P&dleV Jl Toniimce 7 to m - ' mmm - ft ' - ft . , n Elliott and Clingman Promise Clean, Tight 'iMqnie - ' - ; ; i ., i. : I ' : " Pass Helps as Giants Win Title GOOD PREL1S Golfs Wild Man on a Rampage -By BURNLEY- ON FIELD AGAIN LINED UP OFJ. D. S TTT) 1LJJ lonight 1 FORMER-STARS HII Alien and Lemmon Lead in I Scoring; Three Teams Tried Out by Keene I Pttfe's independent team chalk ed up a victory and Willamette's quint marked down its first loss in the Initial game for both teams on the Willamette floor last night. Pade's, leading the Bear cats all the way, emerged on the long end of a 37 to 24 score. The current edition of the Bearcats was playing a team last night partly composed of mem bers of "Spec" Keene's "wonder team" of 1930.' Harold Hauk, Dwight Adams and George Scales were all In suit for Pade's while all members of the squad were former Willamette athletes. Pade's outclassed the Bearcats In passing and ball-handling, but committed 19 personal fouls dur ing the game. Dwight Adams, who , started - the scoring -for Pade's, and Max Allen did most of the scoring, Allen getting high point honors with 11 points. " - . using ine game largely as an opportunity to find a working combination under the stress of .actual competition, "Spec" Keene used three complete teams dur ing the game. None of them could get going smoothly, but one com posed of Lemmon, Manning, .Pet teys, Mosher and Harrey was able to hold the Grocer's even for a short time. Bill Lemmon showed some of his former flash and was high point man for the Bearcats with 11 points. Pade's margin of victory was .cut down by the free shots given Willamette for personal fouls, the Bearcats making good 10 out of . 23 attempts. Pade's plays Pacific university at Forest Grove next Thursday while Willamette meets Oregon State at Corvallls Friday night. i Summary: .Pade's FO FT PF Adams, f . . : 4 til Scales, f 3 Allen, e 8 Kitchen, a 1 Hauk, g Steelhammer, c Hartley, g ... Totals Willamette Erickson, t Brandon, f Burdett, c -Phillips, g Frants, g . -Lemmon, f Manning, f Petteys, c -Mosher, g -Sutton, f . 0 1 1 0 , 1 V 1 2 4 i-r 0 assy ' wM$&(k. If 1 1 'j 2 ic . ERRATIC DIESEL. Leo woaj fsooo iai I AUSTRALIA. BUr HAD To DIVIDE ..j l r rr wrm the other rg-A-pros WSf II Ji -. DUE TtJA PREVIOUS ASREMWT. GETS HoT HE'jC a REGULAR Forest. FIRE-- F&Z OP&J A 282 Australia Other Stanford Cripples to j Return Soon; Alabama . Squad Works Hard STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Calif., Dec 17. Stanford's I most prominent football cripple. Fullback Bobby Grayson,' tossed away his cast today to provide the campus with the most cheer ing news since the team started practice for the New Tear's day Rose Bowl game with Alabama. On the sidelines since Novem ber. 24 with torn rib cartilages, Grayson was pronounced physi cally fit by team physician, Dr. Frits Roth. For some time Gray son had been wearing a brace. A thorough examination : over the weekend revealed the Injuries i have healed. i Dr. - Roth said Grayson could resume practice at once. He -ex-1 pressed belief the backfield ace ! would not be further troubled by the Injury that forced him out of . the California game last month.- James Moscrip and Keith Top- i ping, regular ends', also were told they could don uniforms within a few days. Each wrenched a knee several weeks ago. Claude Callaway, first string tackle, who was laid low with I bronchitis, will be ready by Wed nesday. Frank Alustlza, quarter back, and Jack Brown, reserve tackle, reported In top shape today. Only Stan Anderson, sub full- Iback, remains on the real sick list. He was confined last week with an unusually severe cold. i 1 i f ' ,t Ik ' ' . f ' ""A ' This remarkable action photo ef Ed Danowiki (22) e the New" - ;York Giants, getting off a past to his teammate; Ken Strong; daring . the thrilling gridiron contest at the Polo Grounds, New York in . ' which the Giants defeated the Chicag Bean lj m score et SO to 13, Webfoot Cagemen to Play Here Saturday;. 'Slats' Gill j Shakes Up His Beaver Team UNIVERSITY. Ala.. Dec 17- (p)-Taking advantage of every i . Willamette university's hoop 1 , Kw tiBiiin im tea. I L,' ...16 7 1 ToUls 0 0 1 0 1 4 0 0 0 1 2. 