- pacz nvr: 4? if 1 Society Benefit at Waller Hall Event of Wednesday -rjrjEDNESDAY night In Wall . Vlr er hall Mtn Josephine 1 1 . Cross, soprano; Miss Bar bara Powers, riollnist, and 'Miss Roth Bedford,, pianist, will ap pear la joint recital u i bene fit for the Philharmonic. Orcbes tra association. , . .' , , The concert starts at l:J0 , o'clock. Numbers Till be : as fol lows: ..--'- Pace, pace mlo Dto. (La Forxa del .- deatlno) . . . . . . . . . .G. Verdi , Josephine Bross- , - Oa Wings of Song .Mendelssohn Hejre Katl .......... . . tHubay Barbara Powers - Wings of Night . Winter Watts A Piper ........ . .Mkhael Head I Lots Life ........ Maua-Zucca ' Josephine Bross Clair de Lune ..Debussy, Etude ...... ;.?.V.....iJaon Ruth Bedford - ' ' -' Andante -. . . . . . . -. . Mendelssohn (From Concerto InCE minor Scene- de Ballet W, de Berlot Barbara Powers Atc Maria Percy B. Kabn ,-. Josephine Bross" Violin" obllgato Barbara i Powers Card Party Planned , ; HThursdajr Night ; A 600 card party and old fash ioned entertainment will be given by the St. Vincent de Paul altar society Thursday night . 1a the parish hall at s s o clock." - --.- Mrs. John Meyer is general chairman assisted by Mrs. J. P. Zlellasai, Mrs. Regtna Miller. Mrs. M. Engel, Mrs. Vera Hick man. Mrs. E. Ai i Pruitt, 5 Mrs. Prank Pohlschneider, Mrs. - John Berry, Mrs. M. Kobow and Mrs. B. C. Zlelinskl. ( t ' i ' .-. ".--. 'f. f- The four chapters of the World Wldo Guild Girls held their first study class Friday night at the First Baptist church with Miss Mlna Guile as teacher. The sub ject of this mission study class ts Japan. r , : - "'f'S- Miss Helen Van Cleare Park comes to -Salem again tomorrow afternoon and erenlng to conduct the classes in Interior decoration at the woman's clubhouse. Lec tures start at 2:?0 and at 7:30 p. m. There will be three more classes after this Wednesday, Pattern '.; By ANNE ADAMS' Be a queen In cotton In this beautifully designed, dress. The round yoke and panel trout are Inevitably becoming,-and the ruf fle or puff sleeres may; be omitted If they're not your type: Or, you may haye the sleeves la flaring little wings, simplyj by omitting the elastic which makes them putt (See detail sketched.) In any case, it's an adorable frock. The most delightful color combin ations are being shown In cottons now choose unusual, delicate shades or boldly marked patterns tn percale, gingham, t broadcloth or lawn they launder and wear well. - . v - ", . ': ; j Pattern 2175 Is available la aises 14, II, 18, 20. 32, 24. 2C. 22,' 40 and 42. SIxe 12 Ukes 2ft yards 28 Inch fabric.'. Illustrated step-by-step sewing instructions Included.. ,j ' .. j. , . .. , Sal fUtM end (lSc) 1m Mia r aUnpa (clns prf rr4 ) for la is kttm Adtma patten. Writa plainly . sddrcaa and tXjW obr. h ra (taU aixa.- : Select jomg apriaf ctothM wl Adaaaa Faahioa PatUra Book for apriag as eat I Jt ahawa yoa taa laa wrd la ara and coaatry clotaaa the ureil tor tot ebildran the fashionable bridal party rowaa Cu ignt tot those wbe are mo al-ader dtbnUnte faahloaaf Its forty pares are brimminf with, lovely v sew eletkee end every gameat Is eae yea eaa make with eesy-to-eie Aaao Adtn fstterae. Bead today for year eopyr Price , of . book fifteea teet. Patters and book; together Iwraty-fire ceata. Address, order to - Tie Oregoa Statesman Patters Dept. 31S Boetk Cemaaereial atreet. Bateau Make Bo eaary earloaares. Tear order will be promptly attended to. - Order eastoaiarity are tilled wllli ai four dy from tt time received by The utotaiaa. : W mi . Nes and Club Jessie Steele, I SOCIAL , H Tuesday. I ; . n - Salem W. C. T. U. guest day, 2 p. m. in ball on Com , merclaL ' - - ' Order of Eastern Star at Masonic temple, 8 p. m. - American! War Mothers at American Lutheran church. 