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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1934)
v 1 Tie OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Orejrotu Sunday Morning:. December 16, 1334 B. and P. W. to Have Dinner Meet Th. December meeting of the B. and P. W. dub wilt be held at the Jennie Lind cafe Tuesday night preceded ' by a dinner at 6:30 o'clock. . Reservations are being made with Miss Rath Mc . Adams, 7179. ' ' ' The program will include music by. the prize-winning club chorus and a talk by Miss Katherine Ar buthnot of Monmouth covering her recent trio to Iceland and Greenland. A Christmas party will follow the program With an ex change of small gifts, , ' Post, Auxiliary Meet y -Tuesday Night i The V. F. W. post and auxiliary will haTe their, annual Christmas party Tuesday night at 8 o'clock in the veteran's room at the arm- ory. Miss Elsie Lewis is in charge of the program and games and f dancing will be enjoyed. Mrs. Margaret Lewis and Mrs. 7 Constance Shobar are planning re- . freshments and the general com- " mittee includes Mrs. Eva Rush Mrs. Rita Wolfe. Mrs. Demma Bunnell and Miss Lewis, i ! MISS MILLER LEAVES I Salem friends of Miss E. Flor ence Miller will be interested to learn that she has gone on a three weeks' vacation trip from Port land south to Los Angeles by. boat. She will Tisit Mr. and Mrs. Ernest "Wagner in Los Angeles and Mr and Mrs. Fred Norton in San Francisco. Her return home Jan uary 5 will also be by boat and she will resume her position as secretary for the First M. E. church In Portland after that date.-Miss Miller is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. EI'C. Miller of Salem, i. ' , . I HONOLULU VISITOR HERE ! MrgH. C. Lottis and daughter, Annette!, arrived Saturday from California to spend several months In Salem with Mr. and Mrs. W, F. Foster, 1045 N. Fifth, and Mrs. Martha Lottis. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Lottis have made their home in Honolulu for the. past two years nd this is the first Salem visit Irs.' Lottis has made in four years. She visited relatives in Sac ramento after docking in San Francisco. CLASS WILL NOT MEET ; The A. A. U. W. music appre ciation class will not meet again ntll January according to the leader. Miss Frances Virginia Melton. : The time and date of the next meeting trill be announc ed later. ! DINNER AT CHURCH ! i The Men's Brotherhood of Ja son Lee church will have a 6:30 o'clock covered dish dinner, at the church Tuesday night. CoL C. A. Robertson will speak on "Europe As It Is Today". V U Pattern , By ANNE ADAMS When a dress that buttons up the back to fashion, adds a wide collar, cavalier cuffs and a pleat . ed Jabot, the effect, as you can see. is something to stand up and cheer about! - In. this frock, . the Jabot slips through a slash and ' gives s gay air to the simple bod ice a neat belt defines the nice ly i molded waistline and 4he skirt, according to tbe dictates of the mode, is slim as a reed. For a bit of under-tbe-coat flattery, make it of bright diagonally wov en wool-with taffeta used for col lars and cuffs. Or it would be just as smart made of black Jer sey, with white pique used tor a crisply contrasting touch. Pattern 1958 is available: In sites 12, 14, 16, 13, 20, 30 32, 34, 36, 38 and 40. Sise 16 takes iy yards 39 Inch fabric and 1 yard contrasting. Illustrated step-by-step sewing instructions : In eluded. ;' ' - Send fiftwi rBt 15f in eolni r ittnpi coint preferred) for thl Aaaa Adan pUer. Writ plainly nana, addrna and stria numbr Ba aura ta atata ix. Order jroar Winter Pattern Book. Order it Now! Tb near Anna Ad at models are etunnlnf, and aa eas . to orakt! Oetifos for- all afes and all occasion. Price of Book, fifteen nts. Hook and Tattem together. ti rents.'. - Address ordera ta - Tke Oregon Statesman Patters) - Dept.," Sooth Commercial street. Salem. Make nee srr enclosores.. - 5Toor order arilt be promptly attended . - Orders cnatomaril; are filled within' foar days from 1ba tia receited by Th Statesman. - ' " ft. - T ;:' ' r'i; ! -- " Mm i ; ; : I : jl 'j ' HlJ -956 I 1 Crochet This in CROCHETED ACCESSORIES If you crochet, you should let your Christmas list be filled with crocheted gifts.