4 The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, ; Oregon. Sunday Morning, December 16, 1934 DIVORCE PLftirJTIFF LISTS Ml KISSED Mariorie Ratcliffe States Her Side of Question k in Filing Reply Mrs.' Marjorie Ratcliffe admit ted In her reply Hied in circuit court yesterday that ah had kissed three men aside from her husband &a the latter com-' nlalnait .hilt prnlatnpd the klss- llng In this manner: , Albert Chambers, first recipi ent of her kisses, is a lad under 21, for whom Mrs. Ratcllffe's mother had been guardian and who had been Mrs. Ratcllffe'a pu pil, -v-. - :: v D. Vance, another person kiss ed, is 88 years old and a second cousin of Mrs. Ratcliffe. The third kissing was concern ed with W. Bush who was termed by Mrs. Ratcliffe aa a "Gentle man ana a brother-in-law. ansa was kissed only, once, she assert ed in her reply, and that was when he was very sick In fact. on his death bed. ; Mrs. Ratcliffe admitted in her reply that the took about one halt . of the personal furnishings of the house when she Quitted the home place but asserted that she had prorided all of them and was entitled to share in their disposi tion. She also admitted that ah wai making about 1 150 a month and had coached the Chemeketa play ers, for a time.v . - Z'? ' ' She seeks a divorce f rom ' Ro bey' Ratcliffe, her attorney hus band, who recently filed an ans wer and counter-complaint in cir cuit court here, charging his wife with kissing several other men. DIES AT WACOXDA WACONDA, Dec 1 4. W. : R. Ricks passed away at his home here Thursday-afternoon. MOUSED LETTERS WILL n The first thousand letters leav ing the state department this week will bear Christmas teals of the National Tuberculosis association, P. J. Btadelman, secretary of state, announced yesterday. Stadelman said ha had purchas ed 1000 of these . seals after, be coming j familiar with the work done by the two state tuberculosis hospitals located In Salem and The Dalles. W:y ; , "If more people were familiar with the health work that is being done through the sale of Christ mas seals there would be little dif ficulty raising ample funds," Sta delman declared. "The seal sale not only provides for the national fight against - tuberculosis but most of the money received from this source remains In the county and state in which they are sold. tS funds are expended under the direction of the - local county health asoclations. "There, is no expenditure that shows greater returns than that spent for seals." -. : Winery Is Bound Over on Charge Of Stealing Car Judge Miller B. Hayden yes terday hound Chester Thomas Winery of Silverton over from Justice court to the grand Jury tor investigation in connection with the theft from Mt. Angel of an automobile belonging to A. J. Saalfeld of that city. Winery pleaded guilty before Judge Hay den yesterday an wasd committed to the county Jail when lie tailed to furnish S750 ball. - : Saalfeld said the theft occurred while he was assisting in fighting a tire at Mt. Angel. Winery was said to have been seen -driving away In. Saalf eld's . car, and to have driven it In a ditch when it appeared be- would be overtaken.' i - 6 SOS I i p0 nn FIJ 0 Mm ftt r n .XT .-. b .. . . A. ... orveiv . . 9 9 t 5 r'tivV . And 3J7hat Could Be Finer than a Gift Bishop's It's Smarter, It's Practical n rom Nowhere Can You Find Such Large Selections and Such Attractive Values I i loves 1 4 A gift that every man needs. For driving, for dress. Smart pigskins and mochas, slipons and snap. Fine Quality leathers in light and dark shades of tan and gray . . $2.95 to $5 Others in lined and Plain - Priced from 70c Up 14V HDK'FS Here's a real value Just in. Fine quality linens, plain white ' and white on white with hand rolled edge. A beautiful handkerchief at this low price . .- , 3 for $1.00 Others In Beautiful Boxes of Three at $1.00 per Box PAJAMAS Fine quality broad cloth. All smart col ors 'and patterns; full cut and .well tailored. A real pa Jama at' this low price , Others In gorgeous silks. All bright new colors, and what a -gift they make! f5.00 up. t3 $1.49 Others from $1.95 ' re 1 I ravel vases The gift that's plenty useful, at home or go ing places. Smart new tipper cases with var ious toilet articles and r a s o liable in , price. $2.75 $10 Don't Wait Choose his gift now here yon can shop in an a t m o sphere " of friendly helpful ness and cour teons service. BEAUTIFUL SILK AND FLANNEL .'.ii.','.;-.-. Here in this man's store you'll find one of the finest elections of these new, beautiful robes that any man would be proud to wear. Clever new styles In smart contrasting trims. See these in our windows. SHIRTS $1.95 to $3.50 Clever new Arrows, Just In. Hun dreds of smartest new colors and patterns to choose from. Made with that new smart tab collar and reg ular. Make your selections now from . this fine showing. Others from 80c Up SCARFS $roo to v $4.50, if: TIES , . . and more ties. Never have yon' seen such an extensive showing of clever neckwear. Thousands to se lect from in this great stock. Fin est silks and smartest patterns. A smart box with each tie from $1to$2.50 Fine silks and flannels. Every man needs one of these. Every color in this large showing. Beautiful new shades and patterns. . SLIPPERS $1.25 to $4.50 I: 4.' 4 Other fine ties at the lowest prices In Salem, 8 for $1.00 and 3 for 81.50 Just what every man needs and ap preciates. Smart clever styles in leather with hard and soft soles. New shades of black, browns, reds and tans . . . Give Him a v (lickok Celt Set $J50 and $000 rv Beautiful silver plated buckles -and fine quality leather straps. A gift that every man needs, ', - SEE OUR WINDOWS me ; . .. , i i i i mi Hear pur4 .. Progn&rt OverKSLM Sun. 2 pjxu Week Days 10:15 ejxu - nve nim a Make It a gift' bond In one of hese , el ever. Xmas boxes. Any , price yon wish to . pay . ..-. , ' - .'Smart Stetsons ' and Hardemans , ; " :." ". 3.95,0M50 'a 1 it -i A i ill 1 iVv v UNO.'' ', - J 'L- . 1'. 4- . H f A - , A . V V i r r ' r 4 I 1 i 4 1 4- t J 4 I A l 4 1