2 p. m. - - -- South division of First Presbyterian church. 2 p. m. -' in chsreh parlors. - - Christian Federation meeting. 7:20 p. m. In W. C' T. U. hall on Commercial.- - - Laurel Social hour dab with Mrs. Williams oa - Klngwood drive. - . . t ' ' Music Teachers association potluck dinner with -Mrs. Ethel Poling Phelps. 151 N.rlSth. 6:20 p. m. , - Yomareo class of First M.F E. church with Mrs. , . Merle Travis. 935 Norway. 2:30 p. m.. , Alpha Phi Alpha Mother's club at home Mrs. George ' Pearce, 207-SJ Winter, 2:30 p. m. P. L. E. and F. club with Mrs. Myrtle WMick, 1932 Che'mek eta. 2 : o'clock. - - Wednesday February ff W. n. M.; S. at First M. E. church. 2:15 p. m. la parIorsrv:: v i V-: - ; -r . a.,,. . , -, - Leslie Ladies Aid In church : parlors. 2 p: vcl,' , Interior decoration classes at 2:20 p. m. and 7:30 p. m.. Woman's clubhouse. Maccabee lodge In K. P. hall, 8 p. m. Dakota club potluck supper la W. C. T. TJ. hall. ".Brinjr tabla service. - .i Toung People's Forum of First M. E. church, pot luck supper and Valentine party with Miss Marie. Up .. pold. 0:30 p. ta. -. - i Royal Neighbor's sewing club with Mrs. Helen Per- , isons, 1405 North 4th street, all day meeting and Val-.v entine party. I - . Ladles' Aid of Knight Memorial church with Mrs. E. W; Hsrlandi 18th and Center streets. 2:30 p. m. . - - . nr. jr. xa.jo; oi jason church parlors, m - Modern Teacher's study "' p. m. " ' - - ! , .,- r , - v . - "... Thursday, February 7 17. S. Grant circle No. 5, Ladles of G. A. R., 2:S0 p m. at armory. Chapter G. P. E. 1:30 p. m., with Mrs. F. Wr Lange. :. ' ; .. 1 Fresh Vqgelab les Make : Recipe Topic Seasonal . Oregon housewives are f ortan ate in being able to buy fresh vegetables the year around. The markets, are plentifully supplied now with, cabbage, i cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. Recipes on how to prepare any of these vege tables' are eligible la this, week's if pund Table contest. - Salad combinations lising fresh cabbage are many and delicious. Cauliflower makes up in casser ole dishes , very effectively and new uses for,, Brussels sprouts will be welcome. jThe contest closes Thursday at noon. Here v are more cheese: re cipes; - -- . j. J : ,-!V,t Tillamook Deviled potatoes ' 1 quart eoeked, diced' potatoes fried crisply brew ia batter end drip- ' PBe . ..; j tablespoons hotter i ... . " 1 tablespoon flour . ' i I teaspoon' cbopped eatoa ' 4 teaspoon salt, celery salt preferred 3 teaepooaa prepared jnastard i . i . H eup grated Tillamook ebeese ap viaegar .-. i" ( .... .'.daak f paprika pj' ''; Melt butter In a double boil er, add flour and mix; thorough ly. Add onion, salt, prepared mus tard and stir until smooth. Add beaten egg and vinegar mixed to gether and cook three minute. Add grated Tillamook j cheese to the sauce. Fry the potatoes to a crispy brown and serve with the cheese i sauce, garnished. Serves four. , I 5 V - ' - Mrs. Arthur Porter -Beaver; Ore.' .. Welsh Rarebit lb. ekeeea grated i y, cap atflk . t aggs 'i ' -1. - H teaspooa mottard -i teaaaooa aalt - data of .cay sane i 1 1 tebtaepooa batter : - j Pnt cheese and milk. In too of double boiler. Heat without stir ring until cheese melts. Beat errs : until well mixed! and add seasoninr. Stir the cheese mix ture until slightly thickened. Add batter and stir until melted. Serve hot over toast or crack- era. .."