u" M'TLa OltEGON STATESSfAalgci; Oregon, Friday Mornhr. Decciaber 21, 1934- PAGE NINE 51 Off -i - r v - ;.,yiV f) i&ik V&:i?.t Alii. 'J&U-jfc&it$-&. .s. thi r n. 3 V Si i y i 4 1 i 1 4 IT .TTT?. t 4 4 4 t i 9 la 1 12 My-Te-Fine Tough Cover, True Golf Balls $1.98 Full Pint Capacity Vacuum Bottles, 59c i: a Yardley's Old English Lavender Shaving Lotion 65c Yardley's Lavender Shaving Bowl, Wooden BowL $1 100 Assorted Noiseless Poker Chips in Rack 39c $7.50 Wrist Watch with Metal Link Band $2.49 New Gillette Razor with 5 Blue Steel Blades 49c Enders Speed Razor with 5 Enders Blades for 33c New Gem Razor and 2 Blades 17c Durham Duplex Razor and 5 Blades 39c $1.00 Pinauds Lilac Vegetal Toilet Water 73c 1 $1.45 Mennens Complet eMen's Shaving Set for 79c $1.45 Williams Shave Set in Holiday Pkg. 89c BvuDh Gets 3, 4, and 6 Pieces 89c 98c $-1.29 $-1.98 X and X Antimony Wart Pack, ed With Chocolates 39c to $30 TmAU wit Fifth Atmm CIMBIf 1U- tnUd. 11.11 Cdy. " 015 Schick Dry Shaves - Xo blade no lather. The new w tH nine nrnn. 4 A x , u w. log the country. . It your men folks grumble at the old-fashioned way ot ahaT in, bring joy into their Urea permanently with a new Schick Dry Sharer, 19 34 'a booa to mankind. Toiletry. Beauty Vibrators, Complete with attachments $1.29 Electric Waffle Iron with Heat Indicator $2.89 Automatic Electric Iron, 32 Heat Variations $3.49 75c Boxes Assorted Gift Stationery, 39c each Overnight Bars, fitted with Comnlel Rt Yardley's Old English Lavender Soap, 3 cakes $1.00 Portable Electric Hot Air Hair Dryers, $2.49 $4.25 Deltah Perfumes, delightful fragrances $3.69 6 Piece Dresser Sets $4.89; also 10-Piece at $9.89 Cellophane pkg. of 5 Assorted Powder Puffs 19c Assorted Genuine DeVilblss Perfume Atomizers 59c Beautiful Pastel Bath Room Towels, 29c each 6 Piece Amerith Dresser Sets, in Case $3.49 - $2.95 Wahl Fountain Pen Desk Set in Onyx $1.93 $1 Schaeffer Univer Pen and Pencil Set for 79c $1 Williams Aqua Velva Shaving Lotion 79c bottle $2 Men's Metal Lunch Kit with Pt. Vacuum Bot 98c 70c Colgate's Men's Shaving Set, closeout, 49c -Quart Vacuum Bottles, hot or cold 24 hours, 98c $1.00 Set in Rubber, Badger Shaving Brushes 39c 25c Men's Hard Rubber Pocket Combs for"19c $1.25 Esquire Shaving Bowls with Shave Brush 98c Adjustable Shaving Mirrors for Traveling, 10c $1.00 Mickey Mouse Nursery Chairs 59c Assorted Styles, Military Hair Brushes, 29c each 81x108 Pequot SheeU $1.33 Dout b4 Ui ea a witk tt kdy Cttl Kwik-Pik tV Toiletry. Zipper Manicure Set 69c Zippr lMlk r cm wltk pUk, n MW. ttickt, fil. r. inoTtr, mm 4. 1L TolUtry. $1.50 Colgate 1 Set 89c Complete men's share set, also tube ribbon dental . cream. Toi letry. ; $1.50Palmolive Set 89c Share cream, brusbless shave, talc, lotion, used i razor blade box. Toilet ry. Glass Towels, a dainty household gift, 99c dozen 50c Fitchie Dusting Powder," Floral Odors, 39c box $1 Roger & Gallet Afta Bath Dusting Powder 69c $1.10 Coty Face Powder & 'Matching Perfume 79c $1.50 Afmand Symphonie Face Pow. & Compact $1 Approved Double Electric