The OREGON STATESMAN, Salera. OTegcfl TPesgay morning, Jannary zz, rs?3 ! - 9 .. ff ft i ODPAnTY SLATED DYIlOiYiEEC GROUP Ward Luhdys Hosts for 500 Play at Fairfield Home Friday Night . FAIRFIELD. Jan, -A spe cial all-day meeting ' of Fairfield Home Economics club was held -Friday at the home of the presi- . dent. Mrs. Adela Lundy. Quilt ins occupied the time. It was decided to dispose of the quilt at a benefit social during Febru- ary. The next regular meeting irtll be with Mrs. Lundy. Febru ary 7. This will be an all-day - session with ';!' notluck lunch at noon. ',3.- .."V 'Tx.:.',f 'h A card party will be. held at the ball Friday-, night, January 25. D. - B. DuRette is recoverin g from flu; also Mrs. D. B. Du Rette baa resumed her studies at Willamette uniyersity after two J ' weeks-illness. ; .yy: Miss Isobel Bigot entertained members of the 4-H Sewing club Monday evening at . the . achool- bouse. A-Dotluck supper and games followed. ;i i - Miss Bigot will present a group of her pupils in a play at the ' ' next ' regular : parent-teachers aa . soclation meeting in Genrais. " Mr. and i Mrs. Ward Lundy were hosts at a fSOO" card par- ty Thursday night. . High scores were won by Mr., and Mrs. Hoxy. Prizes for low score were receiv ed by Mr. and Mrs. J. W. John- aton. ! Others present 'were ' Mr. "and Mrs. T. A. Ditmars, Mr. and . Mrs. M. J. Mabdney, Mr. and Mrs. J. F..Mahoney and the hosis, , Mr. and Mrs. Ward Lundy. . Newspaper Box is y Haven For Frozen ; BlaeblTis,Payton ' ' DAYTOX, Jan. 21. Twelve blue birds Thursday morning received.'- shelter from the snow" when (hey crowded into Newspaper box, settled on the morning paper,' and were warm when Mrs. M. Braat appeared on the scene at her farm heme. ' At the June larm more . thaw one . dosen California quail were- content to , re main for a time on the front porch Friday afternoon; t FIVE CUDS II JEFFERSON, Jan. Sl.Dr. J. O. Van Winkle, local registrar of viUl statistics, reports the fol lowing vital statistics for 1934 for this district: Five male births and seven ' female. ; Deaths oc curring in this $ district " were. male 3, female ? 7. Births or deaths oceucrlng at: ether points outside this district of : persons whose residence - is: In' Jefferson are not registered here but in the district In which they occur. ; Five carloads of bar - for the government; have, been shipped out of Jefferson during the past few week to points in North Da kota. Three more tars are being shipped from the Southern Pa cific depot here, according to W. F. Halderman, local agent. R. G. Simpson is shipping the bay and it is being distributed by the gov ernment, f . ROADS ABOUT GATES II FAIR CBTIOII GATE S, Jan. 2 1. William Kelle is home on a. short leave from the S. 8. Lexington which Is now stationed at Bremerton. William is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Xelle east ox Gates, and graduated from Gates high a, tew years ago. On bla re turn to Bremerton bis ship ; will likely go south to San Diego. School attendance., aroppea . w about 70 per cent or less because of the flu and colds ; epidemic which , has been prevalent in the community the past two weeks. -t Snow at "Gates measured around