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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1935)
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, January 31, 1935 PAGE THREE q L o ca I N ews Bri ef s .Autos Crash The following persons were Involve! In automo bile accidents. according to re ports yesterday, from city, police At Chemekeut between Commer- -clal and Front, Ross Hammack, route two, and Mark ' Hoffman, 641 Piedmont; West Salem; on Front street," A; T. Hathoway, 1091 Huge street; at Hood and Summer, Earl Neal, 1591-Broad- ' way,- and. R.f J.. Haskins, 925 Hood; at State and Church, R. Lee' Wood, 633 South Liberty, and Kenneth O'Brien, 1165 Norway. - Frank Norrisv 1165 Norway re ceived a temple cut in the last - accident listed, the only casualty reported. - .- ". - . Inspect Flaix Land - Several hundred acres of land in. the J5a lem district have .been inspected and approved. I by . the Champagne - Paper company xagent. for cultiva tion of . flax. Contracts tor next year's crop are being signed .at - the chamber of commerce. Mah : ager ; Charles E. .Wilson of. the chamber; urges farmers with spare . . land to. arran ge for inspection. ' ' v " s-:'.,..': '.4 V:":"" ";,;"' " - V ilADsimg to Speak Lieutenant . Walter-Xanstng of the state, police department Will be the speaker at the SERA class in government and current economics at Salem. high school at 7 o'clock tonight; His subject will be "Friendly Law Eni forcement." The weekly addresses before this class are open to the public . J , New night class. A beginning class in shorthand 'will be started to- night at the Capital Business Col lege. The last! one for the season in night school. . 100 to Hockey Game One hun dred Salem persons had signed up ' last night to attend the Portland Seattle hockey, game at Portland tonight, Salem night. Many of them are members, and their wives, of Salem Lions club. Mayor V. E. Kuhn will toss in the puck to start the game. - . i Entitled, Sick Leave Employes of .state and 'county relief com mittees are entitled to two weeks sick leave, with pay, arising out of emergency Illness, Attorney General Van Winkle held in an opinion handed down here yester day. The opinion was requested by Elmer R. Goudy, state relief administrator.! i Nab Speeders- City police nab bed four more alleged speeders - yesterday, all coming from out of tawn: Don H. Fowler, Portland, fined 5; O. A. Marquam,. Mar quam, fined $2.50; and Howard C. French and Cecil D. French, both of Portland, yet to appear in municipal court. Suit worth $30 for $22.50. Hat free. G. W. Johnson Co. Talks Traffic Lieutenant Lan sing of the state police is giving a series of traffic talks at the high school this week. Another public man to take toj the rostrum at the school is Mayor V. EJ Kuhn, who spoke to a group of students yes terday morning. Roads Clearj All highways are now clear, according to report of the local AAA office with the ex ception of some of the routes over tLe Cascades. The latter drive can be made only over Wapinitia and Green Springs -passes. t Fine Remitted After Mrs. Earl Mason pleaded guilty to a charge - of assault and battery in Justice court yesterday and sentenced to pay a $25 fine, the fine was re mitted and she was placed on pro bation for six months. Too Short Celling short meas ure wood was the charge lodged against H. T.1 Hoke yesterday in . Justice court.- The. defendant was released on his own' recognizance after pleading: not guilty. Trial was set for February 8 at 2 p. m. Asks Reduction In connection with divorce order in Alice Lock ed vs. Alva Merle Lockard, de fendant. has asked the court for a modified decree reducing- the pay ments ordered for support of the 'child. : ' " Watch for Penney's -t ,y . j . ' ' - - - i i . ; ; . . . .-v ; . ... i !.; , -. Files Answer1 A. A. Schramm as liquidator for the Bank of Stay ton yesterday filed answer in suit of Frances M. IKelley ts. J. W. Mayo and others involving mon ey held by the county for gravel used at the county gravel planfat Stayton. The answer states that defendant Taylor,1 from whose land a portion of the gravel was taken, received a sum from Mayo to compensate for . gravel used. sets forth that 'plaintiff should take nothing and asks the bank be adjudged owner of the $3399.