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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1935)
HITS . - s ' 1 " Statesman Classified Ads v Call 9101 ; CUwlfled Advertising , Single Insertion per line ..10e Three Insertion! per line .2Qe Six insertions per line ...SOe One month per line Minimum charge . . ...... 25c : Copy for this , pace accepted until :80 the evening before publication for classification. Copy received after this time will be run under the heading Too Late to Classify. , The Statesman assumes no financial responsibility "tor. er rors which may appear in ad Tertlaements published In its colamns. and in cases ' 'where this paper is at fault will re print that part of an adver tisement in which the typo grahlcal mistake occurs. . The Statesman reserves the right to reject objectionable adrertlsing. It further reserves the right to classify all adver tising under the proper classi fication, v HELP WANTED FEMALE U'L um.-irii ...... . Woman wanted tor h'seWk. Ph. 6119. n--i.njiuuu"i-nrniiriir - -- -- ----...-. Wanted, woman for general nouse- work. Good borne. Tel. 4428. SALESMEN WANTED mfwyrnvri-!' ' 'Opportunity for a high caliber man. Lrn firm ha an opening for an sg- gresslve salesman to work In Salem. With the return of business confidence now is the time to make such a con nection with a large and growing in stitution. Splendid opening- for the man wbo can qualify. Write full Infor mation -In first letter to -this paper. .Box 131, Statesman. SITUATIONS WANTED High grade accountant, well versed In federal and state income tax law and procedure, desires position -lth respon sible firm or will do part time account In at reasonable rates. First class references. Satisfaction assured. Tel. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Old paper lOe per bundle, Statei nan office. Apples 25c. walnuts 11 and 14c Mrs. Wright, 4 VI mi. Wallace rd. Income tax figures must be correct Sent an Adding Machine and make the Job easy. Thos. Roen, 420 Court Slightly used, wood range. 995 full enamel Montag N. Summer. 25o apples, sweet cider, vinegar, 733 . cem'i. Tel. sua. JAN. SALE new and osed furniture t Swaparee, 474 S. Com'L St. FOR SALE A chicken feeder; will . accommodate 25 or more chickens. Price 35.00. Address 11C0 WaUer St. Tel. 0(82, Salem. Fresh Jersey cow. Route 7. Box 438. D. Schwenger, ' FRB-INVENTORY SALE : Once a .year Sears forgets profits on Its ra dio and washers. Prices cut as much as 15, guaranteed washers as low as $13.50. Ten-tnhe super-het full size cabinet radio 337.50. These are Just . two of a long list of drastic cuts which will be In effect nntfl 9 o'clock Satur day ntght. Remember, price cuts like . these only come once a year. Rears, in WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED Walnut meats. Any qua- nr. any time, state cafeteria. CASH or trade for used furniture, fools, machinery, etc. Swaparee, 474 S. Cxtnmrc1al St MISCELLANEOUS tMAASwArMWIAwVwVMWWWMWwVwVwVMWk yrt -W pick trp dead and worth Mfl borMft, cow, ahoctx TeL Haircuts llc-lOe. 308 & Winter. 'Saw repairing. Salem Saw Shop, wwir corner Fen Road. TeL 4280. For Jewelry, expert watch repairing. Classes fitted, see Stevens-Brown. 114 H. LJtertv Tet. TS1S.-- - - ! ROOM AND BOARD M-, n rvm ru-irvijiri-rLixn Table board. 8(0 Chem. TeL 8394. JrJat mrmy. Tel. 830. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Apt for rent 48( N. Libertv St. m . . pjj Upstairs apt, h.k. rma 2(0 Center. MrWMAAwwwwVVwVt 8 room furn. apt, main floor. $2 wa. uarage avaiiaDie. Tel. 6Z7. - "- " ' i ii-ii-iiinriri cvi n rxnjt Furnished apartments, garage, May- FOR RENT HOUSES : Aa "11 nfinri n jxnju"Lnjt Houses Forkner 18S3 N. CapltoL mmm m sasfco-a .. small bouse, parti? furn. TeL 83(7. ,Mifrn (. room house nicely rurnlah- ""-" i 1,-1,-inn.nn.ixnJ A aumber of furnished and unfura. souees, P. H. BELT 208 Oregon Bldg. TeL 8121-, a a..,,........,.. rrirMvwvn.n.riLnji For rent, modem home furnished near state house. 840.-Ala-A Im muwi 8 R. bungalow and furaitnra, For sal on : easy terms : owner leavlnr ritv. Price I25d. See LOUIS BECHTEL JJ- -i-nn.iLnri nrnnniju. . FOR RENT Houses 310 to S80: rurnUhed 312.80 to 349. Also houses for sale S96A-Sl?5ft easv terms. See u'his BTrrTTTKL. 