six; incheswhlle in' the east end of the community St measures - more. At the - old Schroeder place now occupied by the Mobley family the anow measures around 14 inches. Var ious depths : are ' reported - from other ' places. The Mobleys ' live fire miles southwest of Gates. Reads are in fair . condition - but the hills are let and best negoti ated by chains. The new highway has been cleared tor the grader and is. in fair condition Jurigwirth Elected byTelephoneXJmt; Several v are Hurt ' ROBERTS, Jan: c 21. A tele phone meeting held at the com munity ball elected these offi cers: president, Henry Jungwirth; secretary - treasurer, ; Joe Ring- wald; directors, J. B.; Blanken- ship. Oscar Purcell, Harvey Scbu- bel, Ben Townsend and Roy Reed. v .V. Grlce who wjis kicked by a hors.' aud is in a local hospital is - getting . along fine . and will be able to come borne in a few days. L. A Wlndom -broke and cut his finger and is under medical treat ment. L. Koster ran a nail in bis foot which is causing; him con . siderabla trouble.'. These 'men are all employed on the. E. A. Rhoten ' farm: ' " . v ' Silverton Methodists ; Purchasing Parsonage ! . -- . . y . . SILVERTON. Jan. il. A deal has - been closed whereby -the Methodist - congregation acquires the ' Cochran property on Third street next to the home of Dr. A J.i McCanneL , This will be used as a parsonage and Rev, and Mrs C.i J. Hall and family will move to their mew borne in the near future. The Methodist parsonage burned to the ground' a short time before the holidays. Mail Carrier Does Heroic Work to Keep Roads Qpervj; For Folks Above Molalla MOLALLAI Jan, 21. After i seven days work with a. tractor and a snow shovel, Alfred Olsen, mail' carrier on Molalla route one, was able Friday to cover bis entire mail route,-which ends two miles from the Eastern and West ern' lumber camps. '20 miles from Molalla.- According to Van Hen ness, a resident of the "district for many years, the . bllxzards in the mountains this year have been the worst in his experience. - . Olsen baa been working every diy, including Sundays, since Nesr , Year's to keep- bis mail route open. He first tried using the county road grader, but the grader would not work under tho bard crust that: bad formed ' on top of the snow.': Olsen, determ ined to get the mail to the many people la the mountains whoso telephone lines are how down and who would be isolated otherwise, bought a tractor, built a wooden snow shovel that could be pushed ahead of the tractor, - nd hired men, all at his own expense, to work' at keeping the route open. -Each day as he bar worked far ther, into tho mountains... going through . snow, piled higher than his car, ha has been met by in- abitanU' of the district who bare come out on sklis to get their maiL v He has also opened roads to mills that would otherwise be closed down. , Olsen intends to keep the. tractor for opening bis route' during. the -winter months. In the summer be will use it' on bis : farm. ' a : -: - , '. There have been six Inches ef snow on the ground at Molalla .since Tbursday, fif t'l 20 Inches Snow on Level With 4 Feet : in DrifU at HUU SILVERTON HILLS, Jan. 21. Scbool in the Silverton Hills dis trict baa been closed during' the past few days. Hullt school clos ed early in the week, also on -account of snow, i Schools will re main closed until the present weather abates. Snow fell almost all day - Sunday . and " drifts are over 48 Inches deep while snow on the level was about 20 inches Sunday night. Coasting, and ski ing parties were seen J on all the hills.