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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1935)
Sunday insters Yr. C?OFT glow from ivory tapers O lilies describes the tea table ception this afternoon in the pome of Airs. JLfan try, jr. - Hours are from 6 to 8 o'clock and invitations have been ex ' .tended to wives and daughters of legislators- as well as a , group of Salem matron and maids. , - Daffodils and acacia will bao ' " " ' i " ' ' arranged about the drawing room i - "of the Fry residence.. 1 Offlews Beehive Miss Jean Wilson and Miss Kay Laughrige - an d Miss - Rorena . B y r will ' Introduce to the line. ReceiTlng will . be Mrs. Fry, M 1 a Margaret Corey, Miss Prlscllla Fry. "- Miss Mar garet Burdette and Hiss Henri . ette White. . Mingling 'with ; guests daring . the law afternoon, will be Miss ' Iria- Jorgensen, .Miss Josephine " ' McGIlchriat,, Miss - Helen Worth, Mlss'CIea Rttner, Miss Margaret : Heltiel, . Miss Roby Langhlln. i tx.'rMtss. Dorothea Corey,- Mtes Myra Belt. Mlsa Margaret-Drager. Miss ' . -Doris Drager; Miss Jean Doolittle I and patronesses, ox the club.' . Provisionals Serre . -Miss Peggy "Goodfellow and' -' Miss Margaret - Wagner are , In . charge of . the- dining room- to X : which guests will be tnriredby , ' Miss Kate Corey , and Miss Fran- .r .':" Keene. .-. :-u Invited to pour daring the first .. hoar . are Mrs. C . K. Spanldlng, Mrs. H. L. Corbett and. Mrs. John - E. Cooler, and during the second -. .'Aoar.- Mrs.-Douglas McKay, Mrs. ; ; Charles H. Martin and Mrs.Earl " Saell. - Provisional members of the Spntsters will : assist with serving. : - W.B.A. Holds Joint Installation . ' - Joint Installation of officers -. was held Thursday night at the Woman's clubhouse for the W(h men's Benefit -association - Re '.views No. 5 -of Salem -and No, ' It of Donald. Mrs. Julia V. .t Ward, state field : director for Oregon," presided, .-. The new officers and 25 guests were served . with a late lunch eon following the ceremony. , Those seated in the Salem group were: President., Avis Per! rine; vice-president, Rachel Ep pers; past president, L o r a t a e Hill; recording, secretary. Edna Sbumaker; financial secretary, Florence Casement; treasurer. Ethel Hamman; chaplain, 'Car ' rie Lindsay; .lady of ceremonies, ' ' Leota Crossan; sergeant, Jessie Crawford; - Inner I hostess, :Flor- ence Reeves; outer hostess, Ag- nes Coenberg; Junior supervisor, Mabel Hamman; press corres- , pondenV Sophia Maplethorpe; musician. Hasel Newgent; cap-1 ' tain, Jennie, Miller; color 1earer No., 1, Mabel Hamman; color bearer No. 2; Elsie Lewis; Miss r America, - Constance ' Smart; Miss ' W.B.A.. "Ethel Hamman; officer of the day, Lottie Berry;, atand- - ard . bearer No. 1, Alta Scott; ' . standard bearer. No. ; 2, . Sophia Maplethorpe. - - J ; ' v The Donald officers t're: Pres- " Ident, Clara Feller; vice-president. Alice Cone; past president, ' Clara Johnson; recording secre tary. Retta Evans; financial sec retary, Anna Bittick; "chaplain. Mae St. Helen; lady of cere- ' monies, Aline' Quinn; j sergeant, . Barbara Feller; inner hostess, - Laura Ernst; outer hostess, Iza Vaughn; Junior supervisor, Aline ' - Qulnn; press correspondent. Ret ' ta Evans; musician. Lots St. Helen; captain, Nellie Epper; color bearer , No.. 1. Bernice Ha - gen; color bearer No. 2, Bertha Evans. - ' - ' . .'.- :. i . -ff . . Oriental Life Subject for: Talks The Woman's Home Missionary . society of tire First Methodist church will meet Wednesday af- ternoon at 2:15 o'clock. In the ' church partors. . 