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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1935)
i . .- ' r-1 4 K-4 11. Society News and CluB Affairs 3 Jessie Steele, Society Editor Chapter G Feted At Luncheon Thursday MR3. T. W. LAKGE was host ess to members of Chapter O. P. E. 0. for an attract It dessert lancheon Tnarsday afternoon. The stables rere dee orated with red carnations, green err and pnsay willows with Val entine farors. ", " Mrs. Gradner Knapp read a pa per on "Lincoln". Quite a large groap plans to attend the Willam ette ralley council luncheon Sat urday afternoon at 12: SO o'clock In the Memorial Union building at Oregon State college, Corrallis. -There were It members 4n at tendance yesterday and the fol lowing guests: Mrs. O. E. Wolfe, Mrs. Silas Galser, - Mrs. A. Mac Donald and Mrs. Gray of Seattle. Mrs. Page 100 Years Old Wednesday . Of Interest to her' ' Salem friends is the news that Mrs. Ly dla Page celebrated her 100th birthday In PortlandWednesdsy. Mrs. Page resides on - Kilpatrick street and enjoys good health, lir Ing alone and doing all her own work. . r . . - :. r: ' She received a personal note 1 of greeting from President Roose velt together with many messag es and gifts from friends During the afternoon 60 called to ' offer congratulations. v?-.,-vv - Mrs. Hattie Page of Salem Is a daughter-in-law and 'the follow ing grandchildren and families motored up for the occasion: Mrs. M. J. Arnold and Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Walkley of Salem, and from Jefferson, Mr. .and Mrs. C. D. 'Page and family .and - Mr. and Mrs. .A.'L. Page and family. ,,-. . ?'- .. Dinner guests at the home of GoTernor and Mrs. Charles H. Martin last night were:' Senator and Mrs. Henry L. Corbett. Rep resentative -and Mrs. John , E. Cooler of Toledo, Senator and Mrs. John Goss of Marshfield, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Snell and Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Holman. SOCIAL CALENDAR . Friday, February 8 .'.. Rickey- Sunshine club with Mrs. . Floyd Beard, S , p. m. - - ' ' - - A Daughters of Union Civil War Veterans at Woman's clubhouse, 8 p. nu " Sewing club of B. and P. W. club,. 6:30 p. mi with Mrs. Hulda Uedstrom, 770 Shipping street, potluck sup- " per. - , Women of the Salem Dakota club with Mrs.' W. J. XJnfoot, SS9 Fawk street in afternoon. .. .... Three Link club of Rebekahs potluck luncheon, ; 1 p. m. at L O. T. halL 4 : . - t . .Woman's Missionary society of the First Baptist ,' church with Mrs. Mark Skiff, 421 H Court, 2 p. txf. :, . - W. W. G. school of Missions at First Baptist chnrcbu ' Sketch class of Salem Arts league In fireplace room : of public library, 7:30 p. m. '..,.,-,, Women's auxiliary to National Association of Let- . ' ter Carriers with Mrs. Floyd Volkel, S 45 Belmont, 2 p. m.. - , ; i1 ..... ! - " Saturday, February 9. . -Woman's club at' clubhouse: board 'at 1:30 p. hi., 't business session at 2:30 p.m., program at 3 p. m. - Friday Bridge Club Feted Today . .Mrs.' C. A; Vibbert will preside at an attractive dessert luncheon this . afternoon complimenting members of the Friday bridge dub. Several hours of contract will follow r '-; 'r -Mcovers will be placed for Mrs. jX W. Gleason, Mrs. E. A. Kurtz. Mrs. U. :.S Page, Mrs. O. Ai Ol son, Mrs. David Wright, Mrs. H. O. White, Mrsi Eric Butler; Mrs. F. G. Delano, Mrs. Elmer : Daue, Mrs.. Ray -Yocum, Mrs. M. P. Ad ams and the hostess, Mrs. C. A. Vibbert. ' ' . ' - i ' ' 1 Liberty Mrs. C. W. Stacey en tertained at an informal after noon at her home Wednesday aft ernoon honoring Mrs. C. L. Broth er ton, who is moving from ' this district.' A feature was a puxzle in which ; the answers to 18 defin itions were names2 of women's clul members. Mrs. Mildred Stev ens assisted the hostess in the serving. :. I ! P Al KITS COST LRSG i . . . DECAUSE THEY LAST LOMRnn Alio ftO FARTHER , I A . .... Freserve and protect i your home with Sher i win - Williams house paint . . that looks bet 1 ter, ; lasts longer and docs hot fade. Surely an economy m the long run.' gallon INC K. L. Elfstrom, SIgr. Faint and Roof Department 1 361 Chemeketa St. Phone 3810 i Plaids r t Striking Gingham Styles .......