- The state highway Is kept open, however. , Miss ' Helen Dlckerson, Hullt teacher, went to Medford with her brother-in-law,; Fay ' Bragg, of Silverton,- to spend vome time. Mr. Bragg's father underwent major operation at - a Medford hospital during the week. - . Elconomic Problems 1 Theme SERA; Classes ELDR1EDGE. Jan. ; 21. An SERA school; has been organised for- this community- with. Mrs. Bishop of Labish Center as lead er. The first -class dealing. with economic problems .was held Fri day night. . puin bet:efit play iSP.T.A. BRdOKS. Jan. 21.-The Brooks Parent-Teacher association held Its meeting in the school bouse Friday night; Carl Steelhammer, vice-president,' presiding. - plans were talked of a play to be given in the near future tor the bene fit of the P.T. A The following program was introduced by Miss Theima ; Reed: Reading, by Rob ert Bailey: tap dance by - Miss Dorothy Moore; : duet, Miss Lena Riggl and Mrs. C. A. Bailey; Miss Wheeler playing the piano, accom paniment: reels were shown of many interesting scenes, of Japan by Dr. Edward E. Getxlaft of Sa lem."1-"-.-- v ;. . , Burl Pemberton, who was op erated on ; for . appendicitis : a month ' ago. was : brought - homo Friday: '- He is; recovering satis factorily at the home of bis par ents, Mr.' and Mrs. C. E." Pember ton. : -.- '!7.;.;,';i w Hot lunches are being prepared and served at the noon hour to the Brooks grade school children. Patrons of the district bring pro- Orval Larsons Come t : to Silverton to Live SILVERTON, Jan. 21. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Larson arrived at Sil verton . Monday where they, plan to make their home with Mr. Lar son's father, W. C. Larson. Mr. and Mrs. Larson have been living at Wena tehee and Yakima, for the past few years. . They left their, Yakima home Sunday 'morning and ; encountered so much - snow that -they remained at Vancouver, Sunday . night where they : were Yidnzt Tree From llecr Here Cut For -'r Shipment to Italy PLEASANT .VIEW, Janl 21-J-A Urge black- walnut tree that stood on the Frank Cook place was .cut .this, week and shipped to Italy. I The" tree -was - planted nearly- 70 years Ago by Mr. Cook's father, Marion. Cook, who emigrated to Oregon xront. MiseonriJ wnn ; turn parents, Isaac nnd " arn tCook in . 184S.' The tree brought JS50. " ? - -'! .2. . , ;; ;' guest of Mr. Larson's sister, Mrs. Alvin LegarL. ; - --: 5 : SNOW SHUTS SCHOOL BRUSH CREEK. Jan. 21 Miss Corlne Moberg, who is teach ing - at ' Missouri Ridge : above Scotte- Mills, bas been spending a few days at the. bom of her. uu- ele, L H. Meyer. - 'The Missouri Ridge district is enjoying a forced vacation because ot : the- winter weather.": . ' . . ' HOOT ROLL LOW DUET0KE8S KEIZER, Jan. 2L The Kelxer honor ' roll . for. the . past two months is mailer than " usual on account of an epidemic of