- 7 a no.w in the bands of the county. Denies Knew Injurv William S: Finlay yesterday filed answer to complaint of H. W. Meyers in which defendant: denies he knew he ran over a dog. which was near the path of his t?uck last October 31. Finlay says he attempted to dodge the dog and thought he had done so until informed by Meyers the next day . that the dog was dead. - . Suit worth 930T tor ,$22,50 free.' -G. W; Johnson Co. - , Hat - Diseases. Reported The state department of health, reports, the following . cases: of communicable diseases in Marion and Polk coun ties for the week ending January .26: Marion typhoid, 1; scarlet fever, 1; influenxa 27: pneumon ia, 2; chicken pox; 11; and mumps 3; Polk scarlet If ever 3; influ enza, 9; and pneumonia, 2 Thielsen Appeals G. Thlelsen, whose claim of $700 against the estate of Charles E. Cone, of which Mabel J. Cone is executrix, was ruled out in the probate court. yesterday filed undertaking on ap peal of his claimjto the circuit court. He also appeals from order allowing the executrix to recover $29.90 court costs from him. Maden Appeals Appeal from justice court sentence of 30 days in jail and $100 fine was filed with the circuit ! court yesterday by James H. Maden. The charge was driving under influence of in toxicating liquor and was heard by a jury In the lower court. Thomas Filed D e m u r r e r Charles M. Thomas, utilities com missioner, yesterday filed demur rer to the alternative writ of man damus in the suit brought by Dol lar Stages against the commission er to gain a permit to operate be tween San Francisco- and Port land. Sues for Divorce Bessie W. Mc Kinney yesterday filed suit for di vorce from Milton M. McKinney. whom she married January" 11, 1923, She charges cruel and in human treatment, causing separa tion last July, and asks for cus tody of the child Reports on Survey A. H." Av er ill, insurance commissioner, yes terday filed-with the county clerk report of order on claims In con nection with the! Indemnity In surance company of North Amer ica. ; Fined Twice Mack " Serdotz paid two one-dollar fines yester day to Justice Miller Hayden. The first count was failure to show driver's license and the second defective brakes. Serdotz pleaded guilty to both charges. Sentence Today A 1 b e r t L. Funk pleaded guilty . yesterday in justice court to charges of carry ing switched license plates and having no operator's license. Sen tence will be passed today. Close Estate Final decree has ' haan ant.rAil In batata Af CI V. TTn ruh and Roy J. Hoffman discharg ed as administrator. Property has been distributed' to the widow and the daughter, f ; Place Valuation In estate of Nellie B. Whitson. valuation of $3000 has been' placed upon the real property by Leo N. Childs, Irene Roemhildt and ' Ernest A. Miller, appraisers .? ': . Asks Blue Pencil Defendant in suit of C. A. Pelland et ux vs.. Florence Daly et al has filed mo tion asking that the third amend ed complaint be stricken from the files. . ! 11 ' Feature'11 Ws PaP 1 E Final arrangements for thai ex hibition of Inventions in the i Sa lem district will be made at the chamber of commerce Saturday, wnere John T. Anderson will 'be glad to meet those who have not already arranged to place ' their inventions. - i "Marion and Polk county Invent ors who exhibit their inventions In the Murphy building, State and Commercial streets, February 12 16, will have opportunity of meet ing manufacturers who are inter ested in cooperating with invent ors, according to John T. Ander son, who has charge of the ex hibits. ! The Oregon Manufacturers as sociation, with headquarters in Portland, will notify manufactur ers and those interested in inven tion to attend the exhibit, Mr. Anderso nsald. i 3 Rural Schools Attendance Low; St. Paul Normal Attendance at three of the four rural schools visited Tuesday by Mrs. Mary L. Fulkerson, county school superintendent, has drop ped off considerably from past years, she reports. At Raybell, only eight pupils were enrolled; at Champoeg, only six; and at Four Corners also a smaller