TV"""' TP ' r"rir,r,T . -'-., f Pncirc 9101 fe ' fe L.tubs i Proceeds y From Event id Students (1GCIETY natrons and maids have put a red-letter' rhark O around Wednesday on their calendars next .week because on that day the Salem Woman's club is giving its annual Echolarship-loan silver tea at the clubhouse from , 3 ; to 5 o'clock. The public is invited.; " -v. 1 f It- " Teas will be given throughout the state Wednesday for the same purpose. Proceeds goO - '- ; '- into a state fund from which da serving college girls may borrow to continue their education, V. - Officers!. to Receive . Mrs. George R. K, Moorhead will Introduce to the receiving line which, will be made up of Mrs. Mark MeCallister. Mrs. J)avid Wright. .Mrs. C. P, Bishop and Representative Hannah. Martin. About the lounge rooms will be Mrs. John U Rand, Mrs. Percy Kelly, Mrs. Waiter Spa Hiding, Mrs. L. IL McMahan; Mrs. D. C Minto and Mrs. Clifton Modd. ,? The tea table will be appointed in cream and yellow with daffo dils, freesia and acacia for' a centerpiece In a cream-tinted pot tery bowl and .yellow tapers In pottery holders. ; Music on Program :, Alternating at the urns will be Mrs. Silas Gaiser, Mrs. George Rossman. Mrs. Earl Snell and Mrs. V. E. Kuhn. Assisting with serving wiU be Mrs. Oscar Cutler, Mrs. J. C. Perry, Mrs. Floyd White, Mrs. George Rhoten, MrsR. M. Morton, Mrs. W. S. Levens and Mrs. H. B. Retlly. : ? A musical program will be pre sented throughout the afternoon. Mrs. Josephine Albert Spaulding of Dallas and Miss Verna Pattlson of Detroit, Mich., will both appear la vocal solos. Miss Xloshie Wat- ana be and Miss Gladys Edgar will play a number of piano duets and the Broer orchestra will contrib ute to the musfcal program. - . - - 4 - . UbrarbV Leaves . ' " Miss Etta Westenhouse, assist ant librarian at Willamette snj- versify left last night for . Ur ban a, EL. where she will com . piste work for a librarian degree at ue university oc Illinois, en- route she will visit with her sis ter la California. Mrs. Dale Dascli. and with Mrs. Russell Steiwer (Beatrice Olin): Pattern By ANNE ADAMS Some clothes get tired, before they're worn out. They're monot onous or boring. Well, here's one dress ttat won't "let you down? (Yes, it is a dress but yon can raake the blouse and skirt In dif ferent material and Interchange them if you like.) That glimpse cf Ebirring which softens the bo-dic-a la a definite sign of Spring, 13:3. It's a "Dressmaker!. touch cf infinite chic, and the fifllisb sleeves gathered at the wrist are la perfect harmony. Yon' may make the siirt ia silk or wool of any darker color you like, or make the entire ' dress of the came material. Bat be sure to choose silk for the: blouse which will ease into shirring without rebellion. Tattern 2171 1st available In elzes 12," 11, 16. If. 20, 30, 32, 34. 36, 38 and 40. Size 16 takes 2't yard3 ti lach blouse fabric and 2i yards ailrt fabric. Illu f trated step - fcy - etep sewing ln ttnetions included. r Etni firte eeati (ISt la c1n or itini"i (cosni prefi;rij for ti Add imi fttitfa. VVr;t r'iin'y d.ire n4 iyl namlxr. hm t ill. i laa year Hiring . vrdreb tj I t tn nw icinn tiiuoa f in .j n Ad&mt Itiliiot i rtin help J . Il'i l't eutl tornic i -r " tt aturmirt ityV. . , tin ' ' ' 4 e;..a. Lies s lot . 