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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1935)
. Hi- The OrtEGQ-f STATXSlIANe Saka, Oregon, Sunday Morals?, Jt 13, 1935 PAGE ELEVEN -i'- ;...-.......,... ...;: : .:...."!..;. !::;,. r-i ic mm z -'A- W.A ' re-t I A i -1 ' - r- y-.-- -- --j-' -- .. . . . ... . : 1 " " J Statesraaiir Classified Ads i Call 9101 " P dasslf led Advert lalng : X1' plngle insertion per line . ,10c Three insertion! per'llne '.2ftc Sl insertions' ner line : .V. 3 0c; One tnontb per line . . .Il.vo Minimum charge ..25e Copy for this pace .accepted until 6:30 the evening before publication for classification. Copy received . after .this time will be ran ander the Heading Too Late to Classify; : The Statesman assumes no financial .responsibility for er- rN "which may appear. In ad- -ertlsements published In its columns, and in eases j where this naner is at fault will re print that part of an adver tisement Jn which the typo- xrahical , mistake occurs. . . , The Statesman reserves the right to : reject objectionable adTertisIng. It farther reserves thie right to classify all adver Using under.the proper classi fication. - 5 A " MISCELLANEOUS EXCHANGE Real Estate PERSONAL Free We pick ea dead anl worth- was horses, cowa, ahee;-T- Ufa, Kalicwta . 16o-36- 803 ; a Winter. Saw reoalrtnR.- Ealenv Saw Shoo. our -ornrra ran rdu. m lilt, For Jewelry, export watch repairing. giaasea fitted, eee Stevens-Brown, 114 V. 8. GOVERNMENT JOBS. START $105-4175 MONTH. I wilt coach 25 I'REK, Many Salem examinations ex pected. Qualify now. Men women. 18- 50. Franklin Institute : Hat positions FK, Box 1Z19S, care statesman. ' : EXCHANGES r Neat 4 room house, dear. Trade for room house.'' Muat be modera and A-l condition. Will pay $1500 to 13000 caak difference. Tr CHILD3 MIULSR. Realtor ' 144 State Street i TeL 701 , r- TO -EXCHANGE Anartment honso la SUTerton. IJ500 value, for property In or near Salem. A jutuiuuaut,,, i4i x uomi, Many en Joy In entertainment of lioneaome dub. Call OSS I for Informer tlon. - - - - i Eather,.rTe found the dandiest way to reducorjuat chew Wria1eya Double Mint when you're hungry. Iorothy. Can yon write T Pub. everywhere want tat. -WTltlngra'Pertlc -tree,. Henry Tlumak Co, 130 West 42nd, New Tork. Business Directory Gold J fight Cards la this directory ens oa a monthly basis' only. Rate s $1.00 per line "per aaonttu'" - HELP WANTED y FOR RENTRObMS ; ' Warm aleeplnt: room, durlns session of legislature. JN'ear state house. TeL - Nicely fora. room, use of kitchen or with ooard. saa N.: list.'? -- - Coailr furnished sleeping and llvlnr room, i ma n. qhs l . .- s . , Furn. room wUb furnace beat, Prt Tate entrances Oentleman , preferred. - Furn. rm. and ar. durlnc leaislature. no amoking. i Market.; Dial Mil. SleeplaK room, (51 , Center. S nice rooms.' with aaraxe. near state capital. 118S Court, Tel. 49(4.: Two rooms near '. state house. One room alngle bed, one with double, bed. reasonable. 29 N. Summer. .. . Man or lady to- do teuadrr wrt! far use nf apartment. 109 B. Com'L vx. ui.i- m "iriji i i-- t Someone for .partner, -poultry .ton,' hatching and ralalac Be m at once. J 45 N. Com'L Room 10. WIN .0.0 .' Can you make 5 three letter words nslnr 1?ttwa 1tr Tbo word" TA'rtA-' MOUNT" T Rush your answer to Par- - amount Pwodbeta, 3nc; .. AjC. Doa Moinea, lowa, ana jon wiu set cpr. tunity to Win $2,2a.O I'sii-t xVi . .HELP WANTETjU-MALE f tO-A-WEEK OPtmiUJlllT. Wtett man to service zou-cuaiompr grocery route. . No capital required.. Everythlna fumUhed. Write Albert Mills, 702J Monmouth, Cincinnati, O. . ' A ; REAt. OPPORTUN1TT U open for a married man between- the ages of 22 and, 45 to represent a well es tablished company. Hard work and ' definite hours are required. Personal training- and supervision Will be (riven. - Address P. O. Box 277, Salem, Ore. Rooms, comfortable bedfc 424 Union. ' ROOM AND BOARD Room .and board for two. Close in. 405 Marlon. Tel. 4445." u ; , Room with breakfast 1 15.0a. 690 X Summer.. TeL 4494. ; Room and board.; rarasa,; tit 1040 North ITth. em bus Has.- - , ana. Table toara. aa Chem. Tel. TM. FOR SALE FARMS ' GOOD FARM BUT 10 acres t miles out on market road. fair set of buildings. About IS acres In cultivation, balance pasture and some timber.. Good drilled well, spring water piped to buildings. : Price only $2760. Will lake Salem home as part, bal ance long time loan. - CHILD3 MIlJiF.K. Keaitors 34 State Street ;,v ' TeL 70. TWO GOOD BARGAINS 92(5 down, nrice S1550 dandy 5- acre tract, I -miles from Salem, good road. 4-K.-house, 'Darn, eiectrio ugnta. garage. 4-A. cult, 1-A. timber and pasture, good well, good road. This la snap. t . ANOTHER ONE ' . 35-acres. stocked and equipped ; ' S horses, 2 cows. 125 hens, pigs, 4-ton hay and Implements. 4-R. house, barn, poultry house, $1200 down.