1 Tlttr OREGON STATESMAN, Salens Oregori Wednesday Moraiag, Jniay 9, 1935 PAGE NINE ! Clsslfie Ads , Call 9101 Claaelfled Advert-- . v Slngl Insertion per 11m . .18c Three Insertions per lln .20c Six Insertions per line ' . . . 30e On month per line .. ,.1.09 Minimum charg ........ 25c .?. ! Copy : for this page accepted on til 9:20 the evening before publication for classification. Copy received after this Itm will lb run ande? tha fceaeiits; To Late to Claw slfr. ' ' ' TV Statesman . asaaas u flnaaciaJ resosibllity ier er ror arnica ma appear In ad ertfeemes s; published la Its columns, and In eases where this paper is at f salt win re print that part of an adver ttm ml Is which t UP srahJcal mistake eccursr Th Statesman reaerre the right tst reject obJeet3aaahl sulTwUslnc It further reserve (h tight ta classify all adver tising under the proper clasal-Gcation. fG SALE. Re Krtat 1 WAf2 raiaa Htotra 2 r city IMtt m 'lar i fMi Trent MX box Tet.: f i eottag with nook, t good i plumbing, electric lights, garage, fruit tree ana ahrube. t cut e szzeav k room Mnglesl cottaar wfth awak. I plenty of asm tna umwead Cooca la I part, dry pier. -jxuasBfc, monmc lot 40x142 fret, located aw tu line. Coot 12504. Offered for ahort time at 11X51, ft&ir case. Dau fj. 4 room a ngalow esa Mnl sti. bant In a, ah liliig. fireplace, u-dereod aa mh. casos maa; Price SUM. tart Urma. t email 4 room house with s iota, race S46S eaah. Street pared and. Improve ments pata. . ' '- ii:". I T t year Imene EKE u ' .1" ' - CHiLPI ac Miuxa Reaiters 344 State street f isTeL C70I. 41 mom awaMM. cn tract mltas EL C Salem. Electric Uchts. Prlc SCM or rffl rent for IS Tnonffc. KlUMKR. 147 K. Ow'l. Business Directory ha tkim CtneUKT on a mowthly fcaaia onry. Batai f LSO pa AUTO E2AKE3 CATERING Corns chicken tamallea TeL SS4L Holbrook ehfclcrn tsmnlp. Tel. C33Z. CHCXNET SWEEP EXCHANGE Real Estate 1 yhn, M5. r k. North Waa Good apartment propoaifioa In Kaat- ra Qfcgoi tar tmxm 1m Valley. Mj kact our.- ! . ' : im 21t Oreson Bids. . i r &L Mil CHTRAPRACTORS DR. Q. U SCOTT, PSC, Chiropractor, t(4 K. Tel. 87SJ. HELP WANTED ; : Tovnc aaea aa weaaea ta 'aVatrfaate aaads AdvarUataa soodera plan udio. aantr nanms waeeler Bmltb, tiMe;.. Jaa. lltly bwtwfen ad- r -t A. Wrrtes. Good improve-1 - v UXUmiaxo parad feichwair. runataaT wateau Uchta and water arsaam. Trad 1 Dr. K. DaaK 21 Oreaoa tor asaauar ptaec i:. ITIU. 1 & ftetiaa awd Cwa lata, to trade Tor amaTler place. 241 ACRES A; 1MNOI On ' paved highway. - modern T R. house. : .Alao smaller kaMaaa. Bta fctp- roof barn; ISO A. bottom land. Trad for smaller place of hUrher elevation. I J. XX fiEAKi or UtU. W. WUUnwn I mtmnm 111 SL HlKh St. - TeLirrai XUWUliS TeL ELECTRICAL SERVICE BOSUK JOactrlc, 24 Stat St. Wlr- SECPIT BEDATE OH iBHCOIU EGOS IS BEFDRTED MEETifiGS SLATED 1 i PORTLAND. Jan. 8-PV-Whllel . DAYTON, Jan. S. Contagious there) was no farther open nice i abortion control meetings In Yam- change for eggs during tha day, I hill county will ha held as follows: secret rebates continued mora or I January II, Webfoot grange hall less generaL Dealers' floor stack a. m.; euem cpmmnnlty hira rMchmd tha point ! where I hall at 2 p. m. thara ia bo dlaDosltlon to in- January 1. Yamhill chamber trinir them. , . j jor commerce rooms at a. m.; fitadtBAa t iiBMi fMimllr Carlton city hall at 2 P4 m. Jan .luiim rnf irv 7itrvfiat with "ry 17. Newberg chamber, of eren tight weight hen Ucltned Sm,merce ro,oms at M"-8- J to hoM recat prlea I while White, county agent. wlU b In hearjrwalght ts,rw firm la cgTJ farn roller8 wita taree TT" ,, t-' 1 oak logs each are being made for t.. eTri.-. mZi -Tf. r, tha Li. A. Courtemanche's. lmple- ?reTad7aSedin ment dea,er ot McMinnrille. by a fnrther .Mvanea- snggesteo: in l w . . , hl a aa a iuuvi .aaao TlUUli Many farmers prefer this type rather than the metal corrugated ones. CEL3P W ANTET TZZI A I.fl 1 pojj SALEFACil3 SSI Court. ' Coad atrone; woman for hotel wet. I Xaa saMisea li and ta. zro ase, wtateamaa. . Wanted capaat wamaa to haOp with aaanciwnrir and care ox eioeriy iaay. ynxnatnt home. Bvt 88 Rttp-wman. II I I : . . SITUATIONS WANTED Clrr II wamta alar t A hoard smail wace. Tel. mux. i ClrL ebrhteen, wants housework for , Beard, room, small wages. Call at i T8 H. CSiarrh. ' ! TOR SAlii9rxIIaauas 3Id re apnea 25c, walmtra lt4 aad 14c wsisht. ii jbil wauaea ro CraaeC sand, learn. 