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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1934)
17 Wo Faror StcaysVs; No fear Shall Aire" From First Statesman, March 23, 1S31 . .. THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO. tHAKLES A. Sfsacub v. ;.j . t Editor-Manager Sheldon P. Sackett '- Managing Editor Member ef the Associated Press v The Associated t'rrsa u exclusively entitled to the use for publica tion of all new dispatches credited te U or not otherwise credited In this p"iyr ' ' ' ' ""' '"" ' '""''.- . . . ADVERTISING Portland Representative Cordon a Bell, Security Building. Portland, Ore, Eastern Advertising Representatives Bryant. Griffith Ur u neon, I nc Boston. Entered at (A Poatoffice at Salem, Oregon, at Second-Clast Matter. Published every morning except Monday. Business office, SIS S. Commercial Street. - SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Hall Subscription Rates, tn Advance, Within Oregon t Daily and Funday. 1 o. SO cents; S Mo. $1.25 1 C Mo. SMS ; 1 year 4.eo. Klsew here l centa per Ml. or tt.00 for l year la advance Per Copy J cents. News Stands 6 cents. - - ' - Br City Carrier: 43 cents a month; $5.00 a year Is advance. WEST WIND MZ?e tArovoh wy lip to unaipaiened eartA The trumpet of a prophecy! O wind, :. ' If Winter comet, can Spring be far bekindt Double JOHNNY KELLY concludes one of his interesting columns of Washinsion cossiD in the Portland Oreo-oman with thi remark about the gifts to the White House : "Much of the foodstuff presents was distributed to organl- . sations caring for needy families." ' So that is what happens to the Quantities of fowl, ham. pears. 'apples, mince meat, etc., shower upon, the chief executive. - Ambitious chambers of commerce frequently aid and thing from artichokes to squashes to send specimens of their best production to the White House at Thanksgiving or Christmas time. Alwavs th "firstlino-a f t h fWV" nro chosen for the offerings, as though the spirit of the Hebrew ww-.vw uaMo,c. . , Now these gifts are a generous gesture; and It is always I rcu iui um veouia lo jiuiu me in personal respect; and in this also that humble producers feel of their best produce. But the quite impossible for the president and his family to consume by themselves all that comes president's mind, his stomach Jfres. rait was a hearty eater and Grover Cleveland liked his ingly complained to the reporters he didn't get much turkey himself he was so busy carving second helpings to his family at tne table. Undoubtedly the steward the contributions, keeps as many as he can use, and then with proper thrift and charity disposes of. the bulky remainder as Kelly reports, to the relief organizations. Thus it may be that a family of down-and-outers or a family of shiftless ne groes in a dirty Washington flat tne hocks or tne land, off the fairs and the rare viands from ous uranquette walnutsJnromOregon NicolaiefFs 'Confession : rTUlE "confession" of Leonid X Kiroff at Leningrad follows t 4-. i; jiuzus m lususiuia vr acixnpuct:3 xroiSKy, now in exile in France, and the consul of an unnamed ''capitalist" country. ine confession is conventional the evidence of being extorted mies of the Stalin regime. The enemies in this case are "cap italists" on the right and the Trotsky party on the left. The absurdity of it is apparent to anyone who knows the creat void t)etween these two parties; tneir cooperation be even to Stalin, which both abhor, but Worthy of note, too, is not suffer- immediate extinction terror fell on many not remotely purpose or the reprieve was to have csed him, and then make cation for new policies of repression against all opposition. The confession, we fear, is but the prologue to harsh meas ures. The assassin will no doubt pay with his life; perhaps tne event may be made a public it is also interesting to observe, if Nicolaieff is indeed a follower of Trotsky, that Stalin ipect;' and defending his order views of Trotsky, pure communist and international revolu tionist History again repeats itself. The "ins" fight agains the "outs"; even those who came in by revolution use every means to prevent new revolution. Limiting JTlWO rulings of the liquor commission limiting renewals of "JL beer licenses have drawn opposition. One would withhold licenses from places outside incorporated limits of cities which are not bona fide eating keep beer out of country dance to become mere drinking places. vent licenses being issued to drug -stores and grocers for sale ouirart beer. In respect to the latter ruling Alex G. Barry, a member of the commission, is quoted as saying that the best interests of the community are ments catering to such a wide stores are allowed to serve, side booksxr potatoes and beer. There has been much criticism of the loose methods in selling of beer. The brewers last summer and secured a regulation from the commission limiting the potency of draft will be a further step in better of beer outlets, and particularly frequented by children. i Eventually it may come about that wcci strung nw wc uuuicu w lumbia. :.