- ' ' t I 1 L n i ; tooi It to 2) The gingham parade goes on, uirou":a season alter season. Here' are some brand new styles, espec ially designed to empha size plaid patterns. Ample ranee of pleasing color combinations. Sizes 14 to 3 and 33 to 4L . , -ej V .j, 11 IS: f . - it it- - I si it J eccj 14 to 29 ' nZADY TOUEAR- 19 Store for Ladk3 ' i -v4S4-4Ca StaU St W.R.C.-and Friends Entertained ; Mxs.Goldia F. Kyle entertained members and friends of the Wo man's Relief corps Wednesday afiernon with a silver ' tea and social time. ! Assisting hostesses were Mrs.-Florence B. Shi pp, Mrs. Maud Chittenden and Mrs. Eva Martin.;. Others in attendance were John Shipp, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wilson, Mrs. Lillian Cadwell, Mrs. Shepherd. Mrs. Laora John son, Mrs. Carra Delaney, Mrs. Russell -Mndd, Mrs.. Gertrude Savage, Mrs. Wayne Greenwood, Mrs. P. Andresen. Mrs. Sadie Mc Clain, Mrs. Myolle Wldick ;, Mrs. Margaret Pfckell, Mrs. Martha Hager, Mrs. Martha Mentzer. Mrs. Mary Pfeifer, Mrs. Hattie G. Kennen, Mrs. Pa aline S. Clark, Mrs Many Conley, Mrs. Myrtle LIttlef ield, Mrs Rachel J. Ruth, Mrs. Amanda Crum, Mrs. ..Bessie Martin, Mrs. Lam. Boring, ana Mrs.. Jeixnie F. B. Jones. Altar Society to Give Several Affairs v.. The St. Vincent de Paul altar society heard plans for several interesting affairs to be given In the future' at, its meeting Wednes day afternoon with Mrs.- J o n n Meyer. - - A benefit bridge and card par ty-will be sponsored Februarr IS in the parish hall. April 22, bridge and SO 0 parties will be given both in the afternoon and evening.. April 28 and 29, Fath er Thomas V. Keenan will spon sor the April frolic - ZIrs Holman is Honor Guest I Todqy MRS. GEORGE WATERS will honor Mrs. Rnfus Holman luncheon this afternoon at 1 o'clock In her home on North Summer. Contract . will follow the luncheon hour. . -; ' - Those Invited are Mrs. Holman, Mrs. Percy " Kelly, Mrs. Earl Shell, Mrs. Henry Meyers, Mrs. George A. White, Mrs. E. Rogers, Mrs. W. F. Byers. Mrs. Douglas McKay, Mrs. Max Davis, Mrs. Da vid Adolph, Mrs. H. R. Worth, Mrs. James Lewis, Mrs. Carlton Smith, Mrs.- E. G. Sanders, Mrs. Edward Patterson and Mrs. Frank Chapman. ...;.v.-" ; .. ' -. Economics Club Has All-Day Session The home ef Mrs. l). B. Klel hege on Laurel avenue was the scene of a happy-gathering Wed nesday ; when 18 members a a d friends of the Chemawa grange home economics clab held en all day meeting. - Sewing was the order of the day and one quilt was completed and the second one well started. ' ; A potluck dinner was served at 1. o'clock, red candles and valen tines being used as the table dec oration. - .-,;. ; , ; A short business meeting, was called, by the chairman, Mrs. W. E. Savage, following .with Mrs. Harvey Hansen gave V demon stration of a table decoration. Miss Irma ' Keefer entertained with several piano selections and Mrs. Edith Toxier Weatherred, state grange ' chaplain, gave an informal talk.. - Those' attending were Mrs. W. E. Savage, Mrs. H. W. Bowden. Mrs. Arthur Holden, rs. J. E. Putnam, Mrs.- Lester Evans, Mrs. Walter Oldenburg, Mrs. L. M. Wood, Mrs. John Evans, Mrs. A. E. Zimmerman,. Mrs. Arthur, Brown, Misses Lois and Irma Keefer, Mrs. Harvey Hansen, Mrs. H. L. Oldeburg. Mrs. WiUam Blake. Mrs. Archie Claggett. Mrs. E. T. Weatherred and the host ess. ' ' '-: The next meeting will be held March at the home of. Mrs. William Blake. Hubbard The Hubbard Worn-1 an's club held its regular meet ing at the home of Mrs. Ella Stauffer with Mrs. Edith Larkins and Mrs. Sadie Rich .assisting hostesses. Following the business meeting Dr. R. M. Gatke of Wil lamette university, , spoke on Washington and Xincola. Rath Jungnlckle finished 'the program with a piano sole. - - v r. 70 Varieties ROSE BUSHES gra'de .V...'