-, a. we nave - some - real dusum - u ranches if these don't suit - Call and see us before you buy. - - ; J. D. SEARS or G. W. JOHNSON 122 S. High TeL 9029. ay-u'irViJrrvsMsrvivr' ! aasiBaaasei BEST BUTS ' In farms in the valley, 0 . A all tillable land, well fenced, poor blags., 14 miles Salem. Extra fine 100 A. farm, 90 A- cult, modern bldga,ll stocked and equipped,' sandy loam boIL. Price $12.000.. r. ' - - - . AWenty A. I arm, ui uusuia uuiu, nw bldga, 12 miles N. of Salem. $1100. Beanuful 10 A. tract, a a. cnernes, full beariac em paxad xit. 4 X. a- i, 9 R. souse, com wen. mw vai to 31200." to close- an estate, soia osko ar $450. For swat bacsame, SEE LOU I BECHTELi ear Mit. ixlut 241 Sxste . Jtoass . FOR SALE USED CARS, - MATinS USED CARS - 19 Ford Standard Coupe . 1SS.00 29 Ford Sport Coupe (a honey) lt&.oq '29 Chev. Rdstr. (perfect) w 195.00 '29 Ford Sport Rdstr. -(-whla.) 185.00 '31 Chev. Coach ' AUTO BRAKES BUTTER SHORTAGE 1 CALIF0RT1IA WORD Salem Marl is Easing Up ii ' . . . kets PM MFR APPRMGH -j unuiiiLii ni I nniunL 1 CiVEfJ COURT CASE Mike Panek.-175 South' -Commercial. BRUSHESjilK '23 Chrysler Sedan '(2 '29 Ford Standard Coupe i SO Ford '30 Ford Roadster - '29 Chev. Coach Fuller" Brushes.' Tel.' Protidf it; '759?, CATERING '20 Hup Sport Coupe i , '27 Chev.' Coupe, re bored '27 Essex Coach, rebored -I 2T Pontlae Coach , '20 Chev. Touring . , '27 Ford Touring . , 15 '25 and '37 model T (15.00 and up. Kasy xerms : open Jbve. 225.00 175.00 215.00 19S9 rTJ.OO 875.00 135.00 95:00 85.00 45.00 45.00 Fords, St gun. j Telephone 44B0. -R,E. Northnesa. Corns chicken tamalleat TeL 4541." HolbrooVs chicken tnmalea Tel. 8332. " CHIMNEY: SWEEP l -u We pay cash or sell your car on V ' , ' consignment GLEN MATHIS 250 Court St . . . Salem, Ore. McKay's Used Cars ' CHIRAPRACrORS ' DR. -O. H SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor, 250 N. High. TeL Res. 8759. - ' FOR RENT APARTMENTS . X room fur.' it. also IeeDlnar nestr univ. SIS & Winter, j f . t R. furn. apU Ilffbtta mo. 41 H. ZIBu f -i 2 fl-oom furnished 'apt. lights and "Wa ter. 1421 N. Church.. , . . Furn. ma, and apt.. 109 , 4 .. S..Com1 180 aere farm In one of best farming ttstricts U satMr. 4ooa -" mescsL If aaterasted 3n seed tana ; ' .see wa aboat firfa, Party Witt sjecapt ' aome trade. S acres, modern 5 room .house close In. This la oriced rixht' 13S0 were stock fms 9a Ekatfft waSer. m, Washington, ir Jntereatea m rais- lsj eck aee a about thla. Some private -money to loan on good . real - estate. : - HUDKIN8 A ADAMS, Tel. 9494 - 375 Stale Street Furn. t room, ssssaw&eat Friaddatra; r?2.5. 33S0 Fall m eiimls. Rand. TeL 143M x. . - HELP WANTED-FEMALE 3ood" strong woman for hotel work. 'Age between 35 and 50. -Box 320, care Statesman., - ' WANTED . refined woman to care 1 for elderly lady and help with house work In desirable home. " ' Permanent for right party. Give age, ret and phone. Box 75, Statesman. Mrs. Bickle of Montana, earned $34 tn a week with amazing snax -proofed ilk hosiery.', Doubles wear. . Tremen dous market Easy, permanent work With -actual hose furnished FREE. State size. American Hosiery Mills, Dept 4107. Indianapolis. , . : : , lAdiea, copy names, addresses, for man, order firms.- Good' pay:' Exper ience unnecessary, no canvassing Write; stamped envelope. United Ad vertising, 1114 DeKalb Avenue, Brook . lya. N. T -.. ' - -i i ii - 1 t Earn $25 weekly addressing envoi- apes. Instructions 10c (coin). Paadola CowlButte, Mont .- v $15 weekly and your -own dresses FREE for demonstrating latest lovely. VaahiOn Frocks. Jib canvassing. No .Investment Write fully. Give slse and, color preference. Fashion Frocks, Dept.. B-3.241, CtndnnatL Ohio. Special work for mothers who need $14 weekly at once. No canvassing, ex perience or Investment Giver drees arise.; Dept 71293,. Harford Frocks, Cm .cmnatL Ohio. . ' . I- - Clean R. furnished ant. Uxht Iter, furnace heat 7 blocks to eapitoV I1QUIU OIHT, 91S.VV. C J. JACKSON, 341 State Btreet FOR RENT-CHOUSES Hotues Forkner 1853 N. CapItoL 4 rooms xmmlshed, Bath. hot water ; i$2 -per ma . Can to 7. - -. ! -t: . 3358, Fine R. house In. .beautiful locar tlon. WIS consider "teaxtag 3BaMspnu a Bible tenants attar- neb. Idth. Sdk 311, care statesman. - - ... Modern furn. 8 room, bouse, close tn. uau u hi union. TeL-szze. "Mod. $ room nouaer4a J. Wlntacw House - to iraflL. rawaanable. 1125 Shipping; j ...... j. if Applri R. house. Colled Box 325. care Statesman xlnaia dnw r:t,. TOtOTTr . 14 acre home; located 8 mlleaout room tiouse .and bum, rttrniahed, J$20 per month, unlunieled. $ TS iri niuiitlu BEE. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. -XS4 JL liberty St i , t TeL 84 Ot, 8-mcroa close In. i 5 room modern house, furn. mr .unfurn. Intoiiaa & 3, mot 77. rret :so. 21 Ford Pickup . Bulck Delivery 28 Chev. Coach .... , n 38 Cher. Coupe , 39 Ford Coupe 30 Ford Roadster 29 Chev. Sedan , 81 Chev. Pickup . , 31 DeSoto 8 Sedan 33 Chev. Deluxe Coupe 33 Chev. Coach. 