CACZ TWO llift OltEGON STATESMAN, 7 SPEL'CEO, F(li' FMYGET JOBS MeMahan and O'Reilly are - for Liquor Commission. Is Gossips' Guess Faced with 1 the necessity ot filling certain key positions la hi 'administrative staff,' Governor . Charles H Martin wai known yesterday to be making ready to make certain appointment. The executive office aald no announce ment was ready but confirmation of the report that a director of the budget would shortly be nam -td was received. D. O. Hood. 'Portland bond dealer, is slated for the budret ' post, reliable sources reported. It was exDlalned that he would bold ' the position for only two months. - neiping tne gorernor tnrough the session and aetlni as liaison work. er between the executive and the 'joint committees on ways and . means. Hood wss. friendly with ill If Afar aHmlnlitratlnn ins wua m lormer gorernor on iil m - . ..municipal bond matters and on the- sales tsx proposal msde to the second special session in ,1933. Hood supported Martin in the campaign, last fall and ham .been around the session opened, j capital since the Frank Spencer of Portland. prominent for vnn thr In .wholesale - grocery business, con terday and reports were , revived that Spencer would be picked sute liquor stores or as secretary of the state board of control and state purchasing ' agent.' Spencer was active in Gorernor Martin's campaign. lie was talked as state rJ 1 q u o r administrator early In i Democratic leaders said that tjtbur MeMahan of Albany, pro Iminent lawyer -there and actire in the .Martin campaign, would, be named to succeed .E. E. Brodie on the state liquor commission, post, vacated when Brodie re signed. MeMahan would probably win the chairmanship ot the com mittee. Rumor at the capital had !i that Alex Barry .est as a member was on the way of the state li- quor commission and that a Port :iand man might be named. Drake V. U'Reuiy, president ot the Dia mond o Navigation company in Portland, is being talked at a suc cessor to Barry. , , - : Dsn Fry of Salem is being falk- . ed constantly as successor to William Elnsig, secretary of the 'board of control and state pur chasing agent Elnslg's ; resigna tion Is before the gorernor and he 'will not stay beyond the next few dsys. :,:-v;.:-;-Nx:,-..;,.--, An appolntment to the board of 'pilot commissioners is expected shortly as Gorernor Martin must name a successor to A. A. Lang kilde of Astoria) who resigned when he found his business con nections made him Ineligible for -service. , u Gorernor Martin yesterday .said the bulk of! state appoint ments would be held up until the work of the session was at an end. : -; ft Seeks State Aid ; In NRA Checkups ,'Seeking participation of Oregon i7. urorm system ot NRA com pliance,. D. L. Boland, federal -tiunsjHor tor thei western divi pLXin & NRA, called yesterday on Xtesldent .Harry! Corbett and Weaker John E.! Cooter. Boland outlined legislation he anticipat ed the federal government would ask Oregon to pss. He called briefly on Gorernor Martin before tearing for the south. He makes Tata tiAAilnna... ; I n .-CISCO. 'I' rowii Out.':'. 4 - . It HOWARD LATOraCTTE, Mnltaomah county's mucb a -11 . a i as- . uium a u h i ucmucnus bouse member, Is member of the law firm of IiStourette Latonrette of Portland, cloee friend: of John Beckman, law-1 yer member of the 83 house,! and former representatire of . the hotel men la i the third -honsev Latonrette made many np-state . members bitterly an gry early this week; when he -apparently corralled two of the best committee clmirmanshJps; this tide of bad feeling receded m bit when Hil of Lane took Latourette's place on the alco- bolle control committee, lt- ' burette Is a competent fellow, knowing much . more ii about house procedure than most of . bis colleagues. .! i Ed Miller, manager of the Ore gon Coast highway association, was at the session yesterday, con tacting