3 M i f ruv -t". tor tr f . U t H 0 I i f; - fit bK T t.t- t i i -I r.ier4 i ta T'-.stu it i r ica c u r eent f .r fco.i. f '" r -r 1". C-'-ii " I - . . -., ; '5 a v Xu-ar . ir .J ! S 'fii . J . f i t reee tl dnesday Girl Reserves Will Hold . Tea I N PREPARATION FOR the T. W. C. A. finance drive which starts February 4, all branches of the association are making de finite plans for the coming year's activities. , - . ' ; . . A setting-up conference and tea for Girl Reserve executives will be held Tuesday afternoon from 3:39 to 5 o'clock at the Y.'.w. ! Mra. Floyd Miller, general chairman of the Girl Reserve committee; will outline the objective of Girl Re serve work. ,?:. V- if;i1vrkr- .. Program Slated , Mrs. Frank Spears will talk in formally about camp and Mrs.. El izabeth Gallaher will explain the adviser's work. All resource peo ple who help with the club! work 111 be Introduced.' ; These In clude departments of music, hand craft, drama and sewing. p : The G. R. committee includes la addition to Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Dav id B. Hill, Mrs. Percy Kelly, Mrs. J. R. Slmonds, Mrs. Roy Lecken- our. Mrs. Leon Brown, Mrs.;H. B. Rellly, Mrs. A. M. Chapman, Urs. D. H. Stiehl, Mrs.. Frank Spears, Miss Winifred Gardner, Miss Mar guerite Redd, Miss Gwen Galla her, Miss Kathleen Skinner and Miss Dorothy Cornelius. J; - " . Advisers ToU-- X . Advisers are the Misses !j Lois Underwood, Wanda Landon, Car ol Gardner, Margaret Faxon; Vir ginia WaSsam, Betty Taylor. Ruth Yoeom, - Irma Oehler, ' Roberta Smith, Marjorie Thome, Carol Crain, Eleanor Trindle. ; Lueile Brainard, Nanelle Bloom, ; Ruth Reasort Helen Miller and.i Mrs. Margaret Kelson and Mrs. Das Roberta. Miss Julia Johnson and Miss Margaret Tully are substitute advisers. - ' 1 ; - ... - , " (I; PliUKarmonic Plans Benefit Concert ' !i A benefit concert of interest to all music-lovers Is that to ht spon sored by the Philharmonit sym- pnony orchestra Wednesday,' Fea- rnary e, in waiier nau. .it. josepntne Urosa, dramatic so prano, Barbara Jean Powers, vi olinist, and Ruth Bedford pian ist, raaae np . tbe trio of artists wnieh wtu present the recital. Miss Bross attended ' Willam ette university and then i went east to ' study," having just re cently , returned. She f received training In dramatic singing roles for three years In Toronto.! s Miss Powers- Is ;a student" 'XX Monmouth Normal and a member of th first vielin section of the Philharmonic .- orchestra.! Miss Bedford Is well known in iSaJem as a teacher, accompanist aind so loist. : . : --:.--..;-.r ;.,'ttiK--.--1 . .-1: . ' i- " - Class to Organfae F" i t '.A class . In international ' rela tions will be organized by the A. A. U. W. Wednesday night at the borne of Mm, F. H, Spears, 139S ChemekeU sueef, 7:30 p. m.; Miss June PMlpott will be the leader. Anyone interested is invited to meet with: thi group. Xhere Is no charge for the class. - Jobt Club Dines ! ' - -The Junior Woman's club will have a potlack sapper at the.Wo man'a clubhouse Monday" night at, B :Z9 o'clock. :Senator Dorothy McCullough'Lee will, talk en the legislature. . ' - Card Party Monday 1 -The disabled veterans a,nd their anxilhtrr will hold a card party at the armory Monday nfght at 8 o'clock- SOCIAL CALENDAR Mr. William McCHchrlst sr., who'recently returned from travels In Japan, will lecture on his experiences la that country at the iFIrst Christian church tonight at 7:39. He will also steg Scotch songs, and Miss IIosMo Watanabe will sing la Japanese. The public Is Invited. . ;- - lionda'j; January SI Vivv Leslie P. T. Ai at schoolhouse, 7:39 p. m. -' . Rebekah lodge birthday party at L O. O. F. haR, S