80 La Salle 5 -pass. Coupe 81 Ctaar. Coupe , ! 33 Chev. Town Sedan 33 Pontlae Sedan ,,, ... I Trucks from $45 I 25 . 35 100 145! 145 335 325 285 . 3C5 445 (IS 550 i 550 550 89S DENTISTS Dr. E. Davia, 201. Oregon Bldg; . TeL 7133. t- ' ELECTRICAL SERVICE I BOSLER Electric, 848 State St Wlr-Ingntoraappliajjeerej FLORISTS i no. Fords. Chev- O. IC C, Mancland, Sea, White. - Iljfay-.,CtesTfOaet; Co. 333 Center 8t 430 K Com'L Bt I . . Open Evenings and Sundajya . ,2 Telephone -8189 Inspection of high grade used Brelthauptla, 6M Court "We choice .jsars. Invite- your selection of ATfT. kinds of floral work. Luti, Flpr 1st 1270 N. Liberty: Tel. 9E 92. ' Y : GENERATORS j ,' Generator and armature exchange, 2588 J Portland Road. ' PORTLAND, Jan. .. lt-P)- While thera wai an lBcreaser In both churning ,and y mannfacture of butter, at Portland "and V at northwest . points - generally, de creased supplies : were suggested .California. Local make snows Increase V in ne i centrallzer output to date this year 'ana there was - an ' equally . good in crease' In the movement from the ont-atate plants, , . " ; . .Butterfat price situation in the egg market - reflected the rather liberal ; supply arriving and the accumulations on dealers floors!' There was no change in the gen eral- Quotation for the -weekend. Demand for chickens continued firm here because fowls were in reality - cheaper than most fresh meats1. This caused general sell outs of operators and ' receipts were not 'so liberal.' Well1 held prices continued, to be Quoted for dressed turkeys in the local trade .with the. ehief demand still for movement7 Into eastern coolers. Local call was best for hem. to go into immedi ate consumption. ; " ' , " Too many carloads' of. Califor nia ; old crop Tegetables '.' were brought' to Portland and the re sult' was a congested, market with considerable local stock still available, j The only real home shortage was in beets. ; ,t - . Increased sales of dry onions were confirmed with growers - tirade b raw 4 per cent mllkV co-op' pool price; J per. hundred.'-.;. . v (Milk kased . ea r asaO-BMBtaif butUrUt avsraia.)-.'.,'. Distributor price f 3.I0C ; ilottcrfat - Top Sic and 32c; Bjgrade print 32 He; A grade prints SSlic Prices . pals te r rowers by Balsas ksyera Jaoosry 13. - . . (Tie pries seio, tpd j a local grocer, ere iadiestive ef the dailx marks, bat; are aot gasraaieed by The States "sa. , .- rBUjTa . .. .. . r -.. fBuying Price) -Cranberries, bU, - ., , ; '., ... 4.50 -Grapefruit. Florida , ,,, -r te 4.80 " Orapefniit. arlion 1.40 te 15 OraBgss. Kavsl, laser 3.40 te 2.8$ ; Choice ... ,, 3 09 te 2.50 Jsp creases, kandle 1.55 iieasass. OS SUlk. ,04 U - Bands . - . .05 Lemons , 4.00. to 4.75 Urns, fresk - 1.0 . Grspes .;. . .. . Emporer " '" " ; '-' jjio ' Apples, bashel 60 te 30 -. rso-Tasucs ; (Butibs Prlui ' Artlchokss, box Ka-itfees. eoa. Csaliflower .40 Cabbage. ewt local Kraat cabbage Greea peppers, local. IK , uocai oaioDS. so lbs, Lettaee, California Salstfr, dosea . .05 .50 te 8.38 9 to .65 te 1.00 .85 .13 80 8.50 te 4.25 .40 Sqassh. Habbard Sod Banana XI Carrots, local. des "i .80- ai retatoes . - 1 . . . l.... No. .3. keadrad No. 3. handred ' Yakima. 60 lb K 1 . I 8wset potatoes - , i California pea ' ' CilUornia bean . Tomato. CaUL. log nioerts ACR A GE - A. near X)aac T S- house, "barn. $759. 10. down, m t-t mo. SR. house NewDOrt. lights, water. batb, $150. loan, trade equity for car. truck, or wna . i- , a. , . n piilt tnr. cm. St. Itouse, rn, elec- good Toad, .'$180. aw. aornn, easy jen C X MACKSCmrtil 8toto Stroet Come In and drive them. Try them out. SATISFY TOURSELF BEFORE! YOU BUT. -. . 1934 Studebaker Diet Sedan 5735.0 1933 Studebaker Com. 8 Sedan 885.09 .8 chrojne plated steel wheel,. ' radio G-3. Goodrear tires 1931 iPontlac 8 eflan -door STB.tfB 1938 et-flk Du- Sedan . 385.90 182.7 3ackard 4 Sedan . 375.00 1829 Ford Coupe , ,... 185.00 ia8 Che-. Coach , 165.00 Bulck 'Pourlns;,ilmoet new tires . 35.00 LAUNDRIES WalnaUL IV a rain showing disposition to sell. I Turnip do. TmnnlrlM 'fnml th midwest I EndW. do still below workable prices. v . TTTB WEW ffAXiEM LAUNDRT ; TTfm WKIDER LAUNDRY S.i & !l TaL.tlSB - CAPITA CITY LAUNDRT " ' TFlnst in Quality nd Service : Telephone 8 1 6 B - ' '1364 Broadws Studebaker Touring; almost new tires 35.01 Jtvev Otrl sv Win accept trades and give reasonable j .. . - ,-. terms - - Otto J. Wilsort t -Suick Pontlae Dealers Canter- Com. Sta. . . Tel. 8481. i , Dob' Wiwti Ttni Qr Money LARK1N REALTY CO. - - 18 Com'L St. TeL WTR RnRFNSJIS U SST SOV tm nf the: beat "BEER anfl LUNCH loca m3taarn. If Interest- ed come In et your CHOICE. ' ALSO- have confectionery ana iuncn eouipment for sale at as sacrifice. - lit To Buy or Sell "Tour Car Ch meketa -. - Tel. -few of the bum we 3re 9531. T8 IB Chevrolet eCoupa XSZ .Chevrolet 'brWlet T930 as-ord tCoaoh 1 3010 ord "Coupe stokt Tel.Jl. . and tursav do m 1930 Whippet Coupe 1938 Nash Sedan (healer . I183T 8tudehr Sn . 