i Th OREGON STATESMAN, Sl Oregon. Thursday . Morninsv February 14, 1923 PAGE NINE For Quick Resuiis at Low Cost Use Classitied Ads ! -- , i i- 1 u Statesman ! Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Single insertion per line ..10c Three Insertions per line .20e Six Insertions per line ...30c One month per line . ...fl.t-0 Minimum charge 25c Copy for this page accepted until :30 the evening before publication for classification. Copy received after this time will be run under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assume no financial responsibility for er rors which may appear in ad vertlsements pabllshrd In its rolamas, and in canes where thle paper la at fault will re print that part of an adver tisement in wbirh the typo graphical mistake occurs. . The Statesman reserves the right to reject objectionable advertising. It further reserves the right to classify all adver tising under the proper classi fication. HELP WANTED REPRESENTATIVE Adcox Diesel Engineering school of Portland will be in R&iom soon. Can VM limited num ber of students to work out part of tuition. If interested or desire beauti ful Illustrated catalogue address liox 354, care Statesman. HELP WANTED MALE 'Party for service In exchange for apt. 109 S. conri. m. SITUATIONS WANTED - - - iinnnAfiAiirVTiri r i ' - Wanted housework by hour. Will care for children evenings. TeL 3952. in r n r ri ii r i ii ni i an --------- Painting, redecorating, kalsomining, exchanged for dentistry, clothing or? Reed, Tel. ft47: rererences. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Old papers 100 nt bundle 6 ta tea man (tic. Peach Trees SPECIAL All kinds of fruit and nut treea Frultland Nursery sales yard; 240 Center St. A. J. Mathls, prop. TeL 9820' Spring wheat, new harness, collars. Dorses, cows. TeL 458". tiroy rsasn. illay, oats and vetch.- clover, wild eat sirs. Wright. 4tf ml.. Wallace Rd. FOR BALE MISCELLANEOUS VW . and used furniture. . radios. ranges, linoleum, pianos, etc. We buy, aell and exchange. P. N. Woodry's Auction Market, 1010 N. Summer. Tel. MIO. : Hay for sale. TeL 41F11. Tiir iuLrnruui nrii"" i -i -i" - - - - ,Well rotted fertiliser, yard or sack. TeL B27B. ' Baled hay and straw. 67F2. nFor sale: Guaranteed first class po tatoes, priced right, any amount, w ant mxm dry wood. H. C. SHIELDS, 210 Oregon BIdg. TeL 890Z. Good milk ccw for sale, cheap. Route 4. Box 171. Tel. 137F21. TRADE Miscellaneous Will trade phonograph for one coid f wood. H. U Stiff Furn. co. Furniture for Ford. H. Lv Stiff. Will trade 7-tube auto radio for pi ano. 214 N. Hlrh. WANTED Miscellaneous White fir Hemlock timber. Any amount. Howard, 23S5 N. Front St. WANTED Walnut,' filbert meats. Any Quantity, any time. State Cafe teria. Hauling wanted for 34 Dodge 2T. Wood, freight, lumber, anything. Phone 3260. MISCELLANEOUS Free -Wa pick op dead and worth- .. horses, cows, eneeo Tel 4810. Halrcuu lee-20a 103 B. Wlo'.er. 8aw repairing. Ealem Saw Shop. Four Cornera Pen Road. Tel. 4280. Passengers share expenses Boise, Idaho. Leaving Feb. 21, return 27th. 11. 5355. FOR RENT ROOMS Four room house, good .barn, hen house and garage. 2Vs acres 2 miles from town. Phone 9765. ROOM AND BOARD For two, $4 week. Tel. 7313. Room, board, table board, blk. cap ital bid. 860 Chemeketa. Tel. 8394. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Mod. S R. furn. apt Close to Cap itol bldg. Tel. 8764. - Mod. t R. Adulta 643 Union. Partly furn. or unfum. room apt. 610 Judnon St. 2 and t FOR RENT HOUSES Houses Forkner 1853 N. CapltoL Mod. furn. house, 4 bedrooms. Close to school. TeL 8226. Houses, Grant, 129 Court. Ph. BS84. Cosy small bungalow, furnished. TeL 1940 evenings. - 5 rm. bouse with large sarden spat u. , stur Furniutra Co. FOR RENT Furnished, modem home; has S bedrooms, fireplace fur nace, garage, uniy three Diocka nortn of state house. Rent reduced te S3S. See my agent LOUIS BECHTEL, 841 'Mate at. FOR RENT : Hospital beds and wheel chairs far I rant. . , stiff Furnltnr Co. - I Houses, acreags: 80S First NafL . FOR RENT s3H acres, 2 equipped chicken nausea. 800 chicken caoacltr. Modern room house. 2H mile from Ladd dt . Bush bank. Rent $20 per mo,1 SEH Clifford Harold with . 