1 Mrs. D.. H. Schnlxe and her group will have charge ot the program. . -Oriental. Lite In America" will be 'presented by Mrs. George ' Aid en and Mrs. W. E. Kirk. De votions will be led by Mrs. J. F. Cook. MJsa Seika Watanabe and Mrs. E. S. Fortner will furnish .special music. - The prayer group will meet at 2 o'clock la the Women's Bible class room. . .'. . .. " Monroe Gilbert Feted" on Birthday Monroe Gilbert was feted on his birthday anniversary Satur day night by a group or Intimate . friends who called at his art stu dio on .North. Commercial. Mrs. Gilbert was Aostess for the af fair. - I ; A Bohemian atmosphere pre- : vailed In the picturesque alcoves of the studio with floor pillows piled hither and yon and over- green decorations. , All the guests contributed to the evening's en- tertalnment. ' . :.: - t ' - : ; Sigma Nu Delphians Will Meet The Sigma Na Delphians will have their first meeting of the sixth year of their organization la the library Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. : , Topica will be given by Mrs. Lewis Griffith, Mrs. Claude H. Glenn. Mrs. Glenn Paxson, Mrs. Albert Gragg, Mrs. W. E. Feld- man and Mrs. J. O. Heitsel. . urs. Heltzel la the new supervisor. . . CANNONS ARE BACK llr. and Mrs. J., V. Cannon - tave returned from spending two month at Joseph with Mr; Can- -ten's father. G. M., Cannon." Society Wi7 Honor ive Guests J--- - . . . Afternoon: in crystal over Waxen calla planned for the Spinster re- Mrs. Kellev al Home From, 3 to 6 71 RS. Nanny Wood Honeyman VI of Portland will be guest ot . I. -. - ... fv. . ernoon to be given by Mrs. Percy. R. Kelly in her home from 2 to f o'clock..-. Invited guests' Include women of the legislature "and so ciety matrons from Albany, Port land andt Salem. v - -;! :f ' The entrance to the. Kelly resi dence on' State street; will be banked -with greenery and potted plants' and the drawing rooms will be softly lighted .with candles and fragrant with spring flowers. The tea table will be centered with a long basket of yellow, lav ender, pink and gold spring flow ers flanked by yellow and pink tapers la crystal candelabra. Presiding at the nrns will be Mrs. Henry J. Bean, Mrs. John L. Rand, Mrs. Harry Belt, Mrs George Rossman, Mrs. u C : K. Spanldlng and Mrs. J. N, Cham Assisting with-the serving will be Mrs. Miller Harden, Mrs. R. D. Woodrow, : Mrs. Harris Lletz, and Miss Dorothy Cornelius. Mrs,- W. S..Levena and MrsRex Davis will be In charge of "ihe dining room. ? . - M I Assisting Mrs. Kelly- ahd, Mrs. Honeyman In receiving the guests will be Mrs. D. C. Minto Mrs. Ivan Martin, Mrs. C. K. Spanld lng and Mrs. Clifton Mudd. - Eugene Orchestra in Concert Today '-. I The University of Oregon sym phony orchestra at Eugene, di rected by Rex Underwood, wll open the annual free concert ser ies at the university today at 3 o'clock. - The concert will be held at McArthur - court; under the sponsorship of the Associat ed students. .. " ft Vivian Malone talented gradu ate student In music, wUl be fea tured as violin soloist. Miss Ma- lone, from Albany, will play Men delsohn's famous Concerto. Oth er numbers Include Rlmsky-Kor- sakov'a "Scheherazade Suite' and the first movement from Brahm's Symphony No. .l. im C minor. -- . i &. v,. Junior Class tp Give Informal Dance . Willamette university students are looking forward . with keen anticipation to the first Informal dance to be held by the instltu tlon. . The entire student bodr is Invited. It will be given by the Junior class Saturday night in the armory