.... ..3 V J 1 kliilAiluilil, ....-U ' 1 ,,u.a, J i.iw..... . , J ..... .rr V, A w 4. unday Society, CluBs and Music Page 1 of The Statesman JESSIE STEELE " Society Editor. Phone 9101 - ! 1 li Betrothal Told F riddy ; ; " i ! i- ii .. .1-' V ' - . V! '' A '-' . V "v.;-; -I - i i-'is t or Olive Edgar :!X aiinounceo: at tne nome 01 IB " a aav mem. una?e was enjoyea supper was served. Miss Rozan is the daughter jran of Salem. Mr. King is the King and a member ef Gimmao Phi chapter ct Slsma Gamma PI ma local cniDier lur iun dui year. : r ; .,.0- ? Guesta : at the annoaneement Tarty were MIbs Beulah Lames, MIsi Genera Barr, Miaa -- Maiine Miller, Mlas Nera ' Smith. Miss Patricia Taylor, Mlas . Beatrice Klee, Mist Maurine Carmlcal and the bride-elect, Miaa Olive Rogan. j Escort were Perry Andrews, Jlollln Repine, Thomas Peterson. Gordoa Reed Loula Cross, Ber nard White. Arthur Stnbbertield, ,Carl Kliener and Edgar Kins. lAlpha. Phi Alumnae ta Meet , ' - , , 1 Mrs iWllmer Wells baa Invited alumnae of Alpha Phi Alpha tor- : ority jto'i be her guests , Tuesday night. I The business meeting: at r8 o'clock will be followed by a so cial hoar and late supper. .Miss Lola German will assist the host jess. L-V : :, .' :::?,;WT v ' '. ) ' Members bidden re Miss; Mar- 3orie Drorbaugh, Mlas, Mary White;! Mlas Barbara Barbam, .Miss Era Cochran, Miss Jean Mc- Elhlnny, Miss Anna Calaba, Miss Edythe Glalsyer, Mlsa - Helen Moore,! Mlsa Helen Breithaupt, Miss Loin Allen. Miss Velleda Dhmart. Miss Harriett Adams, Miss Mildred Lelghton, . Miss Gladys; Taylor, Mrs. Harold Heath. Mrs. Joha Schmidt. Jr., Mrs. Fran,cis Earnest, Mrs. - Roy llarland, Mrs. i Truman Cam mlngs,! Mrs. Francis De Harport. Irs. Harold Elbert. Mrs. Albert ' Ehrlstenson, Mrs. Edward Raf ; tety, Mrs. George Neuman, Mrs. : Floyd i Bailey and the . hostess. Mrs; WUmer Wells. . , iit'i'v :-lj-:V,-..v?.;2X; I ! ! HERE FROM CALIFORNIA ;,! Mrs. ! Max Ryland Is a house is guest at the home of her parenta, ,Dr. aad Mrs. I. N. Sanders. She will retara to her home In Oak land, Calif., after this coming week, i r . I- bX, . i :.; Pattern -'' ' "by ANNE ADAMS Think what two smart blouses nch as these, will do toward giv ng your winter suit an air of. prlngHir enlivening your aepar te skirt! ; The tailored blouse. ma its youthful collaiy buttoned odice and short peplem, . would ook so attractive in brightly- col red Jersey or cotton broadcloth. ind It may he made with ,Iong r short sleeves. The other mod- 1 lovely in silk crepe . or- satin, oasts a soft petal-like collar that ipplea flatteringly, and graceful leeves that may be gathered in- o long trim cuffs, or -made into i smart. three-Quarter ; length. ; toth of these chic models may be asae wun the one pattern, j Pattern S15S is arailable In Ires 14, 16, IS, 20, J2. 34. 3. S. '49 and 42. Size.lt takes 2 -8 yards at inch fabric for tall red blouse and 2 3-8 yards for rternoon blouse. Illustrated tep-by-step sewing Instructions acluded. - "... ...... : .; . ... . Send fiftrca cents (15c) la eolm r ( itinpi (coins preferred) for Ibis Anae Adams pattern. - Writ plslolr name, sddress aad style anmber. Ba sure to stata site. - Send' far your copy f the Ana Adams W later Fashiea Bfokt CrawaV ed with aicloalra patterns for th rhild. the yoanr tirl cad th astro. Price ot book (ifteea costs bat wheo ordered with aa Anae Adsms Pit irrn it It only ten coat. . Tweaty tire cant for both. Addrei order to Th Oreffo Ftieraa patters) Oept, SIS Soutk Commercial street. Salem. Make aee. eary oaelosares. Voor order will be promptly attended to. Orders customarily ore filled with in four eVays from the tlm reeeired ty Th fctatosma. tidgahy j King ; air. ana xars. x a. ung irri- -j ' A " . -"!. 