The OREGON STATESMAN, Salecu Oregon, Sunday . Morning. December 1 1934 PAGE FIFTEEN : 'X ' j - . - r " V ' - - ,4 'i 7 1; V r I V .-- . ' - V'" ! - -.i . f X : A ' i ' ' .;Vv - - ' - Statesman . Classified Ads ; :Z Call 9101 Classified Adrertistas Single Insertion per Its lOe -Three insertions par , tin 10c Six Insertions ar Una. .tOe One month per lice.. Minimum charge ......tie - Copy for this pace ac cepted until f:S9 the area-: Ur before publication 'for classification. Copy ce Mired after thla Uaw will be ma under the heading Too Late to Classify.' The 8tatesmaB assumes no financial responsibility tor errors which may ap pear In advertisement pub lished in Its eolnmas. and in caies where thla paper la at tanlt will reprint that part of an advertisement In which the typographical mistake occurs. .7 The Stateamaa reserves! the rlsbt to reject objec tions! advertising. It far ther reaerves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper classifica tion. ir. -V - - ""' HELP WANTED 5IALE MAN For coffee root paying tip to a week. Automobile glyen pro- ducer. Writ. Aihrt Mm. acts fA mouth, Cincinnati. O. . T - ' ' District manager, good earnings, ns uunpte cases to carry, no investment. va nox f. jacasoanile, sis. HELP WANTED FEMALE """----- --i -i-i- i-ioririnn - MAKE MONET COPTING NAMES. A1IUHESSE8 FOR MAIL ORDER FIRMS. SPARE TIME, EXPERIENCE JJNNKCES8ART, NO CANVASSING. WRITE. UNITED ADVERTISING, ivi 1- AVWiUi; . BROOK LYN, .N. Y, " - "'- - i'ilVrtVAvnrnn.nii 1 Address envelopes at home, . spare time, $5 to $25 weekly. Experience un necessary. Dignified work. Send stamp frr particulars HAWKINS, Dept 523, w i nammonq, ina. - SALESMEN WANTED ........ ....... . , i-i-,-,-nru-u1J-u-u1J-u-- Foremost middle west producer of outstanding art, service and coopera tive calendars, colorful direct mall ad vertising, established 37 years, has xuu-time, attractive territorial open ings i or sggressive salesmen to whom liberal commissions are advanced Im mediately sgamst all business. New season star ts right "sffcer Christmas New lines ready nowl Get in on ground floor for quick earnings. Tell us your complete qualifications tr first: letter. rsox its, care Statesman. 4 aalrsmen wanted apply Monday between S and t a. k Factory man jnere.ui give insirucuoa. 19 aN. tiigh. " - ? w i-vww'MMwtwMM urcnimi wpijonumiy Benin g lire, (kealtlw ; accident protection. Build iMimuj nunu urann ; siso general agents wanted. Write American Bene- sii assoc..- American nana iiiu.. pnreveoort. ia - I SITUATIONS WANTED Prse. narse hogp. Itrja. Mtlr; Practical nurse will give excellent servies and assist la home for reason able wage. Mrs. E. A. Gunning, Tur ner, ursi Dressmaking In your home, $2.25 a flflT-"-jrnjypicrrirenif7M FOR SALE MisceUaneons nr.i"hrs"Nsj'V"jtss--w'Mas W. L. pullets; laying 80, 21S4 S. stammer. . . Bueacher alto aax, fins Initrument. wnn case. Cliurcn. Dried prunes, and mistletoe. Rt 1, xs; ill, - , .. -f f Used typewriter A-l condition, $17.50 caso. xet. . . ' 504 BOXR3 Rome Beauty apples 40c fjox. S for $1.10; 600 boxes Newtown s. Spits and Jonathans, small sixes, 35e box. t for $1. Bring boxes. Fresh apple . ciaer aany. - PURITAN CIDER WORKS West Salem - TeL 642$. aa sa afca..M-)-M--tJ-)r. qj- Dressed prime turkeys TeL 47F3. aeiasisi "I ili'VJss'V'VVsyrXjfjSi Cliriatinat Trt 280 Center; t a. . m " " iJsJr"sjvrvjJ.finjVijn Apples 25c, walnuts 13H and -14c aura, vvngnt, ml. Wallace rd. Old papers 10c per bundle. States man otiirav , .-r . - -- -- - - -M-M-n-M-i-ii-iArL-wrinfUXW redf wirs hair pups. TeL 34F21. - Bargain, practically new electric re-' xngera tor. Terms. iTice Shoe Co. . FOR SALE Bargains - In used dI- anoa; also a Phileo auto 7-tube radio jaquun music Co.214 N. High.- ' ' ------- "i i-n--i-ii-i.n rij-LrL-uvun-n A gun for Christmas: perfect cond. ' Stevens double barrelled; $10 cash or iwo corns pest wooo-Tel.:3297 Flowers, Xmai. gifts. Adams. Flor. mm t ...... - vri-ivnytruTjinii Cataract electric . i h tn m mii-hln. Tub and motor in good condition, $10. sua p. .jmiuv-'ra. svs.. --.--.-. '! FOR SALE Electrid incubatora and - Brooders. 