i. i" -i Tht OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning. iJaa-ary 18, 193S PAGE THIRTEEN wmm f ..Tf: v -Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Adrertlsijag r Single Insertion per line .10c Three insertions per line .20c. Six Insertions per line ,..30c One tnonth per line ....fl.CO Minimum charge .v: . rn . 25c " Copy for this page accepted until 0:30 the e-enlng before publication tor classification. Copy received after this time will be run under the heading.' Too Late, to, Classify. i 4 ' The 8tatesman assumes no financial ! responsibility for er rors which may appear in ad vertisements published tn its columns, and in cases where this paper Is at fault will re print that part of an adver tisement J In which, the typo grahlcal 'mistake occurs. ' The Statesman reserves the right to reject objectionable advertising. It further reserves the right to classify all adver tising under the proper classi fication; j-' :- HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED D spendable girt for Bousowork. Tel. S91. : SITUATIONS WANTED High school girl will care for chil dren evenings. Tel. 1177. . TOUNO GRADUATE REGISTERED ' pharmacist wishes position. Capable of taking fulVcharge. Prescription spe cialist and trvps fitter. Several years ' experience : in leading Pacific coast stores. Box 127, care . Statesman. : FOR SALE Miscellaneous Old papers 10c per handle. States man office. ,i Apples 25c. walnuts 12 and 14c Income tax figures must be cerrect Rent an- Adding Machine and make the Job easy. Thos. Roen. 420 Court. x linoleum rug. 11.00: 9x12, $4.50. Almost as good aa new. Will consider trade for single bed. S45 Bellrue. Good feather bed, 18. Tel. 4351 . -. Biker's Hotpofnt !. oven like new. 2 steam pressors, plows, tractor. spring tooth harrow, drag harrows. furniture, ranges, heaters, etc. Tel. S-l-l-S. Call at F. N. Woodry's Auction Market, Mil N. Summea, FOR SALE Drag saw. good condi tion, ISO. Edwin Cheatham, RL 7, Box 14. Barred Rock setting hens. $1.25 ea. Guaranteed. W. H. Peljter, Rt 1, Box 217, Salem. i ' About lit tons of good oats and Veatch, baled hay. 1IT .& High r, TeL . .TRADE Miscellaneous Ladles' fur coat to trade for llirht ear. Nor later than 11. Bx. 22, Wal lace.; roaa. t WANTED- Miseellaaeous WANTED Walnut meats. .Any qua- nuy. any time, etate caretcna. Caih or trade for furniture, ranges, heaters, machinery, tools, or what hare you? TeL 8-1.1-. I. N. Woodry, auc tioneer. - f . ., ,, MISCELLANEOUS - v-i"i-inrvi(Vinnrifl 1 Free We pick up dead and worth less horses, cows, sheep. TeL 48SS. Haircuts 16c-20a 101 a OTIo'.er. Saw repairing. Salem Saw shop. Four Cornera Pen Road. TeL 4210. , ."'---- -------- - -i.n-i.LTr For Jewelry, expert watch repairing, glasses fitted, see Stevens-Brown, 114 K Liberty. Tel. 7tH. i FOR RENTROOMS - "- ' -- - -- -i-i - -ii-iru-Li-.ru-xruu-un ' Furn. m and gar. during legislature. No, smoking. Hi Market. Dial J41. mm " " " sfc. .-. - - i - --'i--.-N---t---run.iarunrxn ; Sleeplnr Voom, CSS Center' - Rooms, cor-fortable bedw. 434 ITnlon. ; ROOM AND BOARD - Room and board for two. Close In. 401 Marlon. TeL 4445. v Table hoard, 140 Chem. TeL S394. . Rooms, board, steam' heat; near State Honwe. Tel. 360. FOR RENT APARTMENTS vSmall furn. apt., S90 Union, f t R. furn. apt. 250 & Cottage. -lst fL l-rm. apt, adults. 42 Union. " -- -- - - i-ivr'in(, Clean, well furnished apt. Its High land Ave. Inquire 275 N. 20th. ..... . nrminnuwuu '.: ' : FOR RENT ' i.V 55 Toom 'urniahed apartment 111. 0 per month. Adults only. - CHILDS MILLER, Realtors 144 State Street Tel. S708. ' POR RENT HOUSES - --"------" - -ii -fvy r nw liouses Forkner 1851 N. CapltoL -room nouse, s clocks rrom eap- .nw viag. tel. , 1 M l f. n, W sfterXjm.j IFor Sale Real EsUte BJfc iriisrwM'brrjxsi SPECIAL HOMH BARGAINS 11150. Will buy this modern 4 room . plastered borne with two bedrooms, tuu. cement oasement, - furnace, fireplace, paved st, garage, lo - , eated In N. Salem, f ISO. down, bei; m - $10. per mv to Include Int at . 91150. Three room stucco bouse with fireplace, garage, good location on ! Fall-mount Hill, lot 71x100 feet, paved st. only 1250. down. baL. ISO. per mo., to Include Int at 12110. Late built modern 4 room home ! with t bedrooms, oak floors, base , ;ment furnace, fireplace, garage, paved st, good location tn north east Salem. 25t. down. baL, 111 iper ssol. to include int, st 4. . 