84t State. Exchan--e, Real Estate w WMMMWWWWVWLnjI EXCHANGE 13- acre tract clone to city limits. suitable for subdivision, fair set of buildings. Priced low for few days only, MSOO. Owner will accept $2500 house as psn. CHTLDS MILLER. Renltors 3l Bfet Street , - Tel. (78. ' FOR SALE Real Estatt BPECIAl, . tovsly Falrmount HOI homo, rooms - and nook, reasonable nrlnad. well financed with 8 tnt Will accept man nous or good lot as part. - -CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street - . TeL (7(8. Aa apt house. fiv 8 room apt, with baths, antomatlo oil burner, 4 garages, present mcomo 12S per mo. 17500. Sieve oown, oai. ie per mo. MELVIN JOHNSON. T38 Court St. - TeL 8733. -w, .. I A. I mL East Salem, fair tmprovs- ments, good land, 1 125 terms. See ne tor acreages. H. C SHIELDS S10 Oregon Bldg. TeL 8308. Interesting acts . . . Volcanic action Off Trinidad similar to that which I in 1911 poshed up a new island has given the coast a new beach 800 feet long. -; , . o To demonstrate that there la no each thing as silence Dr. E. E. Free has devised a machine which magnifies noises many billion times and makes the suent tread of a mouse as noisy aa the thun dering run of an elephant. - O - Discovery of an ancient camp site convinces scientists that North America was Inhabited dur ing the late ice age. j O Dr. James R. Angell, president of Tale university, believes that science holds no cure for world ills such as our present depression. . O Dr. William A. White j of Wash ington, D..C, predicts that the hu man race will advance: to much greater heights. - j - For Sale Real Estate Will sacrifice equity In mod. B R. bunsralow. gov't, loan, very easy pay' ments. Tel. 7742 or 6440 or Inquire 103 N. 21st or 428 N. Church. ' FOR SALE FARMS 33200 buys a 40 acre ranch. 7 miles K. of Salem. Large house and barn. family orchard, running water. KKU OKR, 147 N. Commercial. WANTED REAL ESTATE h LARKIN REALTY CO. 109 S. Cora'l. St. h Tel. 8470. The best S or 7 room modern home that 31000.00 will buy In CITY. Have Junior vacuum elec cleaner or good riolin to exchange for good TYPB- WRITKR. , :. Business Opportunities Sale i Well established downtown grocery. xtocK and fixtures. Tel. MONEY TO LOAN Automobile and Chattel Loans t to 20 month to repay at lowest pos sible rates. - - GENERAL, FINANCE CORP. A local corporation 1st Nafl Bank Bids. Phone ISIS Licensed by State 5 Farm Loans 5 Plenty of money tor Well Improved farms If amply sec-red. ImDrere or buy now with cheap money. Ask for booklet "Willamette Valley Farm," Hawkins nd Roberta. taa CHATTEL LOANS ?ARS RE-FINANCED WILLAMETTE LOAN CO. TeL 3377 105 Guardian Bid Salem S-154 State License Noa. M-139. A COMPLETE SERVICE ON LOANS UP TO 1300 LOOK WHAT TOD GET I L CASH within 48 hours. 8. Choice of 4 Loan Plana. 3, Liberal terms, 1 to 20 ma to repay. 4. Promptness. . Courtesy. . Privacy. Beneficial Loan Society of Salem Member of NRA.' Room 119, New Bligh Bldg. 2nd floor LICENSED NO. S-122 U 1(5 by STATE ! Ill State St TeL 17 4 9 Loans Made In Nearby Towns MONEY TO LOAN on city, farm or acreage properties. Must b best of se curity. Good terms, low coats. CHILDS & MILLER. MtKO. Loans H4 State Kt. Tel. (70S. LOANS WANTED WANTED To borrow 3500 on house nd two lots In 8alm. TeL; 8932. FOR SALE WOOD 18 In. old fir. 85. 4 ft. drv 2nd growth S cd. lots 84 ed. 4 ft. asb 84.75. TeL 8785. : - i h- ' Dry planer and slab wood. Prompt delivery. TeL SSSS. OUA RAMTBED DRV iinil itmt TeL See Balea Foel Oev . Trade Cottage. . ' i i , Dry old ' fir. 2nd growth wood. screened bog fueL Fred B. Wells. Burn Nut Shells. Most heat, least cost. Salem Nut Growers' Co-op. Phone 135(8. - i .i!-r Dry wood that Is dry. TeL 113-F-2S. i"fcji"s-'rsrvsfvvvrnrij Dry old fir. Sad growth. TeL 87(8. Old dry fir IS m. 35.80 delivered, 'phono 844 L J. . a. ttowiana Guaranteed seasoned wood. TeL 78(0. w...,, .... -,-,-,-,-1 -irxnjLTLn Dry wood, alt kinds. TeL (6(3. Dry wood, all kinds. TeL 8088. Dry wood 34.SO. Dial 4(34. WOOD SAWING - - - ------- i-g-i-,-of,i-l-ln.n.iiioiji Wood sawing reasonable. Call 8290. LOST AND FOUND ..