Tha OREGON STATTSriAII, Sahru Orc-cn, Scsday Hcrnbr, J&ssary 6. 1S33 -k-AGE TIIIRTEEN 1 .1 1 ' . ..i , r" V OSfflPE-COISE FOB BE i HATES VILLE. Jan. 8.Tnes dajr night at :?:30 o'clock the tirst class "la landscaps garden Jac will b hld at the Hayes ' Tllle school. -These classes wiir Te held erery Tuesday sight tork Dont, . tares - montns nnaer me superrlslon of Earl M. Litwiller and are conducted n n d e r . Ihe SERA. ; : . U.r . v-'r -. f:. .'. : : Anyone oter ' sixteen years : of age and not' attending-. any other Institution of learning "will, v be welcomed. "There will be' no .ex pense other than 'notebook and -peneiL ' X-'-?t v'" 'X'tt 1 Word haa been recelred f the death of . Henry Mammen at Tul so. . Fla. Although Mr. Mammen -, Is almost a. stranger to this - dis trict, his - wife,, whom , he imar " Tled November "17.: and known here - as Mattie Willis, . is an. old TesidenL-.- ' --" ' The -couple had. gone -to Tulsa to spend the winter. On Decern her 27 Mr. Mammen suffered- a stroke .from which he .died the following day, December i 8. The the di&eaised's former ' home, for burial. Users oi "Gosh" All Understand . y EactiOther; li lleahsSomeitiirig i J.. '. By D: H.'Talmac3ge, Sage of Salem ' Now Ugh. now low, the -windr do J: blow t :lX : . t -.'.c-- -. , Now kard, now soft,' the rain x comes ; down; t Late morning light and .early night, t - "ft : ' ' ', -I A smile tor ioY. for tears a frown World new. world old, , world warm, r world 1 cold. The winter's bief, spring's on the way;-i.-i' -'' Tomorrow's fraught none knows with what.' -r-. . I X - Why let thje weather spoil today x:t ' .-. ' - 1 y : x ; a! "feller with a lone counten ance and s lugubrious roles said to mo one day last" summer, -Tne climate is changing. .We'll hove a dry i winter, you'll see." . No. re marks. ' . ' , . : 'The story of Birnum and the "egress" laa good atory. Many" of us hare: crowded - In- to see the "egress" in, one way or another and hare found ourselves on the curb. But, bless you, we- don't mind. ! ry : y-y ;. s.,.v body was taken to Mlnttnkl'MlQf ' 'Eiplecttres Ma.,, h P; ;': r l&rgciy a uglier ui umuil, ho pav ing with a knife or Cleaning the fingernails with a! pencil. I fre quently begin a remark with the word "goh." A grejat many other folks also da this. IWe are a sort of community 0f interest, we gosh ites. We understand one another. When I meet tip with a stranger who says gosh" I feel no- appre hensions as to the , depths into which our conrersei will lead. Oc casionally . he says- 0- SOsh By this token. I am ma3e awarethat what; he is about to: utter he con siders to be a bltserious and not to be treated lightly. ''Gosh' used in comment signifies that the ar row of thought has! hit the bulls eye. - iA:T-zl"y: HAYESV1LLE, Jan. D. At a meeting of, the children, Jn the adranced room of. the Hayesville school the following officers were chosen for the remainder of the school year: President, Calvin Miller: vice'-president,' Ynkiko Furuyama: secretary, Jean Stett- ler : . . library committee, Wilma Rings, E v e It n Schroeder and Beatrice - Stamen; sergeant -at- arms, .Daniel Verbagen;- host Fred Ellis: hostess, Beulah Cook Friday . afternoon the winning side of the Christmas seal con test with Tukiko Furuyama wil be entertained at a party by the losing Bide captained by Evert MennenhalL Mrs. .E. L. Moore, assisted .by Ida . Denny, entertained the Hay esvllle Woman's club Thursday afternoon, January - 3. Earl M. Lltwiller. who conducts night classes