JiriWry 11. 1S35 a A. is.- i.iuiL! EobltiK SELECTS DFFIGEnS ! MIDDLE GROVE, Jan. 10. The January meeting of the young people's Christian Endearor was " held at the home of Mildred Wacken. Visitors were .Mom Smith and Harry Schwlngle. De partment chairmen appointed by thai president, Lola ... Hammer, were: Worship, Mildred Wacken; , Berylce." Esther Hammer; Instruc tion, Norman McAllister; recrea tion, David Bartruf f. Refresh ments, games and a number of accordion solos by Elmer VasVen were enjoyed, - - The Woman's ll'sslcn&ry to ciety held a belated meeting at the church Monday afternoon t9 elect officers. ReT. G. F.4Liening, Jr. presided i Officers chosen: President, Mrs. Lena Bartruf f; tice-president. Mrs. Tillie Davis; recording secretary, Mrs. h Scharf; corres ponding secretary, Mrs. Lena Ear truff; secretary literature, Mrs. Mary Herndon; treasurer, Mrs. Anna Hammer. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scharf en tertained with dinner Sunday honoring the 16th wedding anni yersary of Mr. and Mrs. Ri IT. Hall of Portland. Mrs.- Hall and Mrs, Scharf are sisters. L i t e-V - ' Sdem's Leading Ucrket ; 171 S, COMMERCIAL ; Phoke 8757 i ' - - ' . t When a finer and better grade of Beef ; and Pork r" I is sold for less; tire win do iL We never use substl j tales or misleading specials. Yon buy here the finest.' i quality and best cats at a wholesale price. - I - Fancy .Stocklnett Hams Our Own Blake k i rhoie.;00 or. Half ... .1 : No Suet . 1 1 J n Hamburger, and sausage can not be made' belter than these two, even on ,thc farm. i M :-: : -a i- Bacon Bax..20-22c Bacon Squares 15c v Breakfast ? f ;. Bacon ...;20-25c ,We use the finest . quality of pork in the making of our Hams and Bacon. Beef Roast;;i6-12c Beef BoO L.;....7-9c Do not compare these prices with advertised cariner graae 01 meau Sirloin Steak.Lt 3c . 4... Swiss Steak;;..:;13c -it. Pork Roast ; ..;.15c Pig Hocks..;. .....8c UtUe r - Links :..r...,20c A Beef or Pork Roast from this market for your Sunday, dinner : yon will, enjoy , ; ' - , We Qose at 8 o'clock Saturday Evening w rro'T u;fs LliLD i ill LiiiET DATTON, Jan. 10. Forty- three stockholders attended the annual meeting cf the Dayton Mutual - Telephone eompany held at the Daytoa " clTlc club rooms Tuesday afternoon, and re-elected B.A. Feltoa and George Hessler to 'the hoard. A board meeting will be -held February 4 to elect officers.. - , MIDDLE GROVE, Jan. 10. A jueetlng of the patrons of the 91 telephone 'Uses waa held at the home of O. W, Jewett Tuesday evening. A committee -will, confer with those who hold ' the fran? chise on the poles for the purpose of making much seeded repairs on ; t h 'line.: Officers elected: President.. Lester Dudley; secre tary, O. ,W. Jewett. HOLLYWOOD. Jan. 10. Line 120, known as the Hollywood Telephone company,: held Its an nual meeting Wednesday night at the home o W. W. Fisher, The following - officers , were electedr President, O. A. Forgard; Tice presldent, . W. ! W.r Fisher, secre tary-treasurer; Mrs! Charles E.; Low. The -president will appoint his linemen later. ' ' Hzrd Arcs to Get ... , .. r - ,f , ., : CENTR A'li HOWELL; Jan, 10. The boys" 4-n forestry-dab, indir tlie .leadership of O. E. Eteffen, -plan to eat tree -for m ; nimiber of Central uoweu residents." . . I 1-1. Tnere. are different t rietiee of tree which they procure thronsti the state college said many farmers are ordering a quantity. - ? TURNEIC