'i auxin? ine eveninz ana a iaie. ' . - -,,M of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Rc- son of Mr. and Mrs. P.' A. ' 'i . ' i Gordon Black Feted Wittil Party I GORDON BLACK. who re- I tt turned last week from a voy age to the orient as a ;cadet engineer, was honor guest at j a party last night given- by S Miss Elizabeth Lewis and Bob Brown in' the home of the former. Mr, Black i will embark on a similar voyage thitf coming week, t i j The evening was spent Inform ally with a late supper.. ' j ! Guests were Miss Mildred Kick- man, Miss Virginia Boyle, Miss Kathryn Boyle, Miss Mary s Dale Cladek. Miss Charlotte McKee, Miss Corliss Clark, Miss Mildred Sherman, ; Mies Marie - Baumgart ner, 'Miss Lewis, Gordon Black," Bob Brown,. Bill Lapschlese. Ar chie Gardner, John Gardner. Har old Duncan, John Richie, Eroesi Greenwood, Wamen Biggerstaft and Floyd Baumgartner. - ; ;. Dean to Be Sjjeakers at Arts ue r t ! i L. Earle Dean, world traveler, expert photographer, an hunter of big game in Africa,. will pre sent the January program of the Salem Arte league, Tuesday night, in the auditorium rot ihe Salem public library. To this program the public is invited. . i t - Dean recently contributed fan exhibit of artistic photography In San . Francisco. He has a photo graphic studio at Tillamook and specialises In unusual and artis tic pictures. While he was in Africa as an electrical- engineer, he obtained rare photographs of African wild life. He has also an unusually tine collection! ot ivories. Before he took vp his world traveling, he was a reporter on the Los Angeles Times. 4 j . When Deaawas in Salem I he was ' leaaer oi ine pnoipgrap.nie section of the arts league. Ha ls expected , to give an Interesting and instructive talk of his trav els and illustrate with his: pic tures. . - " ; . i i Mrs. Hendry Gives Musicale l A studio musicale was enjoyed, by a large audience New Year's eve at the home ot Mrs. Cora Hendry on South Commercial street. Mrs. Hendry contributed vocal num ber to tne program. vi i j Students taking parts .were Marlon Mitchel. - Glendora Mlt- chel. BUlle Shipler. Bill Millisan, Betty Chllds. Dicky Fowler. Juan- iU Kllnger. Mary Patterson! Da vid Mlulson and Jean Fowler. Guild Slates Session fx at' Church The Ladies' GuUd of the Anv- erican Lutheran church will meet o'clock in the church parlors. Mrs. William Hagedorn .will preside over the installation- ot officers;; Mrs. Claude Glenn will handle the mission stndy and Mrs. Gor don McGIlchrist will appear in a vocal group accompanied by Mrs. Ted Gordon. Hostesses for ' the day re Mrs. Anna Homyer, Mrs. Elton Thompson and Mrs. P.. A. Kolbe. Visitors are. welcome. - v O) . I Mrs. Donnell Fetes kr r r T nk x ia, fa as. a i The K. C. JC. T. club was en tertained Thursday by Mrs. E. J. Donnell. Tea was served follow ing the Informal afternoon. Spe cial guests were Mrs. C. H. Sake and Mrs. I. M. Donnell. Members present were Mrs. A. A. Graver. Mrs. Nellie Knox. Mrs. Hattie Given, Mrs. Otto Schell berg. Mrs. Ray Clark. Mrs. Albert Waller, Mrs.: Van : Pelt, Mrs. Roy Wasaam and the hostess, MrE. J. Donnell. ' . . . : Silverton GeU j jl Books for IJbrary SILVERTON. - Jan.. 5. Mrst H B. Latham, chairman of the ' Sil verton library board, Miss Lillle Madsen, local librarian, and Miss Althea Meyers motored to Port land Friday. They returned with a number of new books. Miss Louise Latham, who has been guest of the James Mannings tor a Iew days, and Miss Margaret Larson; who has been a guest Of her sister's at Portland, returned to SilrertOn with . the Portland vistors Friday night. ? ' '"! ' v The mannings formerly . made their home at Silverton where Mr. Manning taught in the high schooL He ia now - teaching in a Portland high school. 