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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1935)
The -OREGON - STATESMAN. Salsra, Ore-ca, Tuesday Hornier. January- 22. 1S35 3 o ciet y Tea Today From , 3 to 6 Fetes - Matrons :; SOCIAL' Interest today tores to the first large afternoon af ... . fair .fires for .women of tbe V legislature and wires of legisla tors. Mrs. Clifton. Irwin and Mrs. . n.'G. Maleon are entertaining at : tea in: the home rof tbe former : from S to f o'clock. ' V ' p- Inritatioas numbering 125 hare ' r been Issued to the legislative set - and' prominent matrons - of the city. - WVi . The tea table will be unique ' with: decoratire pieces at. either ; end rather .than In the center. A wrought; Iron candelabra - with irory tapers and a low white bowl . of larenderulips makeup the pieces. Candlelight from ' taper ; '..'.- burning In crystal candelabra will V .; be " used- throughout the guest 'rooms together : with' red tiilis .' bouqnetfc:-'"':L:''..J-i: v Alternating at the tea tabletWJII " v, be Mrs. T. E.r Riles, Mrs. Harry ' ' Corbett,. Mrs. George White, Mrs. Earl Snell, "Mrs. John Cooter, and Mrs. Romeo Goalet. 'i v?? : --. -Assisting with the. serring- will , ', be Mrs. Charles Robertson, Mrs. ; Karl G. Becke, Mrs. W. H. Lytle, t Mrs. John Elliott, Mrs.- Donald Young, - Mrs. Allen Bynon, Mrs.. Ronald Jones, Miss Henrietta White and Miss Kay Goulet. - Mingling . with gnests ; in - the drawing room will be Mrs. Darld B. Hill. Mrs. Frank" Mlnto and Mrs. Paul Hendricks. ",:,Jxi : -x-'-x" '..'-"' ' '.- , X . ' ' ' .K";.'- Z Japanese Society Has ' j r Installation : ;' ;:.:. , - - New. officers of the , J. iY. P L. were installed : at a eandle- i light serrice Sunday night at. the .-Ilayesrllle church. -:';:;,:-?' -.'::V; .';- Je' , Mr. llashmoto, -the league ad- ". riser, " bad - charge of the "pro- gram. Seiko Wanaaabe acted as Chairman "for the installation. . assisted by the former' officers. - 4 Officers " Installed were:" Presl ' dent, Shig Watanabe; -.rice- pre '"; sldent, Symlo Mio, secretary,. Ki- V'- mi - Yada;- treasurer, Tom ,MIo; . derotional chairman, M a r t h a ' Okuda: social, '" Emi " Yada i and I Hiroshl Kanekd. .': t x ?. " Musical numbers were render v ed by Georgia Harrington, rlolin ! 1st. and Ruth Reason,' TocalistHo- - , shie- Watanabe ; accompanied the ; sololsta. . ; , ' "'C. '':' Quite a .number 'of rial tors al : tended tbe installation serrlce. ' The Sweet Briar club will meet at the home of Marie Flint Me ' 1 Call on the Wallace road Wednes ,- day, January 24, at 2:29 p. m.' : ' Pattern ;-' ? y' , . ;By ANNE ADAlIS - . Here' ypu are the soft; "wear able, , French - looking iv afternoon dress for which, fashionable wom en are 'searching "exclustre shops. Yoursfor only a tew yards of material, and a few hours of en Jeyable tlme..?Tb' design. Isipe fect combining a slick yoke and trim skirt- with 'the softness - of - gathered bodice ud flowing . sleeves.- which 'mar button ;below the elbow, or bVent sho"?t. - Dell-,- cate eoiorings ior; subdued Sprints : .fct into the rf mood : o the,, dress, but if you're a atriklagtype yon . may select Tirld tones. Any soft . silk, crepe or triple sheer mater, lal will a dart itself to tbe design. Pattern 2170 is. available- in sizes 12, 1. 