25c . at IUar oaraena. Hoot 1. Boa in, l Deliveries reasonable. Tlpa Dl . vts sjhaap or trad for wood or what have saaT Box 117, car Btatesmaa. USED riZUXlTUUM &kU 1 vaed Haaa atect. waahar -117.19 1 Monarch woad tanae. called SS7.tO 1 ased Opal Tang, colled -1.4 ased all east. Cun . MoBtag naav cstled : 257.89 2 aet ased Deaua sarJnaa tl2.(S 1 aeed walnut fiaa a sd t-t width iiaaaS -: a Ul 1 wed arlb aad BBttreea .$ CM t aned mmm raaaw with buraer -!. 0 FAK2C SACRinCE 40 acreav coad tmptwaameata? 1 A walnuta, family archavd : aaly Bra aut oa amvad aaad; aaty V52M. Wavth a great deal more. Any reasonable of fer down. ; ;' 11 ACRES : I4M down. Fair lmprovemants, good soil; rbehta and stream; aoarket read; nty aiiao, - t an . i foe Bargains, see ! i-. ,. MAS. IX SEARS or CL W. JOHNSON 122 & Kgh sr. r rfiTai.2f 1M A TFABlf S5TAF i All stocked and eaulpped. a lit loam soil, best in the valley, modern build- ang. IX yeu waat in aesc ouy ja us valer aad prtoad TarW. sea Loots Bechtel or Mr. GaUSfl, 111 ! Stat. room 4. - ' ' ' MONEY TO LP AH Automobile and Chattel Loans! 1 to IS month ta repay at lowest 4bl rate. 4SXXXRAX. WTMKSC9 CoKF. A meal corpora Uoa i . 1st Stat? Baak Bid. ; Phaa 2SS2 Ucensrd ay ALL kinds of floral warn. Lata, Ftor- tat. 1I7S N. Llberty.t Tel. GENERATORS Generator and armatur exchange. 2SSS Portland Road. spots f"r hogs and . for I lambs whlla heef and Teal were well held at lata advances. ! Deschmtea potato growers were ask lac 20c cental lor No. X there .which means SI Portland. This was more than saost operators ware willing to pay and trading lags. No. 2 grada waa held there at 40c . i. Quiet tone and softer 1 pries were snggested tn tha market for onions with little carload hasl- alley aoureea. Local and Call- HICKREALL, Jan. 8. The sec fornla trad continued to as ond group of student teachers has maaTtAW erioad YaklaBas. 1 come for three months of practice tt a 1 aere. For tha upper grades are -A"rrrrr.a - 7T; Charles Trier. Charles Byers T.r.ru.r.:.i:."i: .T' both of Woodburn: Alma Bennett geTteT lTexlnT w?r". in"llbl trrariar aw aad tawar nrfteed L L n K ' BIrkenfeld; Zelda y. one, uuisooro ; Monica Terpln PRACTICE TEACHER LIST IS AT 111 offering, rood and lower priced In spots. Most sales 21 lug re packed. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WKLDKH LAUNDRT - tUtUck Tel. Iltl ! CAPITAL CTTT 1AUICDKY " First tn Quality and Servlc iTeleyfrow 21 Hi 124 Breadway BUTTRESSES CAPrTOX, BEDDIKO CO. Pbea 411 SALEM , FLUFF-RUO and Mattiwaa Faetary- MEV MAITSSSS aaad ta order, old remade ; carpet eleaamg, ars- tog; flatr rag weaving. 8. llth a wu bar. TeL 441. OTTO F. ZWICKEH. Eat. Itll. MUSIC STORES i ! : DISTRICT fffiE IS GREAT SUCCESS I Cheshire; Eileen True, 8eatUe, i wasn. . Lowr grades: Betty Irirln E Rockaway Beach; Mary J. Hlmes Dallas; Louise Huber. Bearer-ton: I Joyce Mewcombe. Jeanne Cladek balem; Anna Belle Cunningham BrownsviUe; Barbara Jan Pow ers. Arthur Fowler, ; Monmouth Mrs. Kos Pence and Mrs. X. F Dew are critics. TURNER. Jan. 2. An excellent i crowd attended the Santlam dis trict Bible school quarterly con vention, bald Sunday at the Pen tecostal church her. The program was carried through as announ ce. , City Jury Panel ! : Drawn as Initial Act of Recorder Shares Sag Fractionally mm w if Salem Markets EFFECT ON MARKET tirade A raw 4 per et milk, co-op pool pric 92.ua lr hundred. ' : tMUk bae4 a eeaU-aaattly katterfa sverasa) . Distributor price XtjTlO. - Butterfat Top Sic and A grade prists 82 He. 33c,- B grade prints SI He; TRECBS IE MIXED 10 GRAIN MARKETS NEW YORK. Jan. 2.-ffV-Ma- tur consideration of the presi dent's budget apparently confirm ed early opinions of the 'financial district that it contained no mar ket dynamite and leading equities today sagged indecisively. Stock trading was tn slightly smaller volume than oa Monday, with turnover on the stock.