- - --- - ---iV,V,-inAAJ1 4AX H m. ef ft. spring steel sew or cable. Return to 2040 N, Cap! to L Reward. - 1 ncnonT a ?!1 TW iw.vs rewara ror mrormatioa re garding breaking of bit window at zoss k. Church. Box 830, care States- WE PAY UD to (X for LINCOLN i PENNIES over years old. J INDIAN heads IIS. Send dime for bnvlna- eat aloft H, Coin Co., Hollywood, Calif. Stomach ulcer, gas pains and lndl gestioa victims, why suffer t For quick relief get a, free sample of TJdgsj Tab lets, a doctor's prescription, at Capital l mf srore. " prrrf lrti efrTe. FOR SALE USED CARS 1828 Ford Roadster, rood condition. 1I8( FraBkUa, West Salem. Business Directory ' Card tai this dlroctory on a monthly basis only. Ratal Si.OQ per line per month. AUTO BRAKES Mike' Panek 875 South CommerclaL BRUSHES FnTter Bruahea; Tel. Proudflt, 7882. CATERING Horbrookaehlclren tamalea. TeL (338. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4 4 SO. ' R. E. Northnesa; CHIRAPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSC. Chiropractor. Z6 r-r. Hign.TeL Kea. S7sz. DENTISTS Dr. XX Davis, 7133. SOI Oregon Bids. TeL ELECTRICAL SERVICE BOSLKH Electric. 24( State St. Wlr- Ing, motors, appliance, repairs, service. FLORISTS Brelthaupt'a. 557 Court. ALL kinds of floral work. Lets. Flor ist, l TV in. L.iterty. Tel. aszj GENERATORS Generator and armature exchange. 3533 Portland Road. LAUNDRIES t TTTE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY 2(8 & High ' TeL S1SS CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First In Quality and Service Telephone 3145 12(4 Broadway MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDINO CO. Phone 40(9 SALEM FLUFF-RUG and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS mad to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, els- tag; null rug weaving. & lztn Wil bur. TeL S44L OTTO F. ZWICKER, Est 1311. MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sbeet moaio and piano stud ies. Repairing radios, p&onograpns ana sewing machines, 438 State Street. Satom. PHOTO ENGRAVERS Salem ; photo engraving. merdaL TeL 6887. 14T K. Com- PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department, 215 SL Commercial. Tela- pnone SI 01. 'RADIO SERVICE Moore's. TeL T3 (95 W. High. STOVES I repair stoves, ranges, circulators. Sell now and rebuilt stoves, ranges and circulators, stock fence, posts, chicken wire. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 2(3 Chemeketa. TeL 4734. R. B. Fleming. TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage. call 8181, Lanner Transfer Co. Tracks to Portland dally. . CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. X2( State St TeL 7773. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates, - Willamette Valley Transfer. Salem to Portland hauling. TeL 8728. Anywhere for biro truck. Special rats on town hauling. TeL 5278. TRUCK SERVICE Ashore ft. 370 Klnrwood. TeL 8380. WELL DRILLING R. A, West. 80 years' experience. RFD 7, kSOX zv. TeL lieFt. Jury Duly Calls Three Airlie Men j; to County Center AIRLIE, Jan. V 23. . Charles Tartar, Frank Storey and Loren Cooper, began Jury, duty in Dallas Tuesday. .. - v.-v;-X Dolph Bevena " has returned home from a visit in California, hating accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Blackden down. v. Fred Klzer of Bend, risited at the G.: B. Williamson home, hay ing been called front Bend . to Brownsrille by his father's illness. : i r a v Teresa. Wolf Named Sodality President SUBLIMITY, Jan. 23. The Young Ladles' Sodality held the regular meeting Sunday night at the parish hall and elected these officers: President, Teresa Wolf: Tice-presidentr Marie Lulay; sec retary-treasurer, - P h 1 lo m e n Sorewev - ..- - FdR SALE USED CARS NOW WRECKINO 11328 Oakland Sedaa 1-1121 W. K. 0 Coach . 1-137 Paige S Sedan :. 