Jan. ,10. Turner Telephone company . met at .the school auditorium Tuesday for lu; on, account of the illness-ot the annual election of officers ; and-Utter'a mother, Mrs Shank. ;f, telephone, board- I Tan lladley, Floyd Parker and IL. K. i Peet were elected new board members and Cv A. Bear and E. S. Prather, holdorer board members, were elected president and : secretary treasurer, respectlTely, and" Iran Hadley, rice-president. It' Is hoped that finances will be arailable to improTe the phone lines. ' -s, - Smslzers Purchase - - i :JStock Ranch Near t $V RIolallaj There Now STAYTON, Jan. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Will Smelzer hare sold their farm near here to a party from California," Mr. and Mrs'. Smelzer bought a stock ranch In the ricln ity , of Molalla . and hare already taken possession. . ,- Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mlnton were called to ML Pleasant Saturday ALBERS FEEDS" ARE, HIGHLY DIGESTIBLE! A. ...... TESTED HELPS ' How is the. roof on your brooder house? - Also this" is a good time to check up on '..the brooder and . see i that It, Is .---worUnjr O. Take no chances on -chilling the chicks. V j Because : the Ingred ieiti ased In Albert feeds are high-' ly digestible -the chickens obtain more nu trition from Albers feed than from ordinary feeds, , 10S5 Egg Maker r Mash. 100 lba. .. V0) Carnation Dairy, - (1 "o 100 lbs. ........ $ lOU Calf Manna,,., . a m p 25 lbs. ......... O luD Progresslt e Mash, 100 lbs. $240 1925 Egg Maker ;Paks. 100 lbs.- ; ; Molasses SO lbs Turkey Breeder r o m. . , i v i; a- Real'Dairy Feed Iff Morton's Smoke Salt arid Seasorimfflf y:;--Met.CBrtor Made Easy ; ' . ' t:tt'"lA.C-"m' " , . - " Ms"'-'-' ; dfeTVAl! these prices cash; f. o. b. store.: Progressite Mash, ia COfl 4, 19 lbs. . ...... 961U ww io.i ; - Kahhlt Pellets, ,v a aa eaFeedj f Qp 1 I001bs. ;.?;.hT;OU t- Molaa-Ceat:'4:;l'ce C9 CA t 100 lbs. ...... Ferry SU ... .i I l?f ? V v, MEMBER , c Phone: - 68S8 i "" I s J:. -Sc... j"i'r it : at 1 - - t a a 1 .- " : . i , . 1 - r )....! 1 cat' Me r:chdhxlise scrtincrjs end discoztuatd nczibers ere new offered ct srectly re- - ifaccd prices. Hake ocr selection eaiy. Stock is Urmtei.': - i : 4- SANDWICH TOASTER AND GRIDDLE 04.59 : J - a. ' D . i ' ' S i IUCTRJC CASROLE HOUSEHOLD IRON . . oa.CQ; ; Everhot Cookers ? - TURN-EASY TOASTER AIR HEATERS $7.50 Now 0G.O9. " LOW-BOy . " WAFFLE MAKER y 7 i- . 1 COFFEE PERCOLATOR As low"1 c as E!-$3;981 2 094 50 TKor Ironer9 1 U L. Refrigerator;! : ; (Floor Model) : bOCQ 1 - U.L. KefrigeratOr ! (Floor Model) rare j 7 w w vw I" . WW. t,, J '',:.....- .:.: 1 Deluxe, Tfccr Washer ar;d WrinSer with table tcp, c,ri n0ut ri , , V rv V mxer, and. automatic tine control c-t An nn i5vtrci Ucdels ct lictpcint crd Mestmdi t Regular, price $15i.CD. NOV 01UOOl7 Tcnjw c Greedy Redzcei Prices - Y our Old Electric Ransc h Worth Money to It lit Ci Old Irrt Abct Oct Ttcie-in Pla I MAI r OTK EP. ' E.HG AKIS AWAIT . YOU 1 Shop Oar Vindowo 1 - - ' . i. . " - - ' W v a ski . : 237 IZcrtli Lxbzrty Street i D.l SlL.O DIES i 1 AT GUI IE CHRVAI3, Jaa 10. Mrs. ilia Bcbwab died at her home at an early hour Wednesday taoraiag folio wine an Illness ot two -weeks. She- was bora la Bwitxerland Jan uary J, 1859. She was married to Albert Scnwab la Kansas wore than 10 years ago.