'r Mr. and Mrs, Roscoe Ames of Albany visited briefly here this week. They plan to leave next week on an extended trip south and east. They will go as far aa New Orleans by way of , the Pan a m a Canal, . and return through California. - Mr. Ames Is a son ot S. Ames of Silverton and Mrs. Ames is a daughter of , Mrs; A. Grlnde. Both formerly lived at Silverton.' , ". YMGA Lobby To be Scene Concert , A PROGRAM of ensemble and f solo numbers by pupils of will he given Friday night In the lobby of the Y. M. C. A- Assort ing artists will be Kenneth Rob ertson. - Tiolinist-'cellU, and Clar ence Wenger, pianist.. The public ia invited. , The program will he as follows: Loi Gillian. Flereaea Lewie Srnmd - - - : - . , , , , Soto fiermic Bobortso lUlody Rnbenstola - Lois CiUinga Them' fiuiitl Leland Birtchet To a Wild Rosa . ......... .. U cDoweU floresea Lwia BarcarolU : TsenaikowskV ' Marrarrt Birtchet Tbo'Oypey Prise . dmaad Serera Jay Teed, Versos Boot - Vinton Scott. Party Bos. Jr. Snewflakea j - . Brews Praseea Aliea Kalla . ......... Xonreclaa Cradle 6onc - -, tit Poppet Show . alsno Ass VNhitlock ' Mlnoet ia O ... , Bethers Vernon and Vint es Scott, .... , Cisrdas ... Monti -" Pint Roae. Jr. . Sonata la A Major Baendal Barbara Jones Hungarion Dane No. 6 .,,.,, Brahms .: Jst. Teed .1 '. .. Bendetvon Alottern Barbara Jones, Marie WbJUock, , Franeet Kells, -Violins . Jay Tesd,. ioia . Kenneth Xobertson, 'cell . ' Basketball Team Has Party Given TTiem, : : Miss Jean Bartfeit and M t s s Pauline Drager ; were joint host esses Friday night when they en tertained the Ashland high school basketball team. " Dancing was enjoyed and refreshments were served at a late hou Guests Included the Misses Era Crinklaw, Dorothy V Butte. Edna Matthis. Marian Hultenberg, Chir ley Cronemlller, Marjorie Knox, and the hostesses Pauline Drager and Jean Bartlett. The team was composed of Bill Hoxie, ' Billy ' Jungwirih, Steve Fowler; Ken 'Schillings, Johnny Murphy, Parker Hess, Hylmar Kannasto, Bob : Hardy and Carl Harris. -, ." mm ' Richmond P. T. A. -in Session Monday .The Richmond Parent-Teachers association will , meet Monday night at 7:30 j o'clock" at the school building. : The program is as follows vocal solo by Mrs. W. J. Minkewltz, accompanied ,; by Mrs. Myrtle Hosr, reading by Mrs. Leon Brown; musical saw number by George King. " Dr. Floyd Utter will give an address on the subject, "Are The Child's Interests Forgotten Ia The Oregon Legislature?" A book will be given as an attendance prize to the class room with the best representation. Y.W.C.A. Board Plans Tuesday Session The executive board of the Y. w. C. A. will convene at 9:20 o'clock Tuesday morning at the x. w. follo.wed by the regular board meeting at 10 a. m. Mrs. Percy Kelly has invited the board to be her luncheon guests after the sessions. ' ; ' This will be the first meeting lor the newly elected, members who are Mrs. Silas Gaiser. Mrs. W. C. Jones, Mrs. John Pollock and Mrs. I. L. Darby. . SOCIAL CALENDAR - . t Sunday, January 6 Royal i Neighbors installation drill practice, S p. m,, - Fraternal temple. v Monday, January 7 r Sigma Nu Delphians at public library, 3 p. m. Auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans with Mrs. Ida Traglio, 21 Thompson Ave., 2 p m. . Oratorio chorus rehearsal, 8:10 p. m. . Hal HIbbard auxiliary, 7 p. m installation at Mar ion hotel. - . -; Standard Bearers of First M. E. church with Mrs. A. A. Lee, T:30 p. m. . - ' American Legion Auxiliary, 8 jp. m at Fraternal temple. . .. , -.Richmond P. T. A., 7:30 p. m. at school. ..'-.- . Tuesday, January 8 r Annual meeting ot First Congregational church, cov ered dish supper, :30 p. m. at church; . 'Beta Chi Mother's club at chapter house. 