PAGE FIVE eg"e' Heads Cazwitious . ara Discussion . of Proselyting, .The OREGON STATESMAN, . Salem, Oregon, Friday. Morning Decenber 28. 1934 r : i 4 f V r r QUERIES MM, FEW ANSWERED Speakers' Plead in Vain for Definitions of 'What. 5 is Right, Wrong NEW YORK. Dec. , Spirlts were .wniipir' but tongues were weak tcfffry'. as !250 college leaders attacked"' the- problem of subsidising schoolboy athletes at the round table session of 'the National Collegiate Athletic as sociation? and succeeded only In getting a ' new Idea or Cornell's now. famous stand on the sub ject. " - - " The- 'deans, athletic -directors and football coaches of probably 100 colleges - and . ' universities gingerly tossed the subject around and committed , j them selves ' only " with a unanimous show of . hands In opposition to -illegitimate subsidization." Even that expression was re luctantly forced from the gath ering by Z. G. Clevenger, direc tor of athletics at Indiana, after Dr. Edwin Fauver, of Rochester; Fielding Yost, of Michigan: Ber. nard Oakes, of Montana; Dr. H H. King, of Kansas State; S. L. MacDonald. of Colorado State: and Dean H. L. Saekett, of Penn State, all-had pressed either for definitions of. proselyting. , subsi- I dizing and recruiting, or had pleaded for clarification of the subject. , Dr. Harmon, - of Boston unl-, versity, alone would" answer his own question, "Do you feel that an "'institution owe a student something for the time lie spends practicing on a football ..; field?" Ills answer was "No." The closest anyone came to defending subsidization was Oakes, who explained carefully he was not in favor of athleti scholarship?, but did believe that as long as schools had athletics and no athletic scholarships the evils of subsidization would con tinue. - I He Insisted wealthy alumni will always adopt financially worthy , boys who are athletes, to the mutual advantage of both the school antd the boy. He sug gested that bringing the matter into the open, through athletic scholarships, was the Wealthiest method of dealing with the prob lem, more honest of the schools, and fairer to the boy since it did not start his college education in deceit. - ' - APPEAL STARTED IH SLOT DEVICE CASES Transcripts of appeal in the five clot machines cases arising out of a police jaid November 10 were sent upo circuit court Thursday afternoon, thus further paving th way for a legal showdown on whether or not such devices may be confiscated by, the state. ,ln each of the live cases, Jus tice of the Peace Miller Hayden assessed a $50 fine, and upon mo tion of Deputy District Attorney Lyle J. Page ordered confiscation of the machines, which in all to tal 13. .' No evidence for either side was introduced In the lower court; attorneys' electing to make. one or more friendly test cases out of the actions. Slot machine arrests have been recurrent from time to time, but up to the present the maximum fine of $50 in the lower court has been about the strongest blow dealt . through the courts. .-" ' : ' f -'"" . Wether or not the cases will come to trial during he January term of circuit court, which opens the 7th, the county clerk's office had no information yesterday. ' Only four or five cases have been set so far for the January term, which means that there is room on the docket for one or more of these test cases. ,' AUTOMOBILES KILL HARTFORD, Conn:: Dec. 27 - (Ph-At least. 36.00ft persons in the United States were killed : In automobile accidents in 193 4, year-end statistics of the Travel ers Insurance . company, showed today.- . - ', ' - . " .. The death and Injury list for the year, the Insurance company report' said, - marked the h Lg h point in destruction on - streets-f and highways. . The record showed a person kill ed every "15 minutes and one in jured every 31 seconds in automo bile mishaps.'', . J v V - While the death rate showed an increase of 16 per cent over 1933, the statisUcs.sbowed a decrease in the frequency. o$ accidents. . ,. Every section otihe country re flected the' Increase in automobile deaths. The .middle Atlantic states. Including New Yok, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, showed the slightest increase, however a gain of less than one per cent. Hotel de Minto Offers Concert Another concert program to which the public is Invited will be held at Hotel d Minto.