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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1934)
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem; Oregon, .Wednesday Morning. DeceaTxr 2S, 1934 PAGE-SEVEN i , . - 1 . 1 ' . . . 1 ... . .. . . . . . i i.i i ii . m . . . a a Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Ad-ertlsii Single Insertion per Has 10a Three insertions per line ................. SU Insertions ar 11ns.. lOe Obs month per line.. 11.00 Minimum ctarg ...... lie Copy for this page se eepted until 6:30 the eTen Ing before publication for classification. Copy re seised after this time will i i be run under the heading Too Late to Classify. -The Statesman assumes no financial responsibility7 for errors which may ap pear in advertisements pub lished In Its columns, and la cases where this paper la at fault win reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake occurs. . 'The Statesman reserves the right to reject objec tions! advertising. It tor ther reserves the right to classify, ail. advertising n- der the proper , classifica tion. SITUATIONS WANTED Prc fiTin.. hrmy train. 91 1 Milt FOR SALE Miscellaneons " Angora rabbits to let on shares, TeL 168 or call 2526 a Com'L St. Apples 25c, walnats 12 H and Us. lira. Wright, (ti ml. Wallace rd. Old paper 10 pr bandit. State nan fflc. Christmas Flower a, Adams, Florist. Fire Brick and Red Brick At your own price. J Inquire Light -Plant tVILLAMETTE LUMBER CO.. Dallas Vi-mvuin ry-Lft Established Restaurant for sale. Now doing business in Salem, downtown dis trict Good location for beer. Address Box 804 care Statesman. TRADE Miscellaneons WANTED Wood at $6.60 in ex change for surgery or obstetrics by E. E. Getxlaff. M. D. SIS First Nat. ftank'BMar. Snlm. Tel. 4948. Res TT71. MISCELLANEOUS ..-.....-. Vi'i'iVftVAWWlAAfl Free We pick op dead and worth horses, cows, sheep. TeL 4888. Haircuts IBe-SSe. SOS a Winter. Anywhere for hire. TeL JS80. 170 Eingwood Ave. ? ' ' ' - -i-i-ii-'ir.--irnn ruxa Saw repairing. Salem Saw Shop. Four Cnmn Pew Road Tel. 4280. ROOM AND BOARD Try Sharps for board and room. Also table board. 860 Chemcketa. FOR RENT APARTMENTS TeL 7tt4 22tl HaxeL Furnished apartments. Inquire Pat ton Book Store. . M. ,-,-wvvrxXJ z room apt, light and water. 2421 N. fmrrh. FOIt RENT HOUSES 1 w m m i i - - ---aArvini'njxriru-n I . Houses. -Melvln Johnson, TeL S72S. Houses Forkner 1252 N. CapltoL -fpy?. h0U8e' adult11- 735 N- Com'- Modeni S room house with raragre, 1S8S Fairgrounds Road." See KRUE GER. 147 N. Com"L FOR RENT Center Street home of 8 rooms and basement, recently renovated, f 2 0.00 per month. CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors SI4 Btate Street Tel. S70S. FOR RENT 4 rm. furnlnhMl M n rtm.r t Yin, .t.. Iieat, fireplace and garage. Large un furnished apartment, also sleeping rm., twin beds, near state house. 14S N. 14th street or 619 Court street. Winnie Pettyjohn. - For Sale Real Estate - ......... . . -unjTjum SPECIAL TTOMB! RlRniTKI -, -uooa Oood I room plastered home with modern plumbing, garage, . electricity. A real nice home, late construction. ". . b all cash. little Must I 850 Five room plastered bungalow ; in gooa conqmon, garage and ' wwKunea. icatea in w. Salem. 850 Modern S room plastered horn - located at 1060 Rural avenue, paved st, garage, 3450 down, bal. term. Near schools. ; 11450 Modern, six room plastered home, late built. Eng. style, fireplace, built-in kitchen, gar- . age, on paved St., and bus line. ... 1,25 down, baL terms. I"P0 Modern. S room bungalow, all . nice large rooms, full cement . basement, furnace, garage, oa paved st. Located In N. Salem. 