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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1935)
The .'OREGON STATES'IAN. Salem. Oregon, Friday Harninr. J&ncary 18, 1S35 Society Dinner Given 77 At Y.W. W R. AND MRS. BRUCE R. I BAXTER were honor guests at a banquet siren by the loy .cat association of Phi Beta Kappa fraternity Wednesday night at the T.W.C.A. Dr. Baxter, president of Willamette university, is a mem ber of the fraternity. ; : The long table was attractiTe tl kAi aA la first nf mJt tarw "ers. Guests were from the Uni versity of Oregon chapter, Mon mouth Vormal and Reed college. Mrs, Jhn II. Carkln, president of the J.I association, presided. Jdiss Helen Benner and Earle Potter appeared, in vocal solos aid' duets accompanied ; by Miss ins uenneiw. - . .o , : - Rev. J. Rupert Simonds extend ed -the welcoming greetings and Dr." Baxter responded. An address e the Education of Today" was given by Dr. Norman TV 'Coleman -. of. Reed cbUegfc-..-. ,tfii'':tO-; Covert were laid for Dr. and Mrs. Baxter. Dr. and Mrs. Cole man. Mr. and Mrs. M..H. Douglas. . Miss Elizabeth Findly.' Ella Carries:, Prof, and Mrs. V. V. Caldwell. Miss Eloise Buck. Mrs. Baulah Thornton,: Detui and Mrs. F. M. Erickson, Dean Olive Dahl, Dr. and Mrs. C-'H. Johnson, Prof. f and Mrs. M. 1. Peck; Robinson Spencer. Rev. and Mrs. J. Rupert Simonds. Miss, Harriett Long, Mr. A . T - V it ' 1, I . M torn loa n. vu"i o ' Josephine Baumgartner. Mr. and. Mrs. J. II. Devers and Mrs. R. J. Doege. Zonta Club Dines at .Marion Hotel The, Zonta club held a business meeting and luncheon Thursday ' afternoon at the Marlon hotel. A speeial guest was Mrs. L. E. Barnes who is visiting her daugh ter.'; Miss Parbara Barnes. CoTertlwere- placed j for the above ajid Miss Helen I Tockey, Mis! lUzel Cook. Miss Nellie Schwab, Miss Helen Louise Cros by, Miss Dorothy Pearce, Hist Helen Barrett, Miss Kathryn Gun- nell, Mrs. . Margaret Rosecrans. Mrs. Victory Morris and Mrs. : Boberta Butler. ; V.F.W. Auxiliary Has. Two Affairs -n : Mrs. Ben Woelke opened her home Wednesday night tor a ben efit card party . giren by" the V. F. . W. auxiliary. , Charles Kln ser won -high 'score In ' 509 and Cyril Nadon in pinochle. . - Refreshments were served with llri Jamea Moorman ; assisting the hostess.:'. Mrs.'. Phil Shobar entertained the sewing club of the V. F. W. auxiliary Wednesday : afternoon. : Mrs. Opal Nieswander was her as sistant at the tea hour. .. Pratum. The marriage of Miss Lydia .Stauffer. daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stauffer of Salem, and Adam J. Hofstetter, son of Mr; and Mrs. John Hofstetter of Pratum, will be solemnised Sun day afternoon, January: 20, at 3 o'clock at the Pratum Mennonite church. Rev., J. M. Franj will per form the ceremony. Miss Emma .Stauffer will be her sister's only .attendant and Sherman Hofstet ter,' brother of the groom, will act as best man. - t"i -. Miss Lydia Stauffer and Adam .Hofstetter were pleasantly sur prised Wednesday night with a miscellaneous shower by members of the Menjfonite church choir. . Tie Ladles' Aid of the Meth od Is) church met Wednesday' af ternoon at the home of Mrs. George Kleen. ; ' i - . Nearly fifty - five per cent of the . American - Legion auxiliary's 1934 members were re - enrolled for 1935 when the new year be gan, according to membership fig ures received by the local auxi liary unit, from national head Quarters. The advance enrollment for '1935 was 213,762 members, .the largest In the history of the. organization. Total enrollment for 1934 was 390,730, an Increase of 28.893 over 1933.