300 W. l. hens -and nulleta H. R. Scholx.Rt. 7, Box 465,-1H miles ! sssc cm euverton roaa. I FOR PALE 3 don beds and doll Mievr, 10 N. IBtti. TRADE miscellaneous ,t. WANTED--Wood at $4.54 In ex change for surgery or obstetrics by Ti K Getslsff. M. D. 815 First Kat. Bank Bide. Salem. TeL 444$. Res. 7171. jtWWWWWIMWWWMM i New Harrison hot water heater for enr. Uch-nge . for breakfast set. TeL BUZ. ' - -- v ... - . vn-i u r ees..-a J w sW.-'4T. 1 mcrcLES I Give a bicycle this Christina Terms ! Barry W. Scott. 14T a Court. i JEWELRY ! " V-Maii1a. antrh.a rinn. fountain i Vena sllverwars, clocks - The Jewel lt- m -h mtnrm that Tla fnr leas." i Before Ton buy com pars ur prices ; I lis 1ADnZ- . WHEEL GOODS I Velocipedes only 84.25. Scooters, wa-' nam. uarry w, econ, ,wa C WANTED MisceUaneons Cash lor uwd furniture. Tel. 1110. I MtxwwiiwoixMMminM) I Wanted used furniture. TeL Mil. i 1 ... lm,.M,mmf,0wmwi I luuwu ctvj. Angora wool era. 14 FARM PRODUCTION, Roes - dale, if. T. MISCELLANEOUS Two wishing to so to Friars will w car expenses, izt v Court. . -i-i-nrinj-un.ruuinn.rui pick vp dead and wortn- uuraca. cowa. SMeo. Tcl. 413. natrons lso-joa. S3S a. Win tar. ' ' m ruu'i 1 mi, w i . Mm Mm Kala. . Ok.. aw... - "V"- - ... vm-rm r.-n nm azaa. unVUaT to LAS Annba n l Take oe. Share expenses. Reference. " run rmmntn. FOR RENT ROOMS Laras -front room, ZS4 N. Church. - --ii-inrin nnn n in Fura. rooms, 440 MU1 St. . .- ROOM AND BOARD - - Table board. Verr close In un i.,nim 1, mm . . . . , ... i-1-ii-LTiruru.-un 1 uoara anar room. Also board by day FOR RENT APARTMENTS . "'i-rm.' apt." aduita. 441 Unton iiii ..... . -. j-ururun amge apt zse g. Cottage. ir1! Int Clean, well furnished apt. I Wood fir.r,i7X.- sii u, '"i1"1 "Pt. I SL??? S11? f !? Highland a ve. See i roirr r . ttl lis m fitth s Clean, homer. 4 R fiint. ant tia I Ma tfti? a SI . " I ... --r-. -"i na.i moo steam heat, unfurn. apt. 1535 otate Bt. ,. I rm. furnished ant. hot sir boat garage, ground floor. s rm. iurnlshed, hot water heat. Frigidalre. s rm. Unfurnished. 4nminnlliui rooms, not water neat, Frigidalre, sun . porcn, garage, at- The apta. In best districts Drlced irom I3Z and tin. Call 40t m Ronv ITS S7Cs.CS WJNND3 PETTYJOHN' 619 Court Street . " -... i 1-mn.n.njui fjozy rum. bung. TeL 3940, - - -i ---i.-ii-i nnn. 3 R. nnt . Ileht nn1 nt.r litl v irurcn. FOR RENT HOUSES o ...... -inrifijiruuut -oxy 3 room apt furn.. water, heat vuemeKeta. lei. S3. ....... ..nnn n Houses. Melvla. Johnson. Tel? 17ia xmics s-rm. bungalow. 1790 N. Water. nouses Forkner 1151 N nanttnt Mod. 5 R, duplex. TeL 737 4. .WWW. . - - - -nyMylnnn f, , ., Sman fura. house. Inq. service sta- uun, isc ana suxket. TeL 6502. .i -.... nr r - j-i-iu A KAL HOME BARGAIN lAt built Sis' Tornn vdamtarA a - IIVUIQ I Eng. style, fireplace, built ins, garage. I J?" - on mis une, located at 1835 I SL 12th St. price. $1450. $225 down, I STil1 Jr1-" I SEE. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. I . oouin linertr street PACiFin mnrrvc cm t S acres located on main Pacific hlgh- w ua cross roaas, . close - fn . uuiiuinss, prunes, apples, pears, - walnuts, a fine location for imr.. service station and - camp site, , a . . 1 v.. . .. li cm, n . . - . n . .. ; i fx,,,,,,, f aav.ot f ' jnrm ai D percent. -W. H. GRABENHORST CO., REALTORS ... 13 4. R Libert v Street mm m m m m i .... ,n..My,v,vt t SACRIITTr'Ji' SlI.Tl . 12003.00 cash takes a late built 4 room aorae located at 1940 McCoy ave nue, full basement, furnace, fire place, garage. This property Is a nnu out: lei x?s snow voo. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. REALTORS 1S4 S. Liberty Street - . ---- - ir, .(ww fm $750.04 cash tske. a 4 room home. iniuwD-Kucurn, piumnmg, garage. paved street. Let ns show you. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO., 134 8. Liberty Street -,- -,-,-,nnft,nj -room bungalow. 1885 Fatrgrounds no. see owner at 141 N. TTth St. . m " - . - - - -,-.-iOfyOJI nn larse home. 491 Union. For SaleReal Estate 'COffl) HOME BUTS 109 down. trtce- t9Sa a-nmt K T piast- bungaiow, paved street. BaL per mo. -' --- AaOTHeR DVK R- plasty liKtita bath, toilet, nr. c fo, a.v oown. CLOSE IN HOME 4-R. houae 8 blka north T?