in landscape gardening under the SERA, spoke to the members a few minutes, explain ing the work. The members vot ed to support it. Mrs. Hazel Mar shall conducted the .members through' the Philippines on the Imaginary trip around1 the world which the members are taking. Mr. and Mrs. W. McMelleon had as their guests on New Tear's: Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Mann, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Rowe and daughter Kathryn. Mrs. Will Kaley and Mrs. Taylor, all p Salem. " ' ' 's Wm. Vandervort and daugh ter, Alice, " entertained at a 7 o'clock dinner Wednesday hon- ,1 oring Mr. and .3Irs. Stanley . ! Cochran and children' Patty and Betty of Reedsport. The. folio w-. Ing guests, were present: Dr. - K.' Adams, Mr.", and "Mrs. A. E. Hutcheaon, Neva Hutcheson and Kenneth. Seeley. The evening was spent in playing cards' I The S. Clayson family : have moved from the Ritchey place to Rosedale. . . . D. H, TALMADGE "Bright Eyes".. . . A talk-with W. .'H. Burghardt about his Christmas , visit at San Francisco . , Salem .horseshoe pitchers' vic tory .over jenerson pucners . Snow storms which threatened but did not arrive i . "Believe me. If all those endearing young charms.?- sang by the Very lovely Virginia Bruce - In the Barnum picture .'. A glimpse of a former favorite of the silent films Bes sie Barrlscale in MThe Man Who R e e l a I m e d His Head." . . ;Chuck"i Bier s mention In Mick ey Mous club column la The Statesman of Zolman Marcola Volchekenburger and his holiday: trip to Hollywood . '. . The ac quisition of a four-bit piece which for an hour 'oi so waa . tnougnt to be worth $15, but which turn ed out to be worth only St cents. However, a four-bit piece worta only 60. cents . Is nothing , to be sneesed" at. v1 .,- vr-pi Rul 1 - for r. finding an "adver tisement by means of an adver tisement Index In a popular mag' azIae--TInd,the Index.: Every transplanted "eastener Is eompelled by the weather - news in Ihe papers to struggle against the temptation-to relate tales of weather he has known back yon der.' The temptation fs too strong for most of us But What of It? Yielding, to such temptation is no sin.- It folks yielded to j no temptation worse .than ' this - the amy of the unemployed would be greater than It Is.-A heap of court employes and police r would - be Jobless. , - - - -S. . Only he .jests at cold, weather stories who never frose an ear. To p. W. B So you are at log gerheads with, your - family: and several of . the neighbors as to which member ;-' of ' the -east of t h ; Barnum picture shown her a a few davn ara lis entitled to highest rating- for llidelity to character. My opinlonj slnce- you ask for it, la that Janet Beecher as, "Sally . Barnum" -; gives the best single performance In the production. - 1 "Clotheslines ' are i not what they used to be." - Casual re mark by a Salem woman. Where are the clothes of yester ; ' year? .... A '-. .- The modes ' have ' swept them - ." all away. i And In their stead doth now ' ap pear . t -Ir a jrj. J IV . r i i -0 - AGAIN let me remind you: do , not forget to spray your' rosy deaux and ' twice with lime- sul phur during the month of Janu ary, if you would do all fn your power; to .have disease-fre roses during; the coming summer.. v. Winter 'spraying la , most im portant, and while you are about it, spray the . flowering ?