- . V,.;-s ,-: " j f.'-- X:-;.: ML Angel. Miss .Marie Ebner entertained her bridge club and a number of guests at the home ot her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Ebner, Tuesday , evening, w 1 1 h cards and a late luncheon. - Four tables of ' bridge were in play, high - score prise, going to Mrs William Fessler. .Miss Ter ete Flcker won the cut prize and Mrs. John Schmlts the guest prise; Day ton The Evangelical Mis- aionery society of Dayton was de lightfully entertained at- the Mr. and Mrs. Burnsldes - home near ; Dayton Tuesday afternoon. Fif teen . attended: Speeial l musical numbers .Interspersed . the' study. . Mrs;, L. S.'-Lorenxen 'was" leader of the -lesson. . Mrs.- Mildred Clay led ' the devoiionals.-j The ; nest ' meeting will be' at the home ,of ' Mr. and Mrs. ft J&mea, Brown. '.' . vv:-.- - n..4r '.The sketch, class, of the Salem 'Arts league w in meet la the fire place room of the public library tonight at 7:30 o'clock: Anton I'iers Is the Instructor:. All artists Tare invited to visit the class which .is now aketehlng .fram -costumed figures as well as still life- -', -"" -, t ,-"is' '' Members are requested to. bring quilt blocks to.Vthe meeting Fri day afternoon of-. . the Jason Lee .Ladies' Aid society. Mr. and Mrs. JB.V Shaw are being congratnlated on the birth of a seven-pound daughter at' the Jackson Maternity homo.;';r.jt:trv? SAILOR ON FURLOUGH "AXRLIE, Jan. lTArthur Ab- . ercroai!)3c.;eaiJoT San, Dlejro, .bs refuraed to his . par " t ut' home ,thfs.'wee1c,:on U fur5 -lough. - . i ; : . i- Nwsj jand Club Jessie Steele. SOCIAL CALENDAR ; ! : t Friday, January 18 Friday, at 8 ! o'clock, musical program in tha Y. U. C. A. lobby by pupils Hobson, Unitarian Women's : alliance, 1 p. m. luncheon in Emerson room. ' - Past Matron's dinner at Married Peofle'a class ered dish dinner, 6:30 p. m. Degree of Honor, 8 p. ments. r Hal Hibbard auxiliary 1610 S.' Commercial, 2; K m. Missionary society of Calvary Baptist church. 2:30 in. with Mrs. J. S. B411eter. West side circle of Ladies Aid. Jason Lee church. Sketch class, Salem Arts of library, 7:30 p. m. n ' Saturday, Salemi branch, A. A. U. House. , - ; i ' W RJ C. at Miller's halL Woodburn The Presbyterian Missionary society, meeting at the church Wednesday afternon with Mrs. Henty Layman as hostess, decided to give a play at the Feb ruary meeting and also a:, thank offering. A program in f charge of Mrs. O'J F. Larson, Included a vocal' solol by Miss Georgia Cole and the reading of a chapter from the book. 'The Japanese Women Speak," by Mrs. Larson. For the election o officers, the president appointed I as a nominating com mittee Mrs. Jane Mack, Mrs. E. J. Allen and Mrs. George Cole. f Shaw. The Catholic Women's Sewing circle met Wednesday af ternoon at the schoolhouse with Mrs. Joseph Perry and Mrs. ) An drew Stegman as joint hostesses. Present were: Mrs. John Battiner, Mrs. William Berg, Mrs. J o h n Amort, MM. Walter - Rake, Mrs. George Rake, Mrs. .Fred Gilbert. Mrs. Edwird Gilbert, Mri John Heinert, Mjrs. Joseph Hotseb, Mrs. Edward AmortMrs. Lloyd Keene, Mrs. Joseph Sherman, Mrs. t An drew Fieber, Mrs. Mary Schmlts,. and the hostesses, Mrs. Joseph Perry and Mrs. Andrew Stegman. ;. ,-; v ! ' .4:411 Hubbard The Hubbard . Wom an's club met at the home of Mrs. Doris Silk Wednesday, afternoon. Mrs. Vera Boje -and Mrs.) Aman da Grimm assisting. Following the regular business meeting Co bio de