The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 16, 1934, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday ' Morning, December 16, 1934
; ...
Local News Briefs
Case Remanded -"A certified
copy of the order Remanding the
Wasco Warehouse company's case
against the O. R. R. & N.-,ralI-road
and others was filed this
weekend in circuit court here. The
: suit comes back to trial in circuit
' court after Judge Alger Fee of the
federal bench had ruled. that the
proper ; Jurisdiction, was . in the
court where the suit originated.
Claims for overcharges Involved
$300,000 are involved in the suit.-.
When testimony was taken in the
case . before ..the ntilltles -commissioner,
three months were needed
.to complete the record. The-utilities
commissioner sustained the
plaintiff who now sues to ."collect
moneys allegedlv due.
For the convenience of those in
. business, sittings for Christmas
photographs will be taken Sun
- days and evenings. Gunnell &
Robb, 520 State. '-
; Winter Sports Poor Winter
sports are not likely to be good
today, according to Mrs. Claudia
Benson, manager of the Salem of
fice of the Oregon State Motor as
sociation. Reports from Govern
ment Camp at Mt. Hood were that
the temperature was 33 degrees
with a west wind blowing and but
15 Inches of snow on the level.
All major highways, she said, are
open and in excellent condition.
Wanted used furniture. Ph. 6414.
Ramseyers Have Boy Friends
of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ramseyer
were extending congratulations
this weekend upon word of the
birth of a six-pound, 12-ounce boy
to Mrs. Ramseyer at a local hos
pital Wednesday. Mother and baby
are both doing nicely. Mr. Ram
seyer is associated with the J. C.
Penney company here.
"Our Photographs Glorify.?' Qual
ify portraits S5 per dozen jand up,
completely mounted. Gunnell &
Robb, 520 State.
40 et 8 to Meet The December
meeting of Marlon countylvoiture
Na. 153, 40 et 8 of the American
Legion, will be held Wednesday
night. At this time plansiwill be
made for the initiation, . or
"wreck" to be held next month
and the interstate "wreck" to be
held at Seattle in February.
Annual sale of blankets now on.
Discontinued and broken lines at
prices as low as $3.25 and $3.95
on 100 virgin wool plaids and
plains. Thos. Kay Woolen Mill Co
Retjail Dept., 260 So. 12th St.
i -
2 Couples to Wed Two couples
sought wedding licenses yesterday
at the county clerk's office. Nor
inan Naegeli. 200 West Center
street, Silverton, a surveyor, ask
ed permission to wed Orma Day,
21, 216 Jones avenue, Silverton, a
housekeeper; Amos Vass, Salem,
a carpenter, to Laura D. Baldwin,
Salem, a retired nurse. .
Sittings for Christmas ' photo
graphs taken up -to Dec' 21 and
finished before Xmas. Gunnell &
Robb, 520 State.
Lone Accident Reported One
' minor automobile accident was re
ported to city police yesterday. It
Involved cars driven by Louis M.
Stutt, 2045 Laurel avenue; Ernest
L. Weston, 1376 North Commer
cial and Mrs. C. Montgomery,
13 th and State, at 17th and Cen
ter streets. No further details were
i .' "
Oregon Shoe Co. Men's and wom
en's gift slippers $1.25 to $2.95.
Hunter to Remain Albert Hun
ter,; chairman of the state indus
trial accident commission, whose
term expires early in January, will
be reappointed by Governor Meier,
it was indicated at the executive
department' Saturday. Hunter or
iginally was appointed by ex-gov
ernor Pierce and held over under
. the Meier administration.
Rent S R. f urn. house, 1376
Church. Tel. 7475.
Maccabees Wednesday The
Maccabee lodge will hold a Christ
mas party at the K. P. hall Wed
nesday night at 8 o'clock.
Milton Lander at a local hos
pital, December 15, at the age of
26 Tears. He was a late resident
f Gervals, and is survived by his
widow- Beatrice of Gervais; one
son,, a brother and a sister and
parents Mr. and Mr. W. R. Lan
der of Salem. Funeral announce
ments later from Clough-Barrick
.. Haack :
Mrs. Anna Haack at the resi
dence. Marion. Ore.. December 15,
at the age of 72 years. 'Survived by
widower. Fred Haack or Marion;
mix daughters. Miss, Viola Haack
of Salem, Miss Laura Haack of
Marion. Mrs. R. DImick of Oak-
ridge, Mrs. Max Schultz of Jeffer
ton, Mrs. Orville Doerfler of Al
bany and Mrs. Leli.nd Kaplinger
of Mill ' City: a son. Frank W.