1 - CHILDS MILLER. Realtors 144 State 8treet - Tel. 8708. ' Exchange, Real Estate . To trade, Spokane city property for - Calem property. From owner . ealy. SsOl 1068 a XSth. . EXCHANGE Real Estate --- rHViWtrvni I . WE HAVE . - 13 acres near Corvallla. also stoud I of lots, ail clear to trad for property I la or near Salem, Will par cash differ ence. - - CFIILD3 ft 1IIU Realtors 344 State St. t; TeL S798. For SalcReal EsUte THREE WONDERFUL BUYS IN REASONABLY : PRICED HOMES S room plastered house on paved street, garage ana wooasnea. Price 1 only S50. .- Mr - Z choice east front lota with a room cottage, garage and woodshed, street paved and walks tn. Price only $1250. in west Salem, urn corner lot with fruit and shade trees, shrubs and flowers, 6 room house with basement and furnace, garage and woodshed. Price for short time $1(00 with part terms. l : For good buys in homes SEE . CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street I - TeL (70S. Large house. 19 blocks from Laddl St Bush bank, paved at cement walks, double garage. Distant owner. Price $1400. ., W. O. KRUEGER. 147 N. ComT. FOR SALE Beautiful 7 room house only blocks from state house, north. Priced low at $4700, part terms. SEE lira Ellis with CHILD 3 A KILLER. Realtors 344 State Street : Tel. 0708.1 room, late-built, modern noma with fireplace, ', furnace, hardwood floors and basement. PRICED FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. (2850. Terms. See R. A. Johnson W. H. GRABENHORST A CO, '. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. TeL 4. 18000 modern suburban home for $4000. Half caslt." Best of soil, mostly In bearing filberts, fruit. Practically new bungalow, S R., electricity, bath. water system, mod. poultry ana orooa- er house, two miles in. oi saiem. own er non-resident. i Shown Dy appoint, ment only. SEE-i-LOUIS BECHTEL, In person. 311 State. FOR SALE FARMS eaaMMMMafs'aa,sawM Farm tor rent 5 or sale to any re liable man who has cash to buy equip ment to $4000.00. 150 A.. 85 A. in cul tivation, 50 A. clover, una year rem free. Close to Salem. Box 351, Statesman. See this SO A- 20 A. hops, 15 A. bottom farm land, Pudding river, fair Improvements, electricity; $5,000. Trade .considered. : H. C. SHIELDS 212 Oregon Bldg. v Tel. 8902 WANTED REAL ESTATE uu-i njuLnn - iii WANTED Small house and lot, around $500. Prefer N. Salem. Deal with owner. P. O.: Box 415, Salem. 4 MONEY TO LOAN Automobile and Chattel Loans 1 to 20 months to repay at lowest pos sible rates. " ;? GENERAL. FINANCE CORP. A local corporation 1st NafL Bank Bldg. Phone 8S53 Licensed by State UNSECURED LOANS State Loan Co. 212 Oregon Bldg. TeL 7783 Lie, St. S-l5. AUTO t LOANS CARS R E F INANCED Easy Terms ; Investigate WILLAMETTE LOAN CO. M-159 505 Guardian Bldg. Salem MONEY TO LOAN on city, farm or acreage properties. Must be best of se- I curlty. Good terms, low costs. CHILDS & MILLER, Mtge. Loans 344 State St. TeL 6708. 57o Farm Loans 5 improved Plenty of money for well farms if amply secured. Improve or buy now with cheap money, ask tor booklet "Willamette Valley Farms." Hawkins and Roberts, inc. A COMPLETE SERVICE ON LOANS UP TO 1300 LOOK WHAT YOU GET! 1. CASH within 48 hours, 2. Choice of 4 Loan Plana 3. Liberal terms, 1 to 20 mo. to repay. 4. Promptness. : Courtesy. . Privacy. Beneficial Loan v Society of Salem Member of NRA. I Room 119. New Bligh Bldgv 2nd floor LICENSED NO. -8-122 M 165 by STATE 518 State St Tel. 374- Loans Made In Nearby Towns LIVESTOCK and POULTRY wwwwwNrf. Load of horses and mules Just ar- rived. Horses weighing around 1400 to 1500 lbs. Muiea from 1200 to 1300 pounds. Can be seen at 1900 N. com L St. on Klver bt. niRT .h!f-lc hatii millets. babV cockerels. Custom hatching, custom sexlng. Ph. 133F2, Lee s Hatchery. -Ms kAl. T.1s Xo.A Kr11i MUkPr. els, $1.50 each, i Ph. 1S3F3, Lee'i Hathpry. FOR SALE WOOD GUARANTEED DRT wood coal. Tel. 6000, Salem Fuel Co. Trade A cottage. Dry planer and i slab wood. Prompt delivery. TeL 3986, Dry old fir. 2nd growth wood. screened hog fuel.; Fred E. Wells. 16 In. old fir. 85. 4 ft. dry 2nd growth 3 cd. lots 34 cd. 4 ft. ash 84.75. TeL 8785. Guaranteed seasoned wood. TeL 7860. Dry wood. 16 In, 34.00. Dial 4084. Dry wood. TeL $254. Old fir, nearly y dry, 3S.50. Phone 137F3. - h . Dry 2nd growth 4 ft, 84.00: 18 In. 4.60. C J. Lehman, TeL 49F4. 