-ex change at 1.204,&0 shares. The generally softer tone was reflected In a decline In the Associated Press average for e selected stocks of .37 of a point at 40.82. Some specialties and nreferreds moved contrary to the trend, with i '??' Savei. fancy COCA Cola pushing UP 2 POintS J,; eraacev" bundle to i a 7k , ana xtnggs raanuiaciur-1 canaaa. it lng at one time up a full point. I . each reaching new high ground I uatea. trOT lor 1S34-35. I GriMi- Amnn 1A.fnr t..4U. I tP"ri . -, .. 1.50 CTZ " Apple, baikei ...60 te 1.80 wmca lonuwea me generally sag- Price paid te erewera by Saleei bayaia anuarr a Tke uricee bie aatun4 bv local tracer, era laaieauve ef ae (tally, etarket. out era a raaraateM by Tke btate taaa.i . rauiT Burint Prieel " Craaberrle. bbL 4.5 Grapefruit, florida S.50 te c.fie Urapcfruiu Arizona - , 2.4ft te 2.05 2.40 te 2.85 -2.00 te S 59 1.55 04 4 ea atalk -4.00 te 4.75 1X0 VEGETABLES IBsTiaa Pneal i Artichoke, box i Kalika. dee, , I Canliflee-er .AO e Cabbase. cart, local 2.2S .C5 65 te 1X0 SO te M .12 .90 ging tendency of the list, to lose fractions to a point or a little more, were Chrysler at 40, Gen era! Motors at 22. intAi-natinn, 1 T-Ta-aafa- . At- .t.4..j rn I Kraut cabbace of New, Jersey at 47. Seaboard SS" ca7o6ofbV Ull at 25, Standard Oil of Call-1 Cahforai s.se to 45 l"'1 SSX . ffrda .,4 Baaan Z " u-isutuerj vv aru carrot, lecal, desea at z. national Biscuit at 2iyt,l Petatoea and Woolworth .t 62. A new "4 uw uir m, paat year or longer Taktea. 50 tba, Ke. 1 was estaousnea oy .Public Service I oweet potatoes or-N. j. at 24. General Markets California Daa California bean -Toraatee. Calif, log l niserta PEODUCE XCHAax PORTLAND, Ore, Jan. S- (AP) t irauc axcaanre, net prleoa: Bntter: xtraa, 1V4; atandarda. 31; prime fircta oa rr d n. . .t n . . , j. o. tir,i, , u. d. meat urn ex- iraa, se. Walaata. lb Torsi pa. do a. i Endivea. do. . , , ,. Italiaa broccoli, lng neet. eoxan as to At to Celery, CaUf crate eora IBanaa Prieel Clatter. 12S4 lb, top ranlea. lSla. top lb. A .01 .SO X .SO .55 1.50 J2 .12 LTS J5 .20 JtS J5 .50 .85 2.85 CHICAGO, Jan. S.-UP)- Grain prices fluctuated. nervously today' i in a moderate trade that included i miller and commission house buy i ing of wheat and some selling for profit: A mild rally near the close. revealing scarcity of sellers and prompting some short covering. erased the mid-session dip and i saved the market from a rather dismal performance. Wheat closed unchanged to cent lower compared with yester- I day's finish, while corn was un- I changed to higher, September corn contracts, longest deferred of the deliveries being traded, show ing the strength. May wheat? after touching an I early high of 21.014. the beat price here since mid-December, re acted to a loss of more than a cent and then rallied to a close of 1.01 - , the same as Mon- ! day's finish. May corn closed at also unchanged, after a cent loss from the high. Today's closing quotations: Wheat January ; May' 1.01H-K; July 93-94; Septem ber 92. Corn March 934: May 91- ; July SC. ; September 24. Oats May S4: July 48: i September 44. ST 1 P MART S OBSERVED Portland Grain 1 SILVERTON. Jan. . As one Banners were awarded to M-J f his first datles. George Casl- fr the largest aumher at-1 " r- wo took offlc Monday as PORTLASD. ratnrea: Ore., Jam. 8. (AP) Extra Standard Medium Puliets COOS 4 Bay tag Price) . .18 .Komiaal Wheat May . Opea -84 -85 Vi High 85 85 78 Law 84 85 79 memory; Lyons won the banner! 193 6. W. B. Jack and John F. Clot 85 85 78 dark Uihelaaala Balliag nc trtra 5 Farm I jfiicns 5 Plenty at itarms Sr buy maw wrtk) kooklat -Waiaaiatf Vi Street. a aad Roberta. Tn tandina aad for tha rreataat nam-1 city recorder and police Judge at I Jnir bar of Blhla Terse commlttaa to I overion, arew tn lurors fori.' oig Bead bineatea. si wmwt wnoat ii per cent. WW : m 11 per eeat, 90; we&tera white, 83; oft wmive, Benaer aprtng, bar wrnter, weatera re. 84. Vat, ae. S waite, 530. Cera, Xe. 2 X yellow,-48.25. kfillraa atoadard, 24.5. Standard Mediam Pallets .22 .20 .18 .18 .24 .28 .21 .18 GEO. a wiLirPiano. radios, sewtng I for th best averag attendance Flshwood, were th assistants, machines, sheet muste aad piano stad- I during th auartar. I Names drawa for jary were A. ma Repatr-g radloa, paeyaraph aad u ,T JL - J mntmrt.in tv. -t i ' 5VJ. - WOOL AKD HUtlAia Baying Price) Mohair. 