TOM GOUrJTY TAX ROLL CUT S Milages In Most Divisions Higher Due to Reduced Assessment Roll - " c i A redaction In Marlon county's total tax roll for 1915 of 930,858 ever th total collected In 1934 tm reported yesterday by Oscar A. Steel hammer, county assessor, la announcing the completion of the new roll. While the extensions are finished the new roll will not - be turned orer to the sheriff's of fice for collection until January 18. due to the fact that the latter 's office Is making extensive altera tions In handling tax collections and will not be ready to receive the 1935 payments for a week. - While the total taxes to be col lected are slightly less than a year ago, the millage In most tax levy ing districts will! be up bit from 1934 due to the redaction in as sessed valuation. - Salem's millage wil lbe .0513 in 1935 compared to .0480 for the last year. The levy of the city alone will be .0208 as compared to .0198 In 1934. While the tax to be raised in the city this year Is down $7000 from 1934, decreaa- - ed assessment has towered the base and caused a millage gain. The levy In mills for each city In the county, exclusive of county and state taxes raised therein, fol lows, together with the total city tax to be raised: Aumsville .02911 1,149.49 Aurora 0Q5Ty 645.29 Donald ...... .01SL5 698.92 Gervals .014T 1,805.73 Hubbard .... .0155 2,454.85 Jefferson ... .0158 - 2,741.01 lit. Angel.... .0104 3,982.45 Salem....... .0208 330,490.81 Bcotts Mills . .' .0104 487.95 Bilverton .014 17,467.46 Stayton ..... .0116 3,997.50 fit. Paul..... .00:85- 350.33 Sublimity.... .0098 665.46 Turner ...... .005 633.19 W. Woodburn Woodburn ... 0139 10,797.15 -Total ..... 1378,167.59 The total tsx mlllages to be raised In each city. Including the tax of the municipality, the school district, the county, and the state, are as follows: Aumsville .0552 ' Aurora 0357 Donald .0346 Gervals 0384 Hubbard .0449 Jefferson .. .0443 Mt. Angel 0320 Salem.......... .0513 Ecotts Mills 0482 Bilverton 0535 Etayton .0456 St. Paul , 0299 Sublimity 0314 Turner .0372 West Woodburn'... 0216 Woodburn .0503 The summary of the assessment roll released by Mr. Eteelhammer, follows: . Value of all lands . ..$17,664,110 Improvement on lands $,422,070 Talue of town and city lots 5,005,420 . Improvements on town and city lots 7,870,910 Value of personal pro- . perty .. 3,407,170 Total assessed by as- . sessor , $37,269,680 Value assessed by state commission ... 6,603,590 Total assessment roll. $43,873,270 Veterans' exempt Ion not Included in total 195,630 IE i t Compulsory reduction of i Inter est rates on loans made by the state land board from the pre vailing five to six per. cent rate to rates not exceeding four per-r cent per year and not less than three per cent, is provided for In H. B. 64 Introduced yesterday morning by Representatives Hockett and Bull. i; The bill would restrict the land board from Investing any ir reducible school funds In bonds unless such funds cannot be loaned on real estate security." It also provides that repayments on the loans would be limited to six per cent of the total loan each year. Of this six per cent, the first portion would go to pay In terest, and the balance, Increasing annually, would go to retire the principal of the loan.' Seven bills were Introduced' in the house Sat urday Including one to ' provide for the election of circuit Judges in the second federal district, one to require market value of secur ities pledged for county deposits to equal the deposits, one permit ting Judicial officers to conclude OREGON Bit n snows ems . The Oregon Mutual , Fire In ' eurance company reported a gain ef 23 per cent In assets during the past year, H. I. Standley and J. D. Foley, local agents. 