo viuaciftso n uai i.i a v j ported a mild revival 01 inflation 1 sentiment and some of the called infUUon equities attracted a following. U. S. Smelting, Am - erican Smeltlnr. Howe Sound and Cerro de Pasco gained around 2 points each and Mclntyre Porcu pine. Dome and other mines .k . ' v" ma "- yuiut. I The market was broader and I more active than for nearly a month. Turnover in the Stock Exchange aggregated 7 2 6,4 8 2 shares. The Associated Press av- erage for 60 stocks advanced .3 1 of a point to 38.9 TTi fn4n - trials used in the average were np .8 of a Dolnt to 54.5. fined their improrement to free-1 uons 10 a pome eacn. xn mis cronn were U. S. Steel at 3 6.1 Bethlehem at 29 3-4, American Telephone at 104, Santa Fe at 43- J-8, International Hanrester at 41, Baltimore ft Ohio at 11, Wool worth at 54,. W eating house at 39 1-4 and Western Un ion at 23 7-8. General Markets raosucs exohamob POBTLAND. Ore, Fab. 15. (AP) ; Produce Excsaofe, aat priees: BQtUr Extra, SJHe: Btasdarda. 1 se: phsm ortts. firsts, iih.i lJUe. I rr .... ... rr a .. w. B. iwcwu, a, J a. I axtru tin- u (L ma-iua axtraa. 38a. i nattenst: sse. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore. Teh. 15. (AP) Orals: Wheat Open HIga Low Close May 88 88 8SVs 88 Jnly 70 76 70 76 Cash: Big Bend bluestem, 0e; dark bard winter, 12 per eeat, 99e; do, 11 per cent 87c; western white, 83c; bard winter, 82 e; northern spring, 85e; western red, 82 e. Oats: No. 2 white. 632.50. Corn: No. 2K yellow, 841.50. atillroa standard, 824.50. . Z . . - I Portland Livestock 1 PORTLAND, Ore.. Feb. IS. (AP) Cattle: Receipts, 50; steady. Steers, good sad choice, common and medium, 34.75-0.15; heifers, good, choice, common and medium, 84.00-6.85; eews. cooc. common and medium. S3.50-6.35: low cut tar and eatter. $1.50-3.50: balls. good sad choice. 84.25-4-50; rsttar, eoa- mon sna maciam, f 3. 25-4.23; vealars. good and choice. 87.00-8.00; can. com mon and medium, S3. 00-7.00; calves, good and choice, $5.50-70. common sad mcdiam, 83.00-6.50. Hogs: Receipts. 150; steady. Lightweight, good and choice, 37.25- 8.35: mediaat wetrst. good aaa enoiee. 88.00-6,35; hesTyweight, good sad choice, 87.00-7.75: packing sows, medium and good, 85.25-S.50: feeder and; stacker pigs, good snd choice. 88-00-6.50. bheep: .Receipts, none; steady. Lambs, good snd choice, 87.00-7.25: common snd medium. $4.73-7.00; year ling wethers, $4.00-5.00; ewes, good snd choice, f3.oo-4.oo; coil, eommoa sna medium, 2.00-8.25. Portland Produce 1 PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. 15. (AP) B utter Prints. A grade. 7e lb. la parchment, 88 c lb. in cartons; B grade, parchment wrappers, 80Vie; cartons, 7He. KB ID Batter fat Portland deUTsry, A grass " 7 ik deliveries st leaat twice weakly, ss soe About 50 commercial club mem lb.; eeontry routes. 