- peach, plum, cherry and crab apple trees, the .wild - currant and the IHae. Lime sulphur spray doee much to keontrof the moss-growths on your JL-lot of your garden time this month, should be spent in select ing the -seeds you expect to plant the next' three months... I notice tho new 1935 catalogues are out On backyard lines. In scant ar- ray,.-; . : r v x-., An ounce or ' two of fllmslness. , Where once were.-pounds of nn ' - ; . derthlngs, .- I ,v .' ' Toys of the breezes' whlmslness, . , Long , arm : flopsj, : grotesque leg flings.- - - ::- Many, a change' has fashion .- wrought -X . . in underwear -that once was . ; ... worn, .- - v . : . -, ' Many an alteration brought To clothing on the body borne; But folks, are folks though.! customs changer : ; New lights blaze out,' old lights ' erow dim. Past to present is eveVstrange (Turn to page 15) - and "what beauties some of them are. One Is a regular mine of garden Information right along with prlcea and advertising-: Blooms With YcgeUbles .-".V, . YouU'want some annuals this summer for eut flowers when the early perennials, roses and shrubs have finished- their first season. Why not try something you didn't have last year; Most of yon have room for few extra annuals stuck." J,nto the . perennial garden or into the - vegetable . garden I like to grow mine In rows In the vegetable garden where 1 can hoe' them and .care - for them . right along with the -carrots and pota toes- - Besides I do not feel : so badly about ",' cutting oft , the blooms. there. - '" - ' v "H, Bust-Proof Snaps '. X '." The new rust-proof snapdrag On should be-a boon to all snap dragon lovers and most, of us are. It was developed by Profes sor Einsweller of the University of California, but for all of' that, it is well - worth adding to your garden this spring. Snapdragons should be started quite early to bloom well this summer.. If you do not have a good place to start them indoors, early in February, It Is almost better to purchase the plants from the professional growers. Perhaps - If we start In early enough asking for them, for if they will carry rust-proof snap dragons this spring- we -will be able to secure them in time toi plant out: of doors for early sum mer Blooming. . y . - From Jotters X received u last summer I knowmany- of" you iavo been .'growing the "Guinea Gold?' marigold.' Those" of "you who haven't ahould try them this year. And this goes for the "Gol den Gleam' nasturtium as well. V , Latest Nasturtiums And now we .have a "Scarlet Gleam nasturtium which, some jot the leading seed houses are ready , to offer for , this spring's planting. It is. of a .dwarf hab- lv uuuuie ana ungni rw..une cant ask ror much more in a nas turtium, : can - one? . ; It Is easily grown and will: bloom in snffi- cieat time If the seed are planted ngni out in ine garden as soon as danger of frost is over. - What to me is a real addition to the newer . things, is the Cos mos, "Orange -Flare." It is deep yellow In color and blooms about four -months 'after the seed, is sown. Also it reaches a height of three or four feet and Is prolific In. producing flewer. . .