amid gala decorations. . Patrons will be Dr. and Mrs. D. H. Schulze. Prof, and Mrs.. Her bert Rahe and Prof, and Mrs. W, C JOneS. : ; .:r- M; ' I; The directorate for the prom la headed" by Carl Felker, president ot the class, and includes Mlsa Esther GIbbard, Miss Winifred Gardner, Miss Lola Underwood, Miss Anoka Coatee, Forrest Rob inson, ; Frank Tipton and Talbot Bennetts . : c . Richmond P. T. A. in Session Monday i . The Richmond P: T. A. con venes Monday night at 7; 30 o' clock at the school.".. Prof i R. M, Gatke of Willamette university win talk on "Great Builders.? The high school boys'- auartet will sing ani Miss Martha Jane Hottel win appear la a group of readings. ' uat Marine Case will present- piano : solos. Another book will be awarded the room baring the largest number of par enxa present. i .". SOCTAL, CALENDAR ; "" l . " . Monday February I . . ::. American Legion auxiliary, 8 p,jo.. at Fraternal . temple. . . i - - - i . s Sigma Nn Delphians at library 2 pv. m. - ' Richmond P. T. A. at school, 7.: 30 p. m. I : International Relations class ot A. . A. U. W. "with v Mrs. F. II. Spears. X3 09 Chemeketa, 7:30 p. m. . .. Oratorio chorus, 2:30 p. m. at American Lutheran .. church. . . .. ' ., ' , 1 .: , . . - Sewing club of auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans with Mrs. Sophia Sykes, 1010 Oak street. 2 p. m. : Salem Arts League in public library. 7:30 p. m. - ' .- Tuesday, February 5 ', ; Salem W,aT,,U. guest day, 2 p. m. in hall on Com-, " merciaL i , Order of Eastern Star at Masonic temple) 3 p. m. American vWar -Mothers r at American Lutheran - church, 2 p. in. ; t - -' . South division pf First Presbyterian church, 2 p. m. in church parlors. ; f- - - ChrisUan, Federation meeting,' 7:31 p. m. In WV C. T. U.' hall on Commercial. . ' Laurel Social hour:, club with Mrs. Williams on Klngwood drive. ' 't - - - 'v.; ;'. Wednesday, February 6- ' ..r Wi H. M. S. at First M. E. church, 2:IS p. m. in parlors. 'n --. Leslie Ladles Aid In church parlors, 2 p. m: ' Interior decoration classes rat 2:30 Jp. m. and'7:30 p. m Woman's clubhouse. - . - , Maccabee lodge in K. p. tall, 8 p. m. - ' : - Dakota club potluck sapper in W. C. T. U. halL Bring table service. ; Clubs Dance Will be Given by Club v THE Junior Woman's' club will present Its first major social function ot the season next Saturday night. February's when U . entertains with a Valentine dance at CastilUan halL A Mlsa Dorothy Krebs is general chairman assisted' by Mlsa Jane Harbison. Miss Grace Holman, Miss Madge Reld, Mlsa Dorothy Cornelius. Miss Echo Hall,. Mrs. Dwight Lear, Mlsa Helen Rich ardson and Misa Velma Wagner. . Gayly colored balloons and Val entine decorations -. will provide background- lor the semi-formal dance. - Boots Grant and his or chestra will play.- 4 -i? 1 ,; i;-'ip Members Xlsted , Ticket may be obtained front the following hostesses: . Mrs. Dwight Adams. Misa Joyce An derson, Miss Jean Bahlburgr Mlsa Frances- Baler, Miss Katharine Barr, Miss - - Lorraine ' Beecrof t, Miss Helen Boardman, Mrs. John Bone, Mlsa . Helen Brelthaupt, Mrs. - Estill Brunk. .Miss Calaba, Mlsa Ruth Chapman, Mlsa Dorothy ; Cornelius,' Miss Bernice Croner, Miss Dorthy. Dalk, Miss Cynihla Delano; Miss Marcelle DeMytt, iMIss Phyllis Dennlson. Mrs. Fred Duncan, Misa Kather Ine Earle, Miss Agnes Emmer, Mrs. Robert Eyre, Miss Prlscllla Fry. Miss Ruth Geer, Mrs. B. B. Gilbert, Miss ZelmaGrtmm.