1 0- 7 10 EO DIEGEL, the big hot and cold man of golf, hasnt been so hot on the links in recent years, but taking that big Jump across the Pacific pond to Australia certainly brought on one of Leo's torrid spells. Golf experts have long main tained that the likable Diege! would be the greatest golfer in the world, if it were not for his nervous, Jumpy temperament. When Leo rets hot. no rolfer on earth not even Jones or Sarazen at their mighty bestcan keep up with him as he soars into the golf insr stratosphere on one of his dizzy flights of brilliance. But, alas I the hurh-struna wizard of the links ean also sink to the lowest depths Caustic Carries on Alumni Hope To Reconcile BifTnHuey BATON ROUGE, La., Dec. 17. -VPy-TKs Louisiana Tigers, plucky little band of football players, were sitting in the middle tonight of the heated row between their coach, 1 "Biff" Jones and. Louisi ana's boss politician, Huey Long. They were wondering if their coach could survive the heated ar gument he had with Long during the Oregon-L. S. U., game Satur day when Jones refused to let -Long talk to the team at the half when the tigers were trailing. Long did not talk to the team at the half, but Jones did. and the Tigers came out and won the game by one point. After the game alumni and uni versity officials sought to smooth nnt thA row but Lonr said he was not sure he wanted Jones to stay I wrong) win nave a treat tomgni plumbed by the duff era of golf; for when Dlegel is bad, he Is AWFUL. The erratic Philadelphia pro en dent y forgot to have his bad mo ments in the recent Australian money events, for he stood out like Mount Everest over the other American and Australian linksmen. "Easrle" DiereL they call him. and this time the nickname was no mis nomer, for the startling Master Die gel was shooting eagles and birdies all over the place, amazing the A as sies no end with his breath-taking links sharpshooting. - Leo didn't ret hot soon enough to capture the big Melbourne $20,000 Open, but he gave warning to the other pros by finishing second to long-hitting Jimmy Thompson in this great event. Then he started to go, and from that point on the carnage was ter rible. The others Runyan, Wood, Laffoon, Sarazen, chute, Thompson,' Uooper and the rest were Just bat tling for second money they didn't have a chance for the top spot with Leo hitting the high spots. What a man this Diegel is! Ee won the $5,000 Centenary Cham- fionship at Melbourne by beating enny Shute. 2 and 1 in a 86-hole final in which he was 5 down at the close of the morninr round: fol lowed this up by taking top honors. in toe reninsuiar open, and then smashed the ceilinr of the rolflnr sxy oy snooting an unbelievable Z82 a world's record for any open championship to win the John Martin purse at Sydney. Nobody can beat that kind of golf I CamrUIX. 111. Kb IWma (radial fe practice period without regard quint will start Its pre -confer-to weather conditions. Alabama's once season this week with games Crimson Tide wont through a with Oregon State and Oregon, dummy scrimmage on a wet field The schedule has boon taking today as preparations moved shape very slowly with only a steadily forward for the New few games scheduled so far. Year's Rose Bowl engagement i The Bearcats will play Oregon with Stanford university. State at Corvallls Friday and will Only three more practice see meet the Oregon team, predicted slons remain before the squad to finish close to the top In the boards a -train that will reach coast conference, on the Wlllam Pasadena on Christmas eve. The otto floor Saturday night A re-football- party is scheduled to turn game will be played with leave Friday. Oregon State here January 2. No further Injuries have de- ! Scheduling of conference tilts veloped since Ed Morrow, guard, I will not -bo done until the North showed up with a broken nose west conference meeting, which after a practice session last wui probably be the first week week. MILL Cm BOYS n? I. beat sran in January j Willamette will probably meet la number of barnstorming Inde pendent quints during the early part of January and will begin I conference play late in that month. Breakfast club threatens to go co-ed; grkpple and mitt fans will get extra bargains this week. Breakfast club wives liked the dual nieet of the club mem-, bers and better-portions last week so well that they are clamoring for more. It Is re ported from