91710. Late boat -modern S room Home, oak floors, fireplace, full cement abasement furnace, large Attic, 'nice east front lot located across t from Leslie school en & Church St. only 750 cash, baL- easy ' .' ' ' terms. , N - : ''- i tlHO. Modern I room noma, all nfee large rooms, exfra Urre living worn, fireplace, bksement, furnace, ; . , rarse. only gU blocks out WONDERFULYALUH IIJ50. eaah, bal. easv terma SEW US FOR BARGAINS. -; W, It GRARENHORST CO -REALTORS v 714 S. tlbeHy St Tel till INT FACTS FOR SALE Real Estate . . ACREAGE 11 acre ranch., 1 mil from Sa lem on paved street (-room bouse and range, rood burn, family orchard, best of soil. Ideal location for a filling station. 81200. Kruescr. 117 N. Com'- - : . SPECIAL ' " t room modem bunjr&Jow, East Sa lem, foreclosure, price of f 1158 with less down, bat like rent CHILD3 A MUXJER, Realtors : lit State SI -h - TU 6768. SIX ACRE SNAP- Only 81060, part terms. Well located 8 miles north of Salem on travel road and near highway,, .best of dark,' fertile- soil, 6 room cottage, barn and outbid--, electricity, j well and electric pump. ; . ' ' CHILDS MILLER. Realtors S44 State Street :i Tel. 6708. 16 A.. 2S A. . cult.' baL stump -and timber pasture, creek throurh place, equipped. Only site : terms, xou can t beat this. - 'L t- ----- R a 8HIE1JDS ' Oregon Bids. i? U ' Tel. 19 OS. 'i' V' Exchange, Real ' Estate exchange: Neat 4 room colt are modern except basement, rood residential district. paved street. Will trade for larger bouse ana pay iiooo. Call MRS. ELLIS witn f CHILD9 4c MILLER. Realtors 34 Bute Street t; ; Tel. S70S. F0 ALE-fFARMS SPLENDID FARM HOME 17 acre farm of ntltjr clay loam that will grow almost ; anything. Borders Santiam river; excellent buildings and good xaxoiiy orcnara : close to two good towns in Willamette valley. Tou can't go wrong on this farm at the price at which 7 am Instructed' by my client to sell. 11000.00 cah and easy terms at will handle. t DONALD A. TOTJNa Attorney SOt 17. S. Bank Building ' Sa1m. Orrron WANTED REL ESTATE Have cash buyer for ten or more acres near Salem. Wants good-son with buildlnxs preferably modern ; also buyer . for ten to twenty acres with prunes. Wants to turn 4-rm. house part payment. Boo mo at one. WINN IK JfKi J i jutir - S19 Court Street Business Opportunities Grocery stock and i fixtures, down town. Tel. 5210. I j i ..; Sale or trade, service station, cabins, on Pacific highway, sacrifice. Midway Park. Jefferson. Tel. 7F21. Jefferson. J MONEY TO LOAN Automobne and , Chattel Loans 1 to to months to repay at lowest pes- slble rates .- GENERAL FINANCES CORP. A local CO n oration 1st Natl Bank Bldg. Phone SS5S Licensed by stats 5 Farm Loans 5 Plenty of money; for well Improved farms If 'amply secured. Imprere or boy now with cheap money. Ask for booklet "Wniamette Valley Farms." awTtir,s and Roberts, in : . CHATTEL LOANS CARS RE-FINANCED WILLAMETTE LOAN CO. TeL 1177 S05 Guardian Bids. Salem S-114 SUte License Nos. , M-15J. A COMPLETE SERVICE ON LOANS DP TO ISO LOOK WHAT TOU GET I L CASH within 41 hours X. Choice of 4 Loan Plana, : S. Liberal terms, 1 to 20 mo. : to repay. 4. Pmmptnesa, Courtesy ': Privacy. tJeneficial ; Loan Society of Salem Member of NRA. I Room 119. New Bllgh Bldg, '2nd floor LlClM3fc.JJ no. H-lzi a M if 5 by STATE 511 State St is t TeL I 7 4 t Loans Mane in NaTb Towns FOR SALE WOOD 14 In. Old fir. IS. 4 ft. drv tnil rrawtti ' to. iocs if co. ru ash 14.7S. TeL IS3. Dry planer and slab , wood. Promnt ueutery. tel. svss. r ..II M... A A a . ""'------' i i-iJvr-ioriniirx.ru-ijnn GUARANTEED I5HY whUmm ist. uus saiem mel oa. i Tra. Cottage. : i i Dry wood. for sale 14. Dial 4084. - -ii-i.ri.n.ii.i-ii Dry old nr. 2nd rrowth wood. Krrtiwg nog rueL tTta gl wells. Burn Nut Shells. t Most heat. l.t cost Salem Nut Growers Co-op. Phone ------ "ii)Vf,viwi.im.r nnilr- : - TeL Fen wick 4527. 'dry wood. Dry wood that Is dry; .TeLillS-F-21. Dry old fir, 2nd growth. TeL 0769. - - - -i-i1i-ir,nr-MVKMO.WJju Old drr fir II In ts (a ? Guaranteed seasoned wood. Tel. T840, WOOD SAWING , mm ....... - . -i -, - .-.