2:30 v. ta. ' South division ot Ladies Aid, First Presbyterian church with Mrs. L; L. Laws at MorningsIde 2 p. m. Executive board-at 9:30 a. m., regular board meet ing 10 a. m. at Y. W. C. A. ' .. Alpha Phi Alpha alumnae meeting,' 8 p. m. with" " Mrs. Wllmer Wells,- - - - Past Presidents of W. R. C. with, Mrs. Mary Entress, - 18CS S. Commercial, 1 p.pi. '- , -. McCormlck class of First - Mi E". church, dessert luncheon, 1:30 5. m. at home Mrs. H. D: McMillan, route f . . - - , '-: - Guild of St Paul's Episcopal, church. 1 p. m., no . host luncheon, with Mrs. Carl Butte, 1925 Chemeketa. ..-, Else Ebsen drama class with Mrs. W. J. MinklewlU. .159 Chemeketa Z: 20- p. m. " ' - Wednesday, January 9.. W. H.,M. S. of Jason Lee church, 2:15 p. m. with Mrs. W. W. Chadwick. 1390 N. Winter.- - - " . v Ladies' Guild of AmerlcanLutheran church, 2:30 p. m. at church. : - - - " Missionary society, of First Presbyterian church, 2:30 p. m. at church. W. F. M. S. of First M E. church in church parlors, 2:15 p. m.: - . 1 Dorcas society installation of officers, 2 p. m.-in - parlors of Christ Lutheran church. - Thursday, January 10 Thursday club with Mrs. C P, Bishop. 2:30 p. m. .' "Orchard Heights Woman's club with Mrs. L. D. Gibson, 1234 S. Commercial, 1:30 p. m. Friday, January 11;' . Eterl class of First Baptist church, 7:30 p.m.,. birthday party at church. .- - . Woman's Missionary society of First Baptist church, 2 p. nu with Mrs. Otto Engdahl, 960 Madison. " :" In lobby Y. M. C. A., program by students of Mary . Talmadge Headrick, 8 p. m. " ' . -- This Is Kenfs a t:; Kent State college, Kent, O., presents pretty Mildred Bowers, above : as Its model co-ed. Bliss Bowers, 19-year-old sophomore, was se lected the best model in a style show conducted on the campus nnder the sponsorship of the school's annual. i .. , j So r or Hies House For -Public On Saturday LAST night the sororities of Willamette university were aeleara with lights and thronged with friends who called during the evening to inspect the annual soronty "open house . L I Alpha Phi Alpha received at" ? T tL A . . 1 " oT miss aiosepmne Anaerson ana Janz Home Scene of Contract Party .Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Jans were hosts Friday night for a smart contract bridge . party: " Early spring flowers were used about the guest, rooms. . High . scores went - to - Mr. and Mrs. Russell Scott and Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Marrs. Mrs. Earl J. Adams assisted the hostess at the supper hour. Those invited were Mr. and Mrs. Marrs, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mil ler, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilbur, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ullman, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Frum, Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Russell ScOtt of Silverton, and . the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Jans. W. H? M. S. TO MEET The W. H. M. S. of Jason Lee church will meet with Mrs. W. W. C h a d w I c k, 1390 N. Winter, Wednesday at 2:16 o'clock. Mrs. Gordon Black will lead the devo tions ' and Mrs. C. A. Gels will have charge of the study hour. Miss Margaret Chad wick and Al bert Chrlstensen, Jr., will furnish : tne music. Model Coed Hold Open their chapter houses. It was from 7:30 to 8:30 o'clock. TV V 1 aV Wa. W i I ivuss uorotny xaacuonaia were i i pat the door and Miss Mildred Drager lniroaucea me line, it the line were Miss Elva Sehon, Mrs. Charles Breck, Dr. and Mrs. George Alden .and Dr. : and Mrs. 1 ii. si. uaiae. miss caeanor xarnes gave out the favors. The serving table was attrac tive with a larre crrstal bowl Kt! iioral?i!5 flanked by lighted white tapers; miss syaney Hannuora ana miss Gertrude Roenicke poured. Senj iors -mingled with guests In the living room, juniors served, soph omores conducted visitors about the house and- freshmen were hostesses in the rooms. Beta Chi . Hours at Beta Chi were from 8 to 9 o'clock. . Miss Barbara Ben son greeted guests at the door; and Miss Margaret Nunn Intro-; duced to the line made up of Miss Clara Wright. Mrs. F. A. El liott, Dean and Mrs. F. M. Er ickson. Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Rich ards and Miss Anna Jo Flemming, Seniors assisted about the living room. Miss Edith Sidwell and Miss Rnth Billings presided at the serving table which waa ; bright with yeUow- daffodils, mirrors and wallow tanera. Kervlne were Miss Charlotte Litchfield. Miss Rath Buntow and Miss Victoria Schneider. Miss La Verne Norton gave out the :- favors and , nnder-elassmen conducted.' Delta, Phi Members of Delta Phi enter tained from 8:30 to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Gwen Hunt opened the door and Miss Lois Underwood intro duced to the line. Receiving were Miss Ruth Chapman, Mrs. F. A. Weil.. Prof, and- Mra. . M. ' E. Peck, and Prof, and Mrs. Charles Sherman. Presiding at the serving table were Mra. C. P. BUhop and Mrs. R. J. Hendricks. A pastel cen terpiece la a silver .basket guard ed by white tapers in silver hold era carried, out the decorativ mo tif. ' Sophomores served. .Junior and seniors . assisted about the" living rooms and fresh men accompanied guests through the Jiouse. CHURCH TO MEET The. First Congregational church will have Its annual meet ing Tuesday; night starting with a :10 o'clock covered dish .din ner at the church. The Woman's I Union' is in charge of the flinner. W. E. Hanson is chairman of the nominating committee for elec tion of officers which will take place." Annual reports will -"be given.. DELPHIANS TO MEET. The Sigma Na Delphians - will continue their',' study of poetry Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock In the public' library. Mrs. David Wright will preside. Topics will be given by Mrs. Albert Gragg, Mrs. W. A. Merrlott, Mrs. Ira Darby and Mrs. George Rossman. I CLUB ON THURSDAY . ' The Orchard Heights Woman's club meets Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock with Mrs. L. D. Gib son, k 1 2 3 4 S.i Commercial. The hostess committee - Includes . Mrs. L. D. Gibson,. Mrs.- Ellen South wick, Miss Mary Waite and Mrs. Fred Gibson. - k -'' - BETA CHI MOTHERS -;V The . Beta Chi Mother's club will i meet, at the chapter house Tuesday afternoon at. 2:39 o' clock. Mrs. Sarah Sleeves will be the speaker.- Hisloric Order To Meet in Portland i fTlHE OREGON CHAPTER of hi Founders and Patriots will '" meet in Portland Thursday with Mrs. Aaron Holts 2S70 S. W. Park Place, at o'clock. Del egatea to the General Court to be i held in Washington,. D. C. in April will be selected at the meet ing.. i i Honor guest of the 'day will be Mrs. William House, state presi dent of the Colonial Dames. ; t Last Friday the state . board met In. the historical room of the ! First Presbyterian church of Port land. Members attending from Salem were Mrs. W. H. Byrd. state chairman of records, Mrs. IB. It. Steeves; and Mrs. W. B Johnston. I i Action was taken to establish a fitting memorial to the work of George Hlmes, Oregon historian and . ex-curator of ; Champoeg i memorial building. : Mrs. O. J. Gof fin was appointed chairman of the committee. Furnishings for the Elolse Me- Lou ghlin -room in the McLough- lin house at. Oregon City were re ported as; including a wash stand which dates back to the old Hud son Bay company, a spool bed of 1850,' a bureau, two chairs and a lamp ot early pioneer date. ! The morning session . closed with a no-host luncheon in ' the church dining room. Guests of honor were Dr. and Mrs. J. Hud son Bullard. : !! II 1. VI miss melton nostess This Afternoon is i; MIrs Frances Virginie Melton has announced another of her First-Sunday-of-the-Month . musi cal teas for this afternoon at 4 o'clock In the home of Mrs. David IB.