-: 1 The OREGON STATES MAN. Salem, Oregon, Thursday Mornlnir, "January 24,' 1935 'PAGE SEVEN ". it Mr- r - 1 KM WOT SHOPS PUIISBEM ' - ' aswsaspooio - . $15,000 Project Location is in Painter's Woods Area; 1 Rodent Control Asked , , - Plans tor erection of new coun ty shops on a tract ol land north of the deal school, in the Painter's woods area, were . being drawn, yesterday at the courthouse, with the county court estimating the cost at $15,000. The shops, one of the SERA projects suggested for the county, will replace the non descript county barns at 24 th and Center streets, near Salem general hospital. Details f or the new Bhops hare sot been worked out, except one of the buildings. 70 by 120 feet, will "be more or less a duplicate of the state highway shops here. An other building will be 55 by 180 feet, and the construction will in clude several minor buildings, a pumphouse and well, service sta tion and storage for gasoline and oil. The buildings will be of mill construction, with corrugated iron roofings. Plans are Jeing drawn by L. I. Engstrom, local draughts man. Bush Selling Site The site for the new construc tion is being purchased by the county from A. N. Bush. With the new buildings completed, the county will wreck the old barns near the hospital and will land scape the grounds with an eye to making the property worth more on a sale. At the request of the SERA en gineer here, the county court yes terday listed additional projects which might come under the new work relief proposals. One of these was a project for rodent con trol and the other for additional clerical aid at the courthouse; Drama Class to Present 4 Plays At High School The Drama class at Salem High school, under direction of Miss Margaret Burroughs pre ented three short plays In the high school auditorium last night and will produce four more tonight beginning at 8:15 o'clock. Last night's showing Included "All's Vanity," a 19th . century comedy; "Shadows,", a satire; and "Joint Owners." a comedy. The first two will be reproduced tonight and two more added to the program. They, are "Harle quin," and "A Summer's : Day.' Harry Mason la ' stage mana. ger for all the plays. ; r. Amelia is First Again t- " iA ' " i ' " : x-. . .v: First woman to fly the Atlantic and the first person to fly solo from Hawaii to the United States, Amelia Earhart is shown with her husband, George Palmer Putnam, on a picnic near Honolulu while waiting favora ble weather for her flight. Lower is the Lockheed monoplane in which. she made record hop. FOURSQUARE GOSPEL SERVICES 10 OPEN The "Three Happy Days," Jua nita, Fred and Nancy, pastors of the Foursquare gospel, 367 Court, returned Tuesday night! from the jubilee convention of the church at Los Angeles, and will hold their first service again Friday night. A special missionary rally will be held Saturday night, when Rev. Costas Athans and Evangelist Leo G. Athans, Foursquare missionar ies from Greece, will speak on "Progress of the Gospel in Athens, Mara Hill, Corinth, the Isle of Patmos, The Acropolis, Salonica and Other Points of Paul's Min istry". The church is planning for a northwest district fellowship meeting here Monday night, Feb ruary 4, when District Supervisor Rev. H. W. Jeff eries, Portland, will present the charter to the Sa lem church. This event has been tentatively set for January 28. Scotch Concert at YM. Friday Night cert .will take place Friday at 8 o'clock; in the lobby of the Y. M. C. A. I W illiam McGilchrist. sr., will preside at the meeting. In cluded! on the program will be vo cal solos by Robert Hutcheons and Mrs. Qordon McGilchrist, assisted by the Mitchell band. UNFAIR CRITICISM OF BUMMED Ready to Aid Recovery but Dislike Any Undeserved Blame, Cramer Says Saying frankly that bankers should stand ready to support the federal government in its recov ery efforts. T. P. Cramer, Jr., sec retary of the Oregon state bank ers association, said that In re turn the bankers should not be held up to ridicule by adminis tration heads for evils they were not' responsible- for, that if they are expected to help In - the ad ministration program they should have the privilege of voicing con structive criticism, and that the government should not set up a central control of credit oper ated by politically-minded execu tives. Cramer was speaking at the luncheon of Salem Rotary club yesterday noon. Praises Insurance Tlan He spoke well of deposit insur ance which now he said, with a f5000-top limit protected 98 per cent of depositors and 45 per cent of deposits. He approved a sin gle system of examinations in stead of four now conducted by federal