- i- Mlss Echo Hall, MIbs Jane Har bison, Miss Clara Jane Harms, Miss Helen Harden, Miss Irma Hlmmell; Mrs. Glen Holman, Miss Grace Holman, Miss ? Phyllis Hauge, Miss Hazel Johnson, Miss Helen Johnson, - Miss Connie Krebs, Miss Dorothy Krebs, Miss Mary Kruger, Miss Violet Kroger. Miss .Charlotte LaDue, ' Mrs. Dwight Lear. Miss Florence Mar shall.,' -ii' : -'-A..;'-' ... - .i-;,- Miss Myrtle McClay. Mlsa Col ene Mennis. Miss Gwynn Money, Miss Lenora Naegeli, Mrs." Mich ael Panek. Mrs. , Glenn Paxson, Miss Frances -Park, Miss Madge Reid. : Miss - Helen Richardson, Miss Lois Rlggs. Miss Ruth Sam- mons, Mrs. Stanley Satchwell. Miss Kay Skinner, Miss Harriett StimmeL .Miss Helen Stutt, Miss Bessie Tucker, Miss Jeryme'Up ston. Miss Betty Vaughn, Miss Velma Wagner. Miss Esther Wood, Mrs. . Donald Woodry and Mrs. Joseph Young. Music Club' Convenes: at Lee Home - Mrs. Henry Lee's music duh met . Friday night at the home of Miss Dolores Parker with Miss Lucille , Bennett and Miss Betty Beck - assisting Hostesses. A . mu sical-play and program were en- Joyed followed by refreshments. Additional guests were Miss Estella Rorabaugh and Mrs. B. F. Atkins. ;;. . : Those In attendance in addi tion to the above were Miss Ruth Saffron, Miss Ruth Smith, Miss Lenabelle and Miss Emmamay Atkins, Mlsa Phyllis and Jdlss Marjorte Walker,- Miss Jo del Parker, Misa Mary-Jane Brabee, Miss Margaret Ann Bligh, Miss Alice Ann Wirtz. Miss Lillian Jensen, -' Miss ' Patricia Lee and Miss Joan Roddy. . - Leslie Society Meets Wednesday : -. . - The Ladies Aid society of Les lie Memorial, church will meet in the church parlors Wednesday af ternoon at 2 o'clock. Old Pieces ot handiwork, -and old photo graphs ' vrill be- brought by the members to make up a display, of future heirlooms." " Blue ribbons will be given for the oldest photograph and hand work and also to the oldest per son present. The offering will be taken for the oldest coins avail able under a quarter. - Hostesses will be Mrs. C. M. Ackley. Mrs. H. C. Leavenworth Mrs. J. Lv Ingrey and Mrs. F. M. LobdelL x-"--- THIMBLE CLUB PARTY The Maccabee Thimble club will have a Valentine party and silver tea Thursday : afternoon from 1 to 4 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Nellie Hoffman. 1512 Chemeketa street. Valentines will be exchanged and . each member is asked to brine a guest.: Music ; Eugene Gleemen Sing Friday I HOWARD H ALBERT W I- i- - f - CORA M FREY lv Above are tow of the principals ot to a benefit concert tor the mory. Top row, reading from Doa Eva. tenor; bottom row, .accompanist; and Dr. Charles 2 SALEM music lovers are look ing forward with test to Fri A -mm witerK . Vahenifw 9 ' wnan utk v aajaatf - & vui tacaa J w w uva the Eugene Gleemea wilt give an other concert in the Salem arm ory.: For several years this great men's chorus has been journey ing to neighboring cities to pre sent goodwill performances of high-class music - This . will be their third appearance here; and as before John Stark Evans Is the conductor. The .chorus this year Is .larger, however, with '90-volce-power' when, all members are present.- . -; 1 - ; r : soloists Popular : ! ; Soloists again this year will be Georre Bishop, popular - baritone. and Don -Eva, tenor. Then How ard Halbert. .who "came with the Gleemen -two years ago, will re turn. He is the violinist, grad uate of the university and now Instructor ot violin at the state college. Howard grew up in Cor- rallls, taking his early training under the late Margaret ucManus who recognized his talent and en couraged him to persevere with his studies. His work as an artist SympKbny Will Play 1 at Corvallis ' The Portland