i ' I I i . n ST CLASS ELECTS OFFICERS Mrs. Miller Entertains for Rickreall Woman at . Dallas Home - DALLAS. Jan. Sl Mrs. W. P. Miner entertained Wednesday with a 12 o'clock dinner In hon or of Mrs. Frank Bell of Rick reall. Other guests were Mrs. F. H. Morrison, Mrs. Peter Berg, Mrs. E. J. Holden. and Mrs. Sal lie, Farmer. The X L class of the Methodist Sunday school met at the home of Miss Fannie Dempsey Monday rening. with 30 present. Offi cers were elected for the new year: Mrs. Carl OraTes. presi dent; Mrs. Woodman,, vice presi dent; Mrs. Corm McBee, secreta ry treasurer. A social eTening was enjoyed. , Mrs. A. J. CleTelond entertain ed at a card benefit for the Am erican Legion auxiliary Tuesday afternoon. Ten taMes were In play including contract and auc tion bridge. Mrs. C. L. Layton cored high in contract, and Mrs. Kutk Wilson high in auction. At the general aid meeting of the Methodist church last Friday a committee of tthree, . Mrs. George Bruce, Mrs. Walter Bal lantyne, and Mrs. Bruce Spauld lng, was appointed to consider the forming of an organization of the younger women of the church. This committee met Tuesday aft ernoon and chose the name Junior Ladles' Social club. The meet ings will . be held4 on the second Friday of the month. At the first meeting officers will be elected. ROBERTS, Jan. 3 l.f-A. splen did program was furnished by the women of the G. TJ club Satur day night. The following commit tees were appointed: Program, W. C.; Pettyjohn and Bilsa.Fid ler; refreshment, Mrs. I Clifford Thomas, Mrs. Alice Coolldge and Mrs. OscarPurcell; reception, Mr. and Mrs. fHarry Carpenter and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Goodrich; traffic, Frederick Jungwirth, Don ald Salchenberg and, Ererett Thomas. . ." . ' - Lincoln community elub will present, "Deacon Dubbs,f a three act play, February 9, a; the com munity hall here at 8 p. m. A small admission will be charged. The women taking part In the program were: Frances Kleen, Mrs. Reba Edwards, Mrs. - Alice Coolldge. Mrs. Nan Pettyjohn. Mrs. Rebecca Goodrich. Mrs. Elsie Carpenter, Gladys Bettencourt, Mrs. Thomas Zielke, Mrs. Mable Higgens, Mrs. Julia Judson, Mrs. Gladys Bettencourt. ; ! ' Spade and Rake in Vogue at Monmouth; Spring Lambs I Come i MONMOUTH, Jan. 31.U4Jarden actirity has been in eTidence here since mild spring weather has succeeded the snowfall Shrubs are being pruned and separated, trees prunes and fruit trees spray ed, and on high ground a few gardens hare been plowed, while other gardeners are; busy In a small way with spade and rake. Sereral . farmers in the com munity are occupied with arrival of spring lambs. . MODEL FOOD MARKET Phone 4111 275 N. High Street FREE Delivery 30-Day Account Service f Golden West Coffee, 1-lb. jar or can ....U30c Golden West Coffee, 3-lb. cans, lb. , L.27c Sugar, granulated, 10 lbs. ; L49c Sugar, C & H Cane, 10-Ib. cloth bags .52c Sugar, C & H Cane, 25-lb. cloth bags ; $1.29 Fancy California Rice, 4 lbs . L23c Hershey Cocoa, lb. can Ll4c Ovaltine, 50c size L37c Trea Tea, Green, lb. . , L59c Tree Tea, Orange Pekoe and Pekoe, lb. , L.69c Camay Soap, 3 bars : jl.14c Drano, can ,. . . ; L21c Citrus Washing Powder, large pkg. . I21c Gold Dust, large pkg. . LI 8c Pure Sorghum (made at Medford),5-lb. can L.55c Log Cabin Syrup, medium cans 43c Baker's Premium Chocolate, y2 lb. 1.23c Fontana Egg Noodles, fine or wide, lb. pkg. 1.23c Wisconsin Cream Brick Cheese, lb 33c (A direet shipment from Wisconsin) Large Lima Beans, 3 lbs. 1.25c Frozen Strawberries, pints 15c; quarts L29c GOOD CANNED GOODS BUYS Elsinore TeL Peas, 2 cans : ...33c Elslnore Dimple Peas, 2 cans . 