:?" ; 1 v - - 1 The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning. February 12, 1933 PAGE SEVEN For Quick Results M Low Cdsl -M-ClusiiHed Ads . i 1 V. nnn .-' nAitann , I . ItnUW 4VI mill - ll . ......... ll II II Rllff !" llfirnn L IT ' ' as I. , T"" " fl K .' ' . ' 'IT W . " Statesman Classified Ads 'Call 9101 . Classified Advertlsias Single Insertion' per lias ..10c Three Insertions per line .SOe Six Insertions per 11a ...SOe On month per line . ...fl.9 Minimum chare SSe Copy for this page Accepted until 4:10 the evening before publication for classification. Copy received after this dm will be run under the heading Too Late to Classify. The' Statesman assumes no financial responsibility for er rors which may appear la ad vertlsements published in Its columns, and In cases where this paper ts at fault will re print that part of an adver tisement in which the typo grahieal mistake occurs. ' The Statesman reserves the right to reject objectionable advertising. It further reserves the right to classify all adver tising under the proper classl-ficatioa. HELP WANTEPr--MALE Party for service la exchange for apt. 10 a Com'L St. airuJsjrMre'erM'vvetv 2; local men ' between IS and 10 years of as for outside solicitation, experience not necessary as those se lected wlU be thoruoghly trained. Car an asset, thoufch not -required. Call Wed. Feb. IS. from S a. m. to 3 . m. Ask for Mr. BondeU. The Salem Hard ware Co. SITUATIONS WANTED Shirts laundered. 10c em. TeL 7315. German ladr wishes honsework. Go anywhere. Boy 141. Mill City. " FOR SALE Miscellaneous C44 papers ISo oer bundto. State man office. Peach Trees SPECIAL -All kinds of fruit and nut treea Frultland Nursery sales yard, 340 Center SL A. J. Uatnls, prop. Tel. 1130 Spring wheat, new harness, collars. horses, cows. Tel. 4 5 so. Eiroy nssn. Hay. oats and vetch, clover, wild oats, Mrs. Wright. 4 V4 ml Wallace Rd. Rotten manure for sale. TeL SOU. For good hog fuel call Howard. TeL i:o. 350 boxes Newtown and Spltsen- berg apples, small slxe. 40o box., Bring w Twi..i 10 Wlnesap apples atifowest prices. Fresh apple elder dally. Complete stock Early seed potatoes. Lilly's and Ferry's gar den seeds, Puritan Cider works, west Salem. For sale or trade 30 In. fir shakes. $7 thousand. Trade for chickens or what have you? Roy Reeves, Rt. 1, Box 17, Aumsvtue. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS New and used furniture, radios, ran, linoleum, nlaaos. etc. We buy. ell and exchane-e. - F. N. Woodry's I Auction Market, 1110 N. Summer. TeL I ina, Hay for sale. Trt. 1F1L . v Well rotted fertiliser. Yard or sack. TeL 1371. - . Two S3tl 10-ply heavy duty truck tires and tubes, excellent, condition ; priced right easy terms. 111 South CotnmerelaL Good old-growth stumpage. 4000 cords, on county road and with good iTiT Tl""7ffl7 R rxider Parttani nolds, inc. h. b. ajoer, ron ara. I 1934 Zenith table model radio, as good as new. Can be bought on easy i terms. No money down. Also 3 SOOstl ply tires. 193 8. Commercial. Baled hay snd straw. 37F3. TRADE Miscellaneous Win trade phonograph for one cord ef wood, H. L. Stiff Furn. Co. . Furnltnre for Ford. H. L. Stiff. Trade All electric Atwater-Kent f-tuba console radio In beat condition I for good tised bicycle. 1135 Shipping. I WANTEITMIscelianeons WhiU fir Hemloek timber. Anyon. Terma Write Jay C Morley, SU emnnL Howard. 3385 N. Front St. WANTED Walnut meata Any qua alty. any tin State Cafeteria. Hauling wanted for '34 Dodge 3T. Wood, freight, lumber, anything. Phone 3340. . MISCELLANEOUS MssSsWaas91Me-Ms-WMsM- ! Ftm i i W pick 00 daftd aa4 wortb- Iim honm cows, warn ti Haircuts lBo-SSa 803 . wiater - Saw repairing- Salem Saw Shop Four Corners Pra Road. TeL 4280 Maa wanted. To qualify for good- pay position In 'refrigeration and sir eonaiuoning ousmesa. rto experience needed. Chance to becotno Installation and service Xpert. Prefer man with Calr education, now employed and me chanically Inclined, willing to devote om spar time to training. Learn While earning. Writ fully giving age. hone, present occupation. uuunea g. Inst.. Bo 3S8, care State-man.- FOR RENT ROOMS Rent hotiseVplng rooms. 