8350 down, baL terms. f :700 Attractive, modern duplex v bora with eak floors, fireplace, ' v cement basement, furnace, laun ' lry trays, electric ranges. dou ble garage, corner lot, on paved i 1 t. Present Income 829 per mo. i? 8300 down, baL term. 13150 Modern S room home, all large rooms, excellent location, only S blocks out, basement, furnace, fireplace, extra larg living rooms, bus line. $1350 cash, baL asy terms, 11950 Attractive six room modern horn In excellent condition. Eng. style, located near Leslie Junior High. 41450 cash, baL ay term a, A WONDERFUL VALTJE. - - . . - BEK US FOR BAROAINS VT. IL QRABEMHORST A CO. Realt6rs 134 So. Liberty , TeL 8488 HOLIDAY SPECIAL Immediate, possession of a ' neat I room residence with nook, bullt-ins, , best of plumbing, wired for electric i range, fireplace, hardwood floors ta part, full basement with furnace and , laundry tray a Double garage. T blocks from court house. Price 33,000.00. One xourtn raen, naianc easy, CHILDS 4k -CILLER. Realtors 344 Ptate Btreet TeL 6708. FOR SALE FARMS GOOD FARM BUT i 137 acres, -few miles out on Market I Road, two houses, on 7- room snd vuo . nwiua i nam uu vuiduuu' Inge Electricity amllable. 35 acres In cultivation, 1 acre orchard, - balance pastur and timber estimated .1000 cords. - Price only $4,109.00 , with , i CHILDS A wr.t.ffri. Realtors 114 State Street . - TeL $708. TaMe board. ,yery close tn. B4t2. FOR SALEFARMS 14 A. ta Polk county, 8 tn cultira tfAM A A mkAM A A mmimam K A 1 uumi ev -"a uuhici w yi uucsi v -at applet, I bead ot horses. It head of caiue, rooa Diags ctxxi sou. ss&uo. its A- no in cultivation, is mL north, ii A. In crop, 4t A. timber and Dasture. water Dined to bldro.. 4 a. nice cherries, 84S per A. $1000 down. 1H A. close to Salem, s room mod ern bungalow, barn, garage, chicken house, filOO. Terms. I from. ME-.VLN JOHNSON TK Court St. . TeL 8718 Business Opportunities Reliable manufacturer doing national business has opening: for reliable man. No selling. Good weekly income with opportunity to acquire the business. 1300 required, secured and returnable. Give address or phone. Box 305 car Statesman. MONEY TO LOAN Automobile and Chattel Loans 1 te 20 months ta repay at lowest Ds stnie rates. GENERAL CORP. A local eorooration 1st Nan. Bank Bids. Phone 8558. ucensed by State CHATTEL LOANS CARS R E-FTN A NCKD WILLAsfETTB LOAN CO. TeL 8877 605 Guardian BM Salem 8-134 Stat License No IC-US. 5 Farm Loans 5 Meaty f money fr wen Unproved farms If amply secured. Imprere or buy new with cheap money. Ask for ooaiet -wiiiamette vaiuy nrm" uawkins ans Roberts, ino. A COMPLETE SERVTCT ON LOANS UP TO IS00 LOOK WHAT TOO GET! L CASH within 41 hours. S. Choice- of 4 Loan Plana S. Liberal terms, 1 to 20 ma to repay. . rromptness. . courtesy. . PrlTacy. Beneficial Loan Society of Salem Member of NRJL. Room Its. New Bllyh Bldg. 2nfl floor Ut'LDSKO KO. S-1ZJ A AI IC5 by STATE Sit State St. TeL JT 4 t ians Made In Nearby Towns LIVESTOCK and POULTRY - -- i"-i-i-i..-....lniri nPLtin,nn For Eale 27 A neon a pullets and one rooster. Some of the pullets starting to lay. esc each for the lot. TeL CS82. FOR SALE WOOD It In. old fir. 15. 4 ft. drv 2nd rrowth 1 cd. lota $4 cd. 4 ft. ash t-TS. TeL STKft. Dry planer and alah wood. Promnt aeiivvrr. t el. sbs. I - -- - -" -iii"i"iri'wni-Lna.ixn.rurLn Dry 2nd growth, $5.50. TeL 4527. GUARANTEED DRY. wood c TeL S000 Salem Fnel Co. Trad cottae-a. Dry old fir. 2nd rrowth wood. crcenea nog iusl tna ti. wells. Good dry wood. TeL 8254. Dry wood that Is dry. TeL 112-F-22. WOOD SAWING ------'-v-v-- i-vb-u-uultu njnnnrui Wrvxl ii wing rwwntmMt. Call 2ftft. LOST AND FOUND ---- - -.-l--M-ruXl-LnfL LOST Elk tooth, mounted. No. 2297. PERSONAL sneaks -----a a. - -,-.---tftrtrinjuJ-( GORDON FLEMING, READER. USO r KKKT ST. I FOR SALE USED CARS W y V JVXAJA j VALLEY MOTOR CO. Used Cars and Trucks W have 4 arood buva left in 'S4 V-( Ford Demonstratora 14 Victoria '14 DeLuxe Sedan, air wheels. 4 Regular Coach, air wheels. pf ada our price '3S Ford Coach . 8525 '33 Ford DeL Coup '38 Ford Coupe 'St Chevrolet Coup '28 Hudson Sedan 649 395 385 125 245 245 65 . 445 200 100 290 I '28 Franklin Sedan 288 -zs Packard Sedan 845 '2S Hudson Sedan , 78 '31 Chevrolet Coacb 29 Ford Sedan 27 Chevrolet Coach 30 Ford Coach TRUCKS '31 Ford long wheel base .$300 . 300 . 495 . 200 400 . 350 . 150 '22 Ford, lung wheel base I 33 i-oro, short wheel base 'ZS Chevrolet, long wheel bas zs uoage J-yara gravel dump I'81 Ford 3 yard gravel dump , I '39 Ford wood truck TERMS - - TRADES Marlon and Liberty Open Sunday. TeL 7910. -- - - i-i-Yi"-l-yi-yirinrirrin.ruLrf '25 Star Tour $25. 