a reliable source. The wives want to be on hand this coming Friday when mem bers of Salem high's undefeat ed football team receive their gold 'pigskins. For many weeks they have found their husbands unusually cheerful- of a Friday and now they have discovered the secret. We fear drastic re sults in Salem homes if wives are excluded from the next meeting. Wrestling lovers (don't get us and Jones refused to say anything about the incident, i "Biff" Jones, officially Captain Laurence Jones, came to Louisi ana State university from West Point on assignment from the war department and took over the football squad as .head coach. When he arrived Long announced Jones and his staff would have entire i charge of the running of when the clean-limbed Mr. Harry Elliott, admired of many female haunters of the grapple arena, meets Mr. Otis Clingman, sailor of the seven seas, Oklahoma and way-points, in what promises to be as good a tangle-wrangle as you'll see in many a long moon Long known as toe and heel art ists of .the .first water. Mr. Cling man and Mr. Elliott propose to the football squad and that the wear several new holes in the ar- senator would not imeiere as nei -""D had done under the former coach. As the situation stood tonight. Jones had orally notified James M. Smith, university president, of his intention to resign. It looks like the best boxing card Salem has seen within its own city waHs for "eons, the one that Jackie Kileen has ar ranged for his ' first try at making Salem boxing-minded. The main event of Friday's show is billed as a champion ship clash for the lightweight crown of Oregon. Frankle Mon roe, of Portland, Klamath Falls and Lakeview take your pick -will attempt to knock out a , young gentleman from Los An geles, San Diego and Hnbbard. The young gentleman known, to his friends as Mike Stankovoch (pronounced to rhyme with Itch) , will meanwhile be at tempting to k. o. Mr. Monroe. Dick Weisgerber, star hoopster of Mike Balkovlc's controlled- power Bearcats may be an addi tion to Coach Keene's regular squad. The broad-shouldered lad from New Joisey does' what is valuable to a basketball player. He puts the casaba through the loop and the fishnet to ring up points. We - aren't mentioning that Balkovlc's controlled-power Bearcats lost a practice game to Llnfleld by an unmentionable score. At latest report no sever ance of relations was planned by Mr. Balkovlc. - : -.. -; mwm mm I CORVALLIS. Ore., Dec. 17.-6PV-Coach Amory T. "Slats" Gill shook up the Oregon State col- taerA s sVittVnlf at t A a w MILL CITY. Dec. 17.M1U City l:.." .w. V, . V I V. ..VaaI am wtawa tt I sa w 44UW fcw m UlfiU Btuw VAfiCiO fcai I svrrMlrt bUCvcbbi u wiicu tucy tiuu iiuu I the crack Sllverton team Friday, 23 to 14. The game was fast i Coach Gill hopes to .have a Castle - Cazz'ell, Duke and Sherman on Program for-Armory Mat. . . " - With a draw decision In the. best grapple session ever seen here behind them, Harry Elliott, wrestling . coach, and Otis Cling man, Oklahoma twister,- wfll at tempt to decide tonight which is the better man in the two hour main event of the American Le gion's grapple bill at the arm ory. , i Matched for the first time sev eral weeks. ago la a 45 minute event that turned out t be the most hair-raising exhibition of plain and . fancy wrestling erer run off in the armory, the two torso - twisters are expected to night to better the show they put. on In their first appearance to gether. Elliott has been popular as a clean and clever grappler here. since he first . began to wrestle, while Clingman, a veteran,, has. a coast-wide reputation for speedy and sensational mat work. Two maln-eventers are hooked for the one-hour clash In the per sona of Bob. Castle. Kansas City ruffian, and Bill Cazxell. scienti fic gent from Jackson, Miss. Castle, whose wrestling tactics are not above reproach, has won a doubtful - reputation of being, one of the meanest men In the game. He -Indulges frequently n laying his plight before the crowd, which Is Always unsym pathetic . . Cazxell, the J gentleman from the south, uses gentlemanly style in his grappling maneuvers and tea VitAW mm mm as m j 4 i k n. i .""JiW wrestlers" on the' Willamette university here Fri day than the Beaver fire which bowed to Union OH of Portland 28 to 20 Saturday. The