p. nu - Women of Rotary, lp. m, luncheon at Tea House. Royal Neighbors S p. m. at Fraternal temple. Women's Benefit association practice for install- tlon, 8 p. ra. at K. P hall. The Oratorio chorus wiU rehearse, 7:29 p. m. at American Lutheran church. Music books are ready ' - Chapter AB. P. VL O., with Mrs. C. E. Bates. East Center, 7:45 p. ra. ; - . . Junior Woman's 'c!nb potluck supper, :39 p. m. at cluthouse. ; . : f S' ... -. , ,. .. ' American rs. Myrtle - ' V,re Zkdi-j, IiUraallonal relations 'Izatloa raeet, 7:29 Cheraeieta. Leslie Can Do's with lira. leave church at 1:45 p. ra. FrUzy, r.ln:arj 1 Lterl class Valcsti. s clarth, 7:39 p. ra. Woman's Club Meet T IIE SALEM WOMANS CLUB entertained many legislative visitors at . Its guest day meeting Saturday afternoon in the clubhouse on North Cottage. There were. 129 altogether la at tendance. ' Two plays were presented by the Chemeketa Players. Inc. They were "Confessions,, with - Fern Sheldon and. George Campbell In the cast, and - "Modern View points," with Beulah Graham, Ka- talie Panek and Fern Sheldon. . A trio made np of Mrs. Clar ence : Bowes, violin; axtss . Aiena Bremmer, 'cello, and Mrs. CUXton Mudd, piano, appeared In several instrumental groups. The tea table was striking with all yellow and black accessories. Acacia and daffodils la a. black bowl wera guarded by yellow tap ers In black holders. The tea . committee included Mrs. C. K; Spaulding, chairman. and Mrs. J. L. Rand, Mrs. IL J. Bean, Mrs. David Wright, Mrs. Frank Myers, Mrs. Hannah Mar tin and Mrs. Dan Fry, sr. Older Women to He . Honored - . The annual birthday party giv en by the Woman's Union of the First Congregational church at the home of Mrs. Mark McCallis- ter Is scheduled for Monday. aft ernoon from 2:39 to S o'clock,' All women ot the chureh past 75 years' of age xar the honor guests, with Mrs. A. T. Adair es pecially feted on her 89th birth day. ; -t-r--f,'i--,: xv- The. refreshment table, win be decorated Jn green and yellow with , tapers and . acacia. Miss Eula McCalley,-in old-fashioned garb, will give group of read ings.'" r-v: .!;-.":- ; " : ' Miss Mildred Roberts will ap pear'' fa number of violin solos accompanied , by her mother, Mrs. John J.' Roberts, and Mrs. Neva Cooley Muadlager win sing: accom panied by Mrs. EmBCaxlsoa. -Honor guests la addition -- to Mrs. Adair are Mrs. R. B. Dun can,' Mrs. Abbie. Faxrar, Mrs. Mary Yandersoll, ' Mrs. Josephine Taylor, Mrs. CCXL- Fox, Mrs. A. M. Moores, " Mrs. . Ida Babcoek, Mrs. Charlotte Orr, Mrs. Margaret Brown and Mrs. L M. DoiaeH. ..- ' , - Robins Open Home.. To Veterans ' - Mr. and Mrs. John Robins were hosts to the Sons of Union Vet erans and, their auxiliary Thurs day night Birthday , greetings were extended to Mrs. Nettle Schramm and Mrs. A.- 'M. Lausch. Present ! in addition X to7 tne above were. G. R. Stover," A. M. Lausch, Fyed Dewey,, Mr. ? and Mrs. Glen Adams, Mr. and Mrs. James Remington, Mr. and Mrs. H. R.' McWhorter, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Blggerataff, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Krnger, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Ethel Mr. and. Mrs. Eugene Pres cott, Miss Elsie Robins, Miss Vio let, Miss Hazel and Miaa Doris Kruger, Mrs Charles Fessenden, Mrs. Susie JBotts, ; Mrs. , Hattie Cameron. Mrs. Mary- LIckeLMrs. Llckel. Mrs. Ida Traglio, Mrs. May Ivie and Miss Alice SwadelL i : . . Miss Olson to Wed v : ' Mr. Arnesen '.' Friends of Miss Amanda