i f ..- V 1-.. - 5 " t . - f PAGE FOURTEEN The OREGON STATESMAN.- SaleiarOTegbn'FridajrIorniWg, January 18, 1935 CLASSES IX. CONTEST , RICKREALL,' Jan.1 17.- A con- teak . wilt begin Sunday - for - tb Suaday school student who bar tn - dTided Into two groups. Katherine Lo-wcry beads tb red side and Elsie Ellis the blue. BeV. Oaeffroy baa organized Interest inr series of sermons upon tbe Apostles. - i - MODEL FOOD MARKET; ; Phone 4111 , 275 N. Jligh Street - FREE Delivery 30 Pay Account Service .Courteous Service. Quality Foods Priced Right Golden West Coffee, 1-lb. jar or .can Hershey's Cocoa, Yx -lb. can 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs. Cane Sugar, cloth bags Albers' Flap Jack Flour, large pkg. Fishers Biscuit Mix, large pkg. White King Granulated Soap,' large pkg. . White Wonder Soap, 20 bars .. Babbitt's Cleanser, 3 cans . Cal. Small White Beans. 4 lbs. . CaL Uncoated Rice, 4 lbs. .t-30c .:....8e X-49c 4-52c ...21c .23c .29c 49c i.-14c - Camp fire Marshmallows, lb.- pkg. . , Miracle Whip Salad Dressing, pints Miracle Whip. Salad Dressing, quarts Danish Banquet Cheese, lb. Waxiex 125-ft. wax paper ... ... Paper Napkins, embossed, white or colored - 50's, 3 pkgs. -"- .: . Dates, lV-lb. pkg. .: . , : .S Good Canned Goods Buys Lily of-Valley Golden Bantam Corn, 3 cans ... Little Kernel No. 300, 2 cans Tiny Refuge Beans, 2 cans .. . Elsinore Telephone Peas, 2 cans Elsinore Dimple Peas, 2 cans .. Elsinore Spinach, 2 cans Elsinore Kraut, 2 cans ... ..... Del Monte Green Lima Beans, 2 cans - Booths Peaches, halves, 2 cans ..... Del Monte Melba Pears, 2 cans . This Week' New Items S & W Golden Wax Beans, 2's, 2 cans S & W Artichoke Hearts, 2's, 2 cans .. S &. W Seedless Grapes, 8 6z 2 for , S & W Candied Sweet Potatoes, 2's, 2 cans S & W Peas and Carrots, 2's, 2 cans " Santa Valley Whole Peeled Apricots, 2 cans 4-..21C .l23c .L..17c ..22c .I..37c ...25c ...17c i H -. 425c 4-.23C i..42c; .L.35e J..-39C X.33c l38c J7c .,27c 39c .35c .4..45c r ii 445c .J...45C .l19c t39c 4..89C i..59c a. f 4 VA 12 Big Stars i ''tf' 1 A Starts Sunday Tout nererj seB such beautyl . , NTfr thrilled to such melody . , . Nerer experienced acb7roaiaDcef Irene Dunne Donald Woods Ned Sparks Hugh Herbert Joe Caw thorn, Ixmis Calhern, Don Alrarado, Jack Mnlball, Winifred Shaw, Phil Regam, Dorothy Dare,! Noah Beery 500 SEATS 25c 112 N. Commercial St. Phone 5151 Oranges -Oranges Rioe. Sweet. Full of Juice IUJ yt case, large sizeWhile They Last :s - LETTUCE Imperial Iceberg 2 heads 15c ORANGES Juice or Table Size 2 dozen 35c Lemons, fancy Sunkist .... .doz.!15c Grapefruit, Arizona Seedless.. .6 forfl5c t . FLOUR Hardwheat (J - J 49-lb. bag fpLAV Kitchen Queen 49-lb. bag $1,65 SNOWDRIFT 1 fa Ih - - - -M ... UUI ...M......a..M... STAR LARD 4 pkg. ......-.I..;.. Grapefruit broken segments 303s 3 fort 25 C Pork & Beans, Armour, med. tin 5c IgjQc Crackers, Snowf lakes 2& Sodas or Grahams :.-:.r...l..... HoneyV Bradshaw 8 Idaho.J....5"lb. pail 7c Prince Albert and Velvet Smoking Tobacco , pocket tins - . 3 frS25c Coffee Golden West I -lb glass 30c 3 lUfflt Brite Star,:. '. .....l. .1 .lb.l19 Sorghum ..L.l.....A:2t4 lbs. 30c 3 lbs. SSc. Calumet Baking Powderj....... 1 -lb. can 23 C 4-11 HBEBS GET PlliS IT CMIJ Presentations Made by Club Leader for County and Banker (WOODBURN, Jn. 17. Tbe Woodburn branch ot th First Na tional bank and -tha manager ot the local branch, L. C. Buchnar, presented the 4-H dnbs ot Wash ington janlor high and their lead ers with pins and certificates tor the club year 1933-34. A letter ot congratulation from the bank was also presented each member. A. program consisting ot mnsleal numbers by the Haugen orches tra and t-H pep songs and yells by club members were glren.