center position which has' been one of worry since the grad uation of Ed Lewis two seasons ago received major attention. Earl Conklin, former Portland and Molalla player who is a first year man and the best Jumper on the squad, was tried at cen ter tonight. Gill said if the shift does not work he may try Bud Rieke, Seattle star who trans ferred here from Willamette. ' Rieke, exceptionally fast ' for his height, played center for the Willamette Bearcats but has been used as a regular guard this sea son, the first he ' has been eli gible here. - , Cliff Folen and Wilbur Kid der, who alternated at center last season, both are back. - If Rieke is' shifted to center Bob Bergstrom, reserve last sea son, will be called upon to team cult. However, he is very well able to take care of himself against the toughest opponent and the match promises to be of head-line calibre. The third bill of top-notch calibre will be the opening event between D n k e Rupenthal, and Ben Sherman, both popular grap plers. As an added attraction Stall ing brothers' skating act, -fresh from a run on the Pantages cir cuit, will be presented. Friday Fight Lineup Here Bit Changed Jack Kileen, match-maker for the Veterans of Foreign Wars' with Baron Mose von Lyman at Friday night boxing shows, Mon guard. 1 4ay announced several changes Humntv Tavlor and Wallv I ,n b, rd 'or Friday night at Palmberg were used at forward thearmory, positions In today's practice. LIKE MOSCOW JOB throughout,. the home boys mak- JLfa TJ (razh1a Ing some spectacular -plays. At the Irlctliy V CgCldUIC Crops Damaged, Florida Freeze SPOKANE, Wash., Dec. 11.-JP With the football coaching job at the University of Idaho open, Mill City (23) joacn Micnaei recarovisn, oi uon saga, said today he was "interested." Yes, I would be Interested In end of the first halt Mill City had piled up a score of 10 to 4, and the visitors found it impossible to gain. At the end of the third quarter Mill City was leading IS to 8. Maple of Salem refereed. Lineups Independence Is Easy Victor In Game at Monroe Beans, tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, celery and cabbage loss- (14) Sllverton I eg. as weir as orange and grape- Allen 3.. .F Sawyer fruit, were heavy in the Florida Seims 8. ..... .F. ........ Swan freezes last week, according to McAuley S.....C......2 Palmer Market News. Service which Smith 4 Q......5 Jensen makes the following additional going to Idaho," Pecarovish an- Catherwood 5. .G. 3 Spect report of freeze damage: swered in reply to a question. "Of Wood S.........2 Lee : Tangerines apparently severely course I would be Interested." ; J. Wachter . . . . S . . 1 Pettyjohn damared. Damage to oranaes Pecarorlsh's contract at Gonza- I Harris S......1 Jenkins considerably less than to tanrer- ga expires March 1. He has com-I Herron ,S. Thompson ines. and rraoefrult damage has W. Wachter ... S ..... . Dunigan been light, impossible to estimate - , S Bllyeu extent of damage until later. S.. Vaughn ; All beans killed in Broward S........ Cross I county, and only 25 per cent of peppers remaining; Dade lost re- h ITPhllcrc Kamorf- leut to ground. Manatee lost re- - malnlng tomatoes and peppers; In'fki'ahl RlaTf Everglades section lost practical- ground, reducing yield BO per Tnnnvm nu. i I ceni, unaoie xo aeiermine aam- - - w, ' . in j mi . . . . .. . . . . f'J r "J. ' fPJf I band of organized arsonists was 6Vv, i UirlS LOSe 1 lit sought tonight by police follow- Probably reduced 15 to 25 per ing an Incendiary fire which swept eaooaga iroren mo iieias pleted an unusually successful sea son, having .def ated Washington State college, Montana and Idaho in the Pacific coast conference. His team defeated ' Washington State and Idaho on successive weekends. Aumsville Boys Trim Scio While thA atahUa at Thnnirmf- ... lo eariy to estimate amount oi AUMSVILLE; Dee. 14. The track today destroying three ata- damage- but probably fairly dots' oasaethau team or the high I bles and burnlnr to death 20 val- neary. school played with the Scio team uable raee horses. ! ' here Saturday night, winning 32 Today's disastrous fire came to 19. The two girls' teams also while police were investigating a played, Aumsville losing to Scio blase a week ago which leveled 45 to 14. ; . two unoccupied stables. SsV&E Alabama