Sandwich Toasters $1.49 K. M. Electric Food Mixer, with two bowls, $6.95 $21 2-Slice Toastmaster & Hospitality Tray $16.95 $1 Colgate Toilet Waters, assorted Odors, 79c bot. $1 Mello-glo Face Powder with Perfume, both 69c Sturdy Card Tables, burnproof, stainless top, 89c Decorated Bridge Playing Cards, 2 decks for 43c 50c Bath Powder and Bath Salts Combination, 39c $1.00 Coty Perfumes, assorted Floral Odors 69c At Toiletry Dept. (No C.O.D-s, DeUrerles. or Reserrations) 35c Attractively Designed Pinochle Cards 23c My-Te-Fine Razor Blades 10 for 29c and 1 Given $1 Stiff-Bristled, Professional Hair Brushes 59c Fitch's Traveling Set in Leatherette Case $1.19 Men's All Rubber Raincoats, Bled. & Large Size 98c Electric Popcorn Poppers 98c ; f 47c Wahl Eversharp Pencils, for students, etc 39c 50c Monitor Fountain Pens, made by Wahl, 39c 35c Leather Key Container, for six keys, 19c Black Ash Trays, with Gilt Dog Figure for 10c $1.50 Dependable, Ingersoll Pocket .Watches $1.19 Gillette 1-piece Razor with 10 Blue Blades $3.79 ' At Toiletry Dept. . ' i $1.50 Enamel Compact and Matching Cig. Case 69c $1. Bottles Colgate Perfumes, assorted odors 79c 50c Bottles Colgates Perfumes,; assorted odors 39c $1.00 Tre-Jur Bath Salts with Dusting Powder 79c Elmo Double Vanity with Elmo Lip Stick both $3 Richard Hudnut Triple Vanity Compacts for $2.75 Harriet Hubbard AyreV Complete Beauty Box $1 Assorted Stationery, Fancy Boxes 19c, 25c, -29c, 39c Fancy Hand Mirrors only 39c eaeh At Toiletry Dept. ' . ' Carton of 200 Domino Cigarettes 95c 23c Value Leather Cigarette Cases only 3c Toe Dominos come i ' Christmas wrapped . . the cigarette cases hold 20 smokes . . lies flat la the pocket Clear ance of cases while 2500 last. Tobacco.: . aU for 98c Windup Trains with Electric Headlights, track, 98c Buddy L Dump Trucks, and other Models 98c Full Size, Durable, well strung Tennis Rackets 59 Full Size Pen & Pencil Sets, by famous maker 69c Gift Box 100 Old Gold 62c; Cig. Tip 3c; all 65c Pop. 15c Cigarettes 13c; 2 pkgs 25c; $1.20 carton Gift Pkg. 100 Philip Morris 71c; $1.38 carton Kentucky Winners 15c pkg.; 2 pkgs. 29c; $1.35 ctn. 16-oz. Prince Albert Tobacco & Jack Knife, 87c 2 tins Union Leader, Pipe, Pouch, cleaners, 89c $1.15 Half & Half Tobacco; 50c Briar Pipe, both 69c 16-ounee tin Granger Smoking. Tobacco, 65c Pkg. 16-oz. Velvet Smoking Tobacco 69c 16-oz. Edgeworth Ready Rubbed or Sliced Plug 95c 16-oz. My-Te-Fine, the Thrifty Tobacco value 75c 16-oz. Union Leader Tobacco in Humidor Tin 59c 16 ounce George Washington Smoking Tobacco 53c 16-oz. Tin Sir Walter Raleigh Tobacco 75c Vi-Ib. Tins Geo. Washington 29c Microscope Sets 45c Rl micr- cava com plete wlta illdet, foieapt ml - t k r !d. Toi letry, i $1.50 Westcloz Pocket Ben 1.19 Sturdy 07 pockot wteh. White m.UI fimUk. Toi letry. . $1 Men's Leather Wallet 50c Wltfc epic, for killk. piste. eardi. Genatao lea ther, oeeortod deeiXB. Toiletry. 