86-37e lb.; B grade, bers and their Wives will Come. iellTery leas than twice s week, S7e Mr. Cecil Hultman was TOted as lb.: O grade at msrkeL B grade cream Bsjring price et ss- terfat basis, 65e lb. Errs Sales to retailers: Specials, 27e; extrsi, 25e; fresh axtraa, browse, 26e; standards, 24c; fresh mediam, 25e; mediara firsts, 24e dozen. Errs Baring price of wnolesslsrs : fresh specisls, 28e; extras, 2 Is; extra mediums, -ioc; poiieia, loe; anaer grades, 18e doses. tonstry siesu-selling price to tellers: Cosatrr killed hoes, best hutch- ers. aadsr 150 1 lbs, 15-14s Uv: veal - 5-6e ib.: eaaaers. s-4e lb.: baUs. -6s ib.; iambs,' taser, i4 i3s in.; sMttoo, 3-7C lb. - Mn.i. 1034 lnrlnr nrtrn ISa IT). Live Dooltrr Portland delivery bay ing prices: Colored bans, over 5 ibs lrnJLrLmirJVL izi tt9ikZ:iuTh., of obJecUons thereto and the 4 lbs. ass sp, tse is.; aaser im, 16-17S lb.; broilers, tinder 8 lbs- 18- 17s Ib.; reostsrs. 6e lb.; Pekts dneks yewsg. 14-ise is. - - Unions uregoa, gi.7-s.BS eeau-, If ilk t Caa tract vriea A. Fartlaad de- Hvery, $2.20 ewL; B grade craam, S7 ib. Casears bark: Baying arias, 1934 8sL 8s ib.. m oops: isss laggies, t i i ; w r 11-1 Sa lb. Caee(e( n seers; uregom snpista. sts; leaf. -8s. B rakers will pay tts oeurw. Potatoes Oregoa Barbsaks, tO-OSs ssatal; Dwschstes Oe-w, 61-L.06 ssatsl. jtew eessises rienaa, pws v Ib. bax; Hawaii. fa pes 60-Ib. hex. 60-Ib. box, Wa-li 1884 sUsl a-mimsl: WUIsssstte vallsy. saedinm. 80s lb. . lis se bait bleed, 80s lb.; lamb. 16s lb.; ssstera Oregwa, lT-IOs Ib.; sestbsre Make ( IK' Hay: Bsyt-g rrU trsss f isdsesrst AUaUa, Ka. , saw arap, 317j eaaUra Oreges, timatty, 817JO; eats; kit tea; WUUonett waiWy- timathy.- 814- 4a; ele rsr, flS tern, Psrttsad. :-, -' j STFUF1TB SE3- 8CON8 1 WEST BTAYTON,; FeK" 15. The aixtn, serenui cusiwa td4 aittamdad thai lerls - later. at Salem Wednesday, alto going to the staU. library. and penitentiary. . .. - -' ' - ."' . ... 6 Sh ares sjiKiafab Grade B raw 4 per cent milk, co-op pool price 9LTS per hundred. (3fOk sased sa seed - ateataly aaturfs sversf e.) Diatritmtor price $2.10. A trade butterfat Dclir ered, S7c; ronte, 80c A crade prints, 87 Mc; B grade, 84 He Priees pels crevers St Bel aarera w . r fTse selsss sets. nDae s ftssai I troeer. are ladlestive at the dall surkaS. I iB ? sMarsau kV Tfce atate 1 ' nnw. ( Striae PtIm) Craabanfaa. U KK1 A Ka Orspefrsli. Plerids 8.15 te 8.75 n -4 i. ' Orysses. imveL Uay . 1.00 4 IM J. 40 4 S.SS J.7 S.SO b, ,ulk " ,ulk JO Jt9 Lemons, faoev .4.00 to 4.T8 1 to 8.2 Cheiee Llaiaa. ppu,. buaal l.oe -1.00 to L88 TX6UTABLE8 Bavia Price) Raabarb, 18 lbs. .1.00 to 1.2S Hew potatoes, florid. .OS arueaekes, bos 2.75 to 8.00 .80 Baduhes. dos. so-l!'Liflww,i,0': I Ga2DMrm. IX 1.3 S .85 to 1-15 JO J Lseai aieas. so lbs, Ke. l I. a, ". .50 l.Sf UioraI 1.25 to S.7S L23 to 1.75 A .OS JD9 JU lm-l&qaasa, Hs shards I Sqasas. bsasaa. 11 Carrots. Calif- Sot en ri r0totoa Ka. L koadred JBO 0 6 , .85 1.85 .10 .13 1.85 8.50 us u as , J8 U , JO .35 .00 .60 .85 1.50 1.26 No. 9, kaodred Tskhas, 60 lbs, X. 1 HO. S. 50 lbs. 8wat potatoes csiiforais peas vuiofmia sesas i ii a Tomatoes, bot komaa, lag siaxiesa, los niberto I Wslsats. IK XZSiosv dSVt 1 itatias broeceit lag Beets, Calif aoi.a Celery. Calif, U erst Heart, aes. flora (Barter Pries) dssters, 1034 lb. Up raggles. 1984, top lb. .13 H ..nominal EOVI tBsyiag Prise) Extras .20 .10 .18 as i Standards Mediam . Pallets WOOL AJCD MonAIX (Barias Pries) atobabx 1884 et - omsrke Hadiosi weel 1984 , JO Ooarse sad flae wooL 1034 .. J8 POCLTB1 (Baying Prtee) I Heavy bees. 4K te 5 lbs. .18 US 18 J8 w poonos, u. I Colored Dadiams. Ib. ull.. IV I " .