1884 clip .. a market 1 ojaed arsrker bed dawmpa rt flS8 1 kale model BoaveT aaeeiwr and ail attachments ; fSS.04 FIDLER'8 FURNITURE STORK aa Jtarth CiimimiilwT St. grg eonaol model 8 tube radio I ar sal cbmta. Taia rkig tmaa, must TeL f. Income tax fSgtrree imist be correct, tent an Adding Machine and make the no easy. Thos. jaoen, 4Z0 cemrt. Bantlea Cheats. 505 SCadlaart. CHATTEL I LOANS CARS RE-FIN ArfCED WILLAafETTE LOAN CO. Tel. HIT I8S Guardian Bide S-1S4 : Stat Ucenae Nba t kt-lAS. J A COMPLETE SERVICE ON - LOANS CP TO 1208 LOOK WHAT TOtT GET! L CASH arithln 42 bears, a Chaae f Laam Plaaa. ' a Liberal term, 1 ta 22 mo. to repay. 4. Prompt nraa, . Courteayj. Prtvacy. Beneficial Loan PHOTO ENGRAVERS alee pmt engrarlnx. 2IT N. awrclal. TeL ' 5817. PRUiTING B. HTi M.realn Ml, wart 1 rT. V"?. - - . . JW mm, I 1,. Aim. K. U W niM IT I Convention on April 7, With V- ry Deeart, autealSiekereen, N. XcOaixa, presldeat Barry Monro preparing 1 f. I Aha, Charles kL Morler, C. C. Aaiea, th program, - r A. Qowi. ml Hirtmaa. Jo..Dk cmca, wimaai aernea narrey uood, E. P. Hamra, Allaa Baddleitea, Robert ax, aoeco Leaf ley. E. O. Minor, E. E. Taylor, O. I. Lee, H. B. Lathaaa, D. E. Geiser. Jebn Morler. Erneat &. Palmar. A. A. Clria. A. W. Green. Joka Porter. 2Tor ShOe 1-4 aaad of staarle xnrjle Just arrived from Sharmaa aa, wetr as; faam 2200 to MM swmtds, aa Riser U. hatween Commercial aad arfbeify atifa TRAPE MlsttllAiieoua Trad BU-vrJ frtr wnetd. TK 4518. WANTED llcxeSuierjas Wanted Oood electric waahing ma- ken for :o. Vifte Boa 221, States- ZZ Society of Salem WOM . STATXONERT. cards. kebs, proczmma, books or any kind at Drtatlnx. call The Statesman Prlnttoc AJepartmeat. 215 B. Commercial. Tete- phone 81tL . RADIO SERVICE - Moore'a TeL 7f J 85 N. Hlrh. Portland Livestock POBXLAVD. Ore. Jan. 8. (API- receipts 200; calvee 10; steady. Steers, good, common aad mediam, A.00-S.75: heifara. b-baA. nmam mA in. h ,.. B.ui.. m i. i : . , , , . . . .. . . . a, m mo a v - I ", vw fumar. twm mtii, i bwu, f.,v.i,- cowl, sooo, comaaoa ITl l934 ' tVCCeintS lCkri R e- Sautk. U J. Dt- (A mediam, 3.00-4.75; low catter and cat l pen, juirea iectan, Jt. J. Uolaa, U. J. ueeiey. u. j. geblador, 8. P. Boae, D. C. axev.ieary, arret w. Koaa. T. at. LMkea. P. F. Baaa. J. H. Ricbee. I editua wool. 18S4 Coarse and use wool, 1934 POUIiTWJ' 4Beviac Price) Heavy heaa. 4 to S lbs. Or.r U Doaads. lb. Colored SMdlnms, 5b. kledina Leghoras. lb. Urht. la. i Scio Poatoffice Has Healthy Gain Broilers. iMlored, lb. Leghorta Is. Stags, ib. as .ii ji .09 .07 .08 ai .10 Member of KRA.I Boss 2T9. New Blfirh Bldsj.: 2nd floor 1 SSI KU 8-in BK 155 oy 1 STATE 'S ' ! SlftatSt. ' Tat t T-4-1 Loans Mad In Nearby Towns SOUND INVESTENTS We have several I in is h 11 r wS secured ' mortgage loans. ; dmsnist 21500. 22000. 84000 ! sex-aa laually. ' i CHILDS a MILL Kit. 2Zizr. Taas 244 State Street f TeL 47 9L SHINGLES ddw a ltd and room In modern home. StaJ raca aat h reasonable. -2mc 214. rwre Statesman. SCEI.l.ANEOCS yree We pick v mb no ran a aaao dead and worth- tl a sHalreuts llo-l 222 m rioter. v repalrma. 2bam Saw Shop. uornera raa Atoaa. ass. Alio. LIVESTOCK ad POULTRY WWAMWilVW Good work horse tsar sal. Oak Crove srhooL E. H. Ts4rr.' ' - FOR SALE WOOD saaabsasjsiajbsab 18 ha sdd ttf. 25.4 ft. dry faxJitrwwta ed. lots 14 ad, ft ash 24.TL Tel. 2722. . :j . Dry planer and slab rood. Prompt sllvary. TeL 28ta 3 ; 1 . .; . flUARANTEED DHT 111011 i.iel fkd. MM AUIem raw Oa Trad aBatieabaabjs , -24. ZU 4884. Cedar abmgles,' shakes, posts, gravel, for sala, M. D. Mayfield. eoK. T. STOVES X repair stove, ranges, circulatora Sell new aad rebuilt stoves, ranges aad circulatora, stock fence, posts, chicken wire. Salem Feaea aad Stove Works, 242 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R. B. Fleming. TRANSFER FOR lecal or distant transfer storaga, call 212 L Lartner Transfer Ca Tracks ta Forttoad dally. CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 228 Stat St. TeL 7771. Ustribating. for- wardlnaT aad storage our specialty. Gst oar ratea Wmamett TaTley Transfer. Salem to Portland hauling. TeL 2722. Anywhere for Mr truck. Special rat on town hauling. Tel. 5178. SCIO. Jan. 8. Figure present ed by th Sclo postofflc show that the basin ess of th offlc for th calendar year 1934 was 22, C 64.2 4, as against the sum of 32. 