colds. Neither absent nor : tardy are: - First and second grade-Jac-quellne Boock. - Olive. Ethels Ra-' mona Evans, Pearl Hamilton Yar ian Tjarrow, Robert Dornbusch, Violet Hamilton and Edwin Mc-' CalC . Grades 2and 4-Peter Fur ukawa. ; Agnes . Jones, - : Avadee Thomas, Shirley 'Addison, Jim my Muckrldge and Milton Sav age. -' - . ' - : : Grades B and Dorothy Smal ley, Howard Goock, Lester Pear mine, Mary Sftga!, Patricia Wii BonpAlda Pickell, Guy Jonas, Mel vln Dornbush. . Nellie i Pearmine and Nina VarbeL Grades 7 and 8 Nobulchl Furukawa," Thomas Brantner, Alma Mtrk. Jack Muck ridge, Florence Nelson and Katn ryn Shawver. . - . ; ' Pll3Blil9341lWlilfiriri - LOCATE WITH . ORRS HUBBARD, Jan 21, Mr. and Mrs.-Li V. Orr and daughter, Lu cile, - have moved' to; n u b b a r d maklag their home with. Rev. and Mrs. W, I. Orr, v ? . r Theodore A. McKee Funeral Services" Held at Jefferson - ''- ... - . JEFFERSON, Janl 21. Funer al services were held at the Meth odist church Saturday afternoon for Theodore A. McKee, .81, who died January 17. Rev. Robert Mc- Ilvenna of Portland, former pastor of the local Methodist church, con ducted the service Music was fur-. nished at the piano by Mary Lou ise Fontaine; and Mrs. J. G. Fon taine, Mrs. George Mason, Harvey' de Vries,-,Dr. J. O4 Van Winkle and K. S, Thurston sang. Mrs. R. C Thomas had charge of - the flowers. Pallbearers were A. M. Stewart, Guy JohnEton, Harold Knight, A. B. Hint, James Pate and B. S. Richardson. Interment was in Jefferson cem etery.;- - - I ,1 ' , : ... Relatives from out of town at tending the funeral were - Harry Lynes, and. Mrs. WJ E. North of Portland; Mrs. J. J. Denson, of Carlton: Mr. and Mrs. T. JT)en son, McMinnvlllo; Floyd Del ion, Corvallis; and Herman KesU. of Portland. . . ? . .- POLLY AND HER PALS By CUFF STERRETir i n ' ii ross- w ora ruzzie By EUGENE SHEFFEK r w i 2 h 14 5 I Yy)f I1: I IP ' i5 iiJ " !5 777. to 1 21 Z227 23 2 21 28 M 31 V 32 ' 55 ' " f'i: - 31 AO . JZ? 41 42 J743 44 ZA Ak 47 .22 54- TOW-r-3rT r w---- r I 1 I 1 I YM I I 1 1 1 Aferff pg V:.Qk I IW I ; f OP ALL TH CONFOUNDED " "X" 1 V JUST A. MIMLTTF A ybef. VOU HAVS li - AMV04ft UFk trr f WELL,', ITN "HSVL,m. GOT AWAV WITH TMATt i YTtk1 A WSWrTOBerl KAHSAROO HAS BKH cStSS. e' UWNG LiRREGUUSr! SmAlHlNS SgSSlOH! LETfc GO ' HL S .VmSTArm.YL-T . ANO VVOR OUT ' J BARRED FROM SJSfSwT V HATE FOR ZDWE'S J? USSLT' 1IKAMGAR0& SS '' . . - 1.-3. ' . ..- -1, , '. T. - J THIMBLE THEATREtarring Popeye HORIZONTAL . . 1 Tk U. S. Parcbasei Alaska w' , frvss wbat coosttryt - Wket U. S. Snttor was as- MrefUw 20tb r m iwAT anJant? 11 Cbkf constituent ef fatty oils ; li Hinder IS Emmet - " , : 14 Growls harshly , 15 Portion . ... 18 Cbemical symbol for Neon , 19 Reposed to Consume 22 Metal 9.A A 2& To punish without trial by law 27 VaUeys . 80 Reverential fear 82 Mound - 88 Metallic element . ir , 1 84 Expression oi oisapprv . 3S What ceUbrated EafUb Quaker lived is the first brick heiwe buiu ia Assencaf . JO Tatter -. . . x 37 Is able - - ' 38 Injures 89 To rub together 41 Ardor . 43 Conjunction - v -: . .44 Minute mark . - , 45 A dandy . . . " ' ,. 48 Chemical symbol for sodium SO Bird 62 A prolonged declamatory out- - pouring- . 54 Sick - . 