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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1934)
PAGE LIGHT : The OREGON STATESMAN. - SalenC Oregon, Sunday Blorninsv December 16. 1934 unday Society, Clubs and Music Page of The JESSIE STEELE Society Editor Phone 9101 S Statesman " - . . . - . . - . . . I r - i ' j! I Miss . Regina Goosin Gives Out Date as . December 29 TIISS REGINA GOOSIN, ftride-elect of Frederick A. Rod- lVAgers of Woodburn, has given out the date ot her wed ding as" December 29. She was surprised with a kitchen show er at the home of Miss Gladys Zell last Thursda at which time the news was made known: 1 . Miss Goosin is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1. 1. Goosm of Hijlsboro. Kan., and is a grad-O- uate of Wesley hospital. Wicnua, Kan. She has been employed in Salem for the past year. Mr. Rodgers is the son of Mrs. Wil liam Bates of Woodburn and a graduate o f Woodburn high school. lie also attended Willam ette university. ' G nests at the party were Miss Goosin, Miss Anna E. Heppner, Miss Dorothy Rogen, Miss Hazel Bones. Miss Chrissle Wiens, Miss Irene O'Leary, Miss Stella Ander son. Miss Anne Eltsen, Miss Bar- ' tell. Miss Linda Miller, Miss Ada Davidson, Miss -Elizabeth Ander son, Miss Lee Pickens, Mi3s Glad ys, Zell, Miss Anne Clemens, Miss .A'eari Jolly, Miss Esther Hue. MiS9 Mary B. Regier, Mrs. Luella Mor ris and Mrs. Rose Baun. -.,., Y.W.C.A. Slates Busy Week Ahead Monday afternoon 'Miss Kay Goulet will assist all the Girl Re serve groups to finish their hospi tal tables t the Y. WJ C. A. Each group is making one table that may be nsed for games by chil dren in the local hospitals. . ' .. A doll festival under the direc tion of Mrs. D. H. Stiehl will be '. given January 11 and 12 with -dolls dressed in native costume trom every country in the world. Ir-f Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock all girls interested in sing- Ing Christmas carols this week end will ineet at the Y, W. for practice. Miss Gwen "Gallaher is the leader. The carolers will go : .: out Saturday night from 5 to 8 o'elock to sing. Wednesday night -the Cadena club Is having a waffle supper and Christmas party at the Y. W. with Mrs. M. B. Wagstaff assisting, Thursday night there are three Y. W. C. A. affairs scheduled. The Leslie Girl Reserves will hare a Christmas party at the Y. W. with Miss Wanda Landon and Miss Carol Gardner -in charge. -The Es calero club will have its regular dinner meeting and a Christmas party and the high school Girl Re serves will meet at the Delta Phi house with Miss Lois Underwood as advisor. IT Miss Casement Feted With Shower Mrs. James Rice and Mrs. H. G. Marsh gave a surprise miscellan eous shower for Miss Cleone Case ment Wednesday night at the home of the latter. Miss Case ment will become the bride of Vir gil DeVoe the last of this. month. " The gifts were presented in a large basket and the evening oc cupied informally. Mrs. Hugh Davis and Mrs. C. H. Casement as sisted the hostesses at the supper hour,, ,, Those invited to fete Miss Case ment were Miss Yvonne Au f ranee, Miss Elsie Lewis, Miss Adele Amort, Miss Cleo Amort. Miss Frances. Baler, Miss Nellie Jean Bahlburg. Miss Gertrude DeVoe, Mrs. P. B. ; Wood ward. Mrs. WH lard Moore, Mrs. George Miller, Mrs. Edna Shumaker, Mrs. C. Townsend. iMrs. O. L. Scott, Mrs. Paul Hansen. Mrs. E. Perrine, Mrs; Gwendolyn Lamberth. Mrs. Hugh. Davis, Mrsr Bryan Goode- nough, Mrs. C. rH)strln. Mrs Claudia Coon, Mrs. John St. Clair, Mrs. J. B. Foley, Mrs. P. B. Good- enough, Mrs. A. DeVoe. Mrs Del bert Savage, Mrs. C. H. Casement and the hostesses, Mrs. James Kice and Mrs. H. G. Marsh. SOCIAL Office hours for the society editor are from 10 to 12 a, m. and 2 to S p. m. every day excepting Saturday when they are 8 to 12 a. m. and 1 to p. m. Monday December 17 Women of Rotary at Tea House, 1 p. m., luncheon. American Legion auxiliary Christmas party, Frater nal temple, 8 p. m. Salem Rebekah lodge No. 1 Christmas party, I. O. O. F. hall