PAtiE THREE -i. hway South to Hit Turner is Eyed The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Friday Morning, February 15, 1935 Mig IES RO 1 Marion Community Group in Charge Fart Program Entertainment TURNER, Feb. 14. Turner community club met Monday night with a full house and a big program. H. R. Peetz, of Turner, H. Llbby, Marlon and O. G. Hughson, Portland, were appoint ed to interview the state highway commission regarding the feas ibility of relocating the Pacific highway from Salem south, par alleling the railroad in this vicin ity. Luther J. Chapin, president of the federated clubs, spoke briefly. O. G. Hughson of the Oregon Builders Congress spoke of the boys' builders clubs. A no decis ion debate was put on, with the subject, "Should congress adopt the' propos ed Townsend old., -age pension plan?" Kenneth and Harold Tow- ler spoke for the affirmatlTe-and Willard Bear and Russell "Den- yer for the negative. 'Marion 'Was 2 GIANTh rANDu WHITE NAPHTHA SOAP at 21c MARR'S 17th and Market Streets Phone 0154-0155 Slate Penal Lost About Half Century Ago is Discovered SCIO, Feb. 44 A lead pencil and a ' slate pencil, which had probably been concealed from SO to 50 years, were found by George Piatt recent! j while work ing on the foundation of the Odd Fellows , building in Scio. The building was used in the 80's as a srhoblhonse and it is believed the pen cils were used during that time. j; They had fallen between the studs from the second floor and were' found on the sill at the foundation while workmen were potting in a new sill. The building stood several blocks east of its present location when it waa used as a schoolhouse. the visiting club and put on a program that was well received. Turner club presented a short skit by high school seniors and Mrs. Blanche Williams presented her group of upper grades in a play, "Turning ) point in the life of Lincoln." Musical numbers were given and a parliamentary drill. Cecil Poole Pays Visit Between His Lecture Itinerary MONMOUTH Feb. 14. Cecil Poole, a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Poole of Monmouth, is visiting here with his wife, Elise Stewart Poole. Cecil, a 5 native of Mon mouth and graduate of Oregon Normal school, Is affiliated with the Rosier uciari (Amorc) society as a lecturer. Hp has Just com pleted an itinerary in southern California and; expects to start soon into eastern Washington, Idaho and Montana. In the early summer he plans a, tour through the southern states into the New England section ' following a' lee ture itinerary. 3Ifs. Poole will ac company him. H SQGIAL FETES ILEjpiS Adkisson, Doctor There for Five Years, Leaving for Freewater GERVAIS, Feb. 14. Mrs. A. DeJardin, Mrs. J. A. Ferschweiler and Miss Marie Margold were hostesses at the DeJardin home Monday night to the Catholic Daughters of America when four tables of cards were played Prizes in the playing went to Mrs. John McKillop and C. W. Cuts forth for high scores and to Mrs F. H. Cannard and Dr. Fitzgerald for low scores. Mrs. Eugene Da vidson was given the door prize. Doris Turner gave a valentine party Wednesday night to mem bers of her class, the eighth grade in the public school. Those pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. William L. Regele, Bobby and Faye Cuts forth, Peter Jensen, Evelyn Po- tanskl, Virgil Koenig, Lucille Helmig, Leon Seufert and the hostess. Miss Wilhelm and Allyn Nusom held high scores and Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Henning, low scores at the community "500" club meet Ing Tuesday night. Six tables of the game were played. Lodge Plans Visit j At the meeting of Rebekah lodge held Saturday night an in vitation was received and accept ed to visit the Woodburn lodge the night of February 19. Plans were made to attend the district convention in Salem February 23. Mrs. Alice Barnett was elect ed degree captain to fill the va cancy caused by Mrs. Adelphlne Harris having been elected to an other office at the semi-annnal election in December. Adkisson Leaving ; Coming unexpectedly to many was the announcement last