1 19U Dodge Coach 1 12( Bnick SUndard Sedan 11824 Model T Ford Sedan 1 1824 Model T Ford Coach ACME -AUTO WRECKERS i' 430 S. : Commercial, H Bik. South of - . - - Paper Mia. BORREQO'8 BETTER BUTS 1818 Pontlae Coach 88 v-aev. uoaca KB 1838 Ford BL D. 140 wo nave 25 other cars to choose mm. i -BORREQO'S CAR MARKET 840 liberty St. 71, 8181. DDII in DIES, ATSraiHE SILVERTON, Jan. ' 23. Don Walker, 12, died at Silrerton this tnornlns folio wins; an illness ot sereral days.; Funeral arrante- ments are In charge ot Ekman. Mr. walker was born.. In Fair- dale, North Dakota. His .mother died at his birth and his father ahortlr after. Ills foster parents were his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Walker who sur- rire at RocanTille, SaslL, Canada, ' Hla widow, Dorothy, also surTires land a daughter, Marion. . . Fire sisters surriTing are Mrs. Agnes Naegeli and Cassia Mott ot Silrerton, Mrs. Jack Kerr, Seat tle; Mrs. Emma RobB, Galneabor- ough, Sask and Mrs. Era Bagley, Milf ord, Sask. Six brothers surrif- ing are. Walker Livingstone ot Se attle; Roy Livingstone. Mt, OUe, B. C: Leo LlTlngstone, Elm a. Wash.. Manley Livingstone, Taco ma, Washington; Harrey LlTlng stone, Los Angeles; Angus Ltrlng- stone, Summer, Washington. Walker cama hero four years ago. Prior, to his illness Mr. Walk er was employed in the Porter store at Silrerton. SILVERTON, Jan. 2S. The Junior Women's club held its so cial night Monday night at the I R. F. Larson home with Ellen Chrlstenson and Olga Green the entertainment committee. At bridge. Rosso - Mather won high score and Mrs. John Evenson was giren a low score prise. At the next Monday night meeting the young women will observe eau catlonal night with an outside speaker. Present Monday mgnt were Miss Mather. Mrs. ETenson, Mrs. Ralph Larson, Miss Eleanor Jane Ballantyne, .Miss Ruth Schants, Gertrude Chrysler, Helen Green, Olga Green. Ethel Wlgle,- Ellen Chriatenson, Mrs. Elbert le- Gulre. Jane Russell and Celia Hannan. . Early Settler U Seriously 111 at Home in Mill City MILL CITY, Jan. ZS. Robert Qulnn, one ot the earliest settlers of Mill City is seriously 111 at his home here. One of his sons, Dan Qulnn, has been, hero from his home in Astoria for several days. land another son, William Qulnn, ot Klamath Falls, arrived Tues day. A daughter. Mrs. R. L. Faust, and family, have been in Mill city over a year and hare been mak ing their home with Mr. and Mrs. Qulnn and taking care of the aged couple. Mr. Faust recelred word that his father died at his homo in New Market, Tenn.', January S. Mrs. Lee S. Ross of Port Or- ford, is also here to visit her grandparents, the Quinns, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Fausu TO PLAY TANGENT SCIO, Jan. 23. Friday, Jan. 25, Sck boys will play a return gam with Tangent were. Tne girls team has no gams scheduled for this week. . ,'v LINCOLN. Jan. IS. "Deacon Dubbs', 3i three act rural comedy drama is to be giren as a benefit under the' auspices of the Lin- ! coin community club, Friday night. January 25. at T.45. and Saturday night, , January. 2 S at 8 UUOCK. ' ' - ; 1 BETHEL, Jan. 22. The com munity club meets on Friday night," The Haywire orchestra of Salem will furnish fine entertain' ment, A one act play will be put on by members of the Bethel club under the chairmanship ot Simp son Hamrlck, Jr. Each family is asked to bring a small cake. Bruno "Double" A 4 ft i Joks P. Sssjiloa Hauptmann defense beliere they havo "ace" in John F. Scanlon, ex real estato agent of Menlo Park, N. J whose likeness to the Lind bergh accused it striking. Scanlon was near Hopewell on aereral .occa sions at time of kidnaping and Hauptmann's attorneys contend eye witnesses saw him Instead of EDUCATION TOPIC FDR flEXT SESSION 33 jauptmajy Battle Huey "J Here are two officials of the Square Deal Association of Louis-J iana, who are leading a fight against Senator Huey (Kingfish' Long of Louisiana, as a result of a new state law, sponsored by( Long, which levied a heavy tax on oil production and forced some oil refineries to dismiss their em ployes. Top, Ernest Bourgeois, the association president, who lost his job as a result of the law, and below, Chester P. St Amant, as sociation treasurer and H refin 1 cry worker. , .DAYTON, Jan. 23. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Stayton hare purchased tha 35 acres ot land owned by E. M. Coates of Albany; 15 acres ot It is In this vicinity and 25 on Grand Island. For mora than one year Mr. and Mrs. Fred Finnlcum and family hare lived on the farm. Mr. and Mrs. John Allison of Fairview are the parents of seven-pound daughter, Ailene Ra- mona, born at their home January 18, her mother's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Buslck. who have been employed, on the Herman Frieze dairy farm, hare rented a farm near Silrerton. Mrs. Etta Gatllft and daughter, Mary Clark, will be employed at the Frieze home. First Philosophy Degree Awarded at Oregon State - CORVALLIS, Jan. 2. The first examination for the doctor of philosophy degree ever given at Oregon State college was taken recently by Karl Klem of Eugene. a graduate student In chemistry in the school of science. x Klem was successful In the examination and will receive tha first: Ph. IX degree at commencement, next June. ; - .1 He is a graduate of tha Unlrer- slty of Oregon, who continued his work in the school of science when it was transferred to Cor- TAlliS. Radi P I Ct I m Rft I . W 5 I dill W Tburidsy, -January S KOW POBTXUrr 620 Ma. 7:00 Ranch Boys, NBC. : 7:15 Goapel Singer, KBC. " V T:80 Bonald Bachv 8:00 Edna Fischer. NBC 8:15 Tony Wona, KBO. ' 8:30 U. S. Navy Baa4. KBC, 9:15 Merry Macs. NBC 12:00 Oeatlea of Bomaaee. KBO. V 12:45 Oleas Shelley, Organist. 8:00 Edaa Mse Jacks, PlanUt 8:15 Mickey Gillette Orchestra, KBC 4:00 Rits-Carltos Orchestra, NBC 4:15 John B. Kennedy. NBC - 4:30 Oriental Gardens Orchestra, XTBC S:00 Amos 'a' A-dy. xiiio. -8:15 Standard Symphony, KBC 10:15 Walts Time. NBO. 10:45 Bar Woody ard's Orchestra, KBO 11 :00 Ambassador Hotel Orchestra. 11;30-12 Hotel BUtmore Orchestra. . , XXX POBTlJUS-t 1180 Za. 6:80 Ooacert. - 8:80 Benee Cbemet. . 8:45 Waring's Pennsylvaslaas. :00 Songs of the Past. v: 9:50 Ilmer Via cent, NBC . 10 :02 Ramona. - . i : -v 10:15 Olaasical Soloist,- 10:45 Aaaorieaa Legioa Aaxlllsry. 11:00 Bead Masie. 11:45 Echoes of Eria, KBC." v 18:15 Westers farm ssd Home Bow. 1:00 Waring's Peaasylvsoiaas. - 1:80 Financial snd GraU Ssporl . 1 :85 Operatic Gems. 8 :00 World Bookman, , U T S :05 Masieal Gems. r8:45 Orchestra. . : 7 4:00 rriendly C-ai, ' . j 4:80 Desee Tmaee. " S:80 8tedio. - - . . I 0:05 7th InfasfaT Bead. 9:90 Thursday Theater. lO -no ne O-ehastra. 10:50 Toss Coakley'e Orchestra KBC 10:55 Press Badlo News, NBC . r x rOACOBTAJ-U- 886 Xa. 9:00 Homo Economics Obsorvex. 18:00 Noos Farm Hoar. . 1:15 KOAO Seboot of the Air. 9:80 Home Garden Hoar. 9:00 The Clsb Wotaam's BsU Sew. - 4:00 Oa the Cs-tpases. - 4:10 Stories for Boys ssd Girts. , g'OA .rlak Vata'a Ore re Staters. 6:00 Mrs. Braes Spesldisg, CoaUalte, 6:80 Evening Farm loor. 7:80 Radio Shorthand Coatest, E. M. COATES FARM : 9:16 lay jm ModsTg Soeiety, Com, Wheat, Qats;Set Back STOP-LOSS SALES DEVELOP III HI CHICAGO, Jan. -F-Stop loss selling developed In tha corn market today, and led to price setbacks not only tor corn but wheat and oats as well. v i. Selling of corn apparently re sulted from" disappointment of future ' delirery holders . that feeder demand failed to increase despite severe cold weather over the corn belt, Relatlra, firmness ot wheat at the last -wat because of buying on belief that tha new domestic winter, wheat crop . had deteriorated owing to frigid tem peratures. - ;- Corn closed weak at the day's bottom lereL -lH cents lower compared with yesterday's finish. MayS4tt-tt. wheat oft to up, May,9-t7, oaU H-fi down, and provisions yarylng from 17 cents decline, to a rise ot 1 cents. - - Today's closing Quotations: Wheat: ' May -S7: July BStt-tt: Sept. 8.T.-87. Corn:; March 8Sf4; May July Sept. 77. Oats: May 51 July 44; Sept. 41. ieneral Markets rKODUCB EXCHAHGB PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. 28. (API Prodaee Exchange, net prices: Batter Juxtrsa, 83c: standards. KMC prime firsts, sztfce; lints, II He. gga: V. S. specials. See: U. 8. ex tras, 35e; U. S. medium extras. 84e. iJatterfat: 35c Portland Grain POETLAKD. Ore.. Jan. 33. APi uram: ifav a. as a as i - - - Jnir 76tt 77 70t 71 Cain: Bis Bend blnaatem. 