-":-'vJ;.., irt'i - - Undobtedly these rulings sure on the commission. But it is face to face with the prob lems, has fuller knowledge of conditions, and is anxious to make control effective in a rational manner. On the grounds of broad public policy the decisions of the commission seem fully justified. . .-. .-. . Word From the Blueprinters W nau saveammumuon , i ? tuaiufca la vtcguu a governmental macmnery untu we gee definitely what Governor-elect SA riPTiniTPIV Whar i;nvpmnrjiwt Mrtin' renrnmAnilofiAn. are. Several stories have been intentions to strip the board of to build up a more centralized administration under the gov ernor. The governor-elect has made no public statement yet .of just what he plans. He may not until his message to the legislature; or he may in Imitation of the president deliver a fireside radio talk. The governor-elect's brain trust however is making sev eral recommendations. One Is for a state department of pub lic welfare to manage state Institutions. Another Is for crea tioa cf a new department of Chicago. New YorK. Detroit. Atlanta Shelley Pass etc. which admirers annually abet the producers of every- occuuani or tnt vvnire nruise i democratic country it is well free to make these offerinurs quantities of them make it in. No matter how spacious a has always human limitations. as his goodly girth attested: viands. Pes; Roosevelt jok t . athe white house sorts out may live off the firstlings of prize pumpkins from county Texas, Florida and the bulb Nicolaieff. assassin of Serirei the conventional pattern. It m i -1 . . -1 . in this respect; that it bears and made to include the ene and how improbable would accomplish the overthrow of for dissimilar reasons. the fact that the assassin did though the full fury of the connected with his deed. The use Nicolaieff just as they his "confession" the justifi spectacle as part of the terror. is now "rightist" in this re- against the more extreme Beer Sales houses. This is intended to halls and resorts which tend The other ruling would pre not served when establish clientele as groceries and drug by side, malted. milk, school ' . themselves sensed this reaction beer to S.6 per cent alcohol. It control to restrict the number to keep it away from places ucct pitnuia, as m riiisn Co Av - ; . -: - .; - will evoke strong adverse pres with respect to the proposed Martin's recommendations published, crediting him with control of many of its powers. conservation and development; ACE r , CHAPTEH TTXTX , The. next few days were ment resting and seeing New York. Har row, with Seiko winch alwaya at VC. . I -vrl Tf nt Vav tn f such theaters as were open already, ve njgns ciuus,, ,u ui v ter "rpeaka as she found they were called. To Kay it seemed all this was hsppening in a movie and to somebody else, mese were e places she had read of and the peo ple she saw and was told aha would meet when the time came were . many of them, the people she had thought of as almost legendary fig ures. . In Central Park narrow pointed out a slirht. red-haired rirl whose appearance was vaguely familiar. She was a rising turn star, "in town f or a visit, I guess." TTar remarked incredulously; "But I thought she was dark and slinky, with black hairt" narrow smiled. "A eouple of years from now people may be say ing 'Kay Owen'T Why, I thought she was osr ana aunay wun dims hair." "Wouldn't It be wonderful ? ay sighed. ' ' "I think it would he rather nice; Harrow said. .. . Peta was kept busy durinr the day and at night was usually tired, so Key did not see as much of him as she expected. She wondered alyly if that had been Harrow's In tention. Harrow waa a clever and a subtle man, and mat ter the circumstances, a charming one. Boris Warren called several tunes to talk over the nlay" with Harrow, but usually managed