- , , Betty Frenti and Leota Howe each recelred a tour-year certifi cate. Those receiving three year pins were Bobby Dean, Fred Kv enden, Morris Kufman, Jack Leo, Harlan Nelson, Herbert' Tangen, Betty Jane Hicks, Betty Marie Huglll, Wilma Koenlg. Annette Lytic, Clair Hill and Harold Ter willlger. Receiving second year certificates were Merton Belcher, Leroy Bright, Bud Clark, Earl Dehut, Ray Freeberg, Bobby Frents, Harold Uresay, Kenneth Mulkey, John Myers, Gordon Sines, Harold Scheil, Charles Shaw, Pete Smith, Keith Tweed le, Mary Jane Dunn, Frances Terwil liger, Albert Terwllllger, Buddy Tyson, Arthur Van Damme, Dick Whitman,' Dalloy Zwlcker, Dor yal Taylor, Dwaine Cretlen, Nor mgene Howe, Dorothy Huglll, Marjorie Wright, Noble Bhrock, Helen Sebern, Roy Gibbons, Mar garet Miller, Denay Strouse, Glen Hermanson, Lela May Myers and Don Barrett. These were presented by Wayne Harding, county 4-H club leader who also presented pins to the following: Viola Mills, Charlotte Llvesay, Elsie ' Toder, Frances Corey, Jean Lee, Helen Moeding, Ethel Sines, Hazel Haugen, Ada Clair Renn, Ines : Hermanson, Phylis Dehut, Alice Pollard, Ed win Gurney, June Joselyn, Syl vester Lockhart, Leonard Cole man, Geraldine Smith, Alleen Thompson and Floyd Mattson. Leaders who received silver pins showing service ot from one to five years were Mrs. Mabel Hol- comb, two years; Miss Grace Ar- ney, one year; Mrs. Delia Over ton, three years; Mrs. Mary Ad ams, three years; Miss Pauline Llvesay, one year. Five year gold pins-were awarded Mrs. Mabel Ballard and Mrs. Myrtle Clark. Mr. Harding presented the pins to the leaders and spoke In appre ciation of their work. Superin tendent B. W. Dunn made a brief talk. 0. E. S. Granger s News Column LIBERTY, Jan. 17. The mem ber of the grange will glva their turkey dinner Friday . . evening, erring to start at C o'clock. They are planning en service tor 150 people and hope to equal or bet ter last year's affair tn every thing hut the Drice-Lihe person la to he leas. , A program will be held In conjunction. Manr Salem Btonla ttnii last year and asked to be notified for a similar attain The dinner open to all. -.- -" - START FBiCE FUD T DB L AM ITT, Jan. IT. An old fash ioned ' basket social was held at the Amity txnion high school Wed nesday evening, the proceeds of which are to be ' vied toward building a wire fence around; the new cement tennis court on the school grounds. - Music, comical skits and dancea were presented by the students. J. M. Umphlette auctioned oft the baskets. n -- George D. Thomas, IS, of this city was taken ' seriously 111 at his home Tuesday morning. 'His condition la slightly improved ac cording to last reports. Mr. Thom as hat been a prominent resident ot Amity for over 0 years. . Myrtle Circle, -Nov 8, Neigh bors of Woodcraft Of Amity en tertained with a eard party In the Woodcraft liall Wednesday night, in the first of a aeries of six bene fit parties. - Mrs. . Earl - Burch won the door -prise. ; Prises will be give nat the end of the series. TO MEET WOODBURN I SILVERTON, Jan. 17--SIlver-toa Future .Fanners ot America hare arranged a basketball game with, the Woodburn FFA boys for Tuesday evening. The local team la composed of Ronald Glf ford, Ed Bilyeau, James Sanderson, Har old and Herbert Knleas and Ches ter Davis." ; DISTBICFifFJIfie IS SLATED SUffflIY SILVERTON, Jan. 17. The Sllverton district Sunday school convention will bo held Sunday, Jannary 20. at 2 o'clock at the congregational church at Silver ton. Song service will be led by Mrs. Leroy Frazler of : Scotta Mills Friends Sunday achooL De votlonals will be led by Rer. Ralph Knight of the host church. Various numbers will be given by the Christian, Calvary Pente eosUl. Sllverton Hills, Christian Missionary Alliance, Monitor Con gregational and . Scotts MUla Friends Sunday schools. ; Banners will bo awarded at the ' business meeting. The Gideon i quartet will be present to sing. ' Harrey Hallett of Sllverton is president -of the group. - ; - GIRL TO HANSONS . J. SILVERTON, Jan.