Tfca OREGON STATES-IAN, S-Usra, Oren, Wednesday. -Icrsi2r; Jry i6. 1223 . PAGE SEVEN OO-, -s air v 1 "I v Statesman . -Classified Ads Call 9101 '. Classified AdTCT-tlslng - Single Insertion per line ,.10e Three Insertions per line .20c Six Insertions per line .SOe One month per line ... .11.00 Minimum charge , .......-6c Copy for this pate accepted until S : S 0 the evening before publication for classification. Copy received after this time will be run under tbe heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman! assumes no financial responsibility tor err rorn which may-appear In ad rertlsements published In Its columns, and In ; cases where this paper Is at fault will re print that part of, an " adver tisement - In . which ' the typo grabical mistake occurs. . .-;' " The Statesman reserves the right " to reject objectionable advertising. It further reserres the right to classify all ad Ter ming under the proper classi fication. . , fIIELP WANTED FEMALE Want girl for typing, some dictation mostly copy work. Small salary. Give address and phone. Bex J2. States- . man. - ' ; mj'Li I n ri n ri -i 1 " t,-, WANTED D spendable girl for rnvieworie. Tel. B9i. SITUATIONS WANTED . xnririniii"wii -i "i-i-i- Dreaamaklna. remodeling, reason- - able prices. Call - afternoons, Mrs. ., Webh. 411 N. Hls-h. v mf - .rLfVa'V-a'ii'i His school girl will cars- for cnll Area evening. TeL 8177. j TOONO GRADUATE REGISTERED pharmacist wline aosluon. capable or. ' . takios: full chars. Prescription spe cialist and truss fUier. Several years experieaco in i-Wngr Pacific coast - store Box 327, fare Statesman. Middle seed woman with trtrl IS yrs. wants housework In motherless, aged . lady or bachelor home, 5.09 mo.- In city or country. Good cook, don't smoke, Protestant. Tel. or write soon. Mra a. car oz Artnur mat, AisuyuM, .refon. -. ' ' - FOR SALEMiscellaneons Old' taper 0o ptr buncll. 8tftUtv - Apples 15c, walnuts ll and 14c. lira Wright, 4 mL Wallace rd.1 Income tax figures most be corf ect. Bent an Adding Machine and make the Job easy.- Thos. Roen, 420.Jourt. . Two dresses cheap, sU 88. Dial 8715 . momlngrs alter nine. .,,-, , y r' . nM4 - 1 M V. - ...mamm W JAS cords, on county road. and. with -good. , . roaas tnroua-n unwr. .j Atunw ner Holds, Inc 1507 & E. Alder. Portland. 4x linoleum rug, 8.2-0S: txlZS4.S0. Almost as sood as new., Will consider trade ror single oe.0. ui Beuvue. Good feather bed. 88. Tet 4654. - TRADE Miscellaneous . Ladles fur coat to trade for light . car. Not later than 'IL Bx. II. Wal lace road. -"- '- - '-' i. W ANTEDMiscellaneons WANTED Walnut meats. Any oua- inty, any time, ytate cafeteria. mIscelIaneous 'S. - Free -We pick . op dead and worth less borses, cows, sheen. TeL 4850. Haircuts l&o-IOa SOS B. Wtoter. Saw ' repairing. Salem Saw Shop. sour cornera pen Road. Tel. 425X - - -.-n"n"i-infii-,"rtrrtfvjWLrLn K Tow welry. expert watch repairing. glasses r'ttea. see istevens-Brown, 114 ti. i-Joerty. Tel. ws.- - TJ. & GOVERNMENT JOBS. START $105-176 MONTH. I will coach 25 FREE. Many Salem examinations ex pected. Qualify now. Men women. 1S- 50. Prank in Institute list position f HKK. hot I7S t mm Htatemnan. FOR RENT ROOMS V Comlly furnltheti leplsff and living Furn. rm. And gmr. durlnff lgislatur. no ennouric. 4 Market, iiai 9419. :Sieplnc roomy 5 Center. ' Rooms, comfortable beds. 4)4 Union. " """" - i-i-r-ivirviiriiiryi mrui ' Modern sleeping room, 1050. N. Sum- , saer eu xet ist . , - " " - irmnnnnil nitrv Furn. room with furnace heat, prl Faie entrance, uentiemaa preferred; xsl sk i. . Room for rent during legislative ses- Slon. A well furn. room In a mod. poeae, lit, 8 8Tt!l. for 1 or 8 oersons: 1420 Court blocks from State House. Phono ROOM AND BOARD Room and board for two. Close 406 Marlon. TeL 4445. t- - &oora with breakfast, $85.00. 680 N. swimmer, let. . - -ii-ii-i-iriiirtfiririrM-rM'.fxrUi .-Table board, 860 Chem. TeL 8384. " " --- ------ .---- -."." ,.(, . Kooms. ooara, steam Beat) near Pt Hnnw. TeL 8IS0. ' FOR RENT APARTMENTS ' 8 room famished apt, lights and wa ter, itzi n. unurcn. . ... ... Furn. S room, steam heat, Frigidalre, sii.dw. if jrairgsounaa Road. TL Heated turn, apt Garage. Maytag. Reasonable. iU N. CapltoL , - Sm&a furn. Dt- Union. i l Rs-fsirit. apt, S5f & Cottan - - lstvfL 8-rm. att, sdulta 448 Union. FOR RENT HOUSES ' Hwm ForkflawigSat N. CaoitoL Uodt I room bou&w, 444 N. Winter. " Koarty new room modem bouee. 