! Ellen Robins 571 N. Church Popeye Souffle lb, spinach . f . ' 1 cap aaiU. ; ? tablespoon batter S tablespoons floor toaapoonr aalt - ! Cook well-washed spinach In a very little water and salt to suit taste. While the spinach cooks, cream the butter and flour and add to the heated milk, stirring constantly until smooth. Add salt. Pnt cooked spinach In a casser ole, pour - over the white, sauce and sprinkle lb. of grated cheese over the white sauce. Bake In an .oven 15 to 20 minutes. , . Mrs. Harriet Barker Route 2, Box OS .1"' 7 r -;.'.' I .. Bean Cheese Roast 4 cop dry kidney bean or a cap of any cooked bean a onloi 1 lb. AaMrteaa ckeeae I i : . 1 tableepooa fat er batter . , -" - aeaeoaiag ; ii -r-.-'r ": I cap bread crvmbi t h Wash beans well. ; drain and cover with water. Simmer until tender. Drain and ruti through a coarse strainer. Add cheese, grat ed. Cook onion . In butter or fat until soft but not brown. Com bine with beans, cheese, bread crumbs and seasoning. Shape Into loaf. Rub lightly with addition al fat or butter and .corer with tine : bread crumbs. Bake In a moderate oven, 350 degrees, for about X hour, or until well browned basting occasionally with a little melted batter and water. Serve with tomato sauce. Serves six. This Is a fine meat substitute. -. 4 i " Mrs. Ruseell Henry Dallas. Ore. Luncheon Rolls - 1 compressed yeast cake ... : S tabiaspooaa sugar - S teaspoons aalt . : - f -H cap batter 1 : j ,; 3 cap scsliod milk .' 1 cap eold water A cap bread flow ' ' - Crumble yeast cake into mix- Society Editor CALENDAR February 5 . juee purcu, ;iv v- m. m I club In' court house, 7:30 lng bowL Add sugar, salt and butter. Cool scalded milk with cold water and stir Into Ingre dients In mixing bowl until yeast Is thoroughly dissolved. Beat flour into this mixture : until all too lumps have disappeared. If the butter la to be used the fol lowing day, cover and place in the refrigerator. If It Is to be used .the same day. let rise to three times its- size, beat thor oughly again and proceed. - ; ' Filling ' cap batter " cap rolled eat r cap bread fleer " Stir oatmeal and flour into the batter and toss onto a flour ed . board , and knead well. Roll dough Into a rectangle 7 by 8 inches and cut into six equal rectangles. Cut a 1 x fingers . of American cheese by ft by 2 Inches long; wrap each in i strip of dough, making sure that the cheese is carefully sealed with in. Place on a buttered baking sheet, brush with melted butter, let rise to twice their also and bake In a moderate oven, 275 degrees, for about 20 minutes. The basic batter recipe- makes many times the sjmount needed for '.six cheese rolls, so the re mainder of It may be used for more, rolls of this kind or . for other! varieties. j . Mrs. George Manning : Route 4, Box 125 Jefferson An Interesting pro gram was presented at the Febru ary meeting of the Missionary so ciety of the Christian church Fri day afternoon in the church par lors. Mrs. Marvin Hutching was program leader, and led the devo tions also Introducing the topic, The Sunrise Kingdom and the Sunrise. Mrs. W. H. 8herman told of the beginning of Christian ity In Japan. - - "- Mrs. Sally Tandy Impersonat ing; Sugawara San. told of Tillage life in Japan. "Helping to Build the Little Church." a dramatiza tion showing early Christian con secration and sacrifice, was giv en, by' Mrs. Leta Thomas, Mrs. Robt. Terhun, and Mrs. S. A Pease, who were ostumed. . A Valentine bridge . benefit Is planned by the- Woman's Alliance of i the Unitarian church in the Emerson room February 15. Des sert luncheon will precede the af ternoon's play. Women of the leg islature are especially