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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1935)
5 ' i La CnraO:? CTATmA!?, Crs.- Orctrca, Friiay Kcn&Wiaagary 11, 1S35 PACU TZN 1i OCEPlDLEfJIS: am Bji.ii.ii Social Injustice : Stressed . , in Jurist's Talk Before; " l " Lions; Hits Critics .r ri .. Problems of, passing sentences la criminal, cases,-. and especially n youtbf ur.offenders, were pre sented lo the Lion club yester day noon by 'Judge L. H. McMa han'ef the criminal department of circuit court here. McMahan inter spersed bis ' remarks with" cracks at newspaper editors and business men mostly editors who criti cise' him ''but Beyer come to ln vestigate. f":- ;-rJ$ ' :: V: ' " J Judge "McMahan holds laws which make; a petty larceny - a penal "offense 'must be' ''changed and some form of parole' for con ticted youths worked put; -He' de ; cried practices of officers in grllfc; tag . prisoners and . holding them Incommunicado, and declared of " fleers hare no business fo try to wring confession from prisoners.; " McMahan 'says r the difference between a-good roan and a gang ster Is the difference" between tne mentality of the twolnen. He pre sented two problems, of ..f.rlctims of- social Injustice" now beforo bis court: one that of a sub-nor mal youth arrested, for stealing a 254 N. Commercial St. PURE LARD Vegetable Shortening o lbs. HAMBURGER BACON Hens brjFiyers If you know the value ef yeast for teKef ef constipation, for J clearing blotchy skan and for general toning of the system :- then youll want to set Puretest Brewers Teast for Jt Is if ; times more powerful than yeast cakes In Vitamins..?. Ba for- nerves Bs for pep and general, health. 'And it's non-f tiv ; mentable does not cause flatulence. - r -j' j Do suro to got HuK&USt'; BREWERS' YEAST FLAttES 75c Doan's 50 c Pills 50c Jayne's Vermifuge 85c Kruschen 34c 57c Salts 125c Nature's' f Remedy .-.L S., ;50c Yeast Foam Tablets- 60c- Zonite' - Antiseptic . 1 pint Mineral . Oil : LL 17c 34c 42c 19c Four exacting tests are your assurance of the con-' staney of Puretest Cod Liver 00. 1. That of the ( Norwegian Government Vitamin cvjwcw viiamu vomminee. a. auitomeur tciU, both 1a ear 1 - V ii ,. ? "u LIVGQ OIL Perry' Some of These Prices Thrw " : ' Monday- . Only chicken; the other of an unusual ly alert youth who forged a 1S check the ' day hs was released from prison after serving a 10 day sentenced Imposed by McMa han on another charge. 1 ' t : "The state of Oregon Is not In terested In convicting any man who Is not guilty, the Judge said in bemoaning that" "cases today develop Into a contest between the attorneys on either side," g li He declared he. has known cases where "the grand Jury has unanimously j indicted a leadlng citizen for felony, yet; the district attorney has refused to draw the Indictment and has discharged the grand Jury to prevent an Indict ment" Later he praised the fair ness of the present Marlon county district attorney. :j lV?-Z ;; V' '---r'.-'' ' ' - i v'- Meier Mesge: : -Now Completed .:.,.""-. - ; , T'-1 --j - i f- yl i- V Preparation of Governor! Meier's last state paper his message to the : new legislaius.e was. com pleted yesterday after the- gover nor had conferred at length, with the executive offices here concern ing the address. -The state printer will have the text today la time to prepare copies for all legislative members' tor distribution shortly after noon Monday. It was under stood at the. statehbuse yesterday that -Initial proofs of the message ot Governor-elect Martin were al ready ' available tor this reading and revision. 4 13 Phone 058 43G lbs. pound HGG pound ". 