The OREGON STATESMAN, S&ein, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, January 1, 1935 PAGE THREE Local News Briefs Wants DivorceMae R. Caspell brought Butt here yesterday ask ing a dirorce from Frank "E. Cas pell to whom she was married in October, 1930. Sho alleges that Caspell did not support ber, that be frequently told ber that he did not care for ber and that be took little or no Interest In ber efforts to keep their family together. She alleges that' ber husband was se cretive and notrfrank in his deal : ings with her. .She asfes the je storatlon of her former" name of Mae JR. Williams. -; Pay Auto In monthly. See Ho mer H. Smith Ins. Agy. Ph. 9184. Uv-.v ! : i Admit Sik Pupils . The eonnty health . department staff la preparing for a rush Wednes day morning of Salem school children requiring health 'permits to return to classes that day, the end of the; holiday vacation. Dr. Vernon A. ; Douglas, health offi cer, : stated yesterday . that a large number ef children were 111 before the holidays started. They must i secure permits of re-J covery from the health depart ment before they can go back to. school, j Tourist Cafe open all day New Year's. Turkey Dinner, 45c. Bank to Quit Bonanza -'The Bank of Bonanza in Klamath county bas gone into voluntary liquidation, as of December 29, according to announcement made Monday by A. A. Schramm, state superintendent of banks. All de posit liabilities have been trans ferred to the American National, Bank of Klamath Falls. The bank' was organized in 1907 and had deposits of 67,516. Resources of the institution aggregated f 85. 030. . ,. j' . . Jan. Clearance Sale. . Dresses, Coat3, Hats. The Fashipnette. .j y. Has- Serious Accident Dr. Mary !(Mrs. S. E.) Purvine suf fered a doable fracture of one leg and a sb rained ; ankle on the oth er limb In a fall at her home last week- She and Mr. Purvine had bought a new car expecting to leave this ;week for California to spend a few weeks but the acci dent put ber in bed. Mrs. Pur Tine is reported as getting on well." I-'!',' Leave for Colfax Mr. and' Mrs. George Cornelius were over-Sunday visitors at the H. R. Craw ford hom'e. They had come to Turner from their home in Col fax, Wash., to inter the remains of the former's father, O. H." P. Cornelius, in the Turner ceme tery. They left for home last Bight. Turnover la 9152,000 The state land department turned over to the state -treasurer during the month of December a total of I152.923.7S, according to a report prepared yesterday by George G. Brown, clerk of the land board. S60O In Estate The estate of the late Mary Ann Schaffera has assets of IS 600 according to an, appraisal filed in probate court yesterday. Joseph Bernt is serving as administrator of the estate. Obituary Jones At the residence, 417 Commer cial street, December 31, Mary Ol ive Jones. Survived by husband T. B. Jones, two sons, Silas R. Jones and Bert L. Jones,-both of Gervais, and a daughter, Mrs. Alta Viesko. Funeral services Thursday, January 3, at 1:30 p. Jn. at the -chapel of W. G. Rig don company. Dr. W. C; Kantner officiating. Vault interment at the Mt. Crest abbey mausoleum. Judson Sarah A. Judson, 79, at the resi dence, Perrydale, Ore.,' December SO. Survived bv children: Anna J. French and Lewis Judson of 1 Salem, George A. Judson of Ore town, Robert L.; Judson of Amity, and Alice French of Salem, Fu neral services will be held Wed-1 nesday, Jan.'2, at 1:30 p. m. from the chapel of W. T. Rlgdon-com-pany. Interment Cityview ceme .tery. ' -t. ,;. ' ' ' . . nciuniKj .. .: John Wi McKlnney at a local : hospital December 29, : age - 79 , years. Late resident of Turner 1 Survived by widows Mrs.-. Minnie r McKlnney f Turner; . daughter, '-Mrs.