so ret nay alone and- go lor long, awswar y silent walks with her. She had feeling that underneath his blond calmness there was a seething fu tile restlnessness. For all Pete had said, warren mad no advance to her. Unless one thing that he said could be consid ered an advance, cm n was a very .KougharS apparent sincerity: I, should have met -yon many - - - t- fCava renlv "But Td have been a child. I'd have been a fresh man in high school or something." Warren nodded solemnly and set his teeth on his clay pipe. "I should have met yon many vaara are" he reneated. jSiays -yesi comuiueu ur eral days. Boris didnt want her to sea the play until he had worked en it a while and Ben Leschix was still a little too busy with other duties ta begin his program of training her. Harrow seemed well pleased. One night Harrow accompanied aa always by Spike ook her to dine and then for a drive, "Just cruising about" as he called It, a thin? he loved te do. long as ne naa lived in the citr. For Kay, of course, anything she trid in New York was a treat. She was only beginning to feel a reality m tne s icy scrapers. thm handsome hotels, the welter of - traffic, the smart shops and cafes, and the smart people. Finally, they stopped in thi Fifties and went into a swanky mod' . .!. eu- 1V-(.B cnusuc ires uiuwi! n. with Spike on the opposite side of the table scowling out into spaee. they let time slip by pleasantly and paid no attention to the exits and entrances of other people. If Kay had not happened to turn to her purse on the table, intending to get her compact for a furtive peek at the tip of her nose, ahe would have missed what ahe saw: Spike's body suddenly seemed to stiffen; ms eyes sTrew hard and small. 'Kay looked across the room and saw a new party of several men and women in smart evening wear. One of the men short, sleek and dark, his skin olive, his eyes small and black was looking directly at them, smiling zainuy. Turninsr arain to her own table she saw that Earl Harrow, also smiling, and very faintly, was rising slowly. Spike still sat as taut aa a spring at high tension. Harrow walked easily across the room and spoke to the dark man. They began to talk, quite casually, it seemed. Spike's lips did not seem to move, but Kay heard his voice, hushed and significant: "Get a load of that oOy mug. "I have," she said, smiling inno cently, tnougn knowing very well that there was the electricity of suspense, maybe danger, In the air. "Nick Caspar," Spike explained. "He's the guy that's been after EnrL" Kay concealed her surprise. She carried on her auiet conversation with Spike as easily as if discuss ing a minor problem In flower gar dening. "lie's the one of the Wdles,' meni" ri'iIGHSKG s f SILVZRTON. Dec. 28. Mrs. Minnie Groshong, s 4, wife of James Groshong of Scotts Mills, died, at the: hospiUl here :thla morning after a lingering illness. She had been in the hospital about two weeks. Mrs. Groshong, a long time 'resident of, Scotts Mills, was the mother of two sons. Earl and Marion of Scotts, Mills, . and a daughter, , Florence ' Perdue, who came by plane from San Diego prior to the holidays to be with her mother.. Funeral arrangements are be ing made by the Eberhardt mor tuary at Molalla. Martin Arrival . Time Undecided Govern or.elect Martin has not ! decided upon the exact date of while a third proposal is that i permanent government body. 1 r i ii i !i FT) s ra auus we una mis iransitory ooay composea ox one-voo- brilliant intellectual lumens hands and declaring it so good made part of the permanent structure , of the state. Of this recommendation we are extremely skepticaL ' Certainly the brain trust at Washington has by no means Justified itself. We have respect for expert advice and for wise sociological planning; but such a group has tives or governor and legislature. , We are ready therefore to'turn thumbs down on the rec ommendation to make the social blueprinters on the steady I payroll. - A , n t :' tmm Splis nodded curtly. "Yes, their shot"- - "Those were his men In Florida then?" "They were." . Oh . . . I see." Kay befan to marrel at the cool ness of rl Harrow who stood chatting with Caspar as If the man war a pleasant bridge acquain tance. She had seen this sang f roid before in many dangeroua situa tions, but here in these suave, smart surroundings it impressed her mors tnsn aver. What a roin to hacnen?" she asked. . "Nick's role? to ret a slur through his oeltbuckl e if