Fri day that Dr. A. B. Adkisson had made arrangements to move his family to Freewater where he will take up his practice. They plan to go to Freewater Febru ary 26. So far It Is not known If another doctor will locate atGer- Tais. Dr. Adkisson has been here almost fire years. The Fid ells class of the Pres byterian Sunday school held Its monthly social night at the church Wednesday night. Dinner was served at 7 o clock followed by a short program. Rev. P. M. Hammond of the Woodburn Me thodist church was the speaker. Founders' Day is Observed in P. T. Event, Falls City FALLS CITY, Feb. 12. The Parent - Teachers' meeting held Monday night was well attended. The program for the March meet ing will be furnished by the "Dads" with Reve Helem (who Just recently became a daddy) as chairman. The attendance banner was awarded to the first and second grades. The program, in honor of Founders' day, included: Read ing, E. J. Finley; dance, "The Minuet," four grade school stu dents: short talks by Mrs. Altna Smith who gave a history of the local P. T. A. from its organiza tion up to the present; and by Mrs. Houtz, who gave some of the facts concerning the history of the national as well as the state P. T. A. organization; skit, by Mrs. Mabel Hatch. Mrs. Orpha Gil bert, Mrs. Geraldine Foster, Mrs. Pearl Barnhart and Miss Georg ian n a Loftus. Smith is Handling Lyons Store Until Assistant Returns LYONS, Feb. 14. Mr. Smith of Marion Is here taking charge of the general store during the absence of Mrs. Brant, who has been at home the past week on account of the Illness and death of her father, D. H. Monroe. Michiel Hek of Iowa is here for a -visit with relatives and friends. He is a guest at the John Jungwlrth home. He has a number of relatives near Jor dan. Henry F. Bodeker is quite ill at his home here. WHERE YOU SAVE EVERY DAY Drug Prices for Friday, Saturday, Through Monday ssmm oatfHr femv& 35 WHERE YOU SAVE EVERY DAY Drug Prices for Friday, Saturday, Through Monday PONDS CREAMS 35c size 25c 55c size 39c SI size 73c GERMANS - Tea $1.50 Size JUNIS Cream $1 size 69c v UK A CI JERGENS Lotion 50c Size Your Prescriptions Filled at Economical Prices Baby Needs . 50c Johnson's Baby Cream 35c $1 Lactogen 79c ; 65c Mead's 10 D 49c Castile Soap f 2 for 15c 40c Castoria.27c, FACE POWDERS $1.10 Coty's 69c f 1.00 Mello-Glo 69c 60c Lady Esther 87c 50c Woodbury's 35c 100 McKesson's Aspirin Tablets 37c FACE CREAMS f 1.00 Krank's 79c : 50c Milkweed 39c 50c Woodbury's 85c fl.OO Hopper's 79c 60c Pompelan 40c REMEDIES 60c Alka-Seltzer 49c 60c Sal HepaUca 47c ' 30c Bromo Seltzer 25e fl.OO Adlerika 89c 91.50 Cltrocarbonates 81.15 $1.50 Agarol fl.OO $1.25 Petro-Syllium 79c REDUCING AGENTS ; fl.OO Marmola Tablets 71c fl.OO Bonkora 69c $3.00 Reducoids $1.39 60c Condensed Jad 40c Sanitary Goods 25c Kotex 17c 2 for 83c 25c Frens 15c ' 2 for 25c 50c Wix 43c 50c Tampax 39c 1 DOUGLAS CONDUCTS CLINIC FQR SCHOOL as t man F i I 'm s a t Low Cut Price s t s i I t Waldorf Toilet Tissue 3 Sor 14c ,-aw - $1.25 Creo-Elulsion 04c $1.25 Absorbine Jr. 94c g $1.25 Congoin; 4p 09c Scot Toilet Tissue 3 for 21c -z I IX w a r e p e n v cry N i g h t TM1 10 P. M. Soaps Low Cut Prices Life Buoy 3 for 17c Woodbury's 3 for 25c Camay 3 for 14c j ' Palmolive 3 for 14c Cashmere. Bouquet' 3 for 25c -v- PILLS AND TABLETS 75c Cyst ex 50c ! 50c Dewltt's 84c 50c Mldol 84c .- H 75cDoan's50c li 25c Carter's 17c ! 25c Ex-Lax 17c ;M Bottle of 45 McKesson Soda Mints 10c SHAMPOOS 60c Mar-o-oQ 40e! ! 75c Fitch's 53c ?! ! 