num ber. St. Paul had its normal en rollment. The drop is due, she found, to fact that most children in the dis trict have grown past the elemen tary school stage, or are too young to enter school. Guardian Reports Elmer D. Cook, guardian of Milton M. Cox. yesterday filed accounting with the probate court, showing bal ance on hand of $167.10. Jobs For 16 The local office of the national' reemployment agency sent 16 bridge form car penters from Salem to work on the Waldport bridge Tuesday. Repairs Roof A building per mit was issued to Fred Burger yesterday to reroof a two story building at 255 East Miller, cost estimated at $85. Lonesome? Come to candy pull Thurs. night at Lonesome Club. Get acquainted. Phone 6332. Trial Set Trial for the case of State vs. Albert I. Rowland on Charge of having no public util ities permit was set for February 7 at 2 p. m. in justice court. Jersey Men Meet The direc tors of the Oregon Jersey Cattle club will meet this morning at 10:30 o'clock at the chamber of commerce. Obituary ! ' Berndt William Berndt. 81, died at the residence, route 3, box 142. Salem, January 29. He leaves his widow, Flora and the following children, all of Salem: Clara Judd and Florence, Mary, Paul, William R. and Oscar Berndt Funeral services will be held Thursday, January 31, at 3 p.m. from the W. T. Rigdon company chapel. Interment Belcrest Mem orial park. Officiating ministers will be Rev. McDonald and Rev. Johnson. ' Steward i In this city. January 30, Ho mer ' J. Steward, resident of North Howell district, aged 61 vears. 2 months. 27 days. Sur vived by widow, Jettle Steward: sons, Lawson and Floyd; daugh ter, Ruby, all of Salem; daugh ter, Mrs. Lilly M. Persing of Winton, Calif.: brothers. War ren M. of Winton, Calif., Wil- bert B. of Oakland, Calif., and Milton J. of Salem. Also six grandchildren. ' Funeral services will be held Friday, February l. at 2:30 p.m. from the chapel of the Terwilliger Funeral home. Interment will .be In Mission Lee cemetery. Kronberjs ! Mrs. Josephine K. Kronberg. 630 North Cottage street, died January 29 at the age of 71 years. She- was the mother of Rose Marie Kronberg of Salem, Sister Pauline of Yakima, Wash., Sister Marie of Mt. Angel. Ro bert . Kronberg of Salem. Frank and Joseph Kronberg of, Stock ton, Calif., : Leo Kronberg of Portland. Remains In care of Sa lem Mortuary, 545 Nortfc Capi-i tol street.- Funeral announces ments later. ; -.;$Vi:, V: ;i: i FLOWERS OLSON, Florist Court and High Phone. 71 M DtvEpleyV Gateway .to Health V Program KSLM 4:45 to A P. M. ' r Tnes Thors Sun. Insurance and 1 1 r: 'Real Estate; 4 Becke & Wadswortb 189 N. High : Phone 4947 PILES CURED , ; Wltut prMiea of lu of tU . i u e mi Man's Shop Ties inWitUModernizatiohMove Artist's sketch of improvements local retail establishment is to LATEST HPE FflOWT TO IUSE SPACE In line with the modernization of homes and buildings through out the nation under the urge of the federal government, work will start within the next few days on the rebuilding of the store front of the Man's shop, 416 State street. The management of this re tail men's wear establishment has arranged for a distinctly modern front to keep their store within the forefront of the similar stores on the coast. The exterior of the new front, designed by Clarence Smith, local architect, is patterned after the most modern fronts now being produced. Black structural glass divided by stainless steel will be used. Two large display windows, one on each side of the entrance will be installed. The backgrounds to the windows will be gray, with a fabric field, trimmed with ebony horizontal bands. These back grounds will harmonize pleasantly with the stainless steel and. black structural glass front and will lend a luxurious touch to the win dows and fixtures. A marked increase in window space will be provided by the im provements to the Man's shop front. Instead of 85 square feet of window space as at present, the establishment will have 190 square feet. To accomplish this, windows in the store will be run five feet deeper. CUT STILL SEEKS With hay shipments from this section to the midwest drought area still shut down following lowering of