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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1935)
PAGE SIX ThY OREGON STATESMAN, Salca. Oregon, Satnrday Mornlri. Jancar? IS, 19S5 d Mmh sei.Oiiers (Bumom. an eamaics i 1& WUJQUP THRILL AFFORDED FANS 'Second Team' Again Saves .' Bacon; Score Tied Six Times, Last Half la whirlwind finish that kept packed house roaring:, a Wil lamette second string, basketball lulntet last night defeated a ga laxy of Union Oil ex-collegiate start to turn In the second victory out of nine Btarta. 29 to 26. v - A glum and silent varsity sat on the bench during the major portion of the contest and watch ed the "supers", headed by soph omore Harry Moshejr and big. lum bering Jack Connors, deal out a victory. ' With two and one-half minutes to go, and the Oilers leading 26 to 21, Connors battered his way clear to the basket and tied the score with a one arm shot. A mo ment later, he scooped in a wild pass and sank another counter, bringing the score to 28-26, and with 10 seconds to go. Griffiths, forward, clinched the game with a free throw. For the remaining 20 seconds, the Bearcats held the ball, and at the gun were work ing toward the basket for another try. : The first half opened badly for the varsity, and the Oilers ran up a lead of 6-2 at one time. The starting lineup failed to follow the ball to the - complete satisfac tion of Spec Keene, and retired In favor of the victorious second string.. At the end of the first half, a quick shot by Grenier, Oiler cen ter, had put the Independents in the lead 14-13. ' r The last period opened with a rush and a marvelous display -of . crack shooting 'from any angle displayed by Moaner. . The score was' tied six times during the lat ter part of the game, and. at other times alternated on a one point lead. - Swift playing, reckless charg : tng, and a total of 23 fouls call ed marked the encounter. - Fans were kept constantly on - their feet by the pace of the battle. - Mosher took high scoring hon ors of the combat trith 12 points, topping the record of Grenier, Oiler center, by three. . Connors followed with Bemn points. " The free-throw tossing of ' Mosher was perhaps the deciding factor of the game. He count ed up to C out of eight throws, and the entire squad turned in a record of eight out of 15, bet" . tering by one the proportional re cord of the . Oilers, who rang up four out of eight. - Summary: VnJon Ofl 26) FG FT PF Thomas, F 10 1 Ionian, , F .... 110 Robertson, F 2 0 4 Bailey, F 0 0 3 Grenier, C 4 1 2 Cairn ey, G .. 2 .- 2 4 Grayson, G '. 10 0 Hibbard Bangs Out Victory Over Raider in Hard Scrap At Armory; Starr Wins Too .Stocky Jack Hibbard, Klamath Falls middleweight, plugged his way through ten rounds of terri fic scrapping to win. the nod over "Red" Raider, Tacoma ace 1 last night In the Veterans of Foreign Wars' show at the armory. A smashing" left that u landed time after time square in .the Ta coma battler's mid-section ; was the weapon that did most of the damage. Hibbard forced the fight most of the way with Raider coun tering effectively with i sweeping head and body blows. The Klam ath mauler got the best of It In the in-fighting with Raider's reach turning the advantage to him at long range. The semi-windup saw Cherokee Starr, lithe scrapper from the Sherman Indian school, slash his way to a technical knockout over young ' Jack Fields, Klamath Falls. The. fight was stopped aft er a minute of work in the sixth. Fields went down for a 9 count In the third and again for a 7 count in the sixth before the re feree stopped It. Fields was sub- High Hoopers Play Tonight At Silverton .Salem high's basketball team will play its first out of town game tonight when it meeU the Silverton high quint in the Eugene Field i gymnasium there at 9 o'clock. The "B" teams of the two schools will meet in a preliminary game' at 8 o'clock. ! . With both teams rather Inex perienced they are expected to be evenly matched. Silverton