4000 old prune trees, makes ex cellent wood. 142 & High St. ; WOOD SAWING Wood sawing reasonable. Call 8290. PERSONAL X will not be resDonslble for any bills contracted by my wife, Mrs. A. C EUla or Tony Ella from this day on .! mm Mn.lA A V IMV1 Tnl t1 Feb. - 18, 1939.) Mr, A. C Ella or Tony Ella. - i i rrrrrrrrywT?? JTJfArc,?J5jSE' SSL? suffer? For quick relief get a trea sample of Udga tablets, a ooctor pre - scription, at Capital Drug Store, Par - ry's Drug Store. FOR SALE USED CARS ISO boys ST Pontlaa Coupes Good condition, ill Vmbm.r 1928 Chev. Coach. 308 Madison. FOR SALE USED CARS Valley Motor Co. Special We must make mora room. If yon I need transportation we hare it. Thlsl is a list of our cheap buys . 1325 Bulck Sedan, 5 good tires and license - , $81.00 1921 Mup Sedan, . runs real good ; 11.00 112 Chevrolet Conn, very good motor - 22.101 11X5 Ford Dickon, with trans mission , , , 10.011 192J Ford Coupe good tires ana motor ?H- I 1923 Ford Coup. Runs good - 11.00 192f Ford Tudor 28.00 192S Ford pickup, licensed , , 18.10 1924 Ford panel 20.00 1921 Ford touring, good tires 18.00 Marion and Liberty Telephone 7910 Radi io P rogram Tkarsdsy, February 14 KQAO OOKVsLT.ia Teh. It 9:00 Horn. Economies Observer HoimF 'Interest conference dele gates from Clseksmas and Cm utBbis eeaaties. 10:45 Onarding Tonr Health. 12:00 Neon Fsrta Hoar. 1'15 KOAO School of Ue Air. 3:80 Home Garden Hoar "Lsndsesp- ing" f. A. CnUbert. "Seed- side Beauty." "Raododeaa- rons Doty sad Doerner. 9:00 The Club Womsa's Half Boor "The Clnb Womaa Plans Her Fmaneei" Mrs. Geo. T. Gerl la ser. 4:00 On the Campuses. 4:80 Stories for Boys and Girls. 5:00 Dick Mote's Oreroa Staters. 5:45 The Vespers Led by Bev. Joan B. Burns. 0:00 Mrs. Bruce 8paalding, contralto. 0:30 KTening r arm Hour. 7:30 Radio Shorthand contest. 8:15 Law in Modern Society. 8:40 Student Forum. Thursday, February 14 KEX POBTLAHD 1180 Ke. ft:30 The Rereille Hour. 0:00- Request Program. 9:80 Songs of the Past. 0:45 Tango Time. 10 :02 Ramons. 10:15 Classical Soloist. 10:30 Oregonian Bible Broadcast. 10:35 Ronald Buck, Pianist. 11:45 Echoes of Erin, NBC. 12 :00 Orchestrs. 12:15 W esters Farm and Home Hoar. 1 :15 Orchestra. 1:30 Financial and Grain Report. 1:35 Operatic Gems, 3:00 World Bookman. 3:05 Musical Gems. 2:30 Story Hour. 3 :45 Piano. 4 :00 Friendly Chat. 4:30 Dance Tunes. 8:30 Everybody Sing. 9:05 7th Infantry Band. 9 :30 Thursday Theater. 10. -no Dance Orchestra. 10:50 Tom Oakley's Orchestrs, NBC. 10:55 Press Radio Msws, auu. 11:09 Woodyard's Orchestra. 11:15-12:00 Dance Frolic. KOW PORTLAND 620 Ke. 7:15 Gospel Singer, NBC 7:30 Ronald Buck. 8 :00 Accordions, NBO. 8:15 Tony Wons, NBC. 8:30 U. 8. Kay Band, NBC. 9:15 Merry Macs, NBC. 9:45 Olympian. 9:50 Johnny O'Brien, NBC. 13:00 Castles of Romance, NBC. 13:45 Glenn Shelley. Organist. rt.nn VAAim Kir Pianiat. 3:15 American Vocational Talk, XBOY 3:30 Mickey Gillette Urehems, xvdu. 4:00 Hotel Pennsyivsms wrcneatxa. 4:15 Oriental Gardens' urcneaira. 4:45 The Songfellows, NBO. 8:00 Amos 'n' Aady, NBC. 8:15 Stsndard Symphony, NBO. 10:15 Walts Time, NBC. 1045 Bart Woodysrd's Orchestrs, ii.no Ambasoador Hotel Orchestra. 11:30-12:00 Hotel Biltmore Orchestra. Storm Extends Through State; Snow Reported PORTLAND, Ore., Feb -The storm in which the dirigible Macon went down off the Califor nia coast also extended ' up the Oregon and Washington coasts to night where southeast storm war nings were hoisted. Portland was drenched during j th da -.ifh a Quarter ot an Inch e :fW1 nar(?V ar,r the night. Klamath Falls reported inter mittent snow flurries early in the day and a more steady fall as the I day wore on. Snow feu in tne I -.tinn nf tha state. The I . . , "v weather bureau warned livestock I men to get ready ior a oiizrara I OTer tnat area I PEAK OOUK rAVUKHlJ I SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. I t-iii M M . a. TXTolnnf I LUliU X3C.U-1 V L . VI at v crecit, leaner oi a group oi uau- fornia pear growers, said today he hoped for early adoption of a proposed agricultural adjust ment administration marketing No. B 19322 In the District Court of the Uni ted States for the District of Oregon. In the Matter of William C. Rodg ers and Mary A. Rodgers, Bank rupt. To the creditors of William C Rodgers and Mary A. Rodgers, - of Gervals, in the County of Marion and District aforesaid, bankrupts. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the said William C. Rodgers and Mary A. Rodgers heretofore filed a petition under section 7 of the Acts of Congress relating to Bankruptcy; that they hare failed to obtain the acceptance ot a majority in number and amount of all creditors whose claims were affected by a composition or ex tension proposal ; that they de sire to obtain the benefit of sub section (s) of said section 75 pursuant to their amended peti tion under said sub-section they were on the 12th day of Janu ary, 1935, duly adjudicated bank rupt: that the first meeting of creditors will be held at Room 301 in the United States National I uuuis i oaicui, vrcgun. on the 25tn day or February, 13S, at 2:30 o'clock in the aft- ernooii at whichr, Ume the said I creditors may 'attend, prove their 1 claims, examrnft the bankrupts, 1 aD-olnt a trustee if it becomes necessary nnder the terms of said section - and transact such other business as ' may properly come before said meeting, ' Wl LARD L. MARKS. Referee ia Bankruptcy. . F.lix, Business Directory Cards In this directory nut on a monthly basis only. Rate: 1.00 per line per month. AUTO BRAKES Mike Panek. 9T8- South Commercial. BRUSHES Fuller Brushes. TeL Proudflt, TS82. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telejhone450jRijajirrth CHIRAPRACTORS DR. O. U SCOTT, PSC, Chiropractor, zs N. Hign. Tel. Kea, svss. ELECTRICAL SERVICE BOSLER Electrle, 241 State St. Wlr- IngjnctorajtrjpiiMcee FLORISTS Brelthaupfs, 617 Court. ALL kinds of floral work. Lots, Flor 1st. 1270 N. Liberty. TeL 8511. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY. THE W EIDER LAUNDRY 263 a High TeL 9111 CAPITAL, CITY LAUNDRY First In Quality and Service Telephone 9H5 1294 Broadway MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 40(9 SALEM FLUFF-RUG and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade : carpet cleaning, sts- ing: nuir rug weaving, h. istn s wit- bur. TeL 844L OTTO F. ZWICKER, Est. 1911. MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet muslo ana piano stud ies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines, 432 State Street, Salem. NATUROPATHS Dr. Putnam HaU. $11 & Commercial Tel. 6066. PHOTO ENGRAVERS Salem photo engraving. 14T N. Com mercial. TeL 68ST. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, car da, campb- leta, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department. 215 a. Commercial. Tele- JjjOJMltl RADIO SERVICE Perdue a TeL 9146 E57 Court. With Vlbbert Todd. Moore's. Tel. 7993695 N. High. STOVES t rerjalr atovea. rangea, circulators. I Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and circulators, stock fence, posts, chicken wire. Salem Fence and stove vvoras. 1 262 Chemeketa. Tel. 4774. H. Fleming. SWEDISH MASSAGE Dr. Ella Mclntyre, Bwedls h masseuse, nerve, muscle and Joint specialist. 422 K. Liberty. Tel. 3695. TRANSFER I FOR Jocal OP distant transfer storage. call 2131, Larmer Transfer Ce, Trucks to Portland daily. CAPITAL CITT Transfer Co. 228 State St. TeL 7771. Distributing, ror wardlng and storage our specialty. Get our ratea, Wlllamette Valley Transfer. fialem te Portland hauling. Tel. 8722. TRUCK SERVICE Ashcraft. 370 King pod. Tel. 2S80. WELL DRILLING R. A. West R. 6 TeL 110F8. agreement for the Bartlett pear canning Industry on the Pacific coast. CJjADI VOL1TA SUPPING ZION. DU Feb. 13-VP) Candi dates opposed to the 27 year po litical dictatorship of Wilbur Glenn Yoliva, spiritual overseer of this religious colony, claimed a total vote 400 greater than Vo- liva'a candidates in the primary today for election ot city officers next month. BABT GIRL BORN HAYESVILLE, Feb. IS. Mr, ard Mrs. Frank Furuyama are the proud parents of a 7 pound baby girl, born Sunday. The lit tle one has been named Grace Fumlko. Monmouth Gains Several New Business Ventures; Blacksmith is Rebuilt MONMOUTH. Feb. It. Mr. and Mrs. Fred O'Ronrke have opened a small grocery store on Main street, this week. They were both formerly employed by - the Pay'n Save store here, and have been residents of Monmouth for about 12 years. Mets Hubbard will open a mod ernly equipped meat . market In the post office block soon. Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard have been res idents ot this community for sev eral years. Prior to coming here he was employed by Armour A company for 14 years. Blackamit, Too Work Is going rapidly- forward on the new building to house J. C Wilson's, blacksmith location, at corner of Main and Broad streets. tVOMI SBV FOB !HH MB Boys and Girls' 4-H Clubs Hold Study Sessions With Leaders CENTRAL, HOWELL. Feb. IS. I The girls' Happy Hour 4-H cooking; club met at the home of I their leader. Mrs. A. A. HalL 1 Tknrsday afternoon. A short pro-1 gram and a demonstration of 1 marguerite making by Haiel 1 Reals, Ruth DeSart and Anna I Mae Pallesen were features. The I club has started work on the pro- I gram to be given In April. ; I About SO women of the Ladles I Aid society of the Pratum Men- I nonlte church spent Thursday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. Will Lichty doing sewing for Indian women of a Montana reservation and on making over clothes for the Children's Farm Home at Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dunnigan, Jr., entertained their card dab Saturday night. Three tables of 500" were in play with high scores going to Mrs. John Lauder back and Clarence Johnson while low score went to Mrs. Clarence Johnson and Lee Watltlns. The boys 4-H Forestry club met at the home of their leader. Oliver Steff en, Thursday. They sawed a cut from a tree and were shown the method of reckoning the age of a tree by counting the rings of growth. They also enjoy ed target practice with bow and arrow. TWO PLAYS SLATED BY DALLAS PUPILS DALLAS, Feb. 13. With the bustle of dress rehearsals and fragments of a few nervous sen tences, certain members of the junior and senior classes of Dal las high have given notice that they are prepared to show to the public their dramatic talents Fri day night, February 15. A one act play "Breakfast,", by O. Whitfield Cook, strictly com edy, and based on the idea of a husband trying to raise his fam ily out of a book, will be given. The classes will also give a snappy three act. "The Next Best Man," written by Leon M. Pear son. This features a young girl, a self-styled dramatist, who tries to produce one of her plays, using members of her home In the cast. Miss Hazel Henry la In charge of the production. 3 Flue Fires Break Out Within 8 Hours WOODBURN. Feb. 13 Three flue fires were reported in Wood burn Tuesday. "The fire depart ment was called to the highway about 12:30 p. m. to the Wood- burn Arch store. The chimney at the P o m e r o y home on Toung street caused alarm about 5:30 n. m. and a flue at the Miss Sarah Kennedy home burned out about 7:30 Tuesday evening. No. B 19678 v nid.ut fn--t nf tha TTnl - iu ul.ivi. . - Oreeon. In the Matter Of Thomas Lovre, PanVrnnt To the creditors of Thomas Lovre, Of Salem, in tha County Of Marion and District aforesaid, a bankrupt. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the said Thomas Lovre here - EillS-S;. nil. iDiauufi k.v . y.-w , has failed tO Obtain the accept - ance of a majority In number and amount of all creditors whose u; poultry Portisnd dstvsry buy- Miss Marie Fias was compu claims were affected hy a compo-jiag prices: Colored heas, over u ibslmented with a birthday party at sition or extensien proposal; that he desire, to obtain the benefit of sub-section (s) of said Section 75 and pursuant to his amenaea petttion under said sub-section ha was on the 29th day of January; 1935, duly adjudicated bankrupt; that the first meeting of credi- tora will be held at Room 501 in the United SUtes National Bank . - m mm m i ,- Building in aaiem, uregon, -u the 25th day of February. 1935. at 3:30 o'clock' In the afternoon at Which time the1 said Creditors may attend prove their Claims, examine the bankrupt, appoint a trustee it it oww j under the terms Of said Section " , . . K.,i..u ana iraiinnci. u viwt :V..nr;w meeting meeting. WILLARD L. MARKS. Referee in Bankruptcy. F.14X. The structure Is frame. 