1 V FOR RENT 6 acres close In. - 6 room modern rouse, furn. sr unfurn. Inquire Rt 8, r" 7T. Tel. 94q. . - For Sale Real Estafe sxshsfc. r - - n rj"ruijnjxruxrxnj"LrLA SPECIAL Choice lot well worth 81000 : If sold tn 8 days, take $500. Houses oa easy 1ymenta; small payment down, baL k rent SEE LOUIS BECHTEI 11 CaA FOR SALE RealEstaU : t ' SEES THIS I room modern borne 7: blocks from State street, good - residential district For quick aalo.onlr $10. Can be bown any time. - ; 1 ! CHILDS MUXES, Realtors 144 State Street- ' t i f Tel. 0T08 - - l ACREAGE : ! . ' 11 K acre ranch. 1 mile from Sa lem on paved street S-room bouse and garage, good barn, raraliy orchard, best ot soil, ideal location for a filling station. $8800. Krueger, 147 N. Com'L - sacrifice: 4 tin. bouse close in. bath, rarare. paved street, nice trees. Must be sold quick to save av uustness away irons here. SUSS with terms. Bee ua today for this cosy home. ' ' WINNIE PETTYJOHN -. 519 Court Street Exchange, Real Estate EXCHANGE t - ' Neat 4 room house, clear. Trade for ( room house. Must be modern and A-l condition. Will pay $1600 to $2000 cash difference. - ., . CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors S44 Stt Stiwt ' Tel. 4708 FOR SALEFARMS 1 GOOD FARM BUT 80 acres B miles out on- market road. fair set of buildings. About 1 8 acres In cultivation, balance pasture and some timber. Good drilled well, spring- water piped to buildings. Price Only 13750. Will take Salem home as part, bal ance long time loan. CHILDS V MILLER. Realtors 844 State Street .Tel.. 4708. ISO acre farm In one of best- farming districts In valley. Good Improve- - mental II Interested in good, farm 'see us about this. Party will accept some trade. . -- S acres, modern 8 room house close 1100 acre stock farm m Skagit Valley, Washington. If Interested In rais in stock see us aboSt this. Some private money .to 'loan oa good real estate. - " HUDKIN8 A ADAMS, TeL 8484 875 State Street ' ACREAGE. BEARING CHERRTi ORCHARD 10 acres located on good market road. light line, close- In. .a real buy. at 1UM.HT"!-! - ,:. i -l ' 7 ACRES, PRUNES Orchard In fine condition, buildings. . close In, lights, a . real snap at $1450.00 cash, a r " --i HIGHWAT ACREAGE - -. 5 acres all In bearing orchard, band ings, close in on mam racinc .highway, price 8150.00 cash.--, . 10 ACRE HOME Nearly all in bearing orchard, bulld- . Ings, .on main paved ngnway ana , close to" Salem, price $2500.00. A If you. are looking or a small acreage W. H. GRABENHORST A Ca, '- REALTORS , 184 8. Liberty Street WANTED REAL ESTATE Want to "buy the best house with three bedrooms; not over $8000. - Can pay siveo casn. wnac nave you i on my agent today, ' - - ..- . 4t State i - ' Bosiness 'Opportunities Grocery . stock end -. fixtures, down town, TeL 8210.: ; For rent. garage and service station. Inquire 88! Chemeketa. Salo or trade, service station, cabins. on Pacific highway, sacrifice.. Midway Park, Jefferson. Tel. 7FZI. Jefferson. MONEY TO LOAN Automobile and' Chattel Loans t to 80 months to repay at lowest pee sible rstea.1 " .GENERAL FINANCB CORP. A toeal eornoratlon 1st Naf l Bank Bldg. . Phon 8558 - Licensed by state 5 Farm Loans 5 Pleatr ot money for welt Improved farms u amply secured. Improve or bay now' with cheap money. Ask tor booklet "Willamette Valley Farma." Hawkins and Roberta. Ins CHATTEL LOANS CARS RE-FIN ANCttD : WILLAMETTE LOAN CO. TeL $877 606 Guardlaa Bids Salem S-154 State License- Wos. ll-iss. A COMPLETE SERVICE ON LOANS UP TO 1800 1OOK WHAT TOO GET 1 L CASH within 48 bourn . 8. Choice of 4 Loan Plana ' ' 8. Liberal terms, 1 to 80 mo.' -to repay. 4. Prnmptnesa. .. Courtesy. . Privacy. ?j Beneficial Loan-: Society of Salem ; - Member of NRA. t Room 118, New Bligh BKg. 2nd floor .LICENSED NO. 8-138 4k M ils by : . - . STATE ; ' 1 --. 818 SUts St - Tet 874 0 Loans Made tn Nearbr Towns FOR SALE4-W00D 14 In. old fir, 86. 4 ft. dry Snd growtn 8 ed, lots $4 ed. 1715. Vtr wood aU kinds, TeL $668. Dry planer and slab wood.' Prompt delivery. TeL $884. ..-..-'V-; OUARANTEKD DRY wnnrt -rnal teL ' 8000 sslea rati Ca Trad A I Cottage. ;.. i j--.,!.;..';.. - Dry wood for sale -84. Dial 4084. Dry ' old fir. Sod rrowth wood. I screened bog fneL Fred EL Wells, . - Good dry wood. TeL 8254. r . Burn Nut Shells. Most heat, taut cost Salem Nut GrowersTo-p. Phone 3648' j 17 TeL Feu wick 4527. dry wood,' Dry wood that Is dry. TeL- 11S-F-23. Dry old fir, Snd growth. TeL $769, Old dry fir 16 In. 81.19 delivered. pnons w i. 4. JU-noviSBa. . . " - -rTf rrr "n-mnmnrwwmia Dry Snd growth. TeL 3380. R. U. Asncraxt. S7 tungwooo. - --"I -'- - i-i-,-i"i"in.riri nru Guaranteed seasoned wood. TeL 7860. ----'---r i'ri-ii-i-.-Qrinw Dry wood, all klnifi, TeL 808 8. WOOD SAWING Wood sswlns; TssonaMe.OU 8290, LOST AND fOUND: r LOST "Billy", black Sad . white kitten, Dec. 10. 778 Shlpptng. FOUND Drag saw blade. Salem. r.V . 