- They cam to this section during tha early jrears of their married life and had con tinued to reside here. Mr. Schawl) died It years ago. ,,v . - - Three sons and three daughters snrrlYe: Arthur of Deer Island: Mrs. Clyde JBattersby of Portland; Otto of Silterton, Mrs. A. IL RieJ Ing, Zeno, and Mrs. Ross Cou forth of G enrais. There are : also several grandchildren, and several sisters liTlng In Oklahoma 4 and Kansas., Mrs. Schwab was an ae tlye member of Harmony, Rebekah lodge of Gerrals.: i' t-..-i-f? , Funeral serrices wIlU be held from the s Presbyterian church here Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock with Rer. 11. L. Graflons officiat ing..; '--.',-; ;. - : . Landscaping: Class, j 1 at Rickey Mondays Open ' to Every biie RICKEY. Jan. 10. -Sixteea en rolled' In the landscaping' class Monday night with a number more to enter next Monday. 'Identifica tion- of shrubs ' and planning- the home yard and garden was taken up Monday night, v - J K a I Anyone oyer 1 ff j years ' ct ige and not attending high school; or college, regardless of where they reside." Is eligible : to enroll t fre ot tharge. Earl Utwlller la the instructor: The public may sit In. Fcrars: Uriion 'i':::Ndvs.: ZTNA. Jan. 10.-The Spring Valley Farmers union local No. 212 held a meeting at the Zena school house,' Wednesday night, having as guest speakers L. II. McBee and A. G. Remple. -' The Oregon Farmers uaion. stated McBee, "Is . In f aror of compulsory., automobile Insur ance." And he spoke at length on, the adrlsabUIty of this law. A. G. Remple told a tew. sali ent -facts pertaining to local un ions, and told of growth of the cooperatiTe buying morement. There are a- number of senrices which If taken adTantage of by the union members will !: give large, returns on dees for v the yearr; Remple said, t, .i? ? -. . Shingles, stumping powder, oil, gas and a number ot other useful farm commodities can be secured at a Baring trough the fann ers funionj..; ? ?,iu;.:i: . : Fire new menibers are, to be Initiated Into the Spring Valley local at' the next meeting." - Wil liam McGilchrist, sr.; also spoke. temng about his many ocean tot tges. Referring to farming con ditions ul China. McGUchrlst'sald that ererythlng ' was done : by hand.'; There they hare two crops of. rice a year when they can get plenty - of water, t - ' " Robert Hutcheons of. Salem sang Scotch eongs, -accompanied Dy.. Mcuucnnst s on : the concer tina.: . : i SAW GASHES CHDf 8 CIO, Jan. 10-r August Bender 61 the Jordan region Is reported recorering from as .accident with a drag caw last Friday, as a re sult of which his chin and lower lip were lacerated, requiring a large, number of stitcher In treat ing the gashes. . -".. . ' A . ; ''si.' i "i".' . - - : , i . I ' I w I , " f i ; z . I -' ii - IJ ll .... i i """" "" "s While They Last B01. iiiRVC'Ti nnri" rci T DALLAS. Jan.' 10. Panel of Jurors for the January term of circuit court, starting January 22, follows: ' 0. Xi. iiint. Ea!m. Houta S. 1. 8. Alaxsader. Ebrda. Bo f . Baekra. In dependence, Thomit L Bmui, DalUt. Koala i, xi. y. CmpkU. IliM. Jni Carrcr, Xalti. Roat S. nil f armor : Lo res Cooper, Airli. mileaiam: JC W. Cr- wb, rnilM. waiter; labl II. lltn, Dallaa, aaiwif; Harold Elbert, Salem. Bout X. fanner; Gerald Freeman, Kick reall, - farmer; P. R. Iriiaall, Back real I, farmer; M.