Haack of San Francisco; 10
erandchlldren. Funeral services
will be -held . from the residence
Tuesday. Dec. 18 at 2 p. m. under
direction " of Clough-Barrick com
pany. Rev. Stewart of Albany of-
: f iciatlnr. Interment in Marion
' ' . : . Hicks.
:W. R. Hicks, at h!a residence on
route-l, Gervals, December 13, at
age of 72 years. He la survived by
widow, Jennie Hicks of route 1,
Gervais. and a Bister. Leona sta-
cey of Springfield, Ore. Funeral
services from the Clough-Barrick
chapel. Tuesday, Dec. 18 at 10
a. m. Dr. Briton Ross officiating
minister. Pallbeareri will be from
the Eldriedge community. Inter
ment Forest View emetry. For
est Grove. Friends Invited.
OLSON, Florist
Court and High Phone 7160
Six Clinics Slated Six clinics
are scheduled by the Marion coun
ty health department for this
week as follows: Monday, all
day, clinic at Grant school, . Sa
lem; Tuesday, school clinic at
Aumsvilfe; Wednesday, afternoon,
school clinic at Salem health cen
ter, 201 Masonic building; Thurs
day, morning, pre-school clinic at
Salem health center, and, after
noon, school and pre-school clinic
at St. Paul: Saturday, morning..
Immunization , clinic v at Salem
health center, v - r. - -
Open evenings 7 to 9 until Xmas.
Kennell-Ellis, ' photographs.'
Three Speeders Pay TJp Three
motorists pleaded guilty to speed
ing and paid tinea in municipal
court yesterday. They were: Ern
est M. Dewey, West Salem, $2.50;
H. A. Miller, 645 North 16th
street, $2.50; Marvin S.' W. Swire,
Portland, by Nathan Stelnbock,
$5. Swire was charged with driv
ing 55 miles an hour along North
Sapitol street. "
Hulda helps hostesses. Tel4791.
Accounting Filed An account
ing was filed yesterday in the case
of E. S. Fortner against J. H.
Garnjobst. The figures show
that $6257 has been paid on cer
tain X-ray equipment the two doc
tors were buying of which $4309
was contributed by Fortner and
$1948 by Garnjobst The latter
recently purchased the machinery
on execution sale.
Cash for used furniture. Ph.
Scouts Meet Monday Boy
Scouts from Salem and vicinity
will gather at Salem high school
Monday night for another of their
"fun" nights. - In addition to the
usual stunts and games, the pro-
gram will include an -address by I
Rev. George H. Swift and a short
talk by Scout Executive. James E.
Elks Xmas show Mon. 8:16 p. m.
Broadcast, Not Services
There was an error in the an
nouncement of services for the
First German Baptist church.
There will be no services at the
church at 3:15 today. Instead
there will be a broadcast at that
hour over KWJJ of Portland.
Rev. G. Schunke will preach--at
the 7:30 service.
Regular 50c ties 25c. G. W. John-
son & co
Ask Water Right The Oregon
Estate company with headquar
ters at Cloverdale has filed appli
cation with the state engineer
here for permission .to appropri
ate 3.56 second feet of water from
an unnamed stream, tributary of
the Little Nestucca river, for irri
gation of 14 acres of land in Tilla
mook county.
Elks Xmas show Mon. 8:15 p. m.
Wins Honor Second place
among agents for the Sun Life
Insurance company in Oregon has
been won for the last 12 months
by S. L.. Johnson, 1495 North Li
berty street, Salem. Johnson re
ceived, notice yesterday of his
high place In the representatives'
Men's shirts worth to $2. Special
$1.49. Boxes free. G. W, Johnson
Printing Ordered All printed
forms to be used during the 1935
legislative session were ordered by
the state department Friday, P. J.
Stadelman, secretary of state, an
nounced. Other supplies for the
session have arrived at the state
department preparatory to being
placed on the legislator's desks.