1105 Sixth St, W. FOUND Purse last week. Identify stii pay ror ad. Trt, 4264. - PERSONAL! DaoV I've resolved not to eat between meals. A stick of WrigleyV Juicy Fruit Is Just as good and doss not Interesting Fact! In Russia during the last two years there hare ' been droughts which. leried a death toll of 10 per cent on the population of cer tain big areas. - -..rTl ; - i - -O . '! '. V Durrhg transfer ot l,S00,O90, 000 worth of gold from San Fran cisco to, Denver It was guarded by only 3 z soldiers. r -o r":--"-- Only 41 per cent of the auall tied and authorized voters in this country cast ballots in the Novem ber election. ' -. - '..:'-:.- : O - . - Taxes on motor rehicles In lit S totaled 11,117.872,000. . ' ' There are only 11 ruling mon- archs, 10 kings and one queen left in all Europe and. 17 in all the world. ' v " ; .' - PERSONAL GIFTED LIFE READER Does not tell things Just to please you, but tells you what she sees for you, good, bad and what Is best. trial will convince you. Satisfaction assured. Riverside Auto Park, 441 uagewater tst., west Salem, Ore. - STOMACH TJLCER, GAS -PAINS, AND INDIGESTION Tlctlms, why suf fer? For quick relief get a free sample of TJdga tablets, a doctor's prescrip tion at Capital Drug Store, Perry's FOR SALE USED CARS Valley Motor Co. 1084 Ford V-8 Sedan 1888 Ford V-8 Coach . la3S Ford V-8 DeLuxe Coups 1882 Ford V-8 Coach ' .$440 . 586 . 645 . 445 1882 Ford V-g Coup 188S Ford Model A Coupe ., -, 1028 Ford Roadster, rumble seat - 85 1838 Chevrolet Coupe 885 1888 Chevrolet Coach isi Chevrolet Coach 1825 Chevrolet Sedan , - (0 iszs cnrysier Sedan - tS 1888 Franklin Sedan 1828 Packard S Sedan - 846 . Trucks 1824 Ford Gas track. 1000 ' sal.: - tank , T 1881 Ford DeLuxe Pickup , 84 llf Ford Panel . $16 r ora b modeVa. W. base , 49i 1883 Ford B model, t. W hu 1838 Ford A model S. W. B, Duals 150 1088 Reo S. W. base .- . r . ,, 135 1831 Ford. L. W. Base " ' 800 isis u. sl c u w. Base, farmer license ---- - ? ak 1884 Logging trailer, fully equipt 550 Marion and Liberty Open- Sundays TeL 7810. ... - n ,-in , , ri Lrui. " BORREGO'S BETTER BTJTS 1828 Bulck Sedan .$285 1828 Pontlae Coach 1928 Chrysler Courts 185 176 145 .146 ISO 136 L1927 Bulck Sedan 1928 Cher. Coach 1928 Ford. Roadster -197 Studs 1928 Dodge Sedan -. -,: .1 New Z93S license free with tbe above cars. " 96 an of Ws have a number of other good - BORREGO'S CAR MARKET 240 N. Liberty St TeL 8688. - -i-i-ii'.-ii-vrnru-u-Lnjxn.ajxji Autos wrecked at 875 N. Com'L Now wrecking 1S2S .4-14 Graham Paige, 1828 Nash light six sedan, body excel- ient wiiiameite au to wrecking. Lata model '27 Huptnobile Sedan. New overhauL Bartges, 4984. new tires, call Gene --' -- - "- "" - i i-i-i-,-irmri.rmj)JXff Excellent 1980 Chevrolet Turin 8a. oan, z.po. ziis N. Com L Radi P Weanesdsy, Jsnasry 16 TtOO Harvest of Sear. 7:15 Florends Trie, JiBO.' T:80 Ronald Baek. : ' 7:45 Teat Mitchell. NBC. S :00 Hoaeyateeaers, KBG. s:is tobt Weaa. NBC :S0-r-U. 8. Anar Vend. XBtL il5 Cbss. Sears. NBO. S?Sn-Kitaa W Wt..l 10:05 Kieksy Gillette kesie. NBA ' 13:00 ewaa gheUsy aad Clareaee Tel- 19:48 Pisae. - ,. S:eo Coaeert Tris. 8:80 Mickey Gillette Or.. KBC. 4:15 Hotel 8V Begis orchestra. 4:80 Goold sad Skelter, KBa - 4:45 Eddie Klar. :4S Keotads, NBC. 8:00 Aates 'a Aad v. NBCL 10:15 Tom Coaklsv's orekMrra. NBO.' 10:45 Archie Levslsad's Orchestra. 11:00 Aabastader iioUl orchestra. Xri POaTLANTJ 1180 Ta. 4:80 Ooneert. - " : t:45-r-Baads oa Parade. 6:80 PoDslar eoaeerl. 10:07 Odd aumbers. - 10:35Roasld Back. 10:45 Mills Bree. - 11:45 Pisae Dae, NBO. 18:00 Brablers.KBa. "" 13:15 Western lira and Hoaie Hoar. 1:00 East Side Commercial elnb. 1:80 Fiaaeial aad Graia Report. - :s ewest oingsr. 1:43 OpermUs Gems. ' 3:00 World Bookmta. ' 8f05 Mniiesl Gems. 8:15 Miekcy Gillette's srekestra. StSODaaee Ifstiase. . ... - 0:20 WratltBg Boats. - .. 10:85 Nsw Deaee Tones. 10:45 Tom Coak ley's erelintra, RBQL 10:55 ?rii Bdie Kows, MBOL . - X1:00 DeHoaey's ercbeatr. at ' XOAO-COXYAXXXS SCO Xa. " :00 Home Economics Observer. ; 13:00 -Hooa Fans Hoar.' ' 1 :00 CooTocation. 8:15 Orecoa -iterstare. ''- --- i 1:00 Heae akers' (alt Hear. t :uu ua tos uampiuea. 6:00 Opera Stories "LoossgrU. . S :00 Amerieaa Iicrloa. - , -,-..-0, :15 Press Badie Kewa. .'; 1 . 4:80 Zveainr farm Hoar.' i m " oria lm enew nr , vieier - i. Jtorns. v,-..-i ..wii-T t:5$ Mnaidpal Affslrs. 1 8:15 KOAO Drsma Oalll. 8-8:80 Paeifls Coilec Prerrsw -MAKES QRADE TIECOIID HUBBARD, Jan15---Word -as been received ' that. Josephine To der, 'granddaughter -of L. D. To- der of Hubbard, hag made a rec ord of all l's as final grades tor hec. first term at Oregon State roqram "Business Directory rCthli ta this tflrectory 4m a monthly basis only. : Ratal f IA0 per line per tnontlu' ' AUTO BRAKES Mike Panek, 876 South CommerclaL BRUSHES Fuller Bnmheg. Tel. Proudfit' 7588. CATERING HoTbTooks xhfeken tamalea' TeT. 6388. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4460. R. E. Nwrthnesa' CHIRAPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSC Chiropractor, 256 N. High. TeL Res. 8762. DENTISTS Dr. E. 7133. Davis, 201 Oregon Bldg. TeL ELECTRICAL SERVICE BOSLER, Electric, 244 SUte St WU Inarnotonrj'llancerejja FLORISTS Brslthaupfa, 657 Court. ALL kinds. Of floral work. Lata. 71or wt, i ITS N. uoerty. Tel. tssi. GENERATORS Generator and armature exchange. $6$$ Portland Road. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY TUB WEIDER LAUNDRY 263 a High - TeL 8135 . CAPITAL" CITY LAUNDRY, First In Quality and Service Telephone 81 6S - 1344 Broadway MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4048 SALEM FLUFF-RUG and Mattress Factary. NEW MATTRESS mads to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, sls- Uig: fluff rug weaving. & isth 4k Wil bur. TeL 844L OTT0 F. ZW1CKKR. Est. 1911. . 1 ' - - MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing macblnea sheet music and piano stud ies. Kepairinc radios, pnonograpns ana sewing., machines, 488 Stats Street, salem. THOTO ENGRAVERS Salem photo engraving, merclal. Tel. 6887. 147 N. Com PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, -cards. Damnh- lets, programs, books or 'any klnd of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department, 215 phone 8101. 8. CommerclaL Tels- BADIO SERVICE Moore'sl Tel. 7993495 N. High. STOVES I r repair - stoves, ranges, circulators. Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and circulators,-stock fence, 'posts, chicken wire. Salem Fence and 8 ore Works. 24S Chemeketa, TeL 4774. R. B. Fleming.' TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage, call 8111, Lanner Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally. CAPITA!, CITT -Transfer Co. 884 Stat St. TeL 77T8. DlatrltwUn. or w ardingr and storag our specialty. Oet our. rates. ;-: Willamette Valley. Transfer. Salem te Portland hauling. . TeL 8788. HMl--MtH-H-SMS--M--S--WMB-SH-S-MS' Anywhere for hire truck. Special rate on town hatiHna-. - Tel. 4878. TRUCK SERVICE A shcrsft. 870 Klriirwoo!LTel. 8880. WELL DRILLING R. A. West, 80 years experts nos. RFD 7. Boa 608. Tet 110F6. Albany Chamber of Commerce Atsitts With P-f Program LTONS. Jan. 15 The Fox VaU ley Parent-Teachers' program was Quite well attended last night con sidering the stormy . evening and the tact that a good many folks vrere not , able to be out on account of colds and tonsilitls. - - The Albany., chamber of commerce assisted with . the program which was much enjoyed. Refreshments were served. :. John Jnngwlrth took his uncle. Math(ndres and Nick Endres to Portland . Friday. Nick Endres went to consult an cya specialist. as ha has lost the sight of ona eye and the other Is getting weaker all the time. His brother Math ot California, has been here visiting since the holidays. - Mrs. Sctiumacher ' Given Surprise in Honor of Birthday "' " "-ssiSW smmsiss " '. ' i., ' t : t - SUBLIMITY,. Jan. la A num bar of friends and relatives gath ered at the Irrin . Schumacher home td surprise Mrs. Schumacher on her birthday. Cards were play ed and refreshments trera served by Miss Mildred. Schumacher, Miss Rita . Susbaner. and ; Miss Leona Bents. ' ' ' ' Tha Women V community club met Thursday at the horn of Mrs. Martha . Glover with Mrs. ' Anna Benedict, assisting hostess. - . The next meeting, will be on January zf at the home of Mrs. Cecelia Zuber with Mrs. Olivia Heuberger U iwftlnjr sejjejj, COM IBS IP TO RECORD LEVEL FORTLAIO), Jan. lt-WVTnere wag no change in the butter mar ket price or situation for the dar. While la some quarters the arrival ot cold weather .created: talk of dlmlnUhed suppUes, this' wag not felt 'by the' trade). - ;. ; -r- . . - Steadiness was suggested In the market' for eggs although there remained mixed values on -resales. Weather conditions were a factor bat recent downward movement In the east created , Interest; : Strength was generally main tained In the market tor chickens. Live fowls were la call with re ceipts moderate. AU prices were being maintained. . : - . 7 j; Farther adrance In the price on country killed hogs was reported. Sales were being made up to 16c lb. tor tops, value that has not been seen here for many .months. Strength:. In the market for country Allied lambs has boosted the local selling price- to, 15c, a new high point for the top duality while mediums were, lz-13c and mutton was boosted to 6-9 e lb.. also new high marks. Veal market was about steady. Beet was firm. Higher prices for most local ve getables were announced as a re sult of the greatly diminished supply.'