-federal transient relief station, the night "of New Years day, It was an nounced yesterday by Supervisor R. R. Boardman. The program will consist of . orchestra , music. readings and dance numbers ar ranged .by W. T. Van Slyke. END Temple Gridmen " V Preparing for the New Year's Day Tulane university In the "Sugar Orleans, "Pop" .Warner's Temple ball squad is pictured during a practice -session and Smith. , FOR SALEM STARS PORTLAND. Ore- Dec. 27.-JP) -High school football stars of two states dug their cleats in eagerly today as practices started for the New Year's day charity game here between Washington and Oregon senior all-stars. , On the north banks of the mighty Columbia river the Wash ington athletes paraded their brawn and football technique at Vancouver, Wash., before- Coach Porter Lainhart of Woodland, Wash. Slmth of the Columbia Coach Eric Waldorf of Jefferson high, Portland, rallied together some 15 Oregon high school seniors, told them they would be up against a beefy Washington crew, and lost no time giving them power plays. "I've never had a first practice yet where, every player was there," commented Waldorf as he summed up his -squad.' V - , ';: : "Just give me another guard, and Jimmy Nicholson and Don Coons of Salem, and I'll have no alibi." - Nicholson is the ball carrying halfback upon whom Waldorf . is counting and Coons is an end. Drager, Salem tackle, was on hand and Waldorf said he might, use him as one guard. Waldorf said he would arrange transportation for Nicholson and Coons. STANFORD ELEVEN PASADENA -Calif., Dec. 27.- (F)-Anotner iootoaa team pre pared to paint the Rose Bowl red New Year's day reached Pasadena today when Stanford joined Ala bama. Coach Claude "Tiny Thorn- hill led 17 of his husky Indians from Talo Alto, to town. the rest of the squad having come ahead for the Christmas holidays. There was a reunion of the Car dinaJs this afternoon at Brookside Park when the first practice in Sonthern California was launched, coacn unornhiu reported all his I players ready to start. Bobby Grayson and Monk Moscrip. in- jured stars, were prepared to go into the backfield and at end, and game time win una me western- Au I w. ..L 1 . . 11.: . 1 I cto m mum ucuci cuuuiuuu man was tnougnt possible three weeks aE County Officials To View Graders All members of the Marlon county court, Hedda Swart, coun ty engineer, and LeRoy Hewlett, newly elected commissioner, go to Portland today where they will in spect some graders, one. of which the county intends to buy for use on its roads this spring. The com missioners Hind the county judge will also -attend a meeting where 18 -counties in the state will be presented In a joint effort to get more favorable-action from the federal government on the return of Oregon & California land grant tax offsets. BEAVERS RUN AWAY ASTORIA, Dec. 27. - (JP) - The Oregon State , college basketball team trampled the newly organ ized Astoria, town team 60 to 16 here tonight. . Holiday 12 Makes of Washers 2 '!:.: $34.50' 5 Makes of , Refrigera- &waa3 $65.00 5 Makes of Electric .Mixers , "1 O Kfl as low as D ItuU S I GENE HOGG EROS; Appliance Store 325 Court St. Work Out lor Sugar Bowl" Tilt v . v contest against Bowl" at New left to right, on Cuxzyhski, Captain university foot- Wise;, in the backfield, Watts, Smucklcr, - Frey Caustic Carries on By CAUSTIC It Johnny Oravec hasn't already started for San Francisco, we ex pect to see him thumbing for a ride out on South Commercial street today or tomorrow at- the latest. Word that his arch rival, Bill Shepherd, who nosed him out for national scoring honors, has graduated to a starting position in the East lineup for the Shrine game, must have Imbued Johnny with an ungovernable desire to see the. lad perform. O . Johnny may go south with the . Idea of picking up some new tricks from his former neighbor - Mar land is Just a slice of Delaware away from Johnny's native New Jersey, in case j our -eastern geography is hazy and possibly with a hope of learning the secret of scor ing 130-odd points instead of 120. Our suggestion to Johnny would be to stay home and ar gue "Spec" and "Les" Into COLLEGE CAGEMEN PLAY IK PORTLAND PORTLAND. Ore., Dec. 27-UP -The University of Oregon and Oregon State college basketball teams will alternate here tomor row and Saturday nights in games against Multnomah Ath letic club and Union Oil of Port land. " Tomorrow night Oregon State's steadily improving sharpshooters will open firo against the Mult nomah club while the Webfoo'ts meet ' the Oilers. Saturday night Oregon State will taki orf the Oilers while Oregon meets the clubmen. , Oregon's games will test the Webfoot reserve strength as sev eral players were crippled in the games against Southern Oregon Normal The . Sons overran the W'ebfoots for a pair of victories early -this week. Glen Sanford. guard, received an Injured hip expected to keep him on the sidelines several days, Sam Llebowitz.