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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1935)
V The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Friday Momlny. Jannary 18, 1935 PAGE TEN I SEC1TC MI IS PHESEfJTED Five-Phases Program . Sent by Roosevelt, Study of Months bj Group (Ceattaaee from pm 1) has not enough Income to lire de - cently. . -. ' - ' - .For the compulsory plan: A payroll Ui through which the employer would r contribute for each of - hie: workers amounts graduated upward, every fire years . from 1 per cent during the' fire ' ' year period beginning in It 37 to - I per cent after 1I7. s T ., Half of thevtax of the employers would be deducted, from-the pay et the employe thus insured. . . The worker becomes eligible for , the pension when-be reaches 45 If - taxes hare been paid for at least - 200 weeks in the f lye-year. period and he is no longer working. - The amount of the pension re ' celved was-divided into two scales - to take care of those under pen sion plaHs before 1 1942 and those who come under them after that '. date. , : v , - rrasioa to Vary With - Time Under Plan I: ! " For those-in the first class, the pension would range upward from IS. per cent of his average month : ly wage. If tax 'had been paid for him for 200 weeks, he would get the minimum. One per cent would v be added for the' next 40 weeks of tax, to apply for the next 200. Similarly, the pension would in- " crease according lo the length of ' time tax was paid; I For those in the second class, a similar system would be followed, ' except that the pension would be gin at 10 per cent of his average wage The Voluntary plan: - - A person under 65 might buy an old age! annuity, not to exceed $9000 in maturity; value, the rate of payment to be worked out by a . social insurance board.' " - j... On unemployment Insurance: - Employers of more than four A workers to pay a 3 per cent pay jjIrollctaxl the amount of the tax, however, to fluctuate according to ; the federal reserve board index of total industrial production until '1938. After that year, it would be v giridly set at 3 per cent. ' A refund of 90. per cent to em- ployers who contribute to state funds. . !-..- il . . FOUR MILLION 15 ' RELIEF MINIMUM Continued from pat 1) the regular state budget for 1935-1936 the funds secured by , (1) met attempting to eliminate . the sute deficit until at least the 'close, of - the biennium, (2) by holding - down ' tothe last penny expenditures for -j state depart ments and (3) by continuing large -diversions 'from state edu cational mlllages. At the moment, the state's re- lief situation Is "settled" that Is for. 80 days. Governor Martin . signed a requisition . for $1,080, v 900 for February in mid-week, remarking I that :. the sum was - large and that there was a seri Cross-Word Puzzle Bj EUGENE W f f r f m x 8 r rp !II5lfl---IIZZ - Z&L - l I 1 1 1 wr rfe : HORIZONTAL , ; 1 search - pass off at -i vapor ' ' 11 -excavate a ' sole in the . r earth 11'- annual , eoureb ' festival , - 14 storm - ' IS ' pewgyaper : letter 18 exij -lS-worship -, 20 rotating -piece on a i wheel 21 pronoun - 22 mountain - system in " South America : 23 etareh from . ; an East .-" - Indian ' ;palm 24 rolls of r cloth for ; Wiping " ! -away excess ink 25 prevent 27 learned 3 bird of the , pipeon family tX censure :. 21 affected ' .with. abnor . '-mal tem f perature" - 84 narrow road.. 85 retreat 88 Greek . . "letter- ' 17 beverage . 88 English royal - family 89 involuntary r twitching '" 40 Italian . river 41 explode : . Herewith Is the terday's puzzle. ous question if a relief program so extensive could be continued And that question undoubtedly threaded the ' governor's i 'mind yesterday. as he asked his Inter viewers about relief; how much was needed, could costs ? be re duced, how long must relief con tinue. ; ':- - Hi . Without question, tl Oregon's part j in -the federal ; relief . pro gram - is ' the major question be fore the present legislature and one which will continue to give the assembly as well as the exe cutive department a hard hurdle to surmount.