16," II, 20, 3052. 34, 36 3S; 40;atfl- 42;, ;Slxe 16 . takes I3-4 yards. 2 inch fabric. ,. Illustrated step-by-4tep sewing' in structions Included." ' Bb4 f:fUh etmls (tic) I'a'roia n itr 4cain prtfrrd far tin An Ainnm patt-rn. .Wrtt pliinly . m! tjrl-umbr-B ur f tkt six. let tk. 0w prin( 1 Kiition of th An Adam Fakia UriiB klp. J"b. It' nst mtl Coktaisi . Pft after pa (a ol clnnaiaf atyl. . . up-t-,th-mint and chic. Doient for thildraa 4 frown opt. far tirrf oc casion. Ce it now I Frif f book fif te Bta bat whe ardrratt iritll Ann Adam pattr it It m"y ten etnla. Twtnty ln atc for botb. AJdrm rdr to Th'Orefoh StacBia PatUrn Dpt, J15 gonth Commercial ilrftl.' Saiitia. Hak nec asary racicsnrra. Yor crdar will b pnmtt)jr itwrndni to.-' ' . Order cinmmarily ara rilled with in four dart front lb tin rccird by In fciatmB. - r . i .- . 4 -- r . .;. -' . " y . ' v ft .; News" and G lub 3 JEESIS Steele. SOCIAL " - I Tuesday, January 22 . - , .? m'. North Salem W.C.T.U.' with Mrs." Mildred Gillette, ' . isis k. cotuee, x p.,mi: r:'r---:;i:.X; v:;v-';i--V:''--- : Order of Eastern Star social afternoon, h 2 p. tt. t . . ; Masonle temple. '"i'?r- - ;t r': :i'"'. . , r Music appreciation class of A.A.TJ.W, at Melton. stu-- ' : dlo. MJ- Court, 7:30 p. ;V;V:c!';.';,A;;; MaeDowfH club chorus rehearsal at First Christian v church, 7:30 p.m. , - 1 V'i'r""-''-:J..'': Women's Press club dessert luncheon, 1:30 p. no.. . - ,wlth Mrs. E. A. Brown. 527 N.-23rd;. .-v' 'v:;'.: .. l; " . . . Jureniles of Neighbors of Woodcraft birthday party :" at Fraternal. temple. 4 ' p. rav:.;- - J r i ?;,7V J ? v Salem W.CT.D. .all day Institute in hall on rConv;t; mercial, 10 ani.: v-; r" '?': - ' '. r,li -v' - , . -. Executlre board ot Council of Church Women, 2:30 ' p. m. at Y.M.CA.; - Laurel Social Hour club at home Mrs. Baker on Cas- cade drire, 2 p,iiru:Kw:-;'--i-" --f-r :.''y.V'4?fJ;tr-':V.v ' : J Else Ebsen drama study -clasrwith Mrs. W. T. Jenksv s -.-fi,::j' 2:'3'0 p. m. ' :i i;: - y- -;;..-r';'; V'"'-" h'-?- M '&-;. Sons of Veterans and auxiliary,: :30 p. m., potluek s;r supper rrftlrlr, and : Mrs. ehn Robins, 4 2 Ny Liberty ; . 4 Marlon post "anf ' ner, 6:30 p. AtmoTrr:l':'-jrCZy t - General Aid of First M. E. ccurch in parlors, i p.'xn ' : ' r i corered dish- luncheon. v ,- t'; f """' '.". ' ! ';'.;-;. :.';Ji.' -':7 j-Of-.-Vf- -Xadiea-Al aociety of , First! Presbyterian church, ,"'2:30 p.-'m.:at church. :!,'' '-i.-;-'"'"-'.'"? ''"'ii':;:L"'':' The Sweet Briar club will meet at the home of Mario . : Flint McCall on the "Wallace road Wednesday,' January 'nt .23 at 2:30 p. m. . -i-1 'V1'' 'Thursda y, : , v : -f Town and Gown club at Lausanne hall, 2:3Q p. m. -1- . tj. S. Grant circle. Ladies of G-AJt., with Mrs. Sarah 7 ; ; . ' E. Olirer, 340 S. Winter. 2:30 p. m. . - - . : , -t The Berean clap.i of tho First Presbyterian ehnrch v'will hare a social gathering at the home of .Mrs. C. A. -. , ' Park, 1689 Chemeketa, Thursday afternoon, Jan. 2 4, at ' . ; 2 p: m. All members are urged to be present. . - 5 '.r ' ; : -v Friday. January 25 , - " '- .... , , 1 - ; r South Salem W.C.T.U. all day institute in Leslie , -T church. 