-.i-in r, Wood sawing reasonable. Call 829s, LOST AND FOUND OHX Female Mark" mrtA rhi SpanieL. Return 1774 Lee St. Reward. L4JT In onainefea : Atsti-lnf Kla.w Waterman fountain I pen. Return to i niaifsmnn orrir. Keward. PERSONAL t3U??l rT.r,olvrt to chw Wrig leys Double Mint every day this year. " h aay beaeflU and 1 love It FOR LE-L(jSED CARS If Ton want to a-et - T.attto unn -. ,, , r-ii-ii ii EL BJSTTKR CONDITIONED CAR than you are now driving BE SURE and SEE OUR STOCK of USED CARS BKFORK TOU BUZ Listed belowkre some of the cars we now have in stock: 1981 Btodebaker Com. Sedan, chrome plated steel - wheels, luggage carrier, ! ;f radio, -piy Ctoodyear tires "and tn A-l mechanical .... condlUon. See thta one u48I.OO im iDotac i sea a a joat ' ' overhauled - f ,-, , ' . ' 17.00 is fue s Sedan, eoononu- cal to operate ; 185.00 192T' Packard 7 pas. Sedan. S ? eyL, good condition 876.00 1929 Ford Coupe repainted L 165.00 rtere are some real buys cheap 1838 Boick Sedan needs some 1 work - : . tit a 1127 Buick Sedan See thin 76.00 Studebaker t Touring, good urea 85.00 Will consider trades end give reas- onaoie Terms. Otto J.. Wilson BTJfCK A PONTIAC DEALERS TeL 6481 -Center and Com'L Sta. WVIV)V Excellent 1930 Chevrolet Tudor Se- dan. K76.00. 2148 N. CoraX interesting F The Bureau of Biological Sur vey estimates the annual, returns from: game and fur resources to tal approximately 12,000,000,009. There artv four . forma of tales taxes, the most popular of which is the retail sales tax. t x v... o ' - T That September typhoon In Jap an did an estimated $145,000,000 damage. , . , o - ' ' Softwood is often harder than hardwood. , . ; All figures on religious mem bership, of the world are at best simply estimates. Careful compil ing; of figures from official and unofficial aources give the fol lowing: Christian,- 680,000,000; (Catholics, 475,000.000;. Protest ants 205,000,000): Confucians and Taolists, 350,000,000: Mo hammedans,- 210,000,000; Hindus, 230.000,000; Buddhists. 150,000, 000; Jews, 11,000,000; and mis cellaneous, S 54,0 00,0 00. The sta tistical Institute of the League of Nations estimates the population of the world at two billions. -1 . FOR SALE USED CARS Valley Motor Co. Used Cars and Trucks 19S4 Ford V-8 Sedan - ... ,, , 9440 . 525 . 446 . 460 . 445 191 Ford V-8 Coach 1932 Ford V-8 Coach 1932 Ford V-8 DeLuxe Coupe 1932 Ford V-8 Std. Coupe 1930 Ford Model A Std. Coupe 285 iz ora Model A Std. Roadster 150 1932 Chevrolet Coach 414 1931 Chevrolet Coach 345 1928 Franklin 8 Sedan 246 1928 Packard Sedan . 145 1929 Oldsmobile Coach 145 1929 Whippet 4 Coach 125 Trucks and . Pickups 1931 Ford Special pickup 9311 . 150 . 800 is is fora pickup 1929 Ford and 1000 raj. tank 1931 Ford. Long W. Base . 1933 Ford B4, 8. W. Base 1922 Ford. Long W. Base 1933 Chevrolet Long W. Base . 825 425 450 500 1939 G. M. O. lu-ton. L. w. Base 445 Marion and Liberty Open Sundays TeL T910. McKay's Used Cars Model T delivery, license -9 85 .8165 -9165 : .8225 -1235 z f ora coupe '21. Willys Knight sedan J Chev. sedan . 30 Ford spt rdst '31 Ford tudor -8335 '81 Chev. DeLuxe coach .3175 31 DeSoto sedan 1365 31 Chev. sedan, K. K. trunk 8396 it Lnev. DeLuxe coudo 9445 8395 9515 8SS0 $550 $675 32 Ford V-8 coupe 31 unev. coach '30 LaSalle 5 pass, coupe '33 Chev. town sedan 33 Pontlac sedan Trucks and Pickups 29 For pickup . '26 Chev. pickup '31 Chev. pickup . $145 S185 4285 -3 45 lis $185 x yora Reo speedwagon, license '28 Reo 1-ton '11 Chev. as is 31 Ford I W. R. - 31 Chev. 1m TV. B. i 32 Chev. a W. B. $250 -8350 3385 342S 3485 33 O. M. C Im W. B. 2 Reo, L. W. B. . .1425 Easy Terms Liberal Trades Ooen Evenings ana Sundays McKay Chevrolet Co. S3 3 Center Tel. 3189 430 N. Coml 1935 Chevrolet bow on display. . - - . . . nmm -jxru" BORRKQCTS BETTER BOYS 1928 PonUae Coach 1185 1928 Chrysler Coupe 175 1928 Chev. Coach - 145 1927 Ptude Sedan r , , 125 1927 Dodge Roadster ... 75 1926 Ford Roadster 35 we nave many others to choone from. BORREGO"S CAR MARKET 240 N. Liberty St. TeL 3638. aeeasaes4aasi Mathis Used Cars '31 Cher. Coach 1341.00 29 Ford Coupes 3 each . : "dandy's" 195.60 235.06 185.00 J25.60 29 Chev. Coach '29 Ford Rdstr. S) each '28 Chrysler Sedan ! Chev. Coach 195.00 '27 Chev. Coupe. Re bored, new paint , 148.00 Also 80 other cars to pick from I10.VO to iioo.oo real Tmyg. : Come In and Look Them Over Low Pri- "rt5 Terms I !en Mathis ; ' 850 Court Street Salem. Oregon . - - -----j r, iA.nn rinin , NOW WRECKING 11928 Oakland Sedan 11928 W. K. 6 Coach 1 192T V ale S Sedan 1 1926 Dodge Coach 11926 Bnlrk Standard Sedan 1 194 Model T Ford Sedan I 1924 Model T Ford Coach 8. Comm-iaL U-BIk. South Paper Mffl 430 f Radi rogram ;-;.. ' ' Friday, January 18' ' KOW POTIND 620 Xc. T:00 Harvest of Song, VBO. -7:15 Haael Arth. NBC. .-. T:4S Tom MitchelL NBC. 8 :0O Musie Appraciatloa Hoar. KBO. t:15 Chas. Baara, KBO. 10:05 Orgaa CoBccrt, NBC. 13:45 Piano. . " ' 8:05 Coneert Trie. S:80 Mickey Oilltte enhaatra. KBO. 4:00 Phil Cook's Ehow Shop. KBO. ... 4:30 King'. 6,rL KBO. j 4:45 Ooagress kotel archest ra. 6:45 Riearde and his TioUa. HBO. - : 7 :0O First Kighter, NBC. . 8:00 Amoa 'a' AaiU. SRrt lwi0&igrG0TtT. my attorney. 