380 Center. ROOM AND.BOARD Tor lady. 4 Weefc. Tel. 7313. MSBl I FOR RKN1 APARTMENTS SmaU turn, apt 99 Untoo. ' Uod. t R. fnrn. apt Close to cap Itol bldg. Tel tni. ; ... Mod. 3 R. Adultfc 43 Union. . ' FOR RENT HOUSES Houseo- rer-nor 1353 If. CapitoL teeewMeeeeeewewweeeeeeei V odonf room hooso nlcelr tarn lah ed. TeL 3731. -f. Mod. furn. house, 4 bedrooms. Close acnooi. --xeb a. .a. Hoowe, Grant. 833 Onrt. Ph. 8584. FOR RENT mii.mi.wwmmmmwwmmmwwwi Hospital beds and wheal chairs for .. o.im r . riw a. -fc "r'r'fc-':T-rr " . ...... ......... Houses, acreage; 381 First Natl. Cost small bungalow, " famished, xei. ssit evenings. I i rm. bouse with large garden spot ll. i utirr rorniutre tjo. For Sale Ileal Estate 4.88 ACRES AC plow land. small bouse, gar are and woodshed, chicken house, price 11250. 3180. down, bet $11 per mo. I SEE, W. H. ORABENHORST CO. 114 & Liberty Street REAL ESTATE ' 4 -room modern bouse. 1114 Basel I Ave. This bouse Is to be painted ml taMtrlti X m In l - m:o: S room on Fairgrounds Road lor io.o. Tnisjs real oojr. I ri Z '"- ""j I ... . ' I wlU handle. I room modern bouse close In. Good for rooming bouse. WlU sell cheap or will accept ' f room house In trade. s; HUOKINS A ADAMS, Tel. 4S4 371 State Street IIS DOWN, living room, dinette, oak floors, Kitchen, bedroom, basement. . furnace, fireplace, garage, pavtng $1160. . w ovum, auciunis I furnace, fireplace, garage, corner lot I pavins paid. i2i$o. I down, llvtn room, dining room, kitchen. 3 bedroom. bthF aaraae. I dose to scnool 11350. $250 down. S-room English style, borne, oak floors, basement, furnace, nre lace, rood location. 12210. 300 down, nice home, oak floors in I living and dining- rooms, s bedrooms. basement, furnace, fireplace, -garage and paving. $2950. $3710. Nice home, 8 blocks from court I house, living room, dining room. Kit chen, nook, 3 bedrooms and unf ln - lahed upstairs, basement, furnace, fireplace, corner lot Several trees. MELA IN JOHNSON, 721 Court St. Phono 3728 SUBURBAN HOME 1 acre, best of dark, productive soil, not far out on paved road, neat 4 room cottage with nook end bath, good plumbing, electric fights, driven well. water system, garage and woodstied. Price only 12100. Part terms, CHIL.DS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State St. TeL S708 11 A. 4 R. house, barn, electricity, 1 biiwii, nun nu, '! i 1 A. Beautiful new; country home. best of location. Living room, din- I Ins room, kitchen, nook, 3 large I bedrooms, hardwood floors, fire- I place, full basement and furnace. Elec. water system, paved road. $4100. One half cash. R. A. FORKNER 1853 N. Capitol 2 V4 A. clear east of Salem, to trade on home will assume. 1 A. clear. Good 5 R. plastered house, elec. water system. Fine soil. Want smaller acreage of equal value, or less. Price $3000. 30 A. near Wood hum. Mod. C R. home. Best of soli. Want smaller acre age near Salem. : R. A. FORKNER 1853 N. Capitol Fine highly improved farm, all equipment best part of Idaho wants valley farm or income would take roo4,buxll,es,Se( for particulars. All kinds trades See me H. C SHIELDS 8913 Oregon Bids. Exchange, Real Estate ''"XCHAfGE'' Neat 1 room house In East Salem, clear and rented for 113 per month. Will trade for small bouse close In and north of State street. Will pay 11500 difference. ' 1 acre with neat' 1 room house. electric water system,, barn and frar- are. 910 ml. from cltr limits. Will trade for good homo, hi Salem. Price ; t3ooo. CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 8tate St TeL 1703 To trade, Spokane city property for Salem property, tiom owner only. Call 1044 8. 11th. FOR SALE FARMS BARGAIN IN FARM 34 acres close to : Salem. Best of good, black soiL running water, poor 1 buUdinga Priced for short time 33800, 1 Ha. -! -Mn t t ?on rn t I CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State SL TeL 3708 Farm for rent or sale to any re liable man who has cash to bay equip ment to $4000.00. 150 A.. 85 A. hi cul tivation. 50 A. clover. One year rent free. Close to Salem. Box 851, Statesman. 350 DOWN Win j buy ten acres of good ''land sowed to wheat, located 8 miles oat. balance payable $10 per mo. NO IN TEREST FOR FIVE xrs., price 11350. seel W. TT ORABENHORST A. CO. 134 S. Liberty St. 849-acre a tor It ranch. Small house a ea - ,,! . .. PACIFIC HIGHWAY PROPERTY Five acres with small house, drilled welL garage, all in bearing orchard. price $2000, $ieo. down, baL zv per month. SEE, W. H. GRABEnHORST ft CO. 134 SL lberty street ACREAGE FOR SALE About 23 acres. 