Elks Xmas show held over by pop
. ,
ular demand. See it Mon. night,
8:15 p. m. Elks auditorium.
Sheriff Reports Receipts of
only $100 were secured on a
sheriff's sale on a $909 judgment
granted Dolly Painter in her suit
against John R. Painter. A de
ficiency judgment was Issued for
the balance due.
Xmas trees, S doors west Cap. the
Seven Get Jobs Seven per
sons received employment
through the national re-employ
ment agency, 355 North High
street, last week. Five of the
jobs were at common labor, one
at farming and one at house-
Ethell To Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Roscoe Ethell, route eight,
a girl, Patricia Ann, born Decem
ber 12. at Salem Deaconess hos
pital. 1
Fisher To Mr. and Mrs. Har
old L. Fisher, Salem, a girl, born
December 10 at the Bungalow
Maternity home.
Presho To Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Kendel Presho, route three, a girl.
Betty Lou, born December 6 at I
the residence. -
Thomas To Mr. and Mrs. Cal
vin L. Thomas. 2172 Broadway,
a boy, Warren Dale, bom Decem
ber 6 at the Colonial Maternity
Without operation r lots tt tin
329 Orecea Bldf. Paofc MOB
Try it - see it cooked -we
think ft delicious and
so will you once yoji try It.
American Dishes Served Also
222 N. Commercial St.
Open 11 A. M. to 2 A. M.
Enlargement of Sleeping
Quarters Completed :
in Past Week
. Steady progress, despite Inter
mittent rains. Is being made on
the Marion County Housing com
mittee's renovized house on the
courthouse lawn. This coming
week-will see plumbers and. elec
tricians at .work putting in the
interior connections for that phase
of the house construction.
William H. Pettlt, foreman in
charge, said . that he planned to
shingle the house this week.
In the three days worked the
paat week, carpenters have com'
pleted the enlargement to the bed'
room half of the house and have
extended the roofs down to meet
the extensions placed in the front
and back of the structure. Per
manent celling Joists are now in
place, the ceilings having been
dropped to an eight loot level to
make the heating more efficient
and to make the rooms more
pleasing in appearance than the
high ceilings which prevailed in
the old structure. Space has there
by been gained for! at least two
rooms upstairs in the house al
though these will not be finished
by the committee.
A bay window will be placed in
the main living room but no front
porches will be across the house
as prevailed in the old structure.
The housing committee announ
ced again during the week that its
renovization demonstration was
Intended to show all the various
improvements which could be
made to an old house rather than
being a pattern for the average
home owner to follow In making
his old house modern.
"We expect that the old house
will show all the phases of remod-
eling and we hope that the lndi-
viduar homeowner will repair his
kitchen or living room or put a
new roof on his house or alter a
wing to make a modern bathroom
possible," the committee said.
The Seattle housing committee
has erected a large sign In front
of its old house now in the cen
ter of a Seattle street explaining
tnat the house is to demonstrate
all phases of renovization and is
not a model for the average home
iBjilttOTl COTlteSt
Has Support of
County Schools
Marion county school districts
are showing a generous interest
in -the button collecting contest
being conducted by SERA offi
cials to secure a supply for the
sewing project, according to
Glenn C. Niles, county relief ad-
Install Yule Tree A large
Christmas tree was installed Sat
urday In the lower rotunda of the
statehouse.. Smaller Christmas
trees were in evidence in a num
ber of the state departments.
Seek to Collect Suit to collect
a note for $600. secured by a
mortgage, was filed yesterday in
circuit court by Otto Byerley and
Emma Byerley against James
Silk striped shirts, special $1.65.
G. W. Johnson & Co.
Chimney Blazes A chimney
blaze at 6:40 a. m. yesterday at
425 North Commercial street
brought city firemen out on their
only call for the' day. It did no
serious damage, j
, Portland Man Arrested Harold
Jackson, Portland motorist, was
arrested by city police here yester
day on a charge of speeding.
Where to
Eat Turkey Dinner Today at
The Spa
Sunday Dinner, 45c and 60c
at the Marion -.-
Roast Turkey, 45c, Tourist Cafe
Gray Belle, Sunday Dinner, 50c
Xmas Photos
before going elsewhere. We
have the largest assortment to
choose from in the city.