4 Packages of 5 Van Dyck 1932s 95c SO eigor la II. la eon poo Chris mse osekaee. -Tobacco. Beautifully dressed, large Mamma Dolls, 89c-1.9S Assorted Ladies, Misses Purses 35c to $19 Toy Airplanes That Really Fly, from 50c to $3.00 Mickey Mouse Musical Tops, individual boxes, 49c Complete Table Tennis Sets for four players, 49c Animated Toys, Walking Dogs, Ducks, etc 23c ea. Animated Bird Cages, filled with birds, etc 59c Bingo. Ball Bearing -Adjustable Roller Skates 79c Skippy Tooth Brush Holder & Tooth Brush 29c At Toiletry Dept. o sssh &'. n't :, Extra Christmas Tree Replacement Lights, 3 for 5c 18-in. Duiner Candles for the table, 19c pair 3c Havana Sweets, 2 for 5c; Box 50s $1.09 10c Villizon Cigars 3 for 23c; Gift Box of 25, $1.88 5c Garcia Sublime, Perfecto or Golf Shap, Norwood Purity or Wm. Bprdell Cigars, Box of 25 for $1 Garcia Sublime Perfecto Cigars, Box of 10 for 43c White Owl Cigars, Christmas Pkg. of 20 for 95c Box of 25 Tan Dyck 1932 Cigars, Xmas pkg. $1.15 White Owl Cigars, Christmas Box of 25 for $1.15 V Y Reg. 10c Van Dyck Banker Style cigars 3 for 25c"t M Box of 25 for $1.88. Discontinued . 1 J k . , 'rfL? Leather rr Suede Zipper Top Tobacco Pouches 45c trEE? Drinkless Kaywoodie Pipe, attractively boxed $2.98- New styles YeHoboIe Pipes, made by Kaywoodie 98c Regular $3.50 Park Lane Pipes, only $2.29 Assorted Styles Vita Cured Purex Pipes 89c each Match King Lighters, Strikes Like a Match 19c ' ' , At TQbacco pept. - Yardlffj's Baby Sets, 2 bars Soap & Talc 75c Mennen's Baby Sets, Soap, Talc, Oil & Doll 89c Assorted Antimony Ware, beautifully designed, 39c 32-Piece Adams Antique Dinnerware Set for $2.98. 18-Pc Platinum Tipper, Grape Cut Bev'rage Set 98c Complete Catex Manicure Set, leather zip case 3.19 String of 8 Lights 29c Anorto4 o 1 o w troo Udfcts. E tro irtobea for 6e. 014 troo lirhts tootot witkoot eborro or oblirstion. -Tollerrj. i f 60c " Italian DI 1 W . jum ana ILJU ii i nj. l I 89c Value for 55c 3-Branch Dripless Candles, smooth burning, 19c ea. 2 Sheets 20x30 Paper for Christmas Wrappings, 5c 25 Sheets 20 x 30-in. White Tissue Paper for 8c . - : Open Evenings Prices for Friday Monday Com e -, down early and help yourself leis urely to our great every day f and gift needs. Ch Food Fe i No Peanuts 2 lb. bag o!L)o)r Schwartz Ginger Ale (12-ounce bottles) 2 for 15c Fancy Blue Rose Rice, 3-Ib. cellophane bag 17c L Nonesuch Mincemeat, 2 packages for 25c' 2 tall cans 253 Old Country Hardtack, cellophane package 17c Gold Medal Sardines, in Oil, 2 tins for 13c. Lighthouse Cleanser, for Household Cleaning, 3c can Utah Solid Pack Tomato es, large cans 11c each My-Te-Fine Large Franquette Walnuts 5 lbs. $1.25 French's Paprika 4-ounce can 23c ' Snider's Cocktail Sauce, 14-ounce bottle 19c ' Showboat Canapes, for Holiday Appetizers, 23c pkg. French's Poultry Seasoning or Rubbed Sage, lg. can 9c Oregon Franquette Walnuts (Standard), 17c pound x My-Te-Fine Golden Bantam Corn, 2 cans for 25c . Powdered Sugar, 1 -pound carton ,7c - - - " ..