1937 Star tBedaa - - - - 1 t. Whlpnet Sedan MONEY TO L0A1T 1325.0 ZJ5.0 385.0 375.00 175.00 195.00 145.0 85. 95. 35.00 -Z :. JA13SSES i , ; - f . CrTZOIrBD Z2Q CO. Phone 4089 8AI T FLTTFF-BXTCI and Mattress Faetorr. NEW MATTRESS made to I inTler,. old rexoaiU ;. carpet cleaning, els- ! lng ; nuTT rug-weevmg. o. istn , bur. TeL 'OTTO TT. Z WICKER, Est. 191L -- " - ' ' - MUSIC STORES Qa C. SWII--Plaaoa; dlos, sewing ! machlnoa etwet -music -sm(r piano etua lea. Repairing radios, phonograph and sewing ums i b buhi, Salem. " - - l- " 1 ' PHOTO IClVRS General Markets : FBODTTOa EXOHAHOB ' - PORT AND. Ore- Jan. 13. (AP) I Pmdnn exchaacs. a oricea: Batter: . , . ' . SI. fl aA I BOVk : Ilrsu, "SO. - acr: u. o. . 37; U. 8. sxtrs. 36c; U. B. diw-fca- , tras. .5c. Batter, sse, i r Italiaa breeceli, tog 1 Rests. . dosta -Celery, Calif.. U crat - aora - - Bnnnc Pries 1 Clatter. '1984 lb top rDgslea. 1934. top lb. ..', JO - 015 ,-, , , 1US0 J3 J3 , 75 .is to as as to .so : 35 - JtS ZZ !85 3.85 NEW TORK, Jan. 12.-VA - calmer, appraisal of the gold cal ase litigation before the supreme court, was reflected in a modera-N tion ' of the selling- w are in the stock market today. , Although the mining equities met a little further Belling, losses were confined to fractions among; . leaders of this groifp, while Am erican Smelting --rerersed the trend for a net gain of . Stocks which finished with loss es of a point or more were Allied Chemical, American Can,'Jstman . ! Kodak Preferred, Johns-Manrille Preferred, Lorillard Preferred, and Union Pacific. U. S. Steel lost 4 -at 37. General Motors was :. off U at SI Hi General Electric gave up at 21. Trading . was fairly brisk at 1 666,420 shares, compared- with, 494,470 last Saturday The Asso- - elated Press average of- 60 select ed stocks was .45 lower at 39.42. The sudden flurry ot jitters' 1st the financial district oyer' the -gold clause litigation resulted 1ft . continued favorable reports from . industry passing almost unnoticed, : Jn reviewing the week, financial ' ' analysts today noted with satisfac tion that the reports of steel pro daction, .freight movement, and electric power use, all showed substantially better than seasonal gains. December building statu- tics, however, were discouraging. . FRIDAY LOSSES OF. Extra Standards Mediants Pallet -GOB (Baring Price) 48 -Nominal GAMS RECOVERED Wholesale SelUag pne Kztras Pbrtland Grain V Standards Msdioms Pullet .33 .30 .18 as . .34 .29 .31 as - POBTLAKD, (atarti: Ore- Jan. 13.(AP) Har Jalr Opea -84 H -T91, HiKh 84Vb 79 Lew S4 7 Close S4H T9! Chlil Lc-fli uv-a iu 7h-i a uuub - ffvv,i is a 1938 Cher: truck, stk. rack" 15.0' merrlal. we need some later model cars, will j -pas csaatt .or sXl fon onslgnment. Salem photo amgrarln., 143 I'm. twi. - N. Com- ll Used Car Market PRIKTINCr 1 te 39 months te repay at lowest pee aitUe rate ' aENERAX, ITNANCR5 COHP, . a -a a f JRJQ frr8BQ 1 1 - . . . ; ' 1 St ltn Bank ma. - nx- S I cnsed 4 Jtate -Tin RT1T IBM HHT-... Mrfs. y namnh- . '3fH "T7orth- IilliertV - I ia nm . Konk a or ait kind of J WEEK END B FECIAL - - I ..t-tln- MU frh Rt-W nr n Prlnrlna st, oet Complete -took tof Te ij Department. -215 Comwi. Tele- 5 Farm Loans 5 i ".' SALESMEN WANTED DAVIS WlLL SET YOU UP IN bus iness in your community representing pAVIS Fine Custom Clothes. Insured tree for one year. Complete equipment furnished. No Investment. Over 500.090: satisfied customers. New low prices ' steady-profits. Experience unnecessary. P. H. Davis. Dept. U-96, Cincinnati. 8ALESMEN Earn 100 wkly.: Im-.j Baed, com. 8506,009 : 'punchhoard en machine firm has new plan.- No Invest. K. A & Sales, 890 So. Kohl er, os Ancelea. " . - X MAN, WANTED for Bawlelgh- route ef f80 famillea. "Write today. Raw lelght, . Dept ORA-117-SA, Oakland, ; Calif. A- -'- "'; T 'v-iv- A r : .. Xcal or travelina men or some sub crlptlons asents, write. commis- ssons and bonus. Direct connections. Low selling-. price.' NEED LEC RAFT, -1331 No. Newton, Minneapolis, Minn. FOR SALE-U at tmrr Tny: for well tmpro d tarmw tf amply secured. Improve yt tray now with cheap money. Ask for booklet Willamette Valley Farms." earn- ana Konerta. in C31VrTL CARS RE-FINANCE "W L .LA SfETl ! LOAN CO. TeL 38T1 80S Onardlaa Blda, Salem S-134- State Uc Noa Ji-139, 1 Amaxlmr new ODoortonltr. Demon- trate for nationally known taUorlnvri tftiJ - .r- - tas ntkir' Ma 'l State Street Tff'"f. Permanent position.' Rapid ad-' Tancement. ' - Tour own jelothes free. Give full detalla, Charles Olson, 1301 Omcress.' Dept. 3839, Chicaco. . . W rfl I tf llrfMfci I KWWW ' - lfe-wmen handle new novelty sift Item ; virgin exclusive territories open. . Write Immediately Rusk Bros.. '439 .arket-St, 0aa Fran dsco for -stalls d sample. , t-". ."v. - A REAL HUME BARGAIN 33150. Will buy this modern A ao1 - homo-located only aix hlocks out, -ood location, Ua - aaraw! Jtwta room, fireplace, basement, rurnace, n re. CIlfiA. sti. Kulann. well financed on- easy ttorm 3T TJfl 8HOW IOU THIH HARB TM TO-f v DA . . I.