1720 Broadway. 1930 Chev. Coach. 2143 N. Com'L Bonesteele's Used Cars 1933 Ford Coup .$485.00 is ora uoacn, new airwbeeis ana raato 485.00 295.00 1930 Ford Coach ' 1934 Dodge Sedan DeLuxe, run coo miles. Form fitting trunk. Deluxe accea A- Ouplicate glass 850.00 1934 Plymouth DeLux Sedan, run 8000 miles 695.00 198$ Plymouth Sedan , 1936 Franklin Sedan 695.00 195.00 1924 Studebaker Coune 35.00 Watch for Important radio an- nouncement December 25th 5:45 to 6:00 p. m. Columbia broadcasting sys tem. Bonesteele Bros.. Inc. Visit our used car lot for real burs . uuu . . . - .- ... 649 4S9 43S 145 liVtr.i..Minh W;l HOWEVER fmmmmmiwiffltA to y X f - Kv 7-W -i FOR SALE USED CARS BORREGO'S BETTER BUTS 1S Cher. Coach f 391 12S Chrysler Six Coup 105 izs Chrysler rour Coup lit 192T Stud Sedan 1SI 12T Buick 8edan - 1 1127 Dodre Roadster ti lszs Dodge- Sedan . ss 1024 Ford Tourln 25 we bar several otber cars to choose BORREGO'S CAR MARKET 240 N. Liberty St. TeL SCIS. Santa Comes Through Door but Kiddies at Santiam Happy Cheer - - , i NORTH SANTIAM, Dec 25. The entertainment at the school- house Friday night was attended by a large crowd. Each room pre sented a very good play, sereral readings and songs. Two musical numbers by the Fowler orchestra. a reading by George Miller and one by Grace Rhoades. - Mrs. Leiand Kietniey sang a solo with Miss Smiley at the or gan, waldo Riches gare a read ing, it Was the Night Before Christmas." Just at the exciting moment when Santa Clans was supposed to come down the chim ney, he did Just that, only through the door, much to the delight at all the children, and chased the reader right out ot the room. There followed sereral moments of real excitement dellrerlng pres ents and candy. "Light That Shines" is Pageant. Rosedale ROSEDALE, Dec. 25 The pag eant, "The Light That Shines,' written by MIlo Boss, was present ed last Sunday night at the Friends church. Ereryone attend ing spoke highly of the message It contained. The pageant had a combined missionary and Christ mas motif. - Scenes were laid In Bolivia, South America, where the Friends church has missionary work. ' Characters were: Two Indian women, Ena Pearson and valleda Trick; Indian of La Pas, Leslie Ladd; four Indian chiefs, Lloyd Brown, Wilbur Pearson, Virgil Trick and Arthur Bing; mission ary (Carroll Tamplin) Paul Cam- mack; Mrs. Tamplin, Helen Ross; two missionary children, - Glenn Pearson and Charles Hamilton: other Indians, Shirley Hamilton and Helen Beckley. Milton Bing was electrician. - Wilmer Brown and Eileen Ken wortny, ootn or Portland, were guests of the Ross family orer Sunday. Floyd Bates and family spent Christmas day at Prairie City with relatives. VISIT AT SUBLIMITY SUBLIMITY, Dec. 25. Mr. and Mrs. George Silbernagel ot Sck and Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Claus and son, Edwin, of Flor ence, .were visitors Sunday at the S. J. Starr home. Mr. and Mrs. Gudell Mack, Mrs. Margaret Mt chels and sons, John and Rich ard, of Waghougal, Wash., arriT- ed here Saturday to spend Christ mas with relatives here. MRS. WALKER VISITS WEST STAYTON, Dec." 25. Mr. and Mrs.. William Walker (Ruby Corns tock) is here from Cherryrille, Wash., rlslting with ner parents, v Radi P rogram Wedne4ay, December 26 row POET-AHl) 630 X. 7:00 Harveat of Sobs. NBC. 7:15 Flereifd Trie, NBC 7:30 Ronald Back. 7:45 Tom MitehaU, KBO. 8:15 Tony Wons, KBO. 8:30 V. 8. Army band, KBO. 9:80 Edna Mae Jaeka, piaaist. 10:05 Mickey Gillette Muaie. ABO. 12:00 Glenn Shelley and Clarenca Tol- naa. 8:00 Coaeert Trio. 8:30 Mirk.y Gillette Or., KBO. 4:00 Pickena Biatera. NBC. 4:15 Oriental Gardeaa orchestra, KBO. :o taaie &ing. 5:45 Nomad a. KBO. 8)0 Amos 'a' Aady. KBO. 10:15 Tom Coakley's erchestra, KBO. -arcnie Jaoveisna s orenettrs. 11:00 Affibsaasdor Hotel ore belt re. 11:30-12 Bart Woedrerd orehaatra. KEX POBTUUTD 1180 6 :30 Concert. Ke. 7:45 Baada ea Parade. 8:80 Popular Dance Melodies. S. -05 Wyoming Kite Hawks. 