422 State St., Over Gray Belle
6-Pound Box
Assorted flavors, J dj OC
hand dipped ...... viwJ
Xmas Special Colonial Club
Four-piece, Cn
$1.25 value .......... OUC
Designed, black and M O Q
colon 3105J
133 N. Commercial - Dial 5107
The Original Yellow Front
Candy Special Stare of Salem
Insull Brothers Confer at Trial
,. . - fV '
- . ' . .
-m . Y,0
. ' ' . . . -
;:' : -
Martin Insull
Standing trial in Chicago on charges
the .collapse of the Insull utilities
Xgretted outside the courtroom by
of the one-time gigantic enterprises. The latter, who recently was
acquitted at a federal court trial on fraud charges, was expected
to Je witness for his brother., ,
mlnistrator. Six school districts
already have sent in donations of
buttons. The Hubbard school, su
perintended by Eugene Silke,
have sent in approximately 6000
buttons toward their goal of
10,000. The contest closes Jan
uary l.
Many of the buttons being
contributed may be seen at the
Marion county housing commit
tee's headquarters, southeast cor
ner of State and High streets.
B. L. "Buck" Bradley, Salem
insurance man, found an easy
way to attract a large crowd
last night when he set up his
amateur reflector . type telescope
near the city hall on Chemeketa
street. A large number of fire
men, policemen, small boys and
passersby in general quickly ga
thered to catch a glimpse of the
craters on the moon, which
showed up clearly in the 'scope
eyepiece until fog drifted across
the sky.
It took Bradley the spare time
of. three months to grind the
mirror for his telescope and con
struct the swivel mounting. The
mirror Is five inches in diameter,
three-quarters of an inch in
thickness and silvered by hand.
The cardboard core from a lino
leum roll provided the four-foot
tube he mounted above the mir
ror, and, a microscope lens, the
Bradley, hoping for more
worlds to scan, is now grinding
an eight-Inch mirror for a larger
telescope which he will set up on
a permanent concrete base in the
yar dat his home in south Salem.
Joint Installation
On Friday Night for
Masons and' Star
TURNER, Dec. 15. Victoria
chapter, Eastern Star, Wednesday
night elected the following offi
cers for the new .year: Ruth Og
les by, W. M.; Arthur Edwards,
W. P.; Bessie Calvin, A. M.; W.
W.-Oglesby, A. P.; Vivian Ens
ley, A. C; Charles Calvin, treas
urer, and Fred Mitchell, secre-
tT. - ...
Joint Installation or pearl Ma
sonic lodge and Victoria chapter.
Eastern Star, will be held Friday
night, December 21. A pot luck
Made and Packed in
Ringlet Ends
Castle Permanent Wavers Co.
807 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg., 8063
Men's Suits and
Overcoats Cleaned
and Pressed
Ladies Dresses and
and np "
We Call For and Deliver Free
Cleaners & Dyers
845 Union St. Phone 6590
mm i s
Samuel lasull
of embezzlement resulting from
empire, Martin Insull, left, is
his brother, Samuel Insull, head
dinner will be served.
"The Magi's Gift," an operetta
in two acts, will be put on by
the Turner grade school Thurs
day night, December 20,. at 8
o'clock in the school auditorium.
under the direction of their mu
sic director, Mrs. Emalie Van
Arthur Edwards was host at
his home Friday night to the
grange card club with seven ta
bles In play. The club will meet
twice a month during the win
Mrs. William Butske who has
been seriously ill, is convalescing
The nrooosed old aee comnuls-
ory insurance bill, now being pre
pared by C. H. Gram, state labor
commissioner, for consideration
of the 1935 legislature, virtually
has been completed and will he
ready to submit to the county
Judges and commissioners at
their annual convention in Port
land next week.
A number of important chang
es in the original draft of the
bill hare been propolsed by Gram.
One of these will provide that any
person totally disabled, who has
paid the monthly assessment for
a period of five years, shall re
ceive the full amount of insur
ance-regardless of his or her age.