Olson will be interested to learn, that the date for her wedding to C Arnesen of Canby has been set for next Thursday. m;; .. -v- The couple will be married at the home of the officiating' min ister. Rev- M. G. Jobe of the Nazarene church. They will make their home In Canby - Miss Olson is the daughter of Mrs. Ida Olson and has been the Inspiration -for - a I number i o t shower parties during: the p a a t several -weeks' Mrs. Eldon Dorman delightfully- entertained a small group of friends at 'her, home on ' Friday evening honoring- Mrs. Opal Mc Klnney on her birthday. Guests were: Tlrginia Van Vleet. Marian Gregff, Gladys Sutton, Cora Van ieet, besides the honor guest. Tueida-j, January $ , War Mothers 1 covered tifsh dhinr nT LittlefJeld, 221 Division. Jarzry CO class of A. A. U. W. Organ- Mrs. F., H. Spears, 1330 C. W. Etaeey, 2 p. n Cars tzx rarty at rirst r2;tkt ' I Snow Carnivals The Chinook wind pet an end to Salem's winter sporta but the mons ; tains ara still white-blanketed and xnany ski enthnslasts jonrney each weekend for a romp la the cold. Th annnal winter carnival at Mt. Hood. will draw crowds from the entire WHUntrtte valley today. ,Tho maid adcawred abovo will reaga at tho Lost Angeles ; eotutry asovr carnival to be held at BI3 Fine Calif. So. 1 Miss " Jane Frswceo IXaXleiw-: . : -, . , . . . - i ;v ; -w- - r-1. 1 Fr d t ern is Club Dance ; Fetes Legislators ONE of the, smartest weekend affairs was - tho ' anniversary dance given by the Fraternia club at the Marion hotel .Satur day night, SemHorssal gowns and many stunning formal frocks made a colorful picture as their wearers danced past the long mir rors of the ballroom. . Many -dinner parties and 'in formal gatherings preceded the ball which drew guests from all over the state who are attending; the legislature, Boois Grant and hi .orchestra, furnished the mu SlC v . , " . - ' ' Head in g t k o ' directorate - was Henry Thielsen and be was assist ed by Dick , StolrT- Pat- HogUff, CUfford Hald and Clayton. Fore man. - V'. - . Professor Jones Is v Glub Speaker " ' ; -" . ' . ' The Business and Professional Women's club decided not to pnr ehase a new elubhouse Just bow at their dinner meeting: Tuesday night la -- the Masonlo temple. Elizabeth Stockhousen and Mabel Savage were welcomed - as - new members. J- - ' i Prof. William Jones of Willam ette university spoke on "The pre cinct, unit ot government and cen ter of political contest." " The district meeting . to ? bo held at Gresham today was dis cussed. Ruth Buehner is the transportation . chairman. The club chorus is , being- drilled ' by Gretchcn Kreamer to. participate hv the contest at the state con vention lo be held in The- Dalles in June. - The winning; chorus will represent the state at . the national biennial convention to be held : In Seattle .. next summer. Ruth- Moore is convention chair man. , i'V i t'Tea IFebrnary 0 ! f Mrs. Harry:, Corbet t and Mrs. John Coo ter will, entertain Joint ly with a: UrgS tea February f at the Tea .Hons from S :S0 to 6:30 o'clock. The affair is given annually by tho wives of the pres ident ot the. Senate - and the speaker of the bouse. Invitations will be In the mail next week. .' Mrs. Adair Feted . A birthday party will be given in the I. O. O. F., temple Monday night by the Salem Rebekah lodge ' for ..Mrs. Elizabeth Adair, who it celebrating her f 0th birth day, and for all members who are 70 years or more old. All Re bek&hs are welcome; - : - - fx?' . . r . ' '' - ':: Funeral Is Held V ; , at St; Lcui3 ChurcL ST. LOUIS, Jam, 2 6 Faner al services : for Luke Lemery were held Thursday .morning' at S:2Q at the St. Louis Catholic church. Mr. Lemery was well known here, having spent aa cf bis years in tho locality. -He is survived by. sisters, Mrs. Otto Heirs of Wood burn, Mrs. Phoebe Eatler of Pendleton and Miss Sarah Lemery at home; a broth er, Albert Lemery of Montana; also a number of nieces and nephews, nequtaxn was sung" by the U Louis choir. Reverend Charles Kraus officiated. Iater raest was held la the St. Louis cemetery, v-'-:"' -' ; - Gcncrci23 Sunday M 0 1 lb. Held Interest ; Amontr the" many out-of-town guests invited were Miaa Helen Stanford ot Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Ivanr White of Portland, Dr. j Edgar . Wrishtman of SUverton. Mr. and Mrs. J. Werlo ot SUverv ton, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bish op of Portland, Ketser Slocum and George Kerr of Portland, L. E. Clye of Eugene, Rodney Heat ins of Portland, Mr. and : Mrs. Bruce Spanldfttg- of Dallas ; and Mr. and Mrs. BJehareV- Wilson, of Portland. : Those from the legislature In cluded Roscoe Krier of The Dalles. William Knight of Roseburg. Wal ter Korblad ot Astoria. Harry Boivaa ot Klamath Falls, Millard D. Rodman of Culver and Moors namCfonu.r'i'' :. .. : - WtSodburh Y oimg Set ' Woodburn - Tho Misses ' Mary Irvla and Ethel Galey of Wood bnrn were given, a dellghtfal birthday axty . at the homo of Mrs. John Evenson at Silverton Thursday night;"'-Miss Oma Ga ley and Miss Lnstins Irvln, sisters of tho honored guests, were host esses for tho affair. Cards; sing ing; and dancing, wero enjoyed n tll a lato hoar when refreshments were served, by tho hostesses. -Present were Miss Ethel Caley, Miss Mary Irrin, Miss Ons Ctley, Violet Myers, Lnstlno - Irria, ; Ro ma. Kallak. Alfa "Kistner, Ralph Rogen, Harold Greson, Oscar Gregson, Arthur, Chester and Paul Berg, Elmer Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. John Erenson and Mr. and Mrs. W. Talmqulst. . r It ' ' -:' v 7 : Community Glut is . f Orgahized;;.: ;J'.Xi, v ProspectThe first community club ever organized in this , vicin ity, was formed Friday night at tho schoolhouse.' v A potlack sup per preceded the business meet ing. -' , : . -: j . - Officers are Desmond Bains; president; Floyd Barnes, vice-president, and Constance Stark, secretary-treasurer. A lively program followed tho busi ness -session. . - K x -;,i-i-; .- ve , ' Vt The Chemeketans, local outdoor club, held their annual banquet at the Masonic temple last night. Tho program for tho affair was as ; follows: - . i i , . . Recognition" of visiting- elnbs; introduction of new members; vo cal SolO lr Hw riM , 1 by chairmen of committees: num-i a. - - ' a ' : ocrs oy me aremmer trio and the-high school quartet; -play, "Confessions." by tho ChemekeU Players. . W:. , .-. Dr. F. L. . Utter served as mas ter: of. ceremonies. . ;i - l . Hob son's are 1 HohoMd Friday CONGRATULATIONS poured la to tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Jlobson Friday afternoon when they celebrated their : (0th wedding anniversary. The rooms were literally banked with flowers and greetings from out-of-town friends were many. Dianer was served at noon to the honor guests, Mr. and Mrs. Hobson, Frank -Wrlghtman, Mr. and Mrs. Fay Wrightman, Mrs. Mattia Edmundson, Hadley Uob- soa, Mrs. Esther Maag. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. llohson. Mrs. W. - D. Pugh, Mrs.