89e: dark kaxd vinUr. 13 oer cent. ITU: da. 11 per cent, 88c; soft white, hard winter. northern t print and western red. B2c: westers hits, sic. Oats: Ko. 8 white, 032.50. Com: Ko. a E yellow, f 41.25. Itillrns sUsdards, 820. Portland Produce POBTLASd. Or Jan. 33. (AP) Batter: Priats, A grade, 14 He lb. la parchment wrappers, 85 He lb. la car teas; B grade, parchment wrapers, Sic; cartons. 85e lb. Batterfatt Portland deuverr. A grade aeUveriee at least two weekly. 5-0o is.: oeaatry rentes, 84-85e lb.; B grade, or de livery leas thaa twice weekly, BS-Bic lb. O trade at market. Xxga: Sales to retailers: SeciaU, 37e; extras, 20c; freak extras, browns, 2 Be; staadardt. 25e: fresh modiaau.25 e: Bed lam firsts, 24e; fresh pullets, 22s dates. cts: Bnviac once ot wholesalers: rresh specials. See; extras, Sle; extra mediums. 20c; pallets, 10; checks, IBs; bakers, loe .oxen. Cbeeae: 92 seore: Oretea triplets, 15c; loaf, lBc Brokers will pay Vie below Quotations. Milk: contract price A. Portland de livery, 82.20 ewt.; B grade cream 27 Vae lb. Country aeata: Selling price to re tailers: - Coaatrr killed bogs, best batch ers, snder 150 Ibs 15e; vealers, fancy. 11-11 Me lb.: licbt aad this, e-8e lb.: heavy, S-Se lb.; cntter cows, 6-7 He lb.; eaaaera. de lb.; bsila, C-0Hc; lambs. faaey, 15e lb.; mot ton. S-Se lb. Mohair: 1V34 bariiur price, lve id. Casesrs bark: Buying price. 1984 pi 1934 tattle. ( ) lb.; clus 1 1 ters, 12-15e lb. Uvo poaltry: Pertuaa aeuvery Buy ing prices: colored bent, over 5 lbs. 15-lSe lb.; do under 6Vi lbs., 15-lSe lb.; Leghors fowls, ever 8 lbs 12-ise per lb.: do snder S lbs- 11-12 per lb.; anrincs. 4 lbs. and no. 15-16e: under 4 lba 15-lSe: broilers, under 2 lbs- IBs; rooaters, 6e lb.; Pekia ducks, 12e lb.; lOe rncM io-iie is. Onions: Wreton. cenuu; V.Mm tl Potatoes Oregon Burbsnks, 80e-31 eantal: Deschates Gems. 31.05-1.10 cen tal Wool: 1934 elip. nominal; wiuameiie valley. aaediuoL 20e lb.; fine or hail blood. 10e lb.: lamb. lSe lb.; outers Orecoa. 17 20e lb. ; soothers Idsbe ( ) IV TT.t- Buvlac once Irom preoueera: lflf He. 1. new crop. 817: eastern n-M- timothv. S17.S0: oats. SIS ( Willamette valley iimetay, e - vsr, S13 too, rortiasa. . Portland Livestock POETLAKD. Ore fas. 28. (AP) - Cattle : Beeeipts, 100; low graoe eows e 'steers, good, common a msdiam, 84.75 - s.75; heifers, good, : ism. 84.25 6.60; eows. good, eommoa as4 lew Mdiam. 84.00-6.25; low eutter asswr i - - m mmKn.MWm.rn tor. ; ouiis, gooe, - -n,mn and medium. 83.26-4.50 ; vealers. good and choice, 86.60-7.50; cull, .A i,. S2.60-a50 calves. mod aad cboiee, 85.50-7.60; common aad AH OO.B SO. Hoes: Bece'pta, 200; weak to steady. !.. ri t :,iitw,i,ht a-aoa ana csoice. av 8:85; medium weight, goos aas cnoice. a tK.m as t-Twlrht. rood and choice. 87-60-8i50; packing sows, medium aad I rsod, 95.60-6.76; feeder and stocker pigs. gooa ana enoice, o i. od and enoice, Sheep: Beeeipts, 60; aaiet, saebaafed. T T. .hnlra. 88.00-8.75: T..mK. -nod and choice. 88.00-8.75; common sad medium. $6.00-8.00; yearling ).. mm raa. s0 aas ehoiea. 63.00-4.00: cnlL commoa sad. medium, $2.00-8.25. Miller Repairing Prune Dryer; Adds Svatem for Heat - f ' PLEASANT VIEW, Jan. 23. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Morris enter tained at dinner tor Mrs. Mar garet Shilling Sunday, the -occasion being! her birthday anniver sary. A lovely dinner was servea. Walter Miller la doing soma re pairing on' his prune dryer, also improving it by Installing a new heating. system. Frank Cook Is doing some repair work on nis dwelling, having torn out the old I fireplace, and Is putting In a new. brick" flueJ . - i - caiottrsi Willi visit SILVERTON. Jan. 23. The Christian ehureh r at . Silverton wiU be entertained Sunday evening- bw the women'a chorus ot the Stayton Christian ehureh. The SilTerton . Christian . church choir, directed by Mrs. J. W. Jor dan, was the guest 01 tne star- ton group aereral weeks ago. Salem Markets r Cirada B raw 4 'per cent milk, co-op pool price 9L7S per hundred. : ":-C: '' OClk has ed sa ssH mnWj attecta averagaj- . -s;. . . Distributor price SXIO, , " A grade bmAterfst-I)eliT-ered, S4c; route, tSc' ,i , A grawJe printa, tSe B grade,? 