3 room cabin, 3 springs, tea A. Umber, S or more acres lor cultivation, to- mzi or call 3034 Warner St 11 A. Pudding river bottom. 15 A. cult, including 5 A. beaver dam, good onion mint or garden land. Forced to I seu. at $3100, SEE GEORGE F. VTCK 308 No. High Street WANTED REAL ESTATE Want houses In Salem cash buyers m terms alan acres tracts sea ma tor bargains.- H. C 8 ISDS Oregon Bldg. Ph. 8901. MONEY TO LOAN Automobile and Chattel! Loans 1 to 19 month- te repay at lowest pos sible rates ; GENERAL FINANCE CORrV -A local eor-oratloa 1st Natl Bank Bldg. : , Phono 8553 1 -ceased UNSECURED LOANS ; State Loan Co. su Oregon sidav mm. -. i e aict AUTO LOANS CAR8 BKItNANCED' Easy Terms ;"! Investigate WILLAMETTE LOAN Ca t " M UI IDS Guardlaa Bids. : - ' Salem I MONEY TO LOAN oa city, farm or I acage properties. Mast bo best ot mt- I miritv. Oood terma low eosta -TT.rva a un.f .RR Utm Laent ji4 Suu- 8Cv -' . - TeL 378. I . KOr. Cam Anna 8S r m a us sss iviiow.- : . - - .. . I iTnty eg mhmT foe weu mprove a I farms it amply aoeurod. Imprevo or I mttt K . nw AmM tor I Zzf.i. il. vuii-.71 trTn ir-7i7 - . . ... Hawkins and Btobarta, laa A COMPLETE SERVICK ON LOANS UP TO 1100 LOOK WHAT TOO GET! 1. CASH within 41 boors, t. Choice of 4 Loan Plana, 3. Liberal terms. 1 to 10 mo. to re dot. 4. Prompt. . Coortosy. Privacy. Beneficial Loan Society of Salem Member of NRA. Room 11 New Bllgh Bids- Snd floor LICENSED NO. 8-111 A M 141 by til Stat St. TeL Leans suae w Nearby Towns LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Load of borses and mules Just ar- rived. Horses weighing around 1490 to 1500 lbs. Mules from 1100 to lioe pounds. Can be seen at 1900 N. Oom'L St, on River St. FOR SALE WOOD UUARANTECO OKI rel left aaieai rael Oe. Trade a Cottage. Dry planer and slab wood. Prompt .. J " 7.7. zr?rrTrrT??????5? ,w" sL e w.ii f?"4 ndn W"-r 11 In. old fir. It 4 ft drr 2nd growth 1 cd. lots $4 cd. 4 ft. ash 14.71. TeL I7IO iae m, ai-s-viirvrv-iovij I Guaranteed seaaoned wood. TeL TIIO. " I-, !- Jwsir-bnJun rtrtrxr Dry wood. 11 la, $4.00. Dial 4014. - - i i sinjLiuuu'xnjij"i Dry wood. TeL 1214. " " -----m- -w-ni-- rtrej"uoi Drr wood, all kinds. TeL 1413. Old fir, nearly dry, $5.10. Phone I17F8. WOOD SAWING i"i-,-.-rrrw.'iAnAaAAf Wood en wing reasonable. Call 3290 FOR SALE USED CARS $5 buys '37 Pontine Coupe. Good I MfiiHiliw. CCft TTi Ia I - mWW.,w..,..w,.,,i.iW,.,,i.mmw I voagn. iv na AiaaiBoo. i TIT"" L L" - I . VALLEY MOTOR CO. SPECIAL. We must make mora room. If you need transportation we have It. This Is a list of our- cheao buvs 1935 Bulck Sedan, 1 good Urea and license 385.00 ivs- up tie aan. runs real good 85.00 192 Chevrolet Coupe, very rood motor , 33.80 1925 Ford pickup, with trans mission " 20.10 1923 Ford Coupe rood tires and motor 23.50 1923 Ford Coupe. Runs good 11.00 1321 Ford Tudor 25.00 1926 Ford pickup, licensed 13.60 1924 Ford pane 20.00 1921 Ford touring:, good tires - 11.00 MARION AND LIBERTY Telephone 7910 Radio Program Tuesday, Feb. 13 KEX PORTLAJTD 1180 Xc 6:30 The Beveille Hoar. 8:15 Breakfast Club.. 10:03 ResaM- Bn-k. 10:15 Heart Sones. 10:35 Portland Federation of Women's Clobs. 12:00 Oriental Gmrdem eresettra, NBO. 12:15 Wan tern Farm sad Honut Hour. 1 ; 15 Orchestra. 1:80 Financial and rraia report. 3 :00 World Bookman. 3:05 Mesieel Gems. .8:15 Mickey Gillette. NBO. 1:80 Eddie Dachin's orchestra. 4:00 Friendly Chat. 4:30 Learoe of Nations. 8:45 Warna Kins'a orchestra. 0:00 Oregon Mental Hyriene society. 10:40 Tom Coakley's orchestra, NBC, 10:55 Press Hews. NBC XQW PORTLAJTD 30 Ko 7:15 Gospel Singer, NBC 7 :30 Piano. 8:00 Johnny O'Brien. NBC 8:15 Tour Child, NBO. 8 r30 Three Shades ot Bine, KBC 8:45 Keensn Phillips, NBC 9:15 Honey boy and Saissfras, NBC 8:45 Edna Fischer, KBC 10:05 Army Band Concert, NBO. 11:30 Concert Gem. NBC 12i00 Glenn 8helley and Clarence Tol- 8:00--Coneert Trio. 3:30--Miekey Gillette or., NBO. 4:00 Three Scamp. NBC. 4:15 Oriental Perdens. - -4:30 Yon snd Your Government. 4:45 Ysngbn De Leath, NBC 8:00 Amos a' Andy. NBC 10:15 Tom Coakley's orchestra. NBC 1 10:80 Bart Woodyard's orchestra I 1 1 .nn A . I74 .1 f.1tat XOAO COBVALLIS 50 I 9:00 Home Economics Observer. 