- , 4' - j. ' ' Representative Semonhead of the .house 'ways and means com mittee .has the Idea ,"t hat the state's .'. Income tax exemptions might be pulled down to ;$400. for, single men and : $S0O for married men the present ex emption Is $800 for single; men and $1600 tor. married men. At best this reduction - would!: , not raise more than $500,000 in ad dition to present annual Income tax receipts and would be bitter ly fought by the union , labor group which has always protest ed such a tax when the grange and other organizations' proposed it. ' - .1 I.'. WILL BE ACCEPTED , (Continued from pace 1) , 2 Assessment on a poundage basis of dealers and brewers to buy up the surplus. 3 The establishment of min imum prices. . ' ij i ; : 4 Establishment of i;a set of standards.-' . Jf i (!'- v' : Growers expressed confidence, however, the agreement! will be ac cepted by the AAA as drawn up: California growers, it; j was dis closed, have agreed to refuse to sign the agreement unless . the growers continue to have major ity representation on the indus try aboard. ' .- Sf J j? : The second hearing will be held at Salem, Ore., next Monday, Jan. 21: A preliminary conference will be held Sunday in the Oregon cap ital city,' however, when; growers, dealers and brewers will attempt an amicable adjustment of their differences.' - It'.- Ross Wood, president of the Oregon Hop Growers association, Frank Needham and Robin Day were spokesmen for the Oregon growers. - . U ' 1 Continued from put 1) will be used In the plants, Lipman said. The Oregon- flax 1 growing area extends on either side of the Willamette river south lis far ae Eugene. '.;v "". "At the outset, . the : company will establish ' a sanfordixing plant for pre-shrlnking. linen," Lipman explained. "This will be the first linen mill in thei world so equipped. .; - j:j "There will also be a complete finishing plant - essential ' to ' the production of household and dress linens. ' ; &:.. '. "Another Important part of the plan will be the installation of a complete linen Bye works, ! the first arrangement of its: kind in a linen mill in the United States. SHEFFER 42 heap - 43 speechless : 45 eut off the - final art - - lable . . 47 former - . chief soag ' istratea ef v . Venice .... 48 sups : - VERTICAL . .1 having four leaves to the sheet 2 drive 8 sooner than ; 4 therefore 5 twirl prophets 1 . V 1 domesticate a worm . J by , r 10 household U plait 19-hearaay v; V ldigits ' : v lV-p)aat Of thf ; - eekry , u family .- - SO provide i - food' ' 22 eut of the : 1 way V- Ar" 23 number -2S pigs j 2tt-trait ' ' -.-between . England rv. . solution to yea and France- 2 faithful yC" 2 applauds SO resenfiiufg '. II IKE If 51 crazes 52 banishes 53 checkered SS-njures ' Sft melody - -S9 rising and falling of " the ocean's surface - -41 entreat ; 43 pointed 5 piece of . ; metal 44 kehold! - 45 Chinese measure ' iEIIS COIHEST Wlffl (Ooattna4 treat pace 1) plate does not get too hot from below. Serves six. (Editor note: The recipe could also easily be made up in six individual pyra mids for a luncheon dun.) v : live Summer .' Gladys Hamel Chocolate Rice Souffle iib rie ! v -w . 1 cop Tporati atilk ,1 vur tcpOB kslt S tblerpo bvtttr- H p or' - . ! , A , 1 qaar antvMteata eBeIt, BiltM I teaspoon vanilla - cap raiUaa I c waita -- UaaBBiaUwa ' Steam rice In double boiler with milk. Water and salt. When rice is toft, stdd butter, sugar, chocolate, vanilla - a n d raisins. Beat egg whites until stiff and fold into mixture. Turn Into a greased baking dish and bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees F.) IS or 20 minutes. Fire minutes before taking from the . oven, place marshmallowa : on : top and return to oven to -brown and par tially melt the matshmallows. Serves 6. Cecil Pierce 1415 Mission Street Rice Glace tna rie pint milk- ' . -j tablMpooa galatiq tablespoaaa cold vat tablcipoona hot pineapple JbIm taaspeoa. mU '.; up aacar (a littla mora It teen-ad) leatpooa vanilla cop Acary ereant ' cap chopped walnnta ! each ef red and free diced son drops or cherries cap merahmallowf, ant fine 1 1 POLLYAND HER li ScTri I vATrA.c7 J lFI (yU tAMJ!,S SMOW-BAJHIN' I "Vm I REFUSED TTACKLE nNt J pg:5 (Sy " XWT, DONHA.UNO-E sSyjl-X) S 1 UNLESS j ! I COME VFELL BOSS ? - : g P7; : ' hrvTrlJTi ) "bMZ7 SLN'SS TftfS SrWr M"-6H0EBUCKIE.' j ; he'd BETTER ' POOR-A n8H0EBUCKLE, CERTA1MUV!A fife) IT IT WASHVff , WHAT'S HIS A BE A SWEIX HOUSE ! VSStSftlsfiSoISSif home 7 J. nfrr k ASo'irooc yg&l InTV pauut iA rJk. 7r--i- irbfe 1 whoova ( SS&Strr THIMBLE THEATRE-tamng Popeye iFeft ATWf tZ, 1 5EI HE'S cuntnuiM ot orrT : IQECfHUSE HE I AU1.