he or any of his gorillas makes any quick moves. Your play is to ease Into -NOW!" : - "Eight now. Only make it smooth and girlish." v. " juty rose, laoghrng aofuy, and excused herself. Walking across the room she almost expected to hear the sudden crack of a pistol, feel the hot lash of a bullet. How Harrow could maintain his poise was mora than aha could under stand. . She remained as Ion as she could Dear ta wait; then returned to the room and round narrow and Snue sitting together, ehattinr. as if nothing had happened. Nick Cas par and a party were minding their own business at a distant table. . ------ "I've nhoned for a eounle of the boys." Barrow, said. "They'll be here in a minute. The sigail will be when a little blonde comes barg ing into the place giggling. Then we leave. The carll be waiting right outside with plenty of rein forcements." It was not Ion before the blonde. in a dishevelled black evening dress, cams into the place titterinr to her self and skipped np to the bar; Har row pantomimed a yawn and rose. Kay rose. Spike rose last, slowly. his eyes toward a mirror, n grin on his battered face. They went out as if nothing mat tered and were soon in another car, a big sedan, riding along swiftly, three men in the front seat. Ill never f arrive myself far dragging yon into this. Kay," Har row apolorised. . "Dont worry about me," Xay said. "It's yon." "No It lint. I can crht ms bat ties, but yon cant tell what those rats are going to do especially after what went on down fn Day- tons." Why dont yen liave tout eaL Ryan, along!" Spike asked with oh. nous sarcasm. Harrow didnt answer, but It was obvious to Kay that Spike still had no faith or love for Pete. They reached the house on Lone? Island without event. Inside, Har row crew Kay to a divan, seated her and sst beside her. "Kay." he beran. "yon mast re alise now I feel about all this. Mine's a funny life. It's been event- f uL danrerous. and sometimes a lit tle sordid, I'm afraid. You're young ana eiean ana yotrre never been in real trouble of any kind that is. untu yon met me. Yet from that first night in the auditorium when I saw you in that amateur nlav I've had a feeling- that we'd find our selves tangled up, pleasantly or un pleasantly. My regret is that there are so many complications ..." "I harent any regret," Kay said. "It's been strange, and a lot of the time mysterious, and I guess you'd call it melodramatic but I like it. Don't worry about me. In a city like New York anyone ourht to be fairly safe. And I'm so thrilled about the play." "I know, but It worries me," he rejoined, drawing back a little and studying her eager face, still rolden brown under the coppery hair. "Kay, maybe If a that I've become too fond of yon." is there such a thing as being too zona ox anyone i sne asxed. " "There certainly Is," he said. "And I must be. A eouple of weeks ago in Florida I wouldn't have be lieved it. I thous-ht I waa merely very much attracted to yon because you were the best the town had to offer. I was lonesome, I'd Just had a little "heart trouble' and I waa in terested a little in your possibilities. It was all very pleasant and didnt seem to add up to .much. Then there waa Fete Ryan and your fam ily and it did seem almost better to let well enough alone. But things just nsppened, cu ant they!" Kay nodded, looking at the floor. "And finally X took a ramble on yon and nearly got yon killed in the barrain. and here we are. TVs only since coming; np hero again that I've seen the situation aa it really Is. Pra afraid I'm even a bit jeal ous, Kay I cant help H, silly as it seems of Pete and of Boris War- Flo&er$ Blooming And Frog Singing To Belie Calendar PLEASANTDAIiE, Doc. 28. - The oat of season flowers are blooming - tn this locality and frogs are sing g despite the calen dar date. At the 8 1 1 a a Johnson farm Chines Sacred Illiea grown in the' lawn are la fall bloom and as largo and normal as is their cus tom of spring time bloom ing. ' his remorsl to Sslem, his office in Portland advised The States man, last night. The lease ha has executed on the S. , T. Pierce home here is said to be effective January' 1 '. and the general and his wife are expected here short ly after that : time. The Martins win be at the beach until after the New Year's hoUday. They left for the coast Friday. the olanninir board be made a . - looking on the .work of their that a planning body should be a tendency to usurp preroga