12rOO Noon Farm Honr. 1:00 KOAO School of the Air. 3:15 World Affairs in Brief. 3:45 British Isles Trsvelogoe. 8:00 Hoiemker Hslt Hour. 4:80 Stories for Boys snd Girls. 5.00 Opera Stories "XMe Gettera-m-Bierong. 6 :00 lanes oa Life James 1L Morris. 8:30 Teniag Vsna Honr. 7:30 Basketball Game Oregon SUte vs. University of Idsho. PNII COMES FOR HAZEL GREEN, Feb. 11. Mr. J TT--jiomoto the new pastor for i nMHOIUOlO, me) new fwwt the- Salem Japanese church, has arrived from California. He will occupy a cottage near james Yada's. Friday the school held an Ar bor Day program. A number of shrmbs and flowers were planted on ! the grounds. . . Four sandwich toasters were bought by the Student Body with funds from the candy sale at the last community club - pro- I gram. I 'Henrr Kholer of Havesville wired O. G. Looney's house and bara this week. W. IL William son and G. O. Looney expect to u. --, .r-.- I w uwiira. -. airs, in u-r auoov sna jars. Perry Saunders will be hostesses , n Onnaliln.. O . f lnK. AM I " J" 71 li . v. ,, -v. I h mq . wuw I flome. J AASLUXD3 MOVE SLLTERTON, Feb. 11. - Mr. 1 C and Mrs. Oscar Aaslund and tourl. SILVERTON. Feb. 11. Mrs. I children moved to Canby to Mary Riley,. Ruth Minor and Mrs. maae xneir nomev ibb Aasianos en.rt. 0--4 - mtit i e w .... . - " " . .. ... die west during the satumn andlday Mrs. -KOj nd Miss Minor I . . . . , 1 . .i . . , ml I ive uvea ia. jawaaoa uai- wmrtntt ..... WW Business Directory Cards fa this directory rum on monthly basis only. Rate: f 1.00 per 11a per Month. AUTO BRAKES atllce Panelc. 1T1 Bontb Commrelat BRUSHES CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4111. R. R Northnesa. CHIRAPRACTORS DR. O. L SCOTT. PSC. Chiropractor, i 151 Ti. Mign. Tel. rtes. 7x. ELECTRICAL SERVICE ! laaaiaBaa-aieaaaaaa aaaaai -aaaa I BOSLER Eleetrie, 341 state sl wir-1 FLORISTS Brelthaupt's, ItT Court. AIX kinds of floral work. Lots. Flor- let, 1171 N. Lioerty. Tel. x. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRT THE W EIDER LAUNDRY 313 a High TeL 9131 CAPITAL, CITY LAUNDRT First to Quality and Service j Telephone 3111 1314 Broadway ' - - MATTRESSES CAPITOL. BEDDINQ CO. Phone 40(3 I d a V rs-r f T"l OTVA Vat I Factory. NEW MATTRESS made to I oruer, oiu rsmaQO , carpet cjeanmsi sis- i : rug weaving. & 13th A Wil- bur. TeL 14 4 L OTTO F. ZWICKER. Eat. 111. MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet muslo and piano stud ies. Repair-Ins radios, phonographs and sewing machines, 433 State Street. Salem. NATUROPATHS Dr. Putnam Hall, til B. Commercial TeL 1064. PHOTO ENGRAVERS Salem photo en-raving. 147 N. Com- iwrclsl. Tel. 6887. PRINTING fob stationery, cards, pamph- lets, prosrams. books or any hind of printing, call The Statesman Printing old fashioned candy pull was en Department. 31e & Commercial. Tele- I a nv i phone slot. - I RADIO SERVICE hoVodd!141--5" Wlth Moore's. TeL 7993495 N. High. STOVES I - reealr stove, ranges, circulators. Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and circniiaiura, v &k, inji cuimui wire. Salem Fence and Stove works, 2(3 Chemeketa, TeL 4774. R. B. Fleming. SWEDISH MASSAGE, Dr. Ella Mclntyre. Swedish masseuse. I nerve, muscle and Joint specialist. 833 N. Liberty. TeL 849s. - TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage, call 813L Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to rortiano oauy. CAPITAL CITT Transfer Co. 224 SUte St. TeL 7773. Distributing, for warding and atorage our specialty. Get our ratea WUlamette Valley Transfer. Salem to j Portland hauling. TeL S7I-. TRUCK SERVICE 1 Ashcraft 370 KIngwood. TeL 83S0. WELL DRILLING R. A. West. R. a TeL 110F5, SlUIfilS SELECT FALLS CITT, Feb. 11. Class officers this semester tor the lo cal high school are: Seniors : President, Jennie June Hatch: vice - president. June Saunders; secretary-treas- I urer, Delilah "Ames; councllmen. Lawrence McCuistion, Ervin Bak er and Eada Watt. Junior President, Gladys Booser; vice-president, Doreatha Bowman; Becr'etary-treasnrer, Le tha Jones; councllmen, - Lyle Goode, Ralph Ransom and Donald Ferguson. - Sophomores President, Lawr- ence Goode; vice-president, Lloyd Ames; secretary-treasurer, BUI Letterman; councllmen. Vest Teal and Jack Hon La. r-roah-ioTi T-f!rtint Bonnie