PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Orejron. Friday Uxsrnhtz, February 15. 1935 DISEASES STUDIED 13V1LLE Dill Cupps Quit Dairy Farm as :: He Gets Position With State AUMSVILLE, Teb. 14 The Btudr club met at the schoolhouse Wednesday, afterneon lor the res nlar meeting ot the month,- with II n. Eldon Cone presiding. The club roted to contribute dishes and cooking utensils to families In need. Mrs. John Smith, pro gram chairman, introduced the speaker for the afternoonDoctor Fallis of Salem, who gare an In teresting talk on coughs and colds. The next meeting, March 13, discussion will be given over to skin diseases, measles and chicken pox. . Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ham, Miss Nera Ham, Harold Ham and Wes ley Chefflngs spent Sunday In Sa lem. They were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Prescott, and attended the discus sion ot the Townsend old age pen sion plan, by Doctor Dyer at the armory, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy t Cupp, who hare been conducting a dairy, bus loess north ot town for a number ot years, hare moved to, the house formerly occupied by her son, Everett Kixer. Mr. Cupp was recently appointed as supervisor of the dairy at the penitentiary annex. Mrs. Cupp " will "remain here with her daughter j Madge; senior, until the close of the school. Mr. and Mrs. Keixer have moved into the house vacated by the Cupp family. S! i ; The Wesleyan Methodist church -will hold the district con vention in the church here, be ginning Saturday afternoon and continuing until Sunday night. Henry Arhuse pastor has the af fair in charge. . I Flood Control Is Topic Today R. H. Kipp, Ylce-presldent and secretary ot the Columbia Val ley association, will : accompany Colonel Thomas P. Robins, chief of the Pacific northwest division, U. . Engineers, here on his visit today to hear the desires of Wil lamette' valley residents' for a flood control and - navigation im provement program. JMl persons interested have been 1 invited to meet with Colonel Robins at the Marion hotel for a no-host lunch eon and conference, arranged for by the chamber of commerce. Market Drug Store DRUGS SUNDRIES Prescriptions In C. L. WELLMAN, Ph. G. "Busick's Market' 470 N. Commercial St. Reducing Agents Ronkora OIL 1.00 7i MarmoU ' t 60c Condensed JA jd 4UC $1.00 Germanla C7 Tea UlC Laxatives Feenamlnt UJ 50c Cbocolate OQ- Ex-Lax OVC 500 Nature's IA Remedy ........... JiC Cascarettes ........ JXL 'Z:'. 40c 60c Caldwell J ft Syrup .r.... 40C Castorla I V. 9c Sale Woodbury's Q Soap . C Cashmere Bouquet ft Soap '5C 2 Palmollxo Q Soap . . . . 3 C 3 Colgate's ft Big Bath ifC 4 ox. Q Peroxide C 1 dox. Q Aspirin Eveready Razor ft and Blade C Enders Razor . ft and Blade C Tobacco Velvet ... ........ 10c 1..,.. 10c Squibb Products 40c Tooth OO Paste ..! 00 C 65c C Ii O and CQ Viosterol DOC 40c Milk of Magnesia t 00 C S1.O0 Cod 7Q Liver Oil ......... . JC fl.00 Adex "7ft Tablets I5JC Hlb. lO Epsom Salts ...... . AOC Hlb. 10.' Sod. Bicarb 1JC 40c Shaving Cream i 00 C Pt. Liquid Efft Petrolatum ........ OitC 100 Aspirin, QQ 5Gr. 07C 35c Magnesium O "1 Wafers 1 C . 60c Choc. JOp Vitavose , "0 C Medicated Oils 1.50 : OA Petrolagar . i ? 0z t $1.00 C7- Xnjol . UlC $1.50 di ftft Kepler Preps. ... ylU $1450 1 Aft Agarol Iiv5 Antiseptics 50c I I Q Q Pepsodent ..; uJC Lavorls ......... .i'OUC Llsterine ... 36c S5c ' OC Vicks LvC Model Calif ornia Jail Has Garden for Inmates T f r I. -AIM 4MBfifl 1 M i n It . . A. i i kt' 11 u h h It I! II . .: - s vz- v.