84 He rrlees paid Is crosers r sles bajera. Jaaaary zs tTm nrleM bale. aasaHeC WW greees. are tadieaUes of Ue dally Sserke. bat are see gsarsstee4 .by Tso States- rBurra - (Bfcyisg Price 1 ICraaberriea. 4 boL' ,, -i A80 to 4.e ' Grapefaait. tTorida S BP Orm permit, Ariseas 80 to 8 0S Oraages. KsveL faaey 3.40 (e t.8S uaoiee 1 ,m to s.ow . iv .iw uaaas , bombs M to 4-TS Usies. fresh ,., . , 3.00 Apyles, Wakel ' 1.00 to 3-88 vc.usrrsnui.a- (Bsrisg Prise) Artlehoke. box Radiskss.- dos. Caaliflowsr, Calif. Cabbage, cwt, local I Krant eabbace Oreea peppers. leeaL lb. Local oaioss, 50 lbs, Ke. 1 So. 3. 60 lbs. ,,. ... , Lettaea. Calif orala . Balsilv. onsea . , Sqasib, Hnbbards Sqoasa, baaana. lb. Carrots, dotes Local Potatoes Ho. 1. BDBdred . SO JO .55 1.85 J3 .18 1.85 4.00 as .20 .25 SO 0 .65 2.60 125 No. 8, bendred Yakima. SO lbt Ko. 1 Sweet potatoes LCalitornia peas ' California beans Tomatoes, kot boa, log Hexiesa, log Alberts - as te .18 te wslants. lb. Turnips, doa. Endives, dot. Italian broccoli, ins Beets, Calif., dozen Celery. Calif.. H crate Hearts, dei. aora (Baying Price) Cluster, 1934 Ibtttt top .15 .25 rufglei, 1934, top lb. -BOB (Baying Price) I Extras .20 .10 J0 as i A . . . I ownoaros I Jaeainms 1 Pallets WOOL Affl MOBAIB (Buying Price) Mohaii; 1984 clip market Medium wooL 1934 .20 as Coarse and fine wool. 1934 . POUIiTBI IBayiag Price) Heavy hens, 4H to 5 lbs. Over 6 H pounds, lb. Colored mediums, lb. Medium Legborni. lb. .11 .10 ao .09 .08 .12 .05 UtbL. lb. .. Broilers, colored, lb. Stags, lb. MEAT (Buying Pries) Lambs, nnder 90 lbs. . , 8.00 7.25 Over 90 lbs. Hon. 130-160 lbs. 8.00 8.7$ . 8.60 6-00 to 6.00 2.00 to 4.00 8.00 to 8.50 8.00 to 6.00 0.00 to 6.50 .09 170 210 lbs. 210-250 lbs. Steers Cows ,ii Bulls Heifers Veal, top Dressed veal, top Dressed aogs .16 GRAIN AMD HAT (Buying Price) Wheat, weitera red , . .78 White. Ko. 1 - .79 Mi Bsrley. feed. No. 1. tea 3B.oe .04.00 .28.00 .22.00 Halting, ton Oata, milling, toa . reed, toa Ray. buyina pri Clover hay J 0.00 -10.00 J8.00 Oats ssd vetch, toa , Alfalfa, valley Clovsr Seed Bed. lb. Alsike. Ib. 48 as III BUTTER TRADE PORTLAND, Jan. 23-- VP - There was a weaker tone in the butter trade despite the absence ot an exchange ruling to that ef fect. . Open market sales were in some instances down ' for both extras - and standards in cubes which suggested slightly easier tone all around. : Butterfat price was as high in many country points as in the City. ' - . . -L ;; There was a fairly steady tone on the egg market aurrace out more or less uneasiness acaer- noetti -ICTMllont California and 1 eastern markets at the moment I appeared a big aid. r i I fl.-, , .h.-lne for all sorts ot lira chickens. Every sort of chicken was wanted at the moment and prices were be ! ing held relaUrely high. There was a good demand for ducks. General maintenance of the re cent adrance in country . killed meats was confirmed. Top Qual ity calves continued firm.: i , - - -- , I OCiaI VjAtherinS IS I Held by High League SCIO. Jan. 21. The regular social meeting ot the Girls league was held Tuesday afternoon; with this program: Group singing; re port ot - convention by - Tbelma Krao,a nd Irea plonJ T,olitt solo, Madeline McDonald: accom panfed by Dortha McDonald; pl- ano aolo, Thelma Sprague. Stodcs and Bond I'-S. '' . Jaaaary 88 " STOCK AVE-AGZS (CompDed by The Associated Preas.) . - ao - is - 18 , 60 : iiadarC rails stil. Stocks Td 'j tT 84.80 85.44 88.18 rvev. ear ss.87 s.e .e XoathsgO 61.83 85.41 94.69 SS.91 Teas SfO 8S.B7 !. - Z. .1 1934-85 high 61.48 48.08 40 66 81.88 1934-85 lew 45.17 22.7T 84.16 84.86 1938 hits 87.88 45.87 601 68.28 1888 Lw 24JI2 12.52 26.48 88.68 BOND AvX-AGia . .SO 10 ' 10 K 10 SO 10 19 Indus. tiL foreiga I ! S708 95J9 94.96 e.s Prer. day 66.66 98.49 96.69 MUi ari 88.09 9247 98.11 Tear sgo --61.60 8U4f VAi 99.69 99.69 aA9 70.45 60.19 66.66 1934-85 hlf . ZTZZ 1034-86 low 74.50 18.69 68.1T 19S hlrh 81.61 79.04 84.85 ' 1088 low 14.76 68.08 66.8 60.88 Mi .40 1.00 .08 to 1-1S lOe to .OS U. .18 0 ' .50 2.71 to 8.25 r 40 .OS . .08 .40 MAKER II III n