invited, Mrs. C. S. Hamilton Is general chairman assisted by Mrs. Milton Meyers, Mrs. L. C Mars hall, Mrs. Roy Wassam, Mrs. George Good rich, Mrs. W. E - Feldman and Mrs. J. R. Pollock. " Reservations are being made with Mrs.' Feldman at 4325 or with Mrs. Pollock at 8205. The Salem Music Teachers as sociation will hear Rer. George H. Swift as guest speaker at the potluck dinner to be held tonight at the home of Mrs. Ejhel Poling Phelps, 151 N. 13th street, at f: 30 o'clock. Mrs. Bertha Junk Darby and Mrs. Maude Campbell are assisting hostesses. . The Tomarco class of the Ffrat Methodist church will meet with Mrs. ; Merle Travis. 025 Komr atreet, this afternoon at 2:80 o'- ciocx. Mrs. xiarry w, Swafford la the assisting hostess. The Silverton auxiliary of Vet erans of For elm Warn riaa Invfto the Marion auxiliary to ; their meeuns Wednesday night In the lodge rooms at the' Sllvertnn arm. ory, suiting at 3 o'clock. The ; Toung People's .forum of the First ' Methodist church will have a potluck supper and Valen tin a party at the home of Miss Marie XJppold Wednesday night. The 1 Willamette Valley council of P. E. O. will hare a 12:30 o'clock; luncheon Saturday after noon at the Hotel Benton in Cor rallla , .... Affairs Open House For Lausanne On Friday ' rpOWNSPEOPLE. students and I faculty of Willamette, unl rerslty are Invited to call at Lausanne hall Friday night from 8 to 10:30 o'clock for tu annual open . house. A silver and gold color motifs will be carried out about the rooms and datfodila will be used. . Introducing to 'the line will be Miss Lourine FIndlej and Miss Roberta Smith ' and: receiving will be Miss ' Madge- Marean, Miss Helen Mott. Dean Olive M. DahL Dr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Baxter, Mrs. J. A. Mills and Dean and Mrs. F. M. Erlckson; - k - At the tea table - during the evening will be Miss Helen Mac Hlrron, - Miss Clara Eness, Miss Lois Latimer and Dr. Helen Pearee. 1 The- general directorate for the open house is headed by MIsi Findley and Includes Mlsa Agnes Corthell, Miss Marjorle BIddle, Miss Marion Bowers, Miss Fran ces Schilling, Miss . Helen Mott. Miss Mar y Janet Sargent and Miss Jan Scott. In the Valley Social Realm Salem " Heights The February meeting of , the Salem Heights Woman's club - was held at , the Community hall Friday afternoon. with .Mrs.: Reed Chambers presld ing. The hall was beautifully decorated in the Valentine motif, the same being followed out in both the program and the refresh ments. A solo sung by Mrs. Wal ter Pettys, two piano solos by Miss Alice Barkus and an old-fashioned spelling match comprised the pro gram. ": ? A business meeting ' preceding passed motions to buy and make new drapes for the community hall and to sponsor a bridge bene fit on February 8, to raise, funds tor the soup being served the school children. The hornet will also sell needlework at the bridge benefit to raise funds for the 4-H project, also sponsored by the Woman's club. An unusually large attendance marked this meeting. . s i " - i - : Salem Heights The Commun ity hall was the scene of a . de lightful shower .Thursday after noon, given in honor of Mrs.' John Winters, who with her husband, will . make Portland their future home. Lovely gifts were present ed to Mrs. Winters. I I Pleasant conversation and re freshments were enjoyed by Mrs, Belle Douglas, and - daughters, Edith and Dorothy, Mrs. Nellie Ball, Marie Rothweiler, Lorena Waddle, Mrs. Waddle. Mrs. Frank Walters, Mrs. Melvln Clemens, Rosa : Lee Sumner. Mrs. D. D. Craig, Mrs. Emma Whealdon, Miss Frances Ball, Miss. Mabel Straw, Mlas Mary