- -. . v-:, r Very firm tone was shown for lettuce. . .' Carload of Klamath Tails pota toes was being offered but no price was mentioned; ; Onlona were about -steady with a alight increase In local demand. ' Cabbage: was sharply- higher with a scarcity of quality. . Walla Walla spinach was firm er and higher for best. : ,-- Hothouse tomatoes were In ac tive call at $1.85 for extra fancy 10s. ) - " 2THBU SCOTTS MILLS, Jan. IS. The Crooked Finger Good Times club was , entertained at the home of Mr.; and Mrs. TK. T. Hogg Sunday night. ; celebrating Mr. : and Mrs. Hogg's 27th wedding anniversary. ' ' Miss Anna Dooper recelred prize for women's high score at "600" and Hugh .Magee the men's prixe, John Semolke received the draw prise. .-v . V- .-, Present were, Mr. and Mrs3er- j nard Plas, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ma gee, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Biel en berg; Misses Anna Dooper and Ma rie Plas, John and Anton Semolke, Frank Winters, Kurt Weldenman. John and Gerard - Plas . and the hosts. ' ' V N Mrs. Bessie White left Thurs day tor San Francisco to visit her sister, Mrs. Grace Athers for a couple of months. Sha has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. N. Am- undaon, here, -and expects - to re turn here before leaving -tor her home in Sherwood, North. Dakota. Silverton Educators At Portland MeetmST SILVERTON. Jan. 15 Among those from Silverton attending the educational, conference vat- Reed collego over rthe weekend were Robert Goetx, . superintendent of schools; Herman Kramer, princi pal of the senior Jnigh; Frank J. Koufal, principal of the Junior high; Esther Barch .and Helen Raitanen of the senior and Junior high school faculty. - Mr. Goets served on. a . committee. Friday evenlnr.whic- met to discuss the experimental high schools In Ore gon. t .-. '; : : NOTICE OF APPOITIEXT -..i-...K -: OF EXECUTOR " . Notice is hereby given: that the undersigned, has been duly ap pointed by the County Court ot the State of Oregon, for the Coun ty of Marion, as Executor of the last will .and testament andcs Ute of Frances M. Richards, da ceasedV and "that ha . has 'duly qualified as ruch executor; all persona having claims against the estate of. said decedent, ara noti fied to present tha same, duly ver ified, to me, at the; of flee of Ron ald C. Glover, my i attorney. 10 1 Oregon Building, Salem, Marlon County. Oregon, .within , six months from, the data ot this notice.- - ' ' Dated at Salem,: Oregon, this ZSh day of December, .18 J4. ; r ., ERNEST ,C. i RICHARDS, ! . Tj:t - Executor of the last will :' and testament and estate of Frances M. Richards, Da "v ceasedw -:- ". :.: I RONALD', c; oiver; f i 1 u Attorney for . Executor. 7 - Salem,-Oregon." . , , r'-f CT NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF . : ADMINISTRATRIX - - -' Kotlee la herebw. cirsn that -the undersigned has been duly ap- rvA?TtvA k rw-t-s. 4Ahm'- aw . 46V WlIAA VV-t V tha State of Oregon, for tha Coun ty o( Marlon, as Administratrix of the estate ot George 0. Savage. deceased, sgna that she has duly qualified as such administratrix; all persons, havlngvxlalms : against iflo estate 01 saia asceaem ih notified to present Us same; duly verified. Jome, at thd offic. ot tha estate of said decedent ara Ronald C. GloVer, my ' attorney. 205 Oregon Building, Salem. Mar ion Coanty, Oregon, ' within "six months from the date of this no tic. -,' ' 0' . . n i Dated at - Salem, Oregon, 5 this Slih day of 'December, 1934. ' - ' -ALIOS M; 8AVAGE. l f Administratrix or. tha - : Estate, ot George" "O. ' .BavageJ deceased.-. ;r RONALD C. GLOVER, -Attorney, for Administratrix, '- -Salem, Oregon." jr- HOGGS HO RED Oil Bo Mai-, Up, Skates Down GOLD CLRIISE STILL NEW. YORK, Jan. i 15.