liiFiiiuie NEW TORE, Jai JliffV-Ft- nanclal markets today mirrored tha same Quiet caution ot trad era and tares tors which has beet in evidence in recent sessions. Tha new ware ot gold Import which began a week are and was increased by a farther S 0,0 00,0 01 of engagements today, stm laiia to buoy tha gold bloc monies ia the exchange market, L General Electric earaa ap X-- Tresting&ouse xuectne iiaewua found a tew friends and. was fair lr active at one time at an ad vance ot about a point, American Can. Allied Chemical and Radio preferred B la early dealings lift ed a point or so each,- but ciosea only fractionally better. ' An encouraging note in tha weekly review of the steel trade by "Iron Age, which estimated production at 61.5 per cent ot ca pacity compared with 49 per cent ia the previous week, found no reflection in better demand for shares of the producers. In the face of this news. TJ. L Steel common at 37 3-8, Bethle hem Steel at 31 1-4. and Nation al at 49 5-8 gave up minor frac tions, while Bethleheti preferred was off a full point -t 75. Market turnover continued re stricted at 19.850. shares while The Associated Press average for 0 stocks declined .12 of a point at 39.32. I The index of farm wages was SS on January 1 compared with 81 a year ago and with a pre-war base of 100, according to the bu reau of Agricultural Economic. There was a decline ot 7 points In the Index during the last quar ter of 1934, but this decline was only about one-half the average seasonal . decrease during the years 1928-32. Sharpest declines occurred in the West North Cen tral States where income from marketings ot 1934 crops suffer ed the greatest blow from drought Pacific Coast States were the. only group to report a larger sup ply of workers this January than, last The demand for farm labor declined lees than seasonally from October 1 to January 1. Maintenance at or above pre-war levels of prices recelred by farm ers Is cited as a principal reason for this situation. Demand for farm labor on January 1 aver aged 4.1 points higher year ago. : than a Lauterback Will Address D-drymen at Annual Meeting CORVALLIS. Jan. 28 . The forty-second annual meeting ot the Oregon Dairymen's associa tion wIU be held at McMlnnrille February 4 and 5, with A. H. Lauterback. chief of the dairy section, of the AAA as one of the principal speakers. Arrangements tor Mr. Lauterback to address the contention were made by Roger Morse, secretary of the associa tion and extension dairymen at O. 8. C. Mr. Lauterback will speak Tuesday afternoon and again at the annual banquet Tuesday eve ning. The national visitor la a dairy farmer himself, with wide experience In managing ' cooper ative associations. The coming meeting will . be presided over by George ' H. Ful- lenwider, Carlton, who has head ed the association for a number of years. Gardeners9 and Ranchers Mart PORTLAND, Ore-, Jan. 2S.-4P) ' -Root vegetables flooded today's aesslon of. the gardeners and ranchers early market and reliev ed the shortage that has prevailed the last week ' Carrots were down to T - S5e per dozen, turnips at 40 - gOe. broccoli was up a little to GOe per crate. ' 1 Hothouse tomatoes were going at f LIS a crate with tbe supply limited. Other produce was steady. . Splaach Orange sex, TSe. Carrots Now, doses baaekee, ta-S5e. Beets Doses benches, 60s. Parsley Pesos baaehes. 15a, - . Taraipo Iee beaches, 4O-60e - Bmtabagas Crate. 85-40e, .;. Parsnips Cmte, 40-50e. : Winter tadishee Dosra basehes. 20a. tottaos Northwest, crate T5e-$U j - Cobbers Pee crate, 8 LI 5-1.45. Oeutiflower Local. No. t, 60e-$l. , -, Cetory Crate. 6L50-1-75. . Celery Hearts Doses benches, TSe-81. - eroes beams Peoad. 9-7 - Sesssh Danish. $1.49 per oasUlospo rate; Bohemian. $1 crnto. Apples Jumble peek, box ( 45-75. Peutoao Oranse bea. 60-65e. BreeeeUPee leg, SOe. . BrosMls Bpreeta Crato. T' 75- mn Oaaltflewer Crate, JeeaL No. 1. 60 $1 Braaeele epreote--Crate 78-60. . - erees osloss Doses beaches, 80-SOe. Dry osiee-Orge, 100 lbs. $179- Tematoee Hethoese, crate, CASH BUYERS Butterfat and Eggs CAPITOL DAIRIES Phone. S175 FARM WAGE HEX .ABOVE 1934 NIK