....... 35c or 8 for f l.OO - grade 25c . 20 Varieties Climbing Roses bushes ... .. 40c to 75c Toangberry Plants - Grafted Lilacs, 2 to .4 dj-l ft. plants, each . vV Camellias full of bloom buds; - ' - '.-';'lH-- Nut St Fruit Trees, aU kinds Chlef, Latham and Lloyd -George Raspberries ' X FloweHng Trees - Shade Trees - Wnt Trees - Fruit Trees A Fnll Line . . ' '': .r,; Z:. -'-. PEARCY BROS. NURSERY 163 N. CoaunerdaL S Doors KorthTof Bithof-'e Ctethtng Store 3 v. $0$ O v i i ' Sclent's Leading Market . 171 JS. COMMERCIAL ; Phone 8757 Fourteen years in present location means quality, service and always a competitive price. . We are told we make the finest cored meat sold fat Salem. : SIDES. ' and BACKS as Br'kfstoo OC BACOII to"Lt)l When a' better erade of bacon is made than' this, we will make iL IT 20-22c Whole or Half -203. Our hams- do not carry a fancy name. It' is not necessary for they" are the finest. BACOII:. CT SQUARES U UV COSTOII BUTTS Beef Rbast.l0-12e . Sirloin Stealcl..l2c Beef Boa 8c Pork Roast ...17c Little Links ... 20c Pfe Hocks I10c Hamburger of Piirc J;" Porl: SAUSAGE EG X7e Gc:s ct 8 o'Clsch Saturday EcerSnz O. T. Club Bidden To Shipley Home MRS. V. O. "SHTPLEr l Tltad the O. T. clab to here luncheon with her this aft ernoon. Special gnesta will be Mrs. J. W. Bererldge, Mrs. H. T. Love Mrs. Homer Gonlet and Urs. A. H. ArerllL' :- .jU " Clnb members bidden are Mrs. John Read, Mrs. Seymour Jones. Mrs, Frank Spencer,. Mrs. XL C Cross, Mrs. C H. Robertson, Mrs. George A. White, Mrs. R. P. Boise, Mrs. John . Albert, Mrs. RosselL Catlln and Mrs. T. B. ar. . -i A : : , " . ' ' . 'I Open House Tonight I : at Lausanne Hall T -rl y- Lansanne hall will be open to night to the pnblle from f to 10:10 o'clock. The affair -la ClTen anna ally by the hall resi dents for Willamette students, facnlty end. townspeople. - i la the reeelTins. line are Miss Madge Marean, Miss Helen Mott, Dean Olive M. DahU Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Baxter, Dean and Mrs. Frank M. Erlckson and Mrs. J. H. Mills. The tea table will be done in eold and sllrer with daffodils and ! ' yellow tapers. Alternating at the urns will be Miss Helen MacHIrron, Miss Marlon Morange, MlsS Helen Pearce and Miss Lois Latimer. . - . : :-:r n - Serring will be the Misses Julia Anne Hoorer, Barbara Crokham. Ina Bonnet, Lilian Hart, Florence Zweifel, Rosemary Haffman, Una Lee end Charlotte Schneller. 1 1 Assisting about the rooms will be the Mlssea Myrtle Wetlauffer, Shirley Siegner, Ada May Thomp son, Dorothy Ghormley, - Mildred Conlon." Marlon Bowers, Erelyn Welsh, Dorothy Durkee, Agnee Corthell and Dorothy Dingle. Bu:inec3 Clocs Has1 Evening: Meet,. - " MUa Viola LotUs. end Miss Ef tle Grimes entertained, members of the Professional Be Bin ess Women's class et the First Eran gellcat church, Wedaesday at the home of Mrs Martha Lottie. Following the business meet ing Mrs. Harold Lottls. who Just recently arrlred from Hawaii, showed pictures, and gare en in teresting .talk about the people aad their, customs in Honolula. Refreshments were serred later la the erening. . :;', : Members present were-Miss Es ther - HUmer, Miss Anna - NUes, Miss Esther Anderson, Miss Ger trude Cheney, Miss Pansy Nles- wander, Miss Ruth storer. Miss Viola Lottls. Miss Effie Grimes. Miss Eire Aolt and the teacher. Mrs. Ethel "Poling Phelps. Mrs. Martha Lottls. .Mrs: Arnold Aas rude. Miss Sue Martin and Mrs, Harold Lottls were guests. " -:,.