10 a. m.- v -. ...,. VvS.' Spiritual . church of DiTine Truth "social erening, 1980 Ferry. Public inrited. , Rickey Sunshine club with Mrs. Nv Swain, 448 TJn- irersity, 2 p. m.- , : m,; ; i : ' -r ' ' ' ' " Valley, Social Realm Brush Creek Miss LiHie Mad sen; and 'her house guests. Miss Dora t Hjorth and Henry Hjorth, of Depere,': Wis., and Victor Madr sen, were; dinner guests of 'Mr, and Mrs. Alvln Madsen at Salem Sunday.-; Mrs. .M. J. Madsen x ia at. Salem . caring for .her daugh ter. Mrs. Alrln Madsen who", is confined to' her bed following a heart atUck. ' ' . i i '-r-v. ' Sunday -night L. Hi 3Ieyer en tertained for the eastern- risitors at his home here. Present were Mr. t Hjorth, fMlss ' Hjorth, Miss Madsen, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mad? sen and children; Harold .Larson, Elmer Grace, Conine Moberg,. Al thea .j Meyer,. LudTig . J4eyer and Mr. Meyer, Molalla -r-ATrge4 crowd1 at-i tended tbe Eastern Star party ' at the Odd Fellows', hall "Thursday night. : High, scores were won by Mrs: iJIenry iWelchaidGlenn Kirkwood; ; Tea- tables' ofbridge wero in? play during the- erening; The-committee ia charge consist ed" of Mrs. Ralph' Holman,- Mrs. Alf red Sharer apd; Mrs. Olirer Buxton. .February 21, the- social club of the-Eastem Star win ;glre a George Washington"-danc at the lodge hair."-- ' T . ,,'.,'1 "-' Fairfield A number Tom this community; attend edVcfrrd -"party Friday -night at tho; home JDt' Mr. an d-M rs. Arthur BrooTcjn Salem.' In 'the.- group were; Mr.JandMrs. T.-A- Ditmars, Mrrand.:Ms. J. W. Johnston and Mr.'- and iMrs.' Ar thur Gotfln. . 5?i- i-?v 4 .yx'' e.-i. . : frVs"; - Pratum The marriage, of Miss Lydla Stiuffer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. -Jacob Stauffer iot Salem and Adam llofstetter; son of -Mr. and Mrs. John llofstetter -of Pra tum'waa. solemnized at the Pratum Mennontte church 'Sunday- after noon, January 20, al ie4'clock'4 'Preceding the; ceremour Ewald Frans and Homer "Welty; saflr "I LoresYoa Truly"Sccompanied by Gretehen Beutlefj Miss yern'a Tit- ampleMa!ce!S Striking Decoration v feast i - ' - ,.f . . MAMMY SAMPLCft $ ' 1 jf f - "".' , .rOTr5LDERS " fJ iTttj U '"M JrAJTERNfi;t The well-appointed kitchen jto- day is boasting samplers " on i Us walls. -And since they must ' be droll and colorful, this Mammy sampler is the one to choose. ' It permits the ub of a' great rariety of color and isqulckly 'done: at the ' same time, v--The two separ ate, mammys . are to be fused ;on potholders or r on - some 1 1 other kitehea-accessory." These, as well as the sampler, match the mammy towel pattern. 815 tbus glring you Society Editor CALENDAR - . -- - - January tie of t. Salem' played Lohengrin's and Mendelsaob n'a, wedding marches, Rer.- J. M.