- t I -t. 31450. Late - buDt moOesn ' nU home, except he sement. jraraxri and . woods he d, paved, at boa line, $350. cash,, baL eaay rm 118 " A BUT. '- 11100. All cash wDl buy this room plastered, iiaur tmur homo - tn : basement. nara e, locat-d in new Oistnct, nortneast Haiem. se na aroR r-ems W. H. ORABENHORST A CO,, RE-tRa - W berty 8t. i TeL 8488. i - .;--.EK THIK!'; 1 room modern homo Tin from' State street, rood reaJdetft 1 'ttlstrt CHIDS Cars In 8alem -1933 'Plymouth 4 Coupe , 1M 'Clievrolet'tJooch 1930 'Chevrolet Coup " 1939 Chevrolet Coach 1939 Chevrolet Coupe '" r , 1939 Ford Coupe 1949 .Ford Rdatr rumble eeat 192S Chevrolet Sedan 1928 Chevrolet Coup Many others to choose from. See as I J "to -buy ,or 1I -your car. Open Sundays untu -noon. .j - --. '!.. . . ohone 9101: RADIO SERVICE Moore's. Tel. T993 895. Hlrh. HINGL-S Cedar for sale. ahlna lea. akee. nosta. gravel. 970J. Vaney Motor Co. - COMPLETE SERVICE QM V LOANS TJP TO 1309 SSDOK WHAT TOU GET I I L, r ASH within 48 hours. . iTjnofce of 4 Loan -Plana, tberal terms, 1 to 30 mo. to repay.. ' Pmrnptnesa. . Courtesy. Prlvany; Baelicial Loan Sbdety of Salein f . .T IBM her NRA. : -A.- eom JO0. New Bllgh Bldg. Snd flar - CENSED NO. 8-138 It !. BIB JRaie St.-. Tet 1ni -fade In rTearbr Towns 10-4 tFord-TE-8 Sedan ., 1983 Ford V-8 Coach 1933, Ford V-8 XeLuz Couoo. IBS 3 Ford "TV-. Coach ... -, , 1SS8 Ford w-s. Coupe js.0---er Coupe 11 - - - - . a,,.jrmHT, muivn ; 1933 Chevrolet Coupe , , T93T Chevrolet Coach 1931 Chevrolet Coach L 11935 Ch-TTOlot Jle ta. ' ... 102a rJuryeter-t'Oeuan ! 1938 Franklin 8 Sedan 1939 aord Sedan .Tiks -$H0 . 638 845 .445 i 445 385 st 85 . 385 438 345 80 95 345 341 STOVES I repair stoves, -rang-ss. circulator. Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and eirculatora. stock fence, posts, chicken wire. - Salem Fence and Stove Works, 383 . Chemeketa. Tel. 4774. B. B. Fleming. : - TRANSFER J.8l4 Ford Gar track, 1000 al. ttsuur 1931 Ford DeLuxe Pickup in lrora inei Realtors - ... ;. .: Teu aias v "' 7- - I. .v-.lf ACRE SNAP -- Located on food market road, all cultivated, first class berry, walnut or filbert soil. This Js sot exoaptional val ue, offered for few aya,t 9750U0 casn. - " . - u W. R; GBkUJCMKtlHSTL - CD- ; tHKAl .TOR-, , .. ! .. - 134 South Liberty Street WATT3--ood yonnc -farae? or nor u sedivoow. tood ai Pi a airtl all -particulars In ttrwt' letter. Rt. 7, Box 43, Salem. arroah cow. with calf, 831.08. T018 t6rx&-wood 3809 , 313 . 316 3038 Fo-3.-MteL S. W. base 496 ;i Ftm w 11, w. naae 4v !1 9iFord'A wdI.S. W. B. Duals 160 a939 'R','W.1ase ; . 136 1931 Ford. w -. xoo 1933 CI. ML C I W.. Baa fanner I .license - ; .. ,. 436 1434-.oinr trailer, fully eauiDL. 650 'lrST'Chevrolet Lone W. Base 400 JVlarian and JUert , Sundaya '"--'"Ay 'A- TA T818L FOR local or distant transfer storage, call 3131. Larmer Traaafer C. .True- to Portland dally. CAPITAi CTXT Transfer 9 Co. 836 I State St. TeL 7771. Distributing, for- wardins and atoraae our specialty, uet our rate ... . . w" Willamette Valley Transfer, Salem te Portland hauUna. TeL 3733. . Anyw-ere for hire truck. Special rata on town haulln;. Tet-6378. - - t TRUCK SERVICE A ii i aft: -870 Klwrwood. Tet- 3380. lint Cher. 6-wtre wheel sedan fSBStor 1VE..T)RIIN r. Rt- R.nrf blnaatem. BOe: oark bard winter wkt 13 per eeat, 98 H; do 11 per esat. 89; wssUra white, 83; soft wait, aorthsra spriag, kard winter, wsstera red, 88. " ' - OaU, No. t white, 88 JO. Cora, Hv 8S yUw,. 48.00. . Millma staadsrd, 825. Portland Produce POET LAND, Ore, Jaa. 13. (AP Batter Prints, A grade, 88 He per le, la parc-msat wrapper: 84 He la ear tons; B-grade, pare-auat wrappers, 8SH: eartoa. SSH lb. . , Botterfat Pertlaad dUvry, A grade dUvri at least twle weekly, 88-84 lb.; coaatry routes, 81-83 lb.; B grade, or delivery lea tkaa twice weekly. 81 S3e lb.; C grd at market. Eggs Sa to retails-: Special,' 37e; sxtrsi, 35e; fresh extra, brow, 3e; standards, lStz frh tnsdinm. 35 ; ate. dies firsts, 85e; fresh pullsU, 33 do- sea. , - fga Baylaf price ef wholesalers: Fresh special, 35c; extra. 33a; extra msdias, SOe; pullets, 17 ; chock.. 30; baksrs, 17 dois . , Cks 03 score: Oregon triplets, 15e; loaf, 16c Broker will pay He below qaotatieask Milk Contrset price A -Portland de livery,, 13.30 ewt; B grade areas 37 H .'Country mests Selling price te re tailers eeontry killed hog, beet butch ers, aader lau to- io 10.; vsaien, taaey, 10-11 lb.: Ught -and this, 5-6 lb.; heavy, lie IK; cutter sows. 8-7 lb.; csnners. 4 lb.; boll. -H lb-;-lamb, taasy, 14 lb.; w. 4-8 lb. - Mohair 1934 buyiag prie. 19 lb. Csseara bark BoyUg price. 