- Your friends will be delighted for ' you are helping them to be right in style! This set of scarf, purse and glove cuffs would make a really elabor ate gift each piece alone would be a most acceptable present. The design simple to crochet is in triangles alternating in Two col ors. Taupe and burnt orange black and white, blue and grey, two shades of a color are a tew " MRS; ALFRED HOME Silverton, Dec. 16. Mrs. Lee Alfred and infant son arrived home Friday from a six weeks' visit-to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. CA. TSanders of Arizona. The Sanders are employed at the In dian agency at Sells, 65 miles from Tuscon. - i WOMEN OF ROTARY Dr. David B. Hill will show the motion pictures he took last sum mer at the luncheon meeting of Women of Rotary Monday after noon at l o clock at the Tea House. . CARD PARTY SLATED Silverton, Dec. 15. The last of a series of three card parties sponsored by the R. M. A. club will be given Tuesday night at the hall. -- Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Fry were hosts Friday night at dinner for the pleasure of their daughter, Inez, who observed her birthday anniversary' that day. Covers for the goose dinner were placed for Miss Ines Fry, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kleen, Mr. and Mrs. LaMont Fry, C. Hardy of Salem and Mr, and Mrs. Walter Fry. Montana Family Locates at Zena ZENA. Dec. 1 5. The execu tive committee of the Christian Endeavor society met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Gilbert Wednesday night. Officers nom inated for the ensuing year are Vernon Merrick, president; Bob i Yuagen, vice-president: Loren Swenwold, secretary; .Ethel Mc- Kinney, treasurer; Mildred Mun- Ison, gong leader: Ruth Sbepard; pianist; Victor TJtterback, advis or. Elective afffcers and last year's advisor. Miss Gladys Gil bert, Vernon Merrick, Victor Ut terback, Ethel McKinney and Ruth Shepard.' Newcomers here from Billings, Montana, are Mr. and Mrs. C. H Hallemaa and children, Carolyn, Robert, William and John, who hare rented the . Flint form lo cated Just northwest of Zena. The Hallemans had a herd of cat tle, horses and farm implements which were sold at a loss when they decided to move to Oregon because of drouth conditions They sold 70 head of cattle at a cent and a half a pound whereas a year ago they would have' re ceived three cents. Mr. Halle man stated that the government U giving farmers $10.50 a week to grubstake them until condl tions improve. ? 1 Lester Bennet. son of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Bennett has rented Portland filling station -recently with the intention of purchasing it If conditions prove satisfac tory.'-:; . i ;; V vi'.; Mack's Pre-Christmas Sale of DRESSES.... Here's an opportunity to get a really fine dress for very little money. ; - : Formal Gowns Afternoon Dresses Dinner Dresses Street Frocks Your Choice -75 if Values to $29.75 MACK'S ISil Senator Hotel Building on High St. Two Colors A'p- PATTERN 886 popular combinations. The purse is an envelope bag - the two wooden buttons set off the design effectively. - -: Pattern 886 comes to you with detailed directions for making the set shown; illustrations of it and of all stitches used; material re quirements, and color sugges tions. - ., Send 10 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred) for this, pattern to The Statesman, Needlecraf t Dept. i - - Union Will Hear Delegate Report BETHEL, Dec 16- Tlle Farmers' Union will Hbld an open meeting at the school Monday night. The state secretary, S. B. Holt of Scio, who was a delegate to the national convention ' in. Sioux Falls, S. D., will give a re port on the convention. He will also conduct the Installation of officers. ' There will be music and refreshments. Everyone is welcome. Three freight cars were filled with baled hay from the C. A. (Arthur) Johnson farm recently. Johnson sold