Hylton; vice-president, Frank Jones; secretary-treasurer, Doro- .av - .mm m I thy Ames; councllmen. Amy Houts and Lenn Holman. Students on the honor roll for I the last six weeks are: Seniors, Jennle June Hateh. Eren McGree- vy and June Saunders; Juniora, noreatha. Tio man. Ralnh Ran- som. . Bar Ransom: .. soohomore. SoTco HstchTto i n i- TT-it I Frank Jones. AT RE1U friWAR 1 i-u uu rxuuua succueu a on - 1 - mfMn. fialam irs wsuuss aa cixwa at o w . . r fc . .. . ....... mm CHIEFS Iliii Uillilittia JcumM e - . - Successful Event is First of Series Planned for Public enwe viMe 'v.. m.loii were receivea on ue iocii atertalnlng aprozlmately 1 S 0 meats. Tnvftationa ware Ttnd.l led to aH veterans organisations I and auxiliaries to the first of a I series of such affairs to which th I unn or nico mini io viicn ua public will also be invited. Mu- sic was tarnished by the Silver r yivw w em.'ovwk. Lunch was served : during Inter, mission by th camp kitchen per- SOnneU famished by th Sunshine elab. Maa tilaailAOt Ajk, evlllak flaa a afar av-4k tllVfi 11 All 4s Wnfaail haa I A ".T .YLW1 fwim VWUMAVWW VWJS uivihmi Thesr funds are ased to make Ibanatomamberala caseof mer- gencies, or appropriated toward I entertainment. Flaa 4-H Program Th 4-H club i members are planning an afternoon of demon stratlons to be given February SS, under the direction of Mrs. Wil low Evans, teacher. ; A short pro gram will alao be presented, se lections being mad by the ap pointed committee, - Bottle Strom and Barbara Zlebart. Parents and neighbors will b Invited. Th ..v,.. eram mill 1 . . w. ..... i In. March when a pie social wUl also be featured. I Mr. and Mrs. Charles GOOdWin, I park caretakers. left Saturday! .Zi .u T' 71 v w was, a-v vuo avt.v a a t Cannon beach, wner tney Will I tush uuui t uooua;. , x uoy win bo .ce0mianled br Mr. and Mrs. v rea racinnev oi b-ibui, mu -i-1 filiated with the Stat parks. I ?J?r5 arkhur8t U hl Charge at the park FALLS CITT. Feb. 11. The Christian Endeavor center which pven Monday. Wednesday and Saturday- evenings and Sunday afternoons has been a great at traction to the young people of the community. Many games. Rood books and magazines were provided - Saturday night, and an w-'r "trZT v i a . a . 4ub uen Kuuwt ituucuk uvu officers for the new' semester are 1 president, Donald- Uatheny (re- l4tot vla ' TtroaldAnt . T.vl GooTeV secre-tiry: "Iw." ZV7 treasurer, jLrrin rxiaer; yen ieu - or Delilah Ames. er, iwiua viaes. The new editorial staff for the high school paper, "The Midget" is: editor, Ervln Baker; assist- ant editor, June Saunders; man- I ager, Kenneth Teal. M GHEES LEASE TO MiSSDURI FAMILY 9 xt-i . wi i e r . Mrs. Carl McGhee have leased their farm here to some people from Missouri. The McGhees Will spend a while in California Je- I fore deciding on a location. David Monroe, long-time resi dent. Is seriously ill at the fam ily, home, The coldest night for sometime ,t PrM , i.i.7 th. fh.rm7n! was Friday night; the thermom eter stood at 18 above at 7 a. m. Mrs. Loria Trask entertained a group of small youngsters la her home Friday afternoon In honor of her daughter, Dona's sixth birthday. Temple Fund Is About Complete With subscriptions for the pro posed $36,000 Sunday school tem ple for the Methodist church with in $-000 of the goal yesterday, n- V H! Miniffan. ' nastnr. and members of the board of trustees Were cerUin that all the money WOuld be forthcoming Shortly. EV- ery effort -will be made to com- nlef the drive br the end of this - , No mora toward construction I will be started until that last dol K .t.-t-it -ntn that last dol. I lar la pledged. Sportsmen to Discuss Bag Limit and Season ' "SILVERTON, Feb. 11. The Isaak Walton league chapter of Sllverton will hold Its February meeting Friday night at the armory. The meeting was to have , been last Friday but the armory wasn't available for the meetlnr. Bar limits on fish and lonenlna- and eloslnar dates for fish- 1 tog season will be discuss ed. Ed- win Overlund U the local presl- I J A ; - ..... I dent, PIOXEEB CLUB MEETS . PIONEER. Feh. 11- The reg- lular meeting of the Pioneer elab I was held at the clnbhouse Friday. I Howard Coy was acting chairman. I Mrs. D. Inmann and Mrs. M. Blodgett grt m Alt Mr, and I mm lran- TWtihorVaf ' nra a. I 8TTJDT!NT3 PLAN PLAT r I UtT AVRTCT Feb II. - The studMU of ML Angel Nornuil aa J College ei nalon - ar preparing MI CH IS well nra i.or iuo pmwwuuu ei mui, p.l a mmwlv ha Aid Ordwavl Havi Bariag priee front prodaeert; I 7. - House," whleli wlU be -given Yri- I . . . .., . ,v, a. d , eii; i I m udunnem. .