1934 pel 3e lb. . . . - Hope 108 fas, t 1-io.j re- Urs. 10-18 lb. v - - ; . . Uv poaltry Portland delivery bay ing prices: colored bent, ever 8 V 15-I6c lb.; do aadr H lb- 15-16 lb.; Lerhora fowls, ever 8 Iba, 13-18 p lb.t do aadr 8 lb- "-Wo a j springs 4 lbs. ad ap. "-lee! u 4 lb- 15-16; broilers, aader S Ibe 16: roeeiers, ee io.j -"v-- ,i f olored. 10 Ibnaso. 1U lK ' Oaioa Oregea.- 31.65-1.75 eeaUIt Te-ime. 81.35-L50. ' -' . Ptt Orgoa Barbaaks. 80-fl cental ; Deschat 0m. Lt esata L Wil lt84 eBp. aowinl; Willamette -atter. audi ass, SO lb.S fiae or half ZTrrJ' mnl v . is lb.; aastsra Oregoa, 17-30 lb.; o era Idab t J 1fc'Hsy Bariaf price from predaews: elfalfa Ke, X. aw erep, fit ; outera Oreroa tisotkv, flT.80; eatj, 18 tea; WUlaaette valley tiatotay, 14 teas - ver. 18 toa, PortlaaA . WOOL AX MUBAIB Bayiag Prie) Uobslr. 1084 clip a market afadinm wool. 1934 -0 Coarse and tin wool. 1994 .i. JO POO-TBt iBeria. Prie) Heavy bans, 4H to 6 lb. - Ovr H pou-ds, lo. Colored madinau, lb. Kediaa Lechorni, lb. ugai. to. ., Broilers, colored, lb. Leghoras. lb. Btaga, lb. -. AtXAT (Bavins: Pri) Lambs, ander 00 lb. , Uvr o lbs. .13 .11 .10 .00 -8 At JO J04, Hog. 180-160 lb-170-310 lb. 310-350 lb. Staers , Cows ' Balls . ,, Heifer TmI top Draased veal, top reee aogs OBAlJt AND HA1 (Boylaa Prlee) Wheat, western red , ,' White. Io. l T.35 0.59 T.60 - 8.16 8.10 4.50 to 5.50 1.50 to 8.50 3.50 te 8.00 3.00 to 4.00 6.00 te 6.50 .10 .15 V 0-B. ' A ine- Barley, feed. He. 3. toa Msltinf. toa OaU, milling, toa reL tea Hsy. buyiag pri Clover hay - .80 .80 .28.00 .84.00 .28.00 .33.00 CHICAGO. Jan. l-6Pr-Indi- . i cations that flnrf led selling due to gold clause: dilemmas had about ended late todar to Tlrtnal complete recovery, from new set- backs ; of grain . prices, ' . Although It Is expected the United States Supreme court .will - not announce a ; gold clause - de cision tor at least two weeks, . most market observers expressed belief the bulk of liquidation was now practically : complete. Lead- - tag trade authorities said there had been a big change of owner ship of . grain contracts todar with the property - passing into) stronger hands. - After a fresh break of mora than a cent a bushel today lm addition to yesterday's losses. wheat closed steady at the same as yesterday's finish to lower. Hay -., corn 1H off to up. May 89-89 tt, oats at -I decline to advance, and pro visions unchanged to a setback of it cents. . . , Today's closing Quotations: Wheat: May July tl-: Sept. 81. Corn: March May SP SS ; July 84-84H; Septt 81. ; Oats: May, e3; July Sept. 42. Oets and vetch, tea . Alfalfa, valley Clorer Seed Bed. lb. Alsik. lb. .10.00 .10.00 .13.00 J5 as Gard Ranch cners ana Mart ers Radio Program Situations wanted fair - Presamsktnfc' rexnodellnc. able prices. Call . afternoons, . Mr Webb, 433 N. Ulsb. - ' ' ' ; Blah school 1rl wilt care for.chil drea evening-. TeL 83 TT." . . A, - : FOR SALE -liscellaneous ' ' Old papers . 10a par- bundle. Stat-. aaaa office. - - t- v- MM ' Apples 35ct wal-ata 13 H and ICna Wrlcht, 4H - Wallace rd. He. v Income tax figures mast be correct. Beat aa Adding Machine and make tbe jo easy. Thoa. Koen. 430 Com -U For Sale .14 bead of horses and oo atnsie mole Just arrived from Sherman - o wetshlns from 1300 to 1600 pound. . ea River ac. between Commercial and ;.Xiberatreeta-; j: ; A-...'?:. FOR SALE All ' enameled- wood rangr I used 6 wks. Inquire 1316 yerry. ) Typewriter, bedroom suit. ., other ruraltare, at once. Come make offer. 866 K. ComX Boom 10. v ( ' , '. WAN1D -BlisIhneons ? Wanted By middle' aged woman, ' board and room la modern ome. State price. Mast be reasonable. - Address, ox 814, care Statesman. ; - . . w 1 HAT WANTED - v ' For eow meat be rood. TeL 8473 r au m l.,Chorch. - - WAMTK-V--Blttck ' walnut treea. Do aot aa swr tmless trees are 198 Inches r more In clrcoi-ference. Box 821, Oare Bta teaman. --, .- tj A .1 lil III I . I . . - . . .. . v. . vr jn ,lt f aiiou xiicai , ah; u- : (i'Wi any tla state Cafeteria. - - A REAL SNAP -One aere. home, ear Balam. nonae. rooc eeUi , we cheiry trees. "Prtae 385U.eaay gee, naa, -am ,m vim. - . . W. H. GR A BENHOkST COL, . ' , RBAXTORS 114 & liberty 8C .Tel 8411- CHEAPER TO OWN THAN TO KENT Five room house only one block off State St. with full cement basement, paved at xarare, cement walks. Price ii0. ior imm , -sr terms. . : , : . . See Chaav Tick, with - ....... W. H. ORABENHORST COV " l REALTORS 134 -.'liberty SC r TeL 846l. - ' , ACRBZB: " ' -A II H aere ranch. '1 die Tram Sa lem en pawed street, i-room boo s and garage, rood nam, family orchard. oest oi soil. Meat ihhiwi ror a riiung station. 93300. Krneger, 147 N. Com'L Vm-lBm-TT 10s & Cem'L St '. -. - Tel 84T0. 8 lots ea Brdway. .mcludlnar build- ' baft tar (ONLY 1 1850.00. - - a room nouae, nearly I mi on toe pavin tor ONLX 8 850- giro aomo terma - ... - SPECIAL HOMB BARGAINS - loo. Aii eain wui tray una a . plastered - nomet moaera pjntrnT and ligbts, garage, paved at. Urge .eorner lot, .located near Lue school - "5-:.. - . . I $430. All easb wf boy this 8-room " piasterea noma, piumoiag ana --. lights, srace, located at . 