- Franx read the jingle Ing "ceremony before an arch of ferns and pink -roses. Immediately . following ,the-; cere mony Homer-Welty sang -"Seal Us Oh Holy Spirit." - ; ; " The brfde was beautifully dress ed in a white satin floor length gown. She wore a full length teil caught with a "wreath of orange blossoms. She carried an arm bou quet of pink roses and white car nations. - ' ' tz. . V ' - The bride's only 'attendant was her- sister. Miss Emma Stauffer. Adeline Haury, niece of the bride, acted as flower girL Sherman Hot stetter. brother of in groom, was best man. ' ',:C':.y -'", i TW ceremony was performed In the presence', ot about 300 rela tires and friends. - Out of - town, guests were , Dr. and Mrs.. Jl N. Widmer ahd ; f amUy of - Corrallis; Mr.- and Jtfrs.' Elmer Widmer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Etra Widmer and lamlly, lit.' and- ' Mri - Joe Stauffer and. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Widmer; all of Albany: Alma Stauffer, "Oliria de Tries; Dan Stanffer and r Rnfns Frans were ushers. ,:. --- '";.: ' , '; A 1 reception ' was . held : at : the home of 7 the bride's parents ' Jol iowing ; the ceremony. -Assisting about the rooms were Mrs. Gilbert Haury, Mrs. Harold de Vries and Mrs. Radolph de .Vries. I' .- $i "- ' i ' ?..:;,- :'"-t A Miss Heleh "Pearee attended a dinner- Sunday night in - Portland girn by Mrs." Ralph W. WUbur In honor of Mrs. Bernice Brown CronkhiteV dean of the., graduate school cf Radcllffe college In Cam bridge Mass'.; Mrs. "Cronkhite has been -:th"e Inspiration for ; sereral Portland - affairs : d urlng her. west ern- risitj-.Guests included Jlad- cliffe.. alumnae, -;'-:. v.-' Sons of "Veterans and their aux iliary; will hare a potluek supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs John Robins,? 64 2 North Liberty street, .Tuesday: night at: 6 : 3 0 ' o'clock; Musi,-games and birthday, cele brauons win be oDserrea. .Mrs. .Gerald , Carpenter! of Cam as, Wash- was a , weekend guest of her'parenta, Mr. and Mrs.; Lloyd Drorbaugh. - v'r".A the opportunity of harinjf'voux. kitchen linens all .harmonizing. Pattern 911 comes to yon with a transfer pattern of a sampier 3 x 10 inches and two ; mammys 3 x ( laches; material require ments; Illustrations of all stitcues needed; color suggestions ; "dlrec tidns for xraming" sampler."""" 9 JSend 10 cents 1Q stamps or coin (Coin preferj-ed) for this pattern to The statesman, Keedlecraft Depu fjT ifairs Delphians Lleet at : AVright Home ' Monday STORIES. and romances of all lands will be studied by the Sigma Nn Delphians . this eomlng term, it was decided yes terday afternoon whear the group met at the home of the supervisor, Mrs. parid Wright. - f - Officers were elected as follows; Mrs. Oscar Cutler, president; Mrs. Fred Ertxon, rice-president; Mrs. Albert Gragg, secretarytreasurer, and Hrs. Charles Roblin, Mrs. H. O. White and Mrs. J C Perry board, of .'directonj. .;i--L;--;V r.'.