-. Lirht Ib. ai .14 Springers, lb. Fryers, Ib. Stars. Ib. Kooetara, lb. .18 .06 MIAT IBariac Pries) Lambs, sader SO lbs. 50 te T.00 Over 00 lbs. 5.75 ta 6.25 Hoes. 180-100 lbs. top ,. - . 7.50 170-210 lbs., top 8.25 210-250 lbs. too 8.00 Steers 8 00 te 6.00 Cows 1.00 te 8.50 Bulls 2.50 te 8.00 Heifers , 3.00 to 4.50 Veal, top Dreued veaL top S.00 to 6.50 41 Dresaec aogs .14 UKAIM AND HAT (Baring Price) Wheat, weatara red SSJiT red . ..78 79 .28.00 Mslting, ton 83.00 Osts, milling, ton .27.00 .32.00 Feed, ton Hay. buying prices- Clovsr hsy . 9.00 . 9.00 .12.00 Osts snd vrtch, ton Alfalfa, valley Clover Seed Bed, la, .18 ai Alsike, Ib. Commercial Club' Will Get Chicket Feed February 26 OAK POINT, Feb. 15 In keep ing with SL Valentine's day, Mrs. Grove Peterson entertained the In dependence Rural Woman's club at her home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Orley Brown reported an In vitation in a chicken and noodle I . . TA- Ti Tk v- pendence commercial club, to be held in Clark Point school the nlerht of February 26.- a new member. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MARION COUNTY In Probate Notice Is hereby" given that F. Reed McBride, as Administrator 1 with the Will annexed of the es- 1 taU ot Q jx Wolfe, deceased has I ministration of said estate, and i that Wednesday the 20th day of ti.kmn lOtt th. tin., nf ln I - -" w. - I A. M. In the County court room l at Salem, Oregon, has been fixed as the time and place for the hear i seiuemeni inereoi. I v. Reed McBride Dated and first published. Jan- nary 19, 1935. Date of last publication, Feb ruary If, 1935. J. 19-36; F. 3-8-16 Pebrs-ry 15 tTOCX ATZOL-OSS (0M-p-s4 by The Aasaciitod Praaa.) " aa . II. IS SO - lJ.t e .lis. . at stocks Twday 4. Tt-9 -aaa . asj Prev. say 53.7 2 a J4.J 88.J Keatk age - 83.2? 6 : Tear age 60.1" 4L4 88.6 60.0 1835 hit- ae.e. . ar.e 1915 lew 68.0 11- 383 ...a 1884 Ugh S1.4 ; 483 . ; 4. . 51.4 isss 1mm 45.. 213 -143 : 843 jTsw 1836 Iwav ' . --. . sa ie 10 ' 19 nit- fca-aa-'stfL tsrelte I Tads, 85.S SAS - 883 v.-. SS3 1 III iU 893 Tear sg 843 S43 383 88.9 84.5 833 - ese 8.4 TS3 1 19S5 kick. B73 983 Stocks and Bond jm m.o VtM k, 7as - sw l aigb, :..-.. - .8 .. 883 62.8 t8.Tj 63 eo.f Rally LIVESTOCK FIGURES LIFT GFl.a.lFJ PRICES CHICAGO. Feb. 15.-P-SUmu- I latin aspects of government fig ures relative to livestock on farms had considerable to do with bring ing about higher prices today for grains. Leading unofficial authorities said whereas the government re port indicated that In grain-con- sumlng units the livestock total is 19 ner cent less than a fire-Tear aTerage, the farm aupply of grains Is 4S per cent less than a similar average. An advance of the hog market today to fresh high-price records, together with active de mand for corn available to be de livered at -once, had a likewise strengthening effect on values of all cereals. - Wheat closed firm. -l4 above yesterday's finish. May f7-. corn H to 1 cent up. oats Vs- advanced, and provi sions unchanged to a rise of S cents. Today's closing quotations: Wheat: May, July, 90-; September. 89. Corn: March. 