Butler and the honor guest, Mrs. John Winters. ,7 . - , 1 ... I Dallas ' The . Woman's club were sponsors of a dance at the armory Saturday night. Approxi mately one hundred couples, at tended, some coming from Port land, Salem and- Independence. The proceeds will be used In, the different philanthropic works car ried on by the Woman's club. - ! Mrs. Vera Smith was hostess to the Friday : afternoon club. Spe cial guests were Mrs. TJ. 8. Longh air Mrs. R.' L. Chapman, -and Mrs. Oscar Hayter. - " ! - . ' I 1 Dayton Mrs. M. R. Cooper en tertained with a bridge party at her home in Dayton Friday night. Twenty-four women were present. Mrs. Harry Gray won high and Mrs. Earl Coburn, low score. -Mrs. Paul .Londershausen ' en tertained at a 1 o'clock bridge luncheon at her-home' in Dayton Thursday.- Sixteen women amend ed. Mrs. Rosa . Wood and daugh ter, Judith Ann, of Salem, were guests of honor...: ' v---'fc-' - -- ' Silverton Hills Mr and. Mrs. E. O. Nelson entertained at Sun day night supper tor Mr. and Mrs.' Orval Larson, who have recently moved to Silverton from Taktnuu Covers .were also placed tor W. C Larson, Harold Larson, and Frank Nelson. Merl Larson, another son of W. C Larson, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Le- gard at Vancouver. ' " ; , Pleasantdale Mrs. Bert Me Farlane entertained the , Aloha club at her home Thursday after noon. Twelve members and fire guests were present. - The guests were: Mrs. Nell Stoutenburg, Miss Vivian v Stoutenburg, Mrs. Lester Holt, Mrs. Fred Flnnleum and Mrs. Clifford Gibbon. A sur prise show was given for Mrs. McFarlane. . r . m -A.Sr 1 Salem Uelghts Miss Florence Ball is spending; a month's vaca tion with her sister, Mrs. Zelma May In Vancouver. ' . QUIVERING XThaa yoa are fust oat egs a wbea yoa caa's stsad the children's aoise sit whea everything; yoai do Is a bordca its wbea yoai are lixi table and blue s s i try Lydia B. Flak- ham's Vegetabls Com pound: 99 out of 109 womea report beacb - v It wH! give fow fust the extra esv ergy yoa need USt wd seem words livias; sgslfltf ' . . X Doa't eodore another day whhoog the help this medicine caa give. Get bode from your dnxggut todsyi &tCUL IS V VEGETABLE CDHPSUna I Y. W. Finance Drive Get3 Start : ii The Y. W. C. A. board, eat tains and workers assembled at the T. W. Monday-afternoon tor lunch eon on the opening day of the fi nance drive. Rer.- Georgia, H. Swift,:' general, chairman for - the drive, presided."-1 . t 'd 1 1 f " Msyor V. E. Kuha endorsed the financial campaign and stressed the cooperation which has existed between . the Y. : W. and the city council. " ; He. was the: principal speaker 'i?,'Of ' ! ", : Others who gave short talks were Mrs. 1 L. . O. . Clement,' Mrs J. R. Pollock, Miss Elizabeth Put nam, Mrs. C. S. Hamilton, - Mrs. Elisabeth Gallaher. Mrs. I. L. Darby. Mrs: J. A. Brownson and Mrs. F. H. Spears, chairman of the team captains. .r e . e ; ' To-Meetitb;;:-:-?.! ; The Woman's Foreign Mission ary society of Jason Lee church meets , Wednesday afternoon at 2:20 o'clock in the -church- par lors.'".:'-','":-'"' '""V' - lf f-i Hostesses will be Mrs. C. M. Roberts and Mrs. Walter Bar ham: Mrs. Mw Erp will conduct the de votions and Mrs. A. J. Ykk ts in charge of the lesson. -' . - ,t- - Women of Legislature To be Feted ir ; Next week already, -calendars two interesting; affairs 1 la honor of women' of the legislature. 4 On Tuesday, February 12,- the Oregon State Art Museum assoi elation will entertain with a tea and reception at i the .home . of Mrs. C. P. Bishop from 3 to f 6 o'clock. ' 7 : - f f : v ! , v On Thursday February, 14, the Thursday club is planning s tea, also to be given in the' C P;. Bishop residence. ; i ' 1 . ' f -e.v.