--.it , , ' - .. f.i. ; ......... EGGS CEJiT HieiB Of! LOCAL MARKET First new potatoes of the sea-1 Low ',ttI'e ,or w P04" f v'u jwau. Egg climbed, a cent a dozen yesterday. Rhubarb, also Imported, ts oa Hnn nrn eian inniirru ib An the market la larger quantities I now, but at prices high tor thebM BTeraxe pocaeiDoog. urapeiruii, both Florida and Aritona, la cheaper, while bananas are auot- d nn ' I " v.!v. , " I vvavsv yvauui vaaaasa,aa aw vww lng from the south California . . . . , I . "f8" " " f reaper, as are Mexlcaa toma-1 ioeB ; CHICAGO. Feb. ll.-VGen- .", :;,,--' ' fresh delay of th suprem court's gold decision led to sharp I oiai Kiuug ui iueu uvui j dnwntnrna nt rnln tiIim tnA-r Ahnnt th onlv rallvtna- nnwnr I -uv" r"" Tnn FTRin TTI alF F PTK niflniHTAn WII associated With Washington re- norta of a all-hf nnaalhllltv the 5U?, " . Pf." - " decision might be given utto-l mnrm h .11 imrin ,H, ha i t .t- nouncement of 2.545.000 bnshels decrease of the United States wheat visible supply total had little or any stimulating effecL Wheat closed unsteady at near ly the day's botton. level. 1 H nnder Saturday's finish. May 96-9SH, corn 1 cent to 1 down. May 83-84, oats 1 M off, and provisions showing 2 cents to 12 cents decline. Today's closing quotation!: Wheat May 96-56; July I 89 : September 874- Corn March 87U: May 83- 84; July 78 -79; September 75 Oats May 49 - 50; July 42; September 40. General Markets PBOTJXTOB EZCHANOB PORTLAND. Ore., Feb. 11. (AP) Produce Kzchante, net prices: .gVrf-i . ffi Batter: Extras, B5e; stssdards, 1 j? , , I E: u- spooUls. 35e; U. S. i ni. . n n nullum ..tr, I Botterfat: sse. II r ,i j c H rortlana train PORTLAND. Ore- Teh. 11. (AP) Grain: wheat Opea High Lew Clots May 84 84 83 H 83 H Jsly 77 77 78V, 78H Csih: Big Bead blaaitem. 8e: dark k. t l.-- ii - . atu.. ii oer cent. 88e: soft white, hard winter. northern SDring sad western red. 83e: western' white, 81e. OaU: No. 3 whiU, $31.50. . Cora: Ne. 3 E yellow. $40.75. KUlraa standard, $34.50. Pnrflanri I ivfxstnrlr I r oruanq lJVesiOCK PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. 11. (API- Cattle: Beceipts, 1200; calrea, 50; . 35-50e higher. Steers, good and choice, common and I medium, 1 4.7 5-9.00; heifers, good, choice. common sad medium, fl.oo-o.B5 ; eows. good, common snd medium, f 3. 50-6.00; low eutter and cutter. 31.50 3.50; buii 8W and ehoice. $4.25-40; cutter, com- DELAY 0 i SENDS GRAIN DOWN i men-and medium, $3.25-4.25; . veaien, i the other day wnen, wniie Pow-iat ome 0f Mrg. f. c. Gnn good and e-oica. 7.00-8.00; cull, com- j-- hls horse reared up and -, M,. JoaonhlnA Slier, a na- eTu;coiM: a-d medium. 3.00-5.50. , , Hogs: , Receipts, 8200; 10 25e higher. S7K-8.S5: haavnreicht. rood sad choice. 7.00-7.70; packing sews, meaium sna good, 5.25 6.50; feeder and atocksr pigs, good and choke, - 8.00-8.50. Sheep: Beceipts ouo; sieasr. Lambs, good snd choice. 7.00-7.25 ; common sad medmm, 4.75-7.00; rear ling wethers, 4.00-5.00; ewes, geed sad choice, 8.00-4.00; coll, common snd medium, 2.00-8.35. Portland Produce I .?.TLA;. UTf yarrbment. Se lb. U cartons; B grade, parchmeat wrappers, 88tte; cartons, , . v., . . . , - !-r?5..l 1VZ ZVZZtX ,. 7mt.wI7'i ZZZ I ceUvery leas than twice a weea, sis 1 O grade at mrket. B grade cream Hsjnng pnee oi out- Eggs Sales te retailer: BpeeUla, 37c; extras, 3Se; fresh extra, browns. See; standards, 34? fresh nuMUama, 3S; sediam firsts, 34e doses. Eggs Baviag price. el whelesslers: Freeh spedsts, 33e; extras, 31c; extra saediaias- -Oct paUsta, 16et n der grades, I8e dee en. nnntrv SMata Belling orieo te taUers: Oona try killed hogs, best butch ers, nader ISO lbs- 13H-14e lb.; veaU era. fsaey, 13-33 He lb.; light aad thin, frae lb.; hesvr, -7e lb; c.tuw eewa. S 6c lb.t eaaaers. S-4e lb.; bolls, 6-SHe lb.; lambs, fsaey, 14-lie lb.; aanttoa. 8-7s lb.'. . VfkIr -19S4 having nriee. 