-f.if from $!5fto to $170.04; a real bargain. J-UAftUI JUUJ?.t HUH Lvervthinr modem. S rnnm rian English type home ; reduced to $3000 $450 down, For a nice home sea this one. ... We sell them for less. SEE SEARS OR JOHNSON 132 South High Street ' Telephone 8629 " ' -iii-Vv--r-unjjAVXfU' DANDT SUBURBAN HmtP Here is the best buy you will get a dandy S R. modern home, lights ft wates- system, basement, furnace, else, lights and water system, paved Toad, oa bus line, pries reduced from $3544 to $3250. . Any - reasonable Davment aown. pee SEARS OR JOHNSON 182 S. High St. TeL 9629. SUBURBAN" irnrF! New 5 room bungalow, basement. furnace, . fireplace. ; hardwood, floors. nicely decorated walla, electric water system. 3ft acres, paved highway. Just wnai ysu ars loosing for.-Fries eniy ftiBU. CHILDS A VflTJJEH- Realtors iiuura lit BUUS . TeL tf48 ---------- r ii ti-i-ii-oi-ii-ii-ii-irini-u-Ln - FOB SALE! Neat S roots modern buncalaw. '7 blocks from Stats street, nice residen tial district, beautiful lot with - ales saade trees. rTicea tor few days at losiy 3 $349 dosra, bai. monthly. raiUM Mfi.i,Kr- Realtors c44 8tat St. . - .TeL 4744. ArlOTEARtt eaa4CA 1Va.mV9t rVSToree raooM and ALL f23T iTxas-T C30 too iJK if StsJ -TUcOe : J - - -rwiv m kl Clt0RtM 841 - ' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE - ' - FOR BALE The Ferry apartment hmin loo led at 413 Ferry Street, t story stucco I bunding, not occupied at the ofasent. la i buy-ineea 01 awns repair, we want your 1 1 CASH OFFER. SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. lit s. Dertrst. - - ---- i"-nnr nm -j- nj- 7 acre located IK mL north of Sa- 1 lem on the pavement : a knock-out at s 1.000. net me enow you, this. , Bee ins lor tracts and'Tarm trades. . M. C SHIELDS lie Oregron. Bid. , Tel. M01. A REAL BARGAIN . A fins 7 room home with t sets of plumbtnc. hardwood floor, fireplace. basement and 'furnace, aajraae. parlns paid, ukli szevo.. SOCOIJOFSKT SON First National Bank Bids: a Real bargain. A fine 7 room home with 3 sets of plumbing, hardwood . floor, fireplace. llm?tiZ?M' raw Pavto. paid. ONLY $2000. BCMJOLOFSKT tt SON ' First National Bank Bids. 4 room hoaaev rood lot. on Turner road near Salem. S2S for quick sale. w. u. urant. Mason tc Bids. EXCHANGE Real Estate EXCHANGE Good 6 room home on Falnnount Hill. Will accept good ear for equity above $4000. S loan. Ask MRS. ELLIS about it. - .CHILDS ft MTLLERt Realtors 344 State St. TeL (70S New modern 4 R. house, clear. West Salem, -for clear acreage to $2500. C. J. JACKSON, 341 Stats Street -c . x m m i.t. bondings. Will take very reasonably K.fM Das 4AA C. FOR SALE FARMS 35 ACRE SNAP - Old buildings, about 8 acres orchard land Xklow land, balance timber and pas- I ture. small stream, located S miles out. I so acre FARM I About 4 In culUvaUon, balance pas- I ture and timber, all year stream, build ings, price sao per acre uaoii. jjocatea 13 miles north. SEE, W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Tel. 4. Business Opportnnitiea GROCERY stock and fixtures. $300. Good location, rent $15. Tf yon want a nail business, see thla C. J. JACKSON. 341 State St. MONEY TO LOAN Automobile and Chattel Loans t ta 34 months to repay at lowest, pas sible rates - - f GENERAL FINANCE CORP, A local corporation 1st NatT Bank Bid. Phone 1S$S. Licensed by State CHATTEL LOANS ' CARS RB-FTNAXCOT ; WILLAMETTE LOAN CO. TeL 3877 SOS Guardian Bldg, Salem S-154 Stats License Noa M-159. 5 Farm Loans 5 Plenty of mosey for well Iniwosed farms If amply secured Improve or buy bow wtrh cheap money. Ask for ooosMt wuiametts valley Farms," riawains and Roberts, in-. - A COMPLETE SERVICE ON LOANS UP TO 1300 LOOK WHAT YOU GET ! L CASH within 4$ hours 2. Choice of 4 Loan Plana X Liberal terms, 1 to 24 mo. to repay. . promptness. . courtesy. . Privacy. Beneficial Loan Society off Salem Member of NRA. Room 119, New Bllgh Bidg. 2nd floor UUSU NO. S-1Z2 ft u us by STATE Sll Stats St TeL 3 7 t 4 Loans Mir fn Nearby Towns UVESTOCR and POULTRY 14 head good work horses and mares ranging $125.00 team and tip. Also 1 good team mules 1909 N. Commercial between Front and Liberty oa River Street. Jersey '-Durham cow: freshen soon. 335. ZP1S LB st. FOR SALE WOOD . asasB,as .14 la. old fir. $5. 