the Canadian stuff, the county court is continuing ef forts to get local hay into the market again. A telegram from Senator Mc- Nary, in response to a wire sent him by the court', was received yesterday stating that "the com modity purchase section reports a sudden decline in the purchase of hav. bnt I think it will revive at an eirly date." An official- survey of the re maining supplies of hay in Oregon available for shipment to the mid dle western drouth area Indicates 75.620 tons of all hay, of which 23,000 tons is alfalfa. This survey was completed this week, and shows 70,350 tons of hay, of which about half is alfalfa, avail able for shipment from Washing ton. - Reformatory is Barnes Proposal A state . reformatory where first offenders between the ages of 18 and 3d would be confined is proposed In a . bill' introduced SPECIAL- Our Csnal Wave, Complete 73 Perm Oil . f .30 Push Wave, J Complete -- ';V- Phone 9063 ; . ' . " - ' ' - '. T $87 1st Natl Bank Bldg. . -CASTLE PERM. WAVERS 332 N. COMMERCIAL t Feb. 2 -1:30 Shapr Farm Machinery . One 1 4-in. two bottom trac tor plow, one .two ' bottom uisK., irai-iur piow, one mo-,v HAY BUY N6 LOCALLY man tractor, - two six-foot disks, three f oar-foot disks, one drag harrow, one feed grinder, one 8 b.p. gas en gine, S mowers, S auto trac tors v 8 and 12-in. walking -'plows,' two acts' of Iron wag- on wheels, boggy wheels,' spray pomps, one Wade drag saw, light harness, tools and ' other . things too Bnmerons to mention. . ' ' ' ; H.O. Hagedorn ; Auctioneer v . I . Don't. Forget the Placet . ;.332vN. COMMERCIAL Coming Events February 2 Monthly meeting Federation of Com munity Clubs at Swegle at night. February 4 City council ' meets. February 7 E x a m t na tions given for police de partment applicants. February 8 - Eugene Gleemen at armory. February 12-16 Marlon Polk county inventors' expo sition, Murphy building, southwest corner, State and Commercial streets. February 22 Second Philharmonic orchestra con cert. February 22-23 Marion county Sunday scUool con vention. First Kvangencal church. Tuesday in the house by Re presentative Barnes , of Multno mah county. Barnes' measures calls for construction of the re formatory at an expense of $600,000 within a four-mile ra dius of Salem. Funds for the work would be secured from the federal . government, the state signing a lease calling for yearly amortization of the advance. ' An annual event since the founding of this store. Broken lots, odds and ends, mistakes in buying, too many of this this one didn't sell no apparent good reason. We have bunched them all together and marked them all at astounding low prices. Cost is not taken into consideration.- a a-rlAV-J.waww OmJ tlHLP-ti 11 The first buyer each day will get.a f 10 Zl '7a . .wedding ring TREE! tjJtrge 1 U Sterling Silver Thimbles, small size only, at ' YOa' each LUC Watch Bands for Men and Wom en, some worth $2.00. As nr. long as they last, each awOL (We put them on your watch too) Mes Bags, Values to f 6.00 at ..:..... ; Clocks1 standard makes, mahog-. any cases, made to sell for as high as $25.00. Your Apr choice at tDmVO Genuine Elk Tooth Charms, beautiful 14k solid gold mountings, made to sell ar:".!:'..: $16.50 Gold Filled Watch Chains : 65 C Chlld'a'Cups, f fie' silver plate, Filied" Traveling Case, Toilet Sets-, Men's . Sets at gTeatly reduced prices. ,S6ird Cold Emblena Buttons,; - QC au orders, at eaeh.. . : Solid: Gold :,WIdln&Ringa, .white or yellowold'Wilerthey last, ,J QC ' Fine Silver Plated Sugar ind M QC , Creamers, with tray v- .yr p ommuni -39-PIECE;SET- Service for'j 6at.- 51-PIECEj SET-r-Service fori A K - Evtiry "Article iri Uie lStore Induded . ; ntract.G;Exci Thes few items are just samples b the astonbhing bargains yoa wifl find at this sale. Scan our windows : and come in and see for Formerly T Brof.U Burhett commence in next few daya. M'lUIAH DISMISSES Tl Eight additional Indictments, bringing the total to 135, were dismissed yesterday by Judge L. H. McMahan on motion of the district attorney and in view of lack of sufficient evidence to prosecute. Another indictment, said to be the last, against Zeno Schwab and B. F. -Giesy, former officers of the Aurora bank and Willamette Valley Mortgage loan company, was dismissed. Nine in dictments against these two men were dropped early in the week Other dismissals yesterday were: Delbert Hutchinson, charg ed non-support last April 18; Eth el Allen, larceny in a store build ing, the Williams Self-service Btore here, dated February 8, 1930; Henry Needham. non-support, March 27. 