-m-Ths dollar swirled higher, in a boll-1 lng foreign - exchange market to- day - as , financial quarters here and abroad again experienced misgivings over the coming sn-! preme . court ' decision . on the le gality of the gold clause. Stocks, leading g r a 1 n s and commodities, andmost secondary bonds responded with sharp set backs, only partially compensated by modest recoveries at the close. - Gold and silver mining shares were the first . and severest suf ferers. with losses of from 1 to 4 . or 6 points each, while high- priced Issues! in this group drop- ped even more. - Homestake, at 350, lost 28 points, and was about 1 0 points . worse than that at Its lowest, i. J , Although declines-; in leading trading stocks ' were substantial at times,, the list as a whole was not under severe pressure. The Associated Press average for 0 selected stocks declined - 1.0 S points to 18.46 and the turnover amounted to ,1,878,910 shares. - - Santa Fe. Case and Union4 Pa cific eaeh gave up a little more than. 8 points each. Others with recessions, of : from 1 to .2. or a little more Included TJ. S. Steel, American Tobacco B,1- Bethlehem Steel, . Chrysler, General Motors, Pennsylvania Sears Roebuck, In ternational Harvester. Southern Pacific, American Can, Do 'Tont, Pullman and Monsanto Chemical. General Markets raODUCB EXCHAHOB POBTLAKO. Ore- Jn. 15. (It) I Frodaes ezenaace, set prices: . - . mntr: xtrss, sx; - stsnasros, sit srime firsts. 80 H: firsts. J c Eats: 8. specials, 87: TJ. 8. extras. 86; Bsdium extras. 85., Botterfat: 88s. Portland Grain t r PO&TLtAKD, Jsa. 16. AP Oraia rotarest Wheat: Opem Mar -S ' Bjja Lev Close 64 SlUt - 81)s 7S TS -TS inly i 78 Uai lb: Bir Bead blnesteas. SSe: idark bard wUUr IS per ceat 84H ; do 11 per seat 85: sett wait, bard later, nerta- sr sprtaf aad wsstara red, T8; weststa sr bite, is. Oau: No. S wait 88.50. Cora: K. S K yellev, 641.50. Killras staadard S6.0O. -. - -. Portland Produce" PORTLAND, Jaa, 15. AP) Butter Priats. A arade, SSe lb. la psrebaieat w rappers, 84c ' la -eartoaa; B pad; parchment wrapperv . 8. e;- esrtoas, 88 H lb. ... . Bstterfat Fortlsad dsllrsrr, A rrsd lsast twice weakly, 88-84 lb.; eeaatry reats, 81 M lb.; B grade. or eeurery, s.-S'ie lb.; U grsae st ket . . .. . Egfs Sales to retailers: Specials. 87s; extras. 2e: trssb extrss. browas. See: stadsrds 85c; Ireak mediums 25c; Biedi nm firsts 35c; fresh pallets SSe doses. Xrft Buyiag pries' at ' wholesalers t fresh speeiali. 25; extras, 82e; extra mediama 80e: pullets, 17s; cheeks, S0s( Dakers. lioi.,N , Cheeee 82 aeore: Orecoa trivlett. 15e: lf .tS. Rik-. r ill l, 1L . Iaw auontract price L PortUa d'e. lUTsry, 82.Z0 cwv; a grsae sresss .ZTM, lib. Oeaatrr Meats Sellutg price te retail era: seeatrav killed bees, beat butchers, aadsr .150 lbs 15c lb.: reslers fsaer. lie lb.; Uht and thin, 4-8e lb.; baavr. S-e lb.: eutter eoWs. 4-Te lb.: eaaaers. s lb.;. balls 4-6 He lb-; lambs. Isncy. 15o lb.; mutton, &-o id. Mohair 1834 bartat Dries, lis la. Caaears bark Bariag price, 1884 peeL 8e lb. --- . .. - - Hops 1984 fugrea. (-) . I-S tiot I lMb Ik. - IAt sl7 Pertlaad dslirsry sar lag prices: colored bens, orsr 6V lbs i5-16o lb.: do aadsr s ibt. 15-iee re.: Leghora fewlt, otst. 8 Iba, 1J-18 per lb.r do aadsr . S - lbs. il-ise , per is.; spriars. 4 lbs. aad up. 15-lSe; s dec lbs- 15-lSe; broilers, under S lhe., 16s; rsosters. 4 lb.; Pskla- daeaa .22 U. 10a lh a-a-e. 10-1 le Ik. unions vrsfoa. fs.eo-A.70 cswaj; Tskima. $1.85-1.50. Potstoee Orecoa " Burbssks, 40s-$l ;eMal.XechtM Qsms, f05-l Wool 1BS4 sup. aomraai; wuiaatsste rallaT- sasdlust. 80 lb.: Xiao sr kaU M-- SOa lh.! Umk. . IS lb. Orsfwa. 17-20S nT soaUera Ida ( ) - r Mar irsnss pries . xisai pi oa . ' . , alfaUa Ke.. L asw crop,. Sift sastera Oreroa tlmsthr. 1TA0; sets. 918 toa; WUUntette Tsllsr. tlsaothx, 1 14 torn ;,! ror. $18 tea. ' Portias, Portland' Livestock 1KETAKPL Jsa.15. (AP) CattU: Beeetpts. 100 : ealrsst ' 10 j stesey. - - Hteers, gee, oo , 8.75; heilerv good, smums sdlw A35-S.50; cows, feed, eosssses dm' -.oo-S.75! low cutter A cutter. 8.35-4.00; balls, good A choice. 4.50-4.76; uttor. eommoa -A medium. 8.25-A50; rss-ws. wt a ,hal 7.00-8.00: ealL coauaoa h modlum, . 8 0; eslrss. food Aekoie, S.SO-7V; COB BOB-ee .vu-,j.. - ttogsi sweps,. w , "'.'.. T.l.i.t alehk. raoA A ekeloe. 7 55-0.10: mediass wsigkt, geed ebeiee, $.50-0.00 rood A choie. 7.76-8.7$: ; packing sews, mooiaa m goeo, . i -1 .wv . f m -"'-SP , . - J ' a AA. fseder stocsss .pigs,-6s saowe. An. TS . . . - . 'Sneest ; -Ucedpta, . 50; stMdr 4 stroag. j " i- - inbsl wood A choie. 8.00-8.75: eom- .- a. .ii. -1K.S OOt -raarHnS we l-a. fifk.SK0: awas. SOOd A CBoies. 8.00-8.60; call, eossmoa A asedlant, AGO 8A5. . --' ' . - ' AnnnimM MarnaiTa i m r Of Lavon H?Boren And D N. Ivcrsdi SILVERTON, Jan.' 1 5 The an- . .-. ,M A : !. MI SV- JST bb(ws -.. u..-.. Lavon Heald Bowen, daughter of "'.2rtl&& son. -November St at tha parish - . , - fern . aa - w a home ox iter, jonn eu win, pastor of tha Methodist Episcopal church I at Stevenson, - Wash - haa - been made. Tha news of tha marriage was kept as a complete secret un til this cart weekend; Mrs Xverson -as been employed at tha J; C. Penney store at Silver- ton tor- the past six years. - air. Iverson Is -with the Consolidated Freight line out ot Portland. After February 1 they will make their IS THJLiriB MARKET 'home ft Portland. 