- Althea M. Presnall and son, - William W. McKlnney, both of . satem;, tour sisters, Mrs. Marina E., Adams of Portland,- Mrs. Alice E-'Tracy of.TurherMrs. Frances, ; O..Uall ;of Turner, and Mrs;. Onle lttJ3awrftK fi.9 PApflanil Km ha Wayro McKlnney ot r Turner;, , grandson, . William . C ' McKlnney . of. Salem. Funeral" services will i Barrick company,; Wednesday, - January 2 at 1:J0 p. m.v with in- ... nnsnt . in Twin Oaks cemetrv.U " Turner. ? ;...;v'"'V-tU--. - Johnson Honored Stuart Johnson, local agent for the Sin Life Assurance company of Can ada, has again been selected as one of the two "Life Leaders" for bis company in Oregon, and will be a guest at the banquet given in Portland January 9., The "Life Leaders club" was; started last year when the manager of each company agreed to select the two outstanding agents in his agency and entertain them at a banquet the evening of the life insurance sales congress which , is held in Portland annually. ! Jan. Clearance S a 1 e. Dresses, Coats, Hats. The Fashionette. Board Meets Wednesday The first meeting of the state board of control for the year 1935 will be held tomorrow, it was announ ced at the executive department Monday. Only routine matters are scheduled for consideration. Gov ernor Meier, who is spending' New Tear's in Portland j and Secretary of State Stadelman,: who is at The JDalles. are expected, to arrive here early tomorrow, i ! j-j Lutz Florist, 1276 3f. Lib. P.9592. 2 Penults Issnncl Two build ing permits,, the last for 1934, were issued yesterday by E. C. Bnshnell, city, building inspector. One was for alterations to the Ja son Leo church, - 808 Jefferson street, -at a cost ,of $48. T. C. Bates received the second permit, for reroofing aj dwelling at 125 East Leffelle street This job wljl cost S75. : 5-s Scarlet Fever; Reported A new case of scarlet; fever in . Sa lem was reported yesterday by Dr. Vernon A. ' Douglas, Marion county health officer. .The patient is a 21 -year old man who came here from California for the Christmas holidays. Dr. Douglas said he did not believe there was any danger of other cases spring ing up from this one. , ' L ; Labor Council Mcetinjc --The first 1935 meeting of the Salem Trades and Labor council will be held at Union j.bjalf' Wednesday night, instead Of tonight, which ordinarily would: be the meeting time. Council t officers will be elected at 'the second meeting this month, January 15. Herbert E. Barker has been president the past year. .MM ; Feller Report f In Final report In the estate of j the late Fred G. Feller was filed jfesterday In pro bate court here; ' Louise Feller served as administratrix x of the property. Cash : .income to the estate was $6037; outgo was $1238. A sizeable amount of real property and. intangible assets are to be distributed to the heirs. Sues on Mortgage -Suit to fore close a mortgage was begun in cir cuit court here yesterday by D. A. Hoag and Agnes jHoag who name Maurice L. Hunt and seyeral oth ers as defendants. The original mortgage was given in 1929 for $2000. Interast is said to be delin quent from last! February; i .' I - Hi , NeW Board XanreoN. H. An derson, L. W. Hartman and A. A. Langhilde, all of Portland, yes terday were appointed by-Governor Meier as members of the Ore gon board of pilot commissioners. They will succeed F.,M. Sweet, As toria, and W. id. i McNaught and Clyde Baabe, both of Portland, whose terms expired in 1931. - , i ' t ri ', ' Barkus Estate Valued The es tate of the late i Edgar T. Barkus contains assets of $18,402 accord ing to an-appralsal filed yesterday in probate court. - Accounts owed the firm in which Mr, Barkus was a j partner, cash, inventories of stock and certain reaj property make up the inventory. ! i , i'H H . . Counties Pay Taxes All but fire Oregon counties yesterday had remitted to the. state treasurer here their 1934 state taxes in full. Klamath county setft in a check for $30,159 which completes Its 1934 payments. Counties yet to re mit include Currjy, -Deschutes, Jef ferson, .Malheur and Tillamook. ' SERA Project, t Shaw An SERA project Hi for J the :; Shaw school east of; Srflem bas been approved, it wail announced yes terday by D. G Metcalf, SERA r placement director. He said four men would be sent there Friday to undertake, the project, one of Improving the school grounds.