PAGE NINE .TV-- The OREGON STATES1IAN, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Ilornlajr, January Z 1833 25 3K ' , . " . . -.j i '- ' - ; J . . --. - . - t?rT nrvT - TngT Avn ffniTwn - li . .1 nrn'nnitnnrri Statesman Classified Ad$ Call 91M Classified Advertising " Single Insertion per line . .10e Three Insertions per line ;20c Six Insertions per line ...3 Oc One month per line . . .:$l.tO. Minimum charge . . .-5e Copy for this page accepted until :30 the evening before publication for classification. Copy aeceived after this time will be run under the. heading Too Late to Classify.: .": The Statesman assumes no financial responsibility for er rors which may appear in ad yer tlsements published In its columns, and In cases where this paper Is at fault will re print that part of an adver tisement in which the typo- grahlcal mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objectionable advertising. It further reserves the right to classify all adver tising under the proper classi fication. SALESMEN 1CZJLNTE1 ........ . . , , , , - --.- - ii: Wanted Jprmmmmutami but famaua "Watkins Products In Sa lem, Oregon. Attractive Commissions. Small Investment required ; 342 State Street I SITUATIONS WANTED . .n.ri.n.n.n n n nriiirnii " " " " Wanted Housekeeping for business couple, no chlldnen. Or hotel or res taurant work. , Good references. Ex perlenced. $40 2J. 17th St. . FOR SALE Miscellaneous Old papers lOo per bundle. States man office. "'YncomTTaT'flgu Rent an Adding Machine and make the Job easy. Thos. Roen, 420 Court ITay and wood for sale. Rt 4, Box 43-. Salem, Tel. 41F11. Straw for sale at $3.00 at barn. H. C Wacken, Rt 7, Box 429, Salem. Ore. ' Peach Trees ' SPECIAL All kinds of fruit and ut treea Fruitland Nursery sales- yard, 420 Center St A. J. Mat his, prop. Tel. 82S i .I.-.' Manure for fertilizer. Tel. $08$. 2nd class shoes for sale, new soles. Low prices. Shoe repairing. 980 S. Com'l. Peat moss fronvehtck brooders, fine nd rich. 25c sack. Warlners Hatchery. Call at store. $44 Highland ave. 2 tons clover hay. $8 Per T. Tel Ruf s, dining m suite, 4-hola alec, stove, bookcase. 2 bedrtn. suites, ex pensive character, for sale on reason able! terms. Call 3047. Well rotted fertilizer. TeL 627$. Jersey cow, R. 1, Bx. 11 A, AumsvlUe. Spring wheat, new harness, collars bornoa, rowa Tel. 4S, Klroy wasn. TRADEMisceilaneoas Trade your silent piano for furnl- tare. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. - Kew furniture! for good used Ford Coupe. II. I Stiff Furniture Co. For sale or trade for wood, Maytag gasoline engine. Phone 9450. A Graham sedan like new to trade for Betcrest building- lots or equity in good house or acreage. Torrens. 1296 ft. Kth St.. Salem. WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED--Walnut meats. Any qua shy, any time. State Cafeteria. CASH or trade for used furniture, toola. machinery, etc. Swaparee. 474 S. Commewlal St . . MISCELLANEOUS Free We pick up dead and worth has horses, cows, sheep, TeL 4 $69. Haircuts 16c-10c. $0$ SU Winter. Saw repairing. Salem Saw Shop. Four Cornera. Pen. Road TeL 42 $0. For Jewelry, expert watch repairing, glasses fitted, see Stevens-Brown. 1S4 N. Liberty. TeL 781$. - Shirts laundered, JOc ea. TeL 7818. Good table board, private family, j Reasonable. 1213 Alar ion. IT. R GOVERNMENT JOBS. START 1 105-8175 MONTH. I will coach 85 FREE. Many Salem examinations ex pected. Qualify now.. Men women, 18- ' SO. Franklin Institute .list positions FRKR Box 187 P. care Statesman. - FOR RENT ROOMS 8 unfurn. rooms, 8 3 mo Call 874 N. Liberty. ' Room for rent, 435 Chemeketa. ROOM AND BOARD Table board, 840 Chem. TeL A34. 8 blka from state house. 115S Center. TeL 4474. Room and board or table board, TeL 444S. 408 Marion. FOR RENT APARTMENTS 2-rm. apt, light and water, garage. 142! N. OhHTeh. - -- FOR RENT HOUSES Ilouaes Ferknsr 1858 N. CanltoL wwwewwjWMwwwJt Modern S room house nicety furnlsh- ea. TeL 7JJ. f ' 1 Mod, t R. house, gar. 444 N. Winter. FOR RENT Furnished modern home with 4 bedrooms, hwd, floors, fireplace, furnace, close to state cap ltol bldga., rent reduced to $40. SEEr BECHTEL today, 841 Stat street. . urn, R. bouse, 434 Water St Ad ult. . . ; A.VW, . UV! W WJMn MHMWiWl, small family. TeL 134FJ. 1nlr2iome481C FC-l CNT Jr. t t A. midHsi mneb. iOesd hous. ; barn, creek, en highway, 1 ml east 1 AumsTllUv' R. 1, Bx, 11 A, AumsvlU. Piano, PbonographB and Sewing Machine for rent H. L. Stiff TVrnl tur C. " . Houses, acreage t SOS First Nat 1. Hospital beds and wheel chairs for rmt H. I Stiff Furniture Co. - FOR SALE Real Estate v SPECTAL- ' - . . Lovely Tatrmount i Hill home, rooms and nook, reasonably nrleed. well financed with t tat Win accept small nous or good lot a part. -CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 114 State Street . i . Tel. STOL For sale or exchange Tws ad loin. Ing lots In' Tart Helgat,.Uaco!n conn tjr. Fine bar. ocean view. Location worth 11600. Take 8SDv cash, balance $259 In exchange. Can use- rood cow. chickens, teed, lumber, small car or anything- one can use on farm. Box lit. Statesman. . TOU OWE IT To yourself a g-ood home at MO Washington St., $1850. 