authorities and said he thought it was coming. He devot ed considerable time to conduct ing a central bank system where credit policies would be under control of politicians. The Bank of England, he said, which is of ten praised as an example of cen tralized banking, is a private in stitution not controlled in any way by the government. Turning to state owned banks Cramer pointed lo Georgia which made four rentures la the bank ing business, .finally closing out with a substantial loss. The Bank of . North Dakota he said, fin anced with a two 'million dollar bond Issue In 1911, had to hare the state pay by taxes the first million of bonds and 1300,000 of the second million, besides, pay ing Interest on the bonds while outstanding and Interest on bonds issued for farm loans. He read from a letter from a recent gov ernor who expressed the view that no state should ever undertake to engage In the banking; business, because '' of .the tendency toward political favoritism , In 4 making loans. Rev. Burgoyne to Succeed Morrow, Sheridan Pulpit . Dr. Louis Magln, district su perintendent of the Methodist church In the Salem district, yesterday announced the depart ure from the Sheridan pulpit of Rev. W. S. Morrow, and the ap pointment to that post of Rev. W. S. Burgoyne, who has been at Creswell the past three years. Morrow has accepted the su- perlntendency of the Anti-Saloon league of Southern Illinois and will leave for that field Imme diately. Rev. Burgoyne, a grad uate of Kimball School of The olegy who has traveled in the Holy Land, will preach his first sermon at Sheridan February 3. 8TEEX SOME BETTER SILVERTON, Jan. 22.? H. E. Steen, who has been quite ill is reported as considerably improv ed. Miss Mildred Egan, who has also been ill, is able to return to her work at the J. C. Penney store. Don Walker, ill at the Silverton hospital, is not much improved. m ks i TO EARN HIG LIVlfJG "I'm not asking for charity, but for a chance to earn my own liv ing," said w. H. Marco whose ap plication for permission to re open his stove repair business Is pending before the soning com mission. Marco's place was at 1747 Center street' next to the row of stores that cluster at the Inter section of Center and 17tlu He earned a living with his stove re pairing; but it was found the lot he was on is classified as resi dential, so he was ordered to fold up. Since then he has had to try to get along on a S10 monthly pension. "I have 25 signers of neigh bors on my petition to permit me to re-open my repair business," he said; "only one or two proper ty owners in a corner of the block objecting. I have some debts which I could clean up if I am permitted to run." Marco Is (7 years old and has conducted his business there for several years. The case is still In the hands of the zoning commission which did not report at the Monday night council meeting. 4 Cases Concluded, Court Orders Show Compromise or settlement out of court was responsible for or ders in circuit court yesterday- dismissing the following suits Eva G. Lundeen ts. Albert Girod; Elkhorn Tavern vs. Pacific Grey hound Lines; Ethel L. Carothers vs. Harry Phillips; E. W. Harland vs. C. B. Stratton. sin oreie . Ill Mi DEPORTED According to word from Major R. D. Bagnall of the Portland dis-tiict-recralting office, the army Is. planning to remap the Olympic peninsula, a task which will take approximately two years. Follow ing the work on the Olympic pen insula the Oregon coast will be recharted. Major Bagnall stated that much territory in the United States which is commonly thought to be well mapped is in many places to tally uncharted. Aerial photographs are being used very extensively in map work. The 29 th engineers, being supplied with multiple-lens aerial cameras by the air corps, performs all the field operations undertaken in military mapping. At present the three-companies which are carrying on the work are being quartered in temporary barracks or in Port Angeles and Aberdeen. During the they will take to the field irlUt light equipment, .. Sergeant Lee B. Mabie, Salem recruiting officer stated yesterday ' that there are openings tor three surveyors and one auto mechanic, who will . be deUched to this work. Sergeant Mabie Is located in the postoffice. ; Court Visitors Talk Opposition, County Unit Plan Some Indication of how tha proposed county unit school plan will meet in Marion county was evident from talk of visitors at the county courthouse yesterday. A number of those coming la from outlying districts" to. at, tend the hearing on . the plan called at the courthouse first to find where the hearing would be. It was