-''. -Mrs.: Wright serred tea at the conclusion, of the. business session assisted . hy Mrs. .Glenn Paxson, Mrs. Ira Darby and Mrs. JTloise Roderick. . , . Shovet Given eXxngp BH3&l3ectT-i' ;-r '.f.: "" w.r J:S-,1 3 -' . "The country home of Mrs. Mys ta Hendricks was. the seen of a charming affair .when Mrs. Hen dricks and' Mrs. Lloyd Mltehell were Joint hostesses at a miscel laneous shower,; -complimenting Miss ;' Bertha : Jorgenson, "bride elect of Erert" Roemhildt; s Games -were the dirersion of the erening. At 5 a. lata . snpper hour the hostesses were assisted by . Mrs. Austin Low and ".Mrs. Elbert Bradford. ' A t Those present, were -Miss Jor enson, shonor guest; . Mrs. A, , G." Adolphs, Mrs. N. ,T. Jorgenson, Mrs, E. T; Wells, Mrs. J. E. Scott, Mrs. O. E.' Harelwood,'; Mrs. "Wal ter Blumenberg,- Mrs, Glen Fish er, 'Mrs.. Joe Pearson, Mrs. Ray mond Crosby, Mrs.. Lester. Raines Mrs. " Selmer ' Dahl. Mrs. ' Elbert Bradford, Mrs. Austin Lowe, Misses Esther Hansen, '. " Irene Roemhildt,; Hazel Hansen, Lydia Grant, Margie Hartwlg, : Agnes Hansen. r Out of -town - guests were, t Mrs; Oscar Lindquist, - Dal las; Mrs. Walter Myers, Mrs. Rus sell Buckels,. Mrs. -Al Nottingham, Portland; and the hostesses, Mrs, Lloyd Mitchell and Mrs.-i Mysta Hendricks. ,, .. ' ; - , -;c - v..' ';. v: ;;' ".X Rickey SunsKirie Oub ' Hats Meet i .The Rkkey Sunshine club' met at the home of Mrs F.. Smith last weekend. ;v Luncheon ; was .'serred after a contest In which Mrs.' F. Fulton and Mrs. Fred Miner were winners. '.xx'X' i "t X ', 1 Present were Mrs; Floyd Beard, Mrs. Flora Both. Mrs.JW. F. Car others; Mrs.'. C. D. Courtnier, Mrs; J. C : Courtnier, ' ; .Mrs. Alice Crooks, Mrs. F. Fnlton, Mrs. Wil liam Kahle, rs. C. McNeil, Mrs. Fred Miner," MrV'R.f Shaw, Mrs. N. 1 Swain, Hrs. H. Taylor, Miss Mary Titterlngton and the host ess, MrsT. Smith;-1 '" ,--' Starting liine iiri'fe, U r-i--'::-;;v.. -i- --"- ) i .- The- annual membership drire of Marlon auxiliary, :; V. F. W.i will start Wednesday night with a potluek: dlnner.f or. bpth tho. post and auiiljary sUirting at; :20 ;oV clock ; in the Veterans rodnl' at the .armory; p: M . Mrs.-.Rnssell. Mudd Is chairman 6f the hostess committee assisted byMrsy-- Joe McKinney and Mrs. PhU . Shobar. Mrs. Frank Nles wander and -Mrs. Horace- Baker are team captains , for the mem bership, contest;; V'--'-" : All members : from ' 'the 'Jeglsla trrre-.and those ellglblo to mem bership are inrited . to attend, the dinner. ;,?' .- -: ' The "Aid soeietyot rthe First Presbyterian' ehnrch will "meet at the church, Wednesday: afternoon at 2: 3 0 o'clock. Hostesses are Mrs. Max Buren, Mrs.': Glenn Adams, Mrs. S. H. Boardman, Mrs. Reed Chambers, Mrsv Henry Millie and Mrs. B; F. Schmoker. : - Tlr.-- x f -;'wj xx r Tbe 'pr L,"E. -and- F. -clab of Pythian' Sisters will start a new series of 600 parties, at the K. P. hall on Commercial street this af ternoon at t o'clock. 1 - ' - - ' - ; A HOW 'MUCH : D ID - ... . . . . ,..,t . 1 " YOU SAVE i 1934?. t-vi The balance in your Ravingrs account: today ahould T ; j - show a;prof!t on :your .work J. ox '-the past yeitiv; i I Perhaps yp-J have made unusual, purchases, I i ; 'bought a horn? or a businessf or' invested heavily '4 -: 1 in insurance - which "-took 'all your surplus-' cash.'. j .. j. 4 But even aside from such" Investments ; as. theseV j i f t Rveryv. person owes itt tohimself --or-herself, if. I i r possible; to hive some cash Jeft at' the. end i of '- that year's Jwork. Xr?'-Vi;JK:Ct:-.t ..