2G 50c Pepsodent Tooth rPaste" 50c Jergen's 36c 44c 34c 33c 73c Lotion .1 60c Wildroot Hair Tonic ;.. SOc'Silque for the. Skin 500 Juhls . Cream -I $1.00 Pond's ( j Cold Cream 50c Vitalis ? J Hair Dressing1 1 1 mm m (3 QflSQO Ii ,13 11 1 if IS) ' J!IV "" Institute. I. The U, L jrfcanna- i&e tpectrophoto meter and 4. the i -t ewa laborateriea. V. ! sary- 5g INDIGESTION-?:- Iloro' LASTIMO RELIEF in 3 MINUTES : '. - No longer need yon worry about the rains ef Indi restion. Just be sure to have Bisma-uax at hand. For this amaxing powder acta A ways to give cuick and lasting relief. Get a Jar ef Eisma-ex. You'll be amazed at its relief. Driin Store s INDEPENDENT, Dl:UGGI3T3 .115 S. Commercial EL Camera Glimpzcs liito Interior ' r This graphic photo shows an' interior view of the courtroom at 1 Flemington, N. J," where Bruno Richard Banptmann Is on trial for J bis Itfe, charged with the Hdiiapfar and m POLICE STILL BUSY in LATDHS iy - City police yesterday continued to check traffic violations, , con vinced , that - prompt attention would be given the persons, ar rested when they appeared In re corders court here. Six traffic law violations were placed on the po lice blotter during the day. i J. A. Brown was booked for al leged reckless driving, and oper ating without a -driver's license; Ernst C. Murphy of Portland was charged with speeding; Francis P. Schlegel of Portland was eharged witn reckless flnvlng; Mrs. Evan 4125 Creomulsion for Colds 60c Kso ... . " 4 A ra" Cough Syrup 4UC 100 Tablets Pure Aspirin, 6 gr. L $1.00 Pepsodent'. Antiseptic ;,. ,;: J75c Vick's ; Vapo-Rub ' -50c Grove's Nose' Drops 25c Week's . Cold Tablets 67c 50c 34c 17c Com! Into our store with your next prescription ana watcn how carefully and scientifically we compound it. There's no mystery f But there is a world ef care and ehecklng that will amaze you. - , - llV HIM V -I :4V:tVi 50c Mead's Pablum 75c Dextrl Maltose .J. 37c $10 S. IJ. A. Powder . 98c HVERY ULAU TWre Seldealrtii Rexall Drat Steree A rasor blade you've dreamed of a blade that gives you smoother shaves . . and more shaves per blade. Treat your fee to a really smooth shave. PERMEDGE QAZOn DLADES 3 for 10 for 19c 29c Compare ', Oar IMcee W They ' are Always 1 lw mm .j torn htmm 2 :MH HalL ill : South Commercial street, was booked tor failure to stop at a through street; Kenneth ! W. Watson of Portland was book ed for speeding. An additional re- port on the police blotter was one filed against B. W. Tucker of Breys. avenue who was charged with check vagrancy. The city recorders office placed five fines during the day, all on traffic law violations. The cases were: Kenneth W. Watson of Portland, speeding, ; Theron Hicks,' route six, Salem, speeding. 9; James Aw Brown, Portland. reckless . driving, IB; A n t o n Schmidt, speeding, S. r : Unitarian Group Names Trustees For Coming Year Trustees .elected for the First Unitarian church - at the annual meeting Wednesday night are Kenneth Randall, Edwin C. Good enough. - Mrs. W. E. j Anderson,' Mrs. MUes McKey and Miss Ethel M. Fletcher. , . . . ; t The 'congregation voted a pef- Itnanent call to - Rev. Richardson Tebbets, who came here as tem porary minister September I, I when the church resumed active sessions after nearly a year wlth- I out a minister. , :; r t - - The church was' reported In good shape financially. Standardizing of Law School Near Prospects for standardization of the Willamette university law school 'look .good. Dean Roy If. Lockenour said yesterday follow ing recent conferences with' grad- : nates ot . the school - in Portland. Lockenour aald he would release in the next few weeks a statement on the progress which has been made of late towards brinaina- the school to standard. The dean said he anticipated a larger attendance In the law school here next year. I A new building tor the school is an objective at the university, he said, although standardization . Is a more imperative need of the de partment. . , " Permit Revoked Governor Meier today issued a proclama- i tlon revoking 973 domestic and 41 foreign- corporation licenses which are two years" delinquent Or tne domestic licenses 914 In volved private - corporations, S3 mining and 11 cooperative. J Oaee Continued Charges ot driving while intoxicated faced by James H., Maden will go to trial before a Jury In justice court next Tuesday at 1 : $ 0 o'clock, the case having -been continued to that time from this afternoon ' Pays Dollar Riding with four In the front seat cost Ernest Er- mante Hayes a dollar when he. ap peared, before the justlee of the peace yesterday " ' Cohdrig Events - January 11 and ia-Kei- Commnwlty dab play at Chemawa hall, 8 p. m. Jannary 12 Taxpayera league; meets chamber of commerce, 1:80 pan, . Jannary 14 . Governor . Inaugurated, legislature coa-ecnea..