10:30 Boaald Back. 10:50 Mills Bros. 11:00 Brasdcstt to Publie Schools. 11:45 Tedeling Ropers. 13:00 Ramblers, KBO. 13:15 Weatera Tana snd Home Hear. 1:30 Financial aad Grain Seporta. 1 :45 Oparatia Gems. 3 :05 Musical Gems. 8:85 Daace Matinee. 4:00 Friendly Chat. 8:15 Eddie King, pisnirt. ' 0:15 Wrestling boata. 10:85 New Dance Tnses. 10:45 Tom Coskley'a orchestra, KBO. 10:55 Prase Radio Kews, KBC. 11:30-13 Dance Frolic. XOAO OOXVAIXIS 650 Xs, :00 Home Kcenomies Observer. WILL SCON -Rie T1WE WE WILY ALL. FAU. Aftl.V VEWt 4a)k.K-V f VOL) WILL AU. LEAVE. MS CON.0 X WOULTl "TELL, VOL) ONmiN6r EPORB OUR LtTTLE - MAD AMD IVE icrmetcs amo AN TA CHI Business Directory Cards in, this directory rtm oa a monthly basis only. Rates S1.0O per line per month. ' AUTO BRAKES Mike Panek. ITS Booth Commercial BRUSHES I Poller brnsbps. TeL Prondflt. T582. CATERING Corns chicken tamaUea, TeL SI4L kolbrook' chicken tamalea TeL L 1 CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 44 80. B. HL Northnes. CHHIOPRACTOKS DIL a L SCOTT. PSCL Cbiropi-ctor. SSS N. High. TL Re. ST 11. r DENTISTS- - Dr. SL Deris. 101 Oreson Bid. TeL 7113. ELECTRICAL SERVICE BOSLER Electric, 24 tat St. Wlr- ins, motors, appliance, rrpaw, ser-ice. FLORISTS Bretlhauptr. tit Ceuxt. yri- kinds of Coral work. Lata XTac 1st. 127t N. Liberty. TeL GENERATORS Generator and armtur exchange. 25IS Portland Road. HEMSTITCHING Hemstitching: ti. 16th. etc Mrs. Hlday. 1210 - LAUNDRIES THE) NEW SALKM LAUNDRX THki V1LU-1 LAUNDRX X(t a Uixh TeL sua. CAPITAL C1TT LAUNDRX First la Uuailu and bervio Telephone SltS 14 Broadway. A1ATTIIESSES UAPIXOI. BKDDLNU CO. Phon 40t. SALE I FLUFF RUCJ and aiattress Factory. H&W LATTK-3 mad t order, old remade ; carpet cieanins, sU- UUt. liuu rua we vws. w aui at u bur Tel ltL OT'iO F. ZWICK-Ui. KsC 191L MUSIC STORES UEO. C VlLLr-FuuMMW radios sewing machines, sheet must and pi-no stu dies. BepaU-lna radios, p-onocrap-s and sewt-s mm. hi nes, 412 Mat nuu salem. FUOTO ENGRAVERS merclal. TeL tltl. PRINTING KOa STATIONERS, cards. pt-Blh lets, programs, book or any kind et printing, call Th tttatesma Prlntlna ueparun enu at w wwimwu -ew phone 10L RADIO SERVICE Moore'a TeL 799S 49 N. His;h. SHINGLES Cedar shingles, shakes, posts, gravel. for sale. AL D. May field. Kola. T. S701. STOYES I repair stoves, ranges, clrculatora Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and circulators, stock fence, posts, chicken wire. Salem Feno and 8tv Works, 362 Chemeketa. TeL 4714. K. B, Fleming. - TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage. call 1111. Larmer Ira aster Co. True to Portland dally. CAPITAL C1TX Transfer Co. SI! Stat St. TeL T773L Distributing foe- warding and tofg our spec-Uty. uet our rates, Willamette Valley Traaafer. Salem te Portland hauling. TeL 8718. I Anywhere for hire truck. Special rat I on town naming. ie az ia. HAND WEAVING Exclusive hand woven bags, scarfs, pillows and ruga. Itagoh Hand Wear era, 860 N. 20th St TeL $830. WELL DRILLING R. A., West. 8 years expert-, BvD 7. Bo 80S Tel USPS. 13:00 Kooa Farm Hoar. 3:15 -Guarding Tour Health. S :00 Homemakers Half Hoar. 4:00 On the Csmpnses. 8:00 Opera Stories "Tales ef Hoff maa" 6:15 Press Badi Kews. - S:80 Kvening Farm Hear. 7:30 The World la Beview Dr. Victor P. Morris. 7:53 Municipal Affairs. FOQ RED, POLVS jANO AFTER E r, VEW VOU KJC7W-T "BELICVE. X HAVE; TW. CtSTVVr "FbETTER TMAN ANY IVE HAD MAhiV C THEA - , "Dpsvoies tx e.l Mies, X NfcVfel HAO AMV - WEN OF OUW CVJN, FILIPINO ATTITUDE to u. s. era ---- Value of Free Market Here Realized on Eve of . - Independence " By E. E. BOMAR MANILA (i!p)-WIth Independ ence near the conviction that their continued economic prosper ity depends upon the free Amer ican msr&w is giuwiuf aiuuu Filipino leaders. . Simultaneously there is a mark ed change in their attitude to ward the United States..., Attacks by Independence ex tremists on "Yankee imperial Ism" hare been silenced. In their place has come a widely-publi cized and well-financed campaign to maintain existing free trade re lationships, both before and aft er the complete political freedom scheduled