50c Woodbury's 85c 50c PalmoUTe 23c ) 25c Golden Glint 17e 25c Packer's Soap 19c REMEDIES fl.OO Haley's MO 69c 81.00 Miles' Nererbie 83c 8125 Petrolagar 84c 60c Blsodol 44c 5Qc PhilUpg' Milk of Magnesia 84c Gold Plated Gillette Razor and 5 Blue Blades, both for 49c SHAVING CREAMS 85c Woodbury's 19e 85c life Buoy 25c 40c Colgate's 29c SOc Wil llama N 39c S5c Ingram's 29c 50c Burma Shave 84c Sundries 100 Poker Chips 39c Bridge Size Playing Cards 29c Pal Wrist Watch leather or metal strap $2.98 500 Sheet CENTRAL HOWELL, Feb. 14. Dr. V. A. Douglas and Mrs. Irma La Rlche, assisted by Mrs. A. E. Jans, conducted a clinic at Cen tral Howell school Tuesday aft ernoon. Pupils from North How ell. Pratum and Middle Grove came here and were given toxin- antitoxin tor diphtheria, small pox vaccination and the first' test for tuberculosis. Physical exam' ligations were given also. To Contact Swiss Pupils of the npper grades vis ited the state legislature Wednes day afternoon. The pupils plan to send to school children In Switzerland samples of products manufactured here and hope to get an exchange of products. To this end they got samples from the linen, wool and paper mills. The Dettwyler and Scharer chil dren have cousins in Switzerland to whom they plan to send their samples. MAY REMAIN HERB FALLS CITY, Feb. 14. v- Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Cozatt and son and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis and son. of Chugwater, Wyoming, are visiting their uncles. Norman and Ira Davis and grandmother. Mrs. L. Davis. They may remain here for some time. CLUB MEETS TONIGHT PRATUM, Feb. 14. The com munlty club will meet Friday night at the schoolhouse. This month the men are sponsoring the program with Ewald Franz In charge. 8PKATTS DOG FOODS BT if KMUTXTXCHtrKl if 4 44.MMTUB ai.VS V W fmt UM wm A H. M mm uh n Lt M wm mm 1 4 imm mm Mt M m IJ C3W TAtrnwo rtTT CROWN KOMPLETE' Poultry Feeds K. K. CHICK STARTER . From 1st to 5 th week K. K. GROW 6th to 10th week K. K. PULLET DEVELOPER 11th week to maturity K. K, LAY For Layers and Breeders Seed Potatoes Fertilizers Lawn Seeds W. J. LEE & SON 849 Ferry Phoae 0418 Cash for Butterfat, Eggs, Grain PRATT'S POULTRY REMEDIES n ! ' I iits m m m ssssssri a u. w ssa mm v s?fep Frwr ir m r vr m w -m sav a- m iaaaiP,vvrm r m. w s sr 11 11 1 v w 1 Til 1 j xi ecu. 11 1; 1 r 1 - . i m -j 1 mm w m it 1 1 1 1 a a k.v mas at m w m apr ... m M m At. AO. AO 1 1 if 11 v- vv a UIS1T.J t r j Tt m mm f 1 sm 1 r mm mm r m - w 11 ft) I V I : 1 LW'te 'H ' JT mi - r ' 1 M I III I U&ip1 " 1 j Gi?a5eSi?iniiit!; . 2Lcanb,y- 3125s 13S "S 1 two ToininattOGs n- j1"11- 2,c U ! ! STORES 12 II I nn- a3 ttCflllHi TSiQli11S No. 2 cans each C)(5 cans eat (Sohdhgg!1 IBgoS -oL"-eab U3 i n i -1 - 1 . . . .. - i CKHEESE Pay'n Takit cooperates in another big cheese event to help dairymen. Triplet Cream- lb. i 18c Borden's or Kraft Swiss, Brick, American Package lOt JELL-WELL Best Flavor O pkffs. 12c First by o Choice 5 lbs Fresh and Crisp NCamps pkgs. AIRWAY COFFEE POST TOASTIES TOMATO SOUP FLOUR KS2S'$1.47; SUGAR pJ&asui 10 lbs. 4Jc LAUNDRY SOAP -kit-llSc Bine Seal 40-lb. sack 2C $163 CRACKERS, OQ Snowflake, 2-lb. bx LaV, TAPIOCA, 1 1 Minute, .pkff. - X J.C CHOCOLATE, Baker's Premium- Ol V-lb. nke. aCiAi MAYONNAISE, Best Foods, pt. ... SYRUP, 5-lb. can KQp Maximum . -.fJUK' 27c Pi r Salem's Leading Produce Depts. rOuUCe Features Friday and Saturday Specials APPLES COCOANUTS PARSNIPS Special Quality From Sumatra, Medium size, crisp Romes, excellent fresh, tasty rr K 1 fr flavor QK each DC sweet O lbs. 1UL Box - 0J r APPLES LEMONS CARROTS Romes, try some II - Sunkist, nice size, In bulk, sweet and baked . . . Si.lOc- T" 3.b3. 5c lOib, 25c AVOCADOS 1C I BANANAS Cr Med. site fancy f rait, each Ripe bananas are scarce, lb. HV branded Calayos. gefyonr snpply today. 3-lb. can ALB E RS ' PANCAKE FLOUR SNOWDRIFT e r e Send 2 pkg. tops for tea towel FREE O. J the S.O.S. Co., Chicago SCOT-TISSUE rolls ..... MATCHES . 'artoV :. .1 ... . . PUREXk. CLEANSER LARGE PACKAOE 2Ec Sunbrite, 3 for ;. .1 Can Free PEPPER shI11Ing8 Black TfH. A CCCk Frlnce Albert or -VelTet, 49c .... 17c sg; 29C .... 13c 9c 1C- n.eket tin.. 2 for I.t. OXYDOL & G rree' . . 21c toitiT soar 3 cakes 14c A PLUS miaitm tear 3 cakes 14c O Morrell Pride, Boned and Rolled ........ For Boiling or Braising 0 0 SIT TCP Choice Lean Cuts s For AH Cooking Purposes . All Meat No Cereal SRaiSE.'H' F.-KD1y., 4j v ), ..'..(" : S a 2E IffiPo lbs.M lbs ill QJi Jo I 5 quart g Kleenex 35e RABBITS AND CHICKENS I IJ r I .sr t m m r jsm m m m tarn Mm. ? TLA M1J' Mi 3 Ivl in .in ... . - - rffl I v.v.i..' i - g T-c-r. T , ' --- "- , ....... "... - . ... - ,