4 ft. dry Snd growth t ed. lots $4 cd 4 ft. ash $4.75. TeL I ss1 -eaW-s- Dry 2nd growth. $5.50. ; TeL 4527. Dry planer and slab - srood. Prompt i aeiirery. Tel. sunt. aaaaSsa,aaaafc GUARANTEED DRY wood ens I ral 5004 flatem Fual Co. Trsda- Cortaga - Dry old fir. Snd growth weed. screened nog roe- rre s. well Good dry wood. TeL $254. Good dry 2nd growth. TeL $769. Dry wood, ail kinds TeL 7724. Wood. o ground or delivered. TeL 137F3. " .-, - Dry wood, sll kinds." Tel. . " WOOD SAWING - " -Yr-VY'ra''y'rjOOjijTU ixruujuu Wxv1 Bawlnff reawonitble. Call S9d. LOST AND FOUND ------- ii -ii ui iiirri.ii rvu itfcorLn j"in jxn LOST Black brief tsuM MT.ts-ntnr - . . . - 1 oafl.Ife.rm' 1JbermJ "ward.- Box FOUNT32 'om srse. TeL 82S0. PERSONAL GORDON FLEMING, 1980' PERRY' ST. READER. was electiimg ipq AsfD "tO TMiwtf zte, Genre Mice9evUt.w, ; a.nkv" A iwcai r.GCCA-T i L-V AM0t AS, V JQLTI4& eAL I PERSONAL Latmeaom dubtx X5c TeL tUX. . X will not b reSDonslbla for tnr ta- debtedness contracted bv iit ether man myseu. . Tnooipaon. 14 W. Com'L - - FOR SALE USED CARS SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO. . USED CARS 1U1 Cher. W. W. Sedaa $1U ilia Chev. Ree-alar Sedaa -,IJM 2S IMS Chrysler W. W. 74 Sedaa Hi ltIS Dursnt 4 Coach ICS 1ZS lhirant 4 f "p 12s 1IJ4 Cher. 71 11T Chrraler Tour ins , xs wiar 4 eeoaai , ,, , . ' . a 416 N. Cam'L TL 471 : Tonr satisfsctloa means oar success. ypen sundsra and Evenmss - - ' BORREGO'8 BETTER BUTS ! chcSich $395 130 Chev. Coach 1929 Essex Coach 1928 Chrysler Coups 1927 Studs Sedaa 29S 135 165 135 125 95 1927 Dodcs R. Dl 1924 Dodg sedaa 1924 Model T Touring - TRUCKS , 19J1 Mod! B Ford track -V " . 39$ 1929 Model A Ford truck 1937 Model T Ford truck . 195 S BORREGO'8 CAR MARKET 340 N. Liberty St Tel. SCSI. Valley Motor Co. Used Cara and Trucks These cars on hand over 40 days aiusi seu to max room. DcfflonRtntsn "34 V-8 Ford Victoria '34 V-8 Ford DeLuxe Sedan, air wheels i vs rora. umLmx l rwvmr 14 V" Foni Rfular Tnd.Tr, sir wheels 1 ISA IJA flllP NADA Our Price Price 33 V-g Ford Tudor 14 V-$ Ford Sedan .. . $554 $525 . 447 . 640 33 V-S Ford Coach '3$ V-S Ford Couds 454 439 437 353 311 395 '32 S Chevrolet Coupe 385 345 25 335 i Chevrolet Coach "SO S Chevrolet Sedan 30 4 Ford Town Sedan '28 Franklin Sedan . 3$ S Packard Sedaa 245 34$ 125 45 125 35 35 100 28 S Hudson Sedan '24 S Hod son Sedsn 24 8 Lincoln Phaeton rza a Ford Coops '25 4 Ford Tudor, Ruxtell "27 4 Chevrolet Coach . 2$ 4 Chevrolet Coupe - , 29 4 Ford Sedan 144 304 Ws hsve 24 Trucks to choose from. Terms - Trades Open Sundays. TeL 7914. aiaaa.a. -S - g--St ,, r rUlJ"XTJS Used Car Sale 1933 Chevrolet Coops $550.09 1934 Dodse Sedaa DeLnxe. truak. DeLuxe accesaorle S50.00 1533 tor a Coupe V-S 450.04 1933 Ford ess eh V-S. air wheels and radio 1932 ora sport R. S. Roadster. air wheels snd radio Its Se 1928 Hupmoblle Eight Sedan 354.44 192 riupmobiie six Sedan. 4- wheels, trunk , 825.44 1924 Frsnklin Sedan 195.44 1923 Studebsker Coupe 35.44 muick uouoe TS.aa 1930 Ford Sedan, air wheels 285.44 v isit our Truck Uept.. New ft Used some. real buys In light trucks. Bonesteele Bros. Inc. ----- -ll-l-M-,-ln i-ii-tnjrLrxrAJW McKay's Used Cars The Best Used Cara m Salem 1935 license on an cara ave 1SS Ford Touring, will run t l$.f 4 r ord Tudor Sedaa ' 35.40 Buick Delivery IS Star 4 Sedan. A good buy 95.44 29 Ford Coups 145.44 28 Chrysler 53 Sedan 325.44 '30 Ford Soort Roadster SIS as -ii rora sport Roadster 285.44 z tjnrysier 15 Sedan 33 Ford V-8 Coups 30 LaSalle Coups 345.44 395.44 554.40 195.44 33 t'on use Fedaa Chevrolets 28 Cher. Coups - .1171.44 . 175.44 "28 Cher. Coach '30 Cher. Snort Roadster . 385.44 . 335.44 . 344.44 . 885.44 . 445.44 . 445.44 . 45.44 . 545.44 31 Chev. Coach !'S1 Cher. Coups 31 Chev. Pickup '32 Chev. DeLuxe Coupe 32 Chev. Coach. Trunk '32 Chev. Cabriolet 'S3 Chev. Coach '33 Chev. Coupe S4S.44 "33 Chev. Special town Sedan. 4 wire wheels, built-in trunk. looks snd runs like new K1I 44 A good selection of trucks from $45 ap e-asy uerms L.iDerai Trades Open evenings and Sundsra McKay Chevrolet Co. $33 Center - 434 N. CotnT. Telephone SI 39. ' --- -, i-u-B-ii-irtnnjxn i-iruLr 1928 Dodge Sedaa. Barnia Unions auw tamp, Apt. is. . - - - -- -- -- --- - - ,-,-B-n-iri el n rul n rul For real Xmas. values see Art's line up of guaranteed used ears. New li cense on all purchased before first of use year. - ARTS USED CAR MARKET 266 N. Church St.