to come at the end of a 10-year transition period. - : ' Uncle Sam Beaerolent Uncle 8sm"Jha become a bener- olent gentleman wim traae reci procity candy in his pockets. Sin ister designs, formerly ascribed to America, now are credited to Jap an, whose trade In the islands has been fast Increasing. What would hare been rank heresy only a few months ago, when "immediate, complete and absolute" Independence was a pol itical shibboleth, the new that the transition period is too short, new Is openly adrocated by conserra- tire natlre business leaders. Outstanding among these Is Ar- senlo N. Lus, former president of the Philippine chamber ot com merce and of the Manila Rotary club. Senator Clara M. Recto, presi dent of the conrention which is drafting a constitution for the commonwealth goTernhient, urged In an address the fostering ef'ec- onomlc collaboration with Ameri ca," and warned of "real danger" from Japan's "Asiatic Monroe ism." Americans Join Campaign The constitutional conrention roted down a motion to Include in the preamble an expression of gra titude to the United States for the grant ot independence, but leaders were careful to explain this meant the conrention merely considered it out of place in the instrument since the legislature already had unanimously appror- ed a resolution of thanks. One derelopment has been to align American business men, op posed to Independence, with the Filipino political leaders In the campaign to gain favorable modi fications of the Tydlngs-McDuftie independence act and. later, an ad vantageous trade treaty. The Philippines also hopes to hare eliminated the excise tax on coconut oil roted by the last con gress orer the expressed opposi tion of President Roosevelt, and to aroid further NRA restrictions. Church School Puts on Program, Turner TURNER, Dec. 25. Th Christian church Sunday school presented Its Christmas program Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Numbers riven were: "Merry Christmas," In a reading hy Ar- lena Buschie; song, "Why Do Bells for Christmas Ring," by the. intermediate class; reading, 'Christmas Package," Gertrude Cook; Luther's cradle hymn hy the primary department; reading. "Mother's Christmas Fairy." Bet ty Bouschie: reading. "Ill Tell Ecuador Envoy Aateat C azalea Thk Is AnUnio a Gonralci, f New York Qty. who has been ap pointed minister to Ecuador by President Roosevelt. Gonial succeeds Eoj T, Daria. ClOC -TUCTOa ,IBO .. 4J.J ,' -.- s -l I VI M-XSEL AlslO MORE CHILDREN TO CE IcTfPT KAPW. AMO CXJT? rjQ ECAMI! SO fl& WE HAD TO PxlLAJPT. AMD 'RiT -ru?sP rRarr c--rrQit:c- . a-t V,f i 2r r-Wi rwy irvi we. WO-TO HA VVDU W1-1 OLIT ttPeFfT(J: K3 ADC ruef uiik - THe VOpT Gi3CW X OPPO-E 1XL Bet SUPPLVINO VOUR OWM CHU-TTf4 AND CQANDCHILTXM -CVe "DAY. P X TONT CAT TOO MUCH TX THAT COME i-EEP -X LTPPOSI- WOUS .AFSOLTT GOING TO 1?ETU(eKl C T3:HOMS --X'M VOU OP -TOO 1 Santa, Eugene Powers; clarinet solo, "Star of th East," Forest Bouschie: o e a 1 duet, "Silent Night." Helen and Helena Wit- teL There was a Christmas treat tor alL - -. Rebekahs at Turner Fete Holiday Spirit TURNER, Dee. 25. Turner Rebekah lodge members enjoyed j a Christmas party at their hall Wednesday night which followed the ' regular lodge meeting. The families ot the members and a , few friends were guests. A Christ mas tree furnished treats for all and gamea provided entertain ment for the group. Refreshments i were serred at a late hour. Mr. and Mral U. S. Talbot will! entertain during the holiday sea son for a son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. LaRue : Stevenson, and son, i Ronny. and a daughter and hns-j band, nir. and Mrs. Ed Waggon er, and C. White, all of Seattle. TO BUILD BASEMENT TALBOT, Dec 25. A special meeting of school district No. 1st was held Saturday afternoon la the Talbot . school at which time it was roted to put a base ment under the ichoolhouse, the labor to be furnished through the SERA. HACK FROM MISSOURI ELDRIEDGE. Dec 25. Mrs. A. L. Collins who was taken 111 while en route to rlslt friends in Missouri has returned to her home here. Her condition Is reported better. Shererly Jean Nusom, of Clat- skanle, is spending the holidays with relatives. General Markets psosucz zxc-uuros PORTLAND. Ore- Dee. 21. (API I .produce eaaare, aet prices: Batter: Extras.' 