19c lb. Lit . pealtiT Portland delivery bay. h-- com 1 has a. ever t lbs J lyJSl.iJA W gfiTtEi ,11---' B . . am Ji A W 4 Iba. an. ap. 15-lfte lb.; aader 4 lbs, 18-17s lb.; broUsrs, aadsr 1 lbs- 18-17s lb.; roosters, 6e lb.; Fekia docks yoanr, 14-16 lb. , . n . . Hilh: Contract priee A. Portlaad de- I Jj I , livery, 83.30 cwt.; B grade creass. 37Ve Cssesra barkt Bsyinf . pries, 1834 eU Se . f . - . . I peel, so . "fc V I v.77-.. . 1 . ...' -i.r. t. I ..i. n-k. !. ai it m. r-lJ ioix mmlaalf WIQaSMtte va, Ta. i, 1 u j 5reg , IT -oi' lb.t soaUera Idaho i xif.ifV V 1. new eren. 817: eastern jfil.it 313 teas I ' - f . . . . . . . . ww wiff "an, iu we, -wmm. a is tea. xsrusaa. .. - - . - Salem Markets Urad B raw 4 per cent milk, co-op pool price $1.73. per hundred. (MUk basei ea eswl lestlly battortat avsngO Olsttibotor price f2. ia A grade botterfat Dellv ered. 87c; route. 85c A grade prints, S7c; IS grade, aetfc Prlees al4 rrewors by aalsei barera rsaraarr ll - - . . i zr'&lZiZuZ .71.7U7 ..ITS I are net gaareateed by The fiutee- rauiT (Bkyisg Pries) CrsaWrries. v bbu am Orapefralt. Plerids 8.35 to S.V4 umpeiraii, Ariteaa i.oo to i.iv ciIT, 17s u i lo BoBHiaa. ea stalk JOS Hwa OS y . . choice ui .4.00 to ATS -3.00 to 1.35 1.0 Applet, bashel .1.00 to Lll VXOCTABLXS (Baying Prise) Rksbarb. 13 lbs. .1X0 to 1.25 new potatoes, Honda .08 Artlcaekea. box .3.75 to 3 00 .30 BaaJaaes. os. Caaliflower, Calif. Cabbage, cwt local 1.25 85 to 1.15 AOs to .65 .20 Kraut cabbie Oreaa peppers, IV. Local oaiooa. 50 lba. Ke. 1 9 HO. S. 50 Iba. .50 Lettaee, CalUorala Dry pick 3.25 to 3.75 1.35 to 1.75 49 .08 , At Jti Salsifr. dntaa gausss! Hnbbardt SIr la . ' , ". Lototole- He. t, beadi aw M .65 .35 1.83 .19 .13 1.85 8.50 .15 39 .35 .60 .SO .85 3.50 1-31 I Ne. a. baadraS - 1 No. . 50 lba I fl. ... I California peu I u"torB1 oeaas To-atoea. hot b Mazieaa, ias bosse, lag I ntwt. At te ai u I Waiaata. lb. . 4& Italiaa breeeolL hi - Beeta, Calif dosea Celery. Calif- crate Heart, sos. aora tBayist Pries) Clasters, 1934 lb., top fatties. 1914. too lb .15 Vk 45 EQ0S Borisi Pries) Extras .23 .31 i .19 .18 j standard' Mediome Pullet WOOL AND MOBAIB (Bsyisf Pries) Mohair. 1934 clip bo market Mediosi wool 1934 - .29 Coarie and fine wool. 10S4 -IS POOI.Thtt (Bavins Pries) 5Jb- .13 .13 .13 .13 .11 .18 .05 .04 Over 8 ponnds. Ih, Colored mediums, Ib. Mediant Leghorns, lb. Light. Ib. . Fryers, lb. ,- ,, .. Stars, lb. -. Boosters, lh. Kg AT tBaring Pried Lambs, nader 00 lbs. 850 5.75 T.75 8.50 8 35 Over vo lba. Hots. 190-180 lbs. 110-310 lbs. ... 310-350 lbs. Steers Cow - 6 00 te 6.00 3.00 ta 3.50 8 50 te S.35 S.00 te 4.00 SJK) to 8.50 .10 H Balls Heifers Veal, top Dreaeed veaL top .14 Dreaaec hogs ORAIN AN1 HAT (Baring Pries) Wheat, western red . .79 White. Ne. 1 .79 Barley, feed Ne. L tea .38.00 Halting, toa .83.00 -37.00 -32.00 I Oats, milling, toa I Feed, toa I 5y baring pri I Clover bay . 8.00 . 9.00 .13.00 . .18 . .17 Oats snd vetch, toa Alfslfs valley Clover Seed Bad, lb. , Alsiks. lb. Harris is Injured ' by Horse Second ' Time at Plowing J5HELBURN, Feb. 11. y-. "d hroUM Harris recehred cnts and . brn toes on th left hand and Dla left side. Last tall the same horse drag- ceived bruises and cuts. George T. McDonald has com pleted his work as farm census! taker in Kingston,-Sbeiburn and North Sclo. No. MT NOTICE OF FINAL HKABIXO IN THE COUNTY COURT FOR THE STATE O? OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION. In the Matter of the Estate of REUBEN P. BOISE, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the Final Account of R. Breyman Boise, Administrator of the Es tate ouleuben P. Boise, deceased. has been filed In the County Court 1 oi fltanon tuniy, uregon, ui( the 14th day of February. 1931, at the honr oT 10 o'clock a. m. has been appointed by tha Court for hearing objections. It any, to said Final Account, at which time any persons Interested .la said estate may appear and file objections thereto, in writing, ; and contest the same. R. BREYMAN BOISE. Administrator of said Estate. R. H. BASSETT, Attorney for Administrator 401 Guardian Bids.. Salem, Oregon. JlS-.Z-.tF-I-lt. Stoclcs and Bond ; rec ary n ROCK AT tA O I (CewpScd by Tho Associated Frssa) T 80 It IS - . tadess. - rails i - atU. Today . . ff - J Heath agoZ 83.S . I Tea ago 8.1 88.4 87.3 1JJ. .J S3 111 I itu vib . ai.a at 0 40.8 IT4 SL4 S4U B02TJ ATEXAOES O IS . . 