1546 . Franklin 8U West Salem. - , See. as for BARGAINS.' -T. B, ORABENHORST A CO, - ' REALTORS- 134 8. Ltberrr St Tel. 6488. 3Td ftr. 86. d ft drr dndwro 3 ed. loto 4 od. A ft aah 14.TA : 878i -..,- ... -Day Jda -Cel. 4C3- rr dell very. TLW3A I ltll-Ply. 4-door' Sedan 1834 Ply. 4 -door Sedan i if it Xnrsler 76 Sedan 1818 Iterant Coopo f M3 -r4LZ ltrfBtar tuAmw, t rood, BtaK9t Sta ort Coame, 1335 Ford Coupe 480.00 135.00 335.00 136.00 36.00 50.00 85.00 85.00 35.00 BvWet,a,-years' experience. RFD T.wt rw. 'Ti. ir. - " aUAftAJ4TX DRV TeL 3000 lalssa Fnel Ca Oortace. Dry wood for sal 84. IMalHOSO. Dry -, old Or. Bnd arowtb acreened bog fuel Fred. EL WU good d wood. TL-8154. - -w Bum Not Sheila. oat beat least coot Salem Nut Growers" Co-opu2-i sua.- .. . -. j "r Fanwr7drr wiad;' "V 1 wood -st 1 dry. T-l, ,113-g 3-1 Dry old fir. 3nd growth. Tel 1768. : - Old dry fir 16 In. 35.50 dllvrd. phone 8441. J. A.. Row land. Dry wood, all klndTeL 8088. .8ee these care before rev bur. Tour satisfaction means our success.. , Salem Automobile Co. 488 N. Com! fit. - " - TL 46T8. BOHR EOO" S BB TXXR BUTS " Butck .Sedan . . 31I5 1318 Pt8 C - 135 1833 CbryslrCo-pe 175 d93rs fiodan - 15 lt8.Cev. Coach 146 1U 8 frc -Roadster 110 rm't,edan 135 X3di-aedaa - ; ,. 08 .tr-sv license free with all or the- ahoveKaars, . "-. Wo--- n amber of- other .stood mmtotMooe from. r -.-'.i' ; BffllBaO'S CAR MA RTCETT- 348 N. Liberty St Tel 3688. Club Benefit Bridge Is Well Attended . STATTON. Jan. 11 The fourth la a series of benefit brlde par ties lyen br the Women'a club. brought out a larger auenoa-ce than usual. In spite of the cold weather." Tha committee, Me i dames George Ball, Ralph Curtis. ! N . Ptatler and A. K. Dosler last .will nd tesUnent of Ellxm- had decorated tha club house at- beth Encx. deceased, in the uoun-1 tracuveiy for tne occasion, ouy ty Court of rtha Slate of Oregon 1 per waa served two long tables. IN THB COUNTY COURT OF THE BTATB OF. OREGON FOR Tfl COUNTY OF MARION la the Matter of the EsUte of EUZABETH BUCK, Deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTUB- MENT. - .- . 'Ui - . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned haa filed her final aoctmnt as execntrix of the PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. ltHJPi -Prices held quite steady this week at tha Gardeners' - and Ranchers' wholesale market with a slight demand Increase. To day's early morning session show ed a apod moving of cauliflower with . the growing popular: broc coli close -behind.' i- ; -r The market for carrots showed a dropping off and a decrease la price . to aa low as SO cents per dozen bunches; - ' Selaacb -Oraae hex. T5 ' ' Ceireta New, dssea baaehee. 80-35. Beets Doien baaeh. 80-80. . Parsley Ioea beach, 15. - -. Tavaip Desea baaeh, 80-85. Rmtahsras Crat. eS-40. Paraaipa Crate- 85-40. . . BsdUhee Desea baaekee, 15. , Lettme Crate, 91-3.35.- i Cabbato Per erate, 00-80. ' - CaaUtlower Local, He..-. 60-75. , Celery Crate. 8-50? baarta, 81-L34. Oreea beaas Peaad. e-7. Sqassh Deals-, L40 per eaataloape erate; Bohemiaa. 31 erst. v -i Proses Peaad, 8. Apple Jsmble pack,' box, .: Uciea or Spltieaberc. extra f saey, L50. - Potato Orange box, 60-65. .- Oaioa 100 lb., 6L50-L8O. t Breeeoli Per leg, S5e. - . Bras-sis spree U Crate, T0-75 CaaUflewei Crate. 80e-fl. ' XT' for Marlon County and ! that said Court haa fixed Monday, the 4th day of , February, 1 3 J 6, at tne hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said dar at the county court room in -the county court . souse ox Marlon County. Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing of1 said final account and l ot objec ts a alow of candle light. Mrs.' G. F." Korlnek and Ralph Curtir were fortunate enough to carry home tha prises for high score. ; The condition of Eugene Roy was reported somewhat Improved. His . daughter, Mrs., C. E. Taylor, her son and husband who make Stocks and Bond A':-- " JnmrylS STOC AVMLAOIS . -(Compiled by The Asseelsted PreiO Dry Ind rrowth, TeL 3380. Aahcraft, 870 Kinwood. , . I wood .1 - - i i , yvwwwii Wofvl sawtne; rwr-iiMt. Call 8?e.' their home with him. have all TDcrncrteele'S Used CarSl tlona thereto and tor tha final I been 111 with , flu. A -umber of vu -- . - cmiaren are on ujl bo vot uu w GEORGIA MAUJTTBiutbvi 9 same cause and Mrs. J. XL Mls- ' isxecutrix or - ist - ww - and Testament of Elisabeth , CBuch, Deceased. ' . I-' ft hv.v , Dat of first pubUcatlon: Do cember 0, 1134. : : ii; ; - : , Date of last publicatloni 'an nary -7. 103S. D30J-lt-ao--7. so tedast Today , ... 63.SS Prev. day 5-08 Xeatb age 63.T4 leer sr -63AO 1034-35 klsk.6L43 1084-86 low.44.ST 16 rails 86.ST 35.48 66J3 16 ntiL 36.34. 357. 