will rely on the shooting of Specht and Jen sea to garner points, while Hunt ington's team is expected to play a fast breaking game in an at tempt to shake Salstrom. high scoring forward, into shooting po sition. . i Silverton lost to the strong Dal las high quint this week, while Salem, using mostly an experi mental lineup, was taken Into camp by the Oregon State rooks. "Holly" Huntington is continu ing his efforts to develop a speedy, sharp h shooting team. ' Tonight's game ; may give the Salem ; team an opportunity to show the results of this week's strenuous practice. Totals 11 Willamette (20) Mosher, F Manning, F -.... Griff its, F Beard, F. Petteys, C . Connors, C Harrey, G Versteeg, G - 3 1 0 1 1 3 1 0 6 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 14 Totals" .10 ,: Referee, Cecil Manning. Cross-Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFKU l 12 13 14 YAb 6 7 7 8 1 loi I" 5 . 16 777 17 tQ - I rmV&TTT II!LZ!lil"II 24 25 27 7ff. 2Q V 20 M & -L . 34"" 35 - 36 ""37 rf' H -Z"W z ZZZZWZZZ- HORIZONTAL 1 1 sportively ! mischiev- -yous ; S partaks of .- ' the evening: .. meal -.i, t only this - and nothing . -more - -, : 124-hare cour ' - ' age for '"" ; 13 lor the : u -. affirmative 14 -tructure i for baking 1 it-inability to read ' 17 rely upon 19 fusible - substance - 2D sells i -tl certaia days lathe -, Roman - calendar. , 3 relish v 24 pale' " , -25 inert -;v - gwwous ;, elcnxnt 28--lnnunoni -' - hearc'Jy n IMJ" !1-Jw'. .'. 33 weisht ; S3 note of the. -- ' scale - - . said " of wines- Zi Jool; Rullea S8 kind of - S9 so be it 41 only I 43 land t .- measures . 45 drunkard 48-payment 8- '-.back 50 one of tbA : ? tribe ef " Levi 51 object of. - - worship 82 sorrow . 54 town on the ' Aegean, , I IS caverns 1 6 period of -; time 17 tear VERTICAL 1 the first -: man 2 adrenti- -tious sound . made in breathing: ft one having ; , inherited . idiocy 4 group of six 5 mineral " spring C--birthplace . of Abra ham 7 dry seed vessel . ..' T'- Herewith la the solution to yes terday's puzzle, . 8 acts' dull and spirit-' less 9 occurrences 10 tear asunder 11 concludes 16-loIly 18 level 22 threads - - introduced beneath - the skm - 23 encircling . , bands 24 existed 25 consumed ' 27 for the .present 29 member ef a certain . Indian tribe 30 pinch t 85 constituent ef eoal -' for fear - ; thaf. - - 37 fixed or . .customary. , course 38 cpmplain -; 40 repasts .-. 43 sweetheart 43-nIry - 4C English . . 1 -" public "-' -' school - a 47 remairider . . ' 49 female -jl ; sheep , , . 60-rocadow , W correlative t either btituting for Buddy Ambrose who was slated for the bout but re fused to appear.' Tony Camden, young Myrtle Pointer, and Rollle Westerman, Portland, put on the night's fast est exhibition when they battled to a four round draw. The pair were favorites with the crowd. Camden led In aggressiveness most of the way.' In another four round prelim inary Ross Dumagillas, - Filipino, took the decision over Mustola, the fighting Finn. In the opener Wilcox of! Dallas, Texas, won on technical knockout over Stewart Wyne of Portland. The referee stopped the Dolan- Hoffman bout In the first round when the Scio lad sat down and took off his gloves in the ring Fight followers at the match de clared that one was one for Rip ley a new one for ring history Silverton Plays Salem Saturday SILVERTON, Jan. 18. The Silverton i basketball team will meet Salem on the local floor Sat urday night, the first game sched uled to start at 8 o'clock. The main game will start at 9 o'clock In order to give the business men an opportunity to see the game BEAVERS LOSE Score 30-25 After Second Half Tussle; Webfeet 'Nose Out Vandals TO HUSKY Fl i SEATTLE. Jan. 18. -UP) -The University of Washington Huskies odtbattled the Oregon State jieav- ers in a torrid second half tonight and handed the visitors their first defeat in four northern division conference games this season, winning 30 to 25. Bobby .'Goose" Galer, wasn- Injgton'a captain, who