-, fr:k -ir':'' ' ': January 1 4 Annual meeting- Willamette Valley Pro duction' Credit aasodatloa,' chamber of commerce here. 10 sCmr' v.;- ZKi -January 10 Semi-annual ; meeting of .Oregon . Mining; congress here. - . 4 January 18 League of Oregon Cities, semi-annual meet, ' chamber - of - com merce. ." " ; : i - J, January 81 . Hop eode heariag Marlon hotel. I J . January 3 Annaal banquet Cascade Area Boy '8couta.v'i -t--'h'J j-'iU-v"!'": January Sd - TaRey Le gion members bonus rally here. y-j::. January Sd Oregon Jer sey Cattle club, all day con vention, Marlon hotel. 1 January 8 Second ee meeter public school i, be- gtus. ; v ; .- ' February T -Ex a ml na tions . given, for police , de partment applicant. - 4 1 ;.. , February 8 Eugene Clemten at armory, -j ; February'- IS Secsid Philharmonic orchestra con cert. . 1 1,1 1 1 m of Court at Hauptmanri Trial baby. In-the foreground are part ef the many newspapermen "covering' the trial; upper canter; the jury, and right, the counsel i PER PUPIL COST QF E IS CUT The total cost of conducting the Oregon grade and high schools for the year im and ltle was ap proximately. $1,600,000 less than during 1121 and 19 SO, according to. the biennial report of Charles Howard, state superintendent of schools, released yesterday. , The cost per pupiL grade and high schools combined, for the year 193S and 19 34 was $77.58 as against $103,17 in 19X9 and 1930. For the year 1933 and 1934 the highest per pupil cost ot 1 the grades was in Jefferson county. There were 14 schools in I this county .which had an average en rollment ot eight : pupils. In. this county the pupil-teacher ratio was low with the result that the pupil cost was nign. , , ; -- In , those counties .where there were comparatively few small rur al schools the pupil cost was much lower than in . the less populous counties- of eastern and central Oregon. . '- ; The low per pupil cost In Lin' coin county In 1933 and 1934 was due partly to the shortened ; term of all schools. - " - i ; Howard said It should be borne in mind that a low per pupil cost is not necessarily an indication of efficiency. On the other hand high per pupil cost may be due to Shop With 3 lbs. a HI mm?- Ketp on tht S rainy Oecf Roost CHOICE YOUNG STEER 'oiling Em OR B1USKET Beef STEAKS SIR1X)IK OR Rib -1 1 - factors over which school author ities have no control. It may be due to i sparse -rural population. expensive administration, because of small schools or other causes. The length of the school term also Is an important factor, in deter mining school costs. : - -. The: average number of days taught per 'county in the years 1933-34 varied from ISO to 173. In those counties where the ave rage number of days taught was 170 days or more the per pupil cost was among the highest in the state. -..,. -: a Jefferson, with a per pupil cost of $131.10 in 1933-34r based on combined grade and high schools. was the highest ot any county in the state. Morrow, with a per pu pil cost" of $124.83. was second. Harney was third with a per pu pll cost of $122.22, and Sherman fourth with a cost of $121.71. Lincoln was lowest with a per pupil cost of $36.93. - Still Possession Charged to Lam Frendy T. Lam was arrested Thursday night In the hills above Sclo by federal : alcohol bureau agents and . brought before U. 8. Commissioner Lars Bergsvik on a charge of possessing a still and whiskey. He was - bound over to the federal grand 'Jury and ball was fixed at ' $1000, which Lam war unable: to. furnish, v He was taken . to Multnomah county pend Ing hearingj" ."! "'-'il rfi FREE PARKING rTirn.i. .Wl . Comfort in "That't lio . Cr.lAJLIL VHHTE Sid of life lb-Gs lb. - , .. i STARCH OF SWEET POTATO EXTnACTED Unique Factory- Producing Profit for : Farmers , of Mississippi . By SAM 8. TARB.INQTON LAUREL, Miss. . WV White starch extracted from - sweet po tatoes In a state-owned plant set p with, federal relief unds and run on a eboperative basis is pouring profits into the pockets of - Mississippi farmers. Wi I The factory is the only one of it . kind - In the United States. And It is producing large j quan tities of . the commodity , which the United States imported1 here tofore at .the rate otabout 200,- 000,000 pounds a year. I . - . It all started when, pr. F. H. Thurber.