'reported yesterday after attend ing the annual meeting, this past Week at McMlnnvllle. Resources ef the company now total $918,- 160 with "surplus $366,692,' gain of $91,563 In the past year. The Increase In business was 20 fer cent above that Of the best year experienced by the company. L. M. Waugaman. secretary, of . the i company, pointed out that there- are $250,000 " In govern ment bonds and cash Held by the company and a half-million dol lars additional in high; grade mu nicipal bondd. - .W. C Hagerty, who has served the company as secretary . and president for the' last 80 years, and Bert E. Haney, j prominent Portland attorney, were reelected directors of the company. Mr. - Hagerty received many congra tulations from members for his service to the company the last 80 years. William Walton, direc . tor from this city, attended the meeting. , - Tax Roll Summary for Collections in 1935 State . County .J County School and Library . County Road Total State and County High School Tuition Fund Union High School No. 1 A Union High School No. ft . Special Schools Special Cities Miller Drainage Dist. No. 1 Woodbura-Hubbard Drainage Diet. Forest Fatrol Reforestation ' Total Tax Roll - Levy .0004 .0050 .0043 .0027 .0087 Tax S236,915.63 245,000.81 - 184,267.78 75,557 JH7 8742,4314 67,710.67 8,022.08 . 4,720.48 8S0.847.18 878,167.59 - 196.20 - . 218.90 -2,487.14 . 1,297.75 81,50,504.03 Alteration! of Land Board Policies Ijroposed in One Of Seven New House Bills bacco or paper designed : fbr the roll your own" smokes was ad vanced byRepresen t a 1 1 v e Hughes, Washington county, as partial solution of the states need for more revenue.-? Representative Harrison of Linn county, also speaking in a meeting of the assessment and taxation committee, suggested removing the tax exemption on household goods, now set at $500. Harrison said the hospitals and sanitariums should not be exempt from taxation because . he ; had found from experience that they are not charitable Institutions, by any means. i administration of estates after their anDointment or election to' office, one allowing the Multno- man. county auditor to issue a lump-sum warrant covering all claims. In order to secure funds from banks. In H. B. 63 the word "Indus- j trial" is stricken from the pres ent criminal syndicalism law and acts of violence to which the law la directed are limited to those utilised as a means of "accom plishing a political -change or revolution." YOUR EYES We do not make it our business to sell glasses, but rather to render a professional mnd skilled optical service. May we advise you in the care of your eyes. TKompson-Glutsch Optometrists - 888 State St. f S HELPFUL H NTS FOR HEALTHFUL LIVING ' i II. Asleep or at play the welfare of your child Is always j a matter of concern. Consult your physician at the first complaint often more ser- ' ions fllnese may be avoided. , Bring your prescription to us. Our prescription service Is the best service we render. Thrifty Buyers Save Here Every Day! Lathing, Plaster Work Will Start Soon, Old House Upon . return of good weather, lathing and plaster work on the renovised house here will get un der way, the Marlon - County housing - committee announced yesterday. Clapboards, already on band and given a priming coat of paint, will be placed on the ex terior of the structure. As soon as the plaster Is dry, finishing work will start. . , Hardwood floors are to be in stalled throughout the renovised structure. Two spare rooms In the attic, however, will - not be finished."' - . Taxes onJSm okes y Household. Goods, Hospitals Urged A tax of two. cents a package on cigarettes and a tax on to1 rfSSBHsBBSBBBBSSSBsWSBSSBBBBBBBBCT ICresa C r M -k - nr I U so. on: eSrtliWasJi SMAV1N6 CREAM lrf Tab ItsHsa Ct&a m, t Bvasnssr s irsmiis) -V Csrbasel Sfcavtog JSQUIBQ'S :'mSSSLHL 5 PALr.:0UVE 13 r.:iLK MAGMESIA i - I POiVDEItPUFF - - E JADi SALTS SSHSe - - ALKOTID LOTION tT - K ASPIRIN TACLETS too - p 60c Alkaseltzer . , .49c C fl5 Pinkham's Compound . .81.00 82 Reducolds' . .f 1.89 50c Yeast Foam ' Tablets ... ....84c S f 1JJ6 Petrolagar .84c U 81J25 PetroL Syllium ....... 