set a ; new northern division scoring record last year, was the big gun in the HuskieV attack, with 12 points. Held well in check by Wilbur Kid dr, Oregon State guard, Galer was able to sink only two baskets. but he dropped ' in eight of nine tree tries. Cliff Tolen led Oregon State with seven points. The first half was a close-guard lug, hard-fought battle, with neither team able to shake men loose for scoring shots. The Hus kies, however, went out to an 11 te 3 and then a 14 to 8 lead at the half. With both teams fighting hard In the second half, Oregon State crept up to within two points, 19 17; and later to the short end of 3-20. MOSCOW. Idaho, Jan. ItUjPh' The University of Oregon basket ball team was forced to the ut most to defeat the University! of Idaho 29 to 87 here tonight,! when Idaho went Into the lead, 23 ' to 22, with alx minutes to play. - Oregon finished the first nan In the lead 17 to 11 and Increas ed the edge to 22 to .11 before Idaho could score In the i Second half. . - - r : A free throw by Wally Geraeh- ty, Idaho guard, was the signal for the Vandals to drive ahead. -f With Idaho having the lead,' 23 to 22, W. Jones and B. Jones re gained It for Oregon. Then the Vandals, Warner and Iverson tied It at 27, but Budd Jones, Oregon guard, tipped one In for the win ning score with but a second to 80. Grocers Defeat ) Stayton Cagers In Tight Battle The Pay'n Takit hoopsters of Salem nosed out a 33 to 32 vic tory over the Stayton Athletic club quintet at Stayton Friday night. "Hap" Ware of Stayton led both teams In scoring, closely followed by McGee of the grocers. f Stayton (82) (S3) Pay'n Takit Ware 16 ...F 12 McGee Thomall F. 3 Allison Robertson 2 C 4 Leonard Smith 1 G 8 Griggs Darby 2 G 8 Herman Too Late to Classify Warm' sleeping room, eloae In. . Tel. !2S. Caustic c Faithful reserves get, bi hand; Spec given blanket; . Eddie Frantz thinking of be- d f r I C S O si coming . Hindu mystic. . By CAUSTIC The big shots on the Willamette football team came In for their rounds of applause Friday morn ing when "Spec" presented them with their sweater awards. The faithful student body cheered but did not stand up and cheer until Spec asked It to. But It was not to a big shot that the greatest, long est, loudest applause went. It was to Bin Tull and Seymour Feath ers, football players of whom most readers of sports pages never heard. For four years each of them falthf ully . donned their nnlforms for every practice. In four years their total playing time was not over 15 minutes, each, but neith er of them ever missed a practice. They both deserved the sweaters they were given. . Spec Keene was surprised when - his 1034 football team presented him with a HW" blan ket bearing nine stars, one for each year of his service at Wil lamette. Mike Balkovic said that after the team made Spec bay dinners, and for coats for Mar ie by winning games, tbey thought they owed hfn some return. The Breakfast club has decided to suspend activities until March, when It will begin to boost tffe state basketball tournament. The organization, formed this last fall. has done admirable work In sup porting Willamette and Salem high athletic activities and has presented lively meetings since Its organization. - - Eddie Frants Is thinking of becoming a great Hindu mystic when he graduates, A few weeks ago Eddie borrowed a fraternity brother's overcoat and lost It. The other night Eddie had a dream in which complete , in tractions on how to recover the overcoat were given. Eddie fol lowed the Interactions, found the overcoat much to the grati fication of fraternity brother. Gaels Win Oyer Turner Townies By Wide Margin The Willamette Gaels defeated the Turner town basketball team 35 to 19, on the Tamer floor Fri day night. Summary: Gaels (S3) Morris Inskeep 18 Birch 16 Cadle 1 StoneS Carpenter . -F, -C-G. G. S (10) Tamer . 