in evening. Sigma Nu Delphlans, Tuesday, 'Men's Brotherhood of Jason Lee church, 6:30 p. m. covered dish supper at church. ! Juveniles, Neighbors of Woodcraft, g p. m, at Fra ternal temple. Public Christmas, exercises. Laurel Social Hoar club Christmas party with Mrs. Benson, on Garden, road. 1 p. . m. Ulnner. Bring table service. . ; -; j East division of Ladies Aid Ot Presbyterian church, 2:30 p. m. at home Mrs. W. N. Savage, 1433 State." . (American War Mothers with Mrs. F. A. Erlxon, 7S Marion, 2 p. m. 7 ' 1 .; Salem W. C. T. TJ. at 2 p. m. In hall on Commercial. ! V. F, W. post and auxiliary Christmas party, 8 p. m. at armory.- ! B. and P. W. club dinner, S :30 p, m. at Jennie LInd " cafe;" Etokta club with Mrs. W. J. Entrcss, 1865 S. Com mercial. 1 p. m. luncheon and Christmas party. Order of Eastern Star at Masonic temple, 6:30 .P. ra. Potluck dinner, 8 p. nu chapter meeting. ; i Faculty Women's club annual Christmas party for 'faculty men. 2:30 p. m. at home Mrs. W. E. Kirk. lP. L. E. and F. club, 1 p. m. luncheon at K. P. hall.' Wednesdays-December 19 Maccabee Christmas party, 8 p. m. la K. P. hall. Friday, December 21 ; North Salem W. C. T. U., 2 p. m. with Mrs. C. M. ' : Roberts, 81S Shipping. Three Link club Christmas party in afternoon, L O. O. F. hall. - ' In lobby of Y. M. C. A., 8 p. m. Ruthyn Thomas, -violinist, playing original compositions of Prof. Ruthyn Turney. Public inVited. Mrs. Campbell Fetes Delta Zetas Delta Zeta alumnae, met at the home of Mrs. George B. Campbell last week for their annual Christ mas party. The house was dec orated with greens and the light ed tree-bore gifts which were ex changed. The center of the dining table held an immense cluster of mistle toe covered with pink berries and lighted with Christmas tree lights. guarded on either side by tall green tapers In green holders. At the supper hour each small table! was lighted with a Christmas can dle. - " . '., Bridge was in play with high scores going to Mrs. Mark Walk and Miss Maude Owens Campbell and the guest prize to Mrs. F. H. Crosby- Present were Mrs. B. Bradley, Mrs. Mark Wald, Mrs. Marjorie Young. Mrs. J. J. Elliott, Mrs. Clayton Bernhard, Mrs. G. E. Mc Gilllvrae, Miss Dorothy Rowe ot Stayton, Miss Maxine-Paulsen, Miss Clara Mielke, 'Miss Helen Louise Crosby, Miss Margaret Burroughs and the hostess, Mrs. George B. Campbell. S.peciall guests of the club were Mrs. P. H. Crosby and Miss Maude Owens ! Campbell. The next meeting will be Janu ary 8 at the home of Mrs. Fran? ces Dennison, 1161 Union. AU Delta Zetas of Salem and vicinity ! are invited. Forum Holds Potluck on Friday Miss Helen Breithaupt was hostess to the Young People's Fo- which has been placed with the rum of the First M. E. church Frl- state library by the Salem Worn day night for a potluck dinner, an's club. The table was centered with an Last spring the Picture Library exquisite array of gardenias In a committee undertook the estab- silver bowl. Christmas decorations I - . 4. " 1 I were aooui me rooms.. Miss Margaret Estrom was inline them its own surplus. This charge of the evening's entertain- ment. Those in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Craven, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Lisle, Mr. and Mrs Floyd Bailey, Miss Margaret Es- trom. Miss Dorothy Eastrldge, Miss. Eleanor Moore, Miss Agnes Moore. Miss Alma McDonald, Miss started about seven years ago Ida McNeill, William DePew, Paul under the leadership of Mrs. Wil Tyler, Knute Anderson. Dave liani Fordyce Fargo. At that Lindser and the hostess, Miss Hel- en Breithaupt. Rebekah Lodge Plans Holiday Parties The Salem Rebekah lodge will have its Christmas party Monday night in the I. O. O. F, hall at the close of the business session with 4 tree and refreshments The Three Link club will hold Its party Frl.Viy afternoon in the club room. Gifts will be ex- served by Mrs. Jennie Martin, Mrs. Addie Mills. Mrs. Noyes, Mrs. Elva Estes and Miss Clara Roberts. Mrs. Mamie Calloway has