- Van Greer and Mrs. L V. Geer. ; - ' ' Reception ndd - - i From. 2; to o'clock .tho eon- pie received 75 friends who called Informally. : Little : Nancy . Leo Montgomery, great granddaught er, opened tho door and Mrs. W. D. Pugh greeted guests as they entered. Mrs. Van Goer and Mrs. E. V. Geer assisted about the rooms.- .". . -':'""-r.'- ' Tho tea table was lovely with a bowl of deep orange and white narcissi and orange tapers. Mrs. F. M. Hobson poured and serving; were Mrs. Alfred ' MohUomery, Mrs. Clarence Emmons and Miss Violet- Brewer, - .jvv- " ! Old Tiaso Itesidento Both Mr. and Mrs. . Hobson were born in Marion county and have lived here all their lives. Their eight children are Frank H&bson of Dallas, Df. Le C. Hob son and Mrs. Lottie Lanln ot Los Angeles, Gay Hobson of John Day, Henry ilobson of .Lewiston, Ida., Miss Rhoda Hobson of Moscow, Idaw Mrs. Jessie Pugh and Mrs. Olga Geer of Salem. ; " . Three Link Club is Entertained . - -'i Friday s afternoon 'members - ot tho Three Link: cTah,and friends and visitors met In tho club rooms of the L O. a. F. hall for their regular business and social meet is. ', . , ' :: .'. The afternoon- was spent la games and. s humorous reading was given by Ids. Steele." -The entertainment was la charge , of Edith McElroy.' Blanche Saunders and Nellie CNelU. : . v- . Refreshments .wero- served tn tho dining;, room, on, tables decor ated with baskets of eat Oregon Grape. Tho social committee was made cp ot Mamie Calloway Amy Stan dish and Lens Mason. The next meeting; February 8, wiU be a potluck 1:09 o'clock luncheon la honor of those bavins; birth days In February. : . - '' - v "' :' Kindergarten. Open -To Nevr Pupils tciuuiuuui ivr ui- b urn-Robert musical . kindergar ten wiu 00 i receivea beginning Monday and throughout the week at the Roberta Btndlft on Knrth Summer street, r Parents are in vited to telephone; or call person ally at the studio. '-Visitors are welcome at all times tor. any of th rlxMM .- - " - : - Tho rhythm baudD made tra of t f m , . . cauarea iron inree to srx years of age, is well known for its manv pnbiio appearances. --Training in cecuuung piano,- singing, eurhy thmies, handwork and dancing; is offered in tho kindergarten. Classes are held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from; 9 to 11 a. m. Car servico is furn ished If desired. . .. ; - . .- - 'e "!" Mrk'McXlTtess To Helpers i ij . , .: Brush College r- Mrs. Ifarfe Flint McCali was hostess t o members of tho Brush - College helpers Thursday afternoon. The group speat tho time sewing- . 011 Visit blocks. In the guessing- con test Mrs. Audrey Ewing won the Prize. Mrs. Frank Rlvett Mm Charles McCarter and Mrs. Gar- neid Anderseok assisted the host ess ; at the lunch hour. Special guests were Mrs. Garfield Ander sen and tianghter,. Cloe ot Platte, S. D.; Mrs. Marjorie Lendele, Sa lem, and Cadlo Singer, Brash College.- . lUas Puker Betrothed. - Miss Betty Parker of G"r eat Falls, Mont, has announced her engagement to Edward Burns Marr, son -of Mr, and Mrs. John Marr, sr., of Salem. The wedding: will be an event of Easter Sun day. :; v;. s ' ; . .... . " ;. j ' ! Can Do's, to licet : T i The Leslie Can Do's will meet at tho country home, of Mm. C W. Stacey Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Schryder and Mrs. B. E. Otjen wUI assist the hostess. Cars will leave the charca promptly at 1:15 p. in. For tKe Holder of Your 1 . -. .. ....... Heart