8 Bear 8 Hawk 8 Harrison Denyer 8 Given Sentry MORRISON TO COACH NASHVILLE. Tenn.. Jan. 18-(ff)-Ray Morrison, Southern Me thodist university gridiron men tor, today accepted' an offer' to become head football coach at Vanderbllt university, his alma mater,' where he was an athletic star. - i 8-20. E8?5" ,V"T when it will begin to boost the 1 V - . . . .. .. POLLY AND HER PALS pa Calls for "Chops- By CLIFF STERRETX HOW V'LIKE MY IDEA OF V IHERES A FORrCUSK. ISAKES AiJVEUNK. tPtitlltl I s '?y'"trtr Ls&L SERVING A SNACK Jfe POLIOS U.ER!4iDLv5 WHAT SORT OF EATS UKE A SAT? I SAT ON THfSS V 7RSXN SNOW,? rd: WITH FOOD --femSa ' wVTWIMK WE'RE V .IK1.S IRON HlTCHtN'-POST IN ' i I VySlSTER?t VAgE ( . OTn (or A BLOW TORCH. J r-L "C IN EATS, J FROZE FAST MICKEY MOUSE When Good Fellers Get Together CKEY uearns that TIMOTHV HOEBUCKUE IS ABOUT TO LOSE HIS HOUSE THROUGH FORECLOSURE. THE ONLY HOPE IS that mi; Dosrowie WILL. WIN THE I.OOO sweepstakes! ft VHY SURE, mickey! I OONT THINK HE'D EVER WIN A RACE, BUT HE COULD LEARN TRAOK MANNERS AMD RUN WELL ENOUGH I 1 . 1 11 1 1 " 11 111 1 VJt.i I " " i j Y X BARRING ACCIDENTS. HB ?J . . I I hrtxi'RE cerTniY Y Vilu win! I've clocked hisI X v know, X A r well-N iki A fcort-r- X TRIALS AND THERE ISN'T A -Jl I I mo cuft,.lrwi I VprC PI sV IM6 KACEf-. v.-. I HOOfiE LAUGH FROM Ml-VJN. I Ine Anrtnl m kiMiMCA-re A 7gZ sJ EV RYBOOY AND X VFV5$ ' ENOUGH SOS HlMSELF.' " , I -V - V I WAS VV0NDERlN-.Vyiye PEOPLE As! &g?3 By WALT DISNEY W SHAKE, A MT, Ml pardner! I . s ) v THIMBLE THEATRE Starring Popeye Now Showing"Girl Shy By SEGAR POVtlC,.THT FEV.LOUJ CLAIMS HE, ORfNK. PROM TKE POOL OF VOUTH ArAO THfiT HE'S TlOO HUNDRED VEARS OLOBUTSAYS HE FEELS LIKE ft BOV OP A "AfSVVLAilOK, UVOOLL NEVER FIND mt POOL OF YOOTH TILL YOU FIND THE SEHrVrXG'S SISTER I 1 III. i I I LOTLE ANNIE ROONEY (the sefvrt&e'S) il f r fic upcn TrDiPi Mtoirrl THE SEPtWab SXSTER.BOT T5PAL-THE THINGS I tF&n S. v iLitk HOkREEBLE BEUEVEM SHE'S THE KEEPEk OF THE POOL. OF- VOOTHSHE S XuORSE THAU SfS KJNNOTH0RT (YA IF VA KEEPS YCR OOTHSVJTSO'! HER EAL SPlRlKS ,KIN NOT CRWUJL lNECK T7UVA IF VA KEEPS YCR. Cj!f7v v-VPJ Vsztt ovjthsvjt so sr&M A rr QYCjX HER. EAL SPlRlKS jS- VM. M The Southborough "Gazette By DARREL McCLURE rncrcv wo OW -1DWVJV39- ANU JL. KNOW Ditli a ft irt rvn m mHi1. - .i.r rw r-wiv - incKbO OwV)& MeWTV FINE FAMILIES HEREABOUTS I ; '-If I s MiqWTV FINE. FAMILIES HEREABOUTS TOOTS AND CASP GEE.' TMEy MUST 86 SWCLL-THCr BIG ESTATE WHefcG rT SAVS MQARLAND OKI THC GATC- ILL BET TMEyRE GRAND you Should WAVE BEEN STONEWALL -JACKSON M9ARLANDS TIMS-J 4 7 AND AFTER. HIS WIFE DIED -ME ALMOST WENT. INSANC - EVERYTHING HE SAW C6MINDEO HIM OF HIS DEAD WIFE SO MS PACK'eo UP AND WEMT AWAY' LEFT THE . Mr VCX0 BCOTHEe,. . Mjya (u irvs. wk.w STOitKUALUS TWO 'WGLL.VwS AND NO-YOU SEC ROBECX COT MARK5EU ! .THEN HE UPAKIO CneS- and' ecrexze hc luas COLC IM HIS CjCZAVE- A Ht3 WlpOUl TURN6w T . STONEWALL'S 0iLt7RjN fl AViAV TO SHIPT FOS THEMSCLVE5 f i i v" . f t I TAKE . i v-". "1 V r. 1 K .1 1-1 da??w5:lL: A iTest of Loyaltjr By JIMMY MURPHY . 4tE, SOPHIE I'VE WFJITTENI TO MABEL " TELLING HER THAT DAKINTV I5NT EATIMt OR SLEEPING rtXAE WRrTTElsl TO HER WE'VE ALL WRITTEN TO HER BUT SHE WON'T ANSWER OUR LETTERS 1 rUESS THAT MEANS SHES TH20U&H WITH' . HIM AND DOESN'T WANT .TO DISCUSS ITS L Sdo V040SR MABEL. HASN'T - ANSWERED, BECAUSE ALL -LETTERS.; POR HER HAVE- BEEN : rnxRtxrrtD AND BURNED . UP BY - ; - HER - STEP- - MABEL, MY CHILD. VOU MUST STOP WORRTINT ABOUT DANNY OR YOuAJL BE ILL VXXJ OUtHT ' Trt . -PT ftl IT MflDFw WMV DOMT VOU LET ME PHONE RICHARD I J IAVK.C. Uw PUK KlWli ii - HtS .CSAITTIFUI. - UMCU3IMS : .. WJV Km tam $tn4inn,mwmmn tn nmn NO, MOTHER NO 1 I WOULDN'T THINK OF IT I MAY NOT . BE DANNY'S WIPE -j -. POREVER(BUT AS, "LOnIt-as i AM t a THERE'LL BE . . NO OTHER BOYS ; IN ' MY LIFE L t I KNEW MABEL,. WOULDNT CONSENT TO SEEING RICHARD, AND HE'LL ADMIRE HER i ALL. THE' MORE TOR BEIN SO 400D AND ' SWEET AND TRUSL ' MABEL. OOESNTT KNOW IT, BUT RICHARD IS COMiN. TO SEE KZ . -MONDAY ACTHRNOON , AND 1 I'LL USE MERE AND LOOKlNr C i1