-;,c-v:'-'. - - Silverton Members ' of the Neighbors of Woodcraft Thimble club will hold a card and supper party at the hall Saturday, Feb ruary 9, for themselves and their families. Recent officers -Installed Included president, Goldie Down; vice president. Mae Higin botham; secretary, Theresa Scott; treasurer, Elsie Nelson; board of finance, Prudle Plank, Elsie Nel son and Ida Pitney. - :S i 'v. : I -:.'; Brooks Alfred Pa'urralne was honored with a dinner Sunday, the occasion being his birthday and anniversary, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reed. Covers were also placed for Miss Bernadlne Wheeler, Miss Dorthy j'. Nelson, Miss Laron Harris, Mr. and Mrs. S A. Harris, Albert Harris. Alvin Reed, Leo Reed and Kenneth Reed. - Woodhurn The Woodburn Woman's club will hold its regu lar meeting Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock In the club rooms of the public library. Roy Hewitt of Salem -has been obtained ' as speaker. Miss Wilms Morrison will play a group of piano selec tions. Plans will also, be made for the annual library benefit, the Martha "Washington team. t- Sllverton Silverton friends are receiving announcements of a grandson born to Mr.-.-and Mrs. N. C. Lowe of Lebanon. The ba by was born to Mr. and 'Mrs. L, Nathan Lowe, also et Lebanon, at Portland. January 30, and haa been named Nathan Albert Lowe. Wheatland Mrs. Walter Kirk wood was honored Thursday- on occasion of her birthday by mem bers of the Social Service Shower club and other friends. Mrs. Am elia Magness, 33, was an especi ally honored guest. Dayton Mrs. Harry Sherman entertained the Kroweldeea club at her home Thursday evening. Mrs. Pan! Sayre of Portland and Mrs. Paul Londershausen were guests. At bridge, Mrs. Fred Matches won high score. ';; - :. ' Abiana Mrs. OttA TisM arm be' hostess tn the RatiI Nle-ritw club from Eilverton. Wednesday at her home la the MeLbughlin district., The affair will be an au-day one. 1 Our complete aelentlfle equipment assures you an absolute accurate refraction : so thst yoa get. the right glasses for your eyes. TTT miTRUSTV - EY:E S ! . - L ": y asp, . ' i - 1 - 1 1 Handsome Flower Basket APPLIQUE PILLOW AND SCARF PATTERN 907 5 A rose here some pansles there some - dainty French - knot sprays and yon have a group of flowers that will make a colorful arrangement In an embroidered basket. The patches are all sim ple ones to apply. A touch of em broidery on each flower adds to the plastle look and gives It more interest. The basket Is done In the simplest embroidery stitches. Be sides the basket, the pattern con tains two matching sprays that Waconda Sunday School Started A Sunday school for the Wa conda district was organized Sun day, with about 20 out. -Because Johnson's . for Hosiery f?k XoC a"BaaBasaB J Be Here Early Today for BwRGAINNo.l I ' 64 dozen ladies' pure silk hoses dl perfects, values 59c. For this sale and this sale only, your per pair . DOWNSTAIRS STORE BARGAIN No. 2 4 Bunptlow aprons and house. dresses, regular 1.19 values. On sale today, while they last, your choice . . " - DOWNSTAIRS STORE BARGAIN No. 3 ' -. Wool dresses, close outs. Much higher priced dresses . : but. out they go on this sale only, whOe they last, V ., your-choice ... DOWNSTAlllS STORE BARGAIN No. 4 . Odds and ends in silk dresses, regular values up to : $7.95. For this sale and this sale only, your choice . s DOWNSTAIRS STORE BETTER BARGAIN No. 5 x :. About' 40 leatherette jackets left. While they v l - your choice . . - ' - - - - ' -V; I....