-, TeL 3449. 2 T. Morelsnd logging truck. 5 speed trans- brakes oa trailer. 20x9.75 tires on truck. 34x8 on trailer. Sell cheap, take trade. Write or see me at Aurora. Gen. Del. OUT Bishop. ----------- - ' -i-,-,-i-,-,-.-iririni-ii-i.nrinjjr Dont Wsste Your Tiros Or Money "C" Shrock To Buy Or SelT Toor Car 54rChemeet St. TeL 4581, Always a Bice "Une-mr to choose from. t prlcs tbt sre rfrhf. MOTORCYCLES 1934 ' Indian motorevcte. 3S2Caa. IP nr werrtianrs tfv nellverv. Yiiletide Party To Be Feature " Of Legion Meet SILVERTON. Dec. 15 Tk annual children's Christmas par ty wCl b tls principal fas tare of the Hondar night meeting cf th American Legion snd s-xO- Isry at tb Armory. A dec0rtdi tree wlta eaadr, nnti and frnlt for ftH t eU- i dra of Legion and Auxiliary , members is being, arranged for. Tlr4K.VEVa, TOO "Tr criwaS OAlUE4 a Business Directory Cards La this dLrecLorv rsut oa a taoat-ly basis only. Ratal mi. vo per line per tnoatn. AUTO BRAKES Mike Pansk. 378 South Comma rctaL BRUSHES Fuller brnshea TeL FTondfR, T883. CATERING Corns chicken tamallea TtL 4I4L HolbrooVa chicken tsmalea TeL 4833. CHIMNEY -. j WEEP Telephone 4454. K. SI Northnasa, CHU10PRACT0RS DO. a U SCOTT, PSG, C-Iroprsctor, lb rl. High. Te Kaa, 73. DENTISTS Dr. E, Davis, 241 Oregon Bidg. TeL 7133. - - . DANCING Phyms Grant's stadia TeL T41T. ELECTRICAL SERVICE BOSLER Electric,. 244 Stats 8u VVlr- ing, motors, appliance, repairs, service. FLORISTS Brelthaupt'a 457 Court ALL kinds of floral work. Luta Flor ist, 1 T7 0 N. Liberty. Tat. !. HEMSTITCHING! Usmstltchlac, ato. Mra, Hiday. 1214 . itn. ' LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY, TtUl WrJCLUJ-R LAUSIDRX 34S &. tush , TeL 4124. I CAPITAL CITS LAUMDRX i a irst in Wualttjr and -srvtos Tetepbooe 3145 lZf 4 Brosdws A1ATTKESSES CAP1TOJ. BEDDLNU CO. Fhooe 4V4S. SALE 1 FLUFF RUO and Mattress Factory. MEW MATTRESS mads te order, old rsmads ; carpet cleaning. Us ing; Cull rug weaving, tx istn wu bwc Tel S44L OT'iO F. ZWiCtfKH. Est 191L MUSIC STORES USXX U WlUii -Fuuaos. radios, sswUta msemwes. afisu bum aaa ptaao a lsp3i8 - nuuoa, ss-xasxrapas tag nn anna, .I susxs aKreet, PliOTti ENGRAVERS Saleaa ptsxa engrartaa. 141 K, Cum- fnerclai, leu MU. - PRINTING FOR STATIONER!, carda pambh- lsa prograxna. books or any luad ot prlat-aa. e-U The Mtusnnaa Frintl-a uepaxtmeau aia aw vaa-naswuw. sm- pnoas 1L ' ' RADIO SERVICE Moore'a TeL 7493 495 N. High, SHINGLES Cedar shingles, shakes, costs. sraveL for sale. M. U. -taylielS. u. T 97W3. STOVES I repair atovea, range circulators Sail new and rebuilt urrss, ranges and circalatar stock Isncs. posts, chicken wire. Salem Fence and Store Works. 242 Chsme-sia. TeL, 4774. K & Fleming. - - - - TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer toras. call 8131. Larmer .ranstsr Co. Truc-s to Fortiand Oaiiy. CAPITAL C1TI Tranafsr Co. 234 Stats St. TeL 1772. Distrtbatlng for wax ding and storage ear epeUaiiy uet our ratea - i - Willamette Valley Transfer. Saiamto Fortland hauling. TeL 8722. Anywhere for hire truck. Special rate on town naming, -iei. feZis. HAND WEAVING . Esctaafve hand woven bags, scarta plUwws ana ruga -lagobe Hand Wear era, 844 N. 3th Be TeL 543a WELL DRILLING. R. A. Wees, r. Box sea 3 years sspsrtsaos, SLVU Tei 1149-5. Mrs Haary Hutton and Mrs. T. P," Heldaastrotn Is directing a PTOgraa. for the tceasto.Y AU numbers wfQ so glren- by "; tha children. ' Mra. Boy r Daren port Sa ehairnian of deeoTattoaa and get ting tha candy bafa. Tha Legion Is farnlsklixg tha re -aad i will help with purchasing tha candy. Fa AJPLU tXyG. 3UST UVr.AlLTrtE. VI ewmwv . aieii nlew 1atiiCA inc r- ". -. TO STOP-ITt nHOCXW WT THE52 T?Vsr NQCT TO TKIiO TUUslGS VOO.TOiEO OUT YU tQ Selling SOnIE PiEFOlID PTnnin imunnr W S W WI 1W I Ikf llUIWk NEW TORK. Dee. II.