-17 Friends , are . receiving announcemenu ot the birth of a ' girl to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hanson. Mrs. Hanson r will be remembered here as Miss Magna Hansen, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hansen.. FOR RENT Desk 'v space, also work shop space. Downtown .location: ; v Phone 6696 39TH IH WOODBURN, Jatf. 17. The 19th anniversary of the organis ation of 'Evergreen chapter, No. 41, Order of the Eastern Star, was observed Monday night at the regular meeting held at the Masonic hall. Mrs. E. : Aline Beers presided and the newly in stalled officers took their chairs. Frank W. Settlemelr and Mrs. Minnis Rlcahrds, the two char ter members present, were honor guests. Standing committees for the year were appointed and are: Finance, August Moeding, Mrs. Benlah' Lessard, and Edna Lytle; examining, Mrs. Mabel Settlemelr, Mrs. Lillian Bltney and Thomas Sims. Members of the Rainbow advisory board selected are Mrs. Myrtle Gill, mother adviser; Mrs. Nina J. Rlngo, associate mother adviser; Mrs. Mabel Settlemelr, Mrs. Martha Reillng, Mrs. Elfa Lytle, Thomas Sims, Miss Gladys Adams, Mrs. Jessie Sims, August Moeding and Mrs. E. Aline Beers, the two last named serving by virtue -of their offices are worthy matron and worthy patron. : Plans were made to hold a pot luck supper preceding the next regular meeting to be held Janu ary 28. After the meeting a pro gram was glvenbysomeSHRDLU gram was given by somevfif the little folks. Helen Robison is Bride jof Broadly at Quiet Wedding MONMOUTH, Jan. 17. Miss Helen Robison. oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robison of Monmouth, was married Sun day at 10 a. m. to Chester Broad ly, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Broadly of Dallas. Rev. Father Bernard of . Salem read the serv ice In the CathQlle church at In dependence, before a small group of relatives and close friends. A reception was held at the Robison home following the ceremony. Miss Robison has lived In Mon mouth for about 10 years 'and at tended the local schools Including Oregon Normal. Br. Broadly has lived In Monmouth the past year. They will make their home here. i Itlme. Elena First Time In Your City Life' Advisor and Palmist. Was lorn with a Veil. She does what others fall to do.' Consult this Master. Mind. No problem is too great tor her , to solve.., Her time la yours make use ot It. - Now Located at 41 Edge water St., West Salem ill .sr m -m n..n Sk. CVJ PI r n r M n I CU t Commercial Court Street at Commercial . . and Marion Street ' at Commercial Two markets featuring fine food products at the lowest cash prices; never knowingly undersold. If you prefer making your own selections you'll find these stores comfortably warm and inviting, or phone if you like. Or ders of one dollar or more delivered free. Here are a few prices taken at random about the stores, showing a few of the hundreds of savings featured! daily at both markets. Blue Plate Dry Pack SHRIMP New pack Blue Plate Brand SHRIMP Fresh or Wet Pack cans as White Star ! TUNA ' Vi size 2,orlE()(3 y2 size 2 for ' TUNA 2, or ag Southern Beauty SALMON size 3 for 25c Alaska Pink n SALMON tall can 10c Southern Beauty No. 1 cans 2 for 25c Wesson Oil Plt, cans . Quart cans . )f Gallon ennt .. Ona Gallon size cans ... 21c 39c 74c $1.23 The Finest Snowflake Pure Cane ET 10 lbs. 25 pounds . . $EoS 100 lb. sack &7ty mm All Hard Wheat Flour, sack mmd Pillsburys - Kitchen Q ueen 49 $11.59 $11 .55 lb. sk. Meat prices have advanced so much we're almost afraid to quote prices, and at that we haven't ad vanced our prices as much as the wholesale prices have advanced. ; We're still selling the finest prime lEEF ROASTS per lb. Prime Quality Post Toasties 20c Kellogg's Corn Flakes Plate DFF1C? Boiling MM i- r - -. Here , are three blends of fine coffee, freshly roasted, rround to your order. -You know of course that regardless of how . much you pay for a fine tin can, the moment yon open the can it Is balk coffee. Buy Old Golden and save the difference. Old Golden Cherry City FresK Fresh Di amomd Mellow Blend 3 lbs. Bit Vegetable andF 1 rutt Departments Ripe Juicy Oranges, at their best now, size 126, original pack ; .:........r case 83c Arizona- Seedless Grapefruit ... ..... for 1 7c Yakima No. 2 Potatoes ... ... .'50-lb. sack 39c Oregon No. 2 Potatoes .1. ...50 lbs. 33c Fancy No. 1 Potatoes; 13 lbs. 23c;No. 2s, 13 lbs. 17c pkgs. 20c Golden Key Milk ! Cans 3 for, 18c Borden's Milk S tall cans Eagle Brand, per can iJ, -19c1 ; : 21c Brown Sugar 4 20c Powdered Sugar 3 for 17c 10c Baker's Cocoa, Yt' pound Hert'g An Exceptional Soap Special - M-oz. pksr. ; ' not Injure, tender hands or ;th' finest fabric frit It has wonderfnl cleansing prirer. It win piy yoa to buy sereral packages at this priee, :