- HilL ' The program will be as follows: Daae Arfr Crrilaeott Lotns Lnd Crrileoott Golliwog's Cake Walk , bebsssy Troika Tscnatkowsky I Charlotte HiU Baia Carraa Curran I Daws 1 1 - cry xiiiaheta ku n Hunt arias xnneo ilh nt... Brai.ma Th 1 J - 1 art 1 TJ -1 . MS v r p.Vu n . Iraseos Pari rewa ia tno Forest . .... . Ttaadoa-Bonald Mf Little Banjo alary Elitabetk Kella V Erotie Cries; Grief Chopin Birdlinf Xaxorka's 'o.'a 5-10 Th Imps 8trkow-Ryder 1! Ckarlotto HiU. Ml . Rainbow Girls Hold Initiation The Order of Rainbow - for Girls held its second formal ini ation Saturday night at the 1 Ma sonic temple. : ' Miss . Virginia Pugh. worthy adviser, presided. assisted by her chief officers, Miss Laneta Bellinger. Miss Ar- liss Thomas and. Miss Ruth Mel- son. -. Novitiates were Miss Evelyn Melson. Miss Isobel McGIlchrist. Miss Betty Lou DeFranz, Miss Lila Murray. Miss Norma Jean Gilberts on, Miss Jean Pound and Miss Hiriet Grivy.' !: Mrs. Ira Darby heads the com mittee which helps needy famil ies. Several were given aid dur ing the holiday season. Miss Ro berta McGIlchrist has been ap pointed chairman of the welcom ing committee for new girts. I Will Meet 1 The W. F. M. S. of the First Methodist church will convene in the ehurch parlors -Wednesday afternoon at' 2: IS o'clock. After abort business session, the program will he in charge of Mrs. 8. Blatchtord and her group. j Mrs. L. B. Jones will lead the devotions. The message from the General Executive at Wash ington. D. C, .by Mrs. B. L Steeves, "Japanese Women Speak," will be given by Mrs. B. Blatchford. i . o ! YOUNG FOLK MEET Mrs. A. A. Lee will open her home to the Standard Bearers ot the First M. E. church Monday night. at 7:30 p. m. Miss June Jones will assist. -Roll will be answered with New Year's resolu tions. Miss . Betty Booth will present the lesson on Japan and Mrs. George Newman will have charge of the business meeting.' : - ' -- ,- ,. - ; . " DRAMA CLASS TUESDAY iThe Else Ebsea. drama class will be -entertained at the home of Mrs. ? W. J. Minkiewltt. 1596 Chemeketa, 'Tuesday afternoon at ZJ30 o'clock. .One of Luigl Fir aadello'a new plays, "Six Charac ters la Search of an Author" will be- reviewed. I - AID WILL CONVENE ' tThe South division of the Lad ies'; Aid, First Presbyterian church, will meet at the home ot Mrs. La. L. Laws in-Moralngside Tuesday afternoon ; at 2 o'clock ; Mrs. LrM. Purvlne is the assist ing hostess. ? -. fi ' BAPTIST SOCIETY The - Woman's Missionary soci ety of the First Baptist church will meet with Mrs. Otto Engdahl Friday afternoon at 960 Madison street, Z o'clock. : Mrs. Mattie Clark is the prorram leader. : - - INSTALLS MONDAY The Hal Hibbard auxiliary will meet for installation prac tice 'Hi o'clock at the Marlon hotel Monday night to be follow ed by regular Installation of officers.-' iv-: ;.; . : ; - . -: ; j . .. . , I ' -i: '' A : GUESTS " LEAVE .. Prof, and; Mrs. J. F. Brum baugh and Lester McDonald, all of Corvallis. have returned home after spending the New Year hol iday with Mr. and Mrs. J M. De fers. . : ' - Scholarship Of February 22nd ; At Lausanne PLANS are already going forward for the annual scholarship-loan tea to be given by. Chemeketa chapter Daugh ters of the American Revolution, at Lausanne hall February 22. An heirloom exhibit will ; be held in connection with the tea.-. -r;i;y . The Colonial tea committee includes Mrs. U. G. Shipley, ' ' ' i " o Mrs.. Seymour Jones, Mrs. Her-, Junior Club in Session on THE . Junior Woman's club will convene Monday night at U . TIT. .1.VI..4... 