charge ot . the program, assisted by Mrs. Bessie Edwards and Mrs. Lora Groves. Christmas tree arrange ments are in charge ot Mrs. Pearl Swanson, Mrs. Florence Vieses and Daisy Mclntyre. TILLICUM DANCE -The Tiillcum club will have a formal dance at the Castilllan nau Tuesday night midst gay Christmas decorations. A host of smart affairs will precede -the ball. CALENDAR 2 p. m. at publie library. December 18 Willamette's Miss Clara Wright, senior at Willamette amiversitr from Bremertoa, wasn., was elected the prettiest girl on the campus by popnlar Tote last week. She will be presented with a box of candy at chapel Monday morning. Woman's Club Collects Pictures to OP INTEREST to club and school groups Is the fine col lection of several hundred re- productions of famous masters lishment of picture libraries in . m . . . a - neignooring smau ciuos by oner- fall it was decided ,to extend the service of the collection still fur ther by offering it to other groups through the state library. This will make it available to Individ : uals and clubs throughout Ore- gon. The. picture library work was time the committee met once a mont hto work on the pictures which were found in magazines or bought individually by mem bers of the committee. Later the work was carried on with Mrs. Clifford Mudd as chair- ! man. The library was enlarged, art talks were given at the club meetings and art appreciation in creased. For the last two years Mrs. ! Milo Rasmussen has been the chairman. During this period r Ormal 1 ea LlVen at Kirk Home A delightful affair of Friday afternoon was the formal tea given by girls of the Junior class at ' Willamette university for freshmen coeds at the home of Mrs. W. E. Kirk from 3 to 5:30 o'clock. Holly and red tapers In candel abra graced the tea table at which Mrs. Herbert Rahe, Mrs. S. B. Laughlin, Mrs. M. E. Peck and Mrs. George Allen presided. Miss Lois Underwood and Miss Virginia Wassam were at the door the first hour and Miss Es ther Glbbard and Miss Martha Jane Hottell the second hour. Miss Anoka Coates and Miss Mar garet Hagg introduced to the line made up of Mrs. Kirk, Mrs. Bruce R. Baxter, Mrs. Frank M. Erickson, Dean Olive M. Dahl and Miss Doris Unruh. Among those assisting about the rooms and wih the serving were the Misses Dorothy Ghorm- ley, Bess DeLapp, Annette Jor dan, Helen Keudell, - Esther Black, Loreen Findley and Mar garet Nunn. . .. Silverton High School to Give Tea Silverton- A silver tea, open to the public, is to be given Monday afternoon at the home economics I department of the Silverton high school. The hours are from 4:30 to 6 p. m. and hostesses are the T. N. T. girls of which Merl Ter ry is president. Miss Estora Ricks, home economics teacher. Is supervisor of the affair. The silver offering is to be used for one of the girls' pro jects, that of purchasing books i and other necessities for more unfortunate girls who are unable I to purchase their own school i supplies. , Sewing Club Honored at Moore Home The sewing club of the P. and P. W. club met- at the home of Miss Ruth Moore Friday night for a potluck dinner and social ere- ning. Mrs. Yoder was the Joint hostess. Present were Edith Burch, Amy Adams, Ruth McAdams, Helen Smith, Myra L. Shank, Ruth Buchner, Juana Holmes., Daisy Hayden, Lillian Cad well. Edna Purdy, Clara J. Witt, Lois Oh mart, Ethelyn Thompson, - Inez Adele Byrd and the hostesses. Fairest Coed KeonrU EIlit Photo. be Loaned several hundred pictures have Deen aaaea to tne collection. These were mostly gifts from the lueuioers ana laaen irom current magazines, with the club supply ing the funds for mounting board, paste, etc. The committee is especially ea ger that these pictures be used In the schools, (not only In art classes but in history, geography. literature classes as well), on club programs or study classes or for material for art exhibits. It suggests that the pictures be studied not only for the individ ual artists as Sargent, Homer, Bellows, Raphael, Botticelli, etc., but