- DOWNSTAIRS STORE BARGAIN No. 6; lS Winter; coats, -all full lined and interlined with ' tW'lar collars, regular values $16.75. This sale . BARGAIN No. 7 ; ; Only 5 suits left in this group. Beautifully fur trim med, regular $24X0 values. Out they go for this sale and this sale only .. . 5 ' . MAIN FLOOR . . . - - BARGAIN No. 8 . ; Millinery felt hats. Values up to , $3.95. , While they last, your choice ..... V ' ' MAIN FLOOR '. . j . , BARGAIN No. 9 s . , A- ; Silk ; slips-14v dozen to choose from. These slips are- .... well worth $15. This sale and this sale only, your , ' -' choice .... ''"'" ' ' - T- - .. MAIN FLOOR 1 . ' . BARGAIN No. 10 ; : At $7.95 we must best values that these dresses Around 100 "J7e mm 464-465 STATE STREET will look well on a scarf. Pattern 307 comes to yoa with a transfer pattern of a basket 104x114 inches; two sprays U by 7 hi Inches; and a pattern for all the applique patches; ma terial requirements; illustrations of all stitches needed; directions for doing applldue. Send 10 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred) for this pattern to The Oregon Statesman Needle craft Dept. . ' : a dispute arose ever use of the school building.: the group will this week put in circulation pe titions asking for use of the school room as the future meeting place. The group was forced to meet in th basement Sunday as one di rector withheld consent to use of the schooL - JOHNSON'S BIG SALES AUScdes Strictly Cash ' Folow the Crowds HURRY! - THEYWOIfT MAIN FLOOR say these dresses are positively the that we .have ever offered. You must see 7 v j es to appreciate these wonderful values. C. to select from ... - . 0J we .have ever offered. You must see MAIN FLOOR Appreciate Yczr PctrcKtze" Annual Dinner of Fook Chung Firm Is Sunday Night The annual dinner given by the Fook Chung company at too Hop Lee ranch noxta et Salem was celebrated on Chinese New YelrV Eve Sunday night. Jinng Sun and Jlsg Yet acted as hosts. ; ; ; Guests from Salera were ' Mr. and Mrs. i Bert Ford and sons, Tom and Frank, William S. Wal ton, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Sackett, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fuhrer, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fuhrer, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Crawford, Miss Harriet Crawford, Miss Nellie B? Schwab, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wood. Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Ott, Mr. and Mrs. Har ry A. Rowe and Miss Kathryn Rows. . , t 66 New Boole Are . ' " On Library Lists As Month is Ended SILVERTON, Feb. 4. The public library report for January submitted Monday night at the city council shows 1605 books were lent during the month, and . 88 mag a xines; 13 new readers v added; 11 books donated; 51 books purchased ; , 8 books re moved; 17 - books repaired; S books rebound. Donations during; the month were from Mrs. Edson Comstock, Mrs. R. A. McCIana than, V. Ashur, Mrs. Irma Le Rlche. Mrs. Dorothy Underwood. -Mrs. MUton Thostrud, Mrs. R. A. ; Cow den. Mrs. James Scarth, Mrs. IL B. Latham and - Eleanor Jane , -Ballantyne. EERBEIt WIN'S PRIZE STAYTON, Feb. A. Edward Eerber who has long been finan cial secretary of the Stayton For esters and state trustee for Ore gon State Court Catholic Forest ers the past' nine years, haa re ceived an award of 3400 offered by the organization during Its re cent membership campaign.- . Johnson's for . Gloves Best Values regular choice, f. '':-' '.' . ' LAST LONG! last, .nice . SC0 Eo0 "The Store let Lcll" v7 sJ , JTQ5 g3