U-rt-o-Grzf. . P resident's Ball Holds Center of Society Acliarity ball that will eclipse any social event given thus .faf this year will honor President FranMia D. Roose velt on his birthday anniversary "Wednesday night. Proceeds SO to combat infantile paralysis 70 per cent of the" funds remaimns: right here in Salern-to be disbursed by a local committee to victims stricken in this area. Thirty per cent of f sign Students- of Tlolih, woodwind 6r .brass are invited to Join 1 the Philharmonic preparatory orches tra which will be organized! Tues day afternoon tt 4 o'clock. In the TJX.CJL. Vernon Wlacarson, .fea tured soloist ' with', the Philhar monio symphony . orchestra; will bo tho ' director Wlacarson is associate conduc tor of the University symphony orchestra in Eugene and has re cently returned from an eastern trip daring which he attended splendid-concerts and garnered new ideas, on arrangements which be is eager to work out with his student group here, -7-; " v -f - !. ' There are no dues or fees con nected with ' tho Preparatory' or chestra and all music will be furnished. When the sections are filled the group will give a con cert later tn the spring." -It Is, ot course. a training; school tor tho Philharmonic symphony. ' Tho last" matinee concert , of tho winter season "will be pre sented by the Portland Symphony this -afternoon at 1 o'clock. Ruth Orser. Sanders, Portland pianist, is the distinguished soloist. The drive north takes ' scarcely j two hours sad the fine entertainment provided by the- orchestra ander tho direction of William van Hoogstraten la' well worth tho ef fort. - ; -.. :-. ,- '. - e'-J - ' ' " Installation Event of " Thursday. , - : , , ' instauauon of officers was held at ' tho - regular meeting ot Centralis temple Thursday night with Mrs. Let tie M. Hansen, past chief, as installing' officer, assist ed by Mrs. pearl Kinser, P. G. C, as grand manager, and Mrs.1 Mae Ratciiffo, P. C- as grand senior. . Officers Installed were: Laura Johnson, M. E. Cr Mae Gohrke, E. Si; Lett is Ray, E. J.; Lucille Compton, M. ot R. Ac Cj Florence S&ipp. M. of F.: Mae Ratdifio. protecterr Alice Davies, guard. Myrtle -Wldicav retiring ' M. E. O, and Laura Johnson, M. E. C were presented with flowers. - , :- Refreshments were served af ter the meeting ' by Mrs." Azzle Hlxson, Mrs. Mamie . Callaway and Mrs. Ella-Lantu, - -, A series ot card parties win be started February IS, with the fol lowing committee in charge of ar rangements: Mrs. Rachel Har rington, Mrs; Mary: Bilbrey and auss Xiettle Kay. Seving Club Feted Thursday ' k w Mrs. O. E. Birch entertained the Knot-A-Care club at her homo oa Thursday. A pleasant afternoon was spent la sewing. Lunch served. ' - . r " .. ; - Guests were Mrs. Mason Chap pelle, Mrs.-W. C Thomas :JH and daughter, . Joan, Mrs. Jadsoa Bressler, Mrs. Delben Wilson and daughters, Shirley Jean and San dra Lee, Mrs. Carrol - Robinson and Mrs. Lloyd L., Thomas; .S Snedecor Epeake .l " Estes -Snedecor, past president of Rotary International, will ad dress -tho ,1 o'clock luncheon meeting- of the Women ot Rotary Monday afternoon rat -tho Tea House. . c Privtts IGz:rs:irtc3 daily from to 12 at : 12S3 S. Coaraercial SL NEW TERJ.1 STARTS : v . JANUARY' 23 Limited registration. Essen--tial fundamentals and cul tural arts taught by success ful Instructors in child train ing. Dial 52S2 Jessie EV Cosh and Margaret Evans. C o GO :70SR1T3- If your truss is tot toldla; properly, regardless cf make4, sea our truss expert f:r aijs:! mest. - ' - Ccrrcr Lll-crty -i t Ccrt '-: Az'.i far c: : r-:t T&l Trt : -1 S t the funds goes to a national com- mitteo appointed by tho president for research and study ot the dis ease.