c friends concerning, the coast bridges which hells Interest ed in seeinar made toIl-fr-A. Tha spear-head for free tolls, howerer. wiu come through thei Oregon State Motor association which has long been on record against 'any toll charges on any bridges In the state. Aimers newest: project is the SDonsorlnar of a nttm (.on-rt. ment of conservation and develop ment, as a member of; the gover nor's brain's trust he has 'had the favorable consideration of f that trroun for his nromnj Six nar, ate divisions would be set. up In tne new rronmnr: iinrfor tha fifth division would com a . "hlnlnrlal" resources wmcn would fnninriA n fish and game. Miller's idea Is that commercial and sports fish should be handled by ' one bureau ' chief witn an advisory committee, not an aamimsirauve commission, in charge. His program, once intro duced into the session, is certain &v icvuuir roaga seas. ; The anti-countv unit tnroM rallying at the statehouse. They are not the best-dressed memhera Of the lobbv. a Rather thov an farmers primarily, men! who have long taxen an acure interest in farmers' union work ' "lnf mnn programs and in community club activities, niey reel very strongly on the school matter and almost to" a man " want no iptrfaiaiiAm which will take the flittle red schooihouse from under their control; Their constituents have already, been! notified that a coun ty unit Piatt is before th iMiinn and once the.bill comes up before the house committee for dAhat you can .expect an attendance of GRAND :! H Today May Robson in "Mills ' of th nw." i i i' Saturday "Helldorado" with Richard Arlen. r KLSTKORR 1 S ' Today George Raft iri "Lime- nouse nines . - '' capitoij Today Zane Grey's jMHome on the Range' with Ran- dolph Scott. STATE ' r '. Today OnlyAll short subject program.' . .. ' ..f i. Saturdav Onlr Zinn r.rT'i wagon Wheels' with Ran dolpn Scatty ' HOLLYWOOD Today Double bllL Tom Tr- ler In "Mystery Ranch" . and, Warner Oland j In - "Charlie Chan In TJondftn.w The Call j Board . .;. OIR-RO'W! Ends TODAY May Rotson r: - .v in 4- ', t "Mills of thsl Gods" I . TODAY i : A i i v.. opponents to the bill which will fill any chamber In which 'the hearing, is to-be held.1 - . " The new gorernor ts work ' ins; constantly at bis Job. He Is - down to bis office by 9 o'clock , in the m orals g, , stays on ! through the day and is away at night Just before O in order to - be home for dinner. The first day after inauguration Gorer- -nor Martin lunched at the first floor counter in the statehouse; of late be has partaken of a salad or a sandwich tn his pri- - rate offices, usually risitlng -with some of bis intimates dor-1 lng Che lunch period. 1 The . newness i of . the lower house crops out daily. To expe-; dite procedure, roll-call on the motion to suspend the rules has customarily been sketcbily tJc , en, only the first few names and the last one on i the list of 60 : members being called. Thursday two members got to their feeti to inquire why they were omit ' ted from the check. Not once in hundred times Is the house' in opposition to suspending its , rules; any member is protected in the tact that he can demand ' the full roll call any .time he de sires. Here and there i The house was careful that the Vote on boosting stenographer's pay was not re corded. . .. . the 30-and-under club meets in the basement cafeteria for luncheon. . Mrs. Walter Fish er, the senator's wife and secre tary, writes an excellent news col umn for her home town paper. . . Senator Allan Bynon has been 111 for three days and unable to at tend. . . . Editor Haight gare God and his -Wednesday speech credit for the snow. V . downtown hotels report their rooms practically all token. . . -.: , Limeric on Adeline WOl Yield Ducats Sweet Adeline strolled with her beau . Till after nine sounded, and - Her dad yeUed fTH trounco bim, . -v;j. ' By golly! And bounce bim! Okay, you