106. Oregon -rim aio news, ahu 11:004 mbsetadcr Hotel erckectra, KBO. : FOTur - use - t : 6:80 Concert. 7:45 Hill Billies. - i8:80 Orchcetra. - ' ' t:80 Katiasai Farm cad Hesas Hoar. 10:10 Daace Aatigues. 10:85 Salon Orckcatra. 10:45 Band Music, . - , - - i 11:45 Daaee Masie. ! 11:00 Edaa Fischer.' KBO. ""! 13:16 Farm and Home Hoar, KBO. ' 1:000. M. Plammer. - - : 1:30 Financial and Orala BeporL ... I. 1:85 Operatic Oessc ' i 3:00 Worid Bookmaa. Business' Directory v Caida la this directory raw oa monthly basis only. Bates f 1.00 per line per month. . AUTO BRAKES Mike Panek. ST1 Sontn Commercial. - BRUSHES Fuller Broshec- Tel. Protidf it, TSM. ' CATERING HoTbroolfs chicken tamales. Tel.' SHI. j : CHIMNEY SWEEP " TelerneJJStJorthnew CHIRAPRACTORS DR. a L. "SCOTT, PSC, Chiropractor, 1SS N. HlgK TeL Res. 87S2. -; - V' DENTISTS Dr. S. Davis. 101 -Oregon Bids. Tel. ELECTRICAL SERVICE bosler Electric, 241 state st wir-1 imc, motors, appliance, repairs, service. .FLORISTS Brelthaupt's, 557 Court. - ALL kinds of floral work. Luts, Flor-1 1st H7 N. Liberty. TeL 1592. GENERATORS Generator and armature exchange. 8883 Portland Road. LAUNDRIES ' THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE W EIDER LAUNDRY 248 a High TeL till CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First in Quality and Service TeephoneOSSrodway MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4049 SALEM FLUFF-RUG and Mattress Factory. NEW MATTRESS made to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, sit ing; nuir rug weaving. S. 13th Wil bur. TeL 8441. OTTO F. ZWICKER. Est 1911. MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet musio and piano stud- tea Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines, 433 State Street, 8alem. PHOTO ENGRAVERS Salem photo engraving, 147 N. Com mercial. Tel. 6887. PRINTING FOR STATIONERT, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department, 216 S. Commercial. Tele phone 1101. ' RADIO SERVICE Moore's. Tel. 7993695 N. H!gh STOVES I repair Stoves, ranges, . circulators, Sell new and rebuilt etoves, raages and circulators, stock fence, posts, chicken wire. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 262 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R. B. Klpmlng. TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage, call 3131, Larmer Tranafer Co. Trucks to Portland dally. CAPITAL. CITT Transfer Co. 126 State St. TeL 7773. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Got our rates. .(.'-,- a v Willamette Valley Transfer. Portland hauling. TeL 8722. Sales to Anywhere for hire truck. Special rate on town hauling. Tel. 6Z78. TRUCK SERVICE Ashcraft. 370 Klngwood. Tel. 8380. T WELL DRILLING R. A. West, 10 years experience. RFD 7, Box 203. Tel. 110F6. 8:45 League of Katioas Saaociatiea. 4:80 King's Gaard, NBC. , S:15 Eddie King, pianist. 0:00 Sporti Ulk. I0:0o Urebssua. 10:50 Wayne Klag's erekettra. 11:00 Ambaaaador Hotal orchestra. 11:80-12 Dance Frolie. . . XOAO COBVAXilS 660 Ke. 9:00 Home Economies Observer. 10:15 Hobby Horse and Hew to Bide Them. . . ;.-- " - ' 12:00 Noon Fans Hour. 1:16 KOAO School el tbe Mim. 2:18 Orsgoa Literature. -S :00 Hon leaakers' . Half Boar. 4:80 Stories for Beys sad Girls. 6:00 Opera Stories "The 71yiag Date-Baa". - ,r . ., 6:15 Press Badio Hew. . 6:80 Evening Farm Hoar. 8:15 The Woaderfal Story ef Areaee . elegy "The Pbaraehs of das" Frederick 8. Dana. NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT OP EXECUTOR Notlca is herabr Siren that tha undersigned - has been -oly ap pointed bj tas Couhtf Court of tha Stats of Oregon, for tha Coun ty of Marlon, as Executor of ta last will and testament and -estate of Frances H. Alden. . decease-. and that ha has duly qualulea as such executor; nil persons har- ins; claims against the estate ef said' decedent are hereby "notified to present the same, duly verified, to me, at the office of Ronald C Building, Salem -Marlon -County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. ; Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 11th day of January, 1935. - . LUTHER A. HOWARD, V " -' Executor ot the last .will and testament and Estate of Frances H. Alden. De-- ceased. RONALD C. GLOVER. . -A X -Attorney for Executor, .. . Salem. Oregon. J. 11-18-26; F. 1-1 WlMMi mid unn nnipti'i Trnm . mm rniouii iLiiiii Two-year sentence In the state prison tor obtaining money nnder false pretense wan handed V.; Lanin yesterday by Judge .1 H. McMahan, while the case against him on an n: a. f. check was con I tinned. Lanin was taken to the prison yesterday afternoon. Jason Price's appeal rrora jus tice court conviction and 10 days with SI OS fine was dismissed from circuit court on motion of defense council. -By this action, the sen tence Imposed -: In J justice court holds.', - --- v?:-; .