292.14 for th preceding year, or an average of 1 2 per month. For the month of December, 1932 th customary big Christ mas month of tha year Scio nostofflc records show a; busi ness of 2294.22, whereas th same month In 1924 showed a rolame of $491.02, almost $109 more. Th money order business of th local offlc also advanced during 1924. Th amount, last year was $19,324.20. In 1922. money order business totaled $13,992.26, showing a gain of $5,239.5S during th last year. Radio Program Dor araod for TRUCK SERVICE 27. & GOVEKNMXNT JOBS Start tTtt.175 mosath. X wi seech 25 KEEL Many Salem examlnatioaa-s n il rhlftr mis. U.u sa le. Fraaktia Institute list pool ties) I Pry ; old fjr. 2nd growth wood, J Aahcrsft. 87 Rlnrwood. TeL 2880. btauus. stag 177 9 a, car I BTor Jewelry, xprt watch rnpatrlng. t4. Unen Good dry TeS. 2214., fJbrtv. TeL 7818. 'Burn FOR REXT ROOMS JTlce sleeping roomy 8M Outer. Two rooms, prlvat bath, 212 Court 12542. haaL Nut 4wraf Oa-op. 1 ; -i Warm Bfleeulm isssn. dursnar jm r legtalaUura. Near state bous. Tea. aaaa . - Sleephsr raom. cleee ta. TeL 2721. .- --..ii-,f-,r.-iifr.'iri ttj-kjk g rmn. fnrn. or anfqrn. !47 R Chufrb, TeL FenwV 4S27. dry wood. Dry wood that 1 dry. TeL 113-F-22. Th-v wood aU kinds. TeL 8182 or Tel. ! Try old fir, 2nd growth. TeL 2782. WOOD SAWING Wood sawtwe; raewiMe. Catl 820. WELL DRILLING R. A. West, 28 year zper1ence. RFO T, Bea 202. Tel. 110F6. Lin. Walter Neal is Elsie Simeral is President Relief Corps, Silverton SILVERTON, Jan. 8, Mra. El sie Simeral was chosen president of th George H. Thomas Wo man's Relief Corps No. 9 at Its annual- meeting . held Satorday. Mrs. LIda Usher Is th oatgolng presldent. : - . . Other officers chosen war sen ior rice procldent, - Mrs. -. Bertha Ackley; junior Tie president, Mrs. Bertha Desort; ebaplala, Mrs. Sophia Norgaard; conduct ress, - Mrs. Ella Tabert; assistant coaductress, Mrs. Lissl Thurs ton; four color bearers, Nora Jaeske, Inea Olson, Ahna Benson, Abbie Davenport; treasurer Mrs. France - Gouflle; secretary, Mrs. Hon Hartman; conductor for ln- Wednesday, January 'KOW POKTLAKD 420 Xe. 7:00 Harveat ef Kong. NBC. T:15 Florenda Trio, KBG. . 7:30 Roaald Back. T:45 Teas MitehelL NBC. 8:00 HeaeyaMeaarm, NBC. 8:15 Tony Won. NBC. 8:80 U. 8. Amy band, KB0." 9:15 Chss. Heart, NBC. 0:30 Edna Ma Jacks, Pisnist, 11:30 Smsekeet. KBC 12:00 Gleaa Shelley and Clarene Tol- Ba. 8 :00 Concert Trio. i 4:00 Pickens Slaters. NBC. 4:15 Hotel Bt. Regis erchettrs, NBC. 4:30 uonid end Shelter, mju, 4:45 Eddie King. i 8:00 Amos 'a' Andy, KBC.i 10:15 Tom Coek ley's orehesbra, KBC 10:45 Archie Levetaad's Orchesti. 11:00 Abassador Hotel orchestra. 1.75-3.00; balls, good. 8.50-8.75; cot eesuie aad saednas. 2.50-8.50: vealers, gwed aad choice, S.50-7.50; call, cesaasen aad aediaa, 8.00-5.00; calres, good and cboics, 5.00-7.00; common saw saeaiam, s.uv-ft.ou. Hogs: receipts 500; active, steady. Lightweight, good aad choice. 6.50- 8.50; BBediBss weight, good aad choice, 7.T5-8.60; heavyweight, good aad choice, 7.00-8.00, packing sews. aWtus aad good, 5.00-4.25 ; feeder aad stacker pigs, good sad choice, 5.00-6.00. Sheep: receipts looo; qaotably steady. Lambs, good snd choice, 7.25-8.00; common and medium, 6.75-7.25; yesr lipg wethers, 4.00-5.00; ewes, good snd choice, 2.50-8.50; cull, cobboi and me dium, 1.50-2.75. A1EAT t Banns Prieel Lembv ender 0 lbs. 8.0O U 8.50 Over f lbs. ' U 5.75 Hogs. J 80-160 lbs. 7.50 170-710 lbs. 8.25 210 250 lbs. a. 8.00 8tevs 4.50 te 5.50 Orfwt 1.50 te 8.50 Belle 2.25 te 2.75 The Oregon hop market ha shown a definite stiffening In recent sales, with the top : mar- , ket now between 1$ and 14 cents per pound. " ' Since last Friday. 1009 bales of 1934 clusters, 210 hales of 1922 clusters and 120 bales of fnggles have passed from grow ers' hands to dealers. In the 1934. cluster sales- was one list of 12 b bales, sold by Fook Chang ef the Hop Lee estate te Seavey at Portland for 14 cents per pound. Ia th remainder of the 1000 bales, the lowest price wad 10V4 cents, with the bulk of the sales at 12 cents and over 200 hales at 12 cents. The 1933 clusters sold at 5 cents, the same price which was paid on -this stock ' early last week. Heilers . Veal, top Dressed veel. top Dressed begs QUAIK AND HAT (Burins Price) Wheat, westers red , White, ae. 1 Bsrlsy. feed. He. L toa Msitint toa Oat, milling, toa . , . ., reed, toa Hay. baying prii Clover hay Portland Produce FOR RENT APARTMENTS PERSONAL 'Apt. 22 too, up. 258 slle 2 room fura. apt-., analn floor, . Wk, 05 arse available!, TeL 2278. ; $2 FOR RENT HOUSES oases Forkner 135t N. CapttoL R. house, partly furs. Close . in, tarn. Inquire 4 N. High. : R. funs. St fltlKt. 