-r y-t tt .,1: k,' . . r .: 5 , t ,V , J r. ; - i "vr I .. .. w :-viSv . a.:-yMh .-v. ; 1 t ' 1 11 - - t 1 : s i ..... . " ' ' : .? . i-J- J"- I; : 'Hi! I ill!!!;,, p ..i.I ., w ! ! I) ! ; j 1 1 ! !j i : j I .-IP"'.'. F ;.? Wf ." .'; r- .... i " , f I . . i:r u tt U k : I .. ... . . i . V .w " viv -m -j f.T r. Top, loo modal ja3 front the en trance s at Uft, . eUctrlcally quipped men's lutcbea. This layout show two views of the new San Mateo county, Cal jail, a $700,000 edifice, which is lo cated on Sneath Ridgeabont 14 mfles from Saa Francisco. Rated one of ths most modern institu tion! of its Jundr- the building has three distinct sections one for men, one for women and a third for propagating small vegetables, the latter fe be raised by the prisoners. There are no cells In the . women's section, each prisoner having a room with out bars, and there Is no mess hall in the men's building, each man being served with tray in, hiscelL Martin Signature Placed on Three Minor Measures - Governor Martin Thursday signed three bills approved by both bouses of the legislature. They follow: S. B. 103, by Judiciary commit tee Regulating the practice of law. S. B. 128, by Goes Relating to terms of circuit court in the sec ond Judicial district. H. B. 25, by Boivin Relating to the , use of highways, streets and alleys ot municipal corporations. Columbia Highway Engineer Offers Early Road Views WHEATLAND, Feb. 14. A large crowd assembled at the Wheatland community hall Mon day night to hear the illustrated address by Samuel Lancaster of Portland, a world renowned en gineer, who was the originator of the Columbia River highway. Many of his pictures were ta ken 46 years ago and some were of recent date of the same scenes marking the Improvement in the last four decades. One professor and three students from the Uni versity of Oregon also talked. Remodeling Studio on Neitling Place for New Residence STAYTON, Feb. 14. Chris Nettling Is having the small build ing on the back of his lot re modeled into living quarters. The building was originally built as a siudio by Mrs. Lulu Lilly, for mer owner. When the remodel Peter 1 Pan Flour jSold Only iwith " a -Money Back 49-lb. sack $1.85 ni&nSK-Mi? 294 N. Commercial St Phone 3527 O 4 Deliveries There's pleasure In dally purchasing foods at onr store, where quality Is always assured with a money-back guarantee on every item sold. Besides, "Well Save Tow Money!" I? Tomato Juice Van Camp's 10-os. can ' 5c eve Soap, White 1Q. Eagle, 19 bars. I9C Peas, Field Ripe Of- 303s, I cans Crackers, Delicious So- da Wafers, or. 2 lbs. Orange - Honey Gra hams, OC ..... 6Ut 1-lb. box Grapefruit, HAD Fan- 2 cans ( 2 Sisters String Beans, No. zs, nr 2 cans uJC Economy Coffee CC lib. 10c; 2 lbs. 03 C Campbell's Soups, 2 cans ..25c Oregon Milk, -i y 2 cans . . 1C L-R's Fresh Candled Eggs Mediums ....23c Extras -25c They are Good, Because They; . are Fresh! ; Sugar, fine cane, 10 lbs. .. 49c Valley Rose Flour fin est valley 01 yTQ blend, 49 lbs.$l-x3 Kerr's Cereals Graham, tine or coarse, 10 lbs. . 0 I C Whole Wheat, 10 lbs. OIC Hotcake Flour, in. 10 lbs. -WC Rolled Oats, OT 9 lbs. OiC Kerr's White Eagle G n a r a n t eed Hard Wheat Flour C 49 lbs. ..... tIeUJ Sold with a Money ' Back Guarantee Kern's Catsup, Q 12ml 2 bottles XV Q Kellogg's Com 70 Flakes, 2 for .. C Fruits and Vegetables Solid Head Let- q tuce, 2 heads ... irC Fancy Coreless in Carrots, 4 lbs.. 1UC I i Turnips, fancy, 2 bunches .... 11C Rutabagas, fan- A cy No. Is, 4 lbs. AlIC Fancy Arixona Seed less Grapefruit, 12 for JC Lemons, fancy, in 2 dox. ....... 