Lopinasse gave a talk on literature. ; s The rest of the program j con sisted of la -duet by Glenn j and lrav LarkinaJaccomDanied bv Mrs. Beatrice Wilson, and - a duet by Virginia Eimmert and Ellen Whit ney, also Wilson. accompanied by Mrs. Dayton Paul., Londershausen was honored Tuesday evening on the occasion of his birthday, his wife entertaining 28 friends at the Dayton Civic club rooms with a 7:30 notluck luncheon followed by cards and dancing. -Mrj and Mrs. Fred (Matches wion high hon ors at cards and Mr. and ; Mrs Carl Wltcbell won low. "j i f Blanket LOTX. In llie Valley Social Realm lJkLM OVERCOATS Small .sizes, to close out -' Gf PA at this low, price ..iUjl t5DeOUi iMENfSiilTS j Clean-up on men's and young men's suits..' These suits are priced to sell quick and all are special bargains. "', 1 i ! $8.50 - $10.50 - $17.50 ; Men's Dress PanU :..:....$3.50 Sport Zipper Jacket -.::.'.$2.95.. Men's Heavy Stag Shirt $7.00 " .Men's Wool Shwts ;,-.....$3.50 CLOSEOUT OF DISCONTINUED BLANSEr LIIflsS j ' These aref the beet valaea'we have etr offered lsi.hlankc.ts. -If yo are ia steed of blankets, Jbay t : bow. This sale will contlawe the balance of Ja noary. We are listing only a few numbers. LOT 1 ! 5 blankets, sise CCx80,M single. Six pastel shades.' :.......! $25 Special! LOT Jt- Some single, 'some doable,! plaids - and;- plains; light ahadea. Spe- M A clal to close out, oO.iJO Closeouts on Ladies Coating; Suiting i-1 Skirting and fetc., , Special 1.00 and $15 per yard . , . Jim. iky wsiffl Retail Dept; Society Editor of Ruth Bedford and Prof. " Godfrey residence, 7:30 p.m. of First Baptist church, cov at church. , - m. at K. P. halt Refresh . 1 . , at home Mrs. L. Mickelson. t . . . league, in fireplace room " . . . January 19 . W. luncheon at 1 p. m. Tea ' . , 2 p. m. . . - ; , . Sorority Alurrinae Entertained '; Miss Carol Braden.was hostess to alumnae of Beta Chi sorority Wednesday night with Mrs. - Dan Schreiber assisting. - Bridge was enjoyed and a late supper served. v Present were , Miss Florence Power, Miss Loretta Fisher, Mlsa Eva Roberts, Miss Helen Board man. Miss Florence Marshall, Miss Dorothy Ryan, Miss Li la Ca tion, Miss Fay Cornutt, Miss Savllla Phelps, Miss Barbara El liot, Mrs. George R. K. Moorhead, Mrs. Ray Miller, - Mrs. Edwin Thomas, Mrs. Garlen Simpson, Mrs. Clarence Emmons and tha hostesses. . . . . - i Bridge Luncheon Given . Mrs. Hollls Huntington presid ed s at a smart bridge luncheon Thursday, afternoon.-; The table was prettily appointed with yel low roses and matching tapers. Mrs. Breyman . Boise, Mrs. Chandler Brown and Mrs. Jack Elliott were additional guests. Covers were ' laid for the above and Mrs. Homer Egan, Mrs. Al lan : Carson, Mrs. Carl Nelson, Mrs. John Carson, Mrs. Karl G. Becke, Mrs. Paul Hendricks, Mrs. Wayne Loder, Mrs. Conrad Paul us, Mrs. P. D. Quisenberry, Mrs. Gua Hixson, Mrs. Clifford Farm er and Mrs. Jamea Young. IS mm a' mtSS and Woolen Offering Real Value for the Money ' . '! ' ' . - LOT 2 Overcoats & Topcoats. Large lot, all These are real bargains at LOT S i 20 only, doable . plaids,, 70x10, orchid shade only, in this lot.' Special to :?.-;r.;::u$4.50- LOT 4 Extra: tine heavy single,,plald.:7jx84; medium : . nap for long wear. 4 QC . While they last , . 