8250 down, bal ance at 7. H. Pi GRANT. 529 Court Tel. 8819. i . An ant house, five J room aDta.. with baths, automatic oil burner, 4 garage. ? resent income i izs per mo. 17500. 1000 down, bat $(0 per mo. . ubuvin jtm.Nso., 72a court st TL.72S. . 10-acre tract 1 mile went of Salem. ; Good S room house, family orchard. Best of sott $1000 rash. Price $3500. KKUEUKH, 147 N .ComT. . FOR SALE room modern house, wood location. A. rood buy at 83SSO.OO. 7 room modern house Fnlnnount Hill. rwHl vleWfOf toe mountain. Ertaed rnsmv s - i - - - t0 acres, wonderful "farm, rood 'bund Ings, stocked and equipped. This Is a real farm and priced below Its value. HUDKINS ft ADAMS, TeL 9494 . 275 State Street For Sale A modern three bed room house In a fine location, northeast at a bargain. Torrena, 30$ First National, Salem. $1400. Ltvmg- rm.. dining rm.. kitch en, bath, 3 large : bedrms., basement ; pa vine; and, sidewalk pd. Terms. I180O. uvinr rm.. itnmr rm.. aitcn- en, 1 bedrm. down. Z upstairs, nase-1 ment. Turn., garase. Cood locations navrmrnt td. $2900. Living rm.. dining rm., aucn- en, nooK, atn. Z large Dearms., Dase- ment. Turn. Lots of nowers ana snruDS. Pavement pd. R. A. FORTNER 1S53 North Capitol SPECIAL $100 down. $12.50 per month buys a oozy bungalow,; ti., Datn, oit-ins. hath. rlec.. navlnsf and walKs in ana paid for. garage. Price cut to $950 if; sold by Feb. 1st Another one complete ly furnished for f $1250. Only $250 down. S15 wr month : owner goln to California. Hurry ; and see LOUIS BECHTEI S41 State St .' vnn SALE room " modern, well built home, double Blumblnsr. large lot fruit trees, berries,; grapes, double gar age, cement driveway. 450 North 19th Street s Exchange, Real Estate VVVVJfyS Sfc SS S SW S EXCHANGE 1$ acre tract i close to-dfy limits. suitable for subdivision, fair set of buildings. Priced low for few days oniy. $6500. Owner wui accept izsuu nous laspart. ' CHIL.US ailJLLbK. Keiuio 244 State Street H Tel. 670. .WANTEDREAL ESTATE Farm from owner. Box 214. States- msn. ' ; Business Opportunities mji n.n nn.njinrii-yM'irir'inri- Position open for Rawlelgh dealer. Polk county, good locality.: If interest ed, write W. W. Miller, Rt No. 1, In dependence, Ore. i iu LARKIN REALTT CO. 109 S. Com'L Sti i' . TeL 6470. HAVE CLIENT iat wia pay up to $4500.00 for MODERN 6-room borne. Have WHEEL. ALIGNING shop and equipment PRICED FOR QUICK SALE. ' : - - SERVICE STATION.' Bar-R-Q. and mall acreage on STATE HIGHWAY. $50.00 down, balance $16. permo. . HERE'S TOUR CHANCE. BEER Jk LUNCH, going business, right here In Salens for only $1500.00 xtuas as I usual. -' ' ' MONEY TO LOAN Automobile and Chattel; Loans . I to 29 months to repay at lowest pes sible rstea GENERAL. riWANUiB war. A Innt firnaratiOn 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. Fhpnt $553 Licensed py Etate A COMPLETE-SERVICE ON LOANS UP TO 1300 LOOK WHAT TOU GET I t, CASH within 48 hours. S. Choice of 4 Loan Plana S. Liberal terms, I to 20 mo. . to repay. 4. Promptness.;. Courtesy. . Privacy. Beneficial Loan : Society of Salem Member f NRA. - -Room 11, Newi-Bllgh Bldg. Snd floor LICENSED NO. 8-122 A M 148 by STATE! -III State St TeU 7 4- , Loans Made )n: Nearby Towns tulrun.rLi-ij-iri - - i -,---- - a - - - - 5 Farm Loans 5 Plenty of money for well Improved farms If amply secured. Improve or buy now with cheap money. Ask for booklet "Willamette Valley Farms." Hawkins snd Roberta. Ine. tsbfsfi"irr"iii"r " - CHATTEL LOANS CARS RB-FINANCED WILLAMETTE LOAN CO. TeL 3877 808 Guardian Bldg, Salem S-1S4 - Bute License No. M-158. MONET TO LOAN on city, farm or acreage properties. Must be best ot se curity. Good terra,? low eots CHTLD3 MILLER. Mtge. Loans 44 fttte St. Tel. 4708. LIVESTOCKS and POULTRY SALE Good! work horse, Jersey hevy springer cow. E. H. Tarpley, 8 mL north ot Brunks Corner at uax Grove eohool hrmsp, " - TOR SALE---WOOD IS In. 'old fir. 88. 4 ft. dry 2nd growth t ed. loU t cd. ft. ash 8( 75. Tel. 1785.