&11XIW iOr THc r-lKM OliilK-aOiSX" .til Ol Z.i.lK.-13'i.AjK. :eIX7JK-BOUJ Grunt wo V 1 VI r - ' - " I LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY WHAT'fi m '? - - 2 - 1 - " ' "THAT-; . WU . T""-"v . OTSHWA,5HC(if zk VCSSlR.- iVl A - r- ... t.' -M PceresstoNAd- I -' JL'---J 'arL-l - W) yv,-JW! TOOTS AND CASPER THERE 4rOES DAMNTY OUT LOOKINx FOR A JOQ TOOTS, BUTT HE'S IN NO ' MOOO FOR IT 1 1 FEyEU! SORRV FOR "THE KID NO MONEY NO JOO; AND NOW rT LOOKS UKE MABEL -lirrVlNdr HIM THE COLD SHOULDER- r 1 NO HAS THE I I I 1 f 1 a : 1 cap drained crashed pineapple - FarboU rice In salted boiling water five minutes and drain. Put Into double boner with hot milk, ' eooklng until-eoft but un broken. Soak gelatin in eold wa ter, add hof water, salt and au garJ Stir .until dissolved and add to ;riee mixture. Cool to about the luke warm stage and add ran" ill, whtnned cream, nuts, eandr or fruit, marshmallowa and pine apple. ChilL May be put in indi vidual molds. Serve In sherbet glasses . topped with a spoonful of whipped cream and a colored candy or cherry. Serve six.' Any color scheme desired may be car ried out with gump drops as they afford a variety of colors. -! " Mrs. Osear J. Johnson t ' Bilverton, Ore. '. S A new course, required of all entering freshmen at Willamette university "will be Introduced at the beginning of the coming se mester. . i This course, designed to i give the entering student ' the basic principles of economics, sociology and political science and to make him cognizant of problems facing the men and women of today, has been brought about by efforts of Dean F. M. Erickson. -.; .William C.' Jones, professor et economics; Sceva B. Loughiin, professor of ' economics and o- clology; and Dr. R. M. Gatke, professor of history and sociol ogy will teach the class, alternat ing so that they may each teacn In their own field. . ';. PALS it- GlXllVt - BE PORE I GEG1H e stcw i tomt proof TnrkT "THE. PQOk Of bVOOTH VOU SPOKE Ol RELUV EXISTS 17). ,--:r mi,KiirtmKimm.h,i .: I' Gtmt rim tit muni ASLEEP A WINK I COULD FRESHMAN SOCIAL SCIENCE REQUIRED CRVINtr IN HER ROOM UNTIL . . EARLTt THIS MORN IN I ..)f II I Ur 5 i 1 'OFFEflEDlH LOBBY Continuing the Friday night lobby programs at, the T. M. C. A a musical program has been arranged for tonight - beginning at 8 p.m. ' ' l i5-.' J ? Last week 180 people; turned eut to enjoy the special; feature then . offered. A larger . crowd Is anticipated for tonight since1 the program la unusually 'Interesting and enjoyable, - z ' This week' program has been arranged by Professor!; E. W. Hobson and Ruth Bedford and is: - ' , f-l" Pastorale . . . . . . Searlottl-Tausig Capriccio .V. : ; .Searlottl-Tausig Jean Rich ... ':f: Sea Gypsy . . . ; . . .Michael. Read . - . Herbert Hobson : i Xing' Fisher Blue . . . . j jFinden , Miss "Frances Nelson and; ; . Herbert Hobson ' H . TJn Sospiro . . . .Liszt Gladys Edgar : ; - Were My Songs With Wings ! Provided . ... .j, .Lt .Hahn The Morning Wind .Branscombe Mildred Mulkeyl t : The Lark . . . . . Glinka Balahlvn Ruth- Bedford I f M Love la a Bubble ...... Allitsen Since We Parted .Allitsen UVanPMi 7Alann : 't " Morning Mood ...... .ll.Grieg Anitia's Dance r - - In the Hall of the MounUtn King Jean Rich and Ruth Bedford Prisoner Proves ; j J ailbreak Expert PHOENIX, Ariz., Jan. 17.