- B. Grant, Dallaa, retired; El mer Hamilton. EickrealL farmer; Claade HoiitnittoB, Uonmoath, Bout 1, farmer; Koce . JeaniBKi. McCoy, bontewifa; rioyd ioaee Falla Citr. trackmaa Wm. LetteraaB, fall City, laborer;. RetU A. Jdartio, laila. boaiewife; K. P. Katkenr, Menmoota. farmer; Kb k 2. MorUa, Uoaateuth, notieevii; Waaler S. Oabera, afoamaoth, Koate 1, farmer; Iy Pember torn.. Iallam, fcoBaewlfe; Wm. Raaiell. DJ laa, Boat 3, X. K. Serersoa, Iadepea deaee. Route 1. 3.- W. SimmoBi, -galem, Kent v, rrank totory, Monmeata, itoote 3. Chaa. W. Tartar. .MonmoatR. Roate J, Albert Votk, iHllaa, Route 1. Frank. Will eon, Dallas, Boat 8, all farmer.; Jette Cook, Dallaa. Boate 8. laborer. SELECT OPERETTA CAST i "WOODBDRN, Jan. 10, t The c'a s t f or the operetta lWild Rose," to . be giyeu in the high school auditorium February t 7 with Howard Miller, director, has been partly selected: Ear Jensen, Edna Shrock, ViTlan Cow an, Maria Ereed. Marjory Jose. Hazel Trulllcffer, Ruth Heusser, Cecelia V"hitney, Hilda Truliin it er, Jean Freeberg, Helen Hick. Filisfortuns Visits Twico in Vec!i for . Jcfrersca Famil JEFFLM1SON, Jan. 10 The old saying that" misfortune nerer; comes single lathed, appears te be true in the Warner home. Last week Mr, Warner rased away, and Tuesday .'noon 'rs. Warner y had finished bie iiy "washinr. and was emptying the wash water . when, she slipped and fell, frao turlng her left ankle. At the Albany- General hospital It was found that one bone was broken and another misplaced. Her daughter - la law. Mrs. Willard Warner of Castle Rock, Wash.." will" remain with- her for aome " time. Dr. Riili Diinjherty EYES EXASllNKD G1JVSSES FITTCn First National, llaak tSSg. . hOBe 5114) ' Salem. Ore. Lleric Gt-taCcl - UXION BL4J)Et ; - .f Made from the famous Dunbury : ' Worsteds. A suit ot quality that oniy. : Penney?, can give you. I Try one on, and you will be -1 conTlncd.,;..:.j i , j'x ..4..." ' '1 .' .' 1 f i y .. i 7 s 1 -D- p. II . ' -'.r ' ; T : ; r.i-:. - ' ' ii.-r,VT... . - , ' " 1 y .... .'v"l-' ' .. -" ; ; ,$ ?"T - . - r' ' f !.:.' - v . t, ' i ..-5 . fr-.. ..,:1t.. .V'-.f.j -(.J-.r" ' ' v t . - " ". , . . " ' . - . , s i L, V " ; P'cnnQy's for Tested Qua, Comfbrf-Lcttrprccr-Lcvj Priest UGdG -They are fuU cut. Blue.ror express striped J. C. P. .0 ef dir. ' - 'i-a- V ., .Interlined collar,-extention neciband,:J.C. Penney Co special design, steel buttons. 'Uedhinv weight fine) yarn chambray. t ; -:..; t - .0 BIG MAC nrfrror , Interlined collars' and cuf fs dress shirt -collar' band, ; special, design white j buttons on greys and blue, Big - Mac dimensions; rounded cuffs, faced sleeVes- and' -pockets, triple stiches, fine stitching. - ; SEII2 Outing Bal r New LqvjPrice ?' ' . - , - . . ... ' ' : - ... ; . : . i- " ' ; f":. , .Waterproof- ' I , .Lined Jumper ZJl.L.I.LJIAO 1 SixecTe Cloth Jackets ..:...:l.t;.;.;:.....ST.69 . Men's rWhipcord Breeches ...0......2.49 Men's Sweat Shirts ..... !Z:.:l;...;8Sc Boys' 33-oz, Wool Melton JacketsS2.69 Jersey Gloves .:-......J..J:;L'..,..r.."!.19c - Moleslon Pants ....; .r5..:.. 51.39 LiSH61: :...:--l-V4 T-?49c Men's" Wool 'Sox::,..:..:. gc , R J???!: r - - - -"-25 ies 23c j Men's Medium Weight Union Suitsi;;79c Men's Shirts and ShorU ea. 25c Work Suspenders ; :.. L..l:L5::U:::. Boys' Horsehide Coats Boys'-Sheeplined Coats .:..-:.;.:..-.. Men Stag Shirts J.:J.:.."..;;.. Horsehide Seamless Work Gloei .,-..,..490 .52o 6.49 ... 98c LdC22vS 11?CC3 CI ij .. - ;, f , . t , , Men s dress shirts in white, plain colors and fancie V -: pre-shrunk collars. This is one of the basest bargains - We have ever hadat 63c. - ' .. ; D 1 1 IN r f: i;