1' ' ' Grade. A raw 4 per cent milk; co-op pool price 1.7 per hnndred.' . . (SQlk sased ea oswl-umthly batterfat averata.) , . Distributor price 9X10, 1 l ; Butterfat Top Sic and : 82c; B grade prints 82 Js C; ':A srade priats 8c-C; Vr-! i Prises paid ts trovers by Saieai' borers. - Jsnosrr 15 u (Ths srleee Oslo. sessae kt local sreser. are ladies tire et ta dally surket. sat are set gsrsatsed by Tas Sutes- IBSa.) -V;.-' .; ...-; ... ' rsuiTe (Bhviac Priaal Craaberriss, i bbU ' " a. SO Grspefrsit, glorlda S.60 ts 4.60 Orspefrolt. Arlsons 8.40 te 8.05 0rs. KavsU Caaey 8.40 te 8.85 vawce , i QQ te S.60 Basaaas. IK. es stalk .04 Vs Bands .05 Lesseaa , , 4.00 te ATS Ubms. treek - 1.00 Orspes '.r Empersrs " - , - " - ' 1.50 Apples, eashsl 1.00 te 1.85 : TEOITiBuES 4Bariaa Prieal Artleseks. tea Kadissss. dos. Csaliflower. Calif. Cabbsgs, cw t leeal arsat eabbace Oreea pspsers. local, la. Lieesi oaioas, oo lbs. L sttaes, CalUerais BalsUv. doses Squash, Hubbsrds Sqossk. Waaaa. lb. Carrot, leeal. dosss Local Potato , He. 1. fceadres 49 , V 010 J8 ' , 1.50 J - .18 1.85 4.00 J 8 t . J5 as t o J5 as .ft , - ..50 .45 8.50 . - ' 1-85 Ne. 8. knadred Takiaia. SO lbs. Xe. 1 Sweat Dot a toss --" Cslitorala seas CalKornls besas Tonstoes, set kooss, log sxicaa. tag filberts '- Walaata. lb. Tornips. dos. Endivas. dos. 1 Italiaa broeeoli hir Bests. Calif- desea Celsrr, Calif.. H erst Hearts, aos. Bora -IBsnac PrlcsV Claster, 1084 lbH top rugfles. 1884, top lb. .15 .46 KQW9 tBariac Prtss) Extrss Stsadards Medisms , .81 .80 .IS as M At .81 .IS Pullets Wbelesale Selling pfti r. utrss Stsadards Kedisms Pallsts WOOL. AXD HOBA1B (Buriaa rlse . ICebalr. 1884 dip . ., as ssarket Msdlua wooV 1084 JO Coarse aad lias woot. 1964 . 46 ruuiyrjf i IBarias Prieal Heary baas, 4s U I lbs. Orer peaads, lb. Colored mediuma, lb, at at ao .oe J)6 at as X4 Medina bef-eras. lb. -, . ,, Urb ' lb. - Broilers, colored, lb. iiecMras. . la. . ,. ., I , stars, is. -8CKAT ' IBarias Prieal -t.-'- Lambs. dr SO lbs. J.OO Over SO lbs. Hogs. 180-160 lbs. '8.10 170-110 1M. i . r.e 210-250 lbs. .... , '( S.M Rtsers ' 6-00 te 6.00 Cows - 1.00 te A 00 Balls - 8.00 te S.50 - Hsifers . s 8.00 to 5.00 VeaU- top ., S.00 t 4.50' Drsssea real, too . . .14 Oresssd aers i.--v J' qka ta aku u s . - (Borlns. rrtee) Whest," wssteza red .Tt Waita. M. l 19 Barley, feed. H. 1. tea , , .8A00 .84.00 2S.OO Haltlac Oate. milllaf. tea Feed, tea .88.00 Hsr. eariag Prices CloTsr hsr J0.W Osts and retch, toa Alfaira. rallsT- 10.00 - as.oo Clorsf Seed- Bed, lb. . . , .. auiks. ib. JS as Mollala City Books - - , . v In JXCellent Ohape MOIiX--4, Jan.-15 Molalla city books were found to be cor rect when they wera examined this weekend by tha assistant coanty auditor, Molalla has orer SI SO 9 In the - general rued ana over $900 In the water fund. 'KOTICB "iOF'TO.t '" ' ; SETTIiEMENT i":" VTt tm lnli'ff4Mfirt1i.f the undersigned nas - mea ;.. in . me Countr Court ot the SUte of Ore- gontor h County of Marion, her ,dnly verified Final Account, as Executrix of tha last win and testament and estate .ot? Enos Presnall. deceased, and that said Court baextlxed Wednesday,' the 11th day oU February, 11 8 5. at tha hour, ot . ten o'clock A. M. of said, daw as -the time, and tha County Court Room in the Coun ty Court House at Salem, In Mar ion County, Oregon, as tha place for hearing - said final Account and all objections thereto. Dated, at Salem. . Oregon, this 9th day of January,-1985,' ALICE B. CANNON. Executrix of tha last will and testament and Estate ot Enos Presnall, V ceasea.'. :- R0NALD C. GLOVER, i Attor ney tor Executrix, Salem. Oregon. 9-16-Z3-30-JT. , I In tha County Court of the State of Ofegonvxor the County or Marion.'-' - 4 fc ; ' PItOBATE DEPARTMENT In the' matter of tha aetata of Bernard M. Smith also known B. M. Smiths deceased, notlca la hereby given that the" tmderslgn.- .ed, as administrator or the estate of B. M. Smith, deceased,, nas fi1ul his 'final account in the nanntw Conrt of ths State Of Ore- con for Marion County; and:thaf --- -- - - r-p-h- Wednesday. Uth a f Teb - t1!"' court room of said court has been I a . At t- - 1 M - mt m m r k f TTT4 b i appomteo vj siu rvxti s I and place ror tne neanng di w-. Jections thereto and the settler mt tnrenr. Dated and first . pufcllshed Jsn- nirv 193 5. Data of last publication Febru ary . 19X5. , - . i Signed: Walter T. Smith, Admin istrator Aurora. Oregon. F. Leo Smith,-Attorney, 60S Pa . cifie Bldg- Portland, Oregon. . H-1I-1-H Trl S.8S -- 9 .40 85 te 115 60s t .66 .18 on w 8.60 te ASS AA .. - L .JO , .01 ,, , ,,. - AO KATK DIVES . ABOUT FOUR CETJTS CHICAGO. Jan. 15.