2Ve: tUadarda, He; prtate lira la, urtts. I7nt cta u. 8. apeciala. See: U. S. ex- traa, 25c; U. 8. madiaaa extras. Sic. Portland Grain PORTLAXD GBAIX POBTLAXD. Ore- Dee. 24. (AF ! l-rala lutarei: Wbeat: Open High Lew Close May 83 SI S3tt SSVa July 78H 7H TSVs December 80 V SOH SOH BOM Cask: Big Bead blseatem. SSe: dark bard winter. 13 per ceat. 95c; de, 11 per ceat, S7; weatera wait, 80c; soft waits, sard wtater, aortaera sprisg, weatera re, sic. uata, AC i waite. S3S.50. Cera, Ke. 3E yellow, 843.38. Millrua staaeard, 821.50. L Portl-uid Produce 1 POKTLASD. Ore Dee. 34. (API ceiuo: iueeipta. 400: calves. SO: 10- 15s higher la spots. Blears, goo, com tea sad Bedis L 33.35-5.85: kaifora. good, -eommea aad medium, f 3.85-5.50; cows, good. moa aad mediam, 83.50-4.35; low cat tar sad eatter. 31-2.25; bulla, good,; veaiera, gee aa csoiee, S-o ; commoa aad medium, $2-6 : calves. and choice, 4 0; commoa aad, mad. iu at. 834. Host: Beceiota 2600: 50a er stare higher. Li.btwelx-t, xood and choice, 35.75- 7; mediam weight, good aad eheiee. So.25-7: hairyweight, good aad ca oi 35J5-S.50: packing (ova. mediam an good. 84.25-5.25; feeder aad atockar pigs, good aad choice, 34-5. Sheep: Beeeipta, 800; steady. Lambs, good aad choice. 85.50-6.25: commoa snd medium, 84-5; yearling wethera, 33.25-4; ewat. good sad choice, 82-8: call, commoa and mediam, 81-2-26. PORTLAND PBUDGCB POKTLASD. Ore- Dec 34. (Ar) Butter Pnnta. A trade. 8Ze per lb. la parchment wrappers, 83o ia cartoas; B grade, parchment wrapper. 81 He; car aoaa, S3 Me lb. Buttertat Portland da-verr. A grade deUveriea at leaatV twice weakly, 82-84e lb.: country roateaX 80-83s lb.: B grade. or delivery lass tha twice weekly, Port land aaUTary. l-3o id.: u graae i markat. Exxs Sales to retailers: Serials. 80e; extra. 28e: freak extraa. browaa. 28c; ataadarda. 25e : fraeh mediuma. 36: med ium firsta, 24c; fraaa puiieta. xis; ehecka. lie: bakera. 21e dosea. Esse Buying rice o8 wholesalers: Train sseeiaU. 36c: extrss. SSe; freak extra browaa. 2Se: extra firsts. 31s; pullets. 18: checks. le; bakers. 27s doiea. Chaeaa 93 score, Orego triplets, 15c; loaf. 16V4; brokers wUl psy hk below oaotatlana. Milk Contract prlee, 4 pcU Portland delivery, 83.30" cw; B grade cream. 27e lb. ' Coutrr Meats Seuinr oriee t-ilarat Caoatrv killad ho-a. beat batch- are, nndar 150 lbs- 11-11 Ms lb.: veal- era, faaer, S-8e lb. .light aad this, 5-7 s lh.; heavy. 6c lb.; eatter cow. 4-5 lb.; eaaaers, 3s lb.; balls. 4-5 lb.: Umbs, fancy, 11-llHa lh.; ewes, 4-e lb. -Mohair 1BS4 bwla srice. le Tb. Casear bark Bujiag priee, 1984 r 1 ll Ik. . Hops 1984 elnatars, 8-13 Ha lb. Llv pealtry Pertlaad delivery bay In r nrieea: Colored kens, ever Stt Ibs- 13e per lb.: de. under 6H lbs- 18 lb.; Leghorn fowl, ever S lba, lie lb.; do. under S lba. 10-1 le: eelored spriags. 1H te 1 lbs.. 1314a lb.J broilers, under a lbi 1617a lb;, reoaters. Se lb.; Pekla ducks. He lb.; do, coUred, 10c lb: geeae, 10-lle lb. ' ' ' ' Onions vreroa, si eeniei; xaxuaa. I1.25L50. PoUtees Oregoa xsuroaaxa, boc i 1 . Tv 1 . . Mf 1 .1 ' tel. " ; . Wool 1934 clip, nominal: Willamette aUey, medium. .. 30 lb.; fiae er half blood. 80s lb.; Umb,xl8s lb.; aatara Oregon. 17-30 Tk. , Kay Bujiag pries from producer: Al falfa, Ke. L saw crop. $17; eaatera Ore. gen Umethr. $17.50: ata. $13 tea; WU lamett valley timothy, $14 toa; clorer, $13 tea, Pertlaad. :iTEO "TO AOOPT ALL. "THE. XlTOlE IN MT 1 SJiKWIV f3nO "TUIfT OM& vrElNT7EEJ,-0rr OL, UOKO toer WCto. THEM.OS5 MOW IT'S VATB AMD rVB ALL WEED YCXJa-arVVOTHEt? AlslD TCOLV At?e rE:TTiW- , C ArJO NrgOrlD3?lr4& LONGCI 7VK AIRFATV - "T v - v - m r Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 per ceat milk, co-op pool price 92UM per hundred. ;. f-tmt bases a se-l swfsTy sattrUI arcraf4 Distributor price $2.10, -tatterfat Top S0e and 81c; B grade prints SlHct A grade prints 82c . rrleee a! s rrewer ky talesi ksrera. veeemser 23 fTse urleee bei. eepsned y lee tree- are ladleaUr et tae daily Marks, est are rnarsateed kj Tk fitttae- "-.i reciT. (Barisc Price) rrasDerrles. k sbL Grtpefrait, rioriaa 1.8 te .M te S.8S OrasefraiL Arisoaa tA9 Oranges, travel, taaey Choice Je rearee, kaadle 3.40 te S.SS -2.09 ts ta LSS Bananas, Uv. ea sUls Haa-s Jtk . JO -S-M S4S , " LOS Lsnoas Um. (reek Graf Epperers LSS to LOS I Apple, ftasael -4 Y0TBXS (Bayiag Prise) Baolakea. . -te . Ai to -Jf' - .S t JJ SOe to -A 1 Caahflew Cabbare, wt local araat eaMece Greea Sepsen. local. Is. , . at -eesi eaieas, so lea. .