4.JD Affairs Tea is Charming Affair Held Thursday , GHEERY flrea glowing' on the hearths at the "Tea House" the charm of the stately old rooms made a -cozy setting for the in formal tea given yesterday after noon by -Miss Lena Belle Tartar tor members of the MacDoweU club, officers and the chorus. ' -. j Calling hours were from ' 4 to o'clock; During the tea,- Miss Tartar was presented with a hand some baton as a token of appre ciation from the MacDoweU club. Miss Tartar is the director. - ' Assisting in receiving the guests were Mrs. Frank . Lllburn, Mr. Kenneth Dalton, Mrs.' Mark 'Mc- Callister, Mrs: John Mlnto an 1 Miss Gladys Edgari ' Presiding at the nros were Mn David Eason and Mrs. W S Lev ens the first hour and Mrs. T. S. Roberts and Miss Dorothy Pearce the -second, hour. The table was covered with a beautiful laca cloth and centered with giant daf fodils in a crystal bowl : flanked by tall, green tapers in' crystal holders," z . v ' , t Miss Doris Barnett, Miss Flavia Downs, Miss Emlyn Griggs and Miss Ann Tartar, all members of the Crescendo club ' from Salem high school, served. . -. - r j :': r -r I Pringle Club Honored at Session The Pringle Woman's dub met with Mrs. H. C Stapleion this week for an all-day meeting. Quilting and a potluck dinner were enjoyed. The club will meet next with Mrs. A. T. Mack- iin on February 19. Present were Mrs. Charles Grabenhorst, Mrs. Sam Emery Mrs. E. S. Coats. Mrs. O. T. Star ley, Mrs. James Keyes. -Mrs. Mese Adams, Mrs, John Naslin,- Mrs. Charles Spurlln, Mrs. Flo Willsey, Mrs. F. R. Clark, Mrs. A. Ballm. Mrs.. Margaret Adams, Mrs. A. T. Macklin and children and the hostess, Mrs. Stapleton. .Visitors were Mrs. Nancy Ramey and son, Orville, and Mrs. Ida Trone. . Mrs. W. D. McDonald of Port land was a house guest of the C. P. Bishops the fore part' of the week. She' came down Monday for the governor's reception and re turned home ' Wednesday . after- noon. - - - '-- - - -r:: sizes, weights and models. Bn$13.50 4 : Jy re ! Boys' Overcoats j All Pot in One Lot to Gean Up Quick ; Sizes 8 to 12 : $3.75 - -: I Boys' Suits, sizes 7 to 10, $4.75 ! Boys' Stag Shirts.;.;..;..;..$2.95 j Boys! Zipper Jacketsl -1$2.95 j Boys' WoolPaiits j M- LOT 9r Beavy -. plain single ' shades, . $4.95 i extra special- aLOT Extra special ea -auto -robes.- " Plaids - with; ' triage or plain etitched edge. L.. Slightly I nr . imperfect ; . . .... n ILilLi L260 S. 12th-St; Mrs. Lantz Hostess . : . to Club : 'i - The P. Lv E. and F. club mat with Mrs. Ella Lasts Wednesday afternoon tor a potluck luncheon. After a business session the bal ance of time was spent with sew ing and cards. --.i v- i: I : Officers tor the coming ; year were elected . as follows: Mrs. Lantz, president: Mrs. Pearl Kin- ser vice president: Mrs. Susie Paxmenter, treasurer; Mrs. Laura Johnson, secretary and press cor respondent, i- ,.- It was decided to sUrt a series cL card parties on February !l at the K. P hall. ' The commit tee in charge will be Mrs. Myrtle Widicb, Mrs. LanU. and . Mrs. Kinser. - ' y,, 'y?-' Present .Wednesday were Mrs. Palrl Kinzer, Mrs. Florence Shipp. Mrs. Myrtle Widich, Mrs. Susie Parmenter. Mrs. ' Herrietta Ferg arson.' Mrs. 'Mamie Callawav. Mrs. Ella Lantz, Mrs. Maggie Knight en. Mrs. Lettle Hansen, Mrs. As- zie Hixon,- Mrs. Frances . Green wood: and Mrs. Laura Johnson; Mrs. Widich ..will be the next hostess February ( In her home on Chemeketa ' .;, Defense: Conference' ! m Portland . - h Patriotic orders throughout the state - are interested - la the first Department National U Defense conference being held Saturday in Portland by .the American Le gion auxiliary and Daughters of the ' American .Revolution, i j Meetings .are at the Multnomah hotel and start at 10 a. m.. con eluding