- , j- . : Stryke " . . . . .. ' ' ' In Portland, December SI, Af i mond Willey Stryker, aged . 0 v years. Husband of Hatha ryn-Stry-f ker; father of Raymond of Sai Mem, and brother of Mrs, W. H. Goddard of Santa Anna, Calif.; 1 Dr'A. C: Strvker of Afton. Iowa. and L. V. Stryker of Oakland, Calif. Remains are at the Salem Mortuary, 545 North Capitol. Fur aeral announcements later; j Coming Events ' January 7 Annual din.' ner, chamber of commerce, Marlon hotel 6:43 p. m. v January 8 Cherrian In-, stailatlon. " j s January ' 9 Willamette onlversity facalty play.So -This la London," high school auditorium. January 14 .! Governor inacgn rated, legislature con enes. January IS -. Eu g e n e Gleenien at annory. . . U : January 23 An toil . banquet Cascade Area Boy Scouts. ' fisic rm to get i HIS LICENSE BACI i Loy Sells Farm Sl 8. Loy of Swigle bas sold his farm to Mrs. James Hetsel and has purchased a place near Albany.. He Is leav ing Wednesday for a three months' trip to ldaho and lowa to visit relatives Upon Ji8 return he will reside on his new farm. i . i-j ;: J 'Delaney Cr ' Recovered , A sedan belonging i to Ji T. Delaney, manager . of ' the .Oregon-Washington Water ; iervlce" company, and stolen Saturday, was, recov ered by police at. Woodbnrn, city police Jiere reported yesterday. 5 Truth. Society ! to Meet iThe. Troth class of the Unity Center, of Constructive -Thinking will' meet at the. Marion hotel, 8 o'clock; tonight. Olive Stevens will lecture on "The High Watch.: : ! ; v i Illegal Lights !- Glenn Powell Eoff admitted driving his car with Illegal headlights when ha was brought before the justice of the peace yesterday,! and his ease was continued to January 10 for sen tence. ; ; .:; ' :-::, V: y :.f r-, j $7600 in TrustThe estate ot Albert Edward i Smith, adjudged Incompetent In probate court here, has assets of $7600 according" to an appraisal filed . yesterday In probate court, f Dewey Smith Is serving as guardian Of the estate. 4 : Final Decree ! In Final decree in the estate ot the late Esther A. Grace . was tiled yesterday in probate court," here.' (Daisy Wood served as executrix, of the estate. The secretary of state's 'office will adhere to a recent opinion f .Attorney General VanWinkle ann refuse to restore the automo bile drivers license originally is sued to Charles FIsk, of Marlon county, it-was announced yester day." .' ' ' ' . : v Attorneys, for Fisk yesterday sent a letter to the secretary of state demanding that the license be restored. .:.J . Fisk wae found guilty - In the Justice court here of driving an automobile while intoxicated and was fined $250 and sentenced to serve a term of 90 days In . the county Jail. Revocation ot Fisk's driver'a license followed. t : Fisk later appealed his case to the - circuit court where the charge " was reduced to reckless driving.' Judge McMahan Imposed a fine of $25, and set aside the previous conviction. ': Attorney 'General VanWinkle advised the state department that renewal ot the license could not be made until the end of the year unless the Justice of the peace who imposed the .original sen tence recommended, such action. No such recommendation . has been- made. ' . EARLY NiB JO I M Sarah A. Judson, oldest mem ber on this coast of the Judson clan, djed at Perrydale "Sunday, December SO, aged 79 years. Her- deceased husband was Robert Thomas Judson, and he was the first boy and the second white child born oh the site, of Salem. He was born in the Ja son Lee house, first residence of whites on Salem's site, still stand ing, at 960 Broadway. "His fath er was Rev. L. H. Judson, who came with the Lausanne party. arriving in- 1840, a prominent member of the Jason Lee mission, first Protestant mission in Amer ica west of the Rockies. , Four sons and two daughters survive Mrs. Judson. The sons are Lewis E., Leonard, Robert and George, and the daughters are Anna ' J. and Alice French. The' funeral will be held at the Leslie Methodist church in Salem on Wednesday, January 2. Bigger Control : ' System Needed Resident Avers That the cuy seeds' a much greater flood eontrol project than it already ha carried out was de clared yesterday by W. F. Wright, 795 South 22nd street,! who mov ed here last November from Cheyenne, Wyo. Water.