said at the court house that from 90 to 95 per cent of those expressing an opinion were firmly against the summer county unit proposal. POLLY AND HER PALS Fat Chance! By CLIFF STERRETT 1 n i I C BOO-HOO.' ALL- I WANT IM THIS WORLD IS "TO BB FAT j STICK TO THE NOSE-BAG, BABV. NEVER SAY DIE 3M . I've bt MYsaF ) IT jryrJ Epfl a ? ' srzrr7Zt - " SILLY AN' CNt-V WHATVW Tl3AINEDAOUKCE.) (f&T f . S10,?!, 1jT- ( THAT LAST - flob V ZZ-- ( AROUND THE J CRACK AGAIN, J ll f r MICKEY MOUSE At a Standstill By WALT DISNEY The tenth annual Scotch con- MXSRSSS AyA I SPEEDIER, FAST TD TH L,, r- V 2awV AfW : : : ' ; rJcJf rr donT (V ground , " w . SK7? f r ' ' VI LC&r.r ZWwil- ' A I I I Li.li.LLrF ir I I I I I 'Ijajiu m Z THIMBLE THEATRE Starring Popeye Now showing "Second Chiidhood, By SEGAR 2i za yy y77,777Z7 . r , c . ,, , - . 31 Z773T33 34 35 -"-rTHeSE TOVS-VLt tAEEO THMj TH6 fNVOHG SOfnt ) RErAlNOEO Me.MR.OVLJ) FOUR iGRUOCWWD, ( FOR A Ij tf V "THPQfjjUTrt feFvlT VlPR 41 42 43 777 44 2 45 7? SeTTLEDy JS. G0MCi TO STOU AWAY. ) ( ) W CU)ELL ffZ Cjh JX JcUVV yyZt yy vy r QJ oh the sefc-H&jcys ship- J VI (illbe-JJ frov Jfc T-n A -V iTS. &jx ZZZ T J Just Between Girls By DARREL McCLURE MUST KMOVM I HAVEN'T x. ENOOOM BUSINESS TO PM Ngltp AM ASSISTAMT pU- ( r--L I ' u HORIZONTAL 1 Whe Ike U. S. AnkMlor to Great Britain? 7 What UUI U hm as "th (ravayard of the Atlatk"r 11 A plant 12 Definite article 18 Musical note t& Territorial divisions of Norway 16 Assesses 18 Fruit of the oak 20 Ostrich-like bird , ' 22 Sooner than 23 Indian 24 Parent 25 Greek letter 26 Slack 27 Projecting block in a cornice 29 Employ 81 Poker stake 32 Pernae 88 Deed ' ? . 3ft What U the miasiaf aaatet The ItthoMM of coaaects North mad South America mud paraUa the Atlantic aad Pa cific ecaaaa? r ' 41 Existed 44 Sloth 4 S Preposition 46 Male child 47 Rap 48 Quantity of paper 60 fairy 61 Turkish decree 63 Back of the neck 65 Chemical symbol for Tellurium 66 Born i " 67 Mental images 6 What devattatiar Cermaa crauar, during the World War, was deafareved off Kcclimf Isl- da by tfco Aostraliaa crnuor ' -Sydacy"? 1 60 What French ntiaeer bollt the 5as canal and -projected the Panama canal la 1869? i VERTICAL ' ' HamUton la the capital of what British island group la the Atlantic ocean 7 2 Chemical symbol for Sodium 2 Fly 4 Pronoun Starry 6 Tenet . 7 What New Tor nsorchant was appointed by President Roose velt - Franco? 8 Interjection 0 Shrubby plant 10 What is the nuMinf namet Robert Devereau, Elafueh coevtacr and favorito of Eliza beth, wae Earl of ? 14 Worn away 17 Age H 19 Dispatched 21 Bird 24 Jumbled type 28 Evergreen shrub ; i SO Bird i I S3 Relieve 24 Without life 35 What former U. S. Secretary of the Navy was appointed by President Roosevelt as U. S. ambassador to Mexico?: 37 To tip to one side 38 Bind M 39 A perfumed hair-dressing 40 Indefinite article ; 41 Whom dad former President Taft saccoed as Chief Justice of the U. S. Supreme Courts Edward Douglass ' ? 42 To ventilate ; 43 Tolerate 11 49 Indigo plant 60 Climbing annual herbs 62 River in Scotland i i 54 Foot-like organ i 68 Chemical symbol for Selenium Herewith is the yesterday's puzzle. . solntioa to mm Cam! till. Ul rMtst STsOot, be. RASHLENE LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY THAT OPTJCa 8EUOX3S TO MR MOARLAMO- WAN MOARLAMCrS SOO-MR MCAQ.- WWW HIS SOM IS AWPUU RiCH, I BUT VOU KiM TELU By. HIS OPBCB IlooL I X THlh ZEKO-THERE. MB IS- GEE, THINK MS LOOKS. MICS eVM IP ME AIN'T RICH AM fUl- 6ETCMA IP MB KtlSW HIS PATHCB, WAS SCK AMD POOR-MHO CO SOMETMII4G TO HEUP M1M Jr I li'.S GEE. LADS i Alr4TOOT NO JUST AN ORPMAM- TMATS WHT OOTTAOttr AOOt5 WWyVOU POOR. OTTL6. D6AR (YA SORRY POR MV TMOOGHTLESS REMARK- lNA AM ORPHAMJ Too. VwOnt vdo sit DOWN. PLEASE ? MAYBJ THERCS SOME WAy I , CAN HELP VOU - n TOOTS AND CASPER Daniij Gets a Break MR. CLAMBY.THl IS CXXjONEU HOOFER'S SON DAMMY HE LOOKING (OR WOUC ANO 1 THOUCrHT MAiTBE MXJ COULD CrIVH HIM A WHAT SORT OS WORK CAN HS. : DO; I CASPER? 2i H& WORKED WITH MS AT PLUNKER & CO. THEV FIRSD HIM, BUT HE'S A VERY CAPABLE TXJN6r FELLOW AND I'LL. VOUCH FOR HIM! r-vz j . i - mm. sw " a IF HE'S VOUR FRIEND THATS ALL I WANT TO KNOW ABOUT HIM, CASPER ! SUZE,lUL CjlVE HIM A JOB! - IT'S TRUZ,TOOTS I START WORK FOR MR. CLAMBV TCjM6rROW HE DIDNT ASK FOR ANY REFERENCES) ABOUT ME AND HE'S CONNA PAY ME DOUBLE WHAT I COT FROM MR. PLUNKER! r-r S fin Mill Mf rm. Isl Cwi Storis ikto mi. f 1-"-' V MR. PLUNKER REALLY DID ME A FAVOR WHEN HE RRED ME. BECAUSE NOW I'VE A MUCH BETTER JOB YM 4xOINC TO WIRE MABEL THE By JIMMY MURPHY V7 DANNY, AS I ONCE TOLD YOUR FATHER STICK TO ME AND YOU'LL crETT i-v crOOD NEWS i SOKFLACE!