-! ,! . - i : V. O. Slsemore's attorney also asked that the motion for appeal on Justice court conviction be dis missed, so the 10-day aentenee and f 5 0 fine imposed last . Sep tember 11 in the, lower court holds. Charge against him was feckless driving. ' j Ml-' : Jack Leoffler, on; his appeal from drunken driving sentence. pleaded guilty before-McMahan and was fined 100 and given six months in the county Jail. .. v With disposal of these cases, slated for trial today, the circuit court jury was ordered not to re port . until . Saturday morning, when the state's charges of drank- en driving against Kenneth Darril Birch will come to trial, unless disposed of today. This Is also aa appeal, from a 60-day Jail sen tence and $100. fin a entered la Jostle court September 21. 1 ! Rasmussen Case Will Be Retried J Next Courk Term The state's drunken . driving1 charge against Antone Rasmussen will be retried at! the next term i of circuit court here. District At-, torney W. H. Trlndle said yester day. The case was tried before Judge McMahan here last week and went to the Jury Friday, hat got nowhere when the- Jury failed to agree and so was discharged late Saturday. H 4 The case .was aa appeal from a line ana sentence imposed m Justice court early last year, which stand oyer Rasmussen un til the circuit court either dis misses, exonerates or upholds the lower court. ! , Bruce to Represent Oregon in Cincinnati j DALXJL3, Jan. 17. Dr. George W. Bruce, pastor of the Methodist church, has. received word from Dr. Channing Richardson, head of the Mome Missionary society with offices At Philadelphia, that be has been chosen to represent the Salem district of the Oregon con ference at a Methodist men's meeting In Cincinnati, Ohio, the last week in February. Bruce plans to stop oyer for a few days' riait with his brothers and sisters at Cherokee, Iowa. NOTICE OP MEETING OP cstEDrroRS Int the District Court of the United States, For the District f'of Oregon. 1 r t tn proceedinga for a Composition or Extension. In the Matter of August Stein- grube, Debtor. To the creditors of August Stein grube of Turner, ins the Coun ty of MARION, ;and district -aforesaid: : 'i ' Notice is hereby given that On the 8th day of January, A. v. 1955, the petition of. the said August Steingrube, Praying that he be -afforded an opportunity to effect a composition of aa extens ion of time to par his debts under Section 76 of the Bankruptcy Act, was approved- by this court as properly filed under said section; and that the first meeting of creditors will be held; at Saiem, Oregon. Room S. in the U. 8. Postofflce Building on the 28 th day of January, A. D. 1935, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the said I creditors may attend, prove their claims, examine the debtor, and transact such business as may come before said meeting. V i M At said meeting, said August Steingrube, debtor, proposes to offer terms of composition or ex tension o fhls debts. i - SEYMOUR JONES, Concilatlon Commissioner. January IT, 1935.' if . J.ll. Defense Expert v v. - J. IL Treadlsy: .. i 4 ffatintmann defense co-PSel Eged J. U. -nrrjst St. uis, 13 handwiitinx' expert, to analyze 'Lindbergh x-nsom - notes and he will testify in Hauptnt's -rT.djrfen5e, risj,---" .. IES i - NEW YORK, Jan. 1 T.-(ff)-Traders In financial markets to day still displayed little enthusi asm for making - new commit ments,, but nervousness appeared to be passing. . . - A score or more of senior stock issues, ranging from those not now paying dividends to some of the highest grade Inrestment pre ferreds, showed advances of from a point to as much as 4 points, and buyers appeared to be. nib bling at this class of securities all up and down the list Westinghouse Preferred at 17 was a full 4 points up, and other preferred's registering rises of,l to S points or so Included issues of Associated Dry Goods, . Com monwealth ft Southern, Consolid ated Gas, UcCrory Stores, Warner Bros., Blumenthal, Mlllins Manu facturing, American Smelting, U. 8. Gypsum, Spicer Manufactur ing and West Penn Electric. Among stocks steady to frac tionally lower were Union Pacific General Motors, Chrysler. ' Santa Fe, International Harvester and Public Service of New Jersey. Tne Associated Press average for 60 selected stocks rose .01 of a point to 39.19. and transfers ag gregated 758,080 shares. General Markets PXODUOU EXCBJJIGl POBTLAN0, Ore, Jam. IT. OP) Prodnee sxebaoge, t prices: nr -xtraa, si: standards, II H: prima firsU, I1H; lints, SOH. -rt U. 8. specials. SO: U. 8. aztraa. 