- from from Saturday's overflow of Shel- ton ditch approached within inch es of entering Wright's house, he said.. It required ' exactly 40 hoars tor the flood water to run off. he noted. Wright proposed , that Shelton ditch be widened and deepened, as contemplated by the city engi neer's staff, and in edition, that concrete or stone sldewalls be set In. D WONTTAKE Farmers Benet From U. S. Aids i Marlon county farmers have profited materially during the past year through the work' of the agricultural adjustment divi sion of the federal "government, Wr L. Teutsch, assistant state county agent supervisor, said while here bj-iefly yesterday. Ag ricultural prices to farmers not included in curtailment programs have also shown gains, Teutsch pointed out, saying that-, 1934 had been a year of material im provement to farmers in Oregon. 30c Special1 Dinner 30c , J NEW "SEAR'S DAY Start the New j Year right with a Lucky Dinner at the ' nORKESHOK . " LUXCHEOXETTE . - 203 X. High St. Campbell to Be Chief of Court I J. U. Campbell of -the" state sUpremecourt will become chief Juslice January 7, Arthur S. Benson, cler-k of -fhe court an nounced MondafTHe will succeed Chief Justice! John L. Rand. Camnbetf haslbeen a member of the court for f oar years. . ' r ? Health Office Closed Officers of the. Marion county health de partment, 201 Masonic? building, will be closed today, toe givethi staff members an oportunlty to spend the holiday in their homss, - s . Report Filed -The annual re port ot Marion Curry, executorpf the estate of the late Charles H. Murray was filed yesterday In probate court here. , Wadsworth Pays Notice that G. T. Wadsworth had settled his 19 SS sUte Ux for personal Income was filed yesterday In circuit court by the" state tax commission. ' , ' Tawiurad Meet . The Central Townsend. pension club will meet at the public library Wednesday night at 7:45 o'clock, ''.with; those interested Invited to attend.' - : : . ' : - -.. . y-'X TTomA IVont Cbass Mrs. HI A. Van Cleave' an ' famUy returned Sunday from a week-spent, at Gold Beach, In southern Oregon, where Mr; Van Cleave Is employed, vv '' Snell Back Tomorrow Earl SnelL newly elected secretary of state, will arrive here, early Wed nesday,' from Arlington, prepara tory to taking, over his new offi cial, duties on Jannary' 7. . r 3 Births : Steeve To 'Dr.' and f Mrs.' Laban A' Steeves, 1635 State street, a boy, Thomas Watson, born December 29 at Salem Gen eral hospltaL Zwicker " To Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Zwicker, 1255 Cross street, a boy, Ronald Roy, born December 23, at Salem general hospital. . ;. : : . ; EGGS and CREAM WANTED l "Will Pay Cash MARION CREAMERY & POULTRY CO. . Insurance and - Real Estate Becke . & Wadsworth . !C3 N. High N Phone 4947 HIS DECEMBER PM Judge James T. Brand of the Coos county circuit court yester day sent to the secretary of state here a check for $25, together with a waiver of his $500 salary for the month of December, .v, . This . refund, Brand said; was made in compliance' with 'a promise" to the State . Bar asso ciation that be would not ac cept more than . 