2420 X. iFurn. nous with 2 bedroom. Fairly doe tn, t2.te. P. JL BeO, 202 Oregon Bldav - ,ii rooms furnished, bath, caraga, hot wweer, 10 per ma Call 1258. 8 to T. FOR RENT ' TTouwe, 7 A, 21st a Oardew ttwad. WANTED TO RENT Waated 2 wr saiiu. durlnc Writ Senator : mom and bath. aa b legiantture. : attaplM at TUla- For Sale leal Estata hnisii.barn aad ehlokea S wtlkm Tram amlm,.s 125 c m; r a. Tor zuw. -JL C KHlEIJin OreetU Gifted Psychic Crystal dec; Accurately reveal toast. Dra esrt. TiitnTe. 680 N. Llbwrrv fst. C.....;.. , .. . 1 I Mosie uartman: conductor xor OUnimonea Deyona sUHaUon, Mra. Nora Jaeechk. J-t'!2 Woman's Club to rs. vviiiiam xsuiapn were xaiiea l to Waldport Saturday by th l death of their daughter,- Mrs. i Walter Neal. age 17. Mrs. Neal Is survived tj her husband, her parents, seren sisters and on brother. She was burled In Phflo I snath with serrlcea held ia Cor Tallls, ;--.4 ' f .-i:l Present Prognram Late This Month FOR SALE USED, CARS l)26Essex Coach. Gaasl san. 228; 1225 N. Liberty. . , - 1818 Olds Coupe, $60. TeL 8252, Special Today Only '1922 Chev. Coach Metfir ovbrlistil- ed, good throughout, aew21oenae, 14i. ysnrrero's csir Market. TeL 3S8S. " NOTICE OP APTOIXTMENT OF EXECUTOR - Nolle Is hereby given that th l undersigned has been duly ap pointed by th Connty Court of th Stat of Oregon, for th Coua- ROBERTS. Jan. 2. Mrs! N. P. Kugel. Mrs. Edward Harnsberger, Mrs. William Melr and Mrs. Os car Parcsll entertained the Wo men's G. T. club at th hm of Mrs. Kugel. j .During th business meeting -plans were completed for th pro gram which th women's elah will present Saturday night Jan. 22 at th community club meet ing. Th next-meeting will bo a K?X POKTLAJri) 1180 X. 8:80 Concert. Ti45 Bands ea Parade. S :30 Popular concert. 0:80 Marshall's Mavericks. 'NBC. - 10:07 Odd Hambers. 10:35 Ronald Back. 10:45 Mills Bros. 11:00 Songs ef the Day 11:45 Noontime Frelie, 12:00 Ramblers, NBQ. 18:15 Western. rsna aad Homo Hear. 1:00 East Side Commercial Clab. 1:80 Financial sad Greta Report. 1:86 Street. Sieger. i - 2 :00 World Bookasaa. 2 :00 Orchestra. 4:00 Friendly Chat. 4:30 Orchestra. ' 9 :20 Wrestling Boats. j in.t(VM Ikui Tnnna. 10:45 Tom Ooskley's orchestra, NBC. 10:55 Press JU41 aewa, fl. 11:00 DeHoney's orchestra, R0AO COkVALxis 850 Xa t :00 Home Economics Observer. 12:00 Neea Farm Hear. 2:15 Oregon LAterainre. 8:00 Homemakers' Half Hoar. a -rift ct-m tha. P.fimnios , 4:30 Sterie for -Beys an lrle. 8:00 Opera; Stories "Taaahaaaex 6:00 American Legion. i . . . A C" : X. M TTaIIV. ' i, -an TV. wrM in Review Pr. Tie- , tor P. Merria. 7:55 7:55 Municipal Affair. 8:15 KOAO Drama ealld. ! a., I a Wtaie. ' .'a ao Willamette Csiverslty . Pr gram. - PORT LAND. Ore. Jan. 8. ( AP) Prints, A grade, 82fe per lb. ia parchment wrappers, 83 We in esrtont; B grade, parchment wrspers, 82e lb.; car. tons 33 lb. Batterfst Portland deliTery. A grade deliveries t least twice weekly, 32-83e lb.; conn try rentes, su-sie ia; B graae er deli Terr. 81-88e lb.; O grade at mar ket. Errs Sale te retailers: specials, 29c; extras, 28c; freak extras, browns, 28c; staadards 20c; fresh asediame Sac; me diam firsts, 25c; freak pallets 21c; chocks, 24c: bakers, 21e dosen. Eggs Baying price or wholesalers: fresh apecisis 25e; extras, 23c; extra firsts 20c; extra mediuma 21c; palleta, 18e; check, 19e; bsksrs, 17e dosen. Cheese n score: uregoa triplets, iac; loaf. lfte. Brokers will pay below qaotaneas. . Milk CenXraet price A Portland de livery, 22.20 ewL; B grade cream 27 Coeatry xeeate SsUiag pries te re tailers: country killed hogs, best batch ers, under 150 lbs, 18-itfe id.; verni ers, fsney, 10 -lie lb.; light aad thin, 8-e lb.; heavy S-Se lb.; natter cows. 5-7e lb.; eaasers, S-4e lb.; belia. e in.; Umbs, fancy, 1314c lb.; ewes, 4-Se lb. Mohair Its yag price, in Caeca ra bark Buying price. 