-. . . i ' Dry Dlaner and slab wood. Prompt delivery. Tel. 8286. GUARANTEED DRY TeL 800 Salens Foml On. Trad Cottsg. ! ; x i : Trv At et IT n TftwiK - vfwwf screened hog fuel Fred fiV Wells. - " " -ii-i,"ii"ii'nrinnitnj"i.ri.rLi'iriri.rxAil Dry eld fir. 2nd growth. Tet 2769. to Old dry fir IS In. 85.69 dellrered. phon 844L JT. A.Kwland. - Onaranteed seasoned wood. TeL 780. DsT wood94.eS. Btat 4084. iDryi wood. AlliklntU. Het-ASSS.. ,7-Twood.''rl; tM? WOOD SAWING Wood sawtng reasonabl. Call 8299. LOST Strayed, or stolen, rang) Persian female cat About full crown. Return to 8S No. Hrt Bt. Keward. Will party who picked up suede jack- et In too bit, N. Capitol, return to A. C. Anderson Truck Service, 140 Chemeket. St.T Reward. -Tel. 453 1. PERSONAL - -..... - -ll-l-gnru-uLrLrifn MMK. REN A.' First time In your city. Life adviser and palmist Was born with a veil. She does what ethers fall to do. Consult this master mind. H.rtlm. Uyou7s. of K. Now located at 441 Edgewatar St, West Salem. , STOMACH ULCER. GAS PAINS. AND INDIGESTION victims, why suf fer? For quick relief get a free sample of Udga Tablets, a doctor's prescrip tion, at capital Amis store, pcrrrs vrug store. Ella, notice how strong Edgar's teeth are getting. We've been giving him Wrlgleys gum AFTER EVERT MEAL. Why don't you try it with Jim? Lucille. ; FOR SALE USED CARS BORREGO S BETTER BUTS Special for three days only: 1928 CHEV. COACH. This car ' has been thoroughly over hauled. Special at $145 BORREGOS CAR MARKET 240 N.LUwty - TeL $488. Afodel A -Ford Coupe- Jboar millet1 age. - Good 'Condition, ilaurtee. Dean, Y. St. C.A - t Radio Program Wednesday, January 30 KOAO COBVALLI8 860 Ks. 9:00 Home Economics Observer. 11:15 What Edaestors are Doing. 12:00 Noon Fsnn Hour. 2:15 Oregon Literatnrs. 3:00 Homemskers' Hslf Hoar. 4:30 Stories for Bojrs snd Girls. 5:00 Opera Stories "Tristan Isolde." 6:00 American Legion. 6:30 Evening Farm Hour. 7:30 Th World in Keview Dr. tor P. Morris. 7:55 Municipal Affairs. 8:15 KOAC Drama Guild. . 9:00-9:30 Linfield College. nd Tie- EX POET LAND 1180 Kc. 6:30 Concert. 7:45 Hill Billies. 8:30 Popular Concert . 9:00 Orcheatra. 9:30 Marshall's M.Tericki, NBC 10:07 Odd Numbers. 10:15 Mickey Gillette, NBC. 10:35 Ronald Back. 11:00 Songs et the Day. 11:45 Piano Doe, NBC 12 :00 RaaaMers, NBC. :15 Western Farm and Horns Hoar. 1:00 East Side Commercial Club. 1:30 Financial and Grain Report. 1 :85 Popalsr Voealist. 2:00 World Bookman. 3:05 Hasicsl Gems. S :00 Orchestra. S. -15 Mickey Gillette's orekestxs. S:30 Danes Mattaes. 4.-00 Friendly Chat 9:20 Wreatltag Bouts. 10:85 New. Dance Tanef. "'' 10:45 Tom Coskley's orcheitrs. KB0. 10 : 55 Press Radio Ksws. NBC 11:00 DeHoney's orchaatra. . PORTLAND 420 Ke. 7:00 Smaekost NBO. -' T:15 Flo re ad a TrioBC. 8:15 Tony Woas, NBC . 8:30 U. 8. Army band,-KBC 9:80 Edna Mae- Jacks, pianist 10:05 Mickey Gillette Maaie, SBC 11:80 Vangha Do Leath, NBC. 12:00 Glena Shelley and Clarence Tol- man. 19 -IS Piano. S : 00 Concert Trio. 8: SO Mickey Gillette oreoMtrs, 4:00 Pickens Bisters, BBl'. 4:15 Hotel 8t Regis orchestra. 4:30 Abe Bereorits, violinist 4:45 Congress Hotel orchestra, NBC 8:45 Just Around th eCorner. 8:00 Ames 'a Aady, NBO. 8;30 President Roosevelt's Birthday Ball. NBC. . . - in-it-iwhii Loreland's orchestra. 11:00 Ambassador Hotel orchestra. PRATUM, Jan. 29. A birth day dinner was. enjoyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William de Vries, Friday night, honoring Irene and Olivia de Vries. Pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. Fred do Vries, Mr. and Mrs. Harold de Vries and Elsie, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph de Vries, Maurice, Ro land and Arthur de Vries, Elisa beth Ditchen, Martha Jane Hot tel, Olivia and Irene de Vries and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. William de Vries. Mr. and Mrs. George Kleen moved to Pratum Monday. They are living In the home of ' Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kleen. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kleen moved to the Georza Kleen home. The Gideons from Salem took charge ot the Sunday evening service at the Methodist church. Friday night the Sunday school will hold its regular monthly so cial. Mrs. Robert Shattuck from California has been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Em ery. She returned the first of this week, taking Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hersch with her. Lumber Cbmpany is f Worlangr Following TWO Months Layoff . M EH AM A, Jan. 29. The Par ry Lumber company resumed work Monday after a lay-off ot a couple months. Men from here employed are: Hugh' Harris, , Maurice Cothern, Sam Harris and Edwin Kubin. who Is ' trucking logs. The Freres mill also, start ed work Monday. - Phllipprs new store building Is getting, a coat ot stucco Monday; and the new front porch ' is J also being finished rapidly. W III Hughes has finished a new chick- aished a new chick- BIRTHDAY DINTM AT DEIES HOME en house on nis place and plans, al services tor Arthur M. Mcuon to remodel his house soon. - . : . ' ALEXANDER IN HOSPITAL STATTON. Jan. 28: Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fox and family were ura oamay, pomrajt uowa nroxa orU.nd that Mm. Fox. talght uww uu nxeav gor. uigni her 'father. E. B.- Alexander,' 1 a?twent see who asajor - operation; 1 members ot .his mitted to see him. Business Directory Cfcrds la this directory ran on monthly basis only. Kate: 91.00 per line per month. AUTO. BRAKES U CommerclaL BRUSHES Fuller Brwahes. Tel. Proudftt TUt. CATERING Holbrookes chicken tamnlea Tel. 4S1 CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4480. R. E. Northness. CHIRAPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSC, Chiropractor, Z58 N. WISH. Tel. Kes. 87 &Y. DENTISTS Dr. EL Davis, 301 Oreaon IBlda. TUL 71SS. - ELECTRICAL SERVICE i HI n.n tit stat. st. wir. Ing. motors, appliance, repairs, servloe. I FLORISTS Brelthaupt's, 657 Court ALL kinds of floral work. Luts, Flor ist. 1276 N. Liberty. Tel. 5i. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 248 a High - TeL 8115 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First In Quality and Service Telephone 3165 m - 1264 Broadway MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4048 SALEM FLUFF- RUG and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, sls- Ing; nun rug weaving, s. istn wii bur. TeL 8441. OTTO F. ZWICKER. Est. 1911. MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet music and piano stud- lea Repairing radios, pnonograpns ana sewing machines, 488 State Street, Salem. NATUROPATHS Dr. Putnam HaU. 411 S. Commercial. TeL.444. PHOTO ENGRAVERS I Salem photo engraving. 11T K. Cora- nrgrdal. TeL 688T. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph let. Drocrsma books or -any kind ot printing, call The Statesman Printing Department, zi a. vwaunsreuu. imi- . RADIO SERVICE Perdue's. TeL 8144 SS7 Court, With Vlbbert A Todd. Moore"a Tel. T9 -9S N. High. STOVES I repair stoves, rangea, circulators. Ball new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and I circulators, stock fence, . posts, chicken wire. Salem sence ana stove won 248 Chemekets. Tel. 4774. R. B. I Fleming. ' .TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage, call 8131. Larmer Transfer C. - Trucks to Portland daily. - CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 224 State St TeL 7778. DistrtDuting, ror wardlng and storage our specialty. Get our rates, Willamette Valley Transfer. Salem to Portland hauling. TeL 8728. Anywhere for hire truck. Special rate on town hauling. TeL 6278. TRUCK SERVICE Ashcraft 370 Klngwood- TeL 3380. WELL DRILLING R. A. West R. . TeL 110FS. I A Auxiliary invites Women of Faculty as Specjal Guests wnormiTRN. Jan. 29. The American Legion Auxiliary wiu meet at the home of Mrs. Myrtle Smith on - East Lincoln street Wednesday evening at 7:30 o' clock. All women teachers and wives of men teachers are Invited a special guests. ' Assisting the hostess will be Mrs. Ella Hall, Mrs. Mae Engle. Mrs. Hattle Pet erson, Mrs. Ketta utta ana anna Mary Scollard. ' Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Bonney en- tne Jlres club at their home east ot sloh being the birthday anniver sary of the host. Seven tables ot "500' were in play, prizes for high score" going to Mrs. O. F. Wright and Stephen' Bauman for low score to Mrs. C. R. Faul coner and Arista Nendel. Arthur M. McDonald Rita iTrti Morn?nrU hour of ten o'clock A. M. of rteS 1 mS . said : day. as th time, and the WOODBURN. Jan. 29. Funer - !.. . . . , V aid - 22 who died Friday. Will held from the St, Paul Catholic chnrch Wednesday at 9 a. m. ite Citation of The Utosary was. held P.. ZV7Z ofUannarr. 