38c Del Monte Golden Bantam Corn, 3 cans ..43c Blue Spot Green Beans, 3 cans 139c Tomato Hot Sauce, 6 cans .....1 25c Dromedary Pimentoes, small cans, 3 for 125c Dromedary Grape Fruit Juice, No. 2 cans, 2 for; 25c Orange Special 126s, Juicy and Sweet, dozen -129c TEA GARDEN SALE Pure Fruit Jellies in 8-oz. drinking glass, Grape, S Quince, Apple, Mint, Straw. & Apple, 3 glasses 43c One Pound Jar Preserves Strawberry, Raspberry, Youngberry, Grape, Spiced Figs in Syrup, Apri cot, Pineapple, 3 jars 169c Never la. oar experience have we been able to sell the Tea Gardes Prodocta at aoch low prices. Ask for big sale sheet for additional bays. - 112 N. Commercial I Phone 5151 Our Special Hard Wheat Flour . . $ll49 RINSO PARR Large . QAn Granulated Soap, Tf Pkg 1 . -UL Large Pkg. ..... ODC Cheese, "Very Tasty" ..lb. 17c RAISINS Salad Dressing i Vu or Spread. All kinds in 4. - 23c m a8c Toilet Tissue .... . ....4 rolls 15c GRAPEFRUIT CRACKERS; Whole Segments, fancy No. 2 carton. Sodas or quality Q OKrt Grahams OAi No. 2 cansO for aw til each ;,; , ,., .irl Oranges Jumbo Size, Very Fine....doz. 29c SUGAR : Pure CanV 10 lbs:.. ' r : t M i - A:- . i t j ' PUREX Quart :......L.I0c !4 eaL .2-;:-.-Ul7c F WQ. n BUTITEMIGS HAZEL GREEN, Jan. SI. These are busy day among; the farmers who are plowing- and sow ing as the fall work was not fin ished., - Others are pruning or chards and berry Tines. Harlan Pearsall is clearing land of stamps and George Hatch has fin ished some clearing. Some who rejoice to hear the frogs croak are walling at the return of ear wigs, i- . ; This part of the district ex pects to have electricity soon, as the company is to take the line bnilt by J.! P. Williamson from the corner at the chorch. Wil liamson built the line three years ago when he was building a house to replace one destroyed- by fire. Mr. and Mrs. Zlebart are an nouncing the birth of a daughter, Monday morning. The Ziebaft family moved to the farm known as "Robertnet Acres" recently. Final Service Today for George Thomas AMITY. Jan. SI. George D. Thomas, 85, passed away at his home here Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Funeral service were held Thursday afternoon at S o'clock at the Methodist church. ' HURT IN FALL SHAW, Jan. SI. Mrs. Elmer Gruchon has been confined' to her bed for some time, suffering from a fall -which resulted In a sprained back. She la at the home, of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Franke. LANES TO LONGVTEW LIBERTY, Jan. SO. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lane and children spent several days In Longriew risiting Mrs. Lane's parents, Mr, and Mrs. George Reed. . -x.-; Man's Friendly My The spectacle lens product oi scientific research has brought man untold comfort and pleasure. Your eyes may need its generous aid without your knowing. Do the sensible thing right now. Have your eyes examined. Hear Mickey Mouse Broadcast Over KSLSI Saturday at 1 P. M. (Direct from Elsinore Theatre) STEVENS BROWN 1S4 North Liberty Street PHONE 7818 Hurry ---Hurry Metropolitans Positively Ends SATURDAY February 2 4 Share in the Saving Metropolitan 5c-10c-25c Store liS N. Iibcrtr Street Grangers JeWs f Column MACLEAY, Jan. SI. Ten can didates will be given the third and fourth degree obligation at the regular grange meeting to be held Friday night. The lecturer's pro gram will be by local talent. BRUSH COLLEGB. Jan. SI An Interesting meeting of the Brush College rranare will hm VrU day night, February 1, at the lo cal schoolhouse. A potluck dinner S:45 o'clock will nrecede the first and second degree work to be put on" by Red Bills grange. Speakers from the legislature will give talks and the home econom ics committee is planning a short play. ;. l : . '7 : ..... i. u z. LIBERTY, Jan. SI. -4 The Red Hills grange held a farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. Howard Zlnser who are leaving this week to make their home In Long Beach. Both hare been valuable workers in the grange for several years Mr. Zlnser at present holding the post of overseer for his second year. The Home Economies club presented Mrs. Zlnser with a gift. VERNON CRAY VISITS LINCOLN, Jan. SI. Vernon Craj of Seattle who spent . the past summer and eany fail, at the home of Mrs. Alice Simpson of -Lincoln visited friends bere Monday. He Is operating a suc cessful battery shop at ' Spring field. . . ' : - ' - - - " Oratory Contest : for Silver Medal ? Slated at Dayton DAYTON,-Jan. SLSoaday at the Dayton Evangelical church at 7:10 p. m., will be held a matron's silver medal . oratorical contest with fire speakers