by groups such as: Madon nas, snow scenes, marines, sailing- ships. Rocky Mountain scenery, aesen scenes, portraits, suii-ilie, I early American Indian, hunting scenes, American artists s inter pretations of foreign lands and peoples, etc. The Salem Woman's club will continue to increase the collec tion as rapidly as funds permit. It has been suggested that oth ers besides club members might wish to contribute pictures. The committee will be very glad to receive any such contributions and full credit will be given to the donor on. the baek of each picture. . Campfire Girls Form New Group A group of Campfire Girls has been organized under the sponsor- ship of Jason Lee church. Mrs. E. C. Van Slyke Is the guardian and Mrs. Frances Clark the as- slstant guardian. Christmas carols will be sung Friday night after which the group will repair to Mrs. Van Slyke's home, 945 Garnet, for a party. Officer and memDri are Rett Cranev. nresident Mamrt Chart. wick vice-president; Ruth Fargo. sonsr leaner anil tnumrtr- Ihh Van Slyke, secretary aad scribe; t.ii T a W n a . xjciiy oyru, jauet bjto. Hetty i Mann, Ruth McFarland and Lor- etta Beall. li-AsA-e P.,',,- for Guests Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schreder were dinner hosts at the Argo hotel Fri day night complimenting Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Berg of Cottage Grove. Bridge was enjoyed later at the Schreder home on South Com mercial. 7.t Honors at cards went to Mr. and Mrs. Larry Davis. Present in addition to the honor guests and n net r, Mr m-nA Mm tr.n.AK Brandon, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. New- Mrs. Ralph Kletzlng, Mr. and Mrs. von Emerson ana Mr. ana Mrs Jack Peterson. New Officers Named by Tent Barbara Frietchie Tnt No. .2 enjoyed a potluck supper and elec tion Of nfflrora Frlili nlh Election will h rninnlp'oX at tha next meeting. Officers are as follows: Presi- dent. Mrs. Nellie HMit mtnr vice-president. Mrs. L a u r e n Stow; junior vice-president, Mrs. Kittle Bumgardneri chaplain. Mrs. sarah Alderman Cutler; treasurer, Mrs. Mabel "Gardner: patriotic Instructor, Mrs. Margar et ningie. ' . DELPHIANS TO MEET Sigma Nu Chapter of the Del phian society will meet Monday at 2 o'clock at the public library Tor a program on narrative po etry. Mrs. David Wright will su pervise tne meeting-and Mrs. W. E. Feldman. Mrs. Hugh Lathem, Mrs. Floyd White. Mrs. Oscar Cutler. Mrs. G. . S. Pa icon and Mrs. C. E. Roblin will appear on the program. Mrs. Lewis Grif fith will give current events. - Wisteria Club Informal is REENERT . , and . Christmas X decorations transformed the Castilllan hall Friday night when the f wisteria club gathered there for an informal dance. Spe cial guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hardy,- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McKee and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Nash.' The next dance to be held by the blub will he on New Year's Eve at Castilllan. Thedub roster Includes: Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bentler, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beutler. Mr. and Mrs: B. L. Bradley, Mr. and! Mrs. Harley Bosler, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Gabriel, George Campbell, Miss Ethel Nestell, Mr. and ..Mrs. G. T. Wadsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Holman, Mr. and Mrs. Har ry uraves, Mr. ana Airs. a. a. Janz, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Car son, Mr. and Mrs. -Fred Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Moon, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Sloper, Mr. and Mrs. James Teed, Mr. and Mrs. Lee O. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wil bur, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Thoml as, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Palma- teer, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Milton-1 berger, C- M. Quistad, Mr. .and ' Mrs. A. E. Ullman, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phlllippe, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Merriott, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jelderks, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Selander, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Herstkotte, Mr. an Mrs. Paul A. Lee. i Mr. and Mrs. Fay B. Rice, Mr. and Mrs. George Hibbart, Dr. and Mrs. Estill Brunk, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cnddy, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bagley, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Rog ers, Dr. Henry E. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. P. I. Bressler, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bagley, Mr. and Mrs. Gall Jones, Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Fitz gerald, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Maves, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford S. Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Colgan, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Kennedy and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Soos. MlSS Lewis Presents n i r l rUpilS in KeCltal Miss Elizabeth Lewis will pre sent her piano class in a Christ mas musicale at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Phil Aspinwall, 64S Mar ket street, Monday night at 8 1 o clock. A ironn of old English comno-lner aitions will ben anDronriate tea- tiir nf the. nrnrrim HarnM ffn. pert, violinist, is the assisting art- ISL ttCCUUl LKiUIWl PT MISS LiVWU. I A lighted Christmas tree and! holiday decorations will brighten i the receiving rooms. An inform-i al retention will follow. Mrs. Clat home at 1115 S. Commercial A. LewU and Mrs. David Lewis! v...u& u ram nyUlM Robinson, Vivian Those appearing on the pro- Webb, Dorothy Hoar. Shirley Par ker, Frederick Bradshaw, Bobby Robinson. Betty Jean Smith. Viv ian Asnlnwall. Elva Ault. Leone Spaulding, Eleanor Aspinwall and Elizabeth Lewis D. E. Club Elects at Thursday Meet The D. E. club met Thursday at the home ot Mrs. Charles O'Brien and elected the following officers: Grand regent. Mrs. B. P. Dimeler: rice grand regent. Mrs. Frank Alley; recording sec- retary, Mrs. Frank O'Brien; treasurer, Mrs. S. J. Gentzkow; financial secretary, Mrs. T. A. Windlshar; ; trustees, Mrs. August Hnckestein and Mrs. Henry man. The second Thursday in Janu- ary the club will have its Christ- mas party and exchange of gifts with Mrs. Gentzkow the hostess. Assisting her will be Mrs. John Dalk, Mrs. T. D. McClain and Mrs. M. Feilen 1 ' Jr'.tl.U. Chapters Have i Joint Session I Chapter AB. P. E. O., enter tained Chapter G at the home ot .IXfra T a Pnharti la.f .V Prof. Roberts played a number of organ selections and Miss Alice Chandler accompanied him on the violin. Mrs. R. R. Hewitt presided over the business session. Retreh- menta were served with Mrs. R. J. Hendricks and Mrs. Hewitt pouring. The social committee was made up of Mrs. Allen Hunt er, Mrs. Leslie Sparks and Miss Helen Barrett. Thirty-five were in attendance. Legion Auxiliary Tl oeSSlOn IVIOnClay The American Legion auxiliary will have a Christmas party Mon- day night at the Fraternal tern- pie at 8 o'clock. Mrs: Ona Ol- son aad her committee made up of Mrs. O. E. Palmateer, Mrs. C. W. Davis and Mrs. Bryan Conley, will be In charge. There , will be a program and I danting. On the refreshment committee re Mrs. A. N. Johnson, Mrs. J. H. Brady. Mrs. Pearl Duval, Mrs. el Carl Hultenberg. Mrs. Pearl Vic- tor, Mrs. Frances Myers and Mrs. Hulda Waters. There Is Still Time For Your Christmas Thotographs "CYN" CRONISE "Court and Commercial Streets ; Contralto i ( Miss Margaret Ninuns, contralto. has made two solo appearances the past week. Bandar she sang in Hoed River at the Kiv erside church on a program given by the Singer's dab of that city, directed by Momun Canfield. Tuesday night she appeared in the solo portions of several sections given by the MacDowell club at WaUer hall. Mrs. Baldwin Is Bride at - Home mHB MARRIAGE of Mrs. I Laura Baldwin and Amos Vass was solemnized quietly Saturday : afternoon at 2 o'clock in the home of Mrs. S. Page, 213 S Bellvue. with Rev. W. C. Kant ner officiating. Vows were exchanged la the jivl-g room which was decorated with fern and greenery. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tracer, niece and nephew of Mr. Tass, and Mr. and Mrs. P.-,W. Thomason of Turtfcr were the only witnesses. The bride was gowned In a frock ot ashes ot roses shade and I she wore a corsage oi uecn urun roses and forget-me-nots: Refreshments were scrvea ioi OT1U tne Ceremony. JTOr KOIUK Sno89 " 8 ,S - - o ----. with brown accessories. After a short trip to the Ore- I a a a a a a. son oeacnes tne coupie win oe after January is. -,-. . r - . ri . Pythian OlSterS Illect New Officers The Pythian Sisters elected of- fleers Thursday night and iaid plans tor the visit ot the Grand Chief on December 27. A class will be Initiated at that time with the degree staff from Dallas assisting. New officers are as follows: M. E. C, Laura Johnson; M. E. S-, May Gohrke; M. E. J.. Lettie Ray; manager, Mary Aplln; M. ot R. and C, Lucile Compton: M I Of P.. Florence. F. Shippo: pro- I tector. May Ratclitf : Guard of O. rT.. Alice Da vies; trustee for three I years. May Ratcliff; press corre- Ispondent. Luclie Compton: In- stalling officer, Azsil Hlxson: cap- J tain of degTee staff, Mr tie Hart-lBurk; musician, Francis Green- wood. I The fifth benefit card party 1 sponsored by the Pythian Sisters was held Wedaesday night in the I K. P. hall. High scores went to Mrs. Ella Lams. Miss Myrtle Burk, Charles Klnzer and Wayne Greenwood. The last benefit will be held December 26. j Faculty Women Plan Christmas Party The Faculty Women's club will be entertained again this year at t the home of Mrs. W. E. Kirk with the 'annual Christmas party to which faculty men are also invit ed. The affair has been moved up from Thursday to Tuesday after noon at 2:30 o'clock. . 1 Asflsting hostesses are Mrs. Herman Clark. Mrs. W. C. Jones. Mrs. D. H. Schulze, Mrs. C C. Haworth. Mrs. N. S. Savage, Mrs. Paul E. Ellis and Miss Helen Mac Hirron. Christmas carols will be sung and tea served. "O. E. S. ON TODAY ;! The Order ot Eastern Star will meet at 6:30 o'clock in the Mason- tc temple Tuesday night tor a pot- I luclr dinner. "The- chapter meeting I will follow at I o clock. A Christ- I maa pageant will be given by I treehmen ! Willamette students. Gifts will be exchanged about the Christmas tree. CONSIDER Jgpa - QtuJity In Gift Candy FRAMES A tjood photograph desen'es a good frame. We have a choice selection in metal glass, 'and leather. Books as Gifts Discussed THE Salem branch of A. A. V. W. gathered at the Tea House Saturday for luncheon and an interesting discus sion on books as Christmas gifts. Richard Smart sang ac combanied by Miss Clara Wright and the high school girl's chorus sang "Silent Night", Clear" and "O Little Town of Thirty Children Give 4 n u . - . A Christmas concert will be given by 30 children Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 p. to. in Wal ler hall under the direction of the class in piano pedagogy at Wil lamette university.. The public is invited. . ' Students from the studios of Miss Mary Schults, Miss ; Helen MacHirron, Miss Clara Eness and Miss Barbara Barham will ap pear. The program will be as - fol lows: Overture, Christmas Fantasie . Clara Wright Three pianos Christmas Toys .