Provision also will be made
that the monthly assessments,
shall be collected by the state tax
commission which would have au
thority to increase or lower the
rate and the amount of Insurance
based on prevailing conditions. It
previously was suggested that the
assessments be collected by t h e
state industrial accident commis
sion or some similar state func
tion. Under Gram's bill all persons
over the age of 18 years, with the
exception of housewives, would
pay into the Insurance fund a
small dart of their monthly earn
ings. This was estimated at from
one to thi per cent. At the age
of 60 years persons eligible for
the Insurance would receive not
less than $60 a month.
Merrill D.OhlinS
Insurance Q1(M
New Location - 275 State1
F. N. Woodrys
Auction Market
1610 N. Summer
Cash Paid for Used '
Furniture ' ;
Phone 5-1-1-4 '
DAY AT 1:80 P. M.
IH Pill
While city police were seeking
to ascertain the Identity of the
timid, youthful holdup man .'who
Friday : night pointed a gun at
Mr. Esther Wariner, S64 High
land' avenue; grocery proprietor,
and announced . he intended ito
borrow . some : money". . . Percy
Drake, 1647 North Front street,.
reported that around midnirht he
had been held up . by a real gun
man who meant business,' and re
lieved of $1.20. . .
Last night police said they had
not made much progress toward
apprehending either of the stick
up men. . - .-
Drake, on his way to work at
the paper .mill, was-accosted at
Union and Front streets by a six
foot,! heavy dark-complexioned
man armed with a blue automatic
pistoL Drake w searched and
his purse, containing the $1.20
and two milk receipts, taken from
The gunman then ran to a large
black sedan which Drake t had
passed and drove away. Drake
believed there were at least three
men in the car. His assailant
was dressed in a khaki raincoat
and dark cap, Drake said.
A gain of 81 per cent over the
same week of 1933 was made by
bulling operations here last
week as indicated by the eight
permits taken out at the city
building department. The 1851
worth of permits secured last
week brought the present month's
total building value to $4078 and
the number of permits to. 25, or
five more than issued during all
of December, 1933.
The largest permit last week
went. to M. L. Meyers, for the al
teration of a building at 616
South Commercial street at cost
of $500.
To date this month building
operations have been divided as
Permits. Value.
New construction 5 $1,340
Repairs, . 4 1,062
Alterations 10 1,376
Reroofing 6 300
.25 $4,078
Black Wolf Pelt
Presented Here
To Detroit Man
The pelt of a black wolf killed
near Detroit, Oregon, was present
ed to the county clerk's office yes
terday for bounty payment and
the statutory $1.25 was quickly
paid by U. G. Boyer to James B.
Cox, .the hunter who killed the
varmint. Court officials said it
was the first black wolf's pelt ever
to be presented at their office.
The pelt measured about eight
feet from tip to tip.
Many sheep have recently been
killed in the West Stayton area
but neither coyotes or wolves are
blamed vicious dogs being held
responsible. Sheepmen there have
set numerous traps for the dogs
and are moving their sheep to
other pastures.
$ $ Xmas Money $ $
No red taje. You can obtain
loan In one hour. A friendly,
confidential, courteous service.
No payments until next year.
Sis months to pay. See us at
once and shop with ease.
212 Oregon Bldg.
Phone 7783 Lie by St. 8-183
Walter Allen's
Tuesday, Dec. 18
1:00 P.M.
6 miles south of Salem
mile east of Rosedale
Just Off Liberty-Rosedale
Road Follow Arrows
80 chickens, 2 yearling heif
ers, 8 8-months-old heifer
calves, 7 milk goats, 1 billy.
hand feed cutter, No. 20 Oli
ver chill plow, 2-eec. drag
harrow, 2-eec spring tooth
harrow, 8-blade loganberry s
changeable disc, H -horse
gas engine and pump jack,
1H -horse Fairbanks Morse,
2-horse cycle gas engine, 1
trainer, pipe and pipe fit
tings, 1 garden drill, 1
stomp puller, 100 ft. line, 2
section weeder, potato dig
ger, 10 ft. rope, harpoon
fork, 100 ft. rope and car
rier, 2 grindstones, 1 emery
mandle, saw mandle and
bearings, 2 fly wheels, for
saw mandle, set of rock
drills, 5 foot blasting anger,
log. chains, 2 floats. Sharp
lew cream separator, 1 14
toota cultivator, 4 step lad-
'den, 5-hovel cultivator, 1
6-tube battery radio, set of
dock feet 5-ft. cultivator, 12
sacks barley, wagon and
rack, pump Jack, 8 cross-cut
saws, oil and gas barrels,
drag saw blades, 18-gange
shotgun. No. 80 W.CP. rifle,
shovel, spades, forks, ropes,
carpenter tools, bee supplies,
lumber, etc... ........ , . ' i
F.N.Woodry ;
Pbone 5-1-14)
Coming Events
December 15 Willam
ette Glee club concert,
8:15, Waller hall.