llmericklsts. Now you . can . see Irene Dunne in "Sweet Adeline" ilmntr lng your ability to add a line to tne a bore limerick. ; If you can write one of the fire best last lines submitted to the Sweet Adeline rnntast ,itin, A The Statesman before six o'clock tomorrow night, you will be in vited to brlnar an abmi k. the guest of this newspaper at the locai premiere or Warner Bros.' film. Version of fhm w-., t - - OVIU, Kern-Oscar. Hammerstein II oper- waacik, opens at the Elainore theatre on JBnnday. . Yesterday's Contest ttrnnvli a many replies. In fact the Judges are finding difficulty in sortinr out the winners. . r Here's a tip to contestants.' The last line must make sense, and it should not only rhyrno with the nrst line, bat shonM nnt,i. k. same number of syllables. - iT vvJ.Umerlck contest will be published tomorrow. mm lTOUG...AUD DAtJGCQ - His To Command! wnert long thadowi cast on oeri glow over London! weird CKinotown. Jilt man leads you ro strange adventures., .and intriguing romance you'll never forget! I If Vote of Confidence , Given Unanimously (n House .. After Boivm Talk j- All . was peace and - qulst yes terdar tn the lower house at the capltol at least on the surface Representative Harry Bolvin be ginning, the morning session with a brotherly love talk in which he urged his 61 colleagues to forget the differences of the first three dy and to join la a program ot cooperative - work. .-- ' ObTlously a planned move, Bot rin's talk was concluded with a motion for a vote of confidence In Speaker John E. Cooter which the house unanimously gare. - Tntioti Ail . Cant a rnltAi tn thm vote ot his members by declaring that his actions on committee ap pointments had all been "sin- MrAM an -that tnlatakaa ki ki made were of the "the head rath er than the heart." . ' Thus for the moment. rising tide of dissension was checked in the lower assembly a- v conflict which cropped out la protest against . committee assignments and which held the house in a stalemate thai first thra dara. After an extremelr alow start. the house ot representatives was under way with greater speed Thursday afternoon, a total, of 2t bills having been-Introduced when adjournment was taken. 'I am against' adjourning the house earlr this week.1 SaAaker Cooter told the members. I want to avoid tne iast-minute rush on Important measures." Cooter said he was 'willing to keep the house busy until Saturdav nlrht. . 1 : Twelve ot the bills which drop ped Into the house yesterday were Introduced by Representa tives BeMn and Hosch at the re quest of the League of Oregon Cities. Several of - the measures related to improvements in the method of collecting street liens as well as other tax procedure affecting cities. .,. ,i f : One bill. Introduced by Repre sentatives Caufield and Hughes authorizes the eonntr eonrta nf the St counties in Or eion to ad just delinquent and unpaid taxes. Representative Erwin'a two bills dropped in the hopper one provides for the non-partisan no mination and election ot district attorneys; the other, changes the dstes for primary elections from tne taira Friday in May to the first Friday after the first Mon- uay in September. The house passed. Its first bill yesterday an appropriation . of 125,000 to apply to the. expenses oi ui current session. Free Telephone Service Sought ' Free telephone service for all members ot the house Is sought by Representative Haight tn a re solution introduce - Thnmti morning. Haight pointed out that telephone booths on thm. rinn nt the house are all for "nickel" pay- uivuia. xie toia ine assembly ne though legislators should tele phone On official hnalftaaa afcA'ti fU - i ... . -T wuk w uuuae expense, , ,,,, ' VESSELS COLLIDE . OAKLAND. Califs Jan. 1T -The steamer Eureka and the coaster Point "San Pedro vn in collision about 1 o'clock thia af. ternoon In the estuary here, with consiaeraoie damage to the