Unbeaten and Untied, Meets Stanford in Rose Bowl Jack Peterson Retains Crown; Wins Over Cook PERRYDALE. Dec 17. Perry- dale grade boys last 1 to 14 to the Grand Ronde grade school in a close, hard-fought game. The Perrvdale boys were out-weighed about 20 pounds breach player but what they lacktfTti size they made up in their efforts to win. LlneuDs: Perrydale (14) (1) Grand Rondo E. Yoakum ....F...... 2 Hudson J. Yoakum 4...F. .....2 Cassey Morrison 4. .C. Curl Andrews ...... G .. f. 4 Hlnshaw McKee 2. ...... G 2 . Leno Andrews ...... S White 4....... S " The Perrydale Farmers won over the Grand Ronde Town team. KiTt nlaved a good game at for ward, acorina- 14 points. Fournler i at center played excellent ball. Ccore was 36 to It. - 1 J7 '.-. V . . " i US ' ' ' - " ' i -T' - " - 4 I . .. " r V i i LONDON, Dec. 17.H!P)-Jack Petersen, British heavyweight boxing champion, rallied in the closing rounds tonight, to win a 15 - round decision over George Cook, t Australian . veteran, and save his title: - i Cook, who is 31 years old IS more than Petersen gave the champion a terrific battle and put up an excellent defense which Petersen couldn't penetrate until the last three rounds. Here U that unbeaten and untied Alabama football team which has teen invited to meet Stanford in the Rose Bowl at Pasadena, CaL, on New Year's Day. .Thip is tie fourth time that an Alabama team has been selected for the famous post-season cvast game. Left to right, rear, Augelich, Demyanovkh, Smith and Howell; front, Bryant, Lee, ilorrow, Fra&ci Marr, Wbatley and Huston. , Auxiliary Officials v Plan January Visits ' SILVERTON. Dec. 17. Mrs James Scarth, president of the Le gion Auxiliary, has announced that Important events are being schaduled for the Auxiliary Jan uary meetings. . These Include of ficial visits of state and district presidents, Mrs. Cecelia Gunn and Mrs. Blanche Jones. "Elaborate plans are being made for their en tertalnment hero. Frankle Monroe of Lakeview will fight Mike Stankovoch of Un Angeles in the six-round main event for the lightweight cham pionship of Oregon. Monroe new holds -the crown. McKenny of Los Angeles will replace Jack Hibbard in the semi windup. McKenny will fight Hank McDonald of Salem in a six-round INDEPENDENCE. Dec. 17. go. McDonald won his last bout The basketball team of the high here with a knockout .In the firtt school defeated Monroe Saturday I round, r bya score of 34 to 11. This was Johnny Shaw of Portland will Independence's second game. . I fight Mickey McCafferty of St. Lineups: iram, Minn., in a lour-rouna spe- Indepence (84) (11) Monroe el rent. McCafferty was pre- Syverson 1.J...F B. Albin Tiously billed to flgttt Jack Rain- Dunckel 7.....F.....4 Howard water of Albany. Haener C.....4 Hammer Three four-round bouts com- Carey 2.. . ... . .G. .. . Carpenter Plet tn rd. They are: B. Newton C G......1 White f-'Ciem ! Lamnngnt, Btayton. vs. McLoughlln .. . .S. . .. Dadelony naen. Myrtle romt. J. Albin i my j uooper, tiunnara, tb. Rhodes Dummy Halley. San Francisco. Star Pepper Lelbold, Salem, vs. Jack Kyie Bailey, Hubbard. VI.OWWU s . Busby 2.......S...... Pomeroy . .....S..... Kurre ....... .S. .... . Huskies, Trojans Minr Leaguers ' Try New System , cavort l omgni The third triple-header of city SEATTLE,' Dec. .1 7.1 (JPl The I league basketball will be played tip-off Will be discarded and the tonight on the Parrish Junior system of tossing the . ball n high floor when six minor dlvi- from the sidelines to start play sion teams meet, the. first rame after each goal and at the start beginning at 7 o'clock. of the game will be tried in one The . Teachers, who defeated of the two games between the the strong Pay'n Taklt quint lat University of, Washington an d week, will play the Knights of the Southern California Trojans Columbus team. Pay'n T a k 1 1 n e r e on Friday and Saturday I meets the Dutch Mill and Kay night, C o a e h Hec Edmundson I Mill will play the Paper Mill said today. five. HARRY ELLIOTT OTIS CLINGMAN 2 Hours BOB CASTLE - VS. - BILL CAZZELL 1 Hour - Ben Sherman vs. Duke Rupenthal SPECIAL EVENT STALLING BROS. Salem Armory, Tonight, 8:30 . , PRICES: Lower Hoor 75c, Balcony 60c (No Tax) ' Ladles S3c - Students 2S Tickets at Cliff Parker's - Aasplces American Legion ' ' v Herb Owen. Matchmaker .