-Dalcroze Reminiscence . Heller Doris Cline, pianist ' Gavotte , .... Gossec Madrigale - Simonette Lenore Meyers, violinist Flavia Downs, accompanist Rhythmic Games .. Dalcroze Class Minuet' i .Bach Christmas Piece Mendelssohn Rosemary Gaiser, pianist . Rondo from Concert D Major Haydn Mary Lauglin, pianist. . And string orchestra under direction of x Jeannette Scott The Bee - Schubert Kathlee Broer, violinist Flavia Downs, accompanist Nat Cracker Suite Tschalkowsky Dramatized excerpts directed bv Ruth Billings . Gypsy Serenade.... Valdex-Kreisler Hume Downs Flavia Downs, accompanist Dalcroses Canons .... Wetdig Carol Clarke. Rebecca Marie. Putnam Prelude Chopin Eight Students Sileat Nlgnt Directed by Barbara Barham Latin OtudentS Oent Unique Letter The Salem. High school Latin club recently received a letter from Woodburn 's second year class written entirely in Latin committee consisting ot Margaret Bailey, Bill Laughlin, Jeannette Hulst, George Smith, John Laugh lin and ' Tom Hill has been ap pointed to answer the missive in the same language. Members ot the club who re ceived A grades for the second six weeks are Margaret Bailey, David Bartruff, Jean Bartlett Harriet Coons, Jeannette Hulst, Antoinette Irish. Audrey Jackson Alice Kreft. Elisabeth Lewis. Des sle-McClay, June Moynihan, Jane Patton, Margaret Rannets, June Sconton, Eugene Strickland, Max ine Stanley, George Smith. Edwin Tuiue, Margaret TernsakL Bar- bara Young and Betty Showver. For A Limiied Time . . BEAUTIFUL LARGE RELISH DISH A SPECIAL VALUE! I hh Smarf Retlsh 6r Chop DJsK 5s one of the best values we have ever offered. Delicately pierced design, heavily illverplated. 13 .n, m o.amerer. rart.cularfy appropriate for present day enter tainmg for celery, olivet, relishes, hors d'oeuvres. or. by removing the glass lining. It is ideal for .chocs, colrl every hostess needs thr, dlsh.v time. r t . . . . . $4 Also Sugar and Creamer With Tray In Attractive Gift Box $3.95 Fruit Bowls Also in Attractive Box $3.95. OTTO RAY EiAEiirr.aAri del s. Sdem's Leading Jewelers COttNER STATE AND LIBERTY STREETS Christmas "It Came Upon a Midnight Bethlehem" accompanied by -Miss Doris Schnnke. ids inncneon laoies were ligm- ed with red tapers and decorated with holly. Miss Long, speaker of the af ternoon and state librarian, em phasized that books may be giv en as gifts this Christmas for very reasonable prizes. One of. the beautifully illustrated volumes she displayed was Borman's "Bridg es." Among the many volumes Miss Long recommended as Christmas gifts were Mary Jan Carr's -Cov-ered Wagon Children", Hunsey's "Children of Other Lands", Tark- lngton'a "Little Orvie". Lespin asse's "Bell of Helmus", Iiaskin's WUd Flowers of the Pacific Coast", P r i e s 1 1 y ' s, "Journeys Through England" and "Thev Built the West". Edna St. Vincent M illay's 'Wine From Grapes" and Eleanor Allen's "Seeds". The A. A. U. W. board met last week witl Mrs. Frank Spears to discuss the district biennial con vention to be held next spring and plans for meetings throughout the year. Au International gathering with several speakers will be held In the near future. Frantz to Play With Symphony Hailed as one of the' most ar resting phenomena of the con temporary American musical scene, Daliss Frantz, pianist, will come to Portland Monday, Decern- ber 17, for his local debut as so loist with the Portland sympho ny orchestra. Frantx is an American, and this season Is making his first coast- to-coast tour. He has been en gaged to appear as soloist with most of the nation's leading or chestras. The vehicle for Frantz Port land debut will be the remarkable E-flai piano concerto of Franz Liszt, a universal favorite which has not been performed in a major Portland concert for years. Willem van Hoogstraten has selected for the remainder of the program the overtures to "The Marriage ot Figaro" (Mo zart) and to "Rienzl" (Wagner) and of particular importance. De bussy's orchestral suite. "Iberia,' a series of three glamorous tone pictures of sunny Spain, perform ed for the first time in Port land. North Salem W.C.T.U. to Meet The North Salem W. C. T. U. will meet Friday afternoon at 2 o'elock at the home of Mrs. C. M. Roberts, 81S Shipping street. Mrs. Mark Wilbur will" sing and Mrs. John Mann will give a reading. Mrs. Necla Buck will speak in formally on her work. "Muni tions and War" will be the topic of the address given by Mrs. Roy Lockenour. Mrs. H. G. Humph rey will lead the devotions. h Smart Gift Sex A remarlable value for limited .' . .95 ! t 'V i , i 4 T j- . iV -i V . i t - 4 4 k 4 r 4 is