-. soil . chemist' of the United States department or ag riculture," discovered ? the ; starch- making i process .x and . started searching for means to try it out in wholesale production. Jils pro posal that the test be made in this section, long known al good sweet potato country,- fell pn ; re ceptive ears. It came at- an op portune; time - for farmers: -were seeking ways to utilize vast acre age left Idle by federal cotton control. - . Banker Helped Oct Loan1 And so a loan was obtained from the ; federal emergency , re lief administration to set up the plant. An old lumber mill was bouaht and reconditioned.! Then the project was placed" under su nervlsion of - Mississippi's farm experiment station. - , i - v Success of the plant is credited in large measure to - the leader- shin of Frank WIsner, Laurel banker. His fancy caught by Dr. Thurbers plan. Wisner Journey ed to Washington and laid tne proposal before Relief Adminis trator Harry Hopkins who ap proved a loan.-. ; In the meantime farmers or the community had obtained $10- 000 from the relief administra tion to purchase seed potatoes. These were planted on hundreds of acres that formerly grew noth ing but cotton. - ' t j v - 200 Busnels Per Acre The crop thrived during the summer and - now tne , Douniuui harvest Is ; pouring into the, fac tory which pays 20 cents a pusn el for prime potatoes and culls alikeT" ' . ' The average acre yields about 200 bushels which sells for $40. And that, agricultural -experts agree4 is more than a farmer can make from the . average acre ot cotton. .-. Banker Wisner, who likes to call the plant "my baby! visits it daily and keeps a watchful eye on the books of the operating cooperative, . ehartered as Sweet Potato Growers, Inc. He predicts the industry will- spread to all sweet potato belts, furnishing All Kinds of Bitta Place" 2Q3 E pnui XOItTIl LIBERTY susa - Flovoffc Large Fancy LOIN OR RIB Shortening PURE VEGETABLE. D v.ilODS . a employment to thousands la fao torlea and opening a new avenue for cash to flow to farmers.- - 10 Tons of Btarch Daily Although production - at . the Laurel plant has not been step ped np to full capacity, the fac tory is designed to consume CO tons of potatoes and turn out 10J tons of starch dally. It a profit la shown, X l . will be - divided among members ot the co-op. : ; All the while, the federal gov ernment, particularly the depart ment of agriculture, is keeping a keen eye on the plant. - If ex tended operations . prove . high grade starch . can be produced at a - cost, low;: enough , to. compete with . foreign manufacturers, the plan la to spread out . to - othetf southern states, all of which are well adapted - to sweet .potato growing. ' - ' '' --:v B1USSEIIIED . On the -eve of trial of his ap peal on a drunken driving charge. . Anton e Rasmussen- was arrested yesterday for driving his car dur ing, the period in which his driv er's . license- is revoked. - Haled before Justice of the Peace Hay den late in the afternoon, Ras mussen had freeholders arrange : $500 ball, pending 2 p. m. today . when he Is slated to enter a Plea.- . In justice - court, Rasmusseii said he was on the way to town to see his attorney about the tri al in circuit court today when ha was arrested. Rasmussen, who lives east of town, was found guilty by a' Jus tice court Jury last April 19 of driving while drunk, and t h 4 , court imposed a $100 fine and 30-i day Jail sentence, from which the ' defendant took appeal. , This la the appeal case today. Address ot Mrs. Hobble Desired Information . regarding the ad dress or whereabouts of Mrs. Bil lie Hobble or Mrs. Jane Hobble has been requested through the chamber ot commerce here by the woman's' sister, Mrs. James Dur rand. route one. Marshfleld. Mrs. Hobble at one time owned a home in West Salem on McNary avenue, the sister writes, adding that she is anxious" to get in touch - with her... . Canned Goods is Moving Rapidly ' Canned, goods is moving from warehouse here in fine shape for, this time Hf year, '. one cannery man - said yesterday. No indica tions of outlook tor next year from the -grower angle .are avail able . yet, as canners indicate It will be two months before they send buyers into the field for. any fruits - -- r j , .vr- a J7cather i r lbs. tfHQ f tnflrnmonf 9 L3ti3 Inspected ib. sac 2 lbs 0 J t-1 Hi :1 r i J !