85 per cent of his basic compensation for the years 1933 and i34. Kecoras show that Brand bas returned. approximately $1800 to the state under the salary refund .'agree ment,. . ' Brand said that while he bad no . criticism , of the action of some other judges who refused to. accept a salary reduction, he thought the state should refrain from requesting any salary do nation during the next biennlum. Commenting further. Judge Brand said: "If any action should be tak en Impairing the right , of Judges to be paid and to receive their fnjl constitutional salary by the incoming legislature, I shall feel free td stand upon my constitu tional, rights arid to assert my rlglit ! f or the December, 1934 salary as well." Alice Doer fler Burial Service Set Wednesday Burial services for the late Alice I. Doerfler who died Sunday In Portland will be held Wednesday at -2 p. m. at City View ceme tery. Funeral services are to be held in Portland Wednesday morn ing at 10:30 o'clock at the Ed ward Holman and Sons chapeL Mrs.- Doerfler was well known here. Her mother is Mrs. Will Skiff. She is survived by two chil dren, Irene and Geraldlne, and by three brothers, Horace W. Skiff of Garden Home, G. Foster Skiff of Washington, and Dr. Seymour Skiff ot Portland. .!r Young Gouley Is Given Promotion PORTLAND, Ore., Dee. SI. (Special) Romeo Gouley, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Gouley ot Brooks, Ore., has been advanced to the rank of sergeant in the cadet corps at HJIL'Milltary academy here, ac cording to announcement of Jo seph A. Hin, president. The pro motion followed competitive exam inations prior to the Christmas va cation and was approved by Lieut. W. F. Dilrbin,N professor of mill tary science and tactics at H11L Young Gouley is a Junior at Hill. He returned home for the holidays. I Victim oi Crash , Once W.U. Prof. Dr. Frank E. Smith of Port land, who was killed late Sunday when! he was thrown from his skidding automobile, at one time served on the faculty of the medi cals school of Willamette univer sity. He later was superintendent of the; state home for the feeble minded; under the-administration of Governor West.- Smith after ward practiced medicine in Salem and occupied the home now owned by Justice H. L."Bean of the state supreme court. ' MS C0VGH j)p -'K Real Throat' relief! , Medicated with ingredi-. ents of Vicks VapoRub TTT Chinese Medicine Co. i. l Without ; operation, most aliments of stomach, liver. glands, skin and ur inary system of men and women can be removed by using our remedies. . We have many tbous- indi of satisfied customers .in and T 'j around here who ' C have used our Temedles at one time or other for the last 17 years we have been in Dusiness. Licensed N.'D. Physician. . 893 H Court St. Corner Liberty Office Hours 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. 6 P.SI. to 7 P.M. Every Tuesday :- and Saturday Only 1 , :-- Consultation. Blood Preuare am Urine Tests Free of Charge II PILOTED Without parulofl ot leu t Ubm - DR. MARSHALL , 329 Oxsoa Bli. " Pfcona M0 MiM Sg Merc OTbotl; W3HE 0or doors will be locked and barred all day 'Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, January 1st, 2nd and 3rd, in order to prepare for the' most outstanding sale we have ever attempted in our forty-five years of serving the people of Salem and vicimty. During the hours closed we will be busy displaying merchandise f' pecking tables, racks and counters high with bargains and putting a big fed sale tag on everything in the store. Cantel all engagements for Thursday night, January 3rd! A regular avalanche of Men's Wear Bargains await you! Don't let anything keep you away from the opening of Bishop's Sensational $100,000 Sale! It is truly the most spectacular selling event we have ever attempted in the history of our career. Come expect insr values never before offered in our store and you won't be disappointed. WATCH YOUR PAPER FOR BISHOP'S SPECIAL SECTION . . . . . . UNFOLDING THIS MAMMOTH CAMPAIGN. Featuring Bishop's Well Known StlBlltJG 2 v--' H ARi) &ll AFFPiER & MARX, MICHAEL OTERN. and Jothef r NaUcmaJcmTt ilak w 1 j Hig Grada , aothing is Included in tWs sensational, oiier. . ; . - - i i For -.,vk Q 25 Experienced Clothing Salesmen O O 0 O..: Apjply W