- UPS - Varying- trad current swayed a few stocks today hi the mar ket generally stayed In. a raL Typical weekend peaea prey ailed la most - markets. - Turn oyer la the. stock, exchange totaled 44,- 050 shares compared with 45 S,- 740 last Sstardsy. bnt much of It was in a handful of Issues, not ably radio common. Eastman Kodak and Li?gtt it Myers B, two outstanding Issues on tho recent adrance, each yield- ed 2 points.' Hudson ft Manhat tan preferred slco dropped 2. Gains rsnglng np to 4 points wer recorded by an assortment of preferred stocks. General Motors, U. 8. Steel,- Montgomery Ward, Intersaltonal Harrester, General Electric snd other plroUl - Issues reflected tho better tone ot tho market, most of them finishing a shad higher. , Da Pont slipped a fraction in faea of tta testimony coming oat of tha munitions inquiry at Wash ington. Domestic Wool . .Sales Are Fair BOSTON. Dec 15. -OTV.. (US Dept. Agr.) -Domes tic wools sold fairly well hero tha past week bat on tha whole slower than the pre vious week. - Fleeces bad some call at 27-28 cents In the grease lor line Ohio DeLalne, and at 23 24 cents -for French combing of similar grade Ms and finer wools. In western grown wools, the lsrr- est demand was oa French comb ing sis and finer territory wools at ft-73 cents scoured basis for graded lines and at 5-7 cents for original wools. reneral Markets PBOD CW ZrVJTKAVn. ' MKTLAJiD, Or 15. (AP) -5ess asskssgs, - as prices: Batter: extoas. 81: staaesres, S4e; prima Cms, ''."Zj I'm, une. sseelals. "5 V-. sstrss, 24; C. 8. .eaisai ex tra. Sis. - oixoojt row raicrs WBTLAHn, Ors Dee. 15. (AP) ntians-vnpi BW Crop tS JObSSIS, (.., delivery peista: Korsae grade rVsaqoatUs, large. 20s. (aacy 17s, ate diasa L5He: sett efceU, Urea, 1, fa-cy Casca" 14e: stsyattes large. 20; 'r 8i ssft skaU, lsrgs 14Vs.'taay 14s: -Uyettes large. 17s, . . riTberts Oregea new eres te Jobbers, 4-lSe sswsd. Uk dsUvary sebits. Portland Grain POSTLAXD. ore. Dee. 15. (AP) " -. vpaa mra Xw close -sr - . as ss 85)4 Deeember 82 82 - 82 8514 oa ISIS: Bis Bens Mn.rf.. OA Lf . dark hard winter. 13 per cent. tte; do. 11 v' ot; son waits, ard winter. nortaera spnng, westers red, 82e; Oats No. S white. $33.50. ' Com No. 2E yellow. 342.50. . stUlnm Standard, 424, Portland Produce 1 PORTLAND. Ore, Dee. U--() rmu, , gra as, ss lb. is ssreh aut wrappers, 84e lh, is eartoss; B srads, psrehmest wrappers. 32e-lb.; ear tons. Sd lb. Btttterfst Portlasd delirery. A grade aeuT-rus as least TWea wecaiy, 33-33 lb.; eoaatry rostea. Sl-S4e lb.; B grade, or dslivery lass tbaa twies weakly. Port land datiTsry. SS-S4s lb.; O grade at uiraes. - - - . Es Sales to retailers: teeials. 8; eitrms. lflej Crtik extras, srswss. 28e; staadsrds. 24e: rresh atedioaa. 24e: k - diaai fists, 32: fresh sllets. 31e; checks. sac; Bsaars, zue sossa . Ell Bsyrag price - of wbolesslars, fresh specisU. 2S-34e: extras. 30 21c; fratk ax Ira browns, 90-21e; extra firsts. 21s; extra Btediem. 18-20c: ssediaa) firsts, 16c; pallets, 14 -17c; cbecka. svct oasers, lie sosea. - Cbaese S3 score. Orefos triptsts. 15e: loaf. IStt. Brokers wiu pay He belew SDoaatios). Milk Contract pries 4 per eest; Pert- ana aeuvsry. 3.3U est. a grass ereexe. st tie is. Cesatrv lasts Salliss srlea ta i taUers: conntry killed aors. best batch ers. ssder 154 lbs., 11-11 Vie lb.; veal era, fssey, 9-9 He lb.; light sad this 5 7e lb.: heavy 5s Tk-t fancy laatbs. ti ll Vic lb.; eves, 4-4e lb.; cutter cows, 4-5s Ib.r cssscrc, 8c lb.; balls. 4H-5 ra.; ississ, iviie; peer. 6 7e; ewes, -oe IB. i Mohair 1934 bByinr sriee. 19s lb. Cssears bark Baying price, 3Vf 4 sel. Se lb. T - - .Hops 1434 fuggles. "'') . lb.; d as ters, t-ue lb. -Live Dooltrv Portland ' dailverv' kav- 4 Int prices: colored bens, under 4 tba lSJae lb.: da sader 6H Ibs 1S-14C lb.; Lxcora mvm, stcs in iss lo-iie in.; do. sader 8 lbs. lOe sossdt eelevad spclngs, m-2 lbs.. 1415s lb.: broilers snasr s ids ib-itc lb.: roosters, Ss lb.; Pskia docks. 13e lb.; da colored 11-Ue; Kseaa. tu-iii 10. Dressed tsrkers Baying ' price st Partlaad Hens. 32e; terns, 31c Osions Oregoa, S3 seatsls Tak isja. 4L2S-1.S0. , Potstosa Or free sarbaa as, 40e-l eas ts!; Dascbates -ms, 4L05-1J4 eestsl. Wool 1924 clip, ao-dssl: WOssaetts vails-, s-mUsm. 10 lb.; fine or bait bleed. SO IV; lamb. 18 lb.: eastara Orsgea, 17-30s lb.; sostbera Idabs (-) lb. - . - . - - . - t ' Hay Saying prla from prodaeers: slfaUa. Sa. L aw ersp. 414.50-17.60; csia Oregoa ' thaethy, 417.50; esta SIS tear vetch, $14 teat Willamette ai tsy tisMjtky. 