1034 peel. s, Ik Hops 1834 Isgtles, t ) ia-; clus ters. S-140 JO. tiwm nltv-Farthaa aeuverv nr tag prices: colored ha. ever 6 Jh, l s.i am lb ae nnaer io i... Leghera fowls, over" 2 lbs, ll-12e per lb.; 4 wader S lbs.. 10-11 per lb.; springs, 4 lh. ana sp, itiwmmwr 14e lb.; broilers, smder 2 lb, 16 lb.; roosters, 5 lb.; rskin. aexa. ins 1 1ft Th mm 10-1 Is lb. Oaioa Ur ran , . ai.eo-s.ee v.vi . ei so. . Potatoes Orego Burbank. 86el .-. ruhntea Gems. 81.10 oentaL Wool- 134 cup, Beminai, " nllev. mediam. 20 lb.: Ha er aau bleed. 20 lb.; Umb. 18 lb.; . eastern Orecon. 17-20C lb.; souther Idaho . I TTav HnTine Brie xrem srwuiwi alfalfa Xo. 1. bow crop, 317 ; easier Oregon timothy. $17.50; U. $18 toa; Willamette valley trmoiny, ver. $12 tea, Portias. Oats and vetch, to Alfalfa, vsllev Clover Seed- Red, ib. Alsiks. Ib. . NOTICE OF FINAL SETTXlwMENT xvii.. . t.,nht s-tvAn that the potluek lunch Thursday Jan. 17 th un8lgne4 ha - tUed L In th ty of Markm, as xcutor of th I at.5n o'10 a th community I rnnnt- renrt of the SUte of Or- . ... m . i at i -. . " ., . w - - . . tast am. ana testament ana es- i -r - , (v - . . Iron. -for the County ot, Zdanon. uun vi i iuicci si. Aiciisius, uw ceased, smd that he has duly J School Orchestra' ntia.11fiwl ea enob aramfnM ell vT. ' , vu,iH persona having claims against th estate of said decedent ar noti fied to present the same, duly ver ified, to me, at th offlc of Ron ald C Glover, .my attorney. 202 Oregon'": tiding, . letn, Marion SILVERTON. Jan. 2.-The De-1 County, - Oregon, within sis cember library report,' submitted I months from th date of this no- to th -city council Monday night, I tie. Five Wcstsn Give Books i to Ssrzjy i During December her duly Terlfied Final Account as Executrix ot the last will and tMttament and estat of nos Scio Telephone Company Names 1935 Directors shew IX t during Xexoher 1(22 booh 2rer lent; 191 msax In es; 22 new Teaders atUed; 23 hooka renTaayad. Ov beoka donated; 2 books trnTciiased. CCt af hooks and . nutaxmes were : from Mrs, MUtoa Thostrude, Miss Zxila Zlpi- mennan, Mrs. Edsoa Comstock, RONALD C -GLOTES. J Mrs. H. B. Latham, Mrs. Llda Ush-1 Attorney ler ExaceUt' : er, Mrs. a. j. Titus and th Jun-1 Salem, Oregon. SCIO. Jan. 2. Directors elect PrAtatil rnM-. I testament and estat ox mm . Saturday at th annual meet rresentS Conceit; prcaaii deceased, and that said fRlrln,; Mutual Telephone Miller is Director Court oa fM:weITt association are: E. P. Caldwell. .... 112th dar of February. ; 193 8. at 1 r-.Ke-. i TTHdrh. K. - i .. .. r.7i .r ..i.:vi r f i r ' ? - - . a.A.Mv.,. .. .. - i xnsf nour 01 lcii u uvvi ; v- i a Hint inn hot insmon. ns- muii TSa tAnLt..! Ports showed expenditure, aggre- . - a. , uinnir uouri xvowia iu iu. v- ,nnr iii - .ui annus: int. suu VCIWUau Ul XI lUBlMJT,. WTW " ' d.-i . ITar-1 T " '7' -V. . ' nreaentad la maMrt rm Pn, er I vj osn nvunw i uawaiea luisac is u ucuui j "I".!?".6!1 I I Lon County. Oregon, as th placLf 22.B9. Unnald dues and aa- Dated at Saleuv Oregon, this lira audienco fandsy afiwnoon. B?,arinf -d JwlL"0"1 "ssments amounted to approxl- 2U day of December, 1924. ERNEST C. RXCnARDS, ' Exerator ot tha fast will atvd testament sad estate ot TYaaees M. Richards, Deceased. V 1 Program: ffeaa starch ' Psptal flgriaa Deee Kea f aad aSrabaaa 2ecr Slav Saag - Bab arte i tswsa,. , . IDvseak , Orrhoeita Hafria Pase The Old Bafraia u(ra Pewae Tree Jolie Coat JT$ Jutte. ovsrtnr and all objections thereto. I mately 2500. ated at Salem,' Oregon, this 1 fh directors selected these of 9tii lay of January, 193S.n - I fleers for th ensuing year, with ALICE B. CANNON. Executrix I the following result: President,!. .f h. it will and testament I p. f!ldwIl: rlea-Ttreaident. JeBse keesekeland Estate of Enos PresnalL De- HUdreth: secretary. Frank, Barta. eeased. . .- Nr.; treasurer, Sclo s tat liana. Waaan I ' RONALD ' C. GLDVKK. Aiior-1 tiaweiras presiaent ncceeas . Widke-et I Mr or Executrix. Salem; Oregon. I C Shelton. who had served la that Ma,.,S I - , - - .1 . , . . -8.00 t 4.00 5.00 U 0.00 .10 .15 .81 . .82 -28.04 -84.00 -28.00 -20 0 .10.00 .10.00 .12.00 .15 .18 Phone Association to Hold Annual Meeting WACONDA, Jan. 7. Salem- Fairfield Telephone association ill hold Its annual business meet ing Satnrdsy, January 12, at 1 oe'lock at Clearlake schoolhonse. Election of officers and other busi ness will occupy the time. Inquiry Active, Western Wools BOSTON, Jaa. 3--(TJ. S. Dept. Agr.)