- ADC ElGSc3GllDei?G Dggp HQs Maraschino Cherries, small bottles, 6c each Thrifty Wax Paper, 100-foot roll 10c Cross & Blackwell Marmalade pound Jar 25c rJeJE ;5olh7GG 29g; 3 t 0is , My-Te-Fine Whole Stringless Beans 2 cans for 27c My-Te-Fine Fancy Dry Pack Shrimp 11c per can Dependable Matches, carton of six large boxes 22c cans for: White Cloud Toilet Tissue, 4 rolls in carton for 19c Oregon Italian Prunes, 20 to 30 size, 5-lb. box 79c My-Te-Fine Mince Meat for Holiday Pies, 2-lb. Jar 29c For Christmas Large 12G Size CcIeryHcartc Largs, crlap banehe. . 2 Eor lSi Gwcct ; Potatoes I rtaejr No. Is. The ara flma . candled. 4 lbs. I3ci r i At Fred Meyer Grocery Dept. Ice Cream's Rival! 'tJOG D3 Quofft Enjoy Hocus Pocus In the special Christmas -with a pineapple fla vored, -green tree in the center. And enjoy also the lie- quart say.' in? over the fixed ice cream price, ""It's a pleasureV-fcoth ways Newly vcd Rolls 33c Ice cream rolled right into cake, over a quart in volume. f - - I To Finish the Med Destt CoSSee v Fred Meyer Best Cof fee, a "Choice blend of the finest Central American coffees, land the' saving: over com parable tinned coffees is 5c pound and more. At Crocary Dept . Big ones, JaU of milk. ; j Sccach ! Lcmohettcs i SmaU aad jalcr. '; - S dps. lie J i Orancbs ' Sweet. Jaicy oaea. Z dpz. 25c i Fruit Dept. Walnut Meats Amber balrea and plecea. y2-b. cello, pkg. 20c Star Brand - Antipasto 2-oz. tin 10c 'Kerr'a Boiled Cider pt. jug 17c Walla Walia Tomato Juice 3 tall cans 20c At Grocery Dept.' - Gift Wrapped for Christmas J 2 fltoo Ci)n There's no gift in better taste than candy and there's no camjy that tastes better than Fifth Avenue Cho colates hand made in our own kitchens of fresh creamery but- . ter, ich cream, superior chocolate "coating", and other select ingredi ents. Delightful assortment Christ inas wrapped in gay cellophane for gifts at no added cost. : . ML 1 TTir?vrc-rv 170 North Uberty Street We Include a Fe Ererrday Deep-Cot Prkea In Thla Ad Cream Wafers lb. Now In 'red and QQ, green " shades ' for iLiUKs Christmas table. 50c value. 24-in. Canes each Giant striped QQ Christmas candy JVs cane packed in a gay holly box. i ... Cashew Nuts -V-lb, Halves of freshly Q Q roasted cashew fjOL nuts for. . serving . at the Christmas table. Salted Nuts lb. Assorted pecans, A rjg mond3, cashews I C . but no peanuts. Freshly roasted and salted. u Christmas Candy Canes for the Kiddies 5e ea. 6 for 2Se Stockings Filled with Candy for, the Tree 10c and 29c Old Fashioned Chocolates, assorted Flavors, 2 lbs. 23c Satin Finish Hard Candies 15c lb.; 2 lbs. 25c Bunte's 100 FiOed Candies 19c lb.; 2 lbs. 35c ' Dollar Mints, light and dark mixed 25c lb. Hershey's High Grade Milk Chocolate for Dipping, Eat ing, Candy Making 19c lb.; 2 lbs. 35c; 10 lbs. $1.69 1 lb. Imported. English Rum Toffee 29c , French Cream Mix Christmas Candies 25c lb. Fancy Hard Christmas Candy, 2Jb. tin 59c; 3 tins $1 Hershey's Kisses, 2Ib. Holiday Gift Box 49c Fame. and Fortune Gift Chocolates, 24b. box 69c. Comtessa Chocolates, cellophane wrapped lb. box 29e Novelty Chocolate Santa Clauses 5c and 10c each Larson's Spearmint, Peptomint Gum, 4 pkgs. 10c; box - of 20s, 39c" - , At Fred Meyer Candy Dept.