91SA0 4sat slsvsr. fl3 toa. Pa rtlaad. f rT . "VCSJ m-TtY-X VbONT TEU-StXI VMtW IT v wnc i - SOSTa, UVE. IT Arr 35 m - r - - . f 9 . . . ' . Flurry EM 1 Salem . Marketed 1 Grado B raw 4 per cent milk, co-op" pool piica f2.0 per hundred. ' tUk asses sa aaart-aaatklr ' tatttsrtst s verses.) Dlatrfbator price f 2.10. - Batterfat Top Kftc and 83c; B grade prints. 2c;. A grade priata SSc rriees said is gravars by Sale layers, December 15 . (Tie arleaa sio-. saap-eS by a Issal srecsr. ars Isdtestirs st the 4sUy atarkat. mi mm gasrsaieee ay i se ststas 4 rauiT ffti.ia SS4mft Crssserries. , bbL 4.59 (irseefrait. rxi i a oi Grspe-rsiL Arissas tU9 U ties Orsagas. Ksrsi. fssty .2.25 U 2.75 -L75 t 2.23 , 1.54 i 04 eiee 3-9 ersages, bsaale . K-aaa-aa. SS SIAIS nssfls .05 s mm-M 4S S.2S . L04 Usmhv fraaa. Orspes - Emporars ' Apples, baskel , XM .84 t LOO fears. D-Aojoa. ka. - .TS TBOKTABLXg tMmmimm 4.l K-JIU... S- ' " ' J4 Local ealsry. srste . L35 2.54 UI5 te O iHiiuown; Esc Blast. - tw 4iS vsssegs. ewt. .45 to 1X0 40 to Jti . . arsst esbbacs 6reea peppers, leeai. IK Oaiena. Wssbisgtos, 44 iw. 'tj veal eaiona. au ids. - j j Lattaea. Califar-U 1.15 to XM i .44 4b A Dsuiiy. aoxca Beats, loest dos. Sqsssk. Hubbard and Banana .01 Carrots. local, des. 0 Local Potatoes . . Ka L hundred "-' JM Ha 3. bnndred , Takixaa Ka Ik. - ' UI4 . .43 - . 1.85 JS -. L75 .14 to as , .14 to .20 J3 J 5 .40 Swaet iMktatn. Califorsls peas L'suiorsls besss Tomatoes. Calit. rag 11HCM Wahinta. lb. Tarnipa, dos. fladivea, o . tallas breeeoTL Urge Celery Root. dot. ,.r oaeis. eoies .35 Runt Clsster. 1434 lb, top - J 8 ragSiea, lVSa. top lb. JTomiaal eees IBsybsg Prlee) Kxtrts , JS Jl .1 J4 .55 .24 .81 Btsadards stedissas Pullets Waelasale Islttag azxras Btasssras .. If mmimmtm raBsts WOOL ASD MOBAIB f H-lwf t - wSpfas-sl Ifehsis. ttS4 slip ne aurket Vedlsai wseL 1934 - JO Coarse sad fia weel 1484 - J4 rUOUTSI Heavy leas. 4 V. to S lbs. Orar SH peaadt. Ib. .11 Jl . .Ot x ai J4 .04 .30 Loiorea aaesiaata, law Mediaa Legkerna, Is. - - L-IfDV ' ID. Broilers. colored, lb. rooms, is. n mars. Ib. Turkeys, bens. lb.. tos - I KAT . IRavia- til ! Lsmbi. snder 94. lbs. 5.3S to 5.75 Ova SO Ik. 1TI . itl Hors, 180-180 lbs. 4.00 1 1 0-310 it- 4.35 I10.2SO lh. . a -c Staera . . " a nn t s no Cows a t 3 00 Balls to S.T5 Heifers Veal, top DrsMsd veal, top aroo to 4.00 -5.09 te SJO ! -raasea aogs l CRAM A50 HAT Wbest, western red - .84 .81 .28.04 S4.00 28.00 20.04 nut, as. x Bsrlsy. teed. Ife. V tea Msltiag toa . " " Oats. nailHng, toa , Hsy. baying prices uiorer ssy .10.00 .10.00 i2.e Oats sad vetcb. toa Altslxs. valley Clever Seed Bad. ib. 4S .IS 80.44 Alsika. lb. . Tetch seed, toa Northwest Police Monmouth Guests MOXMOCTH, Ore. Dec 15. - Tho Northwest Follea OfHcers' aa- socutlon, an organization of peace officers, convened at Mon mouth Wednesday night for - the autumn quarterly meeting.' Of fleers and their wires from these cities were present: Portland, Salem. Oregon City, Albany, St. Helens, . The Dalles, Corrallis, Millsboro, Mllwaukle, Dallas. In dependence, McMinnTllle ' and Monmouth. A banquet was serv cd at Monmouth hotel for 18. with Mayor P. R. Bowersoz Of this city presiding.- Music was fura lshed by valea Guild's orchestra from -Independence. -.Charles Bowman,' onmout farmer, is getting about with his right leg in a east as result of a fracture of the bona between the knee and ankle. Ha recently ac companied W. R. Adams.. Mon mouth horsa buyer to Paulina in astern Oregon, where they wera bringing a consignment: of wild horses out of tha bills. . Bow man's mount fell with him, asU when bis leg waa found to ba broken ha bad to wait several hours before surgical aid . from PrinevtUe, g miles away, could b4 obtained. ,'2mJXX THINK! VOOTU. i KSB-VJ MmV9 "y a -(-. i ir-llti&irr t SHOW VOO MY, CM OUH -TCYS Rise GliS EARLIEH III : oufSflowira CHICAGO. "Dec. 15. - IX. - An end-of-the-week selling "flurry lata today much more than wiped oat price galas scored earlier both by wheat and corn. Wheat tell 1U cents from tho day's top, and landed abruptly at' the day's bottom; Porflt-taklng