- . . --t-,Tree Saggetions - Tnere were tnoee ., amog you wno saia last autumn, tnat as soon as the rainy- season had be gun, yon wanted to plant an ex tra tree or, twos--. Some of you wanted a shade, tree, some wanted a flowering tree, and somd want ed "just a tree' tor there was "a vacant look and plenty of, room on the lawn. Did you plant the trees? -. If not. you should be ask ing your nurseryman, to have the tree ready c for planting before -long. , Perhaps yon wanted a tn- - lip tree. " Its flowers are lovely In - June and its green leaves furn- lsh'beaatifttl shade 'In summer and-its yellow leaves add color la autumn. . , , - Or perhaps, it was a Sweet Bay (Magnolia IGlauca), . you had planned to- get? It. has creamy- ' white; fragrant flowers and glos sy, dark green leaves. Not every nurseryman on the-coast earries this, L have found. But there are those -who do. . Maybe it was a flowering Hawthorne or one of the many lovely oaks you . had In mind. - . . - i ' -. - Too" few varieties ct oaks are planted In Oregon, particularly outside of Portland. Last autumn I found some of the most -brilliantly colored oaks In Portland gardens. ' Westerners, it s said, cannot have the brilliant leaves' of the east. Sometimes. X wonder if this lsnt partially true because westerners do not plant the trees that turn brilliant tn autumn. To' a great extent we-, could remedy this criticism, X believe. "- POLLY AND HER PALS The Old Fox! By CLIFF STERRETT ; Have you a imlnd that domin ates over spatter? I ! -; 4 l - SILVERTON HILI4S. Jan. 5. The Silverton Hills Sewing club will meet Thursday with Mrs. L. O. Hadley. All of us have heard of the man whose hair turned white In a single night. Byron mentions him ; in "The i Prisoner of 1 Chil- lon.'f The hills of i Polk eounty. across the river,: occasionally put on such an act. But the man's hair turned white from sudden fright, whereas the! hills become so- from sudden snaw. I note by the ads that zippers are being made a feature of men's trowsers. Uttle by litUe life be comes rosier. Buttons have long been; monotonous of monotonies. I I have resolved that 'this - New Year I will not; put off the doing of Email things rthe things! which must be done, sooner or i later. Entire months and some times years have been lost be cause the doing of small things has been "deferred, f . - P.i S. The foregoinc resolu tion will probably not amount to much. This Is Its 60th birthday and It -has not amounted to much in any. year yet; j Tim Eek. who "was the wit of Plum Junction, I which had a pop ulation of ' nine once said that when he made New Year's re-1 solution he kept lt-Uhldden. Not a bad idea. f . j '. -. 1, - A few of the week's bright spots: Salem's welcome to - the New Year ... Shirley Temple In TOSS uzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER. 2Y 2 VsWA 3 131 21 5 23 2 m 41 4 12 33 34 fi: sa si -i- - HORIZONTAL 1 cut by striking 5 walked -- through water ' 10 away 11 melted rock 15 over 16 around' . projecting part 17 affirm 18 adjusted to musical' pitch , 19 a liliaceous . plant v 20 threatens i22 streamlet - 24 minute 44 attitudinize v 45 colonizing 47 more un common 43 a rodent 49 let fly with 'force 52 character- -. isticof natural -groups - -' 56 ordinary 60 opinion . 4 '61 tree whose . t fruit yields . oU - ' 63pertaining . to the - , 1 . mouth 64 a garden vegetable ' 65 more fasti-' dious -66 magnify ing or : i- diminish ig glass. .67 closes 68 exhausted '1 ll-- register.' 12 a wind in- 1 i atmment .: 13f-icongTegate . .21a food fish Z5 exercised 69 well judged VERTICAL 1 edible , . mollusk j ,1' 2 to own i . 3 baking- : , chamber r 4 a breast- I ' ' work. . - 5 irrigate I ,.6 maltreat 4 v 7 to put on r ', 8 constantly 9 devoted v.4 J 10 wave ' XX showily ' Herewith Is the solution to 20 per?e - 4 127 destined SO large dishes &5 a horizontal entrance to amine 36 robber on - i the high M putrefy. 29 to steal . 1 . from , 140 deserved - 41 plant used ; la medicine' 42-before ! 