-VGrA'n prices - collapsed today under a . Iflaod of liquidation Inspired pri- 1 marily by t e a r that - supremo court - decision ; on the pending case. Involving constitutionality 1 ot gold clause- abrogation might disturb the market structure.' Wheat nose dived around four cents to the slowest point In at most- three months as traders dumped holdings in I sympathy with acuta weakness abroad, par tiCularly at Winnipeg. " Other grains dropped accordingly. Factors besides uncertainty as to the monetary situation and the break - in cotton and - stocks exerted pressure on grains.-Trad-. era watched the sharp r two-cent , j dip at Winnipeg Intently because the fall 9t prices there ' to mini mum pegged levels aroused fears ' that hedging from'j Canadian v sources might occur here. Liver pool, Rotterdam and other won markets were lower. A decline la foreign exchange also was mr . portant marketwlse. New low records for the; sea- " son were established In July and September wheat, September eons -and all rye deliveries. Stop loss selling filled the pits -with offer ings after mid-session. Mty and' . September corn contracts at ona time were within 1 cent ot tha maximum . loss permitted In one . day by trading rules. ) - Mild rallies occurred oerora the final bell but most contracts closed near the days-low point. ' Wheat "finished Z to cenU . below Monday's close, s Msy $5- ; 9 5, and corn was, Z4 to a " cents off. May ti - . May wheat was 22 cents below tha season's high and more than six cents below the price a week ago. , Today's closing quotations; Wheat January $7; March 95-9SH; July 864-; Beptem- ber S4-4. i .' - I,- Corn March 88; May ott ; July , 79 - ; September , 7e-7tt. . !. 1 . ' Oats May -; Juiy 48 ; September 41. ; -t-s-aMM I mm-- ifc -- Helen Seymour and . Susee Hold Honors For Play of) Cards : : - . j ' j r 65T. IA1UIS. Jan. 15 The isec- ond of a series ofciTd partiei was held at the St. LouU hall Sunday y night, with high score going to ' Jack Susee. Helen Seymour, and . door prize to Bill Groehong. Edward and Earl Manning ana Herman Gassner motored to Mc Mlnnville to .visit Patrick Fay, who Is nearlng his 104th birthday. While there they witnessed a fox drive. - Deer, fox and- wolf ar seen quite frequently in that com munity. !; Finer Western . Wool Is Active " BOSTON. Jan. 15-OP) - (U. S. Dept. Agr.)-Calls were being re ceived steadily on small to moder- , ate quantities of a variety of the :; finer w eastern grown wools.- uraar ed French combing 64s and finer . at 1. mnotlw K8 ' iciiiiuij w WW iHua.ut yau w- I 70 cents scoured basis for averaga-y lines. : tJIOtning wools wt : euiuu-r ' rrades moved at 65-67 cents. A little demand: was being received on strictly combine; 568, H nlood territory wool at around C5 cenU scoured basis. ,, ; , ... Gord eners am GARDENERS market- PORTLAND, Ore Jan. ll.-iA -.Today's -early - session -' brought ' little change In produce I: quota- Hons at . the , Gardeners and Ranchers market. - .- -r - Ruubatai wera, fairly strong ' and going at S5-45e per crate. Celery hearts were steady at f 1 1.20 per dosen bunches. ; Brocco li was good at SSe lug. - . - Other produce was steady. ; - fiplaack Oraage bz. tS. , '' -r. Carrots Xsw, dossa baaekss, $0-85. .. -: Boots Doses baachos, 80-60. - Parslsr Dosss busses. 15. - Turnips Dossa - baaches, 80-85. - Buubafss Crate. 85-40. i , 4 Psriatps Crsts, $5-45. : . "'i -. . ' Badiihes Dosea baaeksa, 15. Lettaee Crst. $1-1.85. Cabbars Per crate, 40e-$1.75. Csulitlower Local, Ke. 1, 60-7Se. Celsrr Crst. 41.60; keerts. $1-1A Groea beans Pound. 4-7. - Sqnsah Dauiah. $1.40 per eaaUteap erst; Bohewuw $1 crate. - -.- - Prssss Pevad, se. -. " AddUs Jambl -sack. bos. 45c: D Hcinua or 8pitsabrg. str fsacr. $1.4 A Potstoee Orange box, sv-oo. Onions 100 lb. $1.60-1.40. BreccoH Per lag. 85 . Brossels sprouts Crate, 70-75. . Csaunowor tt. eoo-f 1. Braaaels sprout its Urat it. 60-65. Stoclcs end Bond Inurr 16 Stock av-xaozs I ((vB!i i The Associated - 1 . tau k Tk. as.oc-4. islsV :.Y.1 Preai ) 40 Stocks 85.01 89.54 88.58 4S.04 51.88 84.S4 51.36 83.68 . 88.88 85.88 25.80 I Vg-jjK; I -,v - . 85.17- 80.40 80.81 43.08 88.7T 45.27 i Yo- r, rf oo.t 85.00 40.65 84.14 40.07 S0V48 19S4 3S kigk.41.48 1084-44 Uw45.8T ! kigk 67.8S 18S8..10W, . v-. '.L CT - AKX AOXs . v& '- - v: -- ;. r ',. 80 i ' 10 10 - " - - !- 'rsfls !a.V8. atit Wielga Tecar '--.84.10 5.16 85.64 ear 5A0 , 85.80 92.49 856 70.8 Moatk are 85.67 69.81 44.41 70.4$ 40.10 6 60.64 Tesr are 7-i4 79.90 " 75.00 05.95 .880 1984-85 ktrk.89.4t 1084-85 Uw74.60 1938 kick 41.41 ,1886 lw 5A76 , 78.60 79.04 44.06 .64.17 S4.25 66.89 spoil my Ainner, Bus. , . -