7:30 o'clock. The drama division of the fine arts department will be in charge of the program un der the chairmanship of . Miss Marcelle DeMytt. Mrs. Monroe Gilbert will he the principal speaker' and piano numbers will be furnished by Miss Doryce Ross. The year books, just out, will be distributed. Tentative plans for coming sea son as they appear in. the year book include a, potluck supper in January, a Valentine dance in February, open house for other Junior clubs in April, an .affair for new officers in May, a spring dance - in June and a. picnic in July. - ; - ; ' i ' r ' Doll Festival Opens ' ' Friday at Y. W. 1 Any Girl Reserre may enter a doll in the festival schedule to open Friday at the Y. W. C. A. There will be dolls representing every nation as well - as charac ter and antique dolls. I The exhibit opens at 4 p. m. and at 7:30 p. m. Friday night there will be a program, and again at 4 p. m. Saturday. The festival wUl be open to the pub lic all day Saturday. Proceeds will go for a gift to summer camp. MISSIONARY MEETING -i ' The First Presbyterian Mission ary society will meet at the church Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock with Mrs. W. M. Thome in charge. The subject will be "Is Mormon Ism Chang ing?" Gunnell & 520 Stale St. Monday Ph DONT this thrilling romance of the South Seas .HI: -1- by MARGE STANLEY Mirk Talbot came to the South Seas in search of adven cure. Vanya came to dance and forget, Neither wanted love but they could not resist the dangerous fascina tion of the languorous coral -islands.1 Their flaming, daring romance is a serial that will hold you spellbound Be sure to watch for it begins Thursday morning in - Tea Event hert J. O a 1 1 1 n d- Mrs. - B. u. Steeves. Miss Ruth Geer. Mrs. L. W." Potter, Mrs. Russell Catlln, Mrs. -W. B. Johnston, Mrs. J. Ly man Steed, "Mrs. John. Carkin Miss Ruth Rulifson, Mrs. Qra' L. Cosper, Mrs., U; O. Boyer. Mrs. F. C Ritner, Mrs. David H. Loo hey. Mrs. G. Iran Pntman, Mrs. C. B. Sundberg and Mrs. James Q. HeltzeL - f ; : " i Delegates Elected " : i Delegates to the state Cjonfer- . ence to be held at-LaGrande in March were named as follows: , Mrs. John W. Harbison, regent; Mrs. W. H. Byrd, Mrs. Homer " Goulet, Mrs. Sarah Steeves, Mrs. . U. G. Shipley, Mrs. Frances Cor nell, Mrs. W. W. Allen. Mrs. A. E. Austin, Mrs. Herbert Ostlind and -Mrs. Harry Love. - i . Alternates are Mrs. C. C Geer, Mrs. C. A. . Sprague, Miss Ruth Rulifson, Mrs. W. B.f Johnston, Mrs. E. M. Hoffnell, Mrs. E. Newcomb, Mrs. S. L. Minard, Mrs. Oscar. Hayter, Mrs. C. T. Elli'on and Mrs. Roy Ritner. -Mrs. C. C. Best and Mrs. Wil liam F. Fargo will represent the D. A. R. on the Salem Woman's1 council. A memorial. tribute was paid to Miss Frances Richards, long an active member of the chapter, who passed away a short time 8o. . - -v . Hendricks Speaker. R. J. Hendricks gave an Inter esting talk oa the life of Dr. John McLoughlin in the main address of the afternoon. Tb tea table was covered with a lace cloth and centered with holiday greens, ribbon and red tapers. Mrs. W. H. Byrd and ? Mrs. Harbison' presided at the urns. The social committee was headed by Mrs. L. C. McLeod, as sisted by Mra.. Edwin Jory, Mrs. E. M. Hoffness, Mrs.' H. T. Love, Mrs. Lewis D. Griffith and Mrs. Frances Cornell. - - . CLUB WILL CONVENE The Thursday dub will be en tertained by Mrs. Cv P. Bishop and Mrs. Marie Flint McCall at 2:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon" in the home of the-Xprmer. New Life For Old otographs Somewhere stored away are priceless family photographs. Rescue these relics give them a new lease of life. We specialize in copying xld prints and re moving the traceries of time. Robb, Studio Just Phone 5572 MISS w