bow of the Eureka. TODAY . SAT, us S fmnmtnt lnm4 if WaW M vMS GEORGE RAFT JEAN PARKER nu nn:nnv.i70iG KCjT TAYIOX end M0N7ACU lOYl 1-plus :v -MUSICAL COiLEDY - CABTOOIf ' RADIO HOW - NEWS ETZNTS : Senate Prbposss Abolition Of House; BiU Doubles Pay r . The state senate struck - out yesterday at Its colleague across the dome when it received hill prepared by Senators Haxlttt and Chlnnock calling, for abolition of the house of representatives ; with all . legislative authority vested in an assembly composed of 1 SO members selected from: tne same districts from which senators now come. The bill It eat! through both houses and passed ' by the governor, provides for popular vote on the proposaL U . . Salaries of members in the tin gle assembly would be ft dally with a limlUUon of S2CQ for the entire session. " Aside from receiving nine new measures which were harried to committee and receiving back favorable reports on bills hereto fore referred, the senate spent a tixpayer relief ED A plan whereby - delinauent taxpayers could work out I their back payments by doing t road work, was proposed yesterday to the legislature in a bill introduc ed by Representative Oleen. of Columbia county. Oleen also in troduced a measure which would allow additional time in which to pay taxes past due forilSJO and prior , years. - ' . s In a resolution introduced In the house Thursday, Oleen Called for,; the Issuance of $2,000,000 annually In state highway bonds to match federal funds, the moneys ; going to reconstruct roads used . for commercial lines In the state. Oleen's resolution designates that the moneys re ceived from the bond sales ' be used on. the Pacific highway, the Columbia river highway and The Dalles-California highway, f . 1 I. - : Senate Confirms Board Selection The . senate Thursday after noon, with only, two dissenting votes, confirmed the appointment ot Beatrice Walton Sackett as a member of the state board of higher education. . She was . ap pointed by Gorernor Meier. The motion , for confirmation i was made by Senator Strayer. Sena tors Dickenson and Stringer vot ed against confirmation, j BILLS RETORTED FAVORABLY The senate ' revision ot laws committee, Thursday reported out favorably two bins introduced on the first dsy of the legislative session.- One of these - bills, by Hazlett, would permit the admis sion in evidence of any document of the United States govern ment. The other bill, by Strayer, TONITE & SATURDAY SIX-4UM JUSTUS! Ms only low ogulfttt ewttow ' -killers.. .In ene-MOa war fer life end level pins Cab Calloway And His Band! it Old BeUable Method Brinjrs Health to the Sick : WlthOS - Operation 8. B; Fong. herb specialist, has had eight years practice la China. No matter with what you are suf ferings don't give us yourself, our wonderful herbs will positively remedy disorders of the blad der, kidney, stomach,' constipa tion,: appendicitis, pnea,i aad throat, heart, lung, liver, asth ma, catarrh, tumors, diabetes, rheumatism, h e a d a ehe and blood poison, skin diseases ef children and male er temale an anmenta. ;, ji;;.; .; 'J CHARLIE CHAN" ? Chlneee Medicine A Herb 4 Co. 123 N. Commercial. 8t 8alem Daily Office Hoars 0 te p. SB. Sosu and Wed, 9 ot 10:SO m. as. D LL M l . Hi- " P'500 - -!!' Seats 15c m a a at i quiet day, adjourning early , In the afternoon 'and facing the pros pect that 1 adjournment for the week will be Uken late today er by Friday noon, Senator Spauldlng ' introduced a bill which if made Into law would permit tax collectors . to accept; Installment V taxpayments at any time and' In any amount. Senator Burke introduced measure he sponsored In the 1SSS session providing that the office of state budget director be abol ished and his duties made a por tion ot the work of the secretary of the state! board 6t control. - Under the provisions of a bin introduced by Senator Haslett fix tures, equipment