- sonbomore flash. emerced with a bothersome char- iey horse and Rob Miller, reserve i center and forward, received a broken hand. Budd Jones, called (home last week when bla mother died, will join th eWebfoots here. sfcSlIXXVILLE WINS PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 27.- (jPV-The McMInnville high bas ketball team defeated Washington high 29 to 24 here tonight In a game so close that neither coach ventured to substitute for his starting lineup. -, VANDALS WIN OUT . MOSCOW, Idaho, Dec. 27.-fl) -Coach Rich Fox tonight used ev ery man on his University of Ida ho 8quadvto find a combination J that would beat Ellensburg non mal 34 to 25. Broken Celluloid Mended Good as New ..Guaranteed Watches Cleaned Jl to I l.5d CLAUDE MIX . JEWELER , . 470 N. Com'l Busicks Market Royal Vacuum Cleaners with moto r. driven ar;. $24.50 Used Washers Phone 6022 Specials Electric Ironers as rir$35.Q0 the line, Anderson, Russell, Stevens, Miller, Doherty and . Johnny must have yen to see Shepherd . perform . in S. P. ; 16 to 6 is vote of experts, favoring 'Bama. scheduling two games with Whitman. Sixteen out of 27 leading coaches queried by the Associated Press yesterday picked Alabama to beat Stanford; six picked Stanford and five straddled the issue Here's the roll call: Alabama: Co well, New Hamp shire; Elllnger, Dartmouth; Mc- Laughry, Brown; Layden, Notre Dame; Bezdek, Penn State; Ing- wersen, Louisiana State; Stnhl- dreher, Vlllanova; Casey, ex-Harvard; Anderson, North Carolina State; Tost, Michigan; McGugln, Vanderbilt; Schmidt, Ohio State; Bachman, Michigan State; Moore, Louisiana State; McCabe, Holy Cross; Harpster, Carnegie. Stanford: Blaik, Dartmouth; Crisler, Princeton; Martineau, Princeton: Gustafson. Dartmouth; Stevens, New York U.; Friedmah, City College of N. Y. As for those who think it's a toss-up, what's the use of listing them? . O Naturally, wa wouldn't haz ard a prediction right in the same breath with those experts, but it will be interesting to see whether Frank Thomas' "hard work program or Tiny Thorn- burs "let 'em rest' strategy produces the better football on New Years day. It's a long. tough season when . gridders have to keep in training four months, and Tiny may be right. (SIHIEIFEIE,S Day In and Day Oat 135 N. Commercial St - Phone 5197 The Original' Yellow Front Drug and Candy Special Store of Salem - ! When you feel the severe pains of RHEUMATISM and are lame, get quick relief by rising the old reliable prescription by Dr. Cook. If You Use SchaeferV . - is one of the best tonics you can take during the winter months, to give you the necessary vitamins, strength and vigor. ,. If You Use Schaefer's to break up that cold, you win not suffer so long. Try them ... . For that cough that won't let you sleep and makes all day an ordeal, use Schaefera. . . Pleasant to Take When your feet hurt, you hurt all over, and corns make it "worse, but if you use Schaefers you will be relieved of -Nd relief no pay. $1.00 Beef Iron and Wine ,............1..59c , $1,00 Hbt Water Bottle ZC1 :::39cr 75c Theatrical Cold Cream :jj:z:Ade 25c Rub Alcohol .....1..2 for 25c 25c Talcum Powder L... ....:.......2 for 25c " 50c Tooth iSrusn I;:.....: 3-J25c RULE CHANGES Drastic 'Alterations to Be Asked in Football Code . but Coaches Oppose n By ALAN GOULD NEW YORK, Dec 27.-UPV-A1- though SO per cent of the football coaches Toting on the subject have gone on record as flatly, op posed to any radical -changes in the college gridiron code for 1935, it developed tonight that, a list of fnine proposed alterations has been drawn up for th consideration of the -national football rules com mittee.- ' ri .. I.