-- - Dress Optional -The matter of dress Wednesday ' night Is optional, J. T. Delaney, general ' chairman, states; Most r women will wear dinner gowns or formal and men may come either - in tuxedos or Informal wear. Just as they desire.. , A large portrait of the president will be hung above tho orchestra stand and red, white and blae- bunting and flags will transform tho armory Into a patriotic ball room. Amber lighting will be used. Tho small dining room in the Marion will also bo opened to . take care of the Immense crowd expected.'.-. .-.--,vr. . ; v -..t J '- ; Kenny Allea Sins f'--: 1 Boots Grant and his orchestra" will play and Kenneth Allen. : ' tamed tho length ot tho Pacific ' coast and in Europe for his radio and cabaret appearances, will bo - the featured tenor soloist. Allen possesses a voice of unusual clar ity and sweetness together with a winning personality that has won for him tans In ail the principal cities of California and Oregon. - - Starts st 8iSO p. m. L; Tho ball will begin promptly at t:29 o'clock in order that Gover nor and Mrs. Charles IL Martin may lead the i grand ' march in ' which the entire assemblage Is invited to take part. Immediately afterwards, . Governor and- Mrs. Martin will leave for , Portland where they will lead the march at -tho ball there. -. - ' e - Mrs. Kelty Honored With Tea : v Mrs. Eugens Kelty of Portland was the Inspiration for an Infer- -mat tea ' Friday - afternoon tor. which Mrs. John J. Elliott' was hostess from J to I o'clock. In vitations were . extended ' to 9 friends of the Tisltor and hostess. Broaxe ' tulips graced the tea -tablo and presiding- at tho urns were Mrs. C. D. Cabrielson, Mrs. Frank' Spears, Mrs. C K, Spaald ing, Mrs. Donald A. Young. Mrs. F. , A. Elliott and . Mrs. - Brazier 1 ' - . " rla charge of the dining room was Mrs. H. G. Maison . assisted by ; Mrs. . Palmer C. MacDonald. Mrs..- Roy Simmons and Miss ' Johnnie Splrey. . - Assisting: in receiving guests ' In the drawing room were Mrs. E. T. Pierce, Mrs. Karl O. Becke, Mrs. W." F. Poorman and Mrs. Curtis B. Cross. Guild Holds Meeting At Woodburn v -'; - Woodbarn-St. Mary's Episco pal Guild met at. the homo et. Mrs..T. C. Poorman Tuesday af-V terneoa.. . Election of officers was-held and Mrs. E. EC Cowles was elected president for the en suing year. Other ofllcers are Mrs. IL L. GUI, vice-president: " Mrs. S. R. Kallak, secretary, and Mrs. IL IL. Austin, treasurer. The afternoon was spent In sewing. Refreshments, were served by tho hostess assisted by Mrs. Henry Miller and Mrs. -Harold Austin. The next meeting; will bo held at ' tho home of Mrs. Frank Wolfe . Tuesday afternoon, February 12. L1LBURN - EOBEHTS ' V llssxcd Kindsixaitcn ; : .-, Seventh Tear : -Cesistratioa For New Pupils Monday January 28th First lessons at the piano, ear training, singing, rhythm or chestra, dancing, handwork, In clndlng clay modeling, sewing; and toolcraft,. . . , C<nro Social Adjustment . . Citizenship . -. FRANK IJXEURX MR3. T. 8. ROBERTS Thone 4318 or 7111 . Ilaho Ccrrcta 17 CTYLE3 01XDtoC30 . "Clzllzj TL-t Arrtol" O : .rc:i ; if O Aflcrr.cca rir.i Erer.lrg 0 c:.:::::n l jr. to li 7' Q7VI n ' Ct?n!3 1 J I t L-. .t ir. : :s - c zj ctcxt zu ' ' 4 lili 7A Jr""'Trr r f-r t r yf .4 .