' . December 15 Annual
high school mnsic festival,'
senior high auditorium.
December 21 Violin
concert of original composi
tions of Rnthyn Turney of.
Chemawa played by Rnthyn
Thomas, 8 p.' m. in lobby of
: TJUA.- ;; ;"..',. ' -;:
-. .January 8 Cherriaa ln
t tallation. . ;.
-,- January 9 Willamette
. uaiversity. faculty play, So
- Thla is London.
.January 14 Governor
Inaugurated, legislature con-
Records of This
County Praised
By Lane Auditor
Marion county has the most
complete set of records and they
are kept in the best form G. A.
Horton, Lane county auditor, and
W. B. Dillard, Lane county clerk.
have yet seen, the two men re
ported here this weekend on a
visit to the courthouse. They
were on an Inspection tour of a
number of counties preliminary
to a meeting of county clerks to
be herd in Portland this coming
week. . Marion county's freedom
from warrant and bonded debt attracted-both
the men; Lane eounr
ty has 'a sizeable amount of out
standing warrants and more than
one - million dollars outstanding
road bonds. It also has a com
mitment of slightly more than
$500,000 yet unpaid on work
done by the highway department
on Lane county's account and
charged as an offset to Lane
county's auto tax income..
for these
... tie new' "wzd-LOK.
(interlocking) ensemble
... diamond engagement
ring and wedding ring
that fit each other in con
tour as in pattern ... a
new "discovery. Either
ring can be purchased
Credit if desired
Diamond Set
Wedding Rings.
Diamond Set Engagement
Rings to Match
$50, $75, $100
. Sent on Approval
Pomeroy & Keene
379 Stale St Salem
i -
Call at the
' 474 8. Commercial St..
8 Blks. 8. Ladd Jk Bosh Bk.
Every Wed. Night
PHONE 6414 ;
Yon Will Always 'Buy for
Less at the Swaparee
We Boy, SeH, Swap for
Anything .
It's Warm and Comfortable
Gift Headquarters
The Experts
suggest your
choice of gifts
for Him
AmericaV finest
stylists spent mfl-".;.
lions to create these
Ideas to tickle the
'vanity of that man. v
We've arranged
them" In conveni
ent " displays'- that,
make . it easy to
' browse - around and
find gift ideas by
the dozen. Don't .
worry and wonder
Shop at Emmons.
In the new
and featnr
Ing "Dn-.
plex" con
struction. .
Others f 1.65 to S3.SO
the new "Streamlock.
"Zipetip" Belts
in h a n d
some - tool
ed wood
and leather
gift boxes.
Others 65e to S1.50
Cheney & Heineman
In the new "tweed weaves"
and featuring "duplex' con
struction. ANY TIE IN THE
- Others 65c
Manhattan & B. V. D.
in new rich
brocades or
"Gold Dev
il" by B. V.
D, Ne w.
smart, dif
ferent. MOSTLY
r mm
Others f 1.00 to 83 .50
from iheir
silks to fine
wools. A com
plete assort
ment beauti
fully boxed.
35nd 5Qe
Others 25c
to fl.OO
426 State St,
Old Reliable Method
Brings Health to the Sick
S. B. Fong, herb
specialist, f baa
had eight years
practice in China.
No matter with
what you are suf
fering, don't give
up yourself, our
wonderful herbs will positively
remedy disorders of the blad
der, kidney, stomach, constipa
tion, . appendicitis, piles, and
throat, heart, lung, liver, asth
ma, catarrh, tumors, diabetes,
rheumatism, heads che and
blood poison, skin diseases of
children and male or female
all ailments." '
Chinese Medicine A Herb Co.
122 N. Commercial St Salem
Daily Office Boars 9 to 6 p. m.
San. and Wed. ot 10:80 a. m.
f .
i - - -i