-WV Captured after resisting arrest with gunfire, a man giving the That's a Horse Now ShowinLittle Lord Fauntkroy" COME HOME UMTrt ME rXKO'KI rtL 6vE VOO POSITIVE PROOF. PROM IT Pardon My RUM ALONG, CHB-D- MRS MOAJ2LANO HA5 PlXMTViOF j SC&VfeMTS ON THE. CSTATC : 5 OrjHT ow- sms Jcrr uinXvy no ec. wecpiNO any Eaev A New m m IT'S NOON AND MABEL IS STILL BUT - 1 WONTT . AWAKEN HER POOR CILD EHS NEVER SLEPT ALL NlxKT- HEAR . HER " name of Roy Argo was identified by authorities here today as Lu ther GaUin. jail-broaklng "expert' whose latest escape was from the Oklahoma state prison, where he was serving a life term for rob bery with firearms. ; i White Sox Park May Go in Hands Oi Tax Receiver CHICAGO, Jan. lT-CffV-A suit to place the Chicago White Sox baseball park In receivership was file dhere today. In circuit court and was withdrawn a few hours later;--'' - --' v The suit asked that ' County Treasurer SRobert M. Sweitzerr be appointed ' receiver under' the term of a state law "which pro vides appointment . of tax offi cials as receivers for tax dellnV quent properties, charging thai the. Chicago American ' league club owed 811,021.84 on its 1882 "taxes. Former Russian Amazon Admits Slaying, Report SEATTLE, Jan. 17.-B-Detec- tlve Capt. Ernest Toris of : the homicide sauad announced today that Mary Kelly, 43, who said she was a captain in Russia's wartime battalion of- death, had confessed she killed. Otto C. Johanson. 46, for whom she. was housekeeper. Johanson's mutilated body, the throat eut and the head bearing numerous wounds as though made by a hammer or pickax, was found bundled in sacks and articles of woman's apparel in his riverfront shaek early Wednesday. of Another Color Lorgnette! rdSH(OASHCt, ? ajHy CAtrree.- I THERE HE A fezM fcocX GO eSR HIM r UtTTtE CREATURE MUST 8 MAO I r Suitor I CAM HARDLY VSATT FOR MABEL'S I MARRIAGE TO BE ATCriULLCD SO SHE ' CAN MARRY RICHARD WHAT A LUCKY i rtRL SHE'LL BE RICHARD IS THE CATCH OF THE YEAR HE HAS PRESTIGE, SOCIAL POSITION AND WEALTH WHYHALF THE TOWN HAVE. TRIED TO 'SET THEIR CAPS HIM i BUT. HE'S NEVER LOVED ANYONE BUT MABEL! ' - FffiED UEO 61 KILLED. FULL BAN BERNARDINO. Jan. 17- (JPV-Loren W. MendeTL endurance flier, and Polly Louise Counner llh, dancer, were - fatally. Injured late today when the airplane in which- they rode crashed during a . fog - Into a mountainside: In the- San Sevaine Flate area, 85 miles north of here. k Mendell, who was 81 years old. established, with- R.' B. Rinehart. an '- endurance r flight record ; of 241 hours, 48 minutes,-: 82 sec onds : In - Les r Angeles ' In July, 1821. The - two left there this morning , with Miss ' Counnerllh's mother, Mrs. Vie Llttlefleld. to visit her husband, a contractor, In Barstow. - Mendell ' and Miss Counnerilh were returning when the ship crashed. ' ' Mendell left the farm ' near Bronson, Kas., where he was born and reared, to , become a daredevil flier. He enlisted in the United States army air -service in 117, was -transferred ,to the By TTS THE TRUTH-1 fSM TUJO HUNDRED VEAR OUO.RUT lOOM'T VEEUeXOAV kOVJER SIX MWW YEARS By XCO - th AIMT MAD AT MOBOOyj l-ADV- 1 JUST THOUGHT MAVOe TMEZ6.-' X COUUO- fcrlRLS IN -I B . N II I balloon corps and became one ef j the youngest commissioned of ft i cers in the corps. . Riley Suspends Publication; to " 1 Take State Jo CANBT, Ore Jan 87-V-Drf P. O. Riley of Woodburn, editoi of the Hubbard Enterprise, - hag announced the decision to aus pend - publication of - his newspa per which has been printed week ly In .the Canby ' Herald office the past 18 months. - It was - understood- Dr. Rile was In line for a Job at thd state capitoL " TRUCK RAMS STREETCAR 'PORTLAND, Ore.; Jan. 11-M -A . fire - engine skinned . on Icy pavement here tonight and rammed Jnto av streetcar . during; a mild fall of snow. : s ; I; Captain Hugo A. Helse receiw ed possible Internal in JurleaJ when he was hurled against ladder, which' broke under bi weight.- A - streetcar passenger was Injured slightly. . CUFF STERRETT By SEGAR see! see OlDN'T TELL fXCaO I DRMK. UJELLiVLl. POOLOP VQUTU. tJ& HORH SPOONEO DARREL McCLURE rSit-tNce- CAGarctv plcase INFORM THIS UNMANlgeRiV UTTUC " GJRU. TMAT I OilM AOUUT SeRVAM-TS ON ?TH& MQAISLAND .ESTAT6 BylVIlHY: v TK7e CAN HARDLY WATT FOR RICHARD TO PUT IN V HIS APPEARANCE! STHat do YOU suppose: THE YOUN MILLIONAIRE Locxa UX&? IS HE TALL OR SHORT? DARK-HAIRED, OR:UHT? HOMELY OR v HANDSOME? AN IT BE THAT ASlDfS,' FROM HrS WEALTH , HE'LL ' HAVE SUPP1C1EKT PEJJSONALTTY AND CHARM TO WIN liArL'o r:cxni hsapt ? CwrlfM. IltL Xlu rmn sndUaUk la . King fmw 1jdici. a. CtM SnMia ilm li