1C Oranges, . large oo site, 1 dos. . . . J C Deschutes Potatoes, U. s. No. 2s, "yr- 60-lb. bag .... OVC Oregon XT. S. No. 1 Potatoes, -i - gn 100 lbs."..-.... D5IC . i BILL'S MEAT .MARKET Boiling Beef .. . Oc Pot Roast .....lOo Lives .. .10o Hamborger . . .10o FEED DEPARTMENT nODGEN-BREWSTER FEEDS H. B. Baby Chick Mash -milk and yeast. Start' the baby chicks with ; the proper teed and your chick - worries are over. - J QC 100 lbs. ... fVD H.B. Baby Chick Mash without yeast, None better. : " o nA looibe. :r.--$oiu H. B. Special Chick Scratch. It Is lust the proper else. ' (Q!n 100 lbs. ... v-t-v)U H. B. Egg Producer -Milk, otL greens. I This is real egg producer which gets results. Si $2i40 Hen Scratch. n f 100 lb. . . . Vl VH.B. Egg Producer yeast . ..... $2.50 H. B. Laywell Proda cer, i n 9f 100 lbs., ... H. B. Three-Star Egg Mash, O in 100 lbsu V;.' VelU We have av' complete line of Baby Chick Fosa taina, Feeders and- Brooders Get Our Pricee. U Be a Bread Baker Use Peter Pan Flour 49-lb. tack $1.85 ing Is completed Miss Alma Tlnk- ln will move there from the Dled rica apartments. Master George Carter enter tained a group of small boys on his eighth birthday with a party at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Ira B. Carter. Games and refreshments were enjoyed by the youngsters. Scio Hog Growers to Get $2300 for Second Payments SCIO, Feb. 14. Scioans at tending the Lincoln day banquet In Albany Tuesday night were Dr. A. G. Prill, chairman of the Linn county republican committee, who presided; F. A. Gallegly, Frank Bartu, Jr., and Joe Lytle. Dr. Jo seph Myers of Albany, 95, a vet eran ot the Civil war, was In at tendance. Dr. Myers voted for the great emancipator for president. Hog growers In the Scio region are to receive 12100 this week as second benefit payments under the terms ot the 1914 contracts. The total disbursements In Linn county will be 111.269.22. accord ing to F. C. Mullen, county agent. VERDICT SURPRISE TO Majority; Hung Jury or Leniency Guess of ... . . s . e e MOST READERS HERE The - Hauptmann verdict, fori the most part, was unexpected. It was discovered yesterday upon ! Interviewing a cross-section ot business and professional people downtown. About half the men and women approached declared that they had expected a bung Jury. The other half looked for a recom mendation of leniency. Only one had not followed the trial at all and did not know the verdict. A young banker said that he believed Hauptmann would end up in a state hospital rather than the electric chair. A salesman and musician stated that he had ex pected life Imprisonment tor the accused rather than death be cause of circumstantial evidence: One saleslady approached In a department store declared ve hemently that the verdict was Just what she had expected and that if all kidnapers were jut to death there would be less crime. A local Jeweler said that the evidence had seemed conclusive but that the verdict without len iency wis a surprise. Two news paper men stated that they were pleased with the outcome ot the Heights School is Closed for Last of Extensive Repairs SALEM HEIGHTS. Feb. 14. Due to repairs on the Salem Heights school the school board has closed school for the week ending, February IS, but announ ces classes will be resumed Mon day, February 18. Extensive repairs and remodel ing have been made at the school the last three months under the SERA project approved some time ago. A new playroom and gymnasium have been built un der the left wing of the school building, new rest rooms, and a