4 made re- V: - .J.,'' t - .. . ., fMiilitl.WI.XlrwimlnSiHfc the right of suffraee r ; 25 leaps 1 27-j happens f welierm j 284 worship !29 a Chinese ! dependency 81 new .32 mistake ' 133 excite to ! activity . 34 direct the . course 1 86 solemn re i ! .Quests iS7ilver white metallic I element 40 nertaininr . to the cheek goes us 1 rounds 146 acts toward 47 fish eggs 50 harbor 61-i manif est 24-coff - 63 paradise 64 exigency .55 snip ' 57 tract ef the earth's surface 58 number - j r forming a f - company 3-besides 62 frozen . WITH US Y 7 fyS but rrvrrr mt A XRf HOME WnHTO MICKEY, MOUSE D1D I UMDERSTAMD VtDU T&ASK POR A SEALTSKIN SW1MM1SV3-SUIX sutttinison: sizETHLinny-six. 5s 17 MM r'sgtSfr f SHOW MESOMETHlN'lf COOMrSKIN? V. IK COOK-SKIN A DlDVOUt" r-! v isAtried every .& : J f. ''No Parking Without Lights By WALT DISNEY h 5 g KNOW Aoow wxroi 'VlRST TIMEMDU A WE OUS'THOUGrfr' EVER RACEa AmYl I W6D VtSE.VUH . IT. SON ?v-JPTO SUMPTHltfJ VUH SEE -YUrlN VEAH ! FORSOTTD PUT V THATJ5 AWFUL LIGHTS ON THIS IMPORTANT!, pup's harass - Kcmw - . k. Ahaw! haw ! hawI . rkprJ . OH FVTJVi HARf 1 1 lu dc 1 unn 1 1 v v r j . - mam. a . DARK WHEN ME 7 ruril GETS TO THE THATB WOW V, FINISH - , v. A CI mm mm THIMBLE THEATRE-terrag Popeye 1 Now Showing "The Cornerstone of the Law BySEGAR tSrAt 6PCWV. TUMSKfcR 50Ck 1ST lVUrHtY UUtX. j - HE'S OOTXVlNCi UJOOUDNTT 00 Hi IT 1 1- imiwuwimjnwi yvl 1 11 ism u r r r-r iaika H 16 wrvi better ujfvy- riL 5 ta. ' L (WHEReO AVJL THtM rAEH COME FttOM jfijjr if I P Tvy' a have. the. most n KtVbcsrV YlpNt-. -.eFFtciENT oerecTivtiTy T;V 1 VC?N.THRE OOZEHS ) fL- - lSir Svk'rTirAn XT -s N. ?AWE005 VI ill dJ's - (NStfl0O5nfei fA LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY Just Between Friends By DARREL McCLURE My I CHAKK3eX EVEKyTHINO AtZOOMP OLD HOMC eGMifADGP Me OF My I 1 11 rC t CTlDren r - .mi . LOW DOM - PAR.I S- EGYPT- AUA,VS , VOpirilJa PTZOM Puwce -to place j Lire LOST MV VOUU6EC eOBTWEXU &JT iUMAf SI TU PljfTSCTki4-MC . r MAPPCNCO PRQMISCO TO TAKE. ' ri CHILDREN AXVyS SviTEfJOCO TO OO HOME-OT SOMCHCM I KiEVCR. HAt THE: COUQAS& TO Ansrr tmc. MV LOST i?ttv HAPPIM57 TT A.WPOU TH6 CWt-OCCM WEC 1bO PWVCAMC MY. SHARE Of7 TM& PLAMTATlOM MOULO OROVlOe. AMPLB FUMD3 Y r-VOO ARe ThS ONLV FRtCND I HA&., W THE VORUO-I VKT VDO TO KMOW MV.PEAL NAME, IS SrtCtlDMUL JAO!30N ' MCARVAWO-M HOME Id M SOJTHBCOUCH, OeOQ(3A IP ANYTHING SHOULD HAPPEN TO MtOTlPy-J cCg.OCrT TALK Ug f f TMAT-NOTiW AlMT, to you - L TOOTS AND CASPER ! A Friend in Need By JIMMY MURPHY EE. TT JUST BREAKS MY HEART TO HAVE TO LEAVE THi LrTTLEx HOMot BECAUSE MABEL AND, I WERE SO HAPPY HERE. BUT I CANT AFFORD TO KEEP IT UP ANT LONGER, MOW . JOB THAT n -nrn - sr. t ill k!B A III a . II SB ja . 1 ' WELL.fM ALL PACKED 1 id AtZirk uniu n 1 nrakP A LAST LOCK IN EVERY ROOM BEFORE I GO EVERYTHING REMINDS NIC OP HACXLf HERE'S THE LITTLE KITCHEN THAT MAES. VvftS SO PROUD OP, AND OUT THERE , IS THE LITTLE TREE SHE PLANTED WITH HSR 0W1IHAK33! 1 ..VI ... 'B 1 HELLO j CASPER .I I FIGURED .'YOU'D WHEREl DID you come .- ; FROM ? BE OUST ABOUT LEAVING AND i came to take vou to my x house, danny ! you're Gonna STAT:YTTIID3! oh. no; CASPER THAT . WOULD BE. AN in?ccrnc:ij not at all 1 .DANNY TWR DAD REALLY HASNT ROOM FOR YOU AND I'VE A NICE GUtST ROOM ALL WATTING FOR A 6USSTj IZ, MAKE VOURSELP JXT ItiOn DANNV WELL HAVE DINNER AS SOON AS TOOTS COMES IN POOR KID I FEEL SORRY FOR HIM NO UOB, AND NO MONET, MSHJ HIS WIPE HAD TO GO BACK HOME WITH KEJ STEP MOTHER UNTIL HE FINDSV r X!T& J J paratkn water ! ' - t '? : . n -x