sales for tha holders caught tha speculative pita, minus any ag gressive buying support in "the final minutes, with some notlcs ' being taben that for tha second time in 4S boars a new low prlca record for tha season hsd been reached in the Rotterdam wheat market today. , - Wheat in Chicago" closed weak at about tha day's low point, 4- ltte ander yesterday's finish. May. ll.00Ts-l.01. corn, e down. May 88H-?ie, and provis ions Tsrylng from X cents, set back to I cents adrance. Today's closing Quotations: Wheat: Dec., jiew, ll.Ooi May. $1.0-1.01;. Jnly. t44- Cora: Dot, old. SSU-ttc: new. 91e; May, 8SH-e; July, Ik--' - Oats: Dec. new, SfKo: Msy, 5Je: July 41e. IN BUTTER IK PORTLAND. Dec. 15.-?r- Weaknesa is accumulating in the market for butter with too much . midwest and foreign supplies of- ' fered here and along tho coast. Prices wera inclined to dip slight ly, la spots and would already ba - lower wera it not for tha coda . which stops competition and for ces tha trade to keep Its accumu lations. - - Leaders of tha trsda wera ren- eraDy of the opinion that prices should ba forced down to create a greater movement into consuming chaanals. Batterfat ralues continued strong bat wera still showing tha controversial spread. - Willie there continued soma se-' cret prlca shading in tha egg mar ket, trade in 'general appeared a trifle better alnca the leaders de- - elded that raises had dropped en tirely too fast, Receipts wera lib- eraL - While tha bigger killers wera so busy with turkeys they wera not Inclined to pay much atten tion to chick ens, there waa a fair can for lira fowls at the recently lowered price. . 1 Market for auslity onions was being held firm but-at no further change In price either bera or at country points. Tha first two car loads for export this season wera being prepared for shinment to - Manila, v . Gardeners-and Ranchers9 Mart PORTLAND. Ore- Dec. ISn -Trade wss good at today's ses-. sion ot tne Gardeners' and Handl ers' ear,ly market and pricea re mained about, tha same. Cabbage wss going at C0-70e crate which is a raise ot a nickel orer yesterday's quotation. Broc coli was up to 30c a lug and was selling fairly fast, Celery hearts are steady at S 5-9 0c per dozen bunches. - - All other produce Is steady and the supply Is well able to meet the demand. .. . . Tonatees Ptr ersta. 40-74e. . - Spiaseb P erssfs. bes, 78i Tke Dalles. 41.44-1.45. Carreta Saw. par doMsbaacbe.. 15 20e. -' - '. . Carrots Ksw. per doses bBBcbea. 14 12 He. . - - Bests Per doses bssebsa 23-SOa, Parsley Per doses beaches. 14e. - Orees Oaiess Pes doxes bsssbet. 24 S5e. - -. . . Dry saloss Ore.ea. 31-75-1.40 par too possds. Taraipa Par las as bsscbes, 15-10.; - sUitabacss Per erst a, eO-SOe. - Panel pa SOe pes state, e - Radishes Pr dasea bsaeasa,. 20c. Peas Local. SQSe. LetUMS Pes crate, . aerthwest, II L10. f .- - Csbbsce Per vrate, 40-TOe. Caulif lover Local. Ks.1, 44-40 per srste; Ha 3, 20-25e par crate. -. BroeceU 80s per lof. Celery searts Per desea bsscbes. 4S- . SOe. - : -- Celery Pre-crste. BOe-41.24. Poppers Bad. SOe per . poscb . bos: Srees, 40e per era ars box. Groee Beass Per Ib 4 0Te. ' Sossab Oaaish, SL44 par caata loops srsu; Bebesstsa. f 1 pes crate, - Cora Par. sack. t5e-$L Caeasibers Pleknac. SO 3 3 5s s-stsg. 40a - - - ErrpWuts Lsest: SOst Danes. 14044s.. Proeoe Per poa ss. 8a - Apploe .sssble fsek. SOT bos. SS- : SOe: - DoHeioss or SpiaoaboigB, extra fssey. HJMS4. . s PssspkiBS Pes CaaUloape srsts. 43 75e. Brssaof gprosts Per crate,- 55-40. . . Pouts is Per STS-gs boa. 44-fOs. (Coprricb. ISS4. Staadard SUtUtW-s C. - ' rWamber IS ' STOCK AT tOZJ 88 89 24' 44 Isdla Raa Cts. Toial Today 8.4 . 87.4 81.4 T2.4 Previses day 88.1 87.4 ill 72.4 Week, SXO . S.l ;S.0 -61.8 74.T Tea ass 41.4 . 42.4 47.4 S0.4 S years are 6341 33.S 44.4 44.4 T years are 144.1 12X2 115.9 132.4 Hlcb 14 10i 84.S 40.8 -S3.S Low 1934 74.0 34.1 44.8 64 4 ;'' v- B05S AVEXAQES v ' . -. '- - la o s so Tnd! RK's tta. Total Tedav . 85.7 41.4 89.4 SA.O wns eivs Stodcs and Bond Previews dsy 85.4 Week are - 45.5 Tear see 7L5 8 year are 44.2 Hick 1934 85.7 Lew 1934 72.4 83.4 49.4 46.0 84.4 8B.1 86.1 73.8 .78.0 74.3 S.S 83.1 70.0 90.0 90.4 Ml 74.1 77.2 74.8 t