participating. Seventeen members of the Day ton Evangelical Ladles Aid held an all day meeting Wednesday with a potluck dinner served at noon. Rev. F. E. Fisher, the pas tor whose birthday anniversary fell that day was honored. r : mm . . - ' f O ECS 50 yCSTS CoWen West Coffee has fcrouyht K yo Ww"fl which wouW snak your tolf mon dejicieus. The latest Is THERMAL8 roosting. Try It ..froflronce and flavor r will win you ImmedloterI ' ' - wM " "-- 1 - Marion IJ J l ( 2 VtU .Coirt , I Street f ) I V, ' Street ! Phone J IJ ) VJJ (V 9 J I V V-) J V V VJ J Phone 7962 -ZS V C- y 9176 ITQJtPEIK ALKEKETTiT : , - i - .... . - HOME OWNED STORES OPERATING UNDER NRA CODE Though many items are sold for less at these stores, ;we are never knowingly undersold on any items, adver tised or not. If you aren't a customer of either of these markets we invite you to visit one or the other of them Perhaps you too can reduce your food bills, as hundreds of people are now doing. BUSICK'S. Pineapple Special This special price good only on present stock, as this price is lower than present wholesale cost. Hunt Brothers Superior Brand Fancy Hawaiian Pineapple don't confuse with standard or broken slice. 6 cans No. 2Yt Size Cans 94c 316 12 cans 186 CANNED FISH Bine Plate Brand Fancy Dry Pack Shrimp . . . U cans 29c Blue Plate Wet Pack, more like - fresh shrimp, U cans 32c White Star Tuna, V4s 2 , : 19c H 2 cans 29c Yacht Club Light Meat aL 2 for 25C Alaska Salmon "f A Tafl Cans XUL Southern Beauty Colum bia River Salmon, tall cans at- 2 for 23c Yacht Club Salmon Size O OCT for Oval Sardines in must, ard or tomato sauce ... cans ... 25c GOLDEN KEY MILK Cans . 3 for 17c Armour's Milk tall r 3f.,17c Borden's Milk, tall cans 3 for 18c Morning Milk, tall cans, 3 for 18c Fresh Canned Italian Prunes Packed in No. 2 size at 4for 25c Lily of Valley Fancy Sliced BEETS N o. 2 cans 2 for 19c Green Spot Cut Stringless Beans 3 for 25c No. 2 cans . Fancy Iowa White Sweet Corn No. 2 cans ... 3 for 25c Yacht Club Golden Sweet Corn No. 2 cans 2 for 19c Kaffee Hag or Sank a lb. cans Large Instant Postum 36c Lipton's Tea Yellow Label H-lb. pkg. FLOUR SPECIAL Orbis Brand f A 49-lb. sack -fpLmlU Crown Best Patent Flour QQ 49-lb. sack tPX07 Pillsbury's T a m a r a c Brand, to close out stocks last .. $1.47 Drifted Snow Flour 49-lb. - QQ sack tL.OU Pillsbury's Old Mill Flour (-1 ff( 49-lb. sack ..tfrl.t) .Kitchen Queen Flour sack .... $1.54 Baker's Cocoa -f A0 Vx lb. Dke. 1UL 1 pound can 19c Hersheys Cocoa Q 8-oz. can Hersheys Cocoa - Cf 1 -pound can Powdered Sugar "t fT 3 pounds X I C Brown Sugar rtA. 4 pounds mmAjil Ghirardellis Ground Chocolate )QA lb-can OC 3-pound cans 79c Calumet Baking Powder Mb. CW can . Calumet 2Vz-Ib. can 50c K. Cr Baking - nr Powder, 25-oz. .X C K. 50-oz. can 28c ihe t inest, Purest pnow FlakeKrnre Cane ia AQi or S?1 90 -.nn na XUn- AO j.J lUU.b. Q y Snow Drift Shortening, Sib. iA. ftUC can Snow Drift QQ 6-lb. can OuL Freshly Milled Rolled Oats Triangle Brand, large size package, regular or quick cooking i A no premium Ltls GrapenvU OC a pg. OOC KeIlocx,s Bra Flakes p PkS...... ..ZJC FKmrt Ig. pkg. ..... 15IC Here's a New Cerial Food, Wheat Puffs, large package .10c (g(S)IFIFI3IS at Its Best Fresh The more expensive blends of fine coffee are used in quality coffee like OM Golden. Unlike canned coffee, .Old Golden comes to you as .fresh as a daisy, It's ground the very day you get it, assuring you the finest coffee at Its best, fresh. , (S)ILSD (DILMSKT Philips Tomato ffg. Juice, can OL Knight's Tomato Juice, 1 for New West To- Q- mato Juice, 3 f or w XC Grape Juice OrT pints, 2 for f C Hunt Brothers Supremo Tomato Juice - 0 2 cans XUL Nature Sweet Orange Z cans - 12c Grape Fruit and Orange Juice ' : '-Ol No. 2 cans .XC Karo Syrup, Red Lable, pan . 37c Red Lable 10 lbs. - 69c Karo Syrup, Blue Lable, Mb. oer pall Wesson 00 rjQ H-gaL can Karo, blue lable CT1 10 lbs. - .UlC Quart cans A 39c Grape Fruit f Juice, No. 2 cans XUC White Wonder Soap, 10 bars. 23c Citrus Granulated Soap, largo pkg, OPT 2 for. QQC Medium Ivor o Ef r Soap, 5 bars Zf3C Wo9dbnxy Famous? Toilet Soap, OflU.'