and supplies of a cooperative association used to supply water to members would b exempt from taxation. provides for the appointment of judges f protempore in the . cir cuit courts, t TO BE PAID I DULY Ignoring the plea of m a n y members for economy,- the house voted 1 6 a day pay to its stenog raphers yesterday morning on an amendment proposed by Norblad of Clatsop county. The rate la $1 a day more than paid in the regular and special sessions' of 1I3S and win cost the state $S0 additional daily while the legisla ture is in session. ,.;v; Committee clerks will be paid $t a day with extra par for over time. Stenographers will work without any xtra pay for alght services,'' r - A grouping of duties for com mittee clerks 1 was announced by the house rules 'committee, ' 2S clerks being held sufficient to do all the committee Jobs in the lower assembly. County Unit BiU Argument Slated ' " IAJBAHMMM0 ' i A publle hearing on the admin istration's county unit school bill was called yesterday for n ex t Wednesdar afternoon at 4 o'clock; before the house education com- mittee of which Representative Magruder Is chairman. The hear ing will be In the house of repre sents tires. A crowd is expected as -the measure Is highly contro versiaL :-i J Never Bef orein the Gity of Salem Have Coats and S u i t s of This Quality Been Offered at Such a Low Price Don't Fail to Get in on This rt'A 15 COATS 7 Wool Suits i $9l9: : :: Ly ' 522.50 to 529:50 "l oport and r ur Trimmed '":,n ; : soofe, : mm-y 10 SKIRTS BLOUSES SD0I . . SD00 ' . ' ' Valnea tg S5.00 - Valnea to f 3L95 - i etiy Lou 135 l&dtjj . - t PU100II BILL EST D rj ED i r't: Ways and Means Group May Rewrite Some Clauses; yS :;."Too Much Povyerf; '0: .&r't 0 V " sssrjssi enasi t . i (Contlnuad from page 1) -Its approval ot the bin, the first of the governor's program to- be act ed upon, and the house adopted the report. The planning commis sion bin .was then sent : to the house- committee on 7 ways and means since a 140,000 appropria tion' Is called t0Tcr--'''-v-'O.hi;-.Adoption of the measure Is ex pected before the week closes In the house, since Governor. Martin! ls eager to name the hew com mission an&fto put it to work -on the relief proplem the state faces. 4 Snedecor Indicated the prelimi nary planning ; group Governor Martin named after : his election had already paved the way for considerable legislstion yet to be introduced by the governor. This legislation win include: i . Changes In the state marketing law.';': -. . i .-A 'i.Wi-'y.i Legislatlre prorlstons to tie-in Oregon with AAA. r . , Forest conservation legislation. Enabling legislation j to ' tie-in with the federal housing program. Legislation to coordinate pres ent taxation measures. j ' - WATER IS SHUT OFF 'W WRANGELL, Alaska, Jan. 1T' CaV-The town , council shut off OlalaYVOOlJ TODAY AIO SATURDAY two k- FEATURES IDC And Second Featnre Added Chapter Five ef ' "YOUNQ EAGLES' Kews and Cartoon Comedy HOUSE DRESS The Talk of the Town y. 1 1 n tin 1 ' it aj m 1 1 m 1 t m 1 . .. . iQ;bai r WrangeU'e water supply vday when it found but 4 feet ot water left taps running to prevent pipes freexins- durinr the current cold Syndicalism Lawa Hearing Planned ?A pubUe hearing -On Oregon's syndicalism law, the repeal of wnicn is sought oy senator re ter Zimmerman, was set yesterday tor next Wednesday night la the senate chambers. The senate com mittee on revision or iawa wiu hear the discussion ot the propos ed repeal. Senator Francisco vlch la chairman- of the committee. TODAY ONLY1 Alf Short 8 - Great Units - 8 -featuring- "' A Three Reel Special , LAUREL & HARDY - ', ln lv : "OLIVER THE TH CHARLIE pHASE - In ... "FOUR MARTS' :' ' . SIICKEY MOUSE PICTORIAL Jt SPORTLIGHT BETTY BOOP CARTOON - ' METROTONE , NEWS ; FLIP THE FROQ-. Saturday Only ! An Epic of the. Old Oregon 4 Trail . .... - .. .0 ; v t - i . ; SubjectProgram ES oris i J