the hay to the gov ernment buyers and it will be dis tributed in the drought stricken area. A large group of friends gath ered at the John Zak home on Thursday night to charivari Mr. and Mrs. Robert De Bruler (nee Josephine Zak). The De Brul- ers mo just reiurnea irom 01. Helens and Seaside where they went ioaowing tneir marriage on Snnday. ; Thfl rhtrlnrl rrnnn 'mrfi invit. I ed into the house and the eve-I ning was spent with conversa tion and cards. Mrs. Dencer Heads Red Hills Grange LIBERTY, Dec. 15. The Red Hills grange home economics club met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Oscar Dencer. A potluck luncheon was enjoyed at noon. The annual election of officers resulted as follows: President, Mrs. O. Dencer; vice-president, Mrs. E. O. Beckley; secretary treasurer, Mrs. C. W. Stacey. The club voted to .hold another turkey dinner some time in Jan uary. A baxaar will also be held in Salem soon. $21.48 was reported taken In on the country store affair recently. -' Mrs. John Korony (Frances Hrubetx) who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank nrnht tnr thm nt two wMka. Hrubets for the past two weeks, returned this week to her home in Coronado, Calif. Turner High Wins Two Out of Three TURNER, Dec. 15. Turner high school played three basketball- games "at "Scio Friday night, first' a fast game played second team scoring 19-10 in favor of Turner. Turner girls lost 39 to 22 in a rough game. Main event. Turner boys led by score of IS to 17. At half time, scoring 9-4 when Scio rallied to tie the score at 13-13. The contest was de- elded In an overtime period wben Skirvm ana Jensen scorea ior Turner. A? DOFLEGIOil MEETS AT STAnori STAYTON, Dec. 15. The Mar ion County council meeting of the American Legion auxiliary held 'here Friday night was at tended by . about 100 from the fire groups in the county.-. It' was a great meeting In every way. The auxiliary initiated two aev members; Mrs. Ralph. Curtis and Mrs. O. D. Knight. They elected the following officers: President, Mrs. Belle Barker, Sil ver ton; -vice president, Mrs. Rose Butch, Mt. Angel; secretary, Mrs. Lydia ; Yoder, Woodburn, - and chaplain, Mrs. Ralph Curtis, Stay ton. "" .-" - . - - .. BrlttNdry, district command er was present to speak before the men. - Officers elected by them . are: President, Charles Johnson, Silverton; rice presi dent, Frank Walker, Mt. Angel; and Irl McSherry. Salem, was re elected as secretary. The past commanders' club from the Salem post put on the initiation- work. ML Angel, the newest 'post in the "county, was admitted to the county counciL The next meet ing will be at Silverton on the second Friday in February. It was also voted to hold meetings five times each year Instead of quarterly as has been the cus torn. FROM BAD INJURY sii.vpnrnv tw 15 riar ence Hansen of Monitor under-1 Silverton hospital Thursday morn ing and Is reported as getting along splendidly. Lawrence Solie, who was lnjur- ; " ,r ' ' " .5 " "A." rtA nr... .trt. 1. reported ., Wn, .11,M- onin n i vu. tii n bis recovery. m ui.. v.- .i.. derwent a major operation at a AIM a. V115J w waw M U w aav u aa Portland hospital Wednesday mnrnln, I. nnnrli ntll., along Te'ry well and" members of her family said there was every ',. IT reason to hope that she would be Jmes Garrison and Mist McAI able to be home by Christmas "" time. i yt in 1 1 JarI IfeCke and i Try , . WadSWOTth lOlTl In New Company Becke and Wadsworth Js the name of a new firm which re presents the consolidation of two established businesses in the in surance and real estate field in fcraiem. predecessor firms were Becke and Hendricks and the Leslie Wadsworth agency. They I will be located for a long time. Partners in the new firm are Karl G. 