89: May,' 86- ; July, 80-: September, 77. Oats: May, 51-; July, 44; September, 41. . PRICE IS REALIZED PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. lS.-i) -An OTernljht advance of 5 cents a hundred pounds sent Wil lamette valley onions to SZ net to growers today. From 20 to 25 carloads were said to hare been taken at this price, the top for i the season to date. Traders here said bids had been made for much greater rol- ume than growers could supply, and the price was expected to sweep higher. Most of the pur chases were tor mid-west delivery. PORTLAND. February 1S.-VPI There was no change in local butter and butterfat quotatona today. Recent action of the San Fran cisco market in advancing its quo tations rsther sharply for butter, failed to have the normal desired effect of bringing huge stocks from all centers of the Pacific slope into the Bay City trade. Butter make continued little changed from last week but to tal production both by centraliz ers and state creameries was ahead of a year ago for the like period. Trading in the egg market' was rather slow but at no further general change in the price. Re ceipts continued to gain but re tailers claim that the public is not buying so freely. Late strength In the chicken trade price was continued gener ally here with supply of Leghorns below actual immediate needs of the trade. Heavy hens were con sidered about steady. Finer Western Wools in Call BOSTON, Feb. 15.-(iP-(U. S. Dept. Agr.)-The 64s. and finer western grown wools were receiv ing a steady call at about the same rates that had prevailed for sev eral weeks. Purchases were mostly of very moderate volume for im mediate delivery. Bulk average French combing 64s and finer ter ritory wools in original bags brought 67-68 cents scoured basis, and short French combing and clothing lines sold at 63-65 cents. GILLETTE S BUY HOME . . MONMOUTH, Feb. 15. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Gillette hare pur chased the former C. E. Stewart residence on West Main street from Mrs. Ardie Parker. Gillette is city attorney here, and will re more with his family from Inde pendence to their new home dur ing this month. Gardeners' and Ranchers' Mart PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. ll.-UPl -Produce, at yesterday's session of the Gordeners' and Ranchers early market, was not lacking In Quantity or quality. Prices were about the same for root vegetables, carrots were np a little at 20-3 Oc per dozen bunch es. Spinach was selling well aad was steady at 75c-l per lug. Lettuce was strong at C5c-l crate. Bpisacb Log. 75S-9135. Carrots New, doze a baneaes, 20-SOe. Beeta Dozaa ba aches, 50a. Parsley Dosea beaeses. 15a Turnips' Dot ea bsaches. 80-5 Oe. Batabag-a Lag, 85-40- Whiter radishes Doses baaehes, 90s. Lettaee Merthwest, erste, S5e-L . Cabbsgs Ps srste. 90s-9I30. - - Caolitiower Local, 5s, X 965; Ba. t, 80s erste. -'-Oalery Orste, 9L83-1-Tf. .. Celery Besrts Desea ba-eses. 8138. r Bqaaah a-lsk, ftOs pes -eaaUlowpe crata; - lag. 40-45-, . " ' - - Apples Jsmble peek, be-, 60-75. " -potatoes Or-sre bax, 6-60a ; Broeeeli Per leg, 56-60s. 6rea Oaloss Dosen b-aebes, 85-30-B-asa-(s SprovrtsCrste. SO-SJe. .Xtry O-Uias Otsgwa. 100 lbs, 1-13 " Eadlve Bssea, 30- - CASH BUYERS Butterfat and Eggs 110 DOLLAR OH Li-