-; j j. . - ;-.If you tie ot,aiistied-withVhat " accomplished; financially during -the -past '' twelte"'j i. fi?. :months;-why not resolve now to Bave'som'part I '' of every paycheck during 1935 and -deposit -this i J V, L in a savings; account where you'rill be' earning ? i; interest? j :; -i o?m a satoigs uccomrriFOiV 1935 1 -of ror.TLanD Mrs'Simbhds'lnvit OflicersltpTca; A delightful affair Wednesday afternoon will be the , Informal tea giren by Mrs. JR. Simonds at tho parsonage for the new ex ecutive committee of tho Worn an's Union of the First Congrega-Uoaai-chureh.c ;' , v '- The'new officers are Mrs. Elis-' abeth ' Waters, . president; . Miss Mary - Fake, first-rice-president; Mrs.- D, D. Dotson second rice president; Miss . Constance Kant ner,. recording secretary: Mrs. W; E. -Wilson, corresponding secre tary; ; Miss Oda ' Chapman, trea. urer, . and .'commute t- chairmen; Mrs. W. D. Clarke, Mrs. F. E. Neer, Mrs. Mabel Lockwood, Mrs. Daniel Fry, Misa Eula ; : McCully, Mrs. L. H. McMahan and Mrs," J. F. Hum phreys. ; -. -. t f , - At the last ' meeting of the un Ion it was roted . to change - the meeting " day front the ' first and third . Wednesdays -to . the second and fourth,. Wednesdays of the month.1 Plans war also announc ed for an -attendance contest' to be. held from the first of Febru ary until Easter. . t s Postal Clerks Feted' With Dinner --d - -- j.r - Friday night the auxiliary of tho Postal! Clerks "association 'en tertained their husbands with a dinner and 'social erening at the E.B.'; Daugherty home. . ; The. ta ble was bright, with a fruit cen terpiece and : Tari-colored candles. " A "CTnlslng" fame was played and music' occupied the erening. ; Those in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. A." J; Wright Mr." and Mrs; W.- C. Careader. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd 5 Drorbaugh, Mr. and Mrs. . Reece Jones, Mr, - and. Mrs. Arthur Glbbard;Mr. and Mrs. William Ross Mr., and i Mrs. El bert Powell, Mr and Mrs." Charles Eyre, " Mr. and Mrs,- Henry .Craw ford, .Mr. and Mrs. Claude H. Glenn,- Mr. and. Mrs. Faye Collins, Mr. . and Mrs. r TJ. S. Rider, , Mr. and Mrs. J. F.'McKinley, Mr. and Mrs.-Gordon Thompson and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. E. B.i Daugh erty. - ' Program Given for -Reception, ; '.;.;.,"- Many, friends called Sunday af? ternoon . in . the parlors - ol the First ; Presbyterian . church. ; to congratulate Mrs. Martha Thomp son on her 02nd birthday :anni rersary. The honor guest recelred sereral, gifts and lorelybouauets of flowers." . . ... t,' , , , ' v - Dr. H. C Epley sing',", accom panied by. Miss Ruth Bedford and Mrs. . Gordon : McGIlchrlst - sang, accompanied -by. Frank. Churchill. A-male- quartet made up of E. A. Kenney, J. P. Bates,. Ralph Scott and N. U.