28: ! medium firtts, t5c ButUriat, S4. Portland Grain POKTLAXD. Jaa, 17. (AP) GraU fntarea Wheat Opea Higb Low Close Mar 83 62 81-. 124 Jaly - 77 T7 TT TT Cash: Big Bend blaeatem. 91 i; dark bard wiater. 11 par east. S6e: do. 11 par cant. 8se; w eaUra white, 19; sad waatcra red, 80 He. Oat No. 1 whits. 132.50. Cera -So. 2E yellow. 641. Millmn Standard, 925. ' Portland Produce 1 POBTLAXD. Jaa. IT. (AP) Batter mats, A grade, SI He lb. la parehsuat wrapper. 64 He ia cartons; B grade. sane- wrappers. S3c: sartoaa. S4e Batterfst Portland deli Terr. A ends deliveries at least twice weekly, 8S-B4e lb.; eooatrj rootea. 11-83 lb.; B srade. or delivery, 81-32e lb.; O gr4e at saar ket... ...... , ... ;.. Eggs Sa lea te retailer: Specials, 37s; extras. 80e; freak extra, hrowna. S6e; ataaaros Be: Ire a aea ina is 85c: me 1 est firsts 85 ; fresh pallets 22e doses. S8 saying price ot amouaalara: Fresh specials. SSe; extras, 81c; extra aaediuBa 20e; pallets. 17e; ckeeksv 80c; bakers. 17e dosea. : Obeeee S3 score: Oregoa triplets. 15e; loaf, 16c Brokers will pay e below qnotationi. MUk-v-Coatract pries A, Portland de Uvery. 2.20 ewL; B grade cream 87 lb. Oonatry nutate Belli ag price te retail era: country killed bogs, bait batchers, under 150 lba, 15s lb.; vealers faaey, 11c lb.; light and thin. S-Ss lb.; heavy, 6-6e lb.; satter cows, 6-7 Ms lb.; can aara. 4e lb.; buUa 6-SHe IV; lambs, fancy, 15a lb.; mutton. 6-9e lb. Mohair 1934 bnying price. 19e Ik Cescara bark Bsying price, 1884 peel, Se lb. Hops 1834 fnggles. ( ) lb.; elss ters. ia-I5e lb. Lire pool try Portland delivery bay. ing price: colored bens, over 6Vs lbs 16-16e lb.; do sadsr 6 lbs. 15-16 lb.; Leghorn fowls, ever S ib , 13-lBe per lb.; do ander S lbs, 11-13 per lb.; apriags, 4 lbs, sad ap. lS-loe; snoar 4 lbs, 15-16; broilers, ander S lba 16e; j rooatera, 6 lb.; Pekia docks "ekia oacka .13s lb.: colored. 10c lb.; geese, 10-lle IK Onions Orecos, fl.6S-l.76 cental; Yakima. 8 1.15-1.60. Potatoes 'Oregon Borbanks, S0s-$1 cental; Deschatea 0ms, 81.06-1.10 oaa UL Wool 1984 clip, nominal; Willamette valley, medium, 30 lb.; fine or half blood. 80e lb.; lamb. 18c lb.; eastern Oregoa, 17-80 lb.; ios there Idaho ( ) lb. , -Hay Baying ptlce from predaeeres alfaUa .Ko. 1. new crop, $17; eestsra Oregoa timothy. 117.50; oats, 813 toa; WUlsmette vaUay timothy, 14 tea; cle ver, 818 ton, Portland. Portland Livestock' POBTLAKD, Jam. IT. (AP) Cattle: Beceipts. 200: steady. w. . Steers, good, eemmea mediam. 4.76 8.75; keif ere, good, eo-uaoa A mediam. 4.2 5-6. 50; cows. good, common mediam, 4.00-6.00; low ectter cotter, 3.35-4.00; bolls, good choice, 4.50-4.76; cattcr, common mediam. 8.25-4.50: vealers. riwwi m r holes. T.OO-B.OO: CHU. COW mow b medium, j 8-S; ealvea, good Aeheiee. 6.50-7.50; commoa A medium, 8.00-6.50. Hnn; aatnta. '4002 S5o lower. Lightweight, good A choice, 8.50-8.86 ; medium weight, good A choice, S.80-9.00 ; ,T-w.lrht road A choice. T.75-8.75: pack's c sows, medium A good. 6.60-6.75; facder A steekas pigs, good A choice. 6.00-6.75. (Um; RelBt. 100: steady. ' smbe. good A enotee, s.o-s.7a; me a and medium. 6.00-8.00; yearling wa- there, 4.50-6.50; ewes. ooo A choice, 8.00-4.00; cau, 8.26. medium, 3.0O- Milk Scarcity it ' Cause of Call for Added Donations LIBERTY. Jan. 17. The soup and cocoa committee In charge of the school hot lunch project finds Its- infix " supply suddenly short- Anyone hATinx milk to donate is I asked, to get In touch with Mr. Staeey,. route 4. phone FZi. Those who can deliver the mux should laare it at the home ct Ifrs. Decatur in the old Lib erty store building Tuesday and Thursday mornings, cocoa - is made on these two days by lira. Decatur. ' '. --: -. : . , KKIZKR. Jan. 17 Mr, and Ifrs. William Blake hare return- ed from an extended trip in Cal ifornia. ' They spent meh time with hla brother. JohnBlake of Pasadena, who has been Tory fu tor several months, but was lm proving when they left. They also visited Mrs. Cutler (Doris Bow- den) in San Diego. The Blakes I reported the weather in southern California ouite cold at were- I glad to xet back to Oregon. : vousn-ess I s-'em M.to com IMBUES : . Grade n raw 4' per cent milk, co-op pool price) fl.TS "per' hundred. . v.,;;.