- J Lettaee. Oelifersia 1.00 to SeUify. Sesea t Beoasa. Habe-i-e aad ----- jftl C-rreta. leeeL Sos. J Leeal Petateas Ke. L kaadred . Ke. X. bBDdr4 . Taklau. SS lbs. , Rveet oetatees X.TS ua at ITS as 4 as as as as as as as I California seas caiuoraia eeaas Tonstoes, Clif ra iioens Walnuta. lb. Tarnipa. dea. Endives, Sea. lUDaa kroecoU. lam omii. aoiea flora (Banne Prfeat natter, 1914 lb. Us ' at rnf laa. 134. to IK KemIal E0O9 (Baying Prlee) Extras at ao as as as as as at Staadarda Madianu PalleU wseieaaie Baumj p cxtrae Standards Vadiame . PulleU WOOL AXD MOBAIB (Baying Prlee) 1914 clip a market wooL 1934 -2s Meoalr. Media Coarae aad Cae wooL 1914 JS POULTIfl IB viae Pri al Heavy heat. 4H to 5 lbs. ai .ii ji s ji as U4 ao Over 6 sounds, lh. Colored mediuma, is. Medium Leraorua. lb. Utrht. lb. Broilers, celered. 'Leghoras, lb. lb. Mara, i Turkey, kens, lb., ton BUT I Burins Prlee) Lambs, aader SO Iba. 5.55 te S.TS Over SO Iba. 4.75 te 6.2S Hogs. 130-16 lbs. COS 170-310 lbs. S.2S 210-250 Iba. , S.7S Steers - te 8.0 Cows t 8.0 Bulls te S.7S Heifers M te 4.00 VeaL top o t 5.5 Dreaaed veaL top -OS Dressed koga , ai GHAIS AND BAI (Baring Prlee) Wbeot. weatera red .Tt .8 White. Se. 1 Barley, feed. Ke. L tea .28.0 Maltiag. toa .84.0 .3 8.0 .20.0 Osts. millisg, tea reed, ton Hay. buying Clever hay .10.0 .10.00 Oats sad letch, ton . Alfalfa, valley as.o Clover Seed Bed. lb. Aliika. tb. .as . as .80.0 Tetch seed, toa Collegiates Trek IHloiTie to Hllbbard HUBBARD, Dee. 25. -All Hub bard's college students are home for tha holidays, Marion Carl from O.S.C. bringing Al Rosen berg of Portland to TlslL Home also are Betty Brown from .Uni versity of Oregon, Dorothy Scholl from O. S. C, Crawford Bates from O.S.C., Helen Knight and Franklin deLesplnasse from Wil lamette university, and Marie deLesplnasse and Frances Loft ier from Monmouth normaL NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT OP EXECUTOR Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of tha State of Oregon, for the Coun ty ot Marion, as Executor of the last will and testament' and 4 tate ot Frances M. Richards, de ceased, . and that ha - - has . . duly qualified aa such executor: all persons having claim a against tha estate ot said decedent are noti fied to present the same, duly ref ined, to me, at tha office ot Ron ald C. Glover, my attorney, 205 Oregon Building, Salem, Marlon County, ' Oregon, within six months from the date of this no tice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 2tA day of December. 1134. ERNEST C. RICHARDS, Executor of the last will and testament and estate of Frances . M. Richards, -De ceased.' RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Executor, Salem, Oregon. ait J.2--lC-2S. THE. WCXLD AT fBAIV EACHVTA5? -ecamb o CCXJeS - , THE. VJTTLE . vz. criw-vA v-. WHEKi VtTJ AJ5E. AFCrT) IVE WEPT COME. ALON& nnnnrniTiirr ni i uuurtuA ivt ru HI FOR HD - ! Farmers' Union at Marion to Sample Flour With Idea ; of Cost Cutting ? MARION. Dec. IS. Ther I was the usual good attendance) g. p. TT ... 