at 4 p.m. A luncheon Is scheduled for 12:S0 p. m. Auxiliary members going from Salem are - Mrs. -Glenn Porter, Mrs. Mem Pearce, Mrs. Merle Tra vis, Mrs. Frank Zinn and Mrs. J. T. Delaney. Mrs. Elliott Hostess to Bridge Cluh ; Mrs. J. J. Elliott has Invited members of her contract . club to luncheon and an afternoon of bridge today at her home. Daf fodils and other spring flowers will provide the floral touch. Mrs Gus Hlxson and Mrs. Lowell Kern are additional guests. Club members bidden are Mrs. Palmer MacDonald, Mrs. J. P Callahan, Mrs. C W. Paulus, Mrs. Roy Simmons, Mrs. James Toung. Mrs. William Scandeling of Port land and Mrs. H. G. .Malson. The dinner scheduled- by the Tomarco class 'of the First M. E church for Friday, January 26, has been postponed. The date will be announced later. j . U fof j Girls, here's a chance to get a "chic a tw bakelite loose powder compact without extra cost to you. For a limited time we are includ ing one with each box of the new Jonteel Glorifying Face Powder to show you that a real beautifying face fowder need aot be Paive. ; '.... ;!! ! i .7' : Jonteel is a new light weight Invisible sowderthatcanbessedeaadryeroOyrpeef the pares.- ... : Ton's love this pact with its . t- ! 30c Vick'a Nose Drops 50c Baume Bensrue . 20c 34e 24c '35c,Mistol Nose Drops $1.25 Ceomulsion . for Colds ' J ; 7 60c Chocolate Ex-Lax 7.. 5 lbs. Blonde ' Psyllium Seed 25c Cascarets Choc or Plain jr:39c ,59c 17c i Put POUNDSj f oo ffiii ks k siMPti; if i WAY rft If a easy te take rsretut fjed iAverOtt Tabieta;! rft vAnd ye a U be; amased at the fi, JP? suits. yen gt. t, 1 vk taks CCD LlVu2 -.1 IWOa OIL TACLETS ub --7it RexaH Milk of Magnesia h y Tootlr.Easte: and : ' ; Klenzo yoothJBrush1 ,60c Value ,7 I Both for...:;...-.L29c Some of These . Price Thrw Monday. .' 1 Only '.x P ijf i.sriv w p a s 4 4- ill erry Fcrmcrs Union News SCIO, Jan. 17-Prof. Y. A. Gallegly, principal of . the Sclo high school and owner of a small farm about fir miles southwest of this city, was reelected secre tary, et )he Linn County Tanners" Union at the qurterly convention at Harmony hall Saturday. J. W. Motley of the Knox Butte region was reelected president. . BETHEL. Jan. 17. The Farm- era' Union will hold an open meet lag Monday night.: The public is 1 A I 1 UNDER the docWs care. or in the hospital, von would get a liquid laxative. And the liquid form is what you would use at home, if you knew what a doctor knows! A liquid laxative can always be taken in the right amount. You can gradually reduce the dose. Rtdneed dosage it tht tecretof real and tafe relief from constipation. , The right liquid laxative gives the right kind of help, and the right amount of help. When the dose is repeated, instead of more each time, you take bar. - - Once you have experienced this comfort, you will sever return to any form of help that cant be regulated to suit the need. The liquid laxative generally, used is Dr. Caldwell a Syrup Fepsm. It contains senna and caacara, and these are natural laxatives that form no habit 'even with children. Its Got this LOOSE Powder Compact without oxtra cost with every 50c box Jonteel glorifyinp FACE POWDER a limited time only i . .... . for both Aad it does aot clog salary colors and bevel s&irrer. Act So SOOTHING . . 0,l,aassjj yr.:.-'.