- Finkbiner appeared In sereral rocal groups. : fi ., . Stayton and Turner were-' the meeting points. In the county yes terday for .dairymen 'who attend ed meetings sponsored 'and con ducted by-; Harry "I Riches; coun ty agent," in the' war agaiast the Bang's disease or abortion ' in cat tle. -. r,-- ;". - ! " Dr. ' Simma - of Oregon: State college -was the. principal- speaker and, discussed - infectious abortion and agreements pertinent Ho" the program. . - ; . -, T.. , : I : f Both meetings were . well at tended, "with, a 7 interested- dairy men Irom the Stayton district at tending and f 4 1 at Tnrnerr ; Bridg0Yorkers MiaivenPayEoosi, 'X Increasing. the .pay .of , 23 state workers on the coast bridges; by an arerago of $ 3 0 a m ontb, . was authorized : Monday, by, the; state board of i control '.' In . order ' to meet .terms of the PWA-State of Oregon contract for the bridge loan and - grant. v J. M. Deyers, counsel'- for c the highway i. eom mission, . and ,R. H. .Baldock sUte - highway-; engineer,.;, said PWA'waa Insisting, on tho action under - the provisions : of ..its con tract with the state .wherein the latter; agreed pay the -PWA scale. . ! ; ", T j. ' - ' ' ff I it.-' .-ft- DURING - ' ! -v i " J t I.: i g : 0(KT NAVOHM SANK . -. ; . vCTirOr TKf JtOCJCIJ" Statesman Round Table : : ; Desires Peanut Recipes The peanut topie this week for the Round Table has been enlarg ed to take in aU jeanut recipes-r-those '.using the nuts as well as peanut butter. Good peanut brittle-recipes are welcome as are des- sert rpcipes - calling - for -peanut brittle. . ' - - -.The' contest closes at noon Thursday with cash prises amounting to f 2 to - be awarded Friday morning.'' Kreryone Is in rited to enter. -. .' Rice recipes continue: ; ' .Spanish ItU; . - ' . S enpa rav rie - , S tUcafe bacw -- . .. 1 tablape. akerUaiBg i.Maai aiea if . . t 1 elovts gariis , X a fci aaac ' - v 1 taap -. aU - ' S enpa hat vatar . B - . : . pppr M tatu - - - -x Cut. bacon fine and fry in short ening until erisp. Chop onion and garlic andadd with rice to grease. Fry until rice Is brown. .Add hot sauce,, water, salt and Pepper and eorer frying pan. - Set on back, pt.. store and - cook slowly about new hour,, stirring frequently. This, -is - jeal, CeatraV American recipe, f " a,.T, . x' " v. Mrs. -Frank. SfgneUeV- 'f . ' - -' , Route 2, )3oy JSI. y ": Rice Apriebt 'Mold : ; 1 cwTIpr gvTatim - . . i . H " p eol4 'water . J - -. : j .' t U kot'4pneot jmle ri- V"J . i . .cp ugmr ........ ' ., 1 H taupaaa ailt " 1 tablaapea ln Jalca - f.. - . . 1 any a.prieot ..-, .. - - t -t eop cook ad vie M evp crtaat or tTtporatei Bilk, " . vuppu - '- -) - ,-, i - apricot aln v. - ' : - Pour cold .water in bowl and sprinkle gelatin on top of water; Add ; sugar, salt and hot .apricot Juice drained . from canned - or Ton need the help good ris ion brings you If your eyea are not normal, an accurate ly fitted, pair of glasses can do you '- a world r of good. Don't neglect your, eyes! . wT,i r 1 i,; 4. -s Abe)ve you see our ' fnaHsaesssssm - 1 ; ' Si . - - . . tllli - I' lit iaflaaniliSSaamaMaTaMBMaWBWai -: j - t ' ' - - " ' ' tr Bl-aSSWaMa-BliBaSlSSBanaWaaSSBSSSlllSSfSi , J up-date quality of . a fashion newnreet with the practicality . 3 rS- -1' --. f )exthook. In addition to fashion . W pouiU tie bock f ' . j. - .. ; . 