-;. tKQk baaed ea nnrt ami tj eatterfat averagsJ , r Distributor price f 2,ia " - A grade botterfat De- IJiTered, 82c; route. Sic; B grade prints,-83c; A grade prints, S3 He. Prises paid te cewers t Salsei earera. v": . Jsaaarr IT fTke prises below, ssppaes by a teeal K Mat; are ladieative ef tae sail market. I are so gasrastee4 by Tbe States- rnorre , IBvytag Prlee) ; Craaberrlea, bbL ; .S Orapefrsit. riorids RQ te 4.60 Grapefruit. Ariaeae 2.40 is S.6S '' Onuses, KsvL fancy S.40 U S.S5 - Choice te 1.60 - eaaaaaa. Dl. oa stalk J4 , Hands - .OS ZfBtoas - , 4.00 te 4.76 Uaua. frosb t.OS Orspte Emporers , ' 1.80 Apple, bashal 1.00 U 1.89 r-O-T-BLSS . . (Bavins Prie-t ' -rtlchokw, bos S.16 K-Utskes. Sos. - je ,.40 89 te i ll SOe te & Cauliflower. Calif. Cabbage, ewt local Kxsut cabMge Oreea peppsra. local, lb. Local oat on. 60 lbs. Lettuce, Csliforaia as .0 S.S0 f 4J6 . AO .01 .01 Alt Salsify. 4na Sqassa, Habbarda . Stasis, baaasa, lb. Carrots, local, dosea Local Potatoes Ke. X. baadrad J9 .58 1.59 at .13 1.85 4.00 - JS .2 -IS as .60 .65 8.50 115 Ne. -. baadr-4 Yakima, 50 lbs. Ke. 1 Sweat potatoes Csliforaia peas (Jantorala beans - Tematoea, hot honse, leg . mexteaa, tag Filberts Jl e .18 te Wslaata. lb. Tarnipa, do. EndiTes. do Italics breccolL log - Beets, Calif., dosaa Celery, Calif.. V crste hearts, dot. Bora Banns Price) Cluster. 1984 IbH tern , 46 .15 rsggiec. Its, top in. - (Baying Price) Extras 8Undsrds Mediums .21 .20 at as Pallets WOOL AJT MOBAIB (Baying Price) Mohair. 1984 clip , i - market Medina wool 1984 4!0 46 Coarse and fiae afoot. 1984 POOLTOT (Baring Price) Heavy hens, 4V to 5 Ibc Over 6H pounds, lb. Colored madiama. lb. Medium Legboras, lb. .11 40 40 .0 J8 .18 JiS Light, lb. Broilers, colored, ib. Stags, lb. MEAT (Baying Prlee) Lambs, nnder 90 lbs. -- Over 90 lbs. Bars. 130-160 lbs. 170-810 lbs. 210-250 lbs. 8.00 7.25 S.00 8.75 8.50 6.00 Steers , . . f i Cows , - Balls s-oe to t.oe to 4.00 S.OS te 3.60 s.oe te 5.00 8.00 te 6.50 . 08 Heifers Teal, top Dressed veal, top , EWessed aegt .15 GRAIN -Ki BAT (Bayins Prlee) Wheat, western, red ., ' .78 .79 White, Ke. 1 Barley, feed. Ke. L, toa -18.00 .84.00 MalUaK tea Oats, milling, ton .28.00 -21.00 reed, toa Hay. bayisg prices Clover any J0.00 .10.00 -13.00 Oats sad vetch, tea . Alfalfa, valley Clover Bed, U Aiaika. lb. .16 At lb. Trading in Wool Now Scattered BOSTON. Jan. 17-V(U. 8. Dept. Agr.)-A very moderate and scattered trade was being re ceived In the finer grades of west ern grown wools. The bulk of the sales were on average to abort sta ples 64s and finer wool Original bag lines ot this grade brought mostly 67-70 cents scoured basis for average to good French comb ing, and 63-66 cents , for short French combing and : clothing. Choice French combing and strict ly combing , staple lines , of. fine wools were very quiet, Arerage 12 months Texas wool, spot Boston, were having a call at 6S-70 cents scoured basis. -. A I'-. NOTICE . Call for Warrants All warrants of School District No. 24, Marlon County, Oregon to and including No. 10,481 . have been called. - Please present at Ladd and Bush. Salem, vOregon, for payment, ' W. H. Burghardt, Clerk; J8-11-18 i ..- No. B 19301 r IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON In dthe Matter ot , Helen 1. Doty, ! j ' Bankrupt, i To the creditors of Helen L. Doty, of Jefferson," in the Coun ty of Marlon and District afore said, a bankrupt, - T NOTICE 13 HEREBY OIVKN that ihe aaid Helen I Doty here- totore filed a petition under sec tion 75 ot the Acts of Congress relating to Bankruptcy; that, ahe has failed to obtain the accept ance of a ma jorlty in r number and amount ot all creditors whose elaims were affected by a com position or extension proposal; that ahe desires to obtain the benefit of sub-section (s) of said section 7J and pursuant to, her amended petition under said sub section she was on Ahe 14th day of November, 1934, duly adjudi cated i bankrupt; that1 the first meeting of creditors will he held at Room 301 In the United States National Bank: Building in Sa lem, Oregon, on the 2 9 th day ot January, 19 3 1, at. 2 3 0 o'clock in the afternoon af which time the aaid creditors may attend, prore their ' claims, examine the bank rupt. "appoint a. trustee if it be comes necessary. under. the terms of said section and transact such other business as may properly come before said 'meeting. - u.. . WILL ARD I MARKS Referee in Bankruptcy. J. 18 Passes flDVAfXE 1 GRAINS CHICAGO, Jan. 17.-5V-In the face ot uncertainty as to the out-' ' come of gold clause cases before the United States supreme court, grain ralues . tended . mostly up-" . ward today.' " '- : Afenace of a severe cold wave in the domestic grain belt, together with , renewal of dust storms southwest, had a bullish effect.'