1935. " Jeeassse aad swd.ea,; ye Tuesday eveningiat the Beechler r?S'J?? ?!i 1 j:aapi : ai'7 ; J rO woca, new he mill ilear -Ue ch,p : t r tese rwiu lieave) 'W cnpei' afl-"-. -iT , tr-o-trn-iLTDi I - "in ' ' 8:30 -Wednesday -tnornlngr -MsI Md1 MTDT uotk expert Uj It Is not Donald- was the .on of Mr.and ceased, v ' - kvrr Attn- ..SmT- teMt - bo r only Airs. :peter McDonald of , St. paw, : -- -, Jl "I family J;t5gj .Mrs, Ursula' Buckleyne7 tor alem IIOU uw.uiu fViEET AFTER W& SCOTTS MILLS, Jan. 21 Tbe infant . son of 'Mr, and Mrs. Al bert Hettwer j wasi christened Sunday afternoon at their borne, Rer. Father Sebastian officiat ing. Norman Edward Is the name given, Mrs. John Plag and Frank Hettwer being sponsors. Will Looney of Jefferson and Mrs. Star Ruggles of West Stay ton, Tisited Mr. ! and Mrs. W. T. Hogg Friday afternoon. They wav & hnnl mat a f Mr at the Looney Butte school, and Mrs. Ruggles and Mr. Hogg bad not seen each other for 35 years. Mrs. A. Muck and children of Portland visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Magee tbe last of the week. - i Mrs. Lena Bellinger ' returned home Friday from Los' Angeles where she had been visiting her mother and sisters since called there by death of a sister, Miss Grace Matlock, who t was killed In an automobile , accident. HAS 47nLEKT FEVER STATTON, San; 29 Word comes ffrum Portland that Mrs. Ann Hlz Is confined in an lso- ltion hospital thsr with n st- tck Of SCSrlet : fevef . Sh4) is s sister of Mrs. Laurence Smith, Mrs. Laurence Siegmund, Miss Clara Spaniol and Jos. Spanlol of this place. " No. 8895 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oreeon. for the County of Marion. In the Matter of the Estate of Nellie B. Whitson. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN that Alice H. Page has been ap pointed by the County Court' of Oregon for Marion County, Ancil lary Administratrix of the Estate of Nellie B. Whitson, deceased. with the will annexed, and has qualified as such.: All persons who have claims against said es tate are hereby notified to pre sent the same, duly verified, as required by law, to the under signed at the office of Page and Page, Attorneys, Ladd & Bush Bank Building, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, which Is the 30th day of January, 1935, and the last Is the 27th day of February, 1935. ALICE H. PAGE, Ancillary Administratrix of the Estate of Nellie B. Whitson, De ceased, with the will annexed. PAGE AND PAGE,1 Attorneys for said estate, Ladd Bash Bank Building, Salem, Oregon. . . J.Jv-F.6-13-20.27. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTORS . Notice Is hereby given that' the undersigned have been duly ap pointed by the , County Court of the State of Oregon, for the Coun ty of Marlon, as Executors of the last will and testament and es tate of John Norea, deceased, and have duly qualified as such exe cutors; all persons having claims against the estate of said dece dent are hereby notified to pre sent the same, duly verified, to the undersigned, at the office of our attorney, Ronald C. Glover, 205 Oregon Building. Salem, Mar ion County. Oregon, within six months from the date of this no tice, l! Dated at Salem, Oregon, this SOth day of January; 1935. PEARL NOREN and LADD & BUSH TRUST COMPANY, i' . Executors of the. last will and tes tament and estate of John Noren, Deceased. - P RONALD C. "CLOVER, Attorney for Executors, Salem, Oregon. i J.30-F.6-13-20-27. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County oi Marion. PROBATE DEPARTMENT In the matter of the estate of Bernard M. Smith also known as B. M. Smith, deceased, notice is hereby given that the undersign ed, as administrator oi tne estate of B. M. Smith, deceased, has filed his final account in the rnnnt- Pnnrt nf th State of Ore- gon for Marlon County, and that - - . Wednesday, the 13th day oi er- ruary. 1935. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a. m. ot said day and the court room of said court has been annotated by said court as tne time and place for the hearing oi od- jections .thereto M -k fu a-i4r and the settle- -.ret, -Ml.W T.. nary. 9, 1935. . . . Date ot last publication Febru ary 6, 1935.,- ... M- .-, : Signed: Walter. T. Smith, Admin- lstrator Aurora, Oregon. vv F. Leo Smith, Attorney, 508 Pa cific . Bldg-, Portland, Oregon. J-9-18-23-30 F- NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby: given that the undersigned has tiled in the fnnntT fnnrt of the State of Ore F; gon. for the County of Maripn. u j mm TCxeentrlx of the last Will and (Mtiment and State "Of EnOS lestiment MO Miaw .t. ."Vi Presnall, deceased and that. Said Court has fixed Wednesday, the - . - - i7Ak..- iiik m Xltt UV,i .i ".'. a. m. rtrm In th" RnnB. 1 Petnrt Han-a gaiem. in Mar - " v,w- - - u. nreron. as the place bel ..1 et.t ai-Mnst I , - - - . - - X5&$Z - i ta.. . e.i.m I nreron. thlsT l--. mwi' ..a , 97.78-a25i 7IV 1 .