1 fc vrw, f ,IWTI, bJUUU UVJCfc Ing Friday night with a. keen In terest and cooperative spirit shown. Warren Gray, county president. I gave the obligation to the follow ing new members: Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Hartshorn and son Or rille, E m 1 1 Schumacher. Mrs. j Charles Sarrer and Mrs. Georgw 1 Miner. . I Installation of officers vtll also In charge of the county president. The chairmen of the following committees for the com ing year were announced by th) president: Purchasing committee- Warren Gray; marketing, George Kappaur ; ; gooa or. -1 n e oraer. James Wilson: public works. Her man DeLangh; publicity, Mrs. Robert Kemper. , , ! Samples ot flour hare been re ceived from sereral milling com panies and lists are being made relative to cooperative bujisg which will be done in the rery near future. '1 -The program committee . con sisting; of members whose names begin with 'R and "S" preseat ed a eomedy, "The Wedding ef Augustus Peabean and Perliaa Egg-plant." that caused laughter from start to finish. To add te the mirth there was an exchange ot characters, the women acting ' as men, and the men taking th part of the women. i . Standing Room Held at Premium, Program SHELBURN, Dec. Zl. SUnd-. Ing room was at a premium at lh Cole community club Friday night. An excellent program was presented by pupils from tha - Munkers, Shelburn, Cole. Queener and ML, Pleasant schools. Amll LIska has finished clear ing and otherwise Improving his a farm. Miss Helen Miller, daughter of Mrs. Moyie Miller will spend her Christmas Tacatton at her home. Helen Is in nurse's training at tha St. Vincent hospital In Portland. BAPTISTS HAVE SERVICES PIONEER, Dec. 25. A Christ mas service held at the clua housa Sunday afternoon, with. Rer. G. Neumann ot the Salt Creek Bsptlst church holding tha service. The msle quartette with Harry Markwart. John Welb, R. B. Lang and Mr. Neumsn, with Mrs.. John Weibe at- the piano gave seTersl numbers and Rer. Neumann preached a sermon oa Christmas. NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT OP ADMINISTRATRIX Notice is hereby given that tha undersigned hag been duly ap pointed by the County Court or the'State of Oregon, for th Coun ty of Marion, as Administratrix of the estate of George O. Savage, deceased, and that she has duly qualified as such administratrix: all persons having claims against I notified to present the same, duly- the estat of ssid decedent ar verified, to me, at the office of Ronald C. Glover, my attorney, 205 Oregon Building, Salem, Mar ion County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this no tice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 2Slh day of December. 1931. ALIOE M. SAVAGE. Administratrix of tha Estate ot George O. , Savage, deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Administratrix, . Salem, Oregon. D.26-J.2-I-1S-Z3 NOTICE, TO CREDITORS NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the undersigned haa been, by tha County Court ot Marion coun ty, Oregon, appointed administrat or of the estate ot LEAH DELL COLLINS, deceased, and has qual ified as such. All person having claims against said estate hereby are required to present same, wits proper Touchers, to him at 2 If United States National Bank Building, Salem, ' Oregon, . within six months from the data hereof. 2S November. 1134.. JOHN F. COLLINS, As Such Administrator. CARSON A CARSON, Salem, Oregon, Attorneys tor Administrator. N-2S-D.5-12-19-2I. Gardeners' and; Ranchers9 Mart Par crate. 40-TS. Spiaaek Per erase sea. TSe: T a Da 11m. Can ata Stw. see doaaa keackes. 10- 80. Beets Par del as saacae. tS-SSa, Parsley Per dee assess. lSe. Oreea Oaieas Per deaea beackea. S5e. Dry enloaa Orecea, 81.TS-1.S per 109 arnii. ' Taraips Par dese ksarkea, 1S20 ReUbeias Per craU. 49-SOe. t .Paraaipa 40e per erate. R-diasae Per deaea Saaehee. 80s. . P LecaL-SSSe. Letrace Per crats. aertaveat, 81 1J9. . . - ' Cabbare Per crate. SO-TO. - ..Caaiifiever JraL Ke. L S0-? sea erstet Ke. 1, 10-2 5a ar crate. .Celery hearts Per desea keae-ee. SS SOe. - . - . - . - Celery Per srata, 81-18S. Craea Baaa Par Ik- O 7a ' Saa Daaiaa, 8 LAS per raats leaps srata; Behaaaiaa, 81 per-rrate.' Cseaaibers Piskliac. SOSSSet aHalat. 40e. . Krrplaat Dallas. 6Ctfl60. Pranee Par eoesd. Se. 1 '" App'.aa Jambie pack,- per kea. 8S SOei riee er Spiuaaberts. , extra la. 81.SS. : Ppili Par eaatsleese crate. dSs. Braaaet Spreats Par crate, 81 SOe. Petateee Pe rare k-s. s7. Breeeii Per lif tit; Beeekara, TO TS per ersie.