-s. -" ? Symphony Season to Conclude - The Portland ' Symphony- or chestra's 2 Uh season , win draw to a close this month with the concluding attractions of the or chestra's two series of concerts. Next Sunday afternoon will wit ness 'the finale of . the matinee series with a gala performance of Beethoren's "Emeprorf con certo with the young Portland pi anist. Mary Bambery as soloist. On Monday night. February IS, the last of the formal symphony concerts will be glren. - These two concerts -will : end Needle Art Shop : Elliott's Balcony - 1ST Court SPECIAL SAT. ONLY S-Inch " 7C Luch Cloths .... .... I UC Colored and White V4: WUlem ran Hoosstra tea's tenth season as leader of . the orches tra -e, season vhlch, It Is felt, has more than Ured no to what had been promised symphony pat rons before the. opening concert last Norember. : v - -:.-- :r v ..r:". Flaggs-Give Supper: Party Wednesday ; Mr. and Mrs. George Flagg en tertained, with a smartly arranged buffet supper Wednesday night. Daffodils were used on the serr ing table. The erening was spent at bridge with high score going to Dr. and Mrs. P. W. Byrd. , - Those inTited were Mr. and Mrs. Ercel Kay. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam EIniig, Dr. and Mrs. P. W. Byrd, jit. and. Mrs.. Earl Snell. P. J. Stadelman, Glen Corey, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bernhard and Mr. and .Mrs. Sheldon F. Sackett. . A sllrer tea" and entertaining oramm Is planned bT the Wom an's club of the First Congrega tional cnurcn tnie aiternoon irom 2:39 to 4: JO . o'clock at the church. The public Is lnrited : Music Association in Session- . A The Salem Teachers', associa tion held a dinner end Informal get-together Tuesdajr night at the home cf Mrs. Ethel Poller. Phelps. Rer, George H. Swift spoke on the relation of musio to religion. , . ' " A short memorial serrlce was held tor Edward Tillaon. Plans were suggested for music week. Those in attendance .were Mr. and Mrs.W. E. Moses, Mr. and Mrs. P F. Thomas, Rer. and Mrs. George H. Swift. Mrs. Darid Eason. Miss Elms Weller, Miss Dorothy Pearce, Mrs. Henry Lee, Mrs. Maude Campbell, Mrs. Bef tha Jank Darby, Mrs.-Ethel Pol ing Phelps, Mrs. Walter Denton. Miss Lena M. Dotson. Mrs. T. S. Roberts.' Mlsa Frances Virgin! Melton. Mr. end Mrs. C B. Glor er and Mrs. Jessie F Bush. ,;rv - - Mrs. Darid Wright and Mr. L. S. LeGarie were in Portland Wednesday for a Daughters of tbi Nile meeting. IT M , ' O - H 1 ' , .... ' . -. " . " " ' . aiiies ait The rougher the better in UJLSLJ l:'v'?''';-Treebarks!:f:- Tremendously important " for spring, ayg Fashion. ensatiooal valaear too," says Penney-s of these smart- sunburst and treebark weaves! Temptino; colors I. Highest quality at a lory price! Men's mm) i : - t ' Long or short sleeves 12-tb. weijfht cotton. InTa tin , rib stitch, lightly .fleeced . . . perfect weight for right now. Tailored with long or short sleeves and ankle length legs to fit comfortably! Ecru, white, random . . . sizes 36 to 46. At this price, a bargain you can't afford to miss! 33-oz. AU Wool Melton Cbssaclc Coats oC3 : You know how good-looking they are and this is an I ' exceptional low price. :: - - 0a i Departrn. Loose Powder Compacts .L.25c l 49c Corlon Hand Lotion .-...;.:.......;.35c Corlon Sinn Freshener ....... L:...35c Corlon Astringent U;::..M;.....i:..;...35c Corlon Face Powder ...75c Ccrlcn Duitxns Powder L'. ,........J.75c 150 Lydia Grey Cleansing Tissde, p!tg, 8c MennenV Talcum forMen ...............17c Handl Puffs ..3G for 10c Llayis Talgtrm r f pr Curma Incense . . : I ..10c Good Humor Razor Bladca G fclidcs 10c Llajsstic Sliaving Bruih ....................49c Ngv 2i?gCqeicigc Gay Spring Colors XLC3 a-sc GQG yard IHIoflflsrcoci P5qc3d ' . " Polo checks, 36-inch, - rVTN yard.....J..;, .V - " BlSSSeiS M Se M SMMBHnSMiSSSWMM .19 .Sanforized, (pre-shrunk) Jb-inchy yard rjpGGBoccG .'(Bffo'jpo ' . ' r , . 39 inches wide, -H r rS - . yard .;.iJ. o& y ":'..,'':. . . . . 'f. . - - . - .. A Nov . GEiupmcnt c2 DoabtluCaS Wo V7 Pottttcsrnb 7; - - in Terry CEottEa . Brizhten cp yccr. bedroom or bathroom ivith cne - - d these rtry 20"s40 V5 t 1 TV r i 2 j