'v ..' .. . "-": ':- " 'j ' j " "- - i '' - ?,; iV " " .. . !. V ' Includes carefully and expertljr ktWd dothej for the matron," i r " " - ! J - .' .? . . . ' . - - ... .. -' i " -1 . . - ; J ' . - . ' .... . . i: college prls? ia&hiosua . dartnlng -hiUren's 'clothes ami ; . f ' - , 1 -t"'' -- ;- "-'-'. . '"V - ) pecial articles, both interesting and helpful. Send for it now ;. V- - ' - '-' ,-r ";-a ; . riht now! See' , f ' : . . and price t pattern stewed apricots.- - Stir, nmll gel atin la dissolred. Add lemon juice and - combine with t rice and apricots cut in small pieces. Cool and when it begins to thicken, fold in whipped cream . or - erap orated milk. Arrange : apricot halres In a mold that has bees rinsed in cold water and fill, with mixture." Chill and when- firm, nnmold and serred with whipped cream or a sauce of . the apricot syrup. Sir serrlngs.' r . Mrs. S. J. SUrr, r 'Sublimity, Ore. ' f - - - ' .:r . ( ,,-. ., ; : " .Maple Rice l tableipM gtlatla '' -" ; -. Uk'aapoaaa eoM.watw i , - .' T S cp H)a4 tie .-. " ; H atirra asapl nrw-. . . , " .UIP1 j . V ; . , 4 1 act whita ,s - Soften the gelatin in cold. wa-: ANNUAL STORE-T.HDE ... . -. . . ii .; - . :- ... - - ' : , s- . v . JJmM : " r AT MILLER'S NOW! 1 - Substantial ' savings on , gtfod quality. . merchan- y -.disr are -within your ;. v graspV Come to' : Miller's --" anytime ' this week and look over our- STORE- , rWIDE CLEARANCE . ".ITEJIS! 1'.. ; -i - ' Toult find dressy coats at a special feature price i', . l v A Lingerie and foundation garments v 1 of well known quality ? - Q -: . 4 ' priced as low as . . . . .l DvC . ; i i And sllka youll wantf for Spring . are on sale now at a big aarlng. Per yird .. UJt - -" i . . . 'Enna Jettlck and Red : Cross, toot- wear in discontinued .".tijO QC Unes, priced as low as $fVD New Spring rayon crepes.c usually , " priced up to 6c yard. .A nrt' tblg sale here at, per yard . awlC Men's suits tor all purpose dressy or business wear are 7 C priced low In this sale v Del ) Vi ...... .... ... ., i... r.t - Women's tuck - stitch ' undies' fn rests and tights." Rayon tK.Cl' -.'fine qualities, each i. DC - - ' -' j -.'1 .' , : - Now la the time to buy costume jewelry. Clasps, pins, ear- Q MILLERfS ; The JSpringBobk lof . V " Spring Pattern Book. -It combines the pattern feature for sen din instructions boolu I - . A.1 'S. - MXIMDSm ABa ter and dissolra by placiar, orefs " hot water.; Combine the gelatin- f v with the rice and sugar. - Wflea 9 1 the mixture begins to thicken, adi the pineapple and beaten e. white. Turn Into molds and ierr with maple sauce to which L cup chopped walnuts has been added. Mrs.'-Clyde Riley, - 2085 Maple Are. : Easy Ricci Pudding ' IH quit wada-uk - "A cup lira . - . - brow ngt piwa-at lt and 4aali ( otf Put in - iicnts into a. butter4 pudding paa. Eake in orea 2 3 hours and stir - quite often. Makes t sesvirs . Mrs, CarriftIochspeJer, " Ront-l,.JeXf arson. .." A sUrer tea wUl be glren in tha social rooms t the-JCnignt Mern orial ehnrch Wednesday afternoon from 2:8-to o'clock. The committee in charge. Includes Miss Grace Robertson, - Miss . Alic Riggs, Miss - Ambrja Ipscn a4. Mrs. J. N Robertson. - r 1 -fl ! c r , I- fW f. 1 v T ' ... ' i.. t s i-a- - fiT H P' H P P r r v - V j .1 .y 1 5 4 - 4'wat---''iW'' ; 4- .