50x40, and the old shop buildings is be ing raxed as the new one pro- greases. These new business ventures wa-m m tn Indicate a reawak enlng ot trade interest in Mon- month which is encouraging to the general eltixenry. The Oregon Normal school's attendance la greater this winter than it has been for a number ox recent years. " .. !t i Olive York, a senior at Mon- month hlrh achooL la recovering from a - serious knee infection M-e-aot-A -rfitl mlaln hsalret. ban. She has been Ul for nearly! Mots Habbard, mission, band e two weeks, and , 1 being carea for at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Parker. '! j w. '. i Corn Ti aih Hog -Price 'Rise VtSlBlE SDPPLV IS I CHICAGO, Feb. lS.-ttVArous- 7 posting oi nog prices mat overtopped any peas atiainea heretofore this season, the corn market led an upward sweep of am vaiues waay. Included among stimulating factors was announcement that United States corn visible supplies are scantier now than at any cor- responding time In ten . yean. Tightening of demand tor oats futures was evident, with proces- sors becoming somewhat argent I buyers of May delivery. I , . Com Closed firm, CenU I ever Monday's finish. May 85-I S5H, wheat -lH up. May 37 17, oats 1-1 advanced, and provisions showing 17 to 25 cents gain. Today's closing quotations: Wheat May 37-97; July J9T4-J0; September 88-. worn Marca bs: May o a-1 185; July 79-; September 76. Oat May 51-: July 44; September 41. -. GeneralMarkets PRODUCE EXCHANOB PORTLAND. Ore- Feb. IS. (API Produce Exchange, net prices: Batter Extras. 85 Ke: standards. S5s; prime firsts, 34e; firsts, SStte. 33 He Ext: U. B. sseclala. S5e: TJ. S. extras. He; TJ. S. mediant extrss, 23a. -tatterfat: Sse. 11 Portland Grain --- PORTLAND. Ore- Feb. 18. (API I iirain : - Wheat Opea His. Lew Close - Msr 83 H 84 88 H 84 Jaly 78H 17 70 77 Cask: Big Bead blaestenu 89Vie: dark kard winter, IS par cent, BSe; do, 11 per cent, BStte; westers white, Slie; soft waits, kard winter, northern spring. westers red, 8Ze. uats: mv. . waits, 833.50. Cora: No. 3 E yellow, $40.78. Hillraa standard, $24,60. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore- Feb. IS. (AP) Cattle: Beeeiots. 200: steady, ancnanre tHeers, gooa and cBotee, com on aaa medium. $4.75-0.15; keif era, good, ckoiee, common sad media, $4.00-6.85; eews, good, common sad saediam, $8.50-0.00; low setter aaa estter, fi.60-s.o0; kails, good sad ckoiee, $4.25-4-50; cotter, cena mon sad medium, $3.25-4.25; vealers, good and choice, $7.00-8.00; call, com mon and medium, $8.00-7.00; calves, good sad choice. $5.50-7.50; common and medium, SS.OO-6.SO. Hogs: Beceipta. 100: steady, aaeaaag- ed. Lishtwelckt. good and choice. $7.00- $.25; mediass weight, good and ckoiee, $7.50-8.25; feeivywsigbt, good "sad choice, $7.00-7.75; packing sows, media sad , mm AC m . A - . 1 J . - - . 'L.. i-, ed. Lambs, good sad choice, $7.00-7.25; common sad medium, $4.75-7.00; year ling wethers, $4.00-5.00; swes, good sad choice. $3.00-4.00; cull, common sad medium, $2.00-8.25. Portland Produce -wvRTT.Avn rw r.K is - AP1 Butter: Prints. A grade. 87e lb. Is parehment, 88e lb. ia cartons; B grade, parchment wrappers, 80 He; cartons, 37Ue. Buttertst Portlsnd deuverv. A grade dslireries st lesst twice weekly, 88-8o lb.; country routes, 86-37s lb.; B grade. I -sUvery less thsa twice a week, 87e I ik . n A - . .,V.( , v a -- B rrsde cream Buying price of bu- I terfat basis. 65e lb. Eggs Sales to retailers: Specials. 'S, extras, ac; ireau c-traa, mv--.. firsts, 24e'doiea. Eggs Buying price o( wholesalers: rrsdes. 16s dozen. country meets Selling pries to rs- 1 tsiiers: Conatry killed hogs, best butck- KfiJES T. S iVT .TJi. i v-v -., v ..., 7J 7. lib.; lsmse, laney. je-xae in.. vw to. k i4- io-: . & n3.it,,5rt i ibi. sad mp. lsooe lb.; under 4 lbs, i-i7e ib.; brouers, unoer ios lb-J !?! ? 'Xtons-eon, fi.75-i.85 esnUL iik: Contract price A, Portland de- Hery. t-20 cwt; b grsde cream, 37V4S FAVORnBLE FUR v..v. -i ita.ining. Rev. u. T. weal or saiem peei, 8e lb. I " i ) .1.. IV a 1 ea m r i ops: ise iga, , ., v wf;B"I"ao2,b- . orego. tripieu, 17s; 1 ..J1; Ttrnkara will OSV Hs below. I Potatoes Oregon Bnrbsuks, 90-95e cental; Deschutes Gems U-ios Mow $tJliV 1 50-1K box. I Wool: 1934 clip, uomlnsl; Willamette I -.11.- mediam. 20e lb.: fine or half ,v . 