- This list, which' will be put be fore the annual., business meeting of the American Football Coaches', association tomorrow, includes proposals to put th goal posts back: on the goal line, permit for ward passing from any point be hind the scrimmage line, and al low the defensive team to advance with a recovered tumble, j It was made clear, however, that a substantial majority of the coaches do not favor these or oth er drastic changes. - Of 101 replies received to a questionnaire of rules, 58 express ed complete satisfaction with the 1924 code, 23 suggested a few mi nor changes and 20 voiced dissat isfaction or urged drastic chan ges. . , Through a standing rules com mittee, of which Lou Little of Co lumbia is chairman, the Coaches' association will convey the minor ity recommendations to the na tional rules committee,' meeting here In February or March. The complete list of nine proposed changes follows: 1. Return goal posts to . goal line. 2. Allow incoming substitutes to communicate. 3. Clarify rule on definition of when ."forward progress" of play er In possession of ball is stopped. 4. Permit forward passing any where behind scrimmage line.". 6. Compel - umpire to notify coach when legal "time-outs", ex pire. . 6. Allow defensive team to ad vance recovered fumble. " 7. Allow any forward pass into end zone (except on fourth down) to be ruled as incompleted pass. 8. Apply penalty for second for ward pass, during same play, to be inflicted from spot of foul and not as spot of preceding down. 9. Apply penalty for attempted lateral pass that results in for ward pass from spot of foul, in stead of spot or preceding down. SOCHI and Very Effective pain, and. corns in a hurry'.' I ' J es Eagles Take Victory and $ Will be Fed Free scoring so equally divided between th teams that th oat come was la doubt until the clos ing minute, made a thrilling' bas ketball game oat of th Eagles Knights of Columbus contest on v Mom Resolve to practice greater economy but not to sacrifice qual ity and goodness. Piggly Wiggly will solve this problem. . S u nri s? Coffee I You can pay more,' Harvest Inn Corn No. 2 cans fancy golden bantam, cream style. Bleacher' UrCX f Cleanser Quart.... .10c P L aunclry White Eagle, full size CLAMS Tomatoes 2Yzs size cans, with puree. Baker's Breakfast Cocoa ...z lb. can 10c Log Cabin Syrup ......medium size can 37c Maxwell House Cof fee.k......... lb. 30c Johnson's Wax . ..... pint 59c Johnson's GloCoat pint 59c Durkee's Mayonnaise pint 25c Waldorf Tissue .. .. 3 rolls 12c Scott Tissue ......3 rolls 22c .Blue Label Jar Cheese... ..2 jars 25c Italian Prunes ..3 lbs.'.14c - ... v. r ' Campbell's Soups, Assorted ....3 cans 25c Tuna Flakes, V2 -- ..2 cans' 19c Piggly Wiggly Flour hardwheat 49s $1.69 H. D. Jell Powder . .............3 pkgs. 14c Sugar, Pure Cane .... .10 lbs. 50c Milk, All Popular Brands ..............can 6c Eagle .Brand Milk .......can 19c White King Soap Powder, lg. size pkg. 28c Hot Sauce ... H-OOats Pan Toasted and Steam Cooked ST.??:........... 27c Medium slxe, ' 2 pks. 3C POTATOES ONIONS BANANAS CARROTS ORANGES Tender - For Baking or BACON GROUND the St, Joseph's hall floor Thurs day night. The Eagles won, 4S to 19, and are to ba as a result guests' of the Knights at a dinner in the near future. .. - . : '. The Eagle1 led 17 to 11 at half time but the score was tied at 2S all early in th fourth period and from then on it was a scoring race. ."Doc" Allen of th Eagles led both teams in looping the hoop with II points. In a preliminary game the Sacred Heart academy team de feated the Calvary Baptist church qunltet 37 to 1. but you can't get better coffee Soap white bars. Royal Chef Minced 3 .3 cans 10c BEANS RICE Lone; Bine Oregon or Washington No. Oregon No. 2 Solid Golden Ripe Fresh, Crisp Extra Large QUALITY Fat Fricassee y SQUARES BEEf 1 Eagles (43)-'. (30) K. of C Nash 2.. ...... F.... ..2 Kebt Bone 11;...... T....... 2 MIT Allen 16.......C...11 GenUkow Scales 7.. ..... O.. 11 Herberger Schmidt 7......G.. ....7 Frank . S. "..-.. Amesd - Referee, Frank Bashor. , . Acajemy (37) (19 Calvarf Peterson I .'. . .F.V. ..2 Harm KOenig 19..... C. ....... Roen Welsner 2......Q Sweigert Haxelton ...... G........ Rose R, Gentxkow ...S. ...IS Wagner Allow. . H Salem ppuncli25c 2 cans 25c L2Sal.17c 10 bars 17c 10c can cans 29c Del Monte - SALMON : Red Sockeye Is tall can 17c Del Monte . PINEAPPLE Crushed or Tidbits . ; ' can 6c Del Monte GRAPEFRUIT Whole Segments No. 2 cans, 2 for 25c WHEATTES Give as much body heat as any cooked cereal. Package 11c , White Rover DOG FOOD' Made from pure reindeer meat. . 2 cans 15c 4-: pounds . Small White Idaho Grata Rose 50 pounds 3QG 10 pounds pound S3 10 pounds H5G .' dozen 2QG -1.1 EATS Vegetable Shortening pounds Ec lb lb. SQ.G