85.78 33.48 ,88.78 48.08 40.65 83.77 84-S 1134 Dodge Sedan, nm 6000 ml 8735.00 1534 Plymootn sedan . ux. nm 8000 mile . , 1133 Plymouth Sedan, , e. real - - bay , ii' i 1333 Ford V-8 Coach, bow air BOXTX ATX 3QS ' 30 - 10-'; 10 60 Stacks 80.48 S0.8T 80.40 48.10 81.13 84.88 10 , i ro-T-Ajn 1180 xa. Sunday, Janaary 18 8 :00 6aerd . made. 8:45 Portland Ceuncil C-arckea. 0:15 ChristUa gadvr Ualea. -10:80 Nstieaal Toeth Confer, ne. KBO, 11:00 Oeerfe Olsea's erehastra. j. 11:80 Oleaa Shelley, rraiW 13:05 Bey Scent Troop. ' 13:85 Orcheitra. ) 1:45 Piaae. K 1 Paal BL Hatchiasea. 1:45 The Lathersa Boar. 3:00 Cstkolis Bear. 8 : 80 Orchestra. 8:00 OrehMtra. . : 15 Plaa..-' , Si85 Readers' Cofd. 5B0. H-13 Daae PreUe. . Xoaday. Jsaaary .14 g-.SO Coacert. . f - 7:45 Beads ea Parade. , S:10 Daae Tea. 10:03 -aoaald Back. . 10:15 Paal watiemaa s rs a, 10:85 Ted Tie Bit' orckostra. 10:45 Odd- Kambw. ' 1 1 .i.n.u- Frali i-.nn- v.dttm. Via-ka-. X BC t 11:15 WeeUra Pan end Hem 1:00 reram liaae-eea. 1:35 Opratlea 1:44 Better Each Tatt - " , J, " 3 :05 Maeiesl Oeea. - 8:15 Mlcksr OilUte erekta 4 4:00 Frleadly Chat. . ... " 4 : 80 Will . Aabrey, XBC.. - , 8:88 Bn BaraU'S erckMtra. .1 S:iO Witliaf Bemts. t 19: SO Bin HeoaUfbt, XBC. 10:55 freas aavato wy -w "i- XaW PCm-XB 620 xe, ' Sandar, Jennsry IS 8 :00 Tidbits, HBO. - . . 8:15 Kecr B. WWtama. JfBCj. . 1 -t:S0 Bedle Oty Coacert, NBC I , 1:80 High aad Lew. XB& I 1:45 Merry Osrdeas erekesU 3:15 Eddi Xiag. pUjoUU -4:00 Martha Mears. KBO. ; 1:30 Fint Prbytrla ! - 10:15 Bride - Dres daaA, XBw . . ' 11:00 Pros Badi Kew. KBO, 11:05-13 BU Tabaria ercheetr. Xa - TV Hody, Jaary 14 :0o Hsrrsst ef Soag. nBO. m r u.1. Di.t.i : KRC. a -OAIT. S. Kevr Baad. KB, 38.00 596.66 435.00 ! 445.00 385.00 166.00 150.00 PERSONAL Exchange, Real I EsthU ; Want apt. hoaae for-farm. Clear bouse rents for 116.00 ; .trade for late model truck, t --yi-i - r a acreage tracts trade er ae, eay terma . - r H. -i gHIlXDg, Oregoa j Bid f . - GIPTED TK RKADiat - Doe -not tell thlnn last to nleas i yon, but tells yon what she-, see ior van. sood . ad a bi 1 what la best. ' tnai .wui eonvtnee . you. satisfaction. : assured. Klverstde ' Auto Park, . 641 Edgewater St, Weat Salem, Ore. - - Stomach nloer. aaa nalna, and Indl- Sreatioa Wtltna, why suffer t - For qaick I relief get a free sample of uoga Tab lets, a doctor's prescription, at Capital I Drug Store. Ferry, rug Store. : wheels (list Ford V-t Coupe 1110 Ford 8-ooor i n . llS Ford 3-door 138 PonrJae Sedan - 1 1884 Plymoutl Sedaa branff ' new . i.v- VUUt our lot for real buys ta trucks Bonesteele Brotliers- 331 Chemeketa St- TeL 444A SALE Late model 1 ton.Ford truck, John 1L Scott. 1183 Court. Auto wrecked at 875 M. Com'L Now wrecking 118 6-14 Graham -Paige. 1138 Nash light alx aedan, body excel lent, Willamette Aut Wracking, IR SALEUSED CARS International C-l Plctmp f 500.00 ii Fard i w. h aooa ooor. International 0. P. 44 U W & 460.00 I International A-t W. B. -. 600.00 ; 40-.00 350.00 135.00 rloo.eo 75.60 - 7A60 Dodge 3-ton body and hoist norland 3-ton with body Dodge Q Boy with D body L oggins trailer- . IV yd. body and bo t Tv-lara Sedan . JA 1 3 I. a L 'Tl W . ttl g. Cem'l, 8U . , Tet 358, sler la recovering, from her second attack this winter - i , - V ... Allan Inglla who has been home oa a month leare of absence, with hla parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Ward Inglia, has returned to his duties on' the U. 8. S. Texas, at San Pedro.' A:. -w' ': --' Local rPopla Interested la chess are requested to meet Bt the club - house, Wednesday night, Jan. IS at which time It is hoped a club may ha formed. Sereral lo cal enthusiasts hare expressed the Idea that they -111 a-roll. -----a Mr. and Mrs. B, K. Brlatow hare returned from a sereral month's trip to Phoenix, 'Artiona, where they had Jeea for Mra. Brlstow's ''- -.11- lmdau ntiL fereira Tt 1-S.5 05.t5 85.S4 TO.? rrtr. ay so.v .--lleatk age 85.88 83.18 85.84 VM, r -J4 78.08 i 73.40 1884-88 feigh.8B.4S -. . 19S4-85 low74.60 78.68 ? 68.17 Kw 1084-86 high. 8:15 Caa. Sear a.aiv Kda. ae Jaek. p ia.-0S Musical Grab Bag. 13:00 ona oa-y - v . . 13 :4$ Abe Beree-its, vieUalst. S :00 -Coaeers ira... , . -4rt)0 Talk. XBC. . . ' . '' 4:15 Hotel PeBylvn!a erAettre. -4:80 Sam Gordon. KibitSM. a -00 ilaei Box,- KBO. 8 00 Ae Andy, KBC e -no "The Show." .- 10:16 Areki Ivlsads .rhtt - , 11:00 Ambassador Hotel ertaastra, , 11 tt0-ll Biltoior Hotel orktra. ,. V- X0A0 COXTAIXIg 650 Xa. , '-- Mondsy. Jaanarr 14 -r , . 9:00 Hesse Eceaemie Obeerr. 13:00 Neea rrm Hear. 1:00 KOA0 Seheot of the Ab. - 3:16 Oreroe Literature. .:.. tlooWt Kiad of a ElI" Cl4 Wslkr. - , - 4:00 Oa the Campasea. S :00 Opera Steries 'Lksgr!a". ' i. S: 15 Prow Badi Xr-- - - t 030 EvenlBg rirm Hear. . 7:50j 4-H Glob MUnjb - 0:80 Bdaa-Ma J. eo.os 89.17 70.48 soas health. Mr. -Prlstow was at tne head of the ut highway crew stationed here efore his depar ture. . ' . - r'v TIS-TS'AJ AIRLXB t" y AA BtD 3n.yit. Torrest Porter from Sacramento, -aui.-Tislted with hla friends, Mr. and Mrs. Bex Womer Tuesday eve-