-:-:-:--- 2 rjv because if J special formula contains only S PLEASANT MEDICAMENTS jj That's why Pnretest Rubbing Alcohol is the largest seller ThtneteiUr RUBBING ALCOHOL pint AS) SPECIALS ch 60c Italian Balm' and Dreskin Comb. AUt 25cPebeco 7'- q Tooth Paste; :.JLiL 50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste 7 31c . Form.. 10c ;PaImV o pr , live ' Soap;: 61 bars' wD U -10 cakes Jergn'sHOQ Toilet iSoip ; ZTLtUK, - 50c Klenzo Tooth Paste ;50c.Kolynod 35c t - Tooth Paste HOlD fMSE TEETH FIRMLY . : Does nekt interfere with food flavors. Does nst IrrHate. Pare and wheteeeme. Qeans the plate toe.-1 - ' ' f I ' l-7...rth Crs KZzs Pcri;r 2Sc INDEPENDENT DRUGGISTS . ; 155 S .-. invited Mrs. Prlscllla Meislng ers orchestra students will pro vide fine music and Max Gehlhsr will be speaker. Pert Daffodils Defy r Weather Conditions RICKET, JaiC 17. Desplta several Inches of snow on the ground, daffodils are not dlscoer- aged. and some of them are ,in bud. , y , STOCK STANDS SNOW DAYTON, Jan. 17. Stock is standing the freakish - weather splendidly and there Is an abund ance of feed on farms here, farm ers report. . : "LaxaSiue : Juesiiori" 1 ( ' 1 DOCTORS SETTLED IT LONG AGO. action is gentle, but sure. It will dear np a condition of biliousness or sluggishness without upset. YouH like its taste, and like its action. It's pleasant to take, and won't sicken you like a violent cathartic. ! Sentry Syrup Pepsin. Take: regulated doses untu Nature re stores regularity. Those who have made the "liquid test know why most doctors favor a liquid laxative like Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, Get a bottle today. BE CAREFUL if; mmy Ummtivt msktt ym S knrn. . mr rtfmlrn Urgtr thut tkmm wtumyttfint SYRUP PEPSIII Scott'a : Emulsion . 1 Pt. Aromatic Carcara $1 value Hot Water Bottle 35c Vick's Antiseptic ... 60cCondensed Jad Salts $1 Pepsodent Antiseptic 1 Pt. Witch Hazel . . $1 Beef, Iron and Wine 60c Dr. Miles iAA AlkaSeltzer fte7L 60c Dr. Miles RELAXING for fired bodies fun 49c 1 -80c 69c 49c J25c 40c .Xa7i sAJ WW the CANDY LAXATIVE for the whole family . : i1 Perfectly safe for children and elderly people and women at all times. ' , ' , box of 24 m:72Bm tcHst geeds this trcclc 1 Dandenne L Hair TonicsiflO I C 75c Packer's Scalptone 75c Glover's Hair Application 1 65c Pond's ' OflA Creams JiaOejfCj .51 Hopper . Rest; Cream L.: 1 Pt. Mascel's . , Ahnond Lotion . 50c llasol Lotion Compare- Oar Prices They; I - are Always ; - - . - Low . ' Commercial St. i29c -1.39c hook! f y. . - ... - w tletropolitair Share in the Savings ' Rey. 39c ot Water Uottle 9c Kotex iSaaitary ft Napkinswntwx 150 Facial Tissues . , . ... e7 9c 2000 Sheets Toilet Tissue . ' 9c 2 Rolls of 1O0O Sheets French Milled toilet Soap 5 bars 'TiSZt. ::77 9c 100-yd Spools of Blacky or White Thread 40f 50 or 60 4 spools '-77Z . : Fancy Cop and A w Saucer, complete t Men's Garters Pair Men's Shoe Laces, 4 pairs : aM, 27, SO and 40-Inch i Glass Tumblers" 3 for i.:....: 9d Fast Color Prints, Q yard ' Butchers and Slicers, . each Child's Bloomers, rft Jersey -.....,...'.. J, ' ParinfKalyi each Tooth lnsn, "Dr. Wani,8Hl a7' Razor 9c 4 Single o5 Doeble Edgei maaes in rag. Rubber . Baby : Pants ... 9d .Rayonii-J Brassieres M .Men's Suspenders WorkGloTes pairr-. So' Men's Work Hose, Q pair ..; a Kitchen Bowls, 5 , Inch 7 Spring Clothes 'Pins. 24 for 9d W indow f Shades 5ICl Green or Ecra! Good Qnall- : 7 Paper Fiber. :: - .' g Curtain r ' ' 71 RodsL.77L7 9c Extend From S7 to 4S lit M , Wrench Set 3-in. set r77l 9c? earwelHr.: Cement - ore' t-ore 9d 'Soles T;.-' pair 1:.. .Knires. nd . -Us t": Al Forks., each v---a7U Stalmlw f tUMade! : Catalisu2U4I! Cletrppolitan' 5-10:25cStore ; ,:148:N; Liberty Stl ml. l;