lT-V-f' By ARTHUR r U Y SHUMWAY ren. Can you believe that! Of Boris Warren." Kay nodded a rain. There seemed t be nothing for her to say. -Ana tonight when 1 saw that skunk. Caspar, and realized what a danreveus position I was nuttier yon Into, it struck me harder than ever. Kay, I'm afraid that after 811,1 really am la love with you," ' When Kay heard Earl Harrow actually aay in so many words that pe was in isve wiui her. It was the biggest surprise of the many she ; bad experienced in so short a time. That he had been interested in her, fond of her, that he might have had purely casual designs upon her, yes; she could have believed any of that -But to know that he was In love with her was quite another matter. Ana la icarn it at a time such as this! She was a long time finding an answer. At last she ssidi "I mar seem fennv. EarL amA msybe unapprecistlve. I'm not, you know. I'm not. It's lust that it's all so bewildering. I- - -i pa don't have to tell me," he Interjected. "If s bewildering to ms- r . - . And KST had the' erserlaaee nt aeeine Earl Harrow, called the rn Juan of Broadway producers," grin- run at ner snyiy, as shyly as oyer rete cyan naa at sucn a time. That grin was a strange thing. It was ' disarming: it battered down the re sistance, the suspicion that had been in her mind from time to time; and it bewildered her emotions more then ever. '- T Harrow leaned arer and MaaaA her not aa ha had kissed her the last time, but softly, almost apolo getically, on the forehead. Kay rose suddenly, turned away, tried to ret her breath. "Kay." Harrow said alawlr. "T dont know what's going to happen to us, but Vm going to ask yon oat thing. No matter what I say or do, no matter what Pete or Boris say or do either, promise mo this: that youH bo true to yourself. That's the "main thing: be true to yourself. Do yen understand!" - "I think I do." - GoodgirL" Ho cressed her . hand. L n!rhte said. Kay went to bed wide awak he thoughts racing about excitedly, and it was well into the early morn ing before she fell asleep. Next day. matters became rrsn more complicated. Peta waa net needed in town. When he managed to draw Kay out for a stroll about the grounds, ha had a worried, in tense look that meant only one thing to her. Nor was she wrong. r n i w.,. .1 ji wa uuiu, a can help it, but X ret sort of burned xa kaw mrtA than "Burned np!" she said Innocent ly. "Downtown yon mean!" "No oh, youll think In nit-' wltted, I reckon, but it's just that in so cocaeyea in love with yon, Cant yon see, Kay!? -out wnat s the matter. Fete T" "Everything. In the first place, X shouldn't have come up here -Why not!" "Plenty of reasons," ho mumbled. "You and Mr. Harrow ir Mttfn along, arent you! You're not being silly about that!" "Oh. sura we're retting along. X had him wrong and I'm willing to admit it. And he'd probably say the seme icing eoout me. I cant kick. In times like these I'm getting thirty -five dollars a week and right now my board and room in a Joint like this and I should kick! lent that. Kay. It's Just that you're meant for this sort of thing and I'm not." "I don't know . . " aha aaU aUw. ly. - "But X do. Fellows all go for yon. Publicity. Praise. Admiration. f of attention. Why, if I were to try to hi you aown tne way t cua and marry yon I'd bo doing yon the big gest Injustice anybody could think "Pete, there's no naa our 7Vine this way. We're the best of friends, aren't we! We're fond of each other, arent we! We've been through a lot together and you've been through a lot for me, and dont think I dont appreciate it. But, why not let's be sensible! Lefs let everything work itself out. The big gest thing in my life right now Isnt myself and it Isnt you. Yon know what it la. It isnt Harrow either. If s just one thin sr. a career. I may try and fail, but I'm going to try. ine rest comes alter that. so. why dont yon look at it that way! If you're so fond of me, why dont yon decide to mark time and wait and not let things bother yon! I know it may sound cold and hard. Fete, but yoa eVe. dont yon!" "I see rare," he said, trying to- smuo jauntily, out rnot inaking very gooa jod ex it. : . (To Be Continued) lttt.1 pioraoFiura TURNER, Dec 28. Grave side services were held for' O. H. P. Cornelius at the family plot In Twin Oak cemetery at 2:30 o'clock Friday afternoon. Mr. Cornelius was born tn 1819, crossing the plains when a boy. with his parents. He made his ome at Turner for nearly 60 years, most ot the time he was proprietor of a drug store. After the death of his wife and dae to falling I health he moved to the home ot his son. George, at Colfax, Wash., where he has been an Invalid for ten years and, passed away Decem ber 28.