-.Wni nd taslameat I ciL saoaVs iiJ imStJSSSi t?W"r - ..- -. SSiPPEO . CHICAGO. J an. 2 f-GPV-Incr eas ing nncertalnty as to the monetary situation e with, approach, of tbe date of an expected supreme court decision oa ralldity of sold clause abrogation befogged the grata market again today and prices continued la downrigbt trend. A tendency to rise, manifest la & xnldsesslon rally, was checked to some extent by weakness, in -se curities and at the close wheat and corn prices sank to the day's bot tom levels, jiew low prices since early In November, Wheat finished nervous and weak. to 4 cent below Mon day's close, Kay 9 5-9 5 H cents. and corn was also off. May Oats lost to 1, rye was to 1 down and barley unchanged to off. . Today's closing quotations: Wheat: May, 95-95: July, ST- Sept-, 85T4-8C. Corn: March, 8S&; May. 82- July, TSU-: SepU May, 48-; July, 42; Sept, 40. L With the district meeting of corn-hog committeemen and county agents being held ' this week, and Individual county meetings scheduled to start the .first week In February, the 1935 program ls now under way throughout Oregon with, those In charge hoping it can be wound up in six weeks. At a conference in Portland between Ralph Moyer, regional representative of the corn-hog section, and officials of the exten sion service, arrangements -were made for the state college men to take charge of the educational and sign-up campaign, as In the past. Charley Smith, emergency county agent supervisor, has been named to head the educational campaign. Harry Llndgren, live stock extension specialist who headed the campaign last year, Is still on special duty with the drouth relief organization. General Markets PBODUCB SZCHAHQB PORTLAND. Or. Jan. SS. (AP)- jrrocae exeaaag, a at prices : Better .Extras. 12 Ke: staadarda. aiyte; prime iirsts, 3ie; iirtls, sifte. u. h. speefsis, Z5c; U. 8. ex trss, 25c; 0. S. mediuoi sztras. See. UUHrtlt 05. I Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore. Js. 29. (API waest upea llign Law Uoes Msy 83 H 84 SS .88 Jaly 76 76 76 76 Cash: Big Bend blnestem, 88 He; dark hard winter, 13 per cent. 97e; de, 11 per cent, 87 He; soft white, herd winter, northern spring snd- western red, 81 He; western white, 80 He. Osts No. 2 white, 832.50. Cora No. 2K yellow. $40.50. MUlrnn Standard, 120. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore, Jen. 29. (API Butter Prints, A grade, 84 H lb. la parcBssent; 85 He lb. in carton ; B grade, parchment wrappers, 84e; csrtoas, 35e lb. Bntterfst Portland delivery, A grsde delireries at least twice weekly, 85-S6e lb.; country routes. 34-35e lb.: B grsds. or delirery less than twice weekly, 83-34e lb.; C grade st market. Eggs gales to retailers, specials. 27e; ettras, 26c; fresh extras, browns, 26c; tandardt, 25c; fresh mediums, 2ac; me dinm firsts, 84e; fxesh pallets, 22s de- sen. Eggs Baying price ef wbolesalersi fresh specials, 24e; extras, 21c; extra mediums, 20e; pullets, 16s; checks,- 16c; bakers. 16e dosen. , Cheese: 92 score: Oregon triplets. 15e; loaf. 16c Brokers will psy He below quotations. . Milk: Contract price A, Portland de livery, 2.20 cwU; B grsds cream 87 H lb. Country meats Selling price to re tailers : mutton. 6-6e lb.: ethers ua- caaaged. , Mobairi 1934 buying pries. iv ID. Caacsra bark: Buying price, 1984 peel, 8s lb. - Hops: 1934 f orgies, ( ) lb.; elus- I ters, 12-16c lb. I I.i Lire poultry Portland delivery haying prices: colored, otst 6H lbs- 18-16 lb.; j ao, una ex a y ioa-, ivtn to., sur iri u ih . 13-14. : do. uBd s lbs- 1213c lb.: springs. 4 lbs. aad up. is-i7e lb.; under 4 lbs.. io-i7e lb.; broil- era. .."--"'"? V" """l Se lb.; Pekia ducks, 12e lb.; eelored. lOe lb.: geese. 10-lle lb. , Onions: Oregon, 81.50-1.7S cental; ! Tskiau. S 125-1.60. Petateea Oregon Burbanke, 80s-SI eental; Deachutea Oema, L10 I tat. I Wool: 1934 clip, aomlaal; Willamette alley, Bediusa, 204 lb.; fins or half bleed,' 0e : lb.; Umb. 18e lb.; eaatera Oregon, 17-20 lb.; seutberm Idshc ( ) lb. - Ray: " Buying price (ross nredueerat slfalfa No. 1. new crop, S17; eastern Oregoa tiasothy, S1T.M; eats, flS toa; WiUaniett vglley timothy, 14 ton; el rsr. 818 tea, Portlsud. Pnrtlanfl Livestock onianQ I-JVeS-OCK. mp n asm FOR CDl-MICfA PORTLAHD, OraT Jan. 29. (AP) . Cattle Reeeipts, 100; ealve, 10; slew. - 1 ataedrf ateera. 25s tower. . Atftsf" , lBNIUI; cows, goeo, ciwuara I and medium. 83.60-6.00: low cuttar and. eutter, 6 Lt 6-8.50; bulla, good aad choice, 84.0O-4.S0; eatter. eoaueoa aad medium. 