.. There were also adricea that the Argentine government, had sold for exports its total holdings of old-crop wheat, and that Arg tine new-crop wneat Quality yfras disappointing, with arrh month behind normal. "Wheat closed firm at the same aa yesterday's finish to higher. May 97-97 H corn - np. oaU : advanced, and prorlslons I unchanged to a. rise ot 30 cents. ' . Todaya' closing eiuotations: Wheat: May, 97-97; July, 88- Sept,, 8-H. Corn: Mar, 89; May, t-H- H; July, 81-; 8ept, 77-JiV ; Oata: May. 68; July. 4;- Sept,8. NOTICE CALL OF WARRANTS All warrants of School District No. 14, Marion County, Oregon, to and include No. 10,872. hare been called. Please present at Ladd and Bush, Salem. Oregon, tot payment, - W. H. Burghardt, Clerk. J.l 8-2 0-31. ; . , . ' T 3 NOTICE OF EXECXTTRIX S4I41 In the County Court ot the? State., ot Oregon tor the CounTy . ot- Marlon.- ; T,t. - In the Matter ot the EsUte ot Mary V. Fawk, Deceased. NOTICE IS. HEREBY; GIVEN that pursuant to an order ot the County Court of Marlon County, Oregon, madeTand entered on the third day of January, 1935, the undersigned executrix of the Es tate ot Mary V. Fawk, deceased, will sell at private sale for-cash in hand, or part cash and the. balance to be secured by a mort gage lien upon" said premises, ' on and after the .second day ot Feb ruary. 1935, at the hour of ten O'clock A. M. f aaid day. subject to confirmation of said Court, the following described real premis es; to-wit: ! . Beginning on the - Easterly boundary of Lot 5 in Block 50 in Salem, in Marion County. Oregon, at a point 11.5 feet aoutherly from the - Northeast corner of said lot 4 and on the center line ot a wall, thence ' Westerly along tbe center line of said wall, ICS feet to the Westerly boundary ot said lot; thence northerly along the Westerly boundary of lots 4 and 3 in said block; 25.50 feet to a point 14.00 feet northerly from the northwest corner ot said lot 4; thence Easterly, par allel with the Southerly boun dary of aaid block 77.45 feet to an iron pipe; thence southerly 3.32 . feet parallel with . the -Westerly . boundary ot said lot 3, to an iron pipe tet on the westerly projection of the cen ter line of a 1 inch brick wall; thence Easterly ' along the Westerly projection ot the cen ter line of said brick wall and. the center Line of said .brick wall, 87.35 feet to the easterly, boundary of said lot 3; thenco: southerly 22.25 feet to thfj place of beginning, v i 'b GRACE L. FAWK. ; liP Executrix of the Last WtflT I' and Testament ot Mary V. " " Fawk, deceased. . v J.4-11-18-25-F.I, 'and Mart VJar leners diers' Kan PORTLAND, Orel, Jan. lli-Vf) -The demand for "broccoli at to-: day'a session of the gardeners' and ranchers' early market was strong but the supply was lim- . . Best stuff brought 50c per lug!.1 Brussels sprouts were back to 75c' per crate. . No. 1 v cauliflower ; jumped te 31.00 for best gTades. Other produce was steady. . . Spinach Oraara bar. 76c ". ' Carrots Now. desen beaches. SO-85e. ' Beets Dosea baacbec, SO-COc . i Parsler iosaa baacbec, 15a. :, Tnraipa Dosen baacbec. 30-85c. RaUbarac Crata. 85-40e. Parsnips Crste, 3 5-4 5c Radishes Dosea banchea, 16c ' ttacw Crate, J 1-1.35. -Cabbars Par crste, Qe-81.?S. CaaUtktwer Local, Ke. 1, 60-T5C. ' - -Celery Crata. 81.50; hearts. Sl-a-M. Green beans Poo ad. 6-7c V Soaaab Daaiah, IA9 oer canUTcvpe crate: Bohemias, 01 i crate. -"raaas Pa-a, Sc ' ----- - " - Add lea Jambla Back. Vex. 65c: Do-" Ucioa r Spitsamkerf, extra faacr, LAe,' yotstece orenco box, so-o Onions 100 lbs- $1.60-1 JO. Brecoen Per lag, 40c Brassebj sprcsts Crate, T0-T6e. ' Cauliflower Crata, local. Be. 1. fOe-f 1 Brasmels spreatc Crate, 40-T5c . Stoclcs end Bond JaBBarr IT STOCK AVZXA OSS (Compiled by The .Associated Press.) - . SO i -IS -IS so -.-- ' ledaci. - rails - aUL stocks Today - S8.8S S4.6S- 35.81 SO.IS lra-. ear os.se ui sa.av h.i Koatb ace tlJKi 35.78 - 84.03 - 88 8 , Tear ase 6.4T 86.68 84.5 46.lt iBii-ia aisra SLti . tv.ii 1SS4-S6 lew 46J7 81 TT '84.16 84 M IS8S hlrk T JS 4S.1T" SO OT - 63.26 34.43 Ss.et .1888 lev 34.83 . 10.53. S059 ATZKAOXO 30 ia 19 10 - IT' rsiu ' htdasA, -til.- ford re 05.40 - 85.83 - 48.66 Today 86.41 Prer. -ay .8S1 Month arc S5.54 . Year wee 80.0l JOT 85.87 8.73 84.67 79.80 77.18 S5.S 88.00 78.6 ' 6S.17 79.04 84.75 485 6640 60.78 6.TT 64.S4 . 70.46 0.1 64.58 60.86 19S4-S5 feic , 8S.s 1SS4-8S lev 74.50 . 1SI8 kirk 81.61 1 1888 lev 54.78 J