1934; L. R. Por ter, uttering forged instrument, October 14, 1932; Clarence Par ker and William C. Gergery, un lawful possession of a still, April 29, 1932; C. C. Standifer, assault and battery, July 18, 1934; Ed D. Hamel, giving an n. s. f. check, October 30, 1934. IIDICTHTS bSTOP PRESS! i A tray full of dia mond rings that were $48.50, at . . . eciai 95c Electric Labor SAVERS Now Reduced Electric Waffle Irons at., $2;915 and $3.95 Electric , v (t) -jr Toasteraaf A V r. iectncrer colator. Special Factory Anniversary: SaleJ : ina $29.50 $34.75 yourseir. - . . , - ty gestuccaSg -i The time-honored fight between commercial and sport fishermen for the right to nse the Big and Little Nestncca rivers loomed yes terday when Representative' Can- field of Tillamook Introduced ' a to Relieve a Cold How to Ease Distress Almost Instantly FOLLOW DIRECTIONS IN PICTURES HIM mm 1 Tak 2 BAYER Aspirin TaMets. Make sure you get tbt BAYER Tabttts you ask nr. TVSnLr a full alat n mmrravr. RrhM treatment in 2 hours. 3 If throat b sore, crush and stir S BAYER Aspirin Tablets in a third cf a glass of water. Gargle twice. This cases throat soreness almost instantly. Dress Clips at Ear Rings 25c 45c 45c 95c 35c at Compacts at Cigarette Cases Tea Makers at Sterling Silver Rings at . . Genuine Folds at Sets;$Hi95 Specicil! Today Only 29-Piece Sets Community 50-Year Plate. Hollow Handle Knives, Stainless Blades, COR HH' aU patterns at-' . iD&0JJ Community Tudor Plate 29-Piece Sets at" , .:v measure to reopen the two rivers to commercial fishing- with gill- neta. , " , . . House bni 191, providing tor reopening of the rivers dosed for the last four years to the com mercial fishermen, would provide for 'an open commercial season from July 1 to November 20 of each year. In the period July 1 to September 15 each year, com mercial fishermen .would bo banned from the river between 6 a. m. Saturday and p. m. Sun day. - - -- .. Way THE . simple ' method pictured ' here is the way 'many doctors " now treat colds to relieve the aches and pains colds bring with them I - - You can relieve nearly any cold yon get by taking BAYER Aspirin, drinking plenty of water; and, if throat is sore, gargling with BAYER Aspirin Tablets stirred in water. .This is recognized as a remark ably safe, sure, QUICK way. Far it will relieve an ordinary cold almost as fast as you. caught it. Ask your doctor about this. And when yon bay, be sure thai yon get the real BAYER Aspirin Tablets. They dissolve or disintegrate al most instantly. And thus work al most instantly when you take them. And in a gargle. Genuine Bayer Aspirin Tablets disintegrate with speed and completeness, leav ing no irritating particles or grit tiness. BAYER Aspirin prices have been decisively reduced on all sizes, so there's no point now in accepting other than the real Bayer article you wanL Prices on Genuine Bayer Aspirin Radically Reduced on All Stses TO. ALL EMBLEM RINGS ONE-HALF PRICE 8-Day Traveling Clocks, fine leather cases, at $4.95 Good Silver Plated jr Tea Spoons, set of 6 fftvC Seth Thomas Westminster Chime Clock at . . . . . $19.50 50c All Solid Silver and Silver Plated Hollow Ware at HALF PRICE. 26-Pieces good silver plated Knives, Forks and Spoons in handsome container 95 A few sets of China, 42-Piece S":".8!!!.-.-$4.95' Leather Bill 35c All Bill Folds and Sets at HALF PRICE -Boudoir Sets that QA q v were $37.50 at .-.:... e7eaQ r : WATCHES Standard dependable timekeepers. Guar anteed.. We, will hot edvertis.the make else welbe thrown out of the synagogue V ;fprseIMng them so 'low, " r'l'i-T;--sV' Men's Strap Watches, made to tfjiCl QC -i aell ail fori". i i W Oh.VD i .'. Women's Wrist Watchea at : v " f : $8i95,$12.45; i $16.50 ; $10.00 State v:- Street DR. MARSHALL . ; r ::v ' v ; r.9 Oregon BUf. - Fkont .6809