-. ; Two other sons survive. Ar thur C. Cornelius. Corning. -Cat- end 8tockweII Cornelius, Grsnge- vtlla, Idaho; also four grandchil dren, other relatives and a host of trlenda. Suicide Identity CUMf rrT Otlll U nlearnea Officials are still trying to de termine the Identity ot the men's body found hanging from a rope strung over n tree branch on the Frohmader brothers farm soath of Sunnyslde Thursday afternoon. ; Although there hare been sev eral leads, they have all proved to be bund, according to Wil liam Trlndle, district 'attorney. : The case is ssld to be clearly ! one of suicide, and the body was! buried late yesterday afternoon by the county.. H en ; Cy h. J. IlCNDItlCKS ' Six weeks near Astoria " to near Salem and return:- , . S .-.V...-r- - : (Continuing from yesterday:) "We proceeded until . about , noon when my comrades, not - having had the good fortune of break fasting on trout with me, became hungry, and we therefore halted. struct: lire and prepared some food. . . After dining wt were soon ready tor anothe path forward, but . ..our guide ana his comrade refuted to ac company us any farther saying that they were lary and that they should be very tired, and that it waa very far and that we would never get through, etc I expostulated with them and so did Br. S. after which wa start ed, on oxpeoting that they would come on but after we had pro- ceeded some distance we 'discov ered that they did not follow. upon which I want baek and gave them a rallying: but all to no par. pose they said there was but one rosd, and we could go on alone. By this time X was out of patience with every Indian la the world, and determined to return to my comrades and proceed, guide or no guide.' . V v But X found Br. 8. not quite so willing to proceed without mak ing one more effort to prevail on our aisssriectea guide to accom pany us. So X submitted end sst down on a log rumlnstlng In my own mind the Importance of our adventure, the unprincipled conduct or the Indians, feeling in no very good humor about mat ters and things, when Br. g. re turned, having succeeded In ob taining the consent of the Indians to accompany ns, according to their previous engagement. So, forming our march again, we set out with our wonted eoarsg and I presume no man ever cut more brush In one afternoon than I did In that, under the same' cir cumstances. V e "About sunset we crossed a small creek, which we hsd crossed several times bttore through the course of the day, when our guide crossed a largo log and halted un der a large tree, telling ns that we must sleep there, as the road ahead waa very bad. . So relying on his judgment we unpacked our horse. . In the morning early, -, . . we commenced the journey of the dsy. Our way led immediately np a very steep hill. . . we arrived at the summit a little before noon, and we de scended towards the coast as rsp idly as our guide could lead the way. . . . When we arrived at the foot of the mountain we halted at a small stream, took a munch tlunch), and proceeded forward again; and about the middle of the afternoon we fetch ed up on the sea beach, immedi ately at the south side ot Cape Lookout." (They ' bad .crossed over Tillamook Head, probably on in. lmln. m viarir mnt mn nan arrived at Elk creek, north end of i Vinson ue&cu. j e Quoting: "Here our guide supposed he had met his engsge- ment, and manifested his desire to return, we paid Mm and his associate, and, after he gave Wa- kllkll directions for the way be fore us, they set out for their re- I turn by wsy of the coast, which wsy could only be passed by foot - men, and we bent our course for the Willamette, supposing that our worst mountain was now crossed." (They were due for several disllluslonments.) (The journal tells of the easy going from Elk creek on Cannon beach to Arch Cape, then Cape Falcon, and over them, almost los ing their horse and pack and their lives, of course.) quoting again: "About noon we reached the beach (no doubt Short. Sand beach) again. Wakil- all being ahead. ... After we had finished our repast we were obliged to prepare- for an other mountain. (This means they were at what Frost called Neakarny mountain, now known as Nesbkahnle. The origin of