1 v id. 1H aiier meuiu . -vw - to- gardeners' and rancheri' ff"- " " ' Hsvt Buylag price irons proauosrs: Alfslfa, No. 1, new erop. 817; eastera rw- timathT. SIT 0: eats. 813 toa: Willamette valley timothy, 14 toa; cle Ter, 913 ton, Portland. Debris Cleared From Cemetery Near Zenal-y the use ot u hands rather ZEN A. Feb. 13. The Zena cemetery is putting on a spring! time appearance with a green, velvet lawn, flowers beginning to show blossoms and trees leafing out. A crew ot five men mowed the entire cemetery and raked all . i Hntnr immnlt. i - 1 UOM w receauy. MISSION GROUP ELECTS MONMOUTH, Feb. 13. Newly J elected officers ot the Missionary society of the Evangelical enaren are: Mrs. A. N. Poole, president; Mrs. Rachel Miller, rice-presi- dant: Francis Snider, secretary - I treasurer; Mrs. R. P. Matheny, I Utnk u0 s.s I nr-rMTnnrllna secretaTV: . Mrs. I Tear a - 85.4 i reuu-y; kts. u. -. Uclty; Mrs. Rachel Miner, . rarian. Salem Mafett Grade B raw 4 per cent milk, co-op pool price f 1.78 per hundred. (MSk based ea saml-aeataly tatterfa average.) Distributor price 2.10. ' ' A grade botterfat Deliv ered, 87c; roate, 80c A grade print. 87J4c; B grade. MHc Prises paid ss croers bv galea ksysra jr binary is (Tis ertses tele. Mpysed by a Meal I nrVx&7& ruuiTa crsabenies. . bL 4.50 orapefmit. Florida .2 te s.ts wifMiiH, annua - , .vv s.w Oranres, KaveJ. faaer 3.40 -ta 3.S5 Oheiea . lt s.co Bsaaass, lb, ea stalk Heads Lament, faaey . 4)5 .00 .4.00 to 4.75 . .53 to S.25 i.oe cnotce tiaras, fresh Apples, basket L00 te US VEorrABLxa (Boriag Pries) Rhubarb, 15 lbs. 1.00 to 1.25 New petstees, Florida Artiehekea. boa .08 -2.T5 to 00 .80 Kaiianes. aox. Csaliflowsr. Calif. . Cabbage, cwt local 1.25 .85 te 1-15 Ureea peppers, lb. ... Local oaUras, 50 lbs. Me. 1 .20 .00 no. a. so lbs. JO ! Lettuce, Califorala 3.25 te 3.TS , L35 te 1.T5 .40 ,0S ..08 i Drv pick Sslsifv, dnsea Baoaah, Bsbbards Sqasih, baaans. Ib. usrrois, vain, aoxsa Local Potatoes He. L ksadred .SO M .35 1.85 .10 .13 1.85 8.50 J5 20 J$ .60 .50 .85 S.50 1-3S Me. 3. kosdred Takhna. 50 lbs. Ma, I Me. 3. 60 lbs. Sweet potatoes California peas Cslifornls beaas Tenatoes, ket hoase, lag Mexican, lax filberts as ta as ta " Baia ll Itali-a I Waloots. lb. dos. doe. Italiaa broccoli lac ?. Calif, doxea n.i. , r Oelerr. Calif, H crate a eerta cos. nor I Buying Price) Clasters. 1034 lb- top Fuggles, 1934, top lb COOS .13 -nominal (Bsying Price) Extras Standards Mediums , .20 .10 J8 as Pullets WOOL KO SUB11B (Bering Prise) Mohslr. 1934 clip ne market Medium wool. 1034 .30 Coerss aad (ias wool. 1034 - 4.8 POOLTM1 (Barlag Pries) Hear- hen a, Vi to 6 lbs. .13 .18 43 .18 1 48 JOS .04 OTer aft pounds, la, Colored mediums, lb. Medium Leghorns. ID. Ugkt, la, Fryers, Ib. , Stars. Ib. Roostsrs, lb. UE T (Boytag Pries) ' Lambs, under SO lbs. 0.50 te 7.00 Over 90 lbs. 5.7S te 0.85 Hogs, 180-100 lbs. top T.50 170-310 lbs., top 8.25 1 10-250 lbs, top 8.00 Steers 5 00 te 8.00 Cows . 8.00 te 3.50 Bulls 3.50 te 8.00 Heifers VeaL ton . S.00 to 4.50 8.00 to 8.50 41 Dressed Teal, top DrssseC aogs 44 H O RAIN AHD BAT (Bering Pries) Wheat, westsra red .78 - .79 .28.00 .88.00 .27.00 -32.00 White, No. 1 Malting, toa toa Ray. baring eric I Clorer hay . 9.00 . 9.00 .13.00 . 48 . 41 Alfslfa. ralley Clever Seed Bed, Is. Alsike, lb. . DOOUTTLES OPEN bCUTTS mis, jeD. is. 4 - mer Doom tie has rented what was formerly the shoe repair shop and one room will be used for w Illias. whll. Mr Doollttl. I ... . . . rt tm ma uie uui itoui iui - ing and cleaning ner nome rxiaay mgnu Mr and Mrs Otis Shepherd are I receiving feliciUtlons upon the arrival oi a son, Dora at tne au- verton hospiUl Monday morning, About 2$ attended the Town- send meeting held at the Crooked Finger school house Monday eve- ws the principal speaker. Town send meetings are held each Mon day night at Scotts Mills, this one being the first one In the Crooked Finger district, PUPPET SHOW DRAWS WOODBURN. Feb. 13. The puppet show given Monday after- - . vii i i i ml .-. V.-v TvT peteer from New York, was weU attended by the students, high school and grade school teachers and townspeople. The main fea ture of the program was a com edy entitled, "The Adventures ot Billy," presented by Winter's pup pet characters which he operates than with strings. Stocks arid Bond yebrusry 18 " ' ROC AT-nAOZS (Compiled ky The Aaeoeia ted Preaa) 80 1 IS. - 60 tadnst. tails atiL stocks Tedsy 8.S , it. 84.1 88.S Prsr. day S8.4 H.S 94.S 88 J Moatksce SS 84.5 85 89.1 Tesr as 9.0 40.4 87.9 49.1 1985 -if 6S.9 S7.S 4J-S 19S5 low 5S.0 Sl - " f mil hi aaa 1984 low.Z. 45- JUI : 84JI 84.9 0- AYSZAOZH . . A IA . 