79e H 81.25 Creomulsion 84c P 50c Exlax . . . . . . ,89c S 50e Balm Bengay .84c I 850 Tick YapoRub 24c 16 os.! Seventeen Cold Cream -. . .79c 65c Fitch Shampoo 44c 50c Palmollve i Shampoo . . . .84c I fl.00 Coty Face -Powder .......69c i 50c Blary Lake . Lavender Liotlon 89e 16 oa. Bay Rum. . .29c 16 os. Witch Haael 19c ' 50c Jnnls Cream . .83c 59c 31c 6c 40c 29c 39c d 75c Vkk's 60s Perfection .Cleansing';! Tissaes 500 sheet pkg. 33c 50c Pepeodent ' , Tooth Paste . ..81c f l.OO Fever Thermometer . .59c Ultra Modern Electric : Broad Toaster, -Mica Element 8129 81.50 40-Hour GUbert . Alarm dock . . .98c 50c prophylactic ' Tooth Brush .. .89c - ; Tooth Brush . . 89c 50c Tek ' " 86 Sparklet Bottle .84 Heavy Duty FLAT IRON $1.39 6 lb. Tk tr boa m thta 16 os. Rubbing Alcohol '9c 16 ox. ' OUve Oil 39c 29c 2,57.1 U-m Salt whk at- ' : troethr bttcfca . 405 State J, II. WILLETT PRICES SPEAK-! IB5Ibip5) nd Boys Clothings LOUDER THAN WORDS at ifiii' Sale of Men's a Hats, Shoes and Furnishings The Following Conversation "Jast think of it my dear, a suit aid over coat both for the price of one. It certainly is the greatest clothing value I have ever seen. No wonder all the boys are step, out in brand new outfits.". m the Corner of Liberty and State Street; 'I'm so glad you bought that new outfit, it's so smart and up to the minute in style. You know you would have had to get along with th nld nuprmerf if it hadn't hrn for Bishop's sensational two for xone sale. Silk and Lisle Hose for Men 25c and 35c Value for Heavy Part Wool Hose for M i-k TV,'.- Vs ' "til-Y ' 6 pre. for $1 v.; A? Men's Blue Chambray Work Shirts Specially Priced 39c- (Limits) Men's AU Wool Knit Union Suits formerly Sold from 85 to 86J $395 Pure Linen Handkerchiefs 25e Values 10c ea. Limit 1 Dosea Closing Out "One Lot Men's Ties 85c Values vvernenrarc S2 V and Uo J.-r'Oy' (is Mi - ,--:-rjvi jr . js jp 'usi raia r'iofl l. Pendleton AH Woof 4 -4' i i FLANNEL SHIRTS hi::1 iimfcasl y i 4 7 . " 4 I v St "1 T.'. -1: V ; Dtfore UelAn Compelle d J . , "-f--i,?. Uring;' A rxiena anc. ynar HdiafriMw A Mux MU! 1 flterVasd J:i knr pi assuring' you of :tfie cteate t totMdVaisies we ..VSr1. t Acluded, x public I ndleton All Wool tlPPER LAZER 84.05 Values $T)95 i r Buy two fcr the of dr. . OH DlU8V 0&J ; v 01 . ...... .. u Orercoats at Greatly I GAnriEir jsscapcs'Xx: . : io f:r tha rtice ' !C: Vta!l and :ici:-clasiie:1 . 'i . - j . ilf - Juit ArrivedllRPC Spic and Spr. ieV' AmcForthir 7 " ,ton 19c m'i An Wool Coat Sweaters Formerly Priced to f 6.50 One Lot of MEN'S SHIRTS - Formerly Priced to 91.65 ; 79c Interworen Wool and Silk and AD Wool Hose for Men Formerly Priced to 75e friy soidV :tJMm I i i - -v iii.f ,1 i !1 :Vriy:r " , Ihls la an extraordinai and Overcoats, Some wit I to 18. And they all go ' CLOSING OUT ALL Bdstonians Formerly Up to $10 Tan and Black Oxfords v. L; - ' ne . a, 1 -n X1.. tx i V i -v. 4 1 by : Mix r feat ?h Sale Price J 1 Sulfa $10.95 one group of Boys1 with knickers. Sizes xi of ron Ne lot of friendly n X FORTUNE JLU1 imerly Sold to $5 Tan' and Black Oxfords Can't Bust 'Em Bib Overalls Speclally'Frlced at 19 $1 One Lot Wool UNION SUITS Formerly Sold to $4.50 $ $11 95 J Leather Jackets at Slashed Prices - One Lot Zipper sad Bvttoa Style Suede Jacket Formerly Sold to 68.56 95 CLOTHING AND WOOLEN MILLS STOllE v 136 N. OOaOIERClAL ST. IN SALEM Closing Out One Lot of Stetson Hats ' 6.50 to $8.50 Values $085 1 Lot of Men's Worsted Semi-Dress ' Pants Values to 82.05, Sperlally Priced $1195 , Men's Novelty Shirts and Shorts ; Formerly Sold te T5c 39c