the name is disputed. It msy mesn place of the Indian Great Spirit, called among aome ot the coast tribes Ekahni. Any way, it is some mountain, stand ing 1710 feet directly against the salt waves of the Pacific ocean.) - - Quoting: "As Wskilkil had not been this way since he was a small boy, he knew no other trail than the one by which the Indiana us ually pass on foot, which lies along the aide of the mountain which rises abruptly oat of the ocean, and which is aa ateep as the root ot a house along where the path passes: the path was not much wider than a man's two hands. . .. . Below the path the descent in many places was nearly perpendicular, and losing itseit in the depth' ot the oeeaa below, whose angry waves keep us one -continual roar." (The story of how they got over Neahkahnie mountain, with their horse,, by way ot the Indian trail, covers several hundred words. They camped on the trial the first night. .. The next morning they di vided tor their own backs the pack and led the horse. They finally got down to the beach oa t h e south side of Neahkanie. .Indians la a camp they found on the Ne halem river at first ran and hid from them; they were afraid of people who could take a horse over the Indian trail around the iace ot xseanaannie. Being reas sured, the Indians treated them well, cooking crabs and venison tor them. The Coast highway Is to go around Neahkahnie. tor those who wish to take It that way, following closely the ancient Indian trail. It shows wonderfal and wild scenery. But the timid "a wud scenery. But the timid I traveler will probably avoid that route ana go tne inside way.) The party camped tor the nlxht on he north side of the Nehalem, te Indians being curious about their cloth house their tent. Both the whltee and Indians kept guards that night;' each fearing tne otner. Tne horse was swam by Smith across the Nehalem riv er, and the party taken over by maian canoe. At Tillamook bay they picked upon another guide, mano, a Tillamook Indian, who I had a horse. They passed along the east side ot Netarts bay and reacnea uxpe Lookout, thence by1 Sand Lake and oa to the Nestucca. (Frost spelled It Ka-stocka.) The party became lost in get tiag Over the Coast meantalae to ward the Willamette valley, from the Nestucca river. They nearly starved. But they finally came to the upper reaches of the Yamhill river, and. following a trail that led eastward came upon a friend, ly Indian named Wawanahpah. known to Solom&n Smith from his former residence there, and this Indian put them on their wsy to the Lee mission. Their trip took 14 days, seven traveling down the coast and seven more over ' the mountains to the Lee mission, 10 mllee below the site of Salem. (Continued tomorrow.) ROBERTS, Dec. 28, The Christmas program presented by the school children consisted of group songs: prayer, J, P. Dress ier; song. uppr grade pupils; rec itation, Harold Hart-en; "Night Before Christmas," primary room; solo on the ylolin-uke, Bobby Jud soa; "Christmas on Crutches, up per grades; dutU Mrs. Elsie Car penter and Mrs. E. A. Goodrich: play. Hall's Ferry children; play ty tne suncay school. Mrs. Elsie Carpenter, delegate from Marlon county. Is In Port land attending the state teachers' convention. The school children held their Christmas party at the aehoel- house with exchange of gifts after wnicn aamty reiresnments were served. Mrs.McCarthy Rites Are Held Here Recently INDEPENDENCE. Dec. 28. Word has been received here of the death of Mrs. D. P. MacCar thy at the Salem General hospi tal Christmas morning. Mrs. Mac Carthy was the wife of Donald P. MacCarthy, hop grower. The Mac Carthys lived fn Independence until three years ago when they moved to their farm on the Ma rlon county side of the river. Mrs. MseCartby Is survived by her husband and one son. Eu gene, . Funeral services were held from the St, Paul's Episcopal church In Salem. Rev. George IL 8u1ft officiated. Interment was In the Belcrest Memorisl park. Cololidation Talked For Farm Loan Group SCIO. Dec. J 8. A special meet ing of the stockholders of the Forks of Santlam national farm loan association is to be held at the city hall In Scio at 1:30 p. m TflMdir. Jinninr tn MnpMav 1 consolidating with the Lebanon 1 unit. The regional head of the movement at Spokane, advises consolidation In the Interest of economy and efficiency. Linn county has five units, one each at Scio. Lebanon. Sweet Home, Albany and