'Becke, long active In (he Insurance and real estate business and Leslie Wadsworth , who, has been operating .his own agency here for the past two years, coming here from Port land. Business of tbe former sep arate offices will now be handl ed through the consolidated of fice. I TVrrPVQ .pZlfif Around 22 Cents PORTLAND, Dec., 15. -(Jf)- Most of tne retailers nere were paying 22 cents a pound today for best turkeys, although some were offering a cent higher. All prices to retailers were, of nominal character 'Inasmuch . shipments still are being made o the east and to California. MOVE TO 'PORTLAND VICTOR POINT, Dec. If. Mrs. Hettle B. Thomas and her j daughters. Marjorie. Melrlna and Phyiiu Langford, who have been I uYing liere, on the W. Doerfler farln, have moved to Portland. xouTn nr.imicii uriucA west nsmrxs RpTtSfnfiStSuIal ml OS 4myn. ittnm tm4wmrj snmuJ mmj feci it Sum Aimrrk ..jtmWif ml tf f- cMn e rkr AlrJirrrrmntmm.. . fJ-Hrnt ttvl. Atmmim. ZmmtiUr. Of IfSmUmm. Lmmnma tlmnfii Dmtm, Cmmm. m mwm. wtl.w rtmm. mi I S'cW InJm Ut tuein I Imt n eeet C9mmhft, pi I plmf mtmJrtfwl K 1kf0tttJ mmr9mfMtmf1tt- wnV I srrfA iavA ffm SrXK fAawf ar"fa . Ml SWtM Alum. mUmrtJt. Kit. W VcrtJUUi ft. Immnu ml Aiiiln w mt Ut Hi ei tmrnhrt pUy Jrtii mmj gtmtm fan ftm IrUO ( rum . mrtti Lmtk htm frWr fctJUaVnf -ttfUt mm. . ' fit AMMUAt . ''v. V.'CPJDCnUiiH Cm rmj lin rlj OO Jty t, aHM faValt" wVVa fwf w f& 9$ 99 trmm Htm Ym4 mm Am.jri K Simmf are mt Awlri. (fymtthm Hmf (WfVW fmd.. Ctr. SUm, Amflm. Imrt. tw ml Jmtm a BAU, eAe hlmmj tttmJin. OmtmX tiraiaVie ftmhn- OlfwW ttf naatepww 4WaWa fAf twapaw$ 44 Xtrntim. rWr tkt abe ml mm oMer mmrti ermmt Urr.liit m era mP wr..JUre - im Me tmcimm , fare frmm fff fO (Af wtmtm mith mmfk, frmm ttfO&) totlammf tlmttcltrmf Jrt ptrmtmm Ser vear Trmtxl Aftrnt m W H. Drmnm, CraT Aft Pmw't Drpmttmtmt, Of trmmjmmy, rhmmt It Oe.'T. r.-rllmmj 1 AMiaMat wataF4a 1 Guarded After Kidnap Attempt ufni Twenty-four-hour guard was maintained over Eugenie H- Grew, 17-year-old foster daughter of attempt to kidnap her from the Mass. She is a daughter of Mrs. her foster-father is a member A lirora Societv Hat Busy Week! AURORA, Dec. 15. Mrs. entertained Frank McAllister I with a bridge luncheon at her home Friday in honor of hter ?" h.?"" Ji'f 1 rule, Mrs. a. w . stoner. airs. I Haa Wsam ri Da m Geo. Ehlen, Mrs. Percy Ottaway, Mrs. TJ. Eilera, Mrs. Melvin Ev- 1 - - .M' -me? Vie' Mrm- tfT' , ;on" & E. Braatl. Mrs. F. C KtUlTtW, T'a,rDL7 vf" 7?T Mrs. orren ottaway,' nee Beat rice Abel, a recent bride, was the inspiration for - a miscellaneaus shower tor which Mrs. Loiln 1 Glesy and Mrs. Earl Carver were hostesses at the home of Mrs. P. O. Ottaway Tuesday afternoon, in to please Xiri tJTrVTS ijCTS""..., .ITVW aXKU.!. vITVJw , 'si sj XM W sLm 4 woman. Orien tals, moire, silk crepe and flannels. 1.95 to 12.45 PAJAMAS The lounging kind ... how a hef want to lounge. Satins, ilk crepes. orientals corduroys. - 195 to 11.95 Women's SWEATER SETS Twin sets, all wool in both brushed and angora. Zipper and cardigan styles. Special 295 and 395 UMBRELLAS A ne wdoth recently perfect ed of silk and rayon, giving the appearance of silk and " the wearing qualities of Cough, long fiber rayon; .. A -truly marvelous gift 2.95 to 6.95 We Cater to Men who Buy for .Women .if H. Grw Randolph C. Grew, XoUowing an Grew summer home at Manchester, Grew by a former marriage and tf a wealthy Boston family. About twentyTfour matrons and maids were In attendance. On the previous Thursday Miss Ewlng Budd and Miss .Esther Bates entertained for the bride at the home of Mrs. Earl Bollsby of Canby. . , Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bradtl were home Wednesday evening to the Canby card club. Members pres ent were: Mr. and Mrs. George Catley. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Yin yard, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Grant White, Mrs. Laura Bair, Beuford Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Eid. and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thompson. GOES TO NEBRASKA BETHANY, Dec. 15 Mrs Earl Frink has gone to Hastings Nebraska, to b with her mother, following receiving word of her mother's serious illness. Frinks lived on the farm formerly own ed by the Charles Lindqulst fam- lly. with CUSTOM-FIT TOP mwm w Mmr - i i it in -i. .. - -T k. at sj m vrry- si ?, jcru any LET CHRI5TMA5 GET YOU. Be calm. Choose the nearest door. "Walk roktl to the hosiery counter and ask for Phoenix Shadowless Mist" dulSbeers. It's an awfully good choice a genome grenadine weare that's flatteringly dull and strong and sheer, all at the same time! $l.50 and 11 and SHIPLEY'S U LEATHER JACKETS Suede and pigtez Jackets In browns, black and green. A. most appropriate gift HANDKERCHIEFS FT' Lace edgedi hand embroidered, par. linen for dress or rn port wear ............. vUC Others Evening dresc chiefs, all hand folder, band painted, eaeh .............. HIPL Se - Two Couples Honor " 40th Wedding Data At Surprise Party WOODBURN, Dee! II. Tbe W. Q. T. club met all day Thurs day af; the home of Mrs. J. F. Rigdon near McKee. A pot luck dinner was served at noon, after which a special hour and quilting was enjoyed.- This..- club is the new organization recently formed by the members of I. I. Stevens Relief Corps which disbanded and are meeting on the second Thurs day of each' month at the home of the members. The next meet ing will be at the home of Mrs. Arhta Nendel. : ' v . : - The- fortieth .wedding annivers aries of Mr. andLMrs.- C. W. Herr who were married 40 years ago December T, and Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles Sklller on December 10 of the same year, were Jointly celebrated with a surprise party at the Herr home recently. About 60 guests were present, the wom en attending in the fashion- of bygone days. .A program of old time songs, duets, piano music waa given and a skit,-' , "Long, Long Age," 'was presented In pan tonine by Mrs. R.-K. Seely, Mrs. John Cornwall, Mrs. W. B. Seely Mrs A. L. Larson-and Mrs. Lo S Christmas Gift Suggestions We Invite you to come in and see the many pleasing gifts we have arranged here for yoffr selection. . STATIONERY PEN & PENCIL SETS DESK SETS LEATHER GOODS ' CHILDREN'S GIFTS Star $1 Books One Hundred Titles to Choose From Children's Books 5.95 25c to 3.43 I and wedding ker made, 1.75 sachet .15c 1 EtLJf- J ' m m mm -w w :t w k M -mm . N7.l K I - j4t Y Koeaig. Lunch was served after which Mr. Herr exhibited his wonderful- collection of butterflies and moths which he' has . spent many years collecting. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Foster and family who hare resided on Third' street, are leaving for their new home in Dayton. Wash., ' next " Tuesday where Mr. Foster has ' purchased the Dayton drug store from Dr. G W. McCauley aud Al bert Erikten. - ' The Girls' Athletic association of Woodburn high school are planning a. Christmas party and' initiation to be held on Wednes day evening, December 19. 24 new members will be initiated. Tach member is asked to bring a small gift and these will be given to those present by a real. Santa Claus.. Games in keeping with the season will be played and a Cbristmaa tree will be featured.' Committees, appointed were: In itiation. Norma Leek, chairman;, Ann Gearln, Mildred Coleman and Mary 'Jane Shaw; program, Marjorie Herr, chairman, Betty Ackerson, Muriel Beckman . and Merle Martin; refreshments Lou Jane Ringo, chairman, Ruth Bri ery ,'Rosemary Corey and Edna Shrock; Christmas tree, arrange ments. Vivian Cowan, chairman, Pauline Marcott. Bonnie Lou Pfaf-" finger, Arline Rivines and Marie Strike. CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS Yoult Find a Good Selec tion Here. Moderately . Priced Commercial Book Store 163 N. Commercial St. UNDIES Pajamas and gowns of silk crepe, amply cut, long. 225 to 10.75 Slips, tailored or lace trim, long or short. 1.87 - 5.M Panties, briefs shorts, satin or French crepe. 1.29 - S.4S Children's SWEATERS Slipons. cardigan and aippers bright shades. Special prices range from 195 to 295 PURSES Fabric bags In novelty weaves with tippers . . ' . 49cr98c, 1.95 Leather and suede purses with zipper compartments, mirrors and cola purses. All . n Qf" newest styles le7a upward' Two groups 'of extra tine novelty leather purses with double mir rors, coin purses and tippers. Very specially, priced at 1.79 .oo 2.79 . Attend the Elks -Christmas Benefit