5 Venomous serpent - ' - 57 Potassium nitrate " 58 The Aleatiaa IUnd are a part - ef what cooatryT ' 59 Who was the first kiag ef Eog Umd? . . VERTICAL . ' ' 1 What Enttish arctic explorer dUeovcrcd the aorth saagaetic 10 What Asftericaa itettuus was Vke-PreaMmt of the ate ' era te States? . i' , 15 Monkey -4 . 17 Attempt .!-'. 21 Taught j ! , 23 Penetrate r ' -t .: k'-''t-;- 24-5-Japanese coin - i; ZS Americaff coin i - -27 Whkh ef the U. S. was the fint to ratify the ZOth r lame ' ifockr asMaMmt? 28 Saadarae-tree , 29 What aeted ladiaat chief was kwewa aa TrUad ef the White SI Pronoun t ,p . - 34 Musical note '! 35 Te make a play on words 37 What former mayor ef Chicago was hoc, aad later, died frees weuada iaJIicted by aa uuu'h ia Florida who f rfempUd te .take the lif e ef Preudcat Rceeevelt? - i . 38 Despising u s oowiigiv . j 42 A parcel of land ' t' v. 45 Fortune - 46 River ia Prussia m 47 Saucy . ,t -49 Everr ' . f 51 A large country ; (abbr.) 53 Bony rod . t t 55 Musical note i i BSWARE OP ST) Now Showing "A Chip on His Shoulder" BySEGAR BLfST VA.t ANT AFRWO OF fAOttODY- BtftNKtTV DLfXHK.1 QOVT 8G SO-fXWf-50! 1 AU,Pip6 JbzA 1 9 wCOMEHEETt jd&f -HEUJ MEMBER f C'" f" OF OUR FORCE, 1 1 -mKS tnvuer t SAro-i HIM! l'P PLEfHSeO TOhEET YOU . " 1 vJTS. I WtlM ACM. U1M AK ALL WS I7T7 1 c&tn I O.M Ot F A.FX TO KOKAN U5VAKT OF 7 PiOP TV-unm 3HUT UF: PLEfcSED TO tAEejjrovvrou; AUJ. BE UM OFF EATlNfYoO?! VI -If'. LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY 'ThereV omethlno; About" a Soldier? By DARREL McCLURE -YES.' Siteaa AfSTKR. t i v&s wounded the W&;tTr4DftrX WHEN I OCft WELL X WOXT "TO WOR OM "TUa MOARLAMO PLANTArTlOM Herewith Is the ! solution to yesterday's puzzle. , ; S? ifrrv. ROBERT r SHUCI3. NO -1 WENT TO WOCki POO, VDUNCI STONEWALU . UCKSOMSr , ctAJsiroApay-TMeKi r workuo WTTH ! HIS SOJ UNTIU HS WENT. AWAy - TV4ER& WAS A REAL. . MAN IP ME HADN'T G04EL C ArRQAMtNGr THINGS MIGHT iWE ' A - n n? ii- ' DIOTHB OOAND- PATHEJi LEAVE, ALL.TH& PLANTA- TIOMTO- HlS SON ROBEST? NO- HIS TWO SONS SHARED THC STATE, BUT AJFTEfl ROBERT OlEO, HIS WIDOW CLAIMED SHC OWWED THE WHOLU SHEBANG AND showed gtohemall;& CHILD REM TH2 OOOa 1 BUT I U." NEVER BEUEVB STONEWALL. k EVER. SOLO OUT- fVfr -TDLO THAT TO WJ3 CHILOREM BUT - THS" ThWI fM JUST, A SAVING IT, CAUSE I UEVER. DID UIO THAT STUCKT-UP r -, 7 3l fT 6EE-X wish you ) TOOTS AND 'CASPER Ait lAQ-Aroond Snrprise By JIMMY MURPHY SEEN MXJ POR AGrESH COMS RWTiy-AJsID TOO" HELLO, MRS .7 CHARMlf4(Ci--f I sJUST A DROPPED I I--VVWH3JiOv. ;lplr:; ljU& TO TO -SEE- I MV. VOU BOTH AR2 DRSSSED NICE AND I LOOK LIKE. A ? CIlfT- MAKE I YOURSELP AT HOM2J RICHARD, WHILE I SUP ON ANOTHER DRESS I HA-HA I'LL TAKE PLENTY OP TIMS. CHANrlN6r MY CLOTHES,SOTH5 VDUNer FOLKS WILL. HAVE A CHANCE "TO TALK! i : I rVE AUAWfS LIKED VOU, MABEL, AND ON2 OP .THESE. DATS I'M " 601N6- TO TELL MXJ SOMETHlNir 5HAT I HOPE WILL MAKE TOU VStT HAF7Y CR-CR rrs somstthum ; rVE r WANTED TO TTi I. VOU for sc: well.. BLESS ME IF RICHARD 1SNT idrETTlN MAESL EVEN QUICKER THAN) I THOUCrHT"- 5rV ' pole ia 18317 2 Bone of the forearm 3 Bench' 4 Title 5 Entrances : 6 Seize suddenly . , 7 Bird ' ., 8 Sun-god .. a. : IfTavern V.) 4 CwRUU,llU,KkfMlWMSnAatfca - 0Gf I