complete program of levelling off. beautifying and modernizing of the playgrounds. trial and .commended . the Jury for Its decision. ' All persons Interviewed said that the newspapers over-played the story end many said that aft er the first day or so of the trial that-they ignored everything but the headlines. One mentioned the sprinkling of stories relating to the trial all tnrough the paper as ridiculous. Willamette Youths -Present Program -. at Pratum Church PRATUM, Feb, 14. ' Sunday night a group of students from Willamette university took charge of the service at the Methodist church with Mr. Magfn as the leader. Mr Eddy, Mr. Tao and Mr. Mesher were the speakers. Miss Hortense Taylor gave vio lin solo accompanied by Anna Jo Fleming. . -. - : . ; .' - - -The young married people's Sunday school class met at the borne ef Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph de Vrles Tuesday evening. The Yalentlne motif was carried out. . . . . and years of experimentation produced the process of THERMAL0 roasting for coffee. One cup of Golden West will convince you that the time and money have been well spentl Yet Golden West costs no more! as-s 2 GIANT NAPHTHA SOAP 0 IBS-lass mm ft A WHITI MOM A. S. (PAT) JOHNSON 1 975 Market Street Phone 5073 9 (FROM YOUR DEALER) THESE 2 LARGE-SIZE BARS OF PG SOAP With the Purchase of One (1) 25$ Size Package of The New $1,000,000 Laundry Soap Invention That Cuts Washing Time 25 to 40 JS -Ends Scrubbing- and Boiling Gets Clothes 4 to 5 Shades Whiter Than Other Soaps! Loosens Dirt Out in IS Minutes9 Soaking With Utter Safety to Colors, Hands and Fabrics GROCERS' STOCKS LIMITED Act Mow Before Too Late! Offered by the Maker of Famous P & G solely to get you to try their Newest Soap Discovery a whiter-wahing, or faster-washing Gran ulated Soap that9 utterly safe for hands, colors and fabrics! 7 Buy r, r .. . 1 t P & l0r9 5op I THS "KING" OF BAR SOAPS-P&O WHITE NAPHTHA Whitest-Washing Bar Soap Known and Eas ' iest on the Hands Here's your chance to get the new, sudsier, P & G White Naphtha - free! . Not only the whitest-washing bar soap known, but also ths easiest on hands. Notice how com pletely dirt vanishes; bow it jeta eren grimy hand towels snowy. -' The big, flossy white cake is suds ier than ever and the kindest of all barsoapson hands. Note, too, that P & Q leaves so "soapy smeiras so many bar soaps do--and keeps for months without getting "dried out," or forming hard, sharp edges. If you get a dozen cakes for your bar soap supply the last P&Gwmtea3Buday asthefirrtl T eee jLT-jA "ITS ALMOST A MIRACLE HOW OXYDOL SOAKS CLOTHES CLEAN . . . YET KEEPS COLORS SO FRESH AND NEW" Says Mrs. J.H.McDuff, 312 Gilbert Street, Peoria, lUinoU 1 tsH tm, it iImi in liri ! Ww . MmMrfw4ttfar1ll t Oil ill Mb rfirtii ! aa4 j SraS rn mufn tim wihhi am Ani It white wttk tmmtmhfmt mlikmm t Oxydol is often eaSed the "miracle soap of modern adence." It ghres thick 8-inch suds in hardest water. And does three things that other soaps have never . done before. (1) Cuts washing time 25 to 40 iq ;, tub or machine. Because it loosens dirt out of clothes in 15 wunrfes socJnbanishes aU need for scrubbing andboxEng! (2) Gets clothes A to 5 shades whiter than other soaps. Whiter in on washing than other grains lated soaps even can do in two or more washings! : (3) Yet if s utterly safe to use colors won't fade ; tab f rics won't suffer 1 . Even cotton prints and children's : dainty frocks are safe. And it leaves bands soft and smooth - after dishwashing, cleaning or heaviest laundry work. -' ""