19 ' 10 ' " rails 'ladaak. tHL terelt--' I S5.5 r 94.1 8S . 8.S M.m in : - as.s - es. t s. a S9.T. 8L.4 6.t 95.9 -- Sad 0.4 - l1 r- im kixk so.4 99.9 78.T 88.9 68- T0-O 11 lass law V4.S eo.8 A'sw 1888 aifk. PRESSING BUSES mm IS LK AVERAGE UrJCHArJGED NEW YORK. Teb. l.-rVS lected stocks and grain found a moderate ' ball following today, bat speculative activity continued restricted In all directions. In the equity market traders concentrated mostly on a relative ly few Industrials, especially the can shares. The general list mov- ed narrowly with rails and utill- ues a mUe lower on the "er- age. The Associated Press average for CO stocks recorded no change at 38.6, aadthe turnover In the stock exchange vras only 3 8 6,4 4 S shares. Eastman kodak responded to the action ot directors in placing the stock on a 1.25 quarterly di vidend basis, compared with SL previously paid, with a lift of a full point to 115. American Telephone was rather freely of fered on Washington news regard ing its coming congressional in vestigation aad ended 1 points lower at 103. Movements ot the general stock list were mixed. Leaders gaining minor fractions to around ot a point Included Westinghouse at 38, American Tobacco "B" at 804, Sears Roebuck at 35, Chrysler at 38, Consolidated Gas at 18. General Electric at 231., and National Biscuit at 28. Other trading favorites show ed declines of about equal propor tions. PORTLAND. Feb. 13.-P)-There continued a good local movement In the butter market even at the late advance in the price. Makers reported churn ing operations continued on a rather liberal scale and especially so considering the season. De mand was taking full care of all surplus offerings. Butterfat situation was hold ing firm and at the late price spread. Trading in the egg market was considered about steady over the semi-holiday. There was no change in conditions or price oa. the local market. General steadiness was suggest ed In the market for chickens. Prices in general were being hell Intact as a rule. Country killed calves contin ued to dominate the market for meats here with continued bet ter demand than supply at late price. , Lambs of quality are holding up well with hogs steady and trifle easy. Market for onions continued to show a very- firm tone at $1.50 net in the country while resalea to retailers here were higher and generally up to 31.90 cental for best. Onion sets were also firmer. Canning Tomato . Prices for 1935 Crop to Be Set Minimum prices of canning -tomatoes for 1935 will be decided at a. meeting Saturday morning In Portland, the Oregon building. 1 when representatives of canners and control committee ot . the Oregon-Washington melon and to mato market agreement gather.' The price agreed upon at this I time will apply to all tomatoes sold for canning purposes in the two states during the coming season. GTJEST OP CAMPBELLS WACONDA. Feb. 13. Mrs. C. Plowden of Plowden Bay, B. C, was the overnight guest ot Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell Tuesday. Gardeners9 and Ranchers' Mart PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 13.-CP) General prices on produce were much the same at today's session . - - -- .. T market. , v Celery hearts were 31.25 ber dozen bunches and going fairly fast. Cauliflower was steady at 11.35 per crate for No. 1 grade. No. 2 grade Is (Sc. A good supply ot cabbage was on hand and found plenty of buy ers at fl.25 a crate. Bplnsch La. Tse-91.2s. Carrots Sew. desea benehss, 80 85s. R-t Pa buaeaee. SO BUTTER MOVEWlEIiT cu mi HUES Psraley lesea boneSes. lSe. . Turaipe -Dossa bsaches. SO-SOs. Rntahaos Lot 8a40s, Winter rsdiskes Desea kashss. Mev . . lttaee Kerthwest. srste T5e- . Cabbsre Per orate, Of"!-?5.'. Canliilewar Lseal. Hs. .8, 91415; SOe crate. Celery Crate, t -50-1.75. , Celery Hesrts--Desea bunckes, 81-5. - Soussb Dsalsk, SOe per eanUleupe te; lug, 40-45,- Apples Jumble peek, . Pets tees Orsnrs kea, 60-80, Broccoli Per 1st 60-0e. Green Ouione Deae bsackee. 85-80. , fc-ssels Sproot Crate t Dry Oniona Ormr-a, 10Olbs fl-8. udiT Dosea. 80s, : . CASH BUYERS Butterfat and Eggs CiPIT0L DAIRIES i Pbone 8173 "d