-Inqulr!es were fairly numerous' on western grown wools, and a fair amount ot business was being closed by some houses on average and short combing 64s snd finer ter ritory wools. ' Bulk - average French combing C4s and finer territory wools In original bags brought 7-70 cents scoured ba sis, while short French comb ing and clothing lines moved at C3-25 cents. SAILOR IS HOME AIRLIE. Jan. S. Ralph M. Wienert of the TJ. S. navy joined his wife here for a visit. He Is Just out of an eastern hospital where he was recuperating from a brok en ankle received in a baseball , game played by his ship's team. Ia the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion. PROBATE DEPARTMENT In the matter of the estate of Bernard M. Smith also known as B. M. Smith, deceased, notice is hereby given that the undersign ed, as administrator of th estate of B. M. Smith, deceased, has filed his final account in th County Court of the Stat of Ore gon for Marion County, and that Wednesday, the llth day ot Feb ruary, 1935, at the hour of 10:09 o'clock a. m. of said day and th court room of said court has been appointed by said court as the time and place for the hearing of ob jections thereto and the settle ment thereof. Dated and first published Jan uary 9, 1935. Date of last publication Febru ary 2. 1935. Signed: Walter T. Smith. Admin istrator Aurora, Oregon. F. Leo Smith. Attorney, 502 Pa cific Bldg., Portland, Oregon. J-9-1 6-23-30 F-S NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATRIX Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County ; Conn of th State of Oregon, for th Coun ty ot Marion, as Administratrix of th estate of George O. Savage, deceased, and that she has duly qualified as such administratrix; all persons having claims against the estat of 'said decedent are notified to present the same, duly verified, to me, at ihe office of Ronald C. Glover, my attorney. 205 Oregon Building, Salem, Mar- ton County, Oregon, within 1 a months from the date of this no tice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this tlth day ot December, 1924. ALIOS M. SAVAGE. - ' Administratrix of tit Estat ot George O. i Savage, deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Administratrix, Salem. Oregon. D.22-J.2-t-l-22 Gardeners' and - . Ranchers Mart PORTLAND. Ore., Janl t.-UPi Prices were generally steady nt today's session ot the Gardener,' " and Ranchers' early market. - The demand for root vegeta bles continued and they sold fast, Local No. 1 cauliflower was down a little and went for 9 0-8 Oe per. crate. Brussels sprout were doing well at 70-75c a crate and th sup- ply is exceptionally rood. All other produce was steady. 8 pi sack Orange box, 85; aorthera, $1.75. I . . . Carrots sew. dosea bunches, 25-20. Beets Dosea benches. 40e. Parsley Desen bnaebes, 15a ' ' Green onions Dosen benches. 20-30. Dry onioas Orestta. 8 1.70-1.80 - ses? 100 lbs. Turnips Doers banekee. 20825a foatahegae Crate. S5-40. Parsaips Crate, 25-dOc , Radishes Dozen - bunches. 20c " Lettuce Kortkwest. 75c-81. Csbbsge Per crate, 60 70c, Cauliflower Local, ho. 1, 00 Q 80c Celery Crate. $l.0$i.TS. ' Green bee as Pocad. S-7c - - Sena ' -Danish. SL40 ser eaatalaun crate: Peheciaa, $1 erate. Prases Pens1. 3c Annies Jamb. Back. box. 45-75e: D Ticioua er Spitxenberg. extra fsney, $1.5. Potetee vrBg box, eo-ese. Potateee Orsag hex, SO-TSc Broccoli Per log, 85c Brussels sprouts Crate, TO-TSd. Stocks and Bond B02TS AVXaAGSS (Compiled by The Associated Pre.) .: J saury S SO 12-15 60 ' Indnai. rsite atik stocks Today 55.61 28.08 23.81 4034 previeas day CIS 27.24 25.14 41.1 Heath age 53.04 26.8S 26.07 20.68 Tear ago 58.47 22.48 20.42 43.04 1234-85 high 61.41 43.08 40.85 5LS2 1934-38 lew 45-27. 22.7T 24.16 84.85 aroc AVBaAoxs . . 80 10 10 SO '-, vails ladast, wL fereir Today 87.7 .4 S3J4 -76 2 Preeiea day -873 S4.62 84JT 70.1 Month age 8548 22.61 85J5 8 21 Tear eg -T4-S ti.O 48.64 61.4 1834-S6 high -S8.48 4.4 TO 2 1834-85 law 74.5 28.68 68.17 ,60.19 -Kw 1834-85 hixha. aiSTIiBSMii jnaV -TLa82 yTQs IT f Tjs a w-m a m w-m . - - , w