9s.eo-4.oe; veaUra, g d and ebelee,; au, eeauao aad medium, 82.50-6.60: calrea. gee d and choice. ": tl M.f DO Btdina Sl.&O- or : v : r - . Hogs 23e lower. I Lightweigbt good an e noiee, '-- igQ. BMiim.ifkt rood .and cueiee. llZrZr?ZSZZiA.ZL7Zi2 1 S7s-as5: saektag sows, medium aad . 1' . . A M !, I reed. S5.SS-S.Set feeder and ste - tL.. oaiJ9iaA m l,.f,.v-, vl i : r i w V three pounds per Salem Markets Untde B raw 4 mCk, co-op pool ptie f 1.TS pet sMJsdretl. ;. C9Cik Distrlbsuor price fXlOu A grde htterfa---DeIrr Met route. 83c v A crade prints, 84 Met B Krde(S4c. Pxlsessei4 to grewsis ky kaysea jaaaary If fTke prtess aetew. ssss)sg sy gisna. ars laaieative ec eae eauy has am ass gssrsstssd ay The ntiTsi (Baruta Mas) CrsaWrrtes, eni. ". ASS OrapefraiW Tlerida te 4.80 Orapefnia Ariasaa SUS e S.SS Oraages, Kavel, faasy to S.8S waatea " to m. Banaaaa, Ik, e stalk , AH i JO U.0S to AT 4 Uses. Crash 8jB Amies, kanael -L0 to XM rXOKTABLXS - (Bsytag Meal Artieaekss, Radlsass. aea. -Caaliflewer. CaliL -4 Cabsage, ewt, local 88 to 1.1 JOs to wS arms i sanDege Oreea s-snseea UeaL IK , Leeal oaioaa, 50 Ua, Ke. 1 as. a, im. Lettaee, CaUferaia Dry pick Salsify. d Soaash. Haasaraa 8qaasa, Vsasaa. In. Cavrets, CaliL, doiea Local fsuteee He.. L haadied Ke. S. kaadred JM M X.8S J8 at 1.8S 4.00 as as as .60 ' .SO .65 8.50 188 Yakissa. 60 lbs. Ke. 1 Syreet potatoes CaUtornia peas . beeas Califsrala Tossatoes, hot knnse, lag Msuesa, ug ruberta as to , at to Walaats. IK Tnrnipe, des. Ea dives, do. Italiaa breeeolL lag Beets. Calif, dessa Celery, CsliL, erste , iiesrts. aos. Bora (Banns Prieel Clastsrs, 1984 1U, top .18H rnggies. 1SB4. top lb. , as (Baying Fries) Eztrss Standards at ao as as ICedhuas . PolleU WOOL AJTO MOfLaA (Baying Prise fetehslz. 1984 eii , ssarke Usdiam weeL 1984 as Coarse aad fin wool 1984 rouLTin (Baying Pries) Hesry bens. 4H t S lbs. ao t Orer SVfe poanls, Ih. .10 t Colored SisdiasiS, lb. Xedinm Legheraa. ls Light, lb. , Broilers, colored, lb. as as as ao OS .OS .13 JOS Stags, lb. SI EAT (Baying Pries) Lsmbs, under 90 lbs. . , T.50 Ores 90 lbs S.7S T.7S , S.50 8.35 4 00 t 6.00 8.00 t 8.SS 3.50 t 8.25 S.OS t 4.50 5.50 to 6.50 .09 Hogs, 130-160 lbs. 170-810 lbs. 310-250 lbs. Steers . Ce s - -, Balls - Heifers , - Veal, top Dressed -esL top Dressed hogs .15 GRAIN AND HAT (Baying Pries) Wbest. western red White. Ke. 1 .78 .78 .28.00 .84.00 .28.00 .22.00 Bsrley. teed. Be. L. te alslrlns. tos .. , .. Osts. milting, toa , , reed, toa Hsy. buying prices Clorsr nay .10.00 .10.00 .12.00 . .15 . as OaU and retch, tea , Alfalfa, -alley -Clerer Seed Bed, lb. AUike. lb. NOTICE OP CIVIL SERVICE PTixnvtTmv iron POLICE- MEN AND POLICE MATROX. Notice is hereby given that the Civil Service Commission of the City of Salem, Oregon, will hold a competitive examination x o r the positions ot policemen and police matron to fill vacancies when they occur, which examina tion will be held February 7. 1935, at 9 o'clock A. M. at the City Hall in Salem, Oregon. Said examination, will cover the sub jects of geography ot the city, law of arrest, and other subjects and tests, Including (except as to pc- lice matron) , marksmanship, which will determine tho-capa city of applicants to perform the duties ot the said respective posi tions, and which will include tests to determine physical fitness. Ap plicants, tor police matron will also be examined . on questions pertaining to juvenile- delinquen cy. No previous police . experi ence necessary, but applicants hav ing had such experience, it . satis factory, will be given credit there for. Age limits: 35 years to 60 . n - lyearg for police matron, and 27 I years to 40 years tor policemen: honorably discharged warreter- m A A tll- t.t- gauss luaj a va e4 a a. period of military, service. Pay of policemen, 11350.00 per an num; of police matron, $1200.00 per annum. : Persons desiring to take the examination must file their application with the secre tary an chief examiner at the City Hall. Salem, Oregon,- not later than 5 p. m., February, 2, 1935. Application blanks may be 'ob tained at the office of the chief examiner. ! " " A. WARREN JONES, I City R0061, nd Secretary CnIet Examiner. Salem - and ClTll Service Commission. J.2 8-27-2 9-3 0-3 1-F.l. . Stocks and Bond Jassarr "2t " - ' .: - ma-w AtrsnaoEa (CeatpUe by Tbe Asaoeiatsd laa.) IS - 13 SO tmiumt. nils StiL Stocks 88.26 8.59 40.49 S9.0S 1.88 84.86 82.2S 2S.69 Today - .S0.40 .S8.0S- 25JT Prsr. day S2.8S Month eg 385.0S 26.41 J5.4S Tear ag 8SJ7 4J.2J SS.1S 193 15 -Jga.61.48 ' 43.0S 40.JS 1984-85 tow45.2T S2.TT S4.1S 198S - high ' -ST.8S V 45.2T.