10 18 : nlh 4aat etiL foreirn S5.S: 4.S S8J OS.T t. ps.s sas ss.e ti.a ' J 4 -T0.4 r. d-T -) j Keath ago - v .- - ai l . SS.e SLS ST4I I 1888 mit Z.Z ..." -aa 1 18SS low .se. "- - ZZ Z Jibs high s.4 a v.e ,. 1 . VX.S ... TS.T OSJI VV.B w in Urt Sew 1338 high. EB LISHTM RISE PORTLAND. Or.. Feb. 11. -W) I -There was a higher prle and firmer ton for batter la spots bat trading was lighter. The late advance la the cob price on the produce exchange Is bow generally effective. Batterfat was op 2c lb. Hlrhpr rHA ra fnmwf tnr . " " tnt l.te. CL,, i the - produce exchange with a good demand for outside, points. Values were not firmly establish ed here. Conditions within the cheese trade were steady. The expected further advance la the price did not materialize but there was no mistaking; the firmness of current values at practically all points. At the moment cheese makers are busy In filling old orders for supplies, therefore current mar ket offerings are limited. Demand for lire chickens con tinued to hold firm with practi cally everything In request al though the smallest call was for colored hens. Prices were firm at. the recent advance. Rather quiet trading tone was showing for potatoes here with prices nominally unchanged both locally and at the source. , New. potatoes from Florida and. from Hawaii were a small Influence. There Is an acute shortage of quality real and prices were firm, other meats being steady at least except beefs. These are weak. NEW YORK. Feh. ll.-(aVTou could have laid all the financial markets end to end today and they wouldn't have reached anywhere In particular. Stock and bond tickers menely drawled a story of minor reces sions or Innocuous flutterings in either direction. Turnover In the stock exchange was only 359,147 shares, and the general list was merely soft, as In dicated by a recession of .2 of a point in the Associated Press av erage for 60 stocks, at S8.5. Rails presented the easiest tone, but even here the average recession was less than' a half point Most trading leaders held their declines to tractions, although Al lied Chemical at 134. and Santa Fe at 43, each got down better than a point. Lesser recessions were recorded for American Can at 114, American Tobacco "B" I at 80, Bethlehem Steel at 29. Chrysler at 38, Consolidated Gas at 18, General Motors at 31, New York Central at 11. Sears Roebuck at 34 , U. S. Steel at 38 and Westinghouse at 38. A few were able to resist the general softness to show small improvement. Including American Telephone at 104, International Harvester at 40, Union Carbide at 47 arid Standard Oil of New Jersey at 40. Willard Silver Tea Slated by W.C.T.U. TURNER. Feb. 11. The W. C. T TT will hold a Frances Willard I silver tea program Wednesday af- 8UTer w Program weoiiesaay ai- ternoou rebruary 13, at 2 o'clock oreani.er and fomer sUte president of Minnesota, will be s. ui rir. . church Wednesday night. WOOL DEALS PEND BOSTON, Feb. ll.-fJPMTJ. S. Dept. -Agr.) Several houses In Boston had business pending on fair slsed quantities of greasy combing domestic wool, but buy ers were Tery deliberate In clos ing transactions. Gardeners9 and Ranchers9 Mart ' PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. llP) -Cabbage was holding Its own at today's session of the gardeners and ranchers' early market. - The demand was strong an4 the price for best stuff was around fl.25 a crate. Good green onions were being offered at 25-3 Oe per dosen bunches. Broccoli was up a little at S 0-4 5c per lug. Other pro duce was steady. ' - Spinach Lag. T5e-$1.3S. . Carrots h'ew, desea bssehes, SO-tle. Beets Dotea bsnehes. Me. Pereiey Posea beaches. 18e. - Taraips Doiea banebes. lO-SOe. Rntabaaaa Lac SS-40S. - - ' . Winter radiabes Dose bsaches, 30s. -Lettaee Northwest. craU 7e-L Cabbage Fee crate. 0e-Sl.SS. - CaolUiuaer Local. Ho. L, fl.S3; Xa a, 50 crsta. - t ' Celery Orsta. $1.B0-LT. Celery Heart Dosea banc-aa, I0-T5e Baoash Osaiah. SOe . per eaatalesv- SSJllerate; isg. 40-45. - ILTI Apples 4 am Me pseK, BO-sse. 3941 1 Potstoes Orange beg, 60-40. 48.4 I Broccoli Per lag, 60-0e. . BR OF flUTl III SHARES VIRTUALLY LU 4LS I Oreea Oaisas Uosea baaebes, ILSOe- . n..1. " r i rw. ns. rv... ,aa ik. ai.f so Eadi 'Desea. SOe. CASH BUYERS Butterfat and Eggs CAPITOL DAIRIES Phone S175 i