Harrisburr. Geo. C. MUIer, farmer near Scio, is secretary-treasurer of the Forks of Santlam unit, Ira B. Serfllng being president. - - The annual meetinr of stock holders of the Scio unit is to be held at 2 o'clock on the same dsy. Granger's News Column MONITOR. Dec 28. Mr El. len O. Lambert of Stayton, as in stalling officer, assisted by Miss Ella Williams of Star ton as mar- shall, Mrs. Amelia Von Ermon of Stayton as regalia bearer. Mrs. Carrie Tyler' of Monitor as em blem bearer and Mrs. Effie Swee ney ot Monitor, chaplain last Thursday lnstaUed the newly elected officers of Monitor grange.. Mrs. Elsie Van Cleave acted as musician while Miss Ma bel Straw and Miss Lucille Liv ingston were the soloists. L. R. Lambert accompanied the group from Stayton. HOLIDAY PHI GIVET1 AT BOBEDTS n t k l w n i t c o m b bat sta Single room with bath . ; . 3)150, $3.00. JOS0 - , ; Double room with bath . $3.50, H00, SS-00 Two rooms, baih between (foorpenons) 16.00, $7.00 . ? " A limited number of rooms without bath: Single from $L50 - Double from $2 " ' .- .' , V , ' , h Dining Rooms and Coffee Ttrern Garage under same roof no ir eil vnnircoitfD AT CI VI SAW p n WeeJa-Drety Ca Operators else operating the William Tartar Hotel, SeaFrsocttco hz Safety Valve UUerg frota Statesman Readers : Salem. Or Edltor Statesman, Salem Dear Sir: . It is Indeed pleaslni" to know how the people hire shown the Christmas spirit t remembering the ones in need. There ts how ever a cuts of people who tare not had the pleasure of sharing in these gifts. That Is old men and women, mostly tnn. They ware not sUghted, just no one was In- tereatea to loos tnm up. Now as there are a number ot our people who are wantlna- tn giro these eld . friends a New Year's dinner. I am asking yon to publish this and if any who are interested will drop a card to The Ststesmsn, I will be glad to see them. 4 It. U, Old Timer. EXTEfiSI071 OF PGE Open loans of 17.109.000 by the Portland - General Eiectrie company to the Chase National Bank of New York City and to the Harris Trust and Savings bank there, can be renewed under su authorisation granted yesterday by the utilities commissioner. The loans were originally snth orized In 1930. The new renewal runs until July 1, 1937. Some progress has been msde In liquid ating the debt. The commission also author ised the Portland Eleeirle Power company, holding company for the Portland operating conctm, to Issue collateral trust income bonds to the amount of I1MS1. (00, These will replace present debenture notes of the company which carry straight interest and will provide that Interest pay ments bo contingent on surpluses paid the holding company. They will not be In default until the equivalent of flve-yeafs' interest is passed. inn OFFICE JANUARY 1 While new city councllmen will not attend their first meeting ot the city "dads' until Monday night. January 7, their term of office will begin Tuesday. Janu ary 1, Chris J. Kowitz. city sttor ney; announced yesterday. Of the six new men to serve the city the forthcoming year, one, Ross Goodman, is already serving since be followed F. U Wilkinson In tbe fifth ward. Wilkinson was not a candidate for election and held office only until his successor was qualified. The five ether new men on tbe council will be Cuyler Vsn Pattea in the second ward succeeding Sam A. Hughes; E. B. Perrine la the first wsrd succeeding V. E. Kuhn who tskes office January 1 as msyor; W. D. ETsns la the fourth wsrd succeeding Alderman Henderson; Fred Williams is tbe sixth ward succeeding Watson Townsend; Merrill D. Ohllng in the seventh ward, succeeding Dr. O. A. Olson. Control Board Will Not Meet Till Next Year Members of the state board ot control will all be out of the city until after the New Year's holiday. Secretary ot State Sta delman left yesterday for The Dalles where he will spend tbe year end. Governor Meier and State Treasurer Holmsn wiU both remain In Portland until the hoU day Is finished. Earl Snell, newly elected sec retary of state, left yesterday with his family for. his former home la Arlington. They will visit there until next Wednesday. Colds That Hang On Dm'I let Ueea ret starte. Tlgi tfcett eaicklr. Creeieleiea CfabiM f Sell la aae. Pewerfal tat keraUeea. PleeaeBt te take. Ke aareetiea. Tear araffUt eataertieS ta refwaa year aaeeey ee tse ipe U rear eeaca a caia te aei relieve br CreeeMlaioa. as C A C XX IT T CTX 71 C I S C O Jasaes Weeds, Fraidaa Ernest Drorv Maaaeer