- SO.St T I .-- .'. I: so . - - i8tV. -- -: rrei's 4d,t-.trtil- torelg - j 'adar J.08 wS40 :-S7.o- eo-"" 2-s-. day sath ag A.14 Tmr as 82.7T 9J.4T 91A6 62.16 S5.9S T8.69 T8.04 48.05 88.0O ' 69.11 64.50. 70.08 T8l 68.96 sait B4tS 66.40 , 65.67 70.45 J9I4 85 Wg-.S.42 60.19 .S6.S5 50.86 1984-SS eSW-iu-w, 1914 high .81.61, 198 Slew .S4,7 - e . S.SS to S.T4 i it i, i ti sa A9 .0 NEW TORE. Jin. SSXAVi Drlbhllng llauldatlon In securities' and . commodities today caused mild price recessions, but activity con tinned on the same restricted scale seen In recent sessions. Some of the ordinarily Inaos tire preferred stocks, which hart attracted a following in recent . sessions, appeared to give1 ground readily oat transactions were mostly small, as they had bees -durlnc the advance. A few de clined by 4 to points or so In cluding Barker Bros., at 7, in terstate Department Stores at 75, Jones Laaghlln at 63, McCrory at t. United Stores at CO 'and Worthlngton Pump at 28. " The majority ' ot stocks were only fractionally lower. at the dose, with The Associated press averag-e for ' selected Issues down .12 of a point at 38.27. Turnover aggregated 5 7 4 2 t hares. A few leaders extended -their declines to a point or so. Includ ing Allied Chemical at 1Z5H. American Tobacco at 81, Santa -re at 45 U and Union Pacific at 100. Losses of fractions ap peared In such trading favorites as American Can at 11 2 . Beth lehem Steel at 29 3-8, Chrysler at 354. ConsoUdated Gas at 10 5-8, General Electric at 22, Gener al Motors at 30 5-8, New York' Central at 17 1-8, Standard Oil ot N. J. at 40 ! and Southern Pacific at 15 1-8. EGG MARKET SOFT REFLECTirJG EAST PORTLAND, Jan. 2-V Trade In the eg? market was j getting- softer again as a result j of some price recessions In th . east, Local market was Inclined to show slight shading In spots. Demand for lire chickens re mained firm along the whole sale way with prices held taut, at the recent general adranee. All sorts continned in favor with operators. , Steadiness was continued gen erally in the buying price on dressed turkeys with resales hero to retailers on substantially . the same basis. Large turks were In best call for freezing. Better feeling was suggested In the market for hothonse to matoes, the price being slightly higher. Mexicans were also firm er but as yet no higher here. - Some fancy imperial spinach was being offered at $2.75 per 40-lb. crate. Local hothouse cucumbers were being offered 82 for fancy.' $1.75 for choice and $1.25 for , standards In dozen lots. Potato market was auier hers) and at the source. - Washington hothouse rhubarb V was slow and prices were being : shaded. . OfffV" IVnlc Am I LIJilA If Ulla -a In Limited Call BOSTON, Jan. 29. -(JP)- (U. 8. -Dept. Agr.)-Ohio and similar wools were receiving some call. : bat the demand was mostly 11 m- -m ited. Fair quantities of fine Ohla -Delaine or strictly combing 4s . and finer Ohio fleeces were bring ing mostly 28 cents in the grease, v; Strictly combing 66s, 3-8 ..blood. Ohio and similar fleeces aold at-28-2834 cents in tha grease; while strlcttx eomblng-48s, 60s, U fclood; wools were ' reported' to '.have;1, brought 2C-2CH eents;' --V; GIRL TO MARLATTS . i ' '. TALBOT, Jan. 29. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Marlatt are the happy parents of a 9 hi pound baby girl. Florence Henrietta, born- Sunday at the home ofl Mr. and , Mrs. , George Marlatt. -. ' : Gard eners ana Ranch ers Mart PORTLAND. Ore., Jan. 29.() -Little change was noted at to day's session ot the Gardeners' and Ranchers' early market.., - Produce was goon and the , quantity ample to meet the de mand. Good cabbage was going at 75-9 Oc per crate. Local No. I cauliflower sold for 51.50 wnne o. 2 grade was I mostly 120. Parsnips, were down a bit to 4s. 45e oer crate. . . All bunched produce remained the same. .-1 -.. ' -T1.- Spinach Lag, SO. ! - ' .i . Carrots Xaw, dose Duaeh, t0-85e. Beets Dossa buncbes, 40c . Par ley Pom buMboa, 1 Turaipe Pozsr bunchsa, SO-ftO. - . Ratabsgas Lag. 840. , 7 ' Parsnips Log. 40-50. J . Winter rsdisbos Desea hnaek, 26- Lettuce Northwest,- erst 75c-8L Cabbsge Ps ' erst, TS-90. - Csuliitower Lscal, K . 9lMl Celery-Crat. S1W1.TS. ; Celery Hearts Doss beacbea. T5e-8L v Sqnssh Danish. 60 per . csnUloup crate; lug, 40-60. Apple Jsmblo pack. S0-S5. Potatoes Oraars bos. 60-60. t-, -Breoeoli Per lug, 60-SOe. ' ' Brusseto epreuts Crate Te-8C. ; Oree ! Doaea h"fhff- 5. Dry aaioas Or ago. 100 lb- 1 1.60. 3 ' ' ; ' ; ' -55 CASH.IllJYiRSi CAPITOL DAIRIES Phone SITS - ; - ' . - .