Symphony or chestra, consisting ot more than 70 musicians and under the -di rection of the famed conductor. Dr. Willem ran Hoogstraten, will appear in a popular priced con cert on the Oregon State college eampua Tuesday night starting at 7:30 i o'clock. ; . i" x a The organization is being brought to the -campus by; the Associated Students ot the col lege on a non-profit basis as one series pf lycenm offerings, and invitation is belnr extended to the general public throughout the surrounding- territory to 30m the college community la hearing tall leading musical organiza tion. I ; , xr-.t ; ; v x.j-- The program' annodnced .for the Corvallis concert consists of the selections. rValse Triste," by Jean Sibelius; overture of "Tann haeuser,". Riehar d Wagner: "Tales from the Vienna Woods. John Strauss, Jr. ; " first move ment of Violin Concerto No. 3. Samllle Saint -Saens. and "Sche heratade" suit, Nicholas A. Rim- sky-Korsakov.. Mrs. Graber Honors; Club Members . The K.C.K.T. club was enter tained by Mrs. A. A. . Q r a b e r Thursday afternoon with . several informal hours : and a . luncheon. Mrs. i William Retteratch was a special guest - . Guests were Mrs. Van Pelt. Mrs. t Hattie Givens. r Mrs. Otto Shellberg. Mrs.: Ray CUrk, Mrs. Nellie Knox. Mrs. Albert Waller. Mrs. j Roy Wassasa and Mrs. E. J. DonnelL 'O. E. S. ON TUESDAY r Chadwlck chapter. Order ot Eastern Star,' is inviting as spe cial guests all members of the legislature affiliated with the or der to Its meeting Tuesdsy night in the Masonic temple at t P- Famous Male In Concert ,'.'1 n 7 triaay I clock.1 ragd DON.EVAv;-yf-'-; - V the Eocene Gleemen, who are giv Bor Scoats Friday &lbt la the ar left. Howard Halbert, Tioliniat,' and ' .in ii ii i 'r . . - 'B nun 11. 'I I I lil i: iMaiM-Mti V- DR.' C. E.HUNT ; . reacting from left, Cera -aloore. rey, EL Hant, president. of the Gleemea. Night haa .brought him . early fame throughout the state. He wilt give some . solos . and accompany the chorus with some obllgatd , pass ages, ; ' - xx Spiritual Featured J George Bishop and "Ol4 Man River" are great pala, especially to Salem audiences. For the Fri day night concert ' Bishop : l will alng the Prologue from Pagllaccl; and. take the solo part with the chorus in a new negro spiritual, "Let Me Be Born Again, which is specially arranged by Dr.; Ev ans, the conductor; ; ; ; i i . Don Eva. whose tenor voice is frequently heard over the radio, will repeat Schubert's "Ave ;, Ma ria' which ha has sang here be fore, with violin obligate by Hal-! bert. Other numbers with 'soli' parts are a spiritual. "Were You j There?', made famous by Roland Hayes, the solo part here taken by Ralph Patterson, tenor; and Cam, a street song of Sorrento, with G. E. Gaylord. tenor and Howard Halbert tor vlolia obll- gato. . ! i Guest Day Tuesday; at W.CT. U. x ! The Salem "W. C T. U. will hare a guest day Tuesday' after noon at '2 O'clock In the hall on Commercial. Mrs. James MIHl-i gan will conduct the opening de votionals. -ix- An Illustrated talk on religious education - will be- given .by Miss Jessie Marun. and lira. 3. H. Boardman will speak on member-1 ship. Mrs. Fred Tooxe, Jr is ar ranging a musical program.' ' Tea and a social hour will! fol low. The committee includes Mrs. George Lamberson and Mrs. John Woodward. ' . . -.xx- i : Class Gives Shower for Matron- - The Wnilnr. Work-arm clajui if the First. Christian church sponsored- a -kitchen shower at th b,ome of Mrs. Guy Drill Thursday afternoon for Mrs. M. J. DeLappe who recently lost her .home by Francis Chrlstenson gave -sev eral solo numbers aecomnanled by Gwenerere Wood. Doris Har row and J oanne Biaxall gave readings. . Refreshments .' ware served by member, ot the class. PHOENIX Chorous Here SHIPLEY'S lb A nnualAffa t Feb:6 a STELLAR EVENT of the L coming week is the annual a bv Mrs. Henrr L. Corbett. wife of the president of the senate. and Mrs. John E. Cooter, wwe or the sneaker of the bouse, at the I home ot the latter on 12th street. Wednesday afternoon .from 3:58 to 6:Sf P. m.. . ; .v-:-.: ;'-. v- The guest list Is made tin ot I women of the legislature.- r . . The tea Uble will be covered with a yellow damask cloth and will be appointed with lighted tapers and pastel spring flowers, mostly In yellow. - i '-' ': Oreetlnc cuesia at the door will I be Miss Jeanetta and Miss Anna- belle Cooter- and Miss . Henrietta White. Assisting about the rooms will be Mrs. Cliftotf- Irwin, Mrs. C. A. Sprague and Mrs. John H. Carkln. . -. -. ;. : Alternating at the tea table will be Mrs. Charles H. Martin, Mrs. Earl SnelL Mrs. John H. Carkln. Mrs. Ruf us Holman, Mrs, Scott Lee, Mrs. Ivan Martin, urs. Grace Kent Magruder and Mrs. I David Honeyman. -- Eteri Class Enjoys Box Party '-The Eteri class' of the First Baptist church met Friday night for a Valentine box party at the church. Hugh Adams led the op ening prayer and Bern zobei tne devotions. Milton Dierks ofierea a prayer and Mrs. James Gilham gave a reading.1 A saw duet was -endered by Willis Keithley ana Chester Slater, x , Present were Rev. and Mrs. Britton Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Wagers, Mr. and -Mrs. Charles Bronchuslo, Mr. and Mrs. ueorge Hutchison, Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Van Ausdall. Mr and Mrs. Mil ton Dierks. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Cur- nr. Mr. -and Mrs.: Marvin Roth. Mr. and Mrs; Gerald . Chrlstoffer- son. Mr. and Mrs. ..William B Showalter, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rie- man, Mr. and Mrs. wiuis K.eun- ley. Mr: and Mrsu Kd. uicas. Mr, and Mrs. Carl Fluster, -Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McClellan, Mr. and Mrs. Bern " Zobel, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lance -Mr. and Mrs. James Gilham. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cole, Mr. . and Mrs. Robert EUstrom, Mrs.' Harold Gretx, Mrs. - Robert Fromm, Clyde Crawford, Mrs. Blanche Zahara, Joe .Teel and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Slater. .- Board of Managers to Meet v : . ; The board of managers ot the Methodist Old People's home will convene' Monday afternoon . at 2:30 o'clock, in .the sun room of the home. . i- . Officers . of the board Include Mrs. - Mason Bishop,, president; Mrs. B. . BUtchf ord. first vice president; Mrs. Oren Stratton, second vice-president; Mrs. E. E. Gilbert, corresponding secretary; Mrs. J. H. Baker, recording sec retary; Mrs. John Bertelson, treasurer; Mrs. C. M. Roberts, supply secretary. The 'remaining . members are Mrs. H. W. 8watford, Mrs. W. T. Rlgdon. Mrs. H. H. Vandevort, Mrs. H. M. Durkhelmer. Mrs. Ed gar Fortner, Mrs. A. A. Slewert, miss Marr Reynolds. Mrs. E. . Rhoten, Mrs. A. B." Evans and Mrs.' B. L. . Steeves, honorary member.- - Kabo Corsets ? " .IT STYLES x 51.00 to 3-50 ; ; . "Clothes That - Appear I O For Women and Blisses - Street.? iV;.V O Afternoon and Efrening O Children'fl (1 14) THE STYLE SHOP At Elliott's - SS7 Court St. : HOSIERY with the new V "CUSTOM-FIT" TOP Two-way stretch! ,Up- 4nd" down, or round and. round if you need it there. 70c $1.00 $1.25 Chiffon or. Service Weights ; . - v.V - ' x- " . - - . i , - - X . - - . ., .. . ' - - t State sman M 'Washington D: MRS. W. H. LOTT, regent 01 we iiuuu v MinnviUe. described the national capital of Wasning- ton, D, in interesting detail to tne nemeKeta wcr, D. A. R4 meeting Saturday afternoon. Mrs C. A. Sprague opened her home for tne session. - . ' Mrs. Lott irave a vTvid word picture of the P-A. build ings in; Washington , as ,weu aa descriptions . of all the" capital buildings of interest, to the chap- ter. .. 'J-'r-A:A: X'A Mfi r: C Geer 'and - Mrs. IL r . tjitii rAnnrted on -the state conference held recently. Special guests at the meeting were airs. John Wtthycombe of Portland, 6rs. Henry Morse ofHelena. Mont, Mrs. T. T. Gose'of Waiia Walla, and Miss Frances Baler of Salem. ... . V'- ' rf t tbl was attractive with, a lace cloth and center piece of - daffodils and pussy- willows. Mrs. jl. uaoernui ana Mrs. . Z. ' C Kimball presided at the urns. Assisting with the serv ing were Mrs. L. W. Potter. Mrs. H. G. Smith, -Mrs. C. Lisle, Mrs. - .-f " Thrifty Duyere S 32T24c KcJrsca I Peseta 37 A 39; FACE POWDER onitfxjyr FOt A LIMITED TIME PSrN; ssasf f CKaet..1 :40c J iTSaaf Pea tzx I grrrr 12c A 3t leearasM iraca 30 KdpWlt. 84c Toiletries S5c Creams S5c S5e Creams SOc -SSe Face Povd. SOe lFreaheaevSOe S f 1.00 Oreasas 7Sc . 4C3 J.IL mm NT7 5sT I M swia4 A L JESSIE STEELE Society Editor PnoNis9101 V. E. Newcomb, Miss Faith Kim ball and Mrs.;H. J. ostuna. Extensive plans were discuss ed for the annua! Colonial tea fa tlfti eaeh year ' on Washington's birthday, February- 22, at Lausanne nau. urs. v. u. Shipley is, general chairman for the event. ' . - '.' - :- ; . WISTERIA CLUB DANCE The Wisteria duh win hold an other of its inf ormal fiances Fri day night at CastiUian hall. The committee In charge is Mr; ' and Mrs: UIJj. Sloper, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ben tier,- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cuddy. Mr. and Mrv A. E. All man and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moone. - - . A A A - i TheBe$t!s None Too Good When Health is ' Concerned !; . Our Prescription Service' fa Tithe Best Service We ; s . Render ' We employ only registered nhar macists. . Lady pharmacist la- at tendance always, x.-" Here Every Day! 4 onre Camphorated Oil 15e - --- 1 4 smace Tinctnre Grcea Soap 15c 1 poand Cat Agar Agar Oc 2 osnce Tlnctare Arnica 12c " 4 oence Aromatic Cascara 19c 8 ounce Cascara Bark 10c r 18 oance Bassiaa Of! 10c . ; -iS orace Imported Bay Ram lc 1 oaaco Tlnctare Betuoia 10c " 4 ounce Glycerine Oc . x . - -1 dozen Qalnlne Capsules 10c 1 otoace Olire OQ S9e - -10 oaaoe Bnbbtagj Alcohol Oe 1 eratce Bachd LeaTes Oe 10 poaads Epsom Salts SSe " - S5e Citrate of Blagaesla lOe " S ounce rara vanilla Kxtract 9e 1 poand Snlpbar Be- S1.0O AXkaaano 00c . ' ' 60c Brome Sdtael 49c -SOc Canipho-Pbealqne 20e Enoe 8alta 70c f 1.00 Cltro Carbonate 70e V ' SOe Jayaea VermifBge a4c": . TimtrnjlFTtTiTiTIF IlotVetsr' iCottlo: Hot Vctsr Dottlo Cegslar Oo t3catatUc 60e LavoptBx 4So .- 1JH Pinkham's Comp. f 1.00 $IJIQ lilies Nerrlae 83c SOe FhJUips HagneaU S4c f UOO Bonkora 7e ' . . - 60c 8yrap Figs 40c . l- 915Bk8.9c , . 60c rboepo